Resistor values. Table, online calculator

Code marking of domestic resistors

In accordance with GOST 11076-69 and the requirements of Publications 62 and 115-2 IEC, the first 3 or 4 characters carry information about the resistor value, determined by the base value from the EZ...E192 series, and the multiplier. The last character carries information about the admission, i.e. resistor accuracy class. The requirements of GOST and IEC practically coincide with another standard BS1852 (British Standard).

Rice. 5 Code marking.

In addition to the line defining the rating and tolerance of the resistor, additional information about the type of resistor, its rated power and date of manufacture can be included.

For example:

Rice. 6 Additional information about resistor type.

Marking of SMD resistors. Online calculator

First of all, you should pay attention to the relatively new and not everyone is familiar with the EIA-96 marking standard, which consists of three characters - two numbers and a letter. The compactness of writing is compensated by the inconvenience of deciphering the code using a table

Three-character marking EIA96

EIA-96 planar element coding (SMD)

provides for determining the value of three marking symbols for precision (high-precision) resistors with a tolerance of 1%.
The first two digits - the denomination code from 01
corresponds to the denomination number from
according to the table.
The third character - a letter - is the multiplier code. Each of the letters X
corresponds to a multiplier according to the table.
The resistor value is determined by the product of the number and the multiplier. The principle of decoding SMD resistor codes of the E24
is much simpler, does not require tables and is described separately below.
An online calculator is offered for decoding resistors EIA-96
Resistance 0 ohm ±1%, EIA-96
as a result of calculation means incorrect input.

Enter the EIA-96

(case insensitive), either 3 digits
or 4 digits
Resistance: 165 ohm ±1%, EIA-96

Table EIA-96

Y or R0.01
X or S0.1
B or H10

Three-character marking E24. Tolerance 5%

Three-digit marking. The first two digits are the denomination number. The third digit is the decimal logarithm of the multiplier. 0=lg1, multiplier 1. 1=lg10, multiplier 10. 2=lg100, multiplier 100. 3=lg1000, multiplier 1000. Etc., according to the number of zeros of the multiplier. The product of the number and the multiplier will determine the resistor value. For this article, use the calculator window above as for EIA-96.

Four-character marking E48. Tolerance 2%

The marking consists of four numbers. The first three digits are the denomination number. The fourth digit is the decimal logarithm of the multiplier. 0=lg1, multiplier 1. 1=lg10, multiplier 10. 2=lg100; Multiplier 100. 3=lg1000, multiplier 1000. And so on, according to the number of zeros of the multiplier. The product of the number and the multiplier will determine the resistor value. E48 only

), or enter 4 digits in the common top window.

Enter the code of SMD resistor E48

Resistance: 22.2kΩ ±2%, E48

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Comments and suggestions are accepted and welcome!


Next we take capacitors. They have slightly different markings. On modern capacitors there is only digital marking, so we do not pay attention to all letters except “p”, “n”; all extraneous letters usually indicate tolerance, heat resistance, and so on. They usually have a code marking of 3 digits. We leave the first three as is, and the third shows the number of zeros, and we write down these zeros, after which the capacity is obtained in picofarads .

Example: 104 = 10 (we write down 4 zeros, since the number after the first two is 4) 0000 Picofarad = 100 Nanofarad or 0.1 microfarad. 120 = 12 picofarrads.

But there are also ones with a quantity of less than 3 digits (two or one). This means the capacity is in the picofarads already indicated to us. Example:

  • 3 = 3 picofarads
  • 47 = 47 picofarads

Here is a photo:

There is a capacity of 18 picofarads.

If there are letters "n" or "p", then the capacity is in picofards or nanofarads, for example:

  • Letter "n" - nanofarads
  • Letter "p" - picofarads

The first (large) one says “2n7” - in this case, like the 2.7 nanofarad resistor. The second capacitor says 58n, that is, its capacity is 58 nanofarads. But if you still don’t understand this, it’s better to buy a multimeter, for example UT-61, it has a function for measuring capacitance. There is a special connector where a capacitor is inserted and under it you need to select the required measurement range (in picofarads, nanofarads, microfarads). This multimeter has a capacitance measured up to 20 microfarads.

Numeric and alphabetic

Letters and numbers were used back in the Soviet Union. These times have sunk into oblivion, but Soviet resistors remain and are still used. To understand the brands, let's give a few examples.

First of all, you need to deal with power. It is indicated in watts and is encrypted in the brand of the element. For example, MLT-1. This is a metal film resistor, varnished and heat-resistant with a power of 1 watt.

With resistance, things are a little more complicated. Here the letter designation of the Latin alphabet is used, which determines the rank.

  • "R" and "E" are measurements in Ohms;
  • "K" stands for kiloohms (kΩ);
  • “M” megaohms (mOhms).

For example, 47E or 47R is a 47 Ohm resistor. Or 47K is a resistance equal to 47 kOhm. Or 1M is one megaohm. By the way, it should be noted that numbers and letters can be placed vice versa, that is, letters in front of numbers: K47 is 47 kOhm or 470 Ohm. If the resistance value is not an integer, then the numbers, as usual, are separated by a comma: 4.3K = 4.3 kOhm. In some brands, instead of a comma, there may be a letter: 4K3 = 4.3 kOhm.

In the photo below you can see exactly the last marking, equal to 1 kOhm and denoted as 1K0:

What is written on SMD resistors

For surface mounting on printed circuit boards, conventional types of resistors are inconvenient to use. Therefore, special technologies have been developed to make them small - long and a few millimeters wide. This allows you to use the board area to the maximum. But even color marking is difficult to apply on miniature resistors. Therefore, SMD resistors have their own markings - alphanumeric. There are three options for this marking:

  • three digits;
  • four digits;
  • three numbers and a letter.

For SMD resistors with medium error

The first two options for marking resistors - three or four digits - are used for resistors with an average error (permissible deviation 5-10%). In them, the first two or three digits are the denomination, the last determines the multiplier. This figure shows to what power 10 must be raised. For those who have problems with raising to a power, the multiplier is written in the figure below. You can also say that the last digit shows how many zeros there are in the multiplier.

Rule for decoding SMD resistance rating codes

The principle of finding the value is similar to the alphanumeric marking of Soviet resistors. The first two or three digits must be multiplied by a factor. To make it clearer, let's look at a few examples of inscriptions on SMD resistance. The multiplier can be taken from the table in the figure above.

  • 480 - 48 must be multiplied by 1, that is, this is a 48 Ohm resistor;
  • 313 - 31 must be multiplied by 1000, we get 31000 Ohms or 31 kOhms;
  • 5442 - 544 must be multiplied by 100, for a total of 54400 Ohms or 54.4 kOhms;
  • 2115 - 211 with a multiplier of 100,000, we get 21,100,000 Ohms or 21.1 MOhms.

But to mark low-resistance SMD resistors - with a resistance of less than 100 Ohms - they use a different system. Here you need to decide on the position of the point. Instead of a dot, put the Latin letter R. An example is in the picture below, it’s not difficult to figure out.

Marking of low-resistance SMD resistors

If you see the letter R on the resistor body, this means that the value is small - no more than 100 Ohms. Sometimes there is a variant with the letter K. This letter encrypts a multiplier of 10³ or 1000. This type of notation was created by analogy, that is, the position of the letter indicates the presence of a dot.

Of all the examples, only K47 is worth examining, and maybe even 4K7. The rest are easy to understand. So, K47. Since the letter comes before the numbers, we put a comma in front of them, and the multiplier is known - 1000. So we get: 0.47 * 1000 Ohm = 470 Ohm. Second example: 4K7. Since the letter is between the numbers, we put a comma here, the multiplier is still the same - 1000. We get 4.7 * 1000 = 4700 Ohm or 4.7 kOhm.

Deciphering the codes of precision SMD resistors (high precision)

Surface-mount resistors on high-precision printed circuit boards have their own markings. It is described in the EIA-96 standard. It is used for products with possible deviations in nominal value of no more than 1% (0.5%, 0.25%). On the surface of the resistor there are two numbers and one letter (not R and not K), but their meaning is different:

two digits indicate the denomination code (note, not the denomination itself, but its code); letter is a multiplier.

The denomination is found in several steps. First, the code is found in the table (in the picture below), and the denomination is determined from it. Using the second part of the table, the multiplier is found (highlighted in red). The two numbers found are multiplied and the denomination is obtained.

Code decoding table for high precision SMD resistors

Let's look at a few examples of how to determine the value of precision SMD resistors.

  • 01C. Code 01 means 100 Ohm, the letter C is a multiplier of 100. In total we get the nominal value: 100*100 = 10000 Ohm or 10 kOhm.
  • 30S. Using the table, we look at code 30. It corresponds to the number 200. The letter S is a multiplier of 0.01. We calculate the nominal: 200 * 0.01 = 2 Ohms.
  • 11D. Decoding code 11 - 127, under the letter D the multiplier of 1000 is encrypted. In total, we get 127 * 1000 = 127,000 Ohms or 127 kOhms.

In general, the principle is clear. We are looking for a code, a multiplier, and multiplying. In general, nothing particularly complicated. Simple math. If verbal counting is “not very good,” a calculator can help. Another option is to find a program that deciphers resistor codes.

Decoding the markings of Soviet resistors

The marking of Soviet resistors MLT-1 and MLT-2 has an alphanumeric designation and contains:

  • two numbers and a letter;
  • three numbers and a letter.

Letter code:

  • ohms – R or E;
  • kilo-ohms – K;
  • megaohms - M.

The order of the digital code:

  • the denomination from the whole number was placed before the letter - 33K (33 ohms);
  • a value less than one was placed after the letter - R 27 (0.27 ohm), M68 (0.68 MOhm or 680 KOhm);
  • the denomination of a whole number with a decimal fraction was divided into two parts - the whole number before the letter, the decimal fraction after - 5K6 (5.6 KOhm).

Another number on the case indicated a deviation from the resistance rating.


A code was applied to the body, which indicated:

  • MLT – metal film resistor with a heat-resistant varnish layer;
  • 1 – power dissipation in watts;
  • 47K – resistance 47 Kom;
  • 5% – permissible deviation from the nominal value of 5%.


MLT-2 had a power of two watts, its markings were similar to the one-watt MLT-1.


The small size of the case of resistors with a power of less than 0.25 watts did not allow the application of an alphanumeric code, so they were marked with four stripes (rings) of different colors.

The first stripe was applied closer to the edge of the resistor, the rest so as not to make it difficult to read the code.

The color stripes were located from left to right and indicated:

  1. First, second - face value.
  2. The third is the multiplier.
  3. The fourth is the deviation from the nominal value in %.

Each digit from 0 to 9 was color coded:

  • black – 0;
  • brown – 1;
  • red – 2;
  • orange – 3;
  • yellow – 4;
  • green – 5;
  • blue – 6;
  • purple – 7;
  • gray – 8;
  • white – 9.

After the numbers there was a strip symbolizing the decimal factor - by which you need to multiply the number formed by the first two stripes:

  • silver – 0.01;
  • gold – 0.1;
  • black – 10;
  • brown – 100;
  • red – 1000;
  • orange – 10000;
  • yellow – 100,000;
  • green – 10,000,000;
  • blue – 1,000,000;
  • purple – 10,000,000;
  • gray – 100,000,000;
  • white – 1000,000,000.

Marking of SMD resistors

In modern electronics, one of the key factors when developing a device is its miniaturization. This causes the creation of leadless elements. SMD components are small in size due to their leadless design. Don't be confused by this installation method, it is used in most modern electronics and is characterized by good reliability. In addition, this simplifies the design of a multilayer printed circuit board. The literal decoding with translation means “surface mount device”, and they are mounted on the surface of a printed circuit board. Due to their miniature size, there are difficulties in marking their denomination and characteristics on the case, so they compromise and use marking methods by numbers, with letters, or using a code system. Let's figure out how SMD resistors are marked.

If there are 3 digits on the SMD resistor, then the decoding is as follows: XYZ, where X and Y are the first two digits of the nominal value, and Z is the number of zeros. Let's look at an example.

It is possible to designate it with 4 digits, then everything is the same, only the first three digits are hundreds, tens and units, and the last one is zeros.

If letters are entered into the marking, then the decoding is similar to domestic MLT resistors.

And integers are separated from fractional values.

Another thing is when alphanumeric encoding is used, such resistors have to be deciphered using tables.

In this case, the letter denotes the multiplier. In the table below, they are circled in red.

Based on the table, code 01C means:

  • 01 = 100 Ohm;
  • C – multiplier 102, this is 100;
  • 100*100 = 10000 Ohm or 10 kOhm.

This designation option is called EIA-96.

The information contained in symbolic or color coding will help you build circuits with high accuracy and use elements with the appropriate ratings and tolerances. Correct understanding of the symbols will not relieve you of the need to measure resistances. It is still better to check it again, because the element may be faulty. The test can be done with a special ohmmeter or multimeter. We hope that the information provided about what resistor markings are and how they are deciphered was useful and interesting for you!

Related materials:

  • How to test a resistor at home
  • Wire color coding
  • How to determine the capacitance of a capacitor
  • How to properly desolder radio components from boards

Standard sizes of SMD resistors

Basically, the term frame size includes the size, shape and terminal configuration (package type) of any electronic component. For example, the configuration of a conventional chip that has a flat package with double-sided pins (perpendicular to the plane of the base) is called DIP.

SMD resistor sizes are standardized, and most manufacturers use the JEDEC standard. The size of SMD resistors is indicated by a numerical code, for example, 0603. The code contains information about the length and width of the resistor. So in our example code 0603 (in inches) the body length is 0.060 inches by 0.030 inches wide.

The same resistor size in the metric system will have code 1608 (in millimeters), respectively, the length is 1.6 mm, the width is 0.8 mm. To convert dimensions to millimeters, simply multiply the size in inches by 25.4.

SMD resistor sizes and their power

The size of the SMD resistor depends mainly on the required power dissipation. The following table lists the sizes and specifications of the most commonly used SMD resistors.

Universal color chart

The color marking of resistors is based on a universal table in which each color uniquely corresponds to a number.

This correspondence table is used to read the denomination and decimal digits. For the convenience of coding resistances, the numbers -1 and -2 for the decimal multiplier are entered into the table.

Standard series of denominations

When determining the resistance of a resistor, it must be remembered that the value may correspond to one of the six standard series according to GOST 2825-67. Each of them is designed for a specific rating tolerance.

  • Row E6, tolerance ±20%

10; 15;22; 33; 47; 68.

Series E12, tolerance ±10%

10; 12; 15; 18; 22; 27; 33; 39; 47; 56; 68; 82.

Series E24, tolerance ±5%

(10;11; 12; 13;15;16;18); (20;22;24;27); (30;33;36;39); (43;47); (51;56); (62; 68); 75; 82; 9.1.

For series E48, E96, and E192 the maximum tolerance is ±2%, ±1% and ±0.5% respectively

The values ​​in the rows are calculated taking into account the overlap due to deviation, the difference between adjacent positions is less than twice the tolerance. The nominal values ​​of each series correspond to the terms of a geometric progression with an exponent of 10 1/k, where k is the characteristic number of the series (for E12 k=12, for E48 k=48, etc.)

Multiple resistances can be obtained by multiplying the given values ​​by powers of 10.

Series with small tolerances are characterized by the presence of three significant figures in the resistance values, which determines some features of the color marking.

Resistor values ​​- table

The letter "E" indicates that the resistor is from the EIA rating range. The number following the letter “E” indicates the number of logarithmic steps in the range from 100 to 1000.

Below, in the table of resistor ratings, resistance values ​​are given in the range of 100...1000. Resistance in any other range (Ohm, kOhm, mOhm) can be obtained by simply dividing or multiplying the data from the table by 10.

Differences between series:

  • E6 - 20% tolerance,
  • E12 - 10% tolerance
  • E24 - 5% (and 2%) tolerance
  • E48 - 2% tolerance
  • E96 - 1% tolerance
  • E192 - tolerance 0.5, 0.25, 0.1% and higher

Color coding of resistors.

Color marking of resistors has become the best way to mark small size resistors. Resistors can be only 1 mm in diameter, and 2 or 3 mm in length. You can only find a suitable one with a magnifying glass, and there is still a risk of making a mistake with the location of the decimal point in the value. Marking of small resistors, and not only that, is done using multi-colored stripes, which for most manufacturers have the same value. Another option is a letter designation along with a number in the resistance rating. In this case, instead of extra zeros, the letters K are written, which means kiloOhm, M - megaOhm, R - Ohm. The marking of the resistor 10K5 means that this is an element with a resistance of 10.5 kOhm.

The preferred marking for small resistors is color marking, which originated in the West. This is due to the lack of difference between blue and cyan colors in the markings, since in English they are written the same way.

A resistor can have a minimum of three stripes, which means a tolerance of 20%. If there are only 4 stripes, this corresponds to an error of 10 or 5%, and ultra-precise elements have 6 stripes.

The first two colored stripes are always deciphered as the first two digits of the denomination. If there are up to 4 bands, the third has the value of the decimal multiplier for the denomination digits - that is, it will determine the number of zeros in the number, and the fourth - the real error.

Marking a resistor in five colors suggests that the third stripe will have the value of the third digit in the nominal value, the fourth stripe will have the number of zeros, and 5 will be the accuracy.

The sixth band always carries information about the temperature coefficient. The width of this strip can be 1.5 times wider than the others, which indicates the number of failures per thousand hours of operation as a percentage.

The color coding includes a total of 12 colors, starting with silver, gold, black and brown, then the six colors of the rainbow, where blue and cyan are not separated, and gray and white. So, if you wish, you can easily remember this order.

Resistor marking functions

Since most resistors are quite small in size, it is impractical to put a digital designation on them, because the user simply will not be able to see it. It is much easier to mark such mini-parts with color stripes, which have been adopted as a standard.

However, it is extremely difficult to remember all the symbols and variations of such markings. That is why there are tables and calculators of resistor resistances, which relieve the electronics engineer from the need to remember a lot of unnecessary information. And no one has canceled the human factor, which as a result can lead to incorrect decoding, and as a consequence, you can get a non-working or incorrectly functioning circuit.

Thus, it was decided to introduce colored stripes to indicate the marking of resistors in the standards, which involve the application of three to six stripes of a certain color, each of which carries pre-loaded information, making it easy to select the necessary part with the required parameters.

Standard color coding for resistors

For all types of fixed resistors with flexible leads, marking systems with 3, 4, 5, and 6 colored rings are used.

Color marking with 3 stripes

This marking system is only used for resistors with a ±20% tolerance. The colors of the stripes correspond to the universal table given above. The first two stripes mark the resistance, the third strip indicates the decimal multiplier.

In accordance with the designations shown in the figure, the resistance of the resistor is determined as follows

R = (10D1 + D2) * 10E

For the resistor shown, the resistance value is:

D1 (red ring) = 2

D2 (red ring) = 2

E (green ring) = 5

R = (20+2)*105 = 2200000 Ohm = 2.2 Mohm

Marking with 4 colored rings

This marking system is used for resistors of nominal series E12 and E24. As in the case of encoding with three rings, the first two are used to indicate the denomination, the third - the value of the decimal multiplier. The fourth color ring represents the resistance tolerance. For series E12 and E24, only two colors of the last stripe are used: silver for marking a tolerance of ±10% (E12) and gold for marking a tolerance of ±5% (E24).

R = (10D1 + D2) * 10E ± S

The value of the resistor shown in the figure:

R = (50+1)*102=5100Ohm = 5.1Kohm ± 5%.

Color marking with 5 stripes

To mark resistors with tolerances of less than 5%, the value of which contains 3 significant digits, 5 colored stripes are applied to the body. The principle of reading resistance remains unchanged - the first 3 stripes indicate the numbers of the nominal series, the fourth - the value of the decimal multiplier, the fifth - the tolerance.

R = (100D1 + 10D2 + D3) * 10E ± S

The tolerance color codes for the nominal series E48 (±2%), E96 (±1%) and E192 (±0.5%), as well as precision resistors, are summarized in the table: Using the universal color table and the tolerance color table gives the following marking interpretation resistor shown in the figure:

R = (200+50+5)*101 = 255*10 = 2550 Ohm = 2.55kOhm ± 0.5%

Using 6 colored rings to mark resistors

In addition to the rating and tolerance, the color marking of resistors can include such an important parameter as TCR.

TCR - temperature coefficient of resistance, shows the maximum value by which the resistance of the resistor can change when the temperature changes by 1 degree. For marking on the body, the TCR value is shown in ppm/OC. The ppm value (abbreviation parts per million) reflects the millionths of the resistor value.

R = (100D1 + 10D2 + D3) * 10E ± S (Appm/OC)

Decoding the designation for the resistor shown in the figure gives the following results:

R= (500+6+2)*101 = 5620Ω = 5.62kΩ ± 1% (10 ppm/OC)

The sixth color marking ring can be used to display resistor reliability information. In this case, the width of the sixth ring should be 1.5 times greater than all the others. The reliability indicator is considered as the percentage of element failures per 1000 hours of operation. Standardized reliability values ​​and their color designations are presented in the following table

Characteristics of MLT resistors

A constant resistor is a simple element - it doesn’t have too many parameters. The main characteristics are the nominal resistance and power dissipation.


Its resistance and power depend on the size of the resistor - a large element is able to retain a larger flow of electrons and heats up less. Experienced electromechanics can distinguish a high-value resistor from a low-power one at first glance.

Type of resistorDimensions, mm Weight, g

no more



Help: Typical resistor resistance values ​​are standardized - the value is selected from a special series of values, which is a set of values ​​from 1 to 10, and multiplied by 10 to the n-power.

In electrical engineering, series E is used - the nominal resistance of MLT resistors will correspond to the values ​​of series E24 (deviation from the nominal value is no more than 5%) and E96 (deviation from the nominal value is not more than 1%).

Limit operating voltages

Electric strength is the maximum operating voltage that is briefly applied to the resistor terminals without affecting its performance. It is calculated based on the rated power of the resistor and its resistance using the formula: U=(P×R)/2.

Resistor typeRated power, WNominal resistanceLimit operating voltages
MLT-0.1250,1258.2 Ohm - 3.0 MOhm200
MLT-0.250,258.2 Ohm – 5.1 MOhm250
MLT-0.50,51 Ohm – 5.1 MOhm250
MLT-111Ohm – 10MOhm500
MLT-221 Ohm – 10 MOhm700

Reference: Classification of metal film resistances by power dissipation - 0.125; 0.25; 0.5;1.0; 2.0.

Dependence of permissible power on ambient temperature

Depending on the temperature, the same power dissipation can cause significant heating of the resistance and, as a result, destruction of the junction of the resistor with the terminals and local overheating and melting of the resistive layer.

Temperature coefficient of resistance

Under the influence of the flowing current and external temperature, the resistance of the resistor changes - a strong change can disrupt the operation of the circuit. TCR is an indicator of the change in resistance when the temperature changes by 1 degree.

For metal film resistances of TKS at ambient temperature:

  1. From -60 to +25 degrees – ±0.0012.
  2. From +25 to maximum:
  • up to 10 kOhm – ±0.0006;
  • from 11 kOhm to 1 Mohm – ± 0.0007;
  • more than 1 Mohm – ± 0.001.

Resistor markings

Rice. 10 A. Marking with 3 numbers

The first two digits indicate the values ​​in Ohms, the last - the number of zeros. Applies to resistors from the E-24 series, with tolerances of 1 and 5%, sizes 0603, 0805 and 1206.

Rice. 11 V. Marking of resistors with 4 numbers

The first three digits indicate the values ​​in Ohms, the last - the number of zeros. Applies to resistors from the E-96 series, with a tolerance of 1%, sizes 0805 and 1206. The letter R acts as a decimal point.

Rice. 12 C. Color marking of resistors with 3 symbols

The first two characters are numbers indicating the resistance value in Ohms, taken from Table 5 below, the last character is a letter indicating the value of the multiplier: S = 10-2; R=10-1; A=1; B= 10; C=102; D=103; E=104; F=105. Applies to resistors from the E-96 series, with a tolerance of 1%. size 0603.

Table 5


Note: Markings A and B are standard, marking C is in-house.

Table of contents

Readers' opinions
  • Alexander / 03/04/2019 — 11:16 Tell me which resistor. Stripes: gray, red, gold, gold, black. Not in selections
  • Igor / 09.30.2018 - 13:02 What is a 20R0 resistor?
  • Sergey / 11/17/2017 - 1:38 pm On the resistor written 334, this is what I understand as 330 com.? Correct or not?
  • Nikolay / 03/13/2016 - 12:34 Tell me the value of the resistor: the first stripe is orange, the second and third are black, the fourth is gold
  • Mikhail / 02/20/2016 - 23:45 attempt No. 2 red, red, silver, gold, black.
  • Mikhail / 02/20/2016 - 23:41 please tell me the value of the resistors red, red, silver, gold, black __second__ orange, orange, silver, gold, black.
  • Sergey / 01/21/2016 — 11:01 black brown black gray (or silver) gold help what denomination
  • Andrey / 11/18/2015 - 19:47 Tell me the value of the resistor that has blue, black, silver, mossy, green stripes. I couldn't find it in the reference books. Thank you!
  • Gennady / 10.27.2015 - 09:26!!! Typo in table 1! Instead of K(E) there should be R(E)
  • Fidan / 06/01/2015 — 19:24 What is the value of the resistor with stripes brown black silver golden black?
  • Dmitry / 04/24/2015 — 18:41 And there are 0.04 Ohm resistors. I need an ECU for a Ford. The guys on the forum are not sure whether it is 0.4 or 0.04 Ohm. These are flat four-legged creatures. The relatives were smoked. I can not see anything
  • ILNUR / 04/23/2015 — 16:43 WHAT THE RESISTANCE LOOKS LIKE: 3.3 kOhm. 100 Ohm. 33 kOhm
  • Nesterenko Tatyana / 02/20/2015 — 18:26 you need a resistance of 100 ohms, what does it look like
  • Nikolay / 07/18/2014 - 15:08 please tell me what is the resistance of the resistor with stripes red, gray, black, gold, black??
  • Eduard / 07/18/2014 - 05:07 I have a 6 volt battery with a 3 volt diode. what resistor do I need?
  • Ivan / 03/31/2014 - 19:19 On a grayish-bluish-whitish resistor there are five stripes symmetrically with the edges - brown, gray, silver, golden, green. If five, then three is the denomination, but of these the silver one is what kind of number is this? If there are only two denominations, then there should be something like four stripes. There is hardly any need to start with green, because... the next one will be golden. So what is the denomination, who knows?
  • Victor / 03/05/2014 — 12:06 tell me the value of the resistor 750 e
  • Sergey / 03/03/2014 - 06:09 Help Please no. resistance: red|black|green|golden|. Thank you!
  • ss / 01/23/2014 - 01:52 silver, black, gold, brown???
  • Alexander / 01/06/2014 - 14:13 How is 22 com marked?


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Resistors are very small in size, a few millimeters, which greatly complicates the placement of a readable marking. For this reason, an international color coding system for electrical components has been adopted. According to generally accepted requirements, markings should be located on the body of permanent resistors in the form of multi-colored stripes or rings. This designation method ensures ease of reading in any direction. The starting marking strip is located closest to the edge of the element. In situations where housing features or other reasons make it difficult to mark in this way, the first ring is indicated by a line twice as wide.

Subtleties of marking

Resistors, especially low-power ones, are small parts; a 0.125W resistor has a length of several millimeters and a diameter of the order of a millimeter. It is difficult to read the denomination with a decimal point on such a part, therefore, when indicating the denomination, instead of the decimal point, write the letter corresponding to the units of measurement (K - for kilo-ohms, M - for mega-ohms, E or R for ohm units). In addition, any denomination is displayed with a maximum of three symbols. For example, 4K7 denotes a resistor with a resistance of 4.7 kOhm, 1R0 - 1 Ohm, M12 - 120 kOhm (0.12 MOhm), etc. However, in this form it is difficult to apply values ​​to small resistors, and they are marked with colored stripes.

For resistors with an accuracy of 20%, markings with three stripes are used, for resistors with an accuracy of 10% and 5%, markings with four stripes are used, for more accurate resistors with five or six stripes. The first two stripes always indicate the first two digits of the denomination. If there are 3 or 4 bars, the third bar represents the decimal factor, that is, the power of ten that is multiplied by the two-digit number indicated by the first two bars. If there are 4 stripes, the last one indicates the accuracy of the resistor. If there are 5 stripes, the third means the third sign of resistance, the fourth is the decimal multiplier, the fifth is the accuracy.

The sixth strip, if present, indicates the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). If this strip is 1.5 times wider than the others, then it indicates the reliability of the resistor (% failures per 1000 hours of operation). It should be noted that sometimes there are resistors with 5 bands, but standard (5 or 10%) accuracy. In this case, the first two stripes set the first digits of the denomination, the third - the multiplier, the fourth - the accuracy, and the fifth - the temperature coefficient.

What is a resistor

The resistor, as an element of microcircuits and power networks, gets its name from the English word “resistor”. It, in turn, has the Latin roots “resisto”, which is literally translated into Russian as “I resist”. As its name suggests, its purpose is to resist the flow of charged electrons.

The part is classified as a passive component in an electrical circuit, where it reduces the voltage to the design level. Unlike active elements, a resistor cannot independently amplify signals. According to Ohm's law and Kirhoff's law, the voltage is reduced to values ​​equal to the voltage values ​​​​multiplied by the existing resistance.

In accordance with GOST, it is depicted in the drawings as a rectangle. To indicate the power of resistors in the diagram, special markings are used in the form of lines and Arabic numerals. It helps to briefly indicate the type and characteristics of the required element.

Five strip resistors

Color marking of resistors - how to determine by stripes

What is a resistor? The name of this electronic part comes from Lat. resisto - I resist. Simply put, it is a passive component that is used in electrical circuits, the action of which is based on current resistance. The main characteristic of a resistor is the value of its electrical resistance.

The passivity of this electronic element means that its main function is considered to be the absorption of electricity. Unlike active parts of equipment, a resistor does not generate, but only passively dissipates electrical energy, converting it into heat.

General universal table of values

Of course, it is extremely difficult to keep all the designations and color relationships in your head. Yes, and there is no particular need for this. But there is a universal table of color values, thanks to which the color markings of resistors can be deciphered without much difficulty.

Similar designations are accepted by most manufacturers in the world, which makes it universal for any country.

For example, you can consider a 6-band version with color rings: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown.

  1. Red—numeric value “2.”
  2. Orange - numeric value "3".
  3. Yellow—numeric value “4.”
  4. Green - the fourth bar indicates the multiplier; for green (according to the table) this value is 1*10⁵. Based on the table, the first three colors give the value “234”. After calculating 234*10⁵, we get 2.34 MOhm.
  5. Blue - determines the accuracy, which for this color is 0.25%, i.e. this is exactly the possible deviation from the initial value in either direction when the resistor is operating.
  6. Brown - indicates the temperature coefficient, in this case the value is 100 ppm/°C.

Resistor values

Let's look at this with a simple example. Let's say there is a group of resistors with a 10% deviation from the nominal value (both up and down).

Let's assume that the first preferred value should be 100 ohms. Therefore, it makes no sense to make a resistor, for example, 105 Ohm, since a resistor with a resistance of 105 Ohm falls within 10% of the tolerance range of a 100 Ohm resistor (90...110 Ohm).

Therefore, the next rational resistance value should be in the region of 120 ohms, since 100 ohm resistors with a 10% tolerance have a value somewhere between 90 ohms and 110 ohms, a 120 ohm resistor has a value between 108 and 132 ohms, thereby covering the range between 100 and 120 ohms.

Following this logic, standard resistor values ​​with a 10% deviation in the range between 100 and 1000 ohms would be: 100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 270, 330, and so on (with appropriate rounding). This series of resistors, labeled E12, is shown in the table below.

Standard marking

Any type of permanent resistor is color-coded with 3 to 6 color stripes. Below we will consider all possible ring options.

With 3 rings

This system is used with respect to constant resistors, characterized by a permissible deviation within ±20% (nominal series E6, that is, for each multiplier there are only six different resistance values). The colors have meanings corresponding to the main table. The first two bars mark the resistance, and the last one is the decimal value.

According to the scheme for calculating the resistance of the resistor, the formula is used: R = (10D1 + D2)*10^E. Looking at the table, we see that the resistance value of the resistor from the figure (Red, Red, Green) is R = (20+2)*10^5 = 2200000 = 2.2MOm ±20%.

With 4 rings

This color coding of resistors is intended for elements from the nominal series E24 (5%) and E12 (10%). In this system, the first two bars represent the resistance, and the next one represents the decimal factor. The fourth strip shows the resistance tolerance: gold - ±5%, silver - ±10%.

Formula for calculating resistance: R = (10D1 + D2)*10^E ± S. Thus, for the resistor shown in the figure (Green, Brown, Red, Gold) R = (10*5 + 1)*10^2 = 5100 will be equal to 5.1KOm ±5%.

With 5 rings

This marking system is designed to identify resistors with tolerances up to 5%. The reading principle is the same: the first three lines indicate the denomination, and the fourth and fifth lines indicate the decimal factor and tolerance.

Formula corresponding to this system. Formula: R=(100D1+10D2+D3)*10^E ± S.

For resistors in the E48, E96 and E192 rating series, an additional precision resistor table is used.


Thus, the resistance value of the resistor shown in the figure (Red, Blue, Blue, Brown, Green) is R = (200+60+6)*10 = 2660 = 2.66 KOm ±0.5%.


Let's start, of course, with the most commonly used part - the resistor. And let's start with Soviet resistors. Almost all such resistors have letter markings. First, let's study the letters that are used on this part:

  • Letter “E”, “R” – means Ohms
  • The letter "K" means Kiloom
  • The letter "M" means Megaom

And the rub itself lies in the placement of the letter between, before or after the number. There is nothing complicated at all. If the letter is between numbers, for example:

1K5 – this means 1.5 kilo-ohms. It’s just that in the Soviet Union, in order not to bother with the comma, they inserted the letter of the denomination there. If it says 1R5 or 1E5, this means that the resistance is 1.5 Ohm or 1M5 - this is 1.5 Megaohm. If the letter comes before the numbers, then instead of the letter we substitute “0” and continue the line of numbers that come after the letter.

For example: K10 = 0.10 K, which means if there are 1000 ohms in a kilo-ohm, then we multiply this figure (0.10) by 1000 and get 100 ohms. Or we simply substitute a zero for the numbers, while changing the resistance in our mind to the closest one, less than this.

And if the letter comes after the numbers, then nothing changes - so we calculate what is written on the resistor, for example:

  • 100k = 100 kiloohms
  • 1M = 1 Megaohm
  • 100R or 100E = 100 Ohm

You can determine the denominations using this table:

There is also color marking of resistors, the most basic, but most often they use online calculators or you can just use it.

Also on diagrams where there are resistors, “sticks” are written on the graphic symbols of the resistor. These “sticks” indicate power according to the following table:

And the power of resistors is determined by their sizes and inscriptions on them. On Soviet ones they wrote power of 1-3 Watts, but on modern ones they no longer write. But here the power is determined by experience or from reference books.

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