Assembling a 380 volt 15 kW metering panel - features of a 3-phase network, panel elements, assembly options, assembly instructions

In modern life, it is impossible to do without household appliances and electronic equipment, the number of which is constantly growing every year. This leads to an increase in energy consumption from the existing electrical network and the need to control its operating parameters. This issue is of particular importance in suburban housing, where it is allowed to use 380 Volts. For this reason, various options for connecting three-phase electricity in private homes are subject to serious research.

What you need to pay attention to first

Twenty-five years ago and earlier, houses were designed taking into account the supply of only 3 kW. In such a house, the old wiring is not suitable for connecting 15 kW. The wires in the walls need to be changed or supplemented with new ones.

Later, at the beginning of our century, the cross-section of wires in houses provided a connection of 5 kW, 220 V. Make a three-phase connection to such a house, with a total power of 15 kW. In this case, you need to supplement the wiring of two more phases. It's easier than rewiring the entire house.

Single-phase or three-phase voltage with a power of up to 15 kW can be supplied to the new area. If the power line is within 25 m, connection is possible within two warm months or less. Otherwise, the work period may be more than 6 months. Choose a site taking into account the location of power lines.

Let's say you need more than 15 kW to power all the loads in the house. Find out in advance the possibility of supplying additional power from the organization servicing the power lines.

The address of the organization servicing the nearest power lines can be found out from neighbors or the local administration. Officials must respond to a written request within 15 days.

Single-phase and three-phase connection

There are many technical differences between single- and three-phase connections. For example, a three-phase connection is made using four or five wires. Of these, three are phase, through which current is supplied, and the remaining two are the neutral wire and grounding. In some cases, one common wire is used for neutral and ground.

When connecting using a single-phase circuit, two or three wires are used. This corresponds to phase zero and grounding. Using two wires means that neutral and ground are on a single conductor. Knowing the number of phases in advance, you can make calculations of the permissible power and determine the amount of electrical equipment that can be simultaneously connected to the network on each line.

In the case of a single-phase connection, all the supplied voltage is concentrated on one line, which often leads to overloads. The thickness of the wires on the internal lines of a home network is much higher than those used in a three-phase circuit. This is due to the higher load that falls on only one line. Taking into account all of the above factors, when installing power supply for a private home, preference is most often given to three phases.

Where to start

So, you have decided on a plot and a house. You have insufficient power or a project for a new building. Before starting further actions, you need to make a justification for connecting 15 kW. That is, list the appliances and devices that you plan to use in the house and on the site.

Making a list is easy. For example:

  • Washing machine - 1.5 kW.
  • Refrigerator - 0.8 kW.
  • Boiler - 2.5 kW.
  • Iron - 1.2 kW.
  • Electric kettle - 2 kW.
  • Well pump - 1.5 kW.
  • Pumping station to ensure water supply - 0.8 kW.
  • Music video center - 1.2 kW.
  • 3 computers, total power - 1.5 kW.

Total: 13 kW.

Another 2 kW is missing. Add 2kW electric underfloor heating in the bathroom. Or another load that must work together with the listed devices simultaneously. Even if you don’t plan to install heated floors, no one knows this except you. By defining a list of devices operating simultaneously, you will justify supplying 15 kW to the house, and not less power.

If your home already has electricity, you can apply to increase the power. The requirements do not change.

What is better to choose, a single-phase line or three phases?

There is not always a choice. Most often it is possible to connect 380 V, three phases with a total power of up to 15 kW. This option has advantages:

  • A cable with wires of a smaller cross-section will be required for connection. It costs less.
  • It is easier to connect three-phase electric motors; no additional capacitors are needed.
  • 380 V are used during construction work.
  • Three phases will come in handy in the workshop.

When using three-phase voltage, the load should be evenly distributed between the phases. Taking into account the switching on of devices at different times. This is more difficult to calculate on your own than when connecting to a 220 V line. If you do not plan to use three-phase motors and appliances, and the additional costs of wires do not bother you, then apply to connect one phase 220 V with a power of 15 kW to your house. When the network company has the opportunity to balance consumers by phase, you will receive permission for a single-phase connection.

Features of the arrangement of the distribution panel

Three-phase metering board
Single-line diagram of a 15 kW 380V metering board (as a special case) is the most common option for constructing this part of the power supply system. When arranging it, the following configuration options are considered, taking into account the differences between single-phase and three-phase power supplies:

  • Using standard single-pole circuit breakers and RCDs (one for each phase) as protective equipment.
  • The use of only 4-pole differential devices in the circuit.
  • Installation of two-pole circuit breakers in the panel, supplemented with a cross-module and an RCD.
  • Installation of single-pole linear circuit breakers together with a 4-pole RCD and cross module.

Each of these options, if there is space in the panel, is suitable for arranging and connecting a full-fledged three-phase power supply system. The choice of a specific set of switching devices depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner of a country home.

What documents need to be collected

To obtain permission to connect to electrical networks you will need:

  1. Application. The standard form can be filled out at the company or home serving the energy network by downloading the document on the Internet.
  2. List of machines and devices that consume energy.
  3. Copies of documents confirming your rights as the owner of the house or plot.
  4. Land plan showing electrical lines.
  5. Site or building plan.
  6. A copy of the passport of the owner of the plot or the person drawing up documents under a power of attorney.
  7. Power of attorney if the documents are not drawn up by the owner of the property.

The application must be completed in two copies. One copy signed by the employee accepting the documents remains in the hands of the owner of the house or an authorized representative.

The form must indicate:

  • Full name of the person who is preparing the documents. This could be the owner of the site or a trusted representative.
  • Passport issue date, series and number. Or details of an identity document.
  • The address where the person applying is registered.
  • Name of devices that consume energy.
  • Device connection times. For example, during construction, energy consumption may differ from when the facility is put into operation.
  • Power of connected devices.
  • The name of the organization with which you agree to enter into an energy supply contract.
  • Construction permit. This document is attached if there is nothing on the site yet.

The application can be submitted not only in person. It is possible to accept documents by mail. Send two copies of the completed form, the copies listed above, and a list of all documents in the letter.

The easiest and fastest way to send documents is the Internet. Register on the website of the organization servicing power lines, fill out the form and send copies.

The network company must report errors in the submitted documents within 6 days. If everything is fine, the applicant is sent two copies of the agreement with signatures in paper form. Technical conditions (TS) are attached to the contract. The contract and specifications are prepared within 15 days.

Once you receive the contract, you need to sign it and send it to the company. Or use an electronic signature by completing all documents on the organization’s website.

When will the lights be turned on?

So, you have a contract and specifications in your hands. The conditions list the measures that, by completing them, will bring the site in accordance with the requirements of the network company. Usually they are interested in the metering unit and the machines that disconnect the wires in an emergency. As a rule, the box with the meter is installed on a pole (pipe stand) on the outside of the site.

The video below shows an example of performing technical specifications. Pay attention to the budget pipe stand. You can install it yourself.

In winter, connection is possible if the pole and wires are located close to the metering station. When additional wire supports need to be installed, the network company's lead time may be extended to one year. The deadlines for fulfillment of obligations by the parties are specified in the agreement.

Outgoing line machine

On the Internet, I came across the opinion that you can get by with a switch, they say, the input machine also protects the outgoing line. However, at that time, when coordination of schemes was mandatory, I was directly required to put the machine on the outgoing line. Although in my practice there have been cases when a network company accepted boxes with metering units where a switch was installed. But this was only one such network company. Everyone else demanded a machine gun. By the way, here you can learn about choosing a machine.

How much and what should you pay for?

So, you have completed the documents and are ready to accept power up to 15 kW. Then you need to pay a reduced connection tariff of 550 rubles. If you increase the power to 15 kW, then in this case you need to pay the specified amount.

In addition to the tariff, you pay the cost of the meter and machines, the installation of a pole with a metering box, the cost of the cable from the box to the distribution board in the house and incur other costs associated with laying wires in the house.

But it is not always possible to place the metering point on a pole on the outside of the site. Connections are possible that will require additional costs from the consumer:

  • Hanging an overhead line to the entrance to the house, laying a cable to the meter. Materials and work are paid for by the customer.
  • Laying underground cables from a power line pole. All work and the cost of the cable are paid by the consumer.

Thus, by installing a metering unit on the outside of the site, you save on the work of laying a line to the wires located on the supports.

Detailed information about the cost of all work is presented in the video, see below.

Connection 15 kW

We will connect your facility to the power grid >>> we are in touch WhatsApp +7 903 685-55-36

Technological connections to electrical networks. Power supply of land plots in the Moscow region (Moscow and Moscow Region). Electrification of any customer facilities. Guarantee for acceptance of technical specifications performed by network organizations. High-quality, certified materials. Professional electricians. Coordination of specifications and prices. An agreement fixing the cost of all work, materials and guarantees.

Order work and consultation daily, tel. 8 903 685-55-36

Technological connection to electrical networks according to technical specifications

Execution of specifications for MOESK for connecting 15 kW, Mosoblenergo, OEK and other SOs in Moscow and the Moscow region. All year round. Daily. We work under a contract. 100% acceptance guarantee. Certified materials according to GOST.

Select a section below and click on it to read more information

Pipe stands for 15 kW. Prices for implementation of specifications ShchVRu IP65 for 15 kW under New specifications (from 07/01/20) Connection 15 kW. Photos of our work fulfillment of specifications

Technological connection to power grids from July 1, 2022 is carried out according to a new procedure. Changes to the rules of technological connection (GCT) from 07/01/2020 were made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/10/2020 N 262. The responsibilities in fulfilling the technical conditions (TS) between the applicant and the network organization that issued the TS have also changed. We carry out the necessary measures on the client’s part in accordance with the technical specifications received before and after 07/01/2020.

SPECIAL OFFER >>> Vandal-proof polyester enclosures of IP65 IP65 15 kW

From us you can not only profitably buy certified, high-quality equipment for connecting to electrical networks, but also order installation supervision and commissioning work for the installation of this equipment “TURNKEY”, by professional electrical installation teams in Moscow and the Moscow region at any Customer sites with guarantee under the Agreement. If you want to find out more, consult about connecting 15 kW, call us, +7 903 685-55-36

15 kW machine, what is the rating, answer 25A: P = 3*U*I=3*220*25=16,500 V = 16.5 kW (formula for calculating electric power P=U∙I, where P-power , U-voltage, I-current)

Input circuit breaker into the house - if in your specifications for connection to electrical networks it is indicated that the maximum power of the applicant’s connected power receiving devices is 15 kW (3-phase input), then the rating of the machine is 25A, for another allocated power you can select an input circuit breaker by clicking on the link below

>>> Introductory machine selection - allocated power / rated current of the machine

Submitting an application for technological connection via the Internet:


On this official website of Rosseti Moscow Region (PJSC "MOESK") you can apply for an Agreement on the implementation of technological connection (TP) to electric networks and technical conditions (TS) in Rosseti Moscow Region (PJSC "MOESK") without visiting the office, through the website organizations.

MOESK connection - Instructions for obtaining a TP and TS Agreement at PJSC MOESK up to 15 kW


On this official website of Mosoblenergo JSC, you can submit an application for an Agreement on Technological Connection (TP) to electrical networks and technical conditions (TS) at Mosoblenergo JSC without visiting the office, through the organization’s website.

Connecting a house 15 kW, buy equipment for ASU

We will help you select and buy equipment for connecting to electrical networks at a profitable price. Three-phase electricity meters and installation kits for assembling ASU metering panels that meet the requirements of network organizations are always available. For various allocated power, according to the issued technical conditions (TU). For private customers and legal entities. Components for input distribution devices (ASU 15 kW 380V), for orders and consultations, call the numbers listed in the Contacts section

Select 15 kW input panel - ready-made solution ASU kit for connecting to 380V according to specifications

Buy a 15 kW ASU; on our website you can order ready-made solutions for street metering panels for connecting electricity to three phases. This section is about increasing power up to 15 kW and technological connection (TP) of power receiving devices (EPD) based on reliable electricity meters of the Mercury and Matrix brands, including multifunctional ones that have built-in control of the maximum power value, as well as PLC and GSM telemetry technologies that provide Possibility of integration into local ASKUE systems. Most often, this is required when electrification of a plot of land occurs for the consumer’s domestic needs, for example, a country house or a summer cottage. We are constantly contacted for electrical equipment for the installation of metering units in a 380 volt 15 kW network according to specifications, which is suitable for further implementation of the possibility of connecting to ASKUE systems. You can view layout options with other modifications of electric meters, find out prices for them and order them in the section Kits for installation of ASUs.

Compliance with technical conditions for power supply

Order work to comply with technical specifications (Technical conditions for technological connection), more details in the section IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNICAL CONDITIONS (TU)

A 15 kW connection is carried out when the applicant, for the purpose of technological connection of power receiving devices (EPD), the maximum power of which is up to 15 kW inclusive, is issued by the electric grid company with Technical Conditions for connection to electric networks (TU). These technical conditions assume the presence of an input switchgear (IDU), equipment that allows for a 15 kW technological connection, providing the necessary 380V connection. The receiving device is an electricity metering unit or, as it is also called, a 15 kW metering panel, with the possibility of outdoor installation. At its core, a street electricity metering panel is a panelboard device (control panel) consisting of the cabinet body itself (a metal or plastic panel with a degree of protection of at least IP54, this level or higher allows the use of the panel on the street), an electrical energy metering device ( electric meter) and protection of the power receiving device in accordance with the declared maximum power (this means a circuit breaker with a suitable rating). The requirements for the implementation of input metering and distribution panels of ASUs are based on the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE), each metering unit, including those with a power of 15 kW, must be assembled in accordance with these rules. According to the PUE, two automatic machines are required, on all inputs of supply lines and on all outgoing lines (clauses 7.1.24 and 7.1.25). We are often asked the question of how many amperes a 15 kW circuit breaker is, we recommend installing a three-pole 25A one. Sometimes there are additional requirements; they are indicated in separate paragraphs in the technical specifications. The assembly of the metering board must be carried out by qualified specialists who have permission to carry out this electrical installation work. It should be noted that the specifications received by applicants are generally similar, but may differ in some nuances in their requirements; this depends on the requirements of local network organizations. If you need an increase in power + up to 15 kW, please contact us, we will help you select all the necessary electrical equipment for this connection.

For those who purchase components for a 15 kW ASU from us, we offer the following services and work:

  • Obtaining technical specifications (TU) 15kW
  • Implementation of specifications - Moscow and Moscow region "Turnkey"
  • Balance delineation report, Technological connection report, Electrical installation inspection report, sealing of the metering unit

Increasing electric power capacity to 15 kW (for 550 rubles). TP Agreement (Technological Connection up to 15 kW) with PJSC "MOESK" and other documents can be viewed on the MOESK website.

15 kW connection - many people face this problem every day, for example, 15 kW of electricity is needed for a house, when the question arises of making a technological connection to electrical networks, for example, their land plot, the search for solutions begins. Connection 380 volts, 3 phases, giving 15 kW, is carried out by electric grid companies. In the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, these functions are performed by PJSC MOESK, which is one of the largest electrical distribution companies in Russia. The main activities of PJSC "MOESK" are the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy and technological connection of consumers to electrical networks in the Moscow region. The company is divided into branches, which in turn are divided into district electrical networks (RES), serving municipalities in their area of ​​responsibility. The internal division of PJSC MOESK can be found on the company’s official website at The technical conditions issued by RES for connection to electrical networks indicate the need for the applicant to install an EPU at the border of the land plot (ZU), usually on a pole or pipe stand, of a water distribution device (WDU).

From us you can order and buy a 380V electricity metering panel for a private house 15 kW and everything necessary for the installation of such ASUs - panel equipment, circuit breakers (ABB circuit breakers), DIF circuit breakers, RCDs, power limiters, SIP wire and other electrical components.

Useful materials regarding 380 volt power supply and 15 kW connection on the Forumhouse website:

Buy a 15 kW meter (meter with power limiter)

Contact us and we will advise you within the framework of this topic on the following issues:

technological connection up to 15 kW

15 kW connection in a country house

connection diagram 15 kW and connection diagram 380

technical conditions for connecting to electrical networks

installation of an ASU on a pipe stand or pole at the border (perimeter) of the land plot

design of power supply 380 V, 15 kW

15 kW Khimki, 15 kW Istra, 15 kW Naro-Fominsk, 15 kW Odintsovo, 15 kW Zvenigorod, 15 kW Ruza, 15 kW Mozhaisk, 15 kW Volokolamsk, 15 kW Solnechnogorsk

15 kW Moscow region all areas

15 kW Ramensky district, 15 kW Odintsovo district; 15 kW Istrinsky district; 15 kW Naro-Fominsk region; 15 kW Shakhovsky district; 15 kW Ruza district; 15 kW Mozhaisk district; 15 kW Volokolamsk region; 15 kW Lotoshinsky district

  • ASU 15 kW and pipe stand for supplying electricity to the site
  • Photos of works. Installation of the ASU metering unit.
  • Standard design solutions of TU MOESK

What provides a preferential connection tariff?

By paying 550 rubles, you receive electricity in the lowest reliability category. There are three warranty levels in total:

  1. The highest level ensures continuous power supply to hospitals and enterprises with a continuous technological cycle. Such consumers are powered from at least two substations.
  2. The second category includes food industry factories, institutes, and medical institutions. They are connected to two substations, and the guarantee of energy supply is lower than in the first case.
  3. The remaining consumers are powered from one substation. In the event of an accident, they provide themselves with energy from gas generators or batteries.

For private houses there is no possibility of supplying electricity with a high degree of supply reliability. But you can buy a generator or an uninterruptible power supply unit.

When it is not possible to use the 550 rubles tariff

A preferential tariff is not issued if:

  • The site from the substation is located further than 300 m in the city, 500 m in the countryside.
  • The consumer has already obtained a connection to power lines in this municipal district for the past three years.
  • Power over 15 kW

In the listed cases, the amount for connecting to electrical networks will be greater than the considered tariff.

Controversial situations

The procedure for connecting 15 kW to a private house is standard. Difficulties may arise if the site is located on the border of zones served by two network companies. Choose the company whose poles are located closest to the site.

Failure to meet connection deadlines due to the fault of the servicing power line company is a rare but possible option. During construction, the lack of electricity can lead to additional costs and failure to fulfill obligations with construction participants.

Enter into agreements with contractors, taking into account the possibility of shifting the timing of connecting the facility to the power grid.

Always save contracts and documents with the network company, including issued specifications. This will help you assert your rights in court and recover damages.

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