The Light Is Lost in Half the Apartment What to Do Basic Recommendations

If you are faced with a situation where the electricity in the apartment goes out, but at the same time, only half of the apartment remains without light - one room or utility rooms, it is worth understanding the situation and the reasons in more detail. The problem with de-energizing half of the apartment occurs in old houses where the wiring has not been replaced and its wiring from the panel in the entrance has not changed. The fact is that in some cases, current was supplied to the apartment through two lines in order to reduce the load on the line and prevent failure of the wiring when the load increased. In the panel, each line has a separate plug or emergency circuit breaker, which allows you to break or restore the electrical circuit.

A similar scheme is found in houses of different designs, four, five and nine storeys. Usually, at such facilities, if major planned repairs are carried out, then the plugs are simply replaced with modern machines that are reliable and easy to operate. When there is a power outage, you should pay attention to the machines; if one of them is knocked out and the switch is facing down, it is turned back on.

The cause of knockout is poor contact in the circuit, especially in areas where powerful equipment is connected. If the situation repeats, you need to check the sockets, terminal boxes with twists and other connection points for their reliability and the possibility of areas with an oxidized surface appearing. If you find an unreliable connection, it should be redone.

The electrician himself

Next you need to do the following. Go to your home electrical panel. To do this, you may need to go out onto the landing. There you can find your protective circuit breakers (they are also called plugs, bags, or simply circuit breakers). Check if they are all enabled?

The circuit breaker is turned off in the electrical panel. Try turning it on?

If any machine in the panel is turned off , do not rush to turn it on immediately. Safety comes first, and machines don’t just turn off. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • absence or darkening of insulation, it is better not to approach such places,
  • do all manipulations in the shield with one hand, the second should be on the side and not touch anything,
  • If the cause of the shutdown was your old iron, it must be unplugged from the outlet.

In such shields, even I am afraid to turn on the machines). Remember - left hand behind your back! The heart muscle does not like electric current!

If all the machines are turned on , you need to make sure that there is no electricity for your neighbors. This can be done in several ways:

There is no electricity in the apartment or house. What to do? – blog

What to do if there is no electricity in the apartment? Apartment electrical panel, automatic devices

I’ll say right away that the article is not for electricians, but for ordinary citizens, consumers of electricity. This article may seem like a lot of water, but you must understand that I have a great responsibility - after all, in giving these tips, I am like a doctor prescribing medicine remotely.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

I’ll also add, so as not to return - if you are in Taganrog and you have lost electricity in your house or apartment - call.

The lights in the apartment or house have gone out

Below I will give simple tips and steps regarding the apartment, and then I will tell you the features regarding the house.

Don't panic!

If the electricity goes out when it's dark outside, it can cause anxiety and unnecessary body movements. Therefore, say in a commanding tone, “Calm down! I read an article on SamElektrika, the main rule there is DO NOT PANIC!”

Where to start if the outlet is not working

If there is light in the house, but the electrical outlet does not work, you need to make sure the conclusions are correct. Often the equipment that they are trying to connect turns out to be broken, but everything is fine with the wiring. It is recommended to double-check the operation of the device in another outlet, and then evaluate the network voltage.

To carry out even simple repairs to sockets, you will need a number of tools. Before starting work, you should prepare them:

  • voltage indicator - a special indicator screwdriver;
  • dielectric (insulated) or regular pliers, the handles of which are wrapped with electrical tape;
  • regular Phillips screwdriver;
  • sharp knife (construction knife, stationery knife);
  • pry bar, hammer, chisel.

The last three tools are not always needed, but when replacing an electrical outlet with a new one they can come in handy. Also, to check the sockets in the apartment, you need to prepare a simple device, for example, a table lamp. Sometimes, if an outlet stops working, you may need to replace the wires.

What to do if electricity is lost in half of the apartment?

I’ll also add, so as not to return - if you are in Taganrog and you have lost electricity in your house or apartment - call.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

The lights in the apartment went out, what should I do? Apartment, house, plot - what the owner needs to know. Knowing why the shutdown occurs will not give you anything; you won’t repair it anyway, because you are not competent in this matter. Ask, I'm in touch!

“Smart Home” Do it yourself - Controlling a chandelier using two wires

Controlling a chandelier via two wires...

As you know, in many houses there are only two wires to the switch, in this case it is possible to turn on the chandelier in the room only as a whole (let’s say six lamps), but I would like to turn on only three light bulbs, and when, say, you need more light, turn on three more. In this situation, you cannot do without a third wire for an additional switch. Or maybe you are not yet going to make repairs and ditch the walls for laying the third wire. There is a way out of this situation; you will only need one module designed specifically for this. It is built directly into the chandelier (you can see how the module is connected in the chandelier in the figure at the end of the page). This module is compatible with all types of electric lamps! This means you can use LED or energy-saving lamps. Everyone knows that: Dimmers are absolutely incompatible with economical fluorescent light bulbs, and yet there are more and more such lamps! In Europe they have simply decided to legally ban the use of incandescent lamps. Three types of firmware were written for this module (three modifications of this module). We will consider each modification separately.

1. Control of the chandelier via two wires, “Normally off”

This module with this firmware modification is best installed in a closet or hallway. We connect the module according to the diagram below. The diagram shows that: One light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is connected directly and turns on every time it is turned on. The second light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is switched on through the module. When you turn it on for the first time, only one light will light up. To turn on or turn off the additional lighting channel, you need to turn off the light with the switch and turn it on again within one second, the second lamp will light up. The lighting turns off in normal mode, as before. The peculiarity of this modification is that the additional channel always starts in the off state.

2. Control of the chandelier via two wires, “Normally on”

This module with this firmware modification is best installed, for example, in the kitchen. When you turn on the light, both lights (both channels) will light up, and if necessary, the light can be dimmed (by turning off the additional channel). We connect the module according to the diagram below. The diagram shows that: One light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is connected directly and turns on every time it is turned on. The second light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is switched on through the module. When turned on for the first time, both channels (main and additional via the module) will light up. To turn on or turn off the additional lighting channel, you need to turn off the light with the switch and, within one second, turn it on again, the second lamp will light up or turn off (depending on what position it was in before). The lighting turns off in normal mode, as before. The peculiarities of this modification are that the additional channel always starts when it is on.

3. Control of the chandelier via two wires “With memory mode”

This module with this firmware modification is the most convenient in my opinion. The last state of the additional channel (on/off) is recorded in the microcontroller, and the next time the light is turned on, the additional channel will restore its previous state. That is, it remembers each of its states. We connect the module according to the diagram below. The diagram shows that: One light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is connected directly and turns on every time it is turned on. The second light bulb (or part of the chandelier) is switched on through the module. To turn on or turn off the additional lighting channel, you need to turn off the light with the switch and, within one second, turn it on again, the second lamp will light up or turn off (depending on what position it was in before). The lighting turns off in normal mode, as before. The peculiarities of this modification are that the additional channel starts in the state in which you last left it. This version of the firmware uses a non-volatile flash memory cell, and if the power goes out, nothing will happen.


Control: From a standard switch Memory: Non-volatile (FLASH) Maximum switched current: 220V - 500 Watt Overall dimensions, LxWxH, mm: 30x30x18 Article number: UL2 Supports work with all types of lamps.

Price: Negotiable.

Upon purchase you will receive: Assembled module, instructions.

To enlarge the image, hover over it


When there is no power in one house, you need to dial the number of the dispatcher of the company servicing that particular house. It must be indicated on utility bills.

If there is no electricity in a certain area, you should contact the appropriate energy service by finding its number in the directory.

When there is no response to the specified addresses, you can dial the following numbers anywhere in the Russian Federation:

You need to concentrate and present the situation briefly and clearly. As a rule, information about accidents in the city is transmitted to these services, and it can answer the question of when the lights will be turned on or specialists will be sent.

These are the hotline numbers of Mosenergosbyt OJSC; they will be useful to those whose home is serviced by this company.

Residents of the capital can also contact (MOESK) by 24-hour phone number:

Who should you call if the power goes out in St. Petersburg?

For housing and communal services issues, including when there is a power outage, you need to call the hotline at:

From it, information is sent to the appropriate housing and communal services service.

You can call the call center of the Regional Rescue Service:

From the above, it is clear what to do if there is a power outage. It is advisable to prepare in advance for an emergency situation and have a flashlight, candles, matches or a refilled lighter on hand. You need to enter the required numbers into your phone in advance and always make sure it is charged.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Reasons In most cases, residents of an apartment building must be warned before turning off the lights, but there are exceptions to this rule. Ask, I'm in touch!

What should an energy consumer do?

The simplest way to protect against power surges is to turn off devices in a critical situation. Such devices are based on voltage control relays of the RN type and electronic control circuits. If there is an excessive drop in the network, household appliances turn off, and when they return to a stable state, they automatically turn on again.

Such devices are mounted directly at the entrance to the electrical appliance. With their help, most often, long-term operating devices (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) are protected. If there are frequent and long-term fluctuations in the network, care must be taken to continuously maintain its parameters within normal limits. For these purposes, special devices are used - voltage stabilizers.

If the fluctuation occurs within the operating range, then the device constantly maintains the voltage at the nominal value (220 V) with a deviation of no more than 1-2%. When jumps exceed the permissible values, the device turns off and turns on again when returning to operating limits. Modern stabilizers have an operating range of about 160-250 V.

If voltage drops are caused by internal reasons (for example, poor quality wiring), then you need to call a professional electrician to correct the situation. He will find the reasons and eliminate the malfunctions. It’s another matter when there are network disturbances and a voltage that does not meet GOST requirements is supplied to the apartment’s input. If such cases are recorded frequently, then you should exercise your right as a consumer of the service.

Where to complain?

If you have a complaint about the quality of power supply, you can contact:

  • management company;
  • territorial power grid company;
  • municipal housing and communal services department;
  • Housing inspection;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

You can complain by visiting the organization in person, by letter or via email. Procedure:

  1. submitting an application to the organization servicing the house and calling an electrician;
  2. drawing up a report on deviations from the norm by an electrician;
  3. submitting an application with a report attached to the management company with a request to rectify the situation;
  4. if refused, send a complaint (claim) to the supervisory authority.

How to file a complaint?

If the tenant refuses to eliminate the violations, he has the right to file a complaint with any of the above authorities. The basis for its design is the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354 and GOST 32144-2013, which establishes electricity quality standards. The complaint is submitted in writing in free style. Some points are mandatory:

  1. Name of the organization and full name of the person to whom the claim is being written.
  2. Full name, passport details and address of the person filing the complaint.
  3. Reasons for appeal and complaints with references to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. Finally, you need to describe your requirements.
  5. Add date and signature.

It is important to clearly indicate the violations identified. The following claims can be considered justified:

The following claims can be considered justified:

  • excessively low or high voltage;
  • long periods of unstable voltage and its complete loss;
  • signal frequency deviation from the norm;
  • the appearance of impulse voltage.

The consumer has the right to make the following demands:

  1. Tariff reduction by 0.15% for each hour of supply of electricity of inadequate quality (Resolution No. 354).
  2. Compensation for losses in the event of failure of household appliances due to a sudden power surge.

The complaint is accompanied by an act of violations, a report or a certificate from the repair shop about the failure of the equipment.

complaints about low voltage in the electrical network complaints about low voltage in the electrical network We do not recommend completing the documents yourself. Save time - contact our lawyers by phone:

In what time frame should it be responded to?

The organization responsible for the power supply of the house is obliged to respond to the complaint within 3 days PP 354, if the complaint is filed with a government organization, then up to 30 days, Federal Law-59 Art. 12. To clarify the causes and assess the damage, she has the right to send a special commission, as well as attract independent experts. The corresponding condition assessment report is sent to the applicant.

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