What to do if the electric meter in your apartment stops or breaks down?

The appearance of extraneous noise from the electric meter, the smell of burnt insulation, a change in color (usually yellowing) of the glass are external signs of overload of the meter, but the device is considered to be working.

This situation is fraught with the most severe consequences and the malfunction must be promptly eliminated. Replacing a faulty electric meter will cost more.

You can quickly and efficiently put the wiring in order, prevent a fire and keep the meter in working condition with the help of specialists from 10 Kilovolt LLC.

Price list for installation (replacement) and reprogramming of electricity meters
Job titleUnit change Price, rub.)
1Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a single-phase electric meter (single-tariff, multi-tariff)PC.2000
2Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a three-phase electric meter (direct or indirect)PC.3500
3Installation and replacement of current transformers in metering and protection circuits (up to 1000 V)PC.3200
4Programming a tariff schedule or switching to winter/summer timePC.1000
5Mercury 200.02 (single-phase, multi-tariff)PC.1800
6Mercury 230 ART-01CN (direct connection)PC.4700

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Extraneous sounds can occur when the contact of the wires with the terminals of the contact pad is oxidized or broken - often such malfunctions occur when the room is dusty or damp. Electric meter malfunctions can occur under the influence of overloads, switching and lightning overvoltages. Here it is enough to call an electrician and fix the problem.

A common cause of malfunction is premature wear of the metering device. Unfavorable conditions can cause metal corrosion, defects in metal elements and clogging of technological gaps between rotating disks. This is also the reason why the electric meter malfunctions and calling an electrician to fix the problem is required.

If the meter is faulty

It is more difficult if the electric meter does not turn: due to a malfunction or in case of theft (situations where the electric meter was stolen are not so rare), you will have to perform a number of mandatory procedures.

Sometimes the display does not show numbers: in this case the electric meter is also considered faulty. Experience shows that the lion's share of all electric meter malfunctions occurs due to unreliable connections of conductors. A loose connection leads to heating of the wire, degradation of the insulating coating, burning of contacts and sparking, as a result of which the electric meter does not count.

Types of electric meter faults

Malfunctions occur in all electricity metering devices without exception. There are three types of household electricity meters:

  • Induction devices are devices with a mechanical reading metering unit and an electromechanical measurement and drive mechanism.
  • Electronic - meters with a liquid crystal (electronic) display and an electronic unit for measuring electricity.
  • Hybrid - a symbiosis of the first two types, with a mechanical metering unit and an electronic unit for measuring electricity.

Each type of meter exhibits its own characteristic failures and malfunctions.

Self-propelled induction meters

The generally accepted opinion that induction meters produce less electricity is actually a misconception. The most common malfunction of induction devices is spontaneous rotation of the disk. In this case, nothing in the house is connected to the power grid, but the disk is spinning and the readings are accumulating. The design of the meter is to blame.

It consists of two coils, a disk, a worm and a counting mechanism and a magnet for braking the disk. The disk is driven by the electromagnetic force of two coils: voltage and current. The turnover speed is proportional to the strength of the current flowing through the current winding. The greater the load, the greater the electromagnetic force - the faster the disk rotates.

In good condition, after turning off the consuming devices, the current coil ceases to influence the disk, only the electromagnetic force of the voltage coil remains. But its effect is neutralized by a magnet. Everything is turned off, the current in the meter is zero - the disk does not rotate.

A malfunction occurs if the adjustment of the disk shaft, the position of the magnet, or a combination of these problems is disrupted. Even without a load, the disk spins, takes readings, and the owner pays for the energy not consumed. It is very easy to identify a self-propelled meter. You need to turn off all electrical appliances without exception and watch the meter. Stopping the disk after a few seconds means that there is no self-propelled drive. But this does not mean that the meter is working correctly.

Tightening of machine contacts

Tightening the contacts of the circuit breakers
To prevent failure of the metering device, it is necessary to inspect the contacts for dust and dirt, tighten them tightly and ensure that the ratings of the circuit breakers or fuses correspond to the rated loads of the wires and cross-sections. If the electric meter stops showing, it is faulty and this is the fault of the responsible tenant. Even if you break the electric meter and it continues to work, it should be considered faulty.

What to do if a malfunction is detected

Whether the gas meter or something else breaks down, it doesn’t matter, the first thing you should do is assess the nature of the breakdown. If this is some small thing that does not affect the operation of the device and is easy to fix - for example, the screw that secures the meter to the surface has come loose - then you can fix it yourself. More serious things should not be immediately repaired on your own and should not be attempted, unless you are an employee of the relevant organization (for example, city gas) and have all the necessary skills and permits for such work. Firstly, you can overestimate your strength and not start the device again, but only make it worse, and secondly, when repairing it, the seal on the product will certainly be damaged. And without it, the readings from the meter will not be taken into account.

In an emergency (for example, the water meter is gushing with a stream of boiling water or if the gas meter is clearly missing it), communications should be turned off. For example, in standard Soviet houses on the staircase, as a rule, there are relays that turn off the electricity supply to the apartment, and valves for shutting off the supply of gas and water are usually located in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the entrance or basement. This information should be clarified in detail when moving into your home, so that if something happens you don’t waste time calling or visiting your neighbors.

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Next, a logical question arises: where to turn? The organization responsible for this type of communications should be informed about the breakdown. Its name and contact details must be indicated in the contract for the provision of services/maintenance of the relevant equipment. There are several options - leave a request for a visit from a specialist by phone or via the Internet (if possible) or come to the office and write a corresponding application in person. The sooner this is done, the sooner the malfunction will be eliminated and the smaller the monetary losses will be due to payment not based on actual consumption. An employee of the organization is obliged to inspect the meter, record the malfunction and indicate whether it can be repaired or whether replacement is required.


Utility services are in no hurry to help if your water meter is broken, what should you do then? Don’t be shy to complain, because now you don’t even have to swear when visiting them or calling them. Almost all institutions have email addresses. A polite letter outlining what is happening to your superiors will significantly increase the likelihood of your problem being resolved quickly.

Replacing an electric meter in case of breakdown

According to the law (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the owner independently bears the burden of maintaining the property he owns, but the procedure for connecting the electric meter is regulated. If the meter is located in the entrance, you need to carefully read the terms of the contract, but if in an apartment, the owner is clearly determined. If the metering device fails, the owner is obliged to independently notify the supplying organization, report the latest readings and ensure repair or replacement of the device.

Replacement of an electricity meter must be carried out by a qualified specialist with appropriate permission to work. Employees replace faulty electricity meters on a turnkey basis: the owner receives a correctly executed certificate of replacement of the electricity meter. Our specialists have all permits and are certified by the most famous Russian manufacturer of electricity meters under the Merury brand. The act of replacing the electricity meter is issued in person and is the basis for calling a sealer who will take readings from the new meter.

Our specialists can also call a sealer - this service should be provided by the electricity supplier free of charge.

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Replacement information if the counter does not work.

But imagine that you take monthly readings from the device and see that they are almost twice as high as the consumption that was last month. This is certainly a red flag, but before contacting your electricity supplier about this, you should consider the following factors:

  • The day began to wane, and it began to get dark much earlier. When daylight hours decrease, this does not mean that people start turning on the lights in all rooms, wasting electricity, no, they watch TV and turn on the computer more often.
  • It's also getting cooler, so many people turn on the electric kettle to make themselves a hot drink. Coffee machines and coolers can also be connected to the network, although this applies more to offices. People are starting to use hot water more often, therefore, the electric boiler consumes more energy.
  • Even at home, not to mention offices, in the autumn cold, when centralized heating has not yet been connected, they use various electric heaters such as a blower, a fireplace, or a heater.

Note: In summer, electricity consumption may increase significantly due to the air conditioner being constantly on.

What should a subscriber do if he notices a malfunction?

Failure to detect them in a timely manner is fraught not only with incorrect payment, but also with a possible fine Source dzgo.ru
So what to do if the electric meter breaks down? The subscriber’s very first step should be to contact the electricity supplier orally or even in writing - the address and contact numbers must be indicated on payment receipts. Explain the situation as you see and understand it - do not try to do it at the level of a power engineer with a higher education. In any case, a company representative will explain what your next steps should be - most likely, you will be asked to remain at home for a visit from their representative. But the rules in different localities may differ, so the procedure may be slightly different.

An approximate troubleshooting algorithm looks like this:

  • You pay for the call and work of the electrician at the bank specified by the company (usually within 650-750 rubles). After providing a receipt for payment by the subscriber, the replacement request is recorded by the operator.
  • You are assigned a day on which someone must be at home to allow the inspector to see the electrical appliance - he will record the readings and draw up a report on the need to install a new appliance. You don’t have to be at home - you can ask one of your relatives, friends or neighbors. Most often the time is specified (before or after lunch).
  • On your part, if the electricity meter breaks down, you will have to pay for a new device. Its cost will be from 620 rubles or more - it all depends on the model of the device and the type of metering. After this, an electrician will come and carry out the replacement, but the dispatcher will again agree with you on the time of his visit.

The energy supplier must record the application and send an inspector, who will draw up a corresponding report on the need for replacement. Source samelectrik.ru
And here is another option for the subscriber - you can directly contact the management company (the phone number is easy to find on the Internet). But this is the most extreme case, since any supplier, having learned that his subscriber’s electricity meter has broken down, is simply interested in replacing it, since this is their income, which they are unlikely to give up voluntarily. In addition, appealing to higher authorities is always red tape and you will have to wait much longer, although in the end a representative of your supplier will still come to you.

Stopping the meter with a control panel in 2022.

A few years ago, a new method of saving on utility bills appeared - using electric meters with a control panel to stop metering. This counter can be stopped using the supplied remote control. Externally, the meter is indistinguishable from the original electric meter - all seals and tags are in place. For modification, electricity meters of the Mercury, Neva, Energomera, etc. models are used.

Initially, there were meters with only stop and start electricity metering. But after some time, electric meters with adjustable load appeared, namely, it was possible to use the remote control to set the desired level of consumption from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. In particular, several models of single-phase and three-phase Mercury electricity meters work in this way.

As a result, after setting the desired consumption level, the meter stop was practically not used. There is no need to constantly monitor electricity metering, turn the meter on and off. It is enough to set the desired percentage once and forget about overpayment.

Meters with remote control are still relevant in 2022, but not for all regions of Russia. In some regions, energy sales companies began installing electricity meters on their own, without the participation of the homeowner. Thus, it has become more difficult to install the desired metering device with a control panel.

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