The lights were turned off. Where to call. Blackout schedule

A power outage is an unpleasant occurrence, especially since it often occurs suddenly. Adding to the discomfort is the unknown: how long will you have to spend without electricity, a few minutes or several hours? The described situation is especially relevant for rural areas, although even in the city not a single Mosenergosbyt subscriber is immune from it. In this article, we will figure out where to call in case of a power outage in Moscow and the region in order to get complete information about the reasons and duration of the power outage.

Where can I find out why the power was turned off? Power outage schedule in Moscow and the Moscow region

In this section, in order to inform citizens, weekly schedules for limiting energy supply in common areas of multi-apartment residential buildings are published in connection with debt for consumed electricity from management organizations, as well as weekly schedules for limiting energy supply to housing and communal services in connection with debt from resource supply organizations .

Restriction schedule from 02/28/2022 to 03/05/2022

  • Schedule of power outages in common areas of apartment buildings in the Moscow region
  • Schedule of power outages in common areas of apartment buildings in Moscow

Activities of emergency services

In case of unforeseen situations, emergency repair services come to the rescue. Your call is answered by a dispatcher who must correctly identify the problem and dispatch the appropriate team to resolve it. The responsibilities of emergency workers include:

  1. Monitoring the condition of objects in the entrusted territory.
  2. Timely response to received complaints.
  3. Identify the causes of the incident and eliminate the accident.
  4. Elimination of the consequences of the accident.
  5. Prevention.

The on-call service operates 24 hours a day and has no days off, so you can call at any time of the day. There is no need to pay to call a brigade.

However, be aware that they will be checking at the front door. Anything inside the premises is not their responsibility and can be inspected and corrected for an additional fee.

Why was the electricity turned off? The lights went out: what the law says

Article 38 35/FZ of December 27, 2022 (as amended in 2022) guarantees the provision of electricity to all persons with citizenship of the Russian Federation. This area is regulated by Government Decrees No. 354 and No. 442. They list all possible reasons for turning off electricity to subscribers, which can be divided into two groups:


  • Emergency situation in the power system.
  • Repair work. They are planned by the energy supply company (hereinafter - EC) in advance, and subscribers must be notified about them in advance.
  • An inspection by Rostechnadzor revealed electrical appliances in the home that did not comply with safety precautions, on the basis of which the supply of electricity to this apartment (house) was reduced or stopped.


  • When a resident deceives the energy supply company by manipulating the meter. In this case, the tenant will also face a considerable fine.
  • Subscriber's debt on electricity bills. According to the law, the EC has the right to turn off the light to the consumer if he fails to pay for at least three months. In this case, Mosenergosbyt is obliged to inform about the upcoming shutdown in advance, as specified in Resolution No. 354.

The electricity supplier does not have the right to change the 3-month late payment standard established in Resolution No. 354.

The supplier is given a choice of several ways to notify the consumer about a future disconnection (clause 119 of Resolution No. 354): in a payment for housing and communal services, by e-mail, in a personal account on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities website, in a registered letter with notification, delivery in person against signature. From the moment of notification, the consumer is given 20 days to repay the debt, and if during this period he does not pay for previously supplied electricity, the EC has the right to disconnect the consumer from the power supply.

It is important to understand that in a situation where the consumer has not received a notification, the service cannot be disabled. For example, if, after being notified of a registered letter, the subscriber does not receive it in the mail for any reason, the notice is not considered given.

The energy supply company cannot turn off the electricity without notice or without maintaining a twenty-day period from its moment, since in this case the law will be on the side of the consumer, who can complain about the actions of the supplier to the housing supervision service.

Is it possible to connect the power yourself in case of a blackout?

Now let's talk about not how to connect, but what responsibility people will bear when deciding to arbitrarily set up the electricity supply. And first of all, let’s highlight that there are two “types” of such a connection:

  1. Unaccounted for. The connection is made indirectly through those devices that are responsible for conducting electricity to a specific apartment. This means that although the contract is concluded with a specific organization, payment is made only for part of the energy used.
  2. Non-contractual. There is a connection to the network, but it was created without a corresponding agreement. The owner does not pay anything, but uses the resource.

If we talk about the fine for unauthorized connection of electricity after a shutdown, it could be as follows:

  • individuals - up to 15,000 rubles;
  • legal entities - up to 200,000 rubles;

In addition, it is also necessary to pay not only the established fine, but also the cost of all the energy that was used “bypassing” the metering. The amounts vary greatly depending on the company. Can the lights be turned off for non-payment or interference with work again? Yes, but there will be litigation and even greater fines than before. And if we talk about how much it costs to independently connect the lights after a shutdown, then we can safely use as an example the size of the fine, legal costs and additional expenses.

The electricity was turned off for non-payment. How does a power outage happen?

The written notice is issued in a specific form and must include:

  • FULL NAME. payer, his phone number and address.
  • The period of time during which no payment was made.
  • The amount of accumulated debt.
  • The date by which you must pay for electricity (maximum 20 days later).
  • The warning itself about disconnection in the absence of payment.
  • The time the document was created and the signature of the person who compiled it.

After 20 days, if the consumer has not repaid the debt, Mosenergosbyt sends another notice. After receiving it, you must pay the entire amount due within 3 days. If the homeowner does not comply with this requirement, the supplier turns off the power.

In case of accidents at substations, the lights may be turned off without prior notice.

When a consumer is disconnected from the power supply, a report must be drawn up, which indicates the following information: the subscriber's name, meter number and the value of the latest readings, address, what actions were performed and their dates, why and for how long the electricity is turned off. If the apartment owner has comments, he can indicate them directly in the document. The act is drawn up in three copies, one of which remains with the consumer.

If blackouts were illegal

And first of all, where to call in cases where the power is turned off - the management company for electricity and utilities, from where you can get access to the rest. However, what to do if the shutdown was illegal. Here are the options:

  • complaint to the company that supplies energy;
  • applications to the administration, Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

Depending on the nature of the violation, motives and consequences, the following liability may be assigned:

  1. Administrative. Relevant during outages of this type, when the result is a breakdown of any electrical equipment. In addition, actions can also be considered as arbitrariness, which leads to a fine. If frequent shutdowns occur, a fine is paid due to failure to maintain utility services. And the payment is made not only by the organization, but also by its management, if they were directly related to power outages. In addition, the homeowner can also legally demand compensation for damage, but the amount is not legally fixed and is determined during the trial.
  2. Criminal. In special cases, arbitrariness is not always punished in accordance with the administrative code. There are exceptions when the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies. The person who is responsible may not only pay a fine, but also be sentenced to community service and imprisonment. Moreover, if the consequences of deprivation of electricity include damage to health or large financial expenses, then the list of sanctions remains the same. In special situations, when this leads to the death of a person, the person responsible may be forever prohibited from holding leadership positions in such organizations, deprived of freedom or working in the provision of these services. It all depends on the degree of his involvement, the inability to help the victim and whether he has legal rights: this means relevant applications. They can actually cause an "exception" in cases of indefinite power outages.

Reconnecting the electricity does not cost anything, so if employees offer to do this for money, then this should also be reported.

There are many legal reasons for cutting off electricity, but this in no way justifies its complete absence. It is knowledge of the timing of disconnections, as well as the leverage over housing services, that will allow you to defend your rights and receive the services for which you pay. However, none of this will work if each resident takes responsibility for interfering with the electricity of the entire house. Independence in such matters brings more harm than good, as well as penalties for the initiator in the form of fines or administrative liability.

Why is there no light? How long can the electricity be cut off?

If the reason for the power outage was scheduled repairs, then the power should be out for no more than one day. This is indicated in the “Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities” (Section 4 of Appendix 1). In total for the year, the duration of planned outages should not exceed three days. Information about upcoming outages should be posted on the energy supply company's website and on information stands.

In the event of a power outage due to debts, you can contact Mosenergosbyt with a request for an installment plan or pay the entire debt at once. With a document confirming the installment plan or payment, you should contact the service provider, where the day of connection to the power grid will be agreed upon with the consumer. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the connection is not free, you will have to pay from a thousand rubles , the specific amount depends on the tariffs of the supplying company. Next, an electrician comes to the address and connects the electricity with the obligatory drawing up of a report.

If the debt is fully repaid and the supplier’s costs for disconnecting and reconnecting are paid, then the electricity supply is restored no later than 2 days later.

Where to call when the power goes out

And first of all, let's look at the services that you can call when the power goes out. These include:

  • dispatch service of the electric company;
  • housing and communal services emergency number;
  • city ​​dispatch service;
  • rescue service - 112.

Each number is individual and depends on the region of residence. As a rule, you can find them either on receipts or on the official website of the city, where there is a section with information about all organizations.

The power went out, where to call in Moscow or the Moscow region

In most cases, the lights are turned off during power failures or scheduled repairs. Therefore, you need to contact not Mosenergosbyt, which is only a supplier, but the Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK) or Mosoblenergo. MOESK is responsible for electrical networks in rural areas, and Mosoblenergo - in cities.

How to call MOESK

The first way is to contact the Bright Line hotline - 8 (800) 700-40-70. You may have to wait on the line for a long time, since the phone is multi-line.

You can find out on the MOESK website which district (distribution zone) your address belongs to, and call your distribution zone (its telephone number is listed on the same website).

On the MOESK website there is a menu item “Disconnections”. Perhaps information about your situation will be indicated there and you won’t have to call anywhere at all.

If the light was turned off only in your apartment, and you don’t know why, you should call the phone number indicated on the back of the payment for light. This is the number of the company serving your area. Or follow the following links:


Why does the light suddenly go out? Disabled for reasons:

  • Repairs - minor or global, according to plan.
  • Emergency power failure.
  • Having large debts.
  • Theft of electricity.
  • Energy resource.
  • Short circuit.

Repair and accident

When renovation work is carried out, it is done in accordance with the rules laid down by the Government. As stated in the Post. Right. 354 dated 05/06/11 (R. IV), if there is a backup power source, the break cannot be more than 2 hours. In case of exceeding the term, for each hour of excess, calculated in total, the electricity service fee is reduced by 0.15%.

Electricity supply cannot be interrupted for more than 3 consecutive days per year. Residents should be warned in advance of power outages unless there is an emergency. Otherwise, the legislation on the protection of consumer rights provides for compensation for material and non-material damage (Articles 14, 15).

When an incident occurs, there is no time limit for correcting messages. But the supplier's responsibilities include preventive measures and actions to maintain the smooth operation of networks. And if he failed to act, which led to the accident, he can be sued.


If a consumer has not paid for electricity within 3 months, he will first receive a warning with an offer to repay the debt, then after a month the lights will be turned off if the correct response is not followed. What to do if the power goes out due to long-term non-payment? It is necessary not only to quickly present it, taking into account the accumulated interest, but also to present the receipt to the settlement center.


Power outages are possible when using energy without installing a meter. Or when connecting special devices that interfere with the proper operation of the device, distorting its readings downward. In both the first and second cases, such actions are considered theft.

In case of disconnection for economic reasons, the supplier must notify the consumer in writing 1 month before the expected event. Turning off the lights without warning is only possible if the tenant is caught in the act of theft, there are witnesses and a report has been drawn up.


A power surge often occurs due to the operation of a large number of household appliances, when a refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle and microwave oven are turned on at the same time. A short circuit can also occur while working with wiring.

For these reasons, the automation on the meter turns off, and in old houses the traffic jams “fly away” and the lights go out. To reconnect the electricity, you need to go to the “shield” and lift the toggle switch or insert a new fuse into the plug. In the second case, it is advisable to have spare parts. But it’s better not to stop the matter, use devices within reasonable limits and not repair wiring without being a specialist.

If the meter is working normally, then the reason is in the wiring itself, which requires a power grid worker to repair.


Who should I contact at night to turn on the lights after paying off my debts?

There is no need to contact anyone; electricity will be connected within two days after the debt is fully repaid.

Why is the light flashing?

This is due to power surges in the network when one of the consumers connects powerful electrical appliances. To protect household appliances and reduce the intensity of blinking, you can use a voltage stabilizer.

What causes the lights to turn off from 2 to 20 seconds?

This phenomenon is possible when power lines are damaged. The light turns off for a short time until the backup power is turned on.

How to fix the situation

To restore electricity supply, the home owner only needs to pay off the debt. This should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise a penalty will be charged.

Correct actions of the debtor:

  • When a homeowner is convinced that he will not pay his light bill on time, he can exercise his right to receive a deferment. According to the law, the Criminal Code should not refuse him. As a result, a person gets the opportunity to avoid fines and forced power outages.
  • If the electricity is turned off, you need to quickly collect the required amount to pay for the services received.
  • Next, a receipt (proof of debt repayment) should be submitted to the management company, then write an application to restore the electricity supply.
  • Connecting the light is a paid service, the amount is determined individually.
  • Then you should contact the management company employees and agree on the removal of the seal.

If the above conditions are met, the organization is obliged to restore the supply of electricity within two days.

The only thing the homeowner will have to do to restore the supply of electricity is to pay off the debt. Source

What to do if the apartment is cold or the hot water temperature has dropped?

Too low the air temperature in the apartment or hot water in the tap may be a reason to contact the management organization or a single dispatch center.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, the air temperature in residential premises must be at least + 18 ° C, in corner rooms - at least + 20 ° CON . The permissible temperature drop at night (from 00:00 to 05:00) is not higher than 3 ° C. The hot water temperature should be from 60 ° C to 75 ° C.

What to do if in an emergency there is no way to call the control room?

If you urgently need to contact the forwarding service, but there is no way to call or leave a request online, go to the entrance, go down to the first floor and press the switchboard call button. Or call the elevator and press the communication button on the switchboard in the cabin.

If you cannot call and there is no elevator in the building, the only way to ask for help is to personally contact the management organization. Inspect the entrance to the entrance - your contact information may be listed on the front door or at an information kiosk next to it. You can also find the contacts of the management organization on the Moscow House portal or in receipts for housing and communal services.

Power outage at night - the main algorithm of actions

They turn off the lights in the house at night: who to call?

It’s clear how to behave during the day. But what if the power outage happened at night? As a rule, many people do not even notice how they themselves sleep. No electricity at night, who should I call?

After all, there are situations when you need light at night, but there is none. In this case, you can call the already known number 112 or by calling the Unified Duty Dispatch Service.

This service was created by order of the government specifically for rapid response to all types of emergency situations.

On any day, at any time of the day, your appeal will be accepted and answered immediately. The shipper will independently contact the managers and send the necessary team to solve the problem.

Response characteristics in different regions of the country

For example, consider the two largest cities in Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. It doesn’t matter whether the lights are turned off in a house or apartment, the answer to the question “where to call” is the same.

In the capital, residents should contact their local emergency services in the event of a power outage. Employees tend to react instantly and the problem is quickly resolved.

In the northern capital, one of these services exists for the entire city, but this does not prevent it from working normally and solving problems as soon as possible.

In principle, there is practically no difference in the actions of residents of different Russian cities. It doesn’t matter whether there is a service in your city, two or ten - you can contact the emergency service at any time of the day, and help will arrive quickly. Over the phone, they will also give you the necessary advice and tell you the approximate time frame for solving the problem.

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