What to do in the evening if the power goes out

If the lights are turned off during the day

During the day, the very fact of a power outage is much less problematic, since lighting can significantly expand the spectrum of occupancy. To begin with, you can start preparing lunch or dinner for your husband (unless, of course, you have an electric stove). There are many dishes that can be easily prepared without using any electrical appliances. Then you can move on to cleaning. I think you can find at least some corner in your home that could use some cleaning.

If you are done with cleaning, then start knitting or any other type of needlework - the time has come when neither the Internet, nor the telephone, nor the TV will distract you from creating some masterpiece with your own hands. By the way, a masterpiece can be created not only with the help of knitting needles. Helpers in this matter will also be a needle (you can embroider, or you can sew a soft toy), a hook, beads, and salt dough.

If you are not in the mood for needlework, you can just read a book or go for a walk down the street.

Another good way to have fun is with your child (if you have one). With him there won’t even be a question about what to do. This can be a lot of options for role-playing games, letting in sunbeams, playing with pets and toys, drawing, cutting out, gluing various applications and walking outside.

What to do when the lights go out: 6 games for kids

As soon as you came home from work or sorted out household chores and decided to play with your child, the lights turned off in the house! The law of meanness, nothing can be done. In this case, you can all go to bed, try to watch cartoons on your phone (but your eyes will get tired quickly), or still play. Yes, it will also be possible to organize games for the child in the dark. Here are some options for such games.

Traffic light

Ideally, for this game you will need two flashlights, red and green self-adhesive film. Glue red film to one lantern, green film to the other. But one regular flashlight is enough.

Choose a leader. He must take a flashlight and stand against one wall, and the players stand against the opposite one. When the flashlight is turned off, the presenter says: “Green light.” At this time, players can move forward. After a couple of seconds, the presenter turns on the flashlight and says: “Red light.” At this moment the players stop. If one continues to move, one will have to return to the starting point. The first one to reach the end of the room wins.


This game must have at least four participants. They need to divide into teams of two and come up with a signal that players from one team will give to each other using a flashlight. For example, two short flashes and two long ones. Then the players with flashlights remain in the room, their partners leave. When they return, players with flashlights must give signals, and their partners remember the invented signal and find them.

Neon bowling

For this game you will need neon sticks or bracelets, plastic bottles or cups and a ball. Place the sticks inside the bottles (put the bracelets directly on them), arrange them in a row and knock them down with the ball. Try to knock down as many bottles as possible at once, or agree to only knock down bottles with sticks of certain colors.


This is a famous game in which players, accompanied by music, try to pass under a bar or rope without touching it. In the dark, use a flashlight beam instead of a bar. Point the light at the opposite wall, turn on some fun music, and take turns walking under the beam with your child. With each round, lower the flashlight lower.

Guess the item

For this game you will need a box with your child's toys or any other items (combs, TV remote control, phone charger and other random things). In the dark, take items out of the box, pass them to each other and try to guess what they are by touch. Then check your guesses and find out who was right by turning on the flashlight.

Letters on a flashlight

You shouldn't read books in the dark, but you can always repeat the alphabet. Also using a flashlight. To do this, you need to cut out letters from paper or cardboard, attach them to a flashlight and point it at the wall or ceiling. The child will name the letters. It's easy to come up with a few more based on this game. For example, one player will show the letters of a word, and the other will guess it by the first letters.

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If the lights are turned off in the evening

First, it should be said that many prudent housewives always have a certain number of ordinary candles in their house. They are purchased in order to create at least some lighting during the period when the lights are turned off. The atmosphere turns out to be very specific - semi-darkness, silence and candles. You can't think of a better way to do fortune telling. Or you can take advantage of the situation for romantic purposes and have a candlelit dinner.

It is unlikely that on an ordinary evening you will gather your whole family at a romantic table, but the lack of electricity in the house can definitely bring you together.

If you have battery-powered lamps and lanterns in your home in addition to candles, you can even play any board games such as checkers, chess, backgammon, lotto or card games.

A good form of entertainment, both for a small number of people and for a large company, would be telling scary stories one by one (as in childhood) or some kind of word games, for example, playing cities.

Invite your friends and have a get-together

Call your favorite friends and discuss plans for the future. Play games, remember funny stories.

We hope that if you are ever left without light, you will remember our advice and use it wisely.

Publication date: 01/28/2022

Shadow theater board games lights out what to do if there is no electricity electricity

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Wax crayons

During a power outage, wax crayons will help out. If there is a child in the house, as a rule, such pencils are always available.

When the light suddenly goes out, you can simply break off the tip and set fire to the crayon label: the wax will melt, and the paper will continue to burn like a wick. So you can hold out with light for half an hour.

If you remove the label, make a wick from a natural material, for example, an old T-shirt, press it between three crayons and wrap it with wire or secure it with paper clips, then this design will last more than one hour.

What to do when the lights go out?

It is easiest to cope with a situation when it is familiar and happens regularly. But the light usually disappears unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. What to do if the electricity goes out in the apartment, in the entire house, or the entire area is plunged into darkness?

The circuit breakers on the panel tripped

A short circuit - and now neither the kettle, nor the toaster, nor the refrigerator works in the kitchen. But the rest of the rooms are light, so there is no reason to worry and there is no need to call any services.

When designing a home electrical network, engineers provide for equipping the apartment panel with an input and several output circuit breakers. The latter protect wiring: room groups, powerful consumers

What to do if, as they said before, “the traffic jams are out”? If you have access to the electrical panel, you need to find the switched off machine and put it back into working condition. You must first eliminate the cause of the operation - disconnect the faulty device from the power supply or reduce the load on the line.

If wires or electrical installations are damaged, you should call, but not the representatives of the management company or the electricity supplier to find out the reasons, but the dispatcher to call a repairman to your home

Management companies usually have their own salaried electricians who service subordinate houses during working hours - from 8.00 to 18.00-20.00. You can also contact a private owner, but the call and repair fees will be higher.

Planned work in the area

It is impossible to do without periodic shutdowns for the purpose of repair work - both equipment maintenance and replacement of worn-out parts are required. However, planned outages occur infrequently, and information about outage periods is communicated to consumers in advance.

There are several ways to place warning ads:

  • on the Energosbyt website;
  • on the Internet portal of the regional or regional government;
  • on the site or in the group of the management company, if it is an intermediary between users and the supplier;
  • in printed periodicals;
  • on television and radio;
  • in advertisements posted on information boards at the entrances.

Sometimes representatives of the management company or HOA convey information to each resident by simply placing flyers in mailboxes or sticking advertisements directly on the entrance doors.

The procedure for turning off the lights in case of debt

The management company has the right to interrupt the supply of electricity only in the established sequence:

  • If a debt in the amount of two months' payment for electricity arises, a warning is sent to the defaulter.
  • The debtor is given 20 days to repay the debt in full.
  • If this does not happen, then after the expiration of the above period the defaulter must receive a correctly executed repeated notification.
  • Three days after receiving the second notice, if the debt is not repaid, the supply of electricity may be stopped.

Only consumers of the third reliability category can be completely de-energized, which includes residential buildings with up to five storeys. Source lvdneng.rosselcdn.net
Lights are turned off by sealing electricity meters. If one of the above conditions is ignored, the homeowner can protest the organization’s actions and contact the relevant authorities. On the day the seal is installed, a company employee will certainly draw up a report indicating a power outage. The latter should contain the following information:

  • address of the defaulter;
  • degree of restriction of services (partial or complete);
  • meter readings;
  • when a shutdown does not occur, the reasons must certainly be indicated;
  • exact time for completion of work;
  • description of technical manipulations;
  • grounds for suspending the supply of electricity;
  • date of creation of the document, signatures of both parties.

The act is drawn up in several copies, one of which is left to the owner of the home. By signing such a document, the defaulter agrees that the supply of electricity was stopped legally.

Disconnecting a consumer from the power grid is usually done by sealing the electric meter Source perestroika.msk.ru

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