What to do if the gas meter stops showing numbers

Installing a gas meter is not yet a mandatory procedure, but some apartment owners resort to it in order to save money. They take readings from the device once a month, and the volume of gas consumption is determined by the difference between the current and previous data. Unfortunately, such devices can break down even if the installation and operation instructions are followed. Device owners should know what actions to take if the gas meter does not turn or does not show numbers. Incorrect behavior when a problem arises can lead to accidents, disputes with the gas company, and significant expenses.

What are the types of gas meter malfunctions?

The main reasons for malfunctions of gas meters include jamming or complete stoppage of numbers on the meter display.

This is if we are talking about a scoreboard with a mechanical drive (gear system, wheels and all that).


There are several reasons for this behavior of the meter display. If the meter is outdoors and the gas supplied is too wet and a filter is not installed, then the rotating mechanism may freeze.

The wheels flew out of the grooves (from the seat), this is a manufacturer's defect, a quite common reason.

If the gas meter has an electronic display, then there is a reason, the wires have oxidized or become disconnected.

You can also often encounter a malfunction related to the fastening of the meter. The meter begins to leak gas and a smell appears. The installers did not tighten the nuts, or installed another one instead of the oiled paronite gasket.

These are the main reasons, but in general gas meters are quite reliable mechanisms. They are simple in design and the technology for their manufacture has long been proven. Personally, I have never encountered a manufacturing defect, and the meter has been working properly for almost ten years.

A gas meter is a fairly high-quality device, and each unit has passed mandatory laboratory testing.

A gas meter, if installed correctly and protected from external influences - moisture, sun, mechanical damage, and preferably temperature changes - will last a very long time and a priori there cannot be any breakdowns in it!

But there is a case of - well, let's say, careless, irresponsible maintenance and installation of metering devices - look at the photo, how long will a gas meter installed in the open air and having damage to the body by corrosion after a year of operation last?

Here you can say a lot about breakdowns - from through rotting of the housing, destruction and jamming of the counting mechanism to irreparable consequences up to a gas explosion and loss of life!

Nowadays, gas meters with built-in electronic units are the most popular.

In such gas meters, three types of problems are considered the most common:

  • the readings on the meter screen have disappeared - this may indicate that the battery that powers the electronic unit has lost its wiring;
  • the meter readings froze at one digit and do not change - this is a consequence of the fact that the drive between the electronic and inkjet units has failed (unsoldered);
  • The numbers on the screen are not shown in full, but in fragments - this is most likely a defect in the LCD display.

If any of these defects occur, you must contact your gas office and leave a request to call a technician and replace the gas meter.

Gas meters have recently been made to be of very high quality and have a safety margin. They must serve for more than one year.

However, it happens that they fail. You can visually determine the following malfunctions of the meter - problems with displaying numbers on the display, the numbers do not change or are not visible at all if the meter has a liquid crystal display.

There may be a smell of gas; in this case, the meter is installed poorly. This may be caused by poorly tightened nuts or bad gaskets.

Basically, the meter can simply stop counting the amount of gas used, that is, the table stops. There may also be a gas leak through the pipe connections and the meter itself. The number of cubic meters of gas may not be displayed correctly. And corrosion of the meter body.

There are quite a few main malfunctions of the meter. These are such as:

  • Failure of readings or incorrect reading information.
  • Failure of the digital indicator.
  • Hull corrosion.
  • Gas leak at connections.

Algorithm of actions in case of meter breakdown

Before reporting a breakdown, if it is not related to damage to the case, you need to check whether there is a fault and what its nature is. To do this, you are allowed to perform the following operations:

  • Turn off all gas appliances - stove, boiler, heater. In this case, the disk should stop. If the meter continues to run, there is a gas leak or the flow meter has been connected illegally.
  • Turn on the gas appliance at full power for 15 minutes. Compare the data received from the meter with the indicators indicated in its technical passport. If they are very different, you need to contact Gorgaz.
  • Modern versions are often equipped with an electronic display. If the readings change when the gas is turned off, the reason is stray currents.

Cheap models are not protected from hacking. Often, “craftsmen” manage to rewind readings in order to reduce payments. But at the same time, traces of opening remain on the case: small scratches, chips. Upon careful inspection of the device, they are easy to detect. In such cases, the owner is fined.

What to do if the device fails

You cannot start the meter if it has stopped, or you cannot repair it yourself. If the gas meter does not work, proceed according to the following algorithm.

  1. If there is no smell of gas and there is no leak, you can use the stove. The consumer does not have the right to independently turn off the gas or the flow meter.
  2. When studying the meter readings and during inspection of the housing, you need to be extremely careful. Violation of the integrity of the seals is punishable by a fine.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the actions of specialists. It happens that gas workers accidentally or deliberately damage the seals on the meter, and then blackmail consumers, demanding money to “settle the issue.”
  4. Before the technical inspection, the arriving specialists must record the integrity of the seals and note this fact in the report of the work performed.
  5. If the problem cannot be resolved on site, the device is dismantled and taken away for repair or examination. If the gas meter is damaged irreversibly, Gorgaz employees remove it from the register and issue a document to the apartment owner to replace it.

If there is a smell of gas in the apartment, the gas pipeline is immediately shut off and the gas workers are contacted. It is prohibited to use a stove or other gas appliances.

What are the types of gas meter malfunctions?

It happens that employees of such organizations deliberately do not inform the owners of the rules for operating devices, subjecting them to fines. Consumers here act at their own peril and risk, so you must at least read the instructions and constantly monitor the device. Depending on the type of installation, owners sometimes notice that these devices do not increase during gas consumption, or the device has completely gone out and stopped showing numbers. You can act in such a situation in different ways.

Incorrect installation or defective device may cause the meter to fail before the scheduled replacement date.

Why does the gas meter not show numbers?

If the indicators disappear from the gas meter display or stop growing, the chance that everything will recover on its own after some time is negligible.

This usually indicates a breakdown of the device and the need for professional repair.

Frequent causes of gas meter failure:

  • installation of a defective device - in such a situation, problems arise several weeks or months after installation;
  • oxidation and disconnection of wires on an electronic device;
  • freezing of a rotating mechanical mechanism - typical for cold rooms, when the device is close to a constantly open window or external wall.

Existing faults

The first evidence of a meter malfunction is incorrect readings.
Most often, the consumer discovers that the meter is broken based on its readings. Information on gas consumption for the reporting period will differ significantly from the previous period. This is not always associated with problems with the flow meter, but is sufficient reason to contact the gas service and request an extraordinary technical inspection.

Other obvious faults:

  • Damage to the housing is not a harmless breakdown, since for structures, complete tightness of the housing is a prerequisite for measurement accuracy.
  • The appearance of condensation indicates a violation of the tightness and makes the measurements incorrect.
  • Damage to the scoreboard - in a mechanical one, the wheels may fly out of their seat. This is a manufacturer's defect, which occurs quite often. The flow meter gives incorrect readings. The wires in the electronic display may oxidize, which leads to the same breakdown.
  • Sometimes the malfunction is due to improper installation of the device. Installing any other gasket instead of a paranitic gasket and not tightening the nuts leads to a gas leak.
  • If the disc stops rotating when the gas appliance is turned on, this indicates a serious breakdown. This is also evidenced by the disk revolutions at the moment when all gas appliances are turned off.

If your gas meter breaks down, you need to contact the service as quickly as possible. This determines the period for which consumption will be recalculated.

How to calculate gas payments?

In accordance with current legislation, the following is taken as a basis for calculations:

  1. The seal was damaged or the device that takes into account gas consumption turned out to be faulty, and the subscriber notified the gas supply organization on the day the breakdown was discovered. In this case, the volume of gas consumption is calculated based on the standard gas consumption, starting from the day of application and ending with the day following the date of restoration of the seal, including installation of the seal in the place where the meter is connected to the gas supply.
  2. If a malfunction of the device is detected during inspection, the volume of gas consumption is determined according to the accepted standard from the date of the last inspection until the day the integrity of the seals is restored (no more than 6 months).

Important! Naturally, consumption standards are too high, and the user has to overpay for gas consumption several times over.

Why you shouldn't try to fix the problem yourself

When ordering a device, companies in most cases install it with sealing. In such a situation, if the device breaks down, it is not recommended to touch it at all, otherwise there may be serious consequences for working with the meter. Experts do not recommend even trying to change the battery yourself if it is sealed. The essence of the seal is that it protects the device from illegal actions of the owner. Violation of its integrity is regarded by the gas company as an attempt to independently stop the installation for the purpose of stealing gas. Finally, you cannot ignore basic safety rules - any unprofessional work near a gas pipe is fraught with an accident.

How to pay for utilities if the apartment meter is out of order

We received a letter from the energy sales office stating that the electricity meter has expired and needs to be replaced. We currently do not have the opportunity to buy and install a new meter. What will we get for this and how will we pay for electricity without a meter?

The law stipulates that the volume of utility services provided to consumers is determined on the basis of data from individual (apartment) metering devices. Each owner of an apartment or room must take care of installing meters for water, electricity, heating and gas, put them into operation correctly and follow the rules of use. In addition, since each meter has its own service life, as well as a verification period, it will be necessary to make a new verification in a timely manner and change the meter if its service life expires.

Failed meters cannot be used to determine the volume of utilities supplied. Therefore, if the meter malfunctions, the apartment owner must ensure that it is repaired or replaced within 30 days from the date of the malfunction.

By law, meters are considered to be out of order if they have:

  • measurement results are not displayed;
  • verification marks or control seals are broken;
  • the permissible error of indications is exceeded;
  • there is mechanical damage;
  • the verification interval has expired.

What to do when an individual meter fails?

1) Immediately if the meter fails, you must notify your management company or utility service provider (for example, energy sales); 2) Within 30 days from the date of the malfunction, the meter must be repaired or replaced. Since the meter is your property, the purchase of a new meter, its installation or repair is at your expense. It is better to find out which meter is right for you directly from your management company or utility service provider

Please note that you should not replace the meter yourself or ask a neighbor (“a man with hands, he can do everything”) to do it. These jobs require special education and qualifications.

Therefore, it is better to contact a specialized organization or your management company. Of course, in order to avoid any claims, it is better to install the meter officially, that is, with the execution of an agreement, a bilateral act of replacing the meter and receiving a check for payment for services provided. 3) Within 1 month from the date of installation of the new meter, it must be put into operation, that is, sealed. Remember that the meter is sealed only by the company that supplies you with the corresponding utility service. For example, the sealing of the electric meter will be done by the power supply company, the sealing of the water meter will be done by the management company or water utility.

How are utility bills calculated after the meter fails?

  1. 1) From the day the meter fails until the day the new meter is sealed (but not more than 3 months in a row) - according to the average monthly consumption of a utility resource (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 59 of Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011). This volume is determined for the last 6 months according to the readings of your apartment meter. If the meter worked for less than 6 months, then the actual time of its operation is taken into account, but not less than 3 months. For heating, the average monthly volume for the heating period is taken.
  2. 2) If within 3 months from the date of failure of the meter you have not installed and sealed a new meter, then the payment for this utility service will be calculated based on consumption standards using an increasing factor (clause 60, 42 of Government Decree No. 354 of 06.05. 2011). The management company or utility provider will make the appropriate calculation of the fee in the next receipt. If you doubt the correctness of this calculation, we recommend contacting the management company or the supplier with a written statement. In it, describe your situation, provide links to the procedure for calculating the fee under Resolution 354 and ask for a recalculation of the fee in accordance with this resolution. If your issue is not resolved positively, you can file a complaint with the housing inspectorate.

What to do if your gas meter breaks down

You also need to take into account that 1-2 times a year Gazprom carries out scheduled inspections. Such visitors should not be allowed in, otherwise they will record the fact of a breakdown, which will lead to an unprofitable recalculation of indicators. A couple of months before the meter expires, you need to notify the gas company about its breakdown and fill out an application for a replacement. This will save you one visit to a repairman.

This approach is being used increasingly by consumers due to negative experiences with the gas company. Often, meter owners rush to call Gazprom immediately after identifying a problem, but this leads to negative consequences. An employee of the company comes to see the client, but it turns out that he did not come about a breakdown, but to check. Claiming that they did not receive the application, he records the violation, issues a fine and calculates the tariff for the period from the previous verification. If there are many residents registered in the apartment, then these figures can be impressive, despite all the bills paid.

Of course, it is better to immediately use the services of a gas specialist. Especially if the breakdown of the device is accompanied by the smell of gas in the room. In this case, you should not hesitate, the risk of an accident is high. To follow the instructions and protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to consider a number of points. An application to a repair company must be registered; for this it is better to appear there in person and write an application in duplicate. One - with an employee's mark - must be kept for yourself. Upon arrival of a repairman from Gazprom, you should clarify the purpose of his visit - a response to an application or an inspection. Such actions will either discourage an unscrupulous company from contacting the client, or will help later in court.

How to fix meter breakdowns

We bought a new meter. Efforts were made to install it. We contacted the gas service and waited a long time for the technician to arrive. We checked it regularly and suddenly the meter stopped working. The numbers on the electronic screen went dark. You have no idea how it turned out. And most importantly, it is not clear how to keep gas records now. After all, there is no evidence.

It turns out that you will have to replace the meter, but it is under warranty and you will also have to overpay for gas. Don’t panic, the algorithm for dealing with a broken meter is simple.

The reasons for the failure are not clear

First of all, when the numbers on the meter display disappear, call the city gas service department. Do not try to find out the reasons for the breakdown yourself. Under no circumstances break the seals or disassemble the meter. Do not try to remove it from the pipe. Contact GorGaz, to do this, follow the sequence of actions:

You contacted GorGaz by phone. Not the most reliable way to contact, but if there is no way out, call the gas service dispatcher. It is worth remembering that gas service “04” is not related to the gas supplier in your area.

If you are hoping that “04” will forward your request to its destination, you may be disappointed. The Services are not linked and may or may not share information. Call the dispatcher of the gas supplier company. When leaving a request, please provide as much information as possible (your personal data, address for the technician to arrive, brand and type of meter.

Unfortunately, the specialist has many requests and it will not be possible to choose a time and date. Time has passed, but no one calls. Call yourself and remind us of your interests.

You personally contacted GorGaz. You decided to come in person and leave a request to inspect the meter. Contact the technical department of the gas supplier and leave a request. This method has a higher priority; you can immediately agree with the masters on the date and time of your visit.

Electronic meters have a warranty period of 9 to 12 years, depending on the model. If your meter is regularly verified and the warranty period has not expired, you can count on replacing the meter with a similar one or a refund. There are two options for replacing the counter:

You buy a new meter (check the entire package of documents for the new meter) and contact the service center that sold you the previous device.

You contact the service center and request a replacement for the failed meter. Without the conclusion of a gas service master, you will not receive a new meter for free. So what should I do?

When the technician arrives on call, he is obliged to either dismantle the faulty meter, or issue you a fine if you refuse to dismantle it. Vicious circle! You will have to pay a deposit for the meter, which will be issued to you by the service center.

The meter may not be new, but have been repaired. Therefore, the deposit amount will be less than the cost of the new device. After replacement, take the meter to the center for a refund of the deposit.

We've sorted out the issue of replacing the meter, now let's move on to the sequence of actions when the technician arrives. During verification, the technician will inspect the seals and remove the faulty meter and replace it with a new device.

Make sure that the technician puts seals on the new meter and draws up an inspection report of the measuring device and its malfunction and certifies a new warranty card. Now calmly apply for a refund. It would seem that’s it!

How to pay for gas?

The law states that you are responsible for ensuring that the measuring device is in good working order. Therefore, the latest meter readings and the verification report issued by the master will be useful. The report will confirm that your latest testimony can be trusted because the seal is intact.

As a result, we can say that the situation is unpleasant, but by adhering to the rules, you can replace the meter quickly and without much expense.

The gas meter has stopped functioning. How is the calculation done?

This issue of payment for heating at the time of replacing a broken appliance is explained in paragraph No. 28 of the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens. It says that in the event of a breakdown or loss of the seal, or breakdown of the gas meter, the resource consumed is calculated according to the standards of total consumption from the moment of notification until the equipment is restored.

And if a breakdown of the meter is detected at the time of verification carried out by employees of the service organization, the volume of consumption is calculated according to consumption standards starting from the day of the last verification until the day of sealing, but for a maximum of 6 months.

It can be concluded that the law provides for two options for calculating gas consumption after a breakdown of the metering device or seal has been identified:

  • The user independently found the breakdown and informed the gas service about it.
  • The malfunction was identified by the service organization during the equipment inspection procedure.

In the first option, the time for calculating consumption according to standards is quite short.

In the second case, the user will be recalculated according to general standards in just over six months. And you need to sensibly assess that general tariffs are sharply inflated in comparison with any natural costs. The owner of the heated premises will be billed much higher than the usual fee.

That is, the consumer must be responsible for the normal operation of his meter.

The gas supply service is not responsible for these possible breakdowns. In addition, he clearly makes a profit by identifying a breakdown of the meter during a scheduled inspection.

These are the realities of the current law. We conclude that it is better to watch the meter and immediately report to the appropriate organization if you suspect a malfunction of the device.

What will the master do?

If the gas meter breaks down, the owner should be patient. Since the master may have many applications. There will be several specialist visits.

On your first visit, he will inspect the device, make sure all seals are intact, and perform diagnostics. If on-site repairs are possible, he will do them. However, this happens extremely rarely.

The master dismantles the faulty device. If the gas meter is under warranty, and the sale and installation was carried out by a service organization, then the specialist has the right to replace the meter with a new one.

More often, the owner purchases a gas meter independently from a retail chain. In this case, a Gorgaz specialist dismantles the device and draws up a report on the malfunction of the device.

The owner purchases a new device and makes a request for installation of a working device. When you visit again, the specialist installs a new meter and draws up a report. It is compiled in two copies. Simultaneously with the act, a commissioning document is drawn up. In some cases, only a deed is sufficient. But the owner should ask the master about the need to draw up a commissioning report.

After installing a new meter, the owner contacts the sales organization to seal the meter, and an application is drawn up. Where the data is indicated:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • Serial number and brand of the gas meter;
  • Meter readings at the time of installation;
  • A photocopy of the factory passport, certificates of installation and commissioning of the device.

They may be required to indicate the date of the next verification. If the installation of the meter was carried out by employees of another organization, then a copy of the license for the right to carry out the activity is attached to the application.

An employee of the subscriber department seals the device and draws up a report. These documents must be kept by the owner along with the passport. They are presented to the inspector at each inspection. Experts perform this algorithm of action both in a multi-storey building and a private cottage.

Who is right?

Of course, such a situation cannot be called fair for the consumer. Without any special skills, and, often, without being officially notified, he is responsible for the condition of the metering device. At the same time, he doesn’t really know what to do if the gas meter in the apartment breaks down.

At the same time, a gas supply organization with a whole staff of specialists and technologies for monitoring the correct operation of meters is free from all risks. Moreover, she also wins when the controller discovers a faulty meter and charges, as they say, “to the fullest.”

However, you cannot argue with the Legislation. And its norms - fair or not - must be followed. That is, the counter must be constantly monitored.

Important! But even if you acted completely law-abidingly and called the gas workers immediately after discovering a breakdown, there is a chance that you will be charged for gas according to the standard for the last date of inspection. Consumers are going to court about flagrant violations of their rights. But, unfortunately, not all cases are resolved in their favor.

How can you tell if the battery in your gas meter is dead?

An electronic gas meter is equipped with a liquid crystal display and a microprocessor unit, which are powered by a replaceable battery or accumulator. During operation of the device, the power source wears out, leading to a voltage drop.

If the device does not display readings, most likely the battery in the meter has run out or the electronic components or connecting wires have broken down.

Causes of gas meter malfunction:

  1. When figuring out why a newly installed device does not show numbers, you need to check the direction of gas flow. It must coincide with the direction indicated by the arrow on the body. Otherwise, the device will not work.
  2. Equipment located in damp areas is exposed to water vapor. Due to temperature changes, condensation forms inside the device, which negatively affects electronic components and causes destruction of the battery case. Electrolyte leaking from the casing corrodes the printed circuit board and metal contact tracks.
  3. If the numbers on the screen go dark, there may be a lack of contact between the electronic components. The cause of the malfunction can only be discovered after removing the seal and the protective plastic casing.
  4. If the screen of a meter installed outdoors or in an unheated room goes out, frozen condensate may be a possible cause of the defect.
  5. Since pipes are made of metal, electric current can flow through the elements. This disrupts the normal operation of the gas meter. To eliminate the negative influence of extraneous currents, the device is secured through dielectric bushings.

If the gas meter goes out or the numbers completely or partially disappear on the screen, then the causes of the defect may be:

  • failure of the electronic part of the device or display;
  • failure of the battery;
  • lack of contact.

If the meter stops showing readings or shows dates and zeros, you should contact the sales company. During further use of the equipment, gas consumption is not recorded, which is the basis for issuing an invoice for payment at the average tariff.

The reason why the meter does not show data is determined by a specialist. Self-diagnosis of the device is not possible.

Responsibility for replacing batteries on the gas meter

At the same time, attention is also paid to the supply of gas networks to a private house or apartment. Step 3. Purchasing a meter in specialized stores

It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which meter to buy.

There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know.

If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign the certificate of completion of the work. Step 5. The final stage after replacing the gas meter is sealing.

Without this procedure, the measuring device cannot be put into operation. When dismantling the old gas meter

Payment for gas meter replacement

The period during which a gas meter can be used is determined depending on the brand and model of a particular meter and is indicated in the passport of the meter. Metering devices used on the territory of the Russian Federation have different service life - from 4 to 24 years.

The technical passport for a gas meter contains dates: the first is the date of manufacture of the meter, the second is the period of its guaranteed operation. Not all metering devices have the same warranty period; depending on the meter model, the maximum service life reaches 25 years.

Also, metering devices have an inter-verification interval - the period after which it is necessary to verify the meter readings

Important! Most often, verification is carried out after 10 years, but there may be other deadlines. If, during verification of a metering device at the Standardization Center, it is discovered that it produces errors or incorrect indicators, it becomes necessary to replace the device with a new one

Who has the right to change the battery in a residential gas meter?

They don't do repairs. You can also contact the housing inspectorate for information on this issue.

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Similar questions June 06, 2022, 17:55, question No. 1659552 December 04, 2016, 15:09, question No. 1462267 October 11, 2022, 15:12, question No. 1777155 June 13, 2022, 22:23, question No. 1666195

Gas meter guarantee

The counter was installed by the store service. It turned out that I only had a copy of the meter's passport.

Perhaps the installers took the original.

The store verbally refuses to exchange the meter, but does not provide a documented refusal. In this regard, several questions.

1. Do I have the right to exchange the warranty meter in this situation? The meter is guaranteed. Who should bear all the costs of removal, installation, exchange, if the seller of the meter were the gas workers themselves (they brought this meter themselves and installed it themselves - there is their receipt - there are two lines there: the first - the cost of the meter was received, the second line - the cost of the installation service) .

Is the date displayed when replacing batteries on the gas meter?

If the meter is outdoors and the gas supplied is too wet and a filter is not installed, then the rotating mechanism may freeze. The wheels flew out of the grooves (from the seat), this is a manufacturer's defect, a quite common reason. If the gas meter has an electronic display, then there is a reason, the wires have oxidized or become disconnected.

Well, okay, this is a theory... The meter is quite easy to disassemble, you need to pry the case with a thin screwdriver on both sides (I had it stuck on one side with glue), but if you act carefully, everything opens perfectly.

Gas meter battery replacement

He did this on his own, it is not prohibited.

An authorized master legally removed and then installed a TRUSTED meter. The author DID NOT BREAK THE SEAL and did not commit any violations.

Well done. Anatoly Treumov: Almost anyone can replace the battery, but what to do with the seals, of which several were installed on the meter, both paper and plastic, is a problem.

Vladimir Bolkunov: why is this video, advertising for violation Valentina Karaeva: _ Thank you


The following describes how to replace a device that has failed, what needs to be done for this, who is obliged to pay for the replacement in a private house, and whether you need to pay for it yourself if the IPU is located in an apartment.

The lifespan of a gas meter is 8-20 years , after which it requires replacement. The procedure for replacing/repairing the device includes the following.

Where to contact?

It is necessary to contact the gas supply company engaged in direct servicing of gas mains, with which the resident has an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment.


It is important to know how to correctly write an application in order to legally replace an old meter with a new one. The application shall indicate the following information:

  1. name of gas service;
  2. applicant details;
  3. please replace/repair the gas meter;
  4. address where replacement is required;
  5. applicant's signature and date of application.

We do not recommend completing the documents yourself. Save time - contact our lawyers by phone:

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What documents are needed?

The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  1. owner's passport;
  2. documents certifying ownership of the premises;
  3. passport or certificate of the meter;
  4. document with data on the last verification of the device;
  5. project for installing a gas meter in a residential building with a listing of gas consumption points.

Do they have the right to demand a maintenance contract?

If the tenant already has a valid maintenance contract, then the company employees do not have the right to demand a new one.

If the contract has expired, it will be necessary to renew the document.


According to RF PP No. 354, the gas meter must be replaced no later than 30 days after the applicant’s request.

Should an act/conclusion be issued and sealed?

  • When dismantling old equipment, a gas service specialist must record the latest readings. After installing the meter, a certificate of completion of work is signed.
  • The sealing is carried out immediately after installation of the measuring device or no later than three days from the date of filing an application, which indicates the passport details of the owner and information about the device.

Paid or free: at whose expense are reinstallations and repairs carried out?

It is further explained whether devices in an apartment and a private house are replaced at the expense of the state or not, and what exactly is included in the payment for replacement in 2022.

Replacement and repair of the metering device are paid by the owner. He bears the costs for:

  1. purchase of a meter;
  2. the work of specialists in replacing the device;
  3. cost of equipment repair services.

The price of services depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices and the tariffs of the organization.

Questions and answers

The consumer has a question about how to pay for gas during the replacement period. The law considers two possible options. The first assumes that the subscriber independently discovered a malfunction of the device or a violation of the integrity of the seal installed on it and notified the gas supplier about this on the same day. In this case, the fee will be calculated according to the standards for the period from the day when the malfunction was discovered until the day following the day the new meter was installed.

The second option assumes that the subscriber did not notice the malfunction or tried to hide it; the problem was discovered during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection by gas service specialists. Then an act is drawn up, on the basis of which the gas supplier has the right to recalculate consumption according to current standards for the entire period that has passed since the previous inspection. It is stipulated that this period cannot be more than six months.

In addition, a fee will be charged for the period of meter replacement, as in the first case. Thus, the consumer will receive a receipt with an amount many times higher than his usual payments. There are cases when a consumer conscientiously reported a malfunction of his meter, however, he was asked to pay a receipt with a recalculation for the last six months of consumption.

In this case, only a successful lawsuit can correct the situation, and such practice already exists. However, litigation is not the most pleasant scenario. What can you do to protect yourself from unfair demands? Here are some recommendations.

1. If a malfunction is detected in the metering device, you must immediately notify the gas supply company. Its details, including telephone number and address, must be indicated on the receipt on which payment for consumed gas is made.

Faulty gas meter: what do you need to know before contacting gas workers to request a replacement?


Gas / Gas meters

Mikhail Kozyrev

You notice that the gas meter in your house (apartment) is faulty. For example, it does not “twist” when a gas stove or water heater is turned on. This must be reported to your gas supply company. This is the requirement of current legislation. However, before calling the gas workers, some details should be clarified. Otherwise, there is a risk of incurring serious financial expenses.

The gas meter has failed. How are gas fees calculated?

The issue of paying for gas consumption when replacing a failed meter is described in clause 28 of the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549. It is not long, so we will present it in full:

28. In the event of damage to the integrity of any of the seals ... or a malfunction of the gas meter, about which the subscriber notified the gas supplier on the day such a malfunction was discovered, the volume of gas consumed is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards for the period from the date of notification to the day following day of restoring seals, including installing a seal at the place where the gas meter after repair is connected to the gas pipeline.

If damage to the seals or a malfunction of the gas meter is revealed as a result of an inspection carried out by the gas supplier, the volume of gas consumed is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards for the period from the date of the last inspection to the day following the day the seals were restored, including the installation of the seal at the place where the gas meter after repair is connected to the gas pipeline, but no more than 6 months in advance.

The current version of the Rules can be found, for example, here.

As you can see, the Rules consider two options for calculating gas payments after a meter malfunction (violation of the integrity of the seal) is discovered:

  • the first implies that the subscriber himself discovered the malfunction and reported it to the gas workers.
  • the second is that the gas workers themselves found out about the malfunction during a regular or unscheduled inspection.

In the first case, during the period between the notification of a malfunction of the meter and the moment of its replacement (i.e., sealing), the gas payment is calculated based on the gas consumption standards in force in the region.

In the second case, the consumer is also transferred to payment according to the standard until the seal is installed on the new meter, but in addition to this, gas workers recalculate the subscriber’s payment for the previous six months according to the standard. It should be understood that gas consumption standards for heating are greatly overestimated. In this case, the consumer is billed an amount that is several times greater than his regular payments on the meter.

Of course, this situation does not seem entirely fair for the consumer. Without having the necessary skills (and often without even being officially notified), he is appointed by current legislation to be responsible for the good condition of his gas meter.

A gas supply organization that has specialists and the necessary technologies to monitor the correct operation of the meter does not bear any risks. Moreover, he definitely benefits (by overcharging for gas) by discovering a faulty meter during the inspection.

However, these are the requirements of current legislation. Whether they are fair or not is a separate question, but they must be fulfilled. That is, you need to monitor the counter.

However, even if you notice a faulty state of the meter and call the gas workers yourself to correct the situation, there is a risk that you will be billed for gas according to the standard for the last six months.

They reported a faulty gas meter, but the gas workers still issued a bill for six months according to the standard

Let's consider a typical example that took place a couple of years ago in the Orenburg region. The circumstances of the case became known from the materials of the subsequent trial.

A resident of the Orenburg region, Kuznetsova A.A., discovered a malfunction in the gas meter installed on the street (the meter made loud clicks). I reported this via the gas services emergency telephone number “04”. After a while I called back again to the same number. As a result, an inspector arrived who drew up a report about the malfunction of the gas meter, which the woman’s adult son, who was in the house at that time, signed.

However, after some time, Kuznetsova received an invoice from the local gas supply organization to pay for gas consumption according to the standard for the previous six months. The requirement was motivated by the second paragraph of clause 28 of the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens.” Thus, where we are talking about the case of a malfunction of the meter being discovered by the gas workers themselves during an inspection.

A resident of the Orenburg region did not agree with such a blatant violation of her rights and filed a lawsuit in the local court. She won the case in both the first and second instances, where the gas workers appealed.

The position of the gas supply organization, as it turned out during the consideration of the case, boiled down to the fact that Kuznetsova was calling the wrong person - the number “04” does not belong to the gas supplier OJSC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Orenburg. Accordingly, the company does not have information about this call and its content. And the gas meter was checked by gas workers as part of a regular inspection, which is recorded in the company’s internal documents. The fact that the inspector came to the house and checked the gas equipment shortly after calling number “04”, according to the gas workers, is just a coincidence.

The court found these arguments unconvincing.

Having received a transcript of calls from A.A. Kuznetsova’s phone from the telecom operator, the court found that the woman had indeed called number “04” on the indicated days. It was also established that this number is actually serviced by another organization - OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Orenburg, which services gas equipment, but does not supply gas to the population. It turned out that the employee of this organization, who received Kuznetsova’s call on “04”, did not inform her of the need to contact the gas supplier directly.

Thus, the court found that Kuznetsova fulfilled her obligations to notify about a malfunction of the gas meter. And it’s not her fault that gas workers cannot establish an exchange of information among themselves.

Based on this conclusion, the court determined that in the case considered it is necessary to apply the first paragraph of clause 28 of the Rules. Those. that option when the subscriber himself notified the gas workers about the malfunction and, accordingly, must pay for gas according to the standard in the period from the day the malfunction is discovered until the day the meter is replaced (a seal is installed on it).

By the time the decision was made, Kuznetsova had managed to pay the amount billed to her (so as not to have to pay penalties on it later). This money was offset by a court decision against future gas payments.

The decision of the second instance court in the case described above can be viewed here.

Faulty gas meter: what is the right thing to do so that you don’t get charged according to the standard?

As an analysis of judicial practice shows, cases involving faulty gas meters do not always end in favor of the consumer. In many cases, they fail to prove the fact of treatment. And it’s clear how this happens.

Suppose the owner of the house was alarmed by something in the operation of the meter. He called the gas workers once, twice... No one came. There doesn't seem to be a leak. The device does not take into account excess consumption. Quite the contrary. Well, okay, so be it...

And then the inspector comes, turns on the burner on the gas stove, and finds that the meter does not respond. After which a report on the malfunction of the meter is drawn up and a receipt is received with a recalculation for the last six months according to the standards.

People argue, but many pay. After all, not everyone is ready to sue, and the outcome of the case is unpredictable. It is not always possible to prove the fact that information about a meter malfunction is reported. And gas workers can, in turn, submit internal documents to the court confirming that the inspection was planned.

What resume? As mentioned above, the current legislation gives a clear preference to gas workers; the balance of rights and responsibilities is obviously shifted in their favor, and not in the direction of the consumer. And it's difficult to do anything about it.

However, we will try to give some practical tips that will help you avoid unnecessary spending:

  • If you discover a fault with your gas meter, please report it to your gas supplier. That is, the organization whose details are indicated on your payment
  • When communicating with a representative of your gas supplier, try to find out whether your appeal has been registered and how it was done?
  • The most reliable way to protect yourself from possible future claims for recalculation according to the standard is to submit a statement about the malfunction of the meter in writing in two copies, one of which, with the appropriate mark, to keep for yourself
  • when a gas service employee comes to check your meter, try to find out whether he came at your request or what? If you do not receive a clear answer, contact your gas supply company.

There is no point in preparing yourself for inevitable troubles in advance. It may well turn out that in your case, replacing the meter will take place without unnecessary problems and expenses.

But of course you need to think about how to protect yourself from negative consequences in advance and take simple actions.

Some household tricks

If the device does not display numbers, and the planned verification is still far away in time, you can implement a certain technique. The trick is to provide meter readings based on previous information.

Usually there are 1-2 scheduled inspections per year. Do not allow such visitors, otherwise they will discover the fact of a malfunction, and the indicators will be recalculated to the detriment of you.

Two months before the end of the device’s service life, notify the gas service about its malfunction and apply for its replacement. This way you will also save on a visit to a specialist.

Consumers often dare to engage in such fraud because of a negative experience of cooperation with a gas company.

Often, meter owners, having identified a problem, immediately turn to gas workers. However, the consequences of this are negative. And a specialist comes to the customer not to fix the breakdown, but for the purpose of checking. He assures that the company did not receive the application. Having discovered a malfunction, issues a fine and calculates the tariff for the period from the previous inspection.

In practice, it is better not to delay repairing the device, especially if its breakdown is associated with the appearance of a gas smell. Due to the huge risk of an emergency, specialists must be called immediately.

In order for actions to be performed according to instructions and safety to be ensured, certain nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The application to the repair service must be registered. Therefore, submit the document in person and issue it in two copies.
  2. Keep one copy with a specialist’s mark for yourself.
  3. When the technician arrives, clarify the purpose of his visit: he responded to an application or intends to check the device.

What to do if the gas meter breaks down

If a consumer is faced with a problem when the gas meter does not show numbers, what to do in this case? It is not advisable to try to fix the problem yourself. This will not lead to anything good. You must immediately contact the gas service so that the last readings can be taken on the same day and you do not have to overpay.

You should ask whether the complaint regarding the breakdown has been recorded and where it can be seen if necessary. It is best to send written notice. It is advisable to compile it in two copies. It is not always possible to prove when and why you called. Often the very next day an inspector unexpectedly appears with a “scheduled” inspection. He records that the gas meter does not count the numbers, after which the owner is charged as if he had not had a meter at all since the last check (which could have been six months ago). Naturally, the owner goes all out. In this case, the most tormenting question is how to fix everything and where to complain.

This is not just a formality. The gas service can pretend that they never received a call at all and were not informed that the image had already gone out. There are often cases when the owner of a broken appliance contacted the gas service, but then could not prove that the call had actually taken place. Employees of the organization may not remember this if they have not recorded the request anywhere, because dispatchers have to take many calls per day.

Not everyone decides to go to court, because it is known that the judicial system almost always takes the side of the organization. The chances of winning the case in this case are negligible. A gas company client often has to pay not only huge bills, but also legal costs, which only aggravates the already difficult financial situation of a person whose gas meter has broken down. Where to turn in this case, if the court did not recognize the correctness of the unlucky owner of the measuring device? You can appeal. It happens that the most persistent and theoretically savvy users manage to prove that they are right. Don’t give up: You know that the day before the inspector’s visit, the device was still spinning and you don’t want to lose a large amount of money.

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What else should you know?

It is not always possible to prove the fact of conversion. In fact, everything happens something like this: the gas meter has stopped - what to do?

  • Naturally, call the gas service. The owner of the meter calls the gas workers a couple of times.
  • Nobody comes, and the owner of the apartment calms down. There is no gas leak observed. The device does not show excess gas consumption. Quite the contrary.
  • And then the inspector himself appears and discovers a malfunction.
  • Then everything plays out like clockwork. The owner of the apartment receives a bill for a tidy sum. Everyone is happy, except the owner of the metering device, of course.

Important! Many are outraged, but many pay the bill. Not everyone will be sued, and the outcome of the case is completely unpredictable. Gas workers can easily provide documents to the court stating that this was a scheduled inspection.

There is only one conclusion: the legislation gives preference to the gas supply organization, but not to the consumer. Therefore, if the gas meter does not show numbers, you have no idea what to do, know that only you bear responsibility for any of your actions, and the actions of the gas workers.

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