Features of operation and technical parameters of the power cable AVBBSHV

Marking and decoding of abbreviations

All cable manufacturers mark their products; an inscription is applied to the outer insulating PVC sheath of the AVBbShv cable using the hot stamping method or a special printer. The sequence of letters means:

  • A – conductor material aluminum;
  • B – insulation of current-carrying conductors is made of polyvinyl chloride;
  • BB – double armored shell made of non-galvanized steel strip;
  • Shv – PVC hose as an outer insulating sheath.

The numbers following this letter designation indicate the number of aluminum cores and their cross-section. AVBbShv 3x25 in this case 3 cores with a cross section of 25 mm2. There may be a designation AVBBShv 3x25 + 1x16, this indicates that three cores are 25 mm each, the fourth is an additional 16 mm2. The main conductors are used to connect the phases and the neutral wire; an additional wire of a smaller cross-section is connected to the common ground loop.

For ease of connection during installation work, in accordance with the requirements of the PUE (rules for the operation of electrical installations), the wires in the cable are marked with the color of the insulation according to their functional purpose. In single-phase networks:

  • Blue, the wire is used as the neutral wire in the network;
  • A core with red, white, brown or black insulation is connected to the phase;
  • Yellow-green conductor to the ground loop.

In three-phase networks, cables with four or five cores are used, sometimes the neutral wire is combined with grounding. In these cases, the blue or yellow-green wire is connected to a grounded neutral. In circuits with five wires, blue is connected to neutral, yellow-green to ground, the rest to phases (A; B; C).

Explanation of cable markings AVBbShv

There is a special marking on the outer surface of the insulating sheath of any cable. Characters are applied in different ways, from printing to hot stamping.

Let's spell out the abbreviation AVBBShV:

  • “A” - indicates that all cores are made strictly from aluminum (if the marking of any cable does not have the letter “A” at the very beginning, then the product is copper);
  • “B” – insulation is made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride;
  • “B” – the product is armored with durable steel tape;
  • “b” – there is no protective cushion between the conductors and the armored layer;
  • “Shv” – the shell is made from PVC hose.

The alphabetic abbreviation must be followed by numerical designations. With their help, it is customary to indicate the exact number of cores and the cross-sectional area of ​​each. For example, if after AVBbShv there is the inscription 4x40, then we are talking about a four-core cable with a cross-section of each conductor of 40 square meters. mm. In addition to the main cores, a zero circuit can be added, which has a completely different cross-section. This happens in the AVBbShv 4x40 + 1x25 cable. In addition to four lived 40 sq.m. mm, there is a zero contour with a cross-section of 25 sq. mm.

Power cable design

The section shows its internal structure, in this case, a four-core cable.
The AVBbShv power cable is an armored electrical product with aluminum cores hidden in a reliable PVC casing. The marking of a product indicates its specific structure and materials used in production:

  • A - the conductor is made of aluminum;
  • B - the core is covered with PVC insulation;
  • BB - protection made of plate steel (galvanized or not galvanized);
  • Shv - the presence of a protective layer of pressed PVC with an additive to improve the performance characteristics of bitumen and viscous adhesive composition.

The core of soft aluminum wire is located in the very center of the product. Cables designed for use in electrical installations with a voltage of 6 kV are produced only in a three-core version. Products with a cross-section over 25 mm2 are made only in sector and multi-wire segment forms to increase the reliability of the electric main.

Cable AVBBShV in sector form, manufactured with a diameter of at least 25 mm2

The cable cores are covered with an insulating sheath made of non-flammable PVC plastic, characterized by the required strength and performance properties. Shielding strips that can withstand up to 6 kV are made of a special conductive material that matches the base of the insulating layer - 0.3 mm thick rubberized fabric or cable paper.

To make metallized screens, copper foil with a thickness of 0.06 mm or more is used, or two thin strips of copper are laid on top of each other with a small gap. The cable armor is made from zinc-coated steel strips twisted in a spiral. Provides reliable protection against all kinds of mechanical deformations.


The AVBBShv power cable consists of an aluminum electrical conductor. An analogue of the cable marked VBBShV contains copper conductors. The power element of the cable with a core cross-section of 16 mm2 has a multi-wire design, in the form of two, three or four aluminum cores of round or sector shape twisted together. Three- and four-core cables are made from conductors of the same cross-section or containing one neutral conductor of a smaller cross-section. To insulate the conductors, the conductors are covered with a polyvinyl chloride sheath. The structure of fused conductors is placed in insulation made of heat-resistant PVC plastic. The conductors in multicore cables are painted in different colors to distinguish them from each other. The grounding conductor of the cable is two-colored, yellow-green, and the neutral conductor is blue. The cable is wrapped in a layer of belt insulation consisting of pressed polyvinyl chloride.

The protective layer of armor of the AVBBShV armored cable is created by two galvanized steel tapes. The entire cable structure is externally covered with a PVC plastic hose.

Purpose and scope of application

The cable is widely used in the construction of conductive mains in industrial and civil construction with voltage from 1 to 10 kV with a frequency of 50 Hz for supplying and directing current to stationary installations.

AVBbShv is a universal cable suitable for installation in various conditions:

  • underground;
  • in areas with periodic flooding;
  • in conditions of high humidity of underground tunnels;
  • at altitudes up to 4000 m;
  • inside structures and buildings;
  • in explosion and fire hazardous areas;
  • overhead power line supports.

Laying a power cable indoors under the ceiling using ceiling mounts.
The cable has a wide range of uses due to the presence of double armor and multi-layer PVC insulation of various densities, which make it possible to easily withstand high tensile and other deformation loads, snow and wind influences. For power transmission lines, a cable of significant capacity is usually used, additionally coated with a bitumen-polymer layer.

Tip #1. If we consider AVBBShV from the point of view of application for domestic and economic needs, then the power cable has shown itself to be excellent for underground supply of communications to the house.

Electrical Requirements

The cables must withstand an alternating voltage test with a frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes. The test voltage values ​​are given in the table.

Rated cable voltage, kVTest voltage value
0,66 3
1 3,5
3 9,5
6 15

Electrical insulation resistance of cables, MOhm

Core cross-section, mm2Electrical resistance, MOhm
With PVC insulation for voltage 0.66 and 1 kV
1 and 1.5 12
2,5-4 10
6 9
10-240 7
With PVC insulation for voltage 3 kV
1 — 240 12
With PVC insulation for voltage 6 kV
1 — 240 50
With polyethylene insulation
1 — 240 150

Cable Specifications

Based on the results of various tests, the following maximum permissible values ​​have been established for all modifications of the AVBBShV cable:

  • Maximum operating temperature in the environment in the range -50 ̊С…+50 ̊С;
  • The maximum temperature of the current-carrying conductors is no more than 70 °C; above this is considered an emergency operating mode. Operation in this mode is allowed only for 8 hours during the day, and during the entire operation of the cable no more than 1000 hours;
  • The composition of the cable insulation prevents the spread of flame (non-flammable);
  • A short circuit occurs within 5 seconds at a temperature of 160 °C;
  • Manufacturers make two types of cables with rated voltages of 1000V and 600V;
  • Electricity is transmitted at voltages of 220V and 380V with a frequency of 50Hz;
  • Installation work without heating may be carried out at a temperature of no more than -15 ̊C;

If all operating rules are observed, manufacturers provide a warranty of 5 lei and a cable operating life of up to 30 years.

Table of produced cross-sections of AVBBShV cable with sector (triangular) conductors:

Number of cores and S-Sections, mm²Permissible U, kV Outer Ø of cable, mmWeight kg/1km
Cables with sector conductors
3 :70134,701738
3 :95139,25 2130
3 :120141,902435
3 :150144,85 2866
3 :185152,203491
4 :70139.00 2139
4 :95141,52559
4 :120145,5 3012
4 :150150,003568
3 :95+1 :50140,30 2350
3 :120+1 :70142,602712
3 :150+1 :70148,60 3240

The characteristics of cables with other wire designs, round and stranded with the same cross-sections, may differ; this must be taken into account when choosing a cable and calculating the necessary parameters.

Weight AVBBShv with round stranded conductors
Number of cores and cross-section mm2kg/1 km cable, 660 V Kg1 km cable, 1000 V
2 :10425439
2 :16510 525
2 :25661675
2 :35985 1011
2 :5012551285
2 :70 1572
2 :952024
2 :120 2367
2 :1503025
3 :10485 505
3 :16595616
3 :25785 807
3 :3511061135
3 :501426 1460
3 :701575
3 :95 1970
3 :1202278
3 :150 2641
3 :1853135
3 :240 3892
3 :16+1 :10680700
3 :25+1 :16905 930
3 :35+1 :1612051234
3 :50+1 :251556 1594
3 :70+1 :351780
3 :95+1 :50 2210
3 :120+1 :702592
3 :150+1 :70 2997
3 :185+1 :953551
3 :240+1 :120 4390
4 :10561584
4 :16700 720
4 :25960985
4 :351290 1325
4 :5016711711
4 :70 1937
4 :95 2400
4 :1202805
4 :150 3310
4 :1853890
4 :240 4916

Cable installation: features

Installation of the product must be carried out in the temperature range allowed for it and in compliance with the bending radius in difficult areas (mines, tunnels, trenches). Severe deformation is contraindicated for the cable.

Depending on the functional purpose of the object, three-phase or single-phase network, the appropriate cable is selected according to the number of wires and their cross-sectional area. This depends on the power consumption of electrical installations; the greater the power and current loads, the larger the cross-section of the conductors. In order not to go into calculation formulas, use pre-calculated tables that indicate the values ​​of power, currents, voltages, and what cross-section is required for certain parameters.

When laying underground power lines, the cable should be laid in accordance with SNiP and PUE standards - it must be reliably protected from mechanical deformation. If the soil is too aggressive and there is a risk of flooding with groundwater, AVBbShv is additionally placed in a PVC pipe. It is allowed to bury the cable in the ground no more than 0.7 m. If it is necessary to place it at a depth exceeding 0.5 m, AVBbShv is additionally placed in a pipe. The maximum length of the underground line should not exceed 5 m.

Power cable AVBBShv for underground installation in plastic pipes

For underground installation, the following requirements must be met:

  • the soil layer separating two cables running crosswise must be at least 0.5 m;
  • the power cable is laid at a distance of 1 m from water pipes and 2 m from gas pipes;
  • bushes should be located at a distance of at least 1 m from the cable, trees - 1-2 m;
  • it is allowed to place two power cables in a single trench with a distance between them of at least 10 cm;
  • laying the power cable under the foundation is not allowed;
  • laying the cable parallel to buildings should be carried out at a distance from them of no less than 0.7 m.

It is not permitted to lay AVBbShv in the ground under children's playgrounds, parking lots, and temporary structures. In exceptional cases, the depth of the cable increases to 1.3 m. To protect the AVBBShV cable and energy consumers, as well as electrical equipment connected to the cable line from short circuits and external influences, grounding is necessary. Another, no less important goal is to protect people from electric shock.

Grounding can be done in one of two ways:

  • one-sided;
  • two-way.

In the second case, the cable screen made of peroxide cross-linked film is connected to the ground loop. The disadvantage of this method is that it reduces the service life of the cable. The one-way method involves connecting only one edge of the screen to the ground electrode. When performing work, special electrical equipment and additional safety measures will be required.

Table for selecting cross-section by power and current for armored cables with PVC insulation:

Table 1.3.7. PUE Permissible continuous load currents in armored cables with solid aluminum cores with polyvinyl chloride insulation
S-Section, mm2 Currents in cable wires (Amps)
1 core2 cores 3 cores
laying method
by airby airundergroundBy air Underground
430304125 37
1061568141 71
251049113474 114
50164134204111 174
95251201294171 254
150341271391234 334

To select the wire cross-section, you must first calculate the maximum power consumption and currents, taking into account the required cable length, use the calculator indicated above or another.

AVBBShv cable design

The main element of any conductor is the current-carrying core, which is made from a certain metal. The AVBBShv wire is no exception. Above we gave a decoding of this abbreviation, and now you know that the cable core is made of aluminum. This allows you to reduce the weight and cost of the product; however, copper wires are considered to be of higher quality and more reliable in all respects.

Another point is that the design of one core (and there are several of them in the cable) can be single-wire or multi-wire, and when considering the cross-section, sector and round shapes are found.

Cables with one, two or three cores use current-carrying conductors of the same cross-section. In a wire with four cores, one of them is made of a smaller cross-section and used as a neutral wire.

To ensure reliable protection of each core and prevent short circuits, a high-quality polyvinyl chloride sheath is used with a resistance of 7-10 MΩ per kilometer. A more specific value depends on the cable cross-section.

Manufacturers strive to follow the general rules for coloring the insulating sheath of cores depending on their purpose. The ground conductor is usually made yellow-green, the neutral conductor is blue, the phase conductor is red, brown or black. Much less often, there are numerical codings on the shell of individual cores.

AVBbShv is compact, which is associated with the most dense arrangement of current-carrying conductors. Any free space must be filled with polyvinyl chloride plastic. However, for small gauge wire, padding is not required.

Polyethylene terephthalate tape is used for additional protection of the cores and interweaves them together. A steel strip is added on top of it, acting as armor and protecting the products from external mechanical loads. On the other hand, it does not help with stretching. A bitumen layer can be used as armor instead of steel.

Finally, the outer sheath is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic, which prevents the cable from catching fire when laid alone.

Features of laying, cutting and connecting cables

The trench for the cable must be at least 0.7 m deep and at least 0.5 m wide.
The structure of the cable with an armored sheath presupposes its laying in conditions where powerful mechanical impacts on it are possible, which it successfully withstands. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay an expensive cable with armor where it can be done with another less expensive one. AVBbShv is often laid underground, from power transmission towers or transformer substations to the switchgear of objects to which power is supplied.

Taking into account the weight and rigidity of the cable, laying is carried out from a drum, which is installed above the trench on special trestles. The cable is sequentially unwound and placed on the bottom of the trench, sprinkled and compacted with a 7-10 cm layer of sand.

Afterwards, everything is covered with sand to a depth of 5-7 cm, laid with a layer of brick, and warning tape is placed on top. The brick and tape provide a protective layer in case of excavation work to prevent damage to the cable.

At the ends of the cable at the connection points, the cable is cut, the layer of insulation and armored tape is removed. To prevent moisture from entering by sucking condensate under the insulating layer or by direct flow of water, in networks up to 10 kV, the ends are sealed in different ways:

  • Steel funnel;
  • Rubber glove;
  • PVC funnel with epoxy resins;
  • Polyvinyl chloride tapes and heat-shrinkable tubes;

Removal of the insulating and armored layer is carried out at a certain distance from the ends, depending on the device used to seal the ends of the cable.

  • G – bare ends of cores;
  • F – insulating layer of the current-carrying core;
  • P – layer of belt insulation;
  • O – intermediate insulation shell;
  • 4 – armored cable tapes;
  • A – cutting distance from the ends of the cable to the armored tape

Dimensions for cutting with epoxy funnels KVEp and KVEZ

Types of epoxy resin funnelsCutting dimensions, cm
KVEp-1, KVEp-2173,524,0
KVEp-3, KVEp-4215,024,5
KVEp-5, KVEp-6245,025,0
KVEZ-2, KVEZ-3W+5.53,522,5 9,5
KVEZ-4, KVEZ-5W+5.53,522,5 12

The sizes of the funnels are selected according to the size of the cable; for rubber gloves and PVC tapes, the cutting of insulation has different dimensions

An example of installing a cable with a rubber glove at the end in a switchgear or control panel

Dimensions for cutting cables for KVV PVC tape:

Sealing typeCable cross-section in mm2, voltage, kVCutting length in cm
KVV-1Up to 24W+6.53,01,5
KVV-236…5010…24W+7.05,0 2,0
KVV-4120… 15170…9435… 71F+10.58,0 2,5
KVV-6241184151F+12.510,0 2,5
KVV-8241F+12.510,0 2,5

Aluminum lugs along the cross-section of the conductor are attached to the ends of the current-carrying conductors using a crimping method, then they are screwed to the busbars on switchgears. A wire with a tip must be soldered to the armored tape, which is attached to the ground loop on both sides of the cable.


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AVBbShv cable is an armored power cable with aluminum conductors, in PVC insulation and in a PVC hose. The AVBbShv cable is used for the transmission and distribution of electricity in stationary installations at a rated alternating voltage of 660 V and 1000 V at a frequency of 50 Hz; single-core cables are used in direct voltage networks.

AVBBShv cable design:

  • The conductor is aluminum, single-wire or multi-wire, round or sector-shaped.
  • Insulation is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic.
  1. Marked with numbers, starting from zero (zero core).
  2. Marked by color: neutral conductor - blue (light blue), grounding - green-yellow.
  • A tape of polyethylene terephthalate film or polyvinyl chloride plastic compound is applied over the twisted insulated cores with overlap. It is permissible to manufacture without tape while maintaining the mobility of the insulated cores and the possibility of separating the sheath from the insulation without damage.
  • The cable sheath is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic.
  • Protective cover type “BbShv” in accordance with GOST 7006, consisting of armor made of two galvanized steel strips and an external protective hose made of PVC plastic.

Explanation of the AVBBShv cable:

A - Aluminum conductor B - Insulation of conductors made of polyvinyl chloride plastic B - Armor made of two steel tapes b - Without a cushion, which is the inner part of the protective cover, applied under the armor in order to protect the element underneath from corrosion and mechanical damage by armor tapes or wires Shv - Protective cover in the form of an extruded hose made of polyvinyl chloride plastic.


Conditions for laying and operating the AVBbShv cable:

  1. 1. AVBbShv cables are operated at ambient temperatures from minus 50 °C to plus 50 °C.
  2. At relative humidity up to 98% and temperature up to 35 °C
  3. 2. AVBbShv cables are laid in the ground (trenches) without preheating at a temperature not lower than minus 15 °C. The minimum bending radius is not less than 7.5 Dn for multi-core cables and not less than 10 Dn for single-core cables (Dn is the outer diameter of the cable, mm.)
  4. 3. The long-term permissible heating temperature of the cores during operation is not higher than 70 °C.
  5. 4. The maximum permissible core temperature during a short circuit is not higher than 160 °C. The duration of the short circuit is no longer than 4 seconds.
  6. 5. Permissible heating of cable cores in emergency mode is not higher than 80°C. The duration of cable operation in emergency mode is no longer than 8 hours per day and 1000 hours over the entire service life of the cable.
  7. 6. AVBbShv cables are allowed to be used in DC networks at voltage values ​​2.4 times higher than the voltage between the core and the screen or metal sheath.
  8. 7. Electrical insulation resistance per 1 km of length, measured at the long-term permissible heating temperature of the cable cores during operation, must be at least 0.005 MOhm.

Group characteristics

Power cables with plastic insulation for low voltage

This group includes cables with aluminum or copper conductors with plastic insulation in a plastic sheath, with or without protective covers, intended for the transmission and distribution of electricity in stationary installations at a rated alternating voltage of 0.66 - 6 kV with a frequency of 50 Hz at ambient temperature from -50°С to +50°С.

Brands, design elements and applications

Cable brand Core material A - aluminum M - copper Insulation P - polyethylene B -PVC plastic Shell P - polyethylene B -PVC plastic compound Vng - PVC plastic compound of reduced flammability Protective cover (section 4.1)
APVG A P IN absent
AVVG A IN IN absent
VVG M IN IN absent
AVVGng A IN Vng absent
VVGng M IN Vng absent
AVVGz A B (with filling) IN absent
VVGz M B (with filling) V absent
AVBbShv A IN absent BbShv
VBBShv M IN absent BbShv
AVBbShng A IN absent BbShng
VBBShng M V absent BbShng

The basic brands in this group of cables are APVG, AVVG, VVG, AVVGz, VVGz, AVBbShv, VBBShv. Cables are produced in accordance with GOST 16442-80.

APVG, AVVG, VVG cables are intended for installation in dry and wet industrial premises, on special cable racks, and in blocks. At the same time, cables of the AVVGz and VVGz brands are used for power supply to electrical installations that require cable sealing during entry, and they are recommended for laying in the ground with low corrosive activity and the absence of the possibility of mechanical damage and tensile forces.

Cables of the AVBbShv and VBBShV brands are intended for all of the above applications (except for laying in blocks), but if there is a risk of mechanical damage during operation.

To the designation of cable brands AVVG, VVG, AVBbShv VBBShV in tropical design, add the letter “T” through a hyphen, for cables with single-wire conductors - the letter “ozh” in brackets, for cables in flat design - through a hyphen, the letter “P”

Cables of the AVVGng, VVGng, AVBbShng and VBBShng brands differ from the basic brands in that the sheath or hose is made of low-flammability PVC plastic and are used to ensure the fire safety of cable chains when laid in bundles.

Cables of brands AVVB, VVB, AVVBG, VVBG differ from cables of brands AVVG and VVG in the presence of protective covers of type B and BG and are intended mainly for the same areas of application as cables of brands AVBbShv and VBbShv.

Design parameters

The number of cores in the cables, the range of nominal cross-sections of the cores and rated voltages are indicated in the table.

Cable brand Number of cores Nominal core cross-section, mm2
Rated cable voltage, kV
0,66 1 3 6
VVG 1,2,3 and 4 1,5-50 1,5-240
VVGz 2,3 and 4 1,5-50 1,5-50
AVVG, APVG 1,2,3 and 4 2,5-50 2,5-240
AVVGz 2,3 and 4 2,5-50 2,5-50
AVBbShv, VBBbShv 2,3 and 4 4-50 6-240 6-240
AVVG, VVG, AVBbShv, VBBShv 3 35-240
AVVG, APVG 5&6 2,5-50 2,5-35
VVG 5&6 1,5-25 1,5-25

For four-core cables, the largest nominal cross-section of the cores is 185 mm2.

Cables for voltages of 3 and 6 kV are made only with three cores. Two-core cables must have cores of the same cross-section. Three-, four- and five-core cables must have all conductors of the same cross-section or one conductor of a smaller cross-section (grounding or neutral conductor). Six-core cables must have four cores of equal cross-section and two wires of smaller cross-section.

The nominal cross-sections of neutral conductors (smaller cross-section) and grounding conductors must correspond to those indicated in the table.

Nominal sections of cores, mm2

Basic 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240
Zero 1,5 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 16 25 35 50 70 70 95 120
Grounding 1,0 1,5 2,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 16 25 35 35 50 50 70

Current-carrying conductors can be single-wire or multi-wire in accordance with the table and must comply with classes 1 and 2.

Core name Nominal core cross-section, mm2
round shaped
copper aluminum copper aluminum
Solid wires 1,0-50 2,5-240 25-50 25-240
Stranded cores 16-240 25-240 25-240 25-240

The current-carrying conductors of single-core cables of all cross-sections and multi-core cables with a cross-section of up to 16 mm2 must be round in shape. Conducting conductors of belt-insulated cables with a cross-section of 25 mm2 or more must be sector or segment shaped.

The radius of curvature of single-wire sector cores must be at least 0.5 mm.

It is allowed to manufacture cables with round conductors with a cross-section of up to 50 mm2.

The conductors are insulated, depending on the brand, with PVC plastic or polyethylene. The current standard provides for insulation made of cross-linked polyethylene (designation Pv).

The insulated cores of multi-core cables must have a distinctive color. The insulation of the neutral conductors should be blue (light blue).

The insulation of the grounding conductors must be two-color (green-yellow), with one color covering at least 30 and no more than 70% of the insulation surface, and the other the rest.

The color marking must be continuous or in the form of a longitudinal stripe with a width of at least 1 mm.

It is allowed to mark cores insulated with polyvinyl chloride plastic with numbers, starting from zero. Marking with numbers is done by embossing or printing. The height of the numbers is at least 4.0 mm. The distance between numbers should not be more than 35 mm.

The insulation of single-core cables can be of any color.

Cable insulation thickness, mm

Rated voltage, kV Nominal core cross-section, mm2 Insulation made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride plastic XLPE insulation
0,66 1-2,5 0,6 0,7
4 and 6 0,7 0,7
10 and 16 0,9 0,7
25n35 1,1 0,9
50 1,3 1,0
1 1-2,5 0,8 0,7
4-16 1,0 0,7
25 and 35 1,2 0,9
50 1,4 1,0
70 1,4 1,1
95 1,5 1,1
120 1,5 1,2
150 1,6 1,4
185 1,7 1,6
240 1,9 1,7
3 6-240 2,2 2,0
6 10-240 3.0 - for polyethylene 3,0
3.4 - for polyvinyl chloride plastic compound

Twisted insulated conductors must have gaps between them filled.

In cables of the AVVGz and VVGz brands, the PVC filling is applied simultaneously with the sheath and must be separated from the insulation and sheath without damage.

Cables with sector conductors, cables of the AVVG, APVG, VVG brands for voltages up to 1 kV inclusive, as well as cables of the AVBbShv and VBbShv brands with conductors with a cross-section of up to 25 mm2 inclusive can be without filling.

In cables of the AVVG, VVG, APVG brands for voltages up to 1 kV inclusive, a tape made of polyethylene terephthalate film or polyvinyl chloride plastic compound or other equivalent material and a sheath made of pressed-out polyvinyl chloride plastic compound must be overlapped over the twisted insulated conductors.

It is allowed to manufacture cables without tapes over twisted insulated cores, provided that the mobility of the insulated cores is maintained and the sheath can be separated from the insulation without damaging it.

In cables of all brands, except those indicated and brands AVVGz, VVGz, belt insulation must be applied over the twisted insulated cores.

The belt insulation must be pressed out of the insulation material or from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound or applied by winding or longitudinally with strips of polyethylene terephthalate film, polyvinyl chloride plastic compound or other equivalent material.

For cables with voltages up to 3 kV inclusive, belt insulation consisting of two strips of polyethylene terephthalate film and two strips of crepe paper is allowed.

The nominal thicknesses of PVC shells must correspond to category Obp-2

Reference values ​​of outer diameters and weights of cables of individual standard sizes are indicated in the tables

Taking into account significant tolerances, actual values ​​may differ by 5-10% down or up.

On the plastic sheath or protective hose, no more than every 300 mm, the distinctive index of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture of the cable must be applied.

Electrical Requirements

The cables must withstand an alternating voltage test with a frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes. The test voltage values ​​are given in the table.

Rated cable voltage, kV Test voltage value
0,66 3
1 3,5
3 9,5
6 15

Electrical insulation resistance of cables, MOhm

Core cross-section, mm2 Electrical resistance, MOhm
With PVC insulation for voltage 0.66 and 1 kV
1 and 1.5 12
2,5-4 10
6 9
10-240 7
With PVC insulation for voltage 3 kV
1 — 240 12
With PVC insulation for voltage 6 kV
1 — 240 50
With polyethylene insulation
1 — 240 150

Outer diameters of cables for voltage 0.66 kV, mm

Nominal core cross-section, mm2, nx S AVVG, VVG AVBbShv, VBBbShv
1x1.5 5,0
1x2.5 5,5
1x4 6,1
1x6 6,6
1x10 7,8
1x16 9,3
1x25 11
1x35 12
1x50 14
2x1.5 7,6
2x2.5 9,1
2x4 10,5 15
2x6 11,5 16
2x10 14 19
2x16 16 20
2x25 19 24
2x35 21 26
2x50 25 29
3x1.5 8,0
3x2.5 9,5
3x4 11
3x6 12 16
3x10 14,5 17
3x16 17 19
3x25 20,5 21
3x35 23 25
3x50 27 31

Weights of cables for voltage 0.66 kV, kg/km

Nominal cross-section of cores, mm2 AVVG VVG AVBbShv VBBShv
1x1.5 37
1x2.5 35 51
1x4 45 70
1x6 55 91
1x10 80 140
1x16 115 215
1x25 160 320
1x35 200 420
1x50 260 570
2x1.5 67
2x2.5 75 105
2x4 97 140 320 370
2x6 120 190 360 440
2x10 170 290 460 590
2x16 220 410 550 750
2x25 330 630 700 1050
2x35 400 820 810 1300
2x50 560 1200 1050 1700
3x1.5 90
3x2.5 90 140
3x4 120 200 360 440
3x6 150 260 400 520
3x10 220 410 520 710
3x16 290 600 630 940
3x25 440 810 830 1300
3x35 550 1300 1000 1700
3x50 760 1700 1300 2200

Outer diameters of cables for voltage 1 kV, mm

Nominal cross-section of cores, mm2 AVVG, VVG AVBbShv, VBBbShv
1x1.5 5,4
1x2.5 5,8
1x4 6,7
1x6 7,2
1x10 8
1x16 9,5
1x25 11
1x35 12
1x50 14
1x70 17
1x95 19
1x120 21
1x150 23
1x185 25
1x240 28
2x1.5 8,4
2x2.5 10
2x4 11,5
2x6 12,5 17
2x10 14 19
2x16 16 21
2x25 20 24
2x35 22 26
2x50 25 30
3x1.5 9,4
3x2.5 10,5
3x4 12
3x6 13 18
3x10 15 20
3x16 17 22
3x25 21 25
3x35 23 28
3x50 27 31
3x70 29 33
3x95 32 37
3x120 36 40
3x150 39 44
3x185 43 47
3x240 49 53

Weights of cables for voltage 1 kV, kg/km

Nominal cross-section of cores, mm2 AVVG VVG AVBbShv VBBShv
1x1.5 42
1x2.5 39 55
1x4 55 80
1x6 60 100
1x10 80 145
1x16 120 220
1x25 165 320
1x35 200 420
1x50 270 580
1x70 340
1x95 430
1x120 530
1x150 630
1x185 760
1x240 970
2x1.5 80
2x2.5 85 120
2x4 115 170
2x6 135 210 400 480
2x10 175 300 470 590
2x16 230 430 560 770
2x25 340 660 720 1050
2x35 420 860 850 1300
2x50 580 1200 1050 1700
3x1.5 115
3x2.5 105 155
3x4 145 220
3x6 170 290 460 570
3x10 230 420 540 730
3x16 300 610 650 960
3x25 450 930 850 1300
3x35 560 1000 1700
3x50 780 1200 1300 2200
3x70 1050 1700 1600 2900
3x95 1350 2400 2000 3800
3x120 1650 3100 2300 4600
3x150 2000 3900 2700 5600
3x185 2400 4800 3200 6700
3x240 3100 5900 3900 8500

terms of Use

Permissible operating temperatures, °C

Type of cable insulation Long-term permissible core heating temperature Maximum permissible temperature at short circuit currents
Polyvinyl chloride plastic compound 70 160
Polyethylene 70 130
Cross-linked polyethylene 90 250

The shelf life of cables in open areas is no more than 2 years, under a canopy - no more than 5 years, in enclosed spaces - no more than 10 years.

← Back

Advantages and disadvantages of AVBbShv

The main advantages of the cable include:

  • Strength, resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Versatility in laying methods;
  • Wide range of cross-sections;
  • Long-term service life.

The disadvantage can be considered the large weight, in the presence of an armored layer, which creates some inconvenience when laying, especially by air, and the high price compared to other brands without armor.

Approximate prices for 1m of cable in Russia:

AVBbShv 5x2.5 from 38.37 rub.
5x4from 50.59 rub.
5x6 from 56.51 rub.
5x10from 79.88 rub.
5x16 from 106.10 rub.
5x25from 151.27 rub.
5x35 from 195.47 rub.
5x50from 248.65 rub.
5x70 from 372.53 rub.
5x95from 483.13 rub.
5x120 from 573.88 rub.
5x150from 700.09 rub.
5x185 from 830.01 rub.
5x240 from 1058.46 rub.

Weight of cables and wires - table

Wire weight A


Cable weight AVBBShv

AVBbShv 1Х1200.92200
AVBbShv 1Х1501.13500
AVBbShv 1Х1851.33000
AVBbShv 1Х2401.61300
AVBbShv 1Х250.34700
AVBbShv 1Х350.46400
AVBbShv 1Х500.55600
AVBbShv 1Х5002.86200
AVBbShv 1Х700.66000
AVBbShv 1Х950.80400
AVBbShv 2Х100.38000
AVBbShv 2Х1201.66700
AVBbShv 2Х1502.07500
AVBbShv 2Х160.48900
AVBbShv 2Х1852.55300
AVBbShv 2Х2403.10500
AVBbShv 2Х250.65500
AVBbShv 2Х350.77900
AVBbShv 2Х40.25600
AVBbShv 2Х500.99100
AVBbShv 2Х60.29200
AVBbShv 2Х701.18800
AVBbShv 2Х951.50200
AVBbShv 3Х100.46300
AVBbShv 3Х10+1Х60.50700
AVBbShv 3Х1202.11100
AVBbShv 3Х120+1Х502.27000
AVBbShv 3Х120+1Х702.50000
AVBbShv 3Х1502.69500
AVBbShv 3Х150+1Х502.91800
AVBbShv 3Х150+1Х703.04300
AVBbShv 3Х150+1Х953.17900
AVBbShv 3Х160.59200
AVBbShv 3Х16+1Х100.67300
AVBbShv 3Х1853.27200
AVBbShv 3Х185+1Х503.50200
AVBbShv 3Х185+1Х703.56300
AVBbShv 3Х185+1Х953.74900
AVBbShv 3Х2404.11600
AVBbShv 3Х240+1Х1204.61200
AVBbShv 3Х240+1Х704.41600
AVBbShv 3Х240+1Х954.50100
AVBbShv 3Х250.78100
AVBbShv 3Х25+1Х160.90400
AVBbShv 3Х350.94000
AVBbShv 3Х35+1Х161.03600
AVBbShv 3Х35+1Х251.10800
AVBbShv 3Х40.28600
AVBbShv 3Х4+1Х2.50.31900
AVBbShv 3Х501.21500
AVBbShv 3Х50+1Х251.36900
AVBbShv 3Х50+1Х351.42900
AVBbShv 3Х60.33000
AVBbShv 3Х6+1Х40.37200
AVBbShv 3Х701.50900
AVBBShv 3Х70+1Х251.63100
AVBbShv 3Х70+1Х351.66200
AVBbShv 3Х70+1Х501.79300
AVBbShv 3Х951.88600
AVBbShv 3Х95+1Х352.04300
AVBbShv 3Х95+1Х502.12800
AVBbShv 3Х95+1Х702.26600
AVBbShv 4Х100.53700
AVBbShv 4Х1202.64000
AVBbShv 4Х1503.35300
AVBbShv 4Х160.65300
AVBbShv 4Х1854.11200
AVBbShv 4Х2.50.27600
AVBbShv 4Х2405.12300
AVBbShv 4Х250.94000
AVBbShv 4Х351.13900
AVBbShv 4Х40.32400
AVBbShv 4Х501.48300
AVBbShv 4Х60.37800
AVBbShv 4Х701.85400
AVBbShv 4Х952.35000
AVBbShv 5Х100.60800
AVBbShv 5Х1203.16700
AVBbShv 5Х1504.05800
AVBbShv 5Х160.78800
AVBbShv 5Х1854.95000
AVBbShv 5Х2.50.30800
AVBbShv 5Х2406.32800
AVBbShv 5Х251.08200
AVBbShv 5Х351.30400
AVBbShv 5Х40.36500
AVBbShv 5Х501.72700
AVBbShv 5Х60.44800
AVBbShv 5Х702.19100
AVBbShv 5Х952.81200

AVVG cable weight

AVVG 1Х100.07200
AVVG 1Х1200.49100
AVVG 1Х1500.62900
AVVG 1Х160.10600
AVVG 1Х1850.79600
AVVG 1X2.50.03300
AVVG 1Х2401.00800
AVVG 1Х250.15000
AVVG 1Х3001.32000
AVVG 1Х350.18600
AVVG 1X40.03900
AVVG 1Х4001.60000
AVVG 1Х500.25000
AVVG 1X60.04900
AVVG 1Х700.32100
AVVG 1Х950.41500
AVVG 2x100.12900
AVVG 2Х1201.05300
AVVG 2Х1501.34800
AVVG 2x160.22000
AVVG 2Х1851.68600
AVVG 2x2.50.05300
AVVG 2Х2402.14100
AVVG 2Х250.31300
AVVG 2Х350.38900
AVVG 2x40.07100
AVVG 2Х500.54100
AVVG 2x60.08700
AVVG 2Х700.69700
AVVG 2Х950.89600
AVVG 3x100.21500
AVVG 3Х10+1Х60.23000
AVVG 3Х1201.45700
AVVG 3Х120+1Х701.73500
AVVG 3Х1501.87500
AVVG 3Х150+1Х952.27100
AVVG 3x160.28900
AVVG 3Х16+1Х100.32400
AVVG 3Х1852.35900
AVVG 3Х185+1Х952.70400
AVVG 3x2.50.08800
AVVG 3Х2403.00100
AVVG 3Х240+1Х1203.43000
AVVG 3Х250.41900
AVVG 3Х25+1Х160.49200
AVVG 3Х350.52700
AVVG 3Х35+1Х160.70000
AVVG 3x40.11600
AVVG 3Х4+1Х2.50.12600
AVVG 3Х500.73700
AVVG 3Х50+1Х250.84800
AVVG 3x60.14100
AVVG 3Х6+1Х40.15900
AVVG 3Х700.95500
AVVG 3Х70+1Х351.09800
AVVG 3Х951.27100
AVVG 3Х95+1Х351.40900
AVVG 3Х95+1Х501.47400
AVVG 4x100.26700
AVVG 4x1202.11600
AVVG 4x1502.52600
AVVG 4x160.37900
AVVG 4x1853.08500
AVVG 4x2.50.10900
AVVG 4x2403.96500
AVVG 4x253.55300
AVVG 4x350.71600
AVVG 4x40.14800
AVVG 4x500.97100
AVVG 4x60.18100
AVVG 4x701.33100
AVVG 4x951.76300
AVVG 5x100.62000
AVVG 5Х1202.33800
AVVG 5Х1503.01700
AVVG 5x160.79000
AVVG 5Х1853.76200
AVVG 5x2.50.31000
AVVG 5Х2404.81000
AVVG 5x251.20000
AVVG 5x351.51000
AVVG 5x40.42000
AVVG 5x501.67000
AVVG 5x60.49000
AVVG 5Х701.53800
AVVG 5Х952.03400

AKVVG cable weight

AKVVG 10x2.50.20800
AKVVG 10x40.27400
AKVVG 10x60.37100
AKVVG 14x2.50.26700
AKVVG 19x2.50.34100
AKVVG 27x2.50.47300
AKVVG 37x2.50.61700
AKVVG 4x100.25100
AKVVG 4x2.50.10300
AKVVG 4x40.13200
AKVVG 4x60.16600
AKVVG 5x2.50.12100
AKVVG 5x40.16000
AKVVG 7x100.41200
AKVVG 7x2.50.15200
AKVVG 7x40.19900
AKVVG 7x60.25600

Automatic reclosure wire weight

Automatic reclosure 1X100.04300
APV 1Х1200.41200
Automatic reclosure 1Х1500.51100
APV 1Х160.06600
APV 1X1850.61900
Automatic reclosure 1X2.50.01400
Automatic reclosure 1Х2400.80800
APV 1Х250.09700
APV 1Х3001.05000
APV 1Х350.12800
Automatic reclosure 1X40.01900
APV 1Х500.18000
Automatic reclosure 1X60.02600
APV 1Х700.25200
APV 1Х950.33100

APPV wire weight

APPV 2Х2.50.02800
APPV 2X40.03900
APPV 2X60.05200
APPV 3X2.50.04200
APPV 3X40.05800
APPV 3X60.07800

AC wire weight


Cable weight VBBSh(v)ng

VBBSH(v)ng 2x250.90400
VBBSH(v)ng 2x60.39300
VBBSH(v)ng 3x1.50.25100
VBBSH(v)ng 3x100.61600
VBBSH(v)ng 3x160.81800
VBBSH(v)ng 3x2.50.29600
VBBSH(v)ng 3x251.14900
VBBSH(v)ng 3x40.39000
VBBSH(v)ng 3x60.47200
VBBSH(v)ng 4x100.73900
VBBSH(v)ng 4x1205.35300
VBBSH(v)ng 4x1506.52600
VBBSH(v)ng 4x161.01000
VBBSH(v)ng 4x1857.92800
VBBSH(v)ng 4x2.50.34300
VBBSH(v)ng 4x24010.09200
VBBSH(v)ng 4x251.46300
VBBSH(v)ng 4x351.85200
VBBSH(v)ng 4x40.46100
VBBSH(v)ng 4x502.54700
VBBSH(v)ng 4x60.56400
VBBSH(v)ng 4x703.34000
VBBSH(v)ng 4x954.40000
VBBSH(v)ng 5x 2.50.40400
VBBSH(v)ng 5x100.89800
VBBSH(v)ng 5x1207.01300
VBBSH(v)ng 5x1508.36900
VBBSH(v)ng 5x161.23300
VBBSH(v)ng 5x251.80000
VBBSH(v)ng 5x352.31900
VBBSH(v)ng 5x40.54800
VBBSH(v)ng 5x503.38400
VBBSH(v)ng 5x60.66900
VBBSH(v)ng 5x704.39900
VBBSH(v)ng 5x955.74100
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x 40.50433
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x1.50.32256
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x100.76244
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x161.06735
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x2.50.38076
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 3x60.60113
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x1.50.36667
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x100.91380
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x1205.87739
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x161.28896
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x2.50.43828
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x24010.87495
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x251.86395
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x352.33582
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x40.58894
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x502.82644
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x60.70978
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x703.79585
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 4x954.88399
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x1.50.41252
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x101.08493
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x1207.81216
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x161.47601
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x2.50.49627
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x252.37379
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x352.71927
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x40.67567
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x503.73796
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x60.81858
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x704.89813
VBBSH(v)ng-LS 5x956.36168

VBBShV cable weight

VBBShv 2x100.62561
VBBSHV 2x1203.20600
VBBSHV 2x1503.85000
VBBShv 2x160.84625
VBBSHV 2x1854.71200
VBBShv 2x2.50.25817
VBBSHV 2x2405.88800
VBBShv 2x250.91287
VBBShv 2x351.15689
VBBShv 2x40.33346
VBBSHV 2x501.63300
VBBShv 2x60.51978
VBBSHV 2x702.07300
VBBSHV 2x952.71400
VBBShv 3x1.50.25156
VBBShv 3x100.76055
VBBSHV 3x10+1x60.70500
VBBSHV 3x1204.38000
VBBSHV 3x120+1x505.87400
VBBSHV 3x120+1x706.11300
VBBSHV 3x1505.34900
VBBSHV 3x150+1x505.87400
VBBSHV 3x150+1x706.11300
VBBSHV 3x150+1x956.40700
VBBShv 3x161.05603
VBBSHV 3x16+1x101.01400
VBBSHV 3x1856.51900
VBBSHV 3x185+1x507.05000
VBBSHV 3x185+1x707.22300
VBBSHV 3x185+1x957.56400
VBBShv 3x2.50.29788
VBBSHV 3x2408.30200
VBBSHV 3x240+1x1209.51900
VBBSHV 3x240+1x709.01500
VBBSHV 3x240+1x959.25600
VBBSHV 3x251.22200
VBBSHV 3x25+1x161.44100
VBBSHV 3x351.56100
VBBSHV 3x35+1x161.75300
VBBShv 3x40.39374
VBBSHV 3x4+1x2.50.40100
VBBSHV 3x502.16100
VBBSHV 3x50+1x252.46700
VBBSHV 3x50+1x352.58700
VBBShv 3x60.60593
VBBSHV 3x6+1x40.49600
VBBSHV 3x702.81600
VBBSHV 3x70+1x253.08400
VBBSHV 3x70+1x353.14800
VBBSHV 3x70+1x503.41000
VBBSHV 3x953.67500
VBBSHV 3x95+1x354.03800
VBBSHV 3x95+1x504.22400
VBBSHV 3x95+1x704.48100
VBBShv 4x1.50.19703
VBBShv 4x100.91204
VBBShv 4x1205.39875
VBBShv 4x1506.61792
VBBShv 4x161.16987
VBBShv 4x1857.97710
VBBShv 4x2.50.34688
VBBShv 4x24010.19731
VBBShv 4x251.64133
VBBShv 4x352.11729
VBBShv 4x40.46610
VBBShv 4x502.58566
VBBShv 4x60.71510
VBBShv 4x703.38260
VBBShv 4x954.44308
VBBShv 5x1.50.36470
VBBShv 5x100.94280
VBBShv 5x1206.92515
VBBShv 5x1508.46949
VBBShv 5x161.31486
VBBSHV 5x18510.37000
VBBShv 5x2.50.44006
VBBSHV 5x24013.31400
VBBShv 5x252.02080
VBBShv 5x352.47057
VBBShv 5x40.58449
VBBShv 5x503.33294
VBBShv 5x60.71493
VBBShv 5x704.35263
VBBShv 5x955.69177

Runway wire weight

Runway 1x1.50.03100
Runway 1x100.12500
Runway 1x160.19500
Runway 1x2.50.04300
Runway 1x250.28800
Runway 1x350.38500
Runway 1x40.06200
Runway 1x500.53900
Runway 1x60.08200

Cable weight KVBBShv

KVBBShv 10x10.42100
KVBBShv 10x1.50.49200
KVBBShv 10x2.50.62800
KVBBShv 10x40.81300
KVBBShv 10x61.03900
KVBBShv 14x10.49500
KVBBShv 14x1.50.58700
KVBBShv 14x2.50.76600
KVBBShv 19x10.59100
KVBbShv 19x1.50.71000
KVBBShv 19x2.50.96200
KVBBShv 27x10.75600
KVBBShv 27x1.50.92000
KVBBShv 27x2.51.26400
KVBBShv 37x10.93000
KVBBShv 37x1.51.14700
KVBBShv 37x2.51.59900
KVBBShv 4x10.25700
KVBbShv 4x1.50.29000
KVBbShv 4x2.50.35300
KVBBShv 4x40.43600
KVBBShv 4x60.53500
KVBBShv 5x10.28600
KVBbShv 5x1.50.32500
KVBBShv 5x2.50.40000
KVBBShv 5x40.60800
KVBBShv 7x10.32800
KVBbShv 7x1.50.37900
KVBbShv 7x2.50.47600
KVBBShv 7x40.67300
KVBBShv 7x60.76800

VVGng cable weight

VVGng 1x1.50.04535
VVGng 1x100.14618
VVGng 1x1201.24898
VVGng 1x1501.28341
VVGng 1x160.21833
VVGng 1x1851.86587
VVGng 1x2.50.05807
VVGng 1x2402.42145
VVGng 1x250.32083
VVGng 1x3003.01960
VVGng 1x350.41736
VVGng 1x40.08109
VVGng 1x500.57123
VVGng 1x60.10281
VVGng 1x700.76061
VVGng 1x950.99990
VVGng 3x1.50.12200
VVGng 3x100.38657
VVGng 3x1203.72183
VVGng 3x1504.58950
VVGng 3x160.59049
VVGng 3x1855.58089
VVGng 3x2.50.15778
VVGng 3x2407.20467
VVGng 3x250.86301
VVGng 3x351.23422
VVGng 3x40.22527
VVGng 3x501.69279
VVGng 3x60.26841
VVGng 3x702.27206
VVGng 3x952.99867
VVGng 4x1.50.12957
VVGng 4x100.49707
VVGng 4x1204.89016
VVGng 4x1506.02776
VVGng 4x160.77994
VVGng 4x1857.38462
VVGng 4x2.50.17306
VVGng 4x2409.48129
VVGng 4x251.21034
VVGng 4x351.60576
VVGng 4x40.28172
VVGng 4x502.21757
VVGng 4x60.36554
VVGng 4x702.97299
VVGng 4x953.97283
VVGng 5x1.50.17942
VVGng 5x100.68921
VVGng 5x1206.11735
VVGng 5x1507.53085
VVGng 5x160.98100
VVGng 5x1859.23425
VVGng 5x2.50.24143
VVGng 5x24011.96456
VVGng 5x251.52441
VVGng 5x352.01088
VVGng 5x40.35160
VVGng 5x502.79182
VVGng 5x60.45834
VVGng 5x703.72202
VVGng 5x954.92343
VVGng-FRLS 1x1201.47347
VVGng-FRLS 1x1501.80574
VVGng-FRLS 1x160.26234
VVGng-FRLS 1x1852.16345
VVGng-FRLS 1x2402.73595
VVGng-FRLS 1x250.36969
VVGng-FRLS 1x350.54333
VVGng-FRLS 1x500.73581
VVGng-FRLS 1x700.96283
VVGng-FRLS 1x951.22481
VVGng-FRLS 2x1.50.15904
VVGng-FRLS 2x2.50.19533
VVGng-FRLS 2x40.27321
VVGng-FRLS 2x60.38117
VVGng-FRLS 3x1.50.26526
VVGng-FRLS 3x101.02208
VVGng-FRLS 3x161.35468
VVGng-FRLS 3x2.50.33276
VVGng-FRLS 3x40.44963
VVGng-FRLS 3x60.59620
VVGng-FRLS 4x1.50.39649
VVGng-FRLS 4x101.29791
VVGng-FRLS 4x1205.57221
VVGng-FRLS 4x1506.88389
VVGng-FRLS 4x161.78408
VVGng-FRLS 4x1858.27394
VVGng-FRLS 4x2.50.67047
VVGng-FRLS 4x252.65826
VVGng-FRLS 4x353.35278
VVGng-FRLS 4x40.75430
VVGng-FRLS 4x502.61684
VVGng-FRLS 4x60.94172
VVGng-FRLS 4x703.55136
VVGng-FRLS 4x954.60112
VVGng-FRLS 5x1.50.37576
VVGng-FRLS 5x101.04761
VVGng-FRLS 5x1207.42489
VVGng-FRLS 5x1509.12044
VVGng-FRLS 5x161.51740
VVGng-FRLS 5x18511.17287
VVGng-FRLS 5x2.50.45700
VVGng-FRLS 5x252.18777
VVGng-FRLS 5x352.76435
VVGng-FRLS 5x40.63036
VVGng-FRLS 5x503.47523
VVGng-FRLS 5x60.79293
VVGng-FRLS 5x704.59643
VVGng-FRLS 5x956.06415
VVGng-LS 1x1.50.04956
VVGng-LS 1x100.15576
VVGng-LS 1x1201.38116
VVGng-LS 1x1501.68481
VVGng-LS 1x160.23084
VVGng-LS 1x1852.03769
VVGng-LS 1x2.50.06297
VVGng-LS 1x2402.63110
VVGng-LS 1x250.37229
VVGng-LS 1x350.54589
VVGng-LS 1x40.08801
VVGng-LS 1x500.66346
VVGng-LS 1x60.11071
VVGng-LS 1x700.86325
VVGng-LS 1x951.11986
VVGng-LS 2x1.50.15283
VVGng-LS 2x100.49131
VVGng-LS 2x1202.78798
VVGng-LS 2x1503.45205
VVGng-LS 2x160.66764
VVGng-LS 2x1854.05432
VVGng-LS 2x2.50.19462
VVGng-LS 2x2405.16336
VVGng-LS 2x250.96818
VVGng-LS 2x351.21197
VVGng-LS 2x40.28584
VVGng-LS 2x501.27084
VVGng-LS 2x60.35581
VVGng-LS 2x701.72830
VVGng-LS 2x952.28020
VVGng-LS 3x1.50.18448
VVGng-LS 3x100.63546
VVGng-LS 3x1203.79479
VVGng-LS 3x1504.66707
VVGng-LS 3x160.86480
VVGng-LS 3x1855.67253
VVGng-LS 3x2.50.25388
VVGng-LS 3x2407.31250
VVGng-LS 3x250.99962
VVGng-LS 3x351.48437
VVGng-LS 3x40.36943
VVGng-LS 3x501.73856
VVGng-LS 3x60.45980
VVGng-LS 3x952.31973
VVGng-LS 4x1.50.24322
VVGng-LS 4x100.79975
VVGng-LS 4x1204.98411
VVGng-LS 4x1506.12906
VVGng-LS 4x161.11709
VVGng-LS 4x1857.50718
VVGng-LS 4x2.50.31168
VVGng-LS 4x2409.62382
VVGng-LS 4x251.49335
VVGng-LS 4x351.89543
VVGng-LS 4x40.45845
VVGng-LS 4x502.27668
VVGng-LS 4x60.57419
VVGng-LS 4x703.03532
VVGng-LS 4x954.05333
VVGng-LS 5x1.50.26445
VVGng-LS 5x100.81703
VVGng-LS 5x1206.15494
VVGng-LS 5x1507.57253
VVGng-LS 5x161.10676
VVGng-LS 5x1859.28441
VVGng-LS 5x2.50.33943
VVGng-LS 5x251.63181
VVGng-LS 5x352.12485
VVGng-LS 5x40.49063
VVGng-LS 5x503.42808
VVGng-LS 5x60.62385
VVGng-LS 5x703.74901
VVGng-LS 5x954.95434

VVG cable weight

VVG 1x1.50.03500
VVG 1x100.12600
VVG 1x1201.20600
VVG 1x1501.48400
VVG 1x160.19600
VVG 1x1851.85100
VVG 1x2.50.04700
VVG 1x2402.36800
VVG 1x250.29100
VVG 1x350.38500
VVG 1x40.06300
VVG 1x500.54100
VVG 1x60.08300
VVG 1x700.73000
VVG 1x950.97800
VVG 2x1.50.06600
VVG 2x100.26300
VVG 2x1202.53100
VVG 2x1503.10900
VVG 2x160.39300
VVG 2x1853.86800
VVG 2x2.50.09000
VVG 2x2404.94300
VVG 2x250.60500
VVG 2x350.80100
VVG 2x40.13100
VVG 2x501.14900
VVG 2x60.17300
VVG 2x701.54300
VVG 2x952.05900
VVG 3x1.50.13360
VVG 3x100.44278
VVG 3x10+1x60.42900
VVG 3x1203.68489
VVG 3x120+1x704.35800
VVG 3x1504.54097
VVG 3x150+1x955.50000
VVG 3x160.68706
VVG 3x16+1x100.66300
VVG 3x1855.52948
VVG 3x185+1x956.55200
VVG 3x2.50.16983
VVG 3x2.5+1x1.50.14900
VVG 3x2407.13336
VVG 3x240+1x1208.37800
VVG 3x250.91990
VVG 3x25+1x161.02800
VVG 3x351.22111
VVG 3x35+1x161.39700
VVG 3x40.17500
VVG 3x4+1x2.50.20800
VVG 3x501.67002
VVG 3x50+1x251.89800
VVG 3x60.31834
VVG 3x6+1x40.28300
VVG 3x702.24013
VVG 3x70+1x352.55300
VVG 3x952.96352
VVG 3x95+1x353.34700
VVG 3x95+1x503.51600
VVG 4x1.50.16527
VVG 4x100.56942
VVG 4x1204.84943
VVG 4x1505.97558
VVG 4x160.84384
VVG 4x1857.32500
VVG 4x2.50.21257
VVG 4x2409.40477
VVG 4x251.19748
VVG 4x351.59144
VVG 4x40.31197
VVG 4x502.19183
VVG 4x60.40569
VVG 4x702.93828
VVG 4x953.93076
VVG 5x1.50.17212
VVG 5x100.64901
VVG 5x1206.00100
VVG 5x1507.41300
VVG 5x160.90700
VVG 5x1859.20000
VVG 5x2.50.23310
VVG 5x24011.82600
VVG 5x251.47662
VVG 5x351.87300
VVG 5x40.35712
VVG 5x502.68400
VVG 5x60.47768
VVG 5x703.62700
VVG 5x954.92400

How to choose the right cable?

Before purchasing a cable for use at home, it is necessary to determine the required cross-section of the cores in accordance with the current power. In this case, you should also take into account the number and power of household electrical appliances and the total load on the network.

When choosing, you should take into account the fact that many manufacturers, to save money, reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​the cores by 10% (which is allowed according to the specifications). Reducing the area reduces the technical characteristics of the wire, which can lead to an emergency situation, so products from trusted manufacturers should be preferred. You can check the cross-section using a special tool or by visual inspection of the casing.

Understanding the rules for deciphering the name abbreviation will also greatly help when selecting a cable. By marking you can determine the internal structure and types of materials used in manufacturing.

Tip #2: When purchasing, you should be extremely careful, as a large number of fakes have appeared recently.

AVBbShv 4x16 - reliable, high-quality and time-tested power cable

Design and performance characteristics

The cable is designed to transmit three-phase voltage and has 2, 3, 4 or 5 cores. Their cross-section can be different - classic round, triangular or another segmental shape.

Design differences:

  • conductors with a cross section of up to 16 mm - single-core, more than 16 mm - twisted stranded;
  • the shape of the core is sectoral, in the form of a triangle, less often round;
  • All conductors, in addition to individual insulation, have a common insulation, on top of which there is armor protection;
  • one neutral conductor may have a smaller cross-section and/or a different shape than the others, if there are 4 or more conductors (allowed by the standard);
  • if the cross-section of each conductor is more than 6 mm, an “airbag” based on bitumen and a special insulating coating is used between the armor and the top PVC coating;
  • The ground insulation color is yellow-green, the zero color is blue or cyan, the phase color is white.

For additional convenience when connecting, phase conductors, if there is more than one, are marked with a digital or alphanumeric code - either 1, 2, 3, or L1-L3.

The cable design also contains additional under-armor insulation made of PVC or PET tapes.

Standard cable AVBBShv - main technical characteristics:

  1. Operating voltage - depending on the cross-section of the cores, it can be 660, 1000, 6000 and 10000 V AC. At the same time, for a voltage of 660 V, cables of this type are produced only with round cores.
  2. The permissible ambient temperature during operation is from –50 to +50 degrees Celsius.
  3. The minimum temperature during installation is up to –15 degrees (at this temperature the product does not need to be heated during installation).
  4. The maximum working temperature tolerance is up to +70 degrees.
  5. The maximum permissible emergency tolerance is up to +80.
  6. The highest withstand temperature of the cores during a short circuit is up to 160 degrees Celsius for 4 seconds.
  7. The maximum permissible air humidity in the room where the cable passes is 98%, while the air temperature can reach 35 degrees. Note: this indicator is improved for tropical cables.
  8. The maximum bending radius for single-core types of cable is 10 times its own diameter, for multi-core cables it is 7.5.
  9. The construction length of a cable with a core cross section of 6–16 mm is 450 m, from 25 to 70 mm - 300 m, from 95 mm and more - 200 m.

The standard climatic version is UHL, for dry and temperate climates. There is, as mentioned above, a “tropical” version of the product. It is marked with the letter T, which means that different layers of additional anti-mold composition are applied to the insulation.

Please note: this type of cable product is sensitive to bending and deformation. This is the weak point of the aluminum from which the cores are made.

Overview of the main manufacturers

Cable brandManufacturerCharacteristicsEstimated cost, rub./m
AVBBShv 4x150-1Kolchuginsky, RFNumber of cores: 4
Section: 150 mm2
AVBbShv 2x 16Beltelekabel, RBNumber of cores: 2
Section: 16 mm2
AVBBShv 4x240-1PskovkabelNumber of cores: 4
Section: 240 mm2
AVBbShv 4x50-0.66Sevkabel, RFNumber of cores: 4
Section: 50 mm2

Before purchasing a cable, you must carefully determine the load from all powerful electrical appliances in the house.


Question No. 1. Is it possible to lay an underground line using an AVBbShv power cable on a peat bog?

It is possible, only the cable needs to be laid in a plastic pipe to prevent contact with an aggressive environment.

Question No. 2. When laying an inclined route, is it allowed to use AVBbShv cable?

Power cable brand AVBBShV can be laid in cable trunks running both horizontally and at an incline.

Question No. 3. Is there any protection for the cable from mold, since its scope of application extends to places with high humidity?

There is no protection as such. For such operating conditions, it is necessary to use a cable marked with the letter “T”.

Question No. 4. Is it possible to use AVBBShv for laying home electrical wiring?

Despite the fact that the use of aluminum wire is not welcomed by electricians for wiring a home network, due to its low cost, the cable is often used in home electrical wiring.

Question No. 5. Is laying cables in overhead lines allowed?

Yes. If there is a risk of cable damage under underground installation conditions, an overhead line may be installed.

Application area

Well, one of the questions that most interests you is: where is this type of electrical cable used?

According to the standards, the scope of application of AVBbShv is as follows:

  • climate: tropical, dry, temperate;
  • explosion and fire hazardous premises;
  • zones of high humidity - collector, tunnel, mine, etc., and the route can be either horizontal or inclined;
  • in the air, if there is a danger of mechanical damage to the power line;
  • in the ground, only if the cable is not subject to tensile forces during operation.

As you can see, the scope of application of AVBbShV is quite extensive and does not have significant restrictions.

We draw your attention to a very important nuance: if the marking contains the letter “T” (tropical), then the product has increased resistance to mold damage

As for domestic use, the AVBbShv power cable has proven itself very well for underground laying of lines to the house (as shown in the photo). Despite the fact that the cores of the product are aluminum (they try not to use them because of their fragility), the conductor is popular when installing electrical wiring in the house and country house. High demand is associated with the low cost of the product. Unlike its more reliable copper analogue - VBBShV, aluminum is 3-4 times cheaper, which allows you to save a decent amount of money.

If you decide to use this cable option in your own electrical wiring, be sure to calculate the cable cross-section for power and current so that the cores can withstand current loads from electrical appliances.

Typical installation errors

Acceptable errors when using cable AVBbShv

  • Before you buy an expensive armored cable, study the conditions of the facility that needs to be provided with power, all possible methods, the required power, cross-section and other parameters. If there is no way to install the cable by air in cable ducts, where the possibility of gross unauthorized mechanical impact is excluded, then only lay AVBbShv underground.
  • Be sure to connect the armored sheath to the ground loop on both sides of the cable;
  • It is recommended to seal the cable ends at the connection points hermetically, using epoxy funnels or rubber gloves with heat-shrinkable tapes. This must be done even in heated rooms; cables tend to draw condensation from the air under the insulating layer. Accumulation of moisture can cause arcing of the insulation and short circuit.
  • Do not connect the ends of the cores to the RU busbars without crimped factory lugs. Clamping the end of the wire tucked around the bolt between the busbar and the washer does not provide the quality of contact as the factory tip. Poor contact burns out at high currents.
  1. Technical characteristics of the ASB cable
  2. Technical characteristics of PV-1 wires
  3. Overview of NYM cable technical characteristics, applications and manufacturers
  4. Wire PV-3: technical characteristics, scope, manufacturers
  5. Application, technical characteristics and installation of RKGM wire
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