How to Take Electricity Meter Readings • Lenelectro Meter

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any residential or industrial premises must be equipped with energy metering devices, including electricity meters. Electricity supply companies use meters to monitor and record the volume of electricity consumed. In turn, the consumer, based on meter readings, can plan not only energy consumption, but also their expenses for paying for these services.

Correct charging for used electricity largely depends on the correctness of the readings taken from the meter. To do this, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of performing calculations when using various types of metering devices.

Certified by the Customs Union

1.The counter can be programmed in

- in two-tariff mode,

-in multi-tariff mode (3.4 tariffs).

By default, the meter is produced in a two-tariff mode:

the first tariff is 7-00 - 23-00, the second tariff is 23-00 - 7-00.

2. The counter displays alternately on the LCD display

-energy at tariffs,

- time /hours, minutes/,

-date /day, month, year/,

At the consumer's request, the total energy readings for all tariffs can be additionally displayed.

3. The meter provides an indication of the currently valid tariff -

"tick" under the tariff number.

4. At the installation site of the meter, having a set of equipment for programming the meter, it is possible to adjust the meter time and enable/disable the winter/summer transition.

5. Event log - last 30 events.

6. Electronic seal of the terminal cover. .

At the request of the consumer at the production stage, it is possible to program the meter according to the tariff

schedule of the desired region. This service is free. Reprogramming previously purchased meters -

Regulatory support

Complies with GOST12.

Complies with GOST12.

Certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation.

LE 221.1.R2,RF.D1.5–60A

Electric meter for accounting and measuring active electricity in single-phase networks 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. Multi-tariff (up to 4 tariffs in 8 zones). Accuracy class 1.0. Rated current 5(60) A. Measuring element shunt.

Interfaces RS232 and radio modem. Built-in load disconnect relay.

Total power consumed in the circuit:

The limit of the permissible basic absolute error of the clock of the built-in rater is no more than sec per day:

Technical parameters of load disconnect relay:

1. Maximum current - 80A,

2. Number of on/off cycles 30,000.

Complies with GOST12.

Complies with GOST12.

How to take readings from a multi-tariff meter

The procedure is almost the same as with a two-zone meter. The difference is that three indicators are taken - T1 (peak), T2 (half peak) and T3 (night). Tariff validity periods are shown in the table above. The general principle of action when calculating payment is the same as for two-tariff modifications.

Counter LE 221.1.R2.DO

By purchasing electricity meters in, you receive an EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY provided by Petroelectrosbyt manufacturers!

meters of JSC "Lenelectro" - 5 years meters of LLC "Taipit - IP" - 7 years from the date of production (for meters manufactured since 2022) meters of JSC "Energomera" - 5 years meters of JSC "Cascade" - 5 years When choosing an electric meter, you you need to know the phase pattern of the electrical network (single-phase or three-phase).

Single-phase network - voltage 220V or 230V. Three-phase network - 380V or 400V. Single-phase electricity meters are designed for a single-phase network. Three-phase electricity meters are designed for a three-phase network.

1 For subscribers of Petroelectrosbyt. 2 Provided that the electrical installation is in good condition and there is an electric meter with state verification seals that are no more than 12 months old for three-phase and 24 months for single-phase metering devices.

Induction meters: what are their features

Induction meters are already a thing of the past, although in some places they still remain. They are simple and reliable. They are easy to distinguish from other types of counters because they have a wheel that rotates when the counter is running.

Old style counter

How many numbers to write off

There are models with different numbers of digits: usually from 4 to 7. In many models, the last one or two digits are highlighted. This may be a regular comma, these numbers may have a different color (usually red) or different sizes. The last figures show tenths or hundredths of kilowatt/hours, therefore, when recording and transmitting to the appropriate services, they are not taken into account, since accounting is carried out in whole kilowatts.

Induction counter

It should be remembered that there are models in which the last one or two digits are not highlighted. In this case, you will have to write down all the numbers, since the design of the meter does not allow tenths or hundredths of the energy consumed to be taken into account. You need to be careful so that you don’t have to pay a huge difference.

If you are not sure that you will be able to take readings correctly, it is better to invite an inspector to your home so that he can explain and clarify which numbers should be recorded and which should not. Alternatively, you can contact the electrician who services this area and get all the information you need from him. This can even be done over the phone.

Reading process

After the meter is installed, the owner is given a certificate indicating the initial digits of the meter. By the way, they are obliged to explain how readings are taken correctly and which numbers are important and which ones should not be paid attention to. As a rule, all zeros that precede the first digit are also not written down.

Sample reading

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours of electricity were consumed, you need to know the readings for the previous month. If the meter has just been installed, the first numbers can be taken from the installation report, and subsequently the data can be taken from receipts, which are best stored in a convenient place so that you don’t have to look for them for a long time.

Nowadays, almost all subscriber services calculate the amount of energy consumed by consumers independently; it is enough to transfer the data to them. As a rule, data transfer occurs at the end of the month (on the last days). The deadlines for submitting information are set by the subscriber organization. Basically, invoices, in the form of receipts, are processed by computers, based on special computer programs. There are times when even computers make mistakes. Therefore, it is better to monitor how much electricity is consumed monthly. If this is not done in a timely manner, the error can grow into a significant amount, and companies supplying electricity pay off their debts with difficulty.

How to make calculations

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours were consumed during the current accounting period, it is enough to subtract the previous ones from the last readings. The result will be some kind of figure that will reflect the real amount of electricity.

Let's say that the last readings are 6102, and the previous ones correspond to the figure 5842, then 5842 must be subtracted from 6102 and the figure will be 250. Calculations show that 250 kilowatt-hours of electricity were consumed during the current accounting period. To find out how much you will have to pay, just multiply the number 250 by the tariff and you get the amount.

Counters that work for a long time sooner or later reset and mislead the owners. Many people believe that the electric meter has deteriorated, but this is not at all true.

Simply, when rewriting the meter readings, there is a unit in front of all the numbers, even if they are zeros. For example, before this the counter showed the numbers “9988”, and after a while, for example, “0022”. If these readings need to be transferred to the accounting company, you will have to write down “10022”. You will only have to set the unit once, and subsequently you will have to take readings as usual.

Reset counter

What is multi-tariff mode and its purpose?

As you know, the load on the energy system is uneven. During the day, electricity consumption is several times higher than at night (to be precise, the peak occurs in the morning and evening). In order to motivate the population, multi-tariff systems have been introduced in many countries, including Russia, taking into account the characteristics of a particular city (settlement).

The most common is the two-tariff system (day-night), and its three-tariff modification (peak-half-peak-night) is also found. The transition to such metering schemes can significantly reduce electricity costs. As an example, we give the prices for various time zones for the city of St. Petersburg (for an apartment with a gas stove).

Example: tariff table for St. Petersburg.

As you can see, the difference in price between night and day rates is slightly less than twofold. Even if you only turn on the washing machine when the nightly tariff is in effect, you can save a lot.

To switch to a two or three tariff system, it is necessary to install an electronic electricity meter, the design of which allows for such a count. As for induction modifications, they do not have such functionality.

How to calculate electricity using a meter

To eliminate errors, it is necessary to carry out the calculation correctly.

Where to find tariff information

To independently determine the amount of electricity payment for the current period, you need to know exactly the cost of the service. Depending on the region of the Russian Federation, as well as additional parameters (type of settlement, availability of certain electrical appliances and rates at different times of the day), the tariff for the population may differ significantly.

You can find out the cost for a specific territory as follows:

  1. Check on the website or at the office of the utility service provider. The data must be indicated on stands in specialized payment centers.
  2. When tariffs increase, information is published in the official press and on the website of the regional commission that deals with this issue. The department’s website also has an online calculator that roughly calculates the fee for a specified time period.
  3. Look on the receipt. During the period when tariffs increase, some discrepancies are possible.

Attention! It is not recommended to use unofficial sources of information, as they may contain unverified or outdated information.


It is not difficult to calculate the payment for consumed electricity; to do this, you need to follow a certain scheme, depending on the type of device.

Single tariff electricity meter

Conventionally, the current readings are 000354, for the last month – 000296.

The tariff for Moscow residents who live in gasified houses that do not fall under the territory equated to rural areas for the second half of 2022 is 5.38 rubles. per kW/h.

Based on the available values, the calculation of the expense and payment amount for the current month will be as follows:

354–296=58 kW/h x 5.38 rub. = 312.04 rub.

Two-tariff IPU

Electric meter readings for the new billing period: T1 – 000898, T2 – 000576. Previous values: T1 – 000840, T2 – 000539.

The tariff for the peak zone in Moscow (in houses with gas stoves) is 6.19 rubles, for the night period - 1.92 rubles.

You need to determine consumption and payment in stages; first you need to calculate current consumption:

T1. 898–840=58 kW/h x 6.19=359.02 rub.

T2. 576–539=37 kW/h x 1.92=71.04 rub.

Total for the month: 359.02+71.04=430.06 rub.

Three-tariff electricity meter

It is necessary to take readings from three zones: T1 – 000587, T2 – 000456, T3 – 000832. Data for the past month: T1 – 000545, T2 – 000415, T3 – 000780.

Tariffs by time: peak zone – 6.46 rubles; night – 1.92 rubles; half peak – 5.38 rub.

To find out how much you need to pay per month, you need to count your expenses sequentially.

T1: 587–545=32 kW/h x 6.46=206.72 rub.

T2: 456–415 = 41 kW/h x 1.92 = 78.72 rub.

T3: 832–780 = 53 kW/h x 5.38 = 285.14 rub.

Next you need to add up all the data:

206.72+78.72+285.14=570.58 rub.

This is the amount you need to pay for light.

It is taken into account that the final figures in the receipt may differ slightly: you need to pay attention to the “ONE” line, which reflects the general readings for the house and is included in the payment.

How to correctly take electricity meter readings?

According to accepted world practice, electricity consumers must install devices that take into account its consumption and pay according to their readings. In the Russian Federation, this requirement is enshrined at the legislative level. Taking readings and calculating payment based on them is the responsibility of the consumer (owner of the device). But if, as a rule, there were no problems with induction electricity meters, then with the advent of electronic devices, many consumers have questions about taking readings. The answers to them can be found in this publication.

How to take readings from electricity meters Mercury 200, 206, 233, 230, 231, 234

The listed models have a similar interface. Control is carried out using two buttons (see Fig. 3). One, with the inscription “ENTER”, is used to select indications of various tariffs, the second, which shows a ring with an arrow pointer, is used to select a mode.

Front panel of three-phase meter Mercury 230

The procedure for taking readings is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to set the appropriate mode, in this case “A”. To switch modes, you need to briefly press the button with the ring until a dash appears under the corresponding letter on the display (marked in red in Fig. 3).
  2. After setting the “A” mode, the display will show the readings for the T1 tariff; to view the data for other tariffs (T2 and T3), you must briefly press the “ENTER” button. The number of tariffs is determined by the meter settings; they are made by employees of the energy company.
  3. Information is displayed in the following format:
  • Tariff name (T1-T3).
  • Actually, the readings (a number with two decimal places).

Please note that these devices have special software. Thanks to it, you can get more detailed information when connecting the meter to a PC.

Universal configurator for the Mercury line of meters

The procedure for taking readings from a multi-tariff meter and calculating the payment amount

Electronic models of electricity meters, unlike inductive devices, are equipped with electronic dials that display not only the consumed kilowatts, but also the date, operating time of the meter and tariffs by zone, since these devices are multi-tariff.

Depending on the model, the electric meter can be:

  • Single tariff. This type of metering device counts the electricity used regardless of the time of day according to a single tariff (T1);
  • Two-tariff. The calculation of consumed electrical energy is carried out at different tariffs, since in this case the day is divided into two time zones: (T1) day - from 7-00 to 23-00 and (T2) night - from 23-00 to 7-00. The cost of energy used at night is significantly lower.
  • Three-tariff. In addition to the day (T1) and night zones (T2), the electricity meter takes into account energy during daytime peak loads (T3), which are read from 10:00 to 14:00.

Data is read from a multi-tariff device as follows:

  1. To correctly record readings from an electronic device, it is necessary to write off information separately for each time zone. To do this, click on the “Enter” button on the display panel.
  2. After pressing, the display initially displays the T1 value data, which is written off to the electricity metering log or payment receipts.
  3. After subsequent presses, the following readings (T2 and T3) are alternately displayed on the display, which are also reflected in the accounting documents, while the numerical data is recorded only in kilowatts, without taking into account the numbers after the decimal point.
  4. After the output of indicators is completed, the checksum of all three modes (day, night and peak period) is reflected on the multi-tariff meter display.

The calculation of payment for the used electricity of a two-tariff meter is carried out according to the following scheme:

Meter readings for the reporting period: T1 – 000226, T2 – 000355.

Indicators of the previous month: T1 – 000120, T2 – 000280.

We recommend: How to remove the seal from a water meter

Tariff price T1 – 5.50 rubles; T2 –2.45 rub.

To determine the total fee, all data is summed up: 583 + 150 = 733 rubles.

The electricity payment of a three-tariff meter is calculated in a similar way, taking into account the readings of three zones:

Current readings: T1 – 000345, T2 – 000255, T3 – 000530.

Data for the past month: T1 – 000315, T2 – 000215, T3 – 000470.

Tariff rates: T1 – 5.50 rubles; T2 – 2.45 rubles; T3 – 4.40 rub.

Calculation: T1 = 345 – 315 = 30 x 5.50 = 165 rub.

T2 = 255 – 215 = 45 x 2.45 = 98 rub.

T3 = 530 – 470 = 60 x 4.40 = 240 rub.

To determine the total fee, all data is summed up: 165+98+240=503 rubles.

Important! If your meter has more tariffs, then all of them must be taken into account in the calculation.

Taking readings from the Mercury 206 N meter:

Features of meters

There is a wide selection of different counter models on the market. And therefore, consumers can choose the device that will meet the requirements for it.

There are many models. But some of them are in great demand among consumers. Therefore, let's look at their main characteristics in more detail.

Lenelectro counter

This multi-tariff meter has a high accuracy class, so it’s clear why consumers prefer to use it.

The manufacturer guarantees that the service life of the device will not be less than the inter-inspection interval, which is 16 years.

The device can be programmed to operate in both single-tariff and dual-tariff modes. You can even program up to 4 tariffs, which is very convenient.

In addition, consumers can use the unique opportunity to program the device to operate on holidays and weekends. This allows you to significantly save money.

Mercury counter

It is somewhat more difficult to read off readings from such a meter, and here is the reason. The fact is that the resource supply company does not set a single tariff, but a differential one.

This means that the tariff will change over different periods of time. It is for this reason that it is so important to write off readings not for one, but for all zones. This can be done in two modes:

  1. Automatic - on the device display within a couple of seconds you can see the value of consumed energy. These indicators vary by zone.
  2. Manual – if there is a need to take readings or sort them out yourself, you can use this mode. To activate it, you need to press the “Enter” button. After this, you can go through all the readings, pressing the button each time to switch from one tariff to another.

Depending on which model was installed, the display can display from 2 to 4 zones.

Important! When taking readings, remember that there is no need to rewrite the two numbers that are displayed on the display on the right.

Counter Cascade

Data on the amount of electricity consumed is displayed on the liquid crystal display. The only difficulty is that you need to write out this data in a certain sequence:

  • the amount of electricity consumed during the daytime;
  • the amount of electricity that was used at night.

It is noteworthy that the meter model allows you to independently familiarize yourself with the readings transmitted in the previous month. This is a very useful feature. After all, consumers can find out the indicators on their own if it is not possible to familiarize themselves with the data presented in the receipt.

Counter Mirtek

The display of this model displays all the data necessary to transmit readings. To remove them correctly, you must first record the amount of electricity consumed during the daytime, and then at night.

Having written down all the necessary data, you can safely begin the calculations.

But you should remember that you need to rewrite all data. It depends on how many phases the device is designed for.

JSC "Lenelectro"

mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_88,h_123,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/%D0%9BE-3D1%20%D0%9F%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BF %D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%20%D0%9B%D0%95%D0%AD%D0%9B_411152_002%20%D0%9F%D0%A1.jpg" alt="LE-3D1 Passport LEEL.411152.002 PS.jpg" width="" height="" />

mv2_d_5100_7002_s_4_2.jpg/v1/crop/x_107,y_0,w_4887,h_7002/fill/w_164,h_235,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0 %B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%20%D0%BE%D0%B1%20 %D1%83%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D1%82 %D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B0%20(%D0%B4%D0%BE%2010.jpg" alt="Type Approval Certificate (up to 10″ width="" height="" />

When and where are electricity meter readings sent?

The consumer is obliged to take and transmit accurate meter readings within the period established by the contract, usually monthly from the 15th to the 25th inclusive. In case of absence or untimely transmission of information from the meter, the energy supplying organization to which the readings are transmitted makes an accrual according to the information available in the system, while the average statistical data on energy consumption for the last six months is taken into account.

You can transfer data taken from metering devices using any available methods:

  • Please provide the information included in the receipt in person to the customer service department.
  • Through a self-service terminal.
  • By phone, through the contact center of the energy supply organization.
  • Using the Internet, through the subscriber’s personal account.

In addition to the above, there are other methods of transmitting electricity meter readings using modern technical devices.

Transfer of readings for Moscow:

LE 221.1.R4.Р2.5-60А

The meter is designed for multi-tariff (up to 4 tariffs in 8 zones, 12 seasons) metering of active energy in two-wire AC networks with a voltage of 220 V. Measuring element-shunt. Interface: RS 485

Total power consumed in the circuit:

Limit of permissible absolute error of watch accuracy:

over the entire temperature range, s/day. 1.0

*excluding interface circuits

Instructions for taking readings

LE 221.1.R2.D0.5–60A

Electric meter for accounting and measuring active electricity in single-phase networks 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. Multi-tariff (up to 4 tariffs in 8 zones). Accuracy class 1.0. Rated current 5(60) A. Shunt measuring element

Total power consumed in the circuit:

The limit of the permissible basic absolute error of the clock of the built-in rater is no more than sec per day:

Complies with GOST12.

Complies with GOST12.

Induction meters

This process for old-style devices is quite simple; it is enough to rewrite the information from the mechanical indicator, where the numbers display the total amount of electricity consumption over the entire period of operation of the device. After this, the readings for the previous period are subtracted from the resulting number. The result is multiplied by the current tariff.

The information is included in the payment receipt. Once every six months, energy companies have the right to monitor the metering device, which obliges the consumer to provide access to it.

Induction meter readings with drum

In the figure above, the segments of the mechanical indicator that display an integer are marked in red, and tenths of kilowatt-hours are marked in blue. There are models without displaying the fractional part. The meter's rated current, voltage, and frequency parameters are shown below. By the rotation speed of the drum, you can visually assess the current load power.

Important! Tenths are not included in the receipt.

Induction devices are gradually being replaced by electronic ones due to their undoubted advantages. Let's tell you what they are.

Certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation.

How to take readings from a Micron electricity meter?

This procedure is also not difficult. Using the button (marked in red in Fig. 7), the appropriate information display mode is selected.

Micron Counter

On the case, below the information board, the names of the modes are printed; a “bird” is depicted on the screen above the current one. To take readings correctly, you need to use the button to set the T1-T3 mode. For example, if the mark is above T2, then the displayed data will correspond to the indicators of the selected tariff.

We hope that the information provided will help those who do not know how to take meter readings.

Certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation.

How to find out the electricity meter number - from your personal account

After several years of operation, electrical energy metering devices must be verified by representatives of the energy supply company. The frequency of verification procedures is regulated by the manufacturer (for example, for Mercury 201 series devices, the interval is 16 years). When carrying out inspections, repairs and installation work, owners need to know how to find out the electricity meter number. There are several ways to define it.

JSC "Lenelectro"

mv2_d_5100_7002_s_4_2.jpg/v1/crop/x_107,y_0,w_4887,h_7002/fill/w_164,h_235,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_3/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0 %B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%20%D0%BE%D0%B1%20 %D1%83%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D1%82 %D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B0%20(%D0%B4%D0%BE%2010.jpg" alt="Type Approval Certificate (up to 10″ width="" height="" />

Advantages of new electronic metering devices

The first glance at the front panel of an electronic device can cause some confusion. Instead of the usual mechanical indicator, there is a digital display and some strange buttons.

Electronic meter front panel

In fact, there is nothing complicated; below we will describe in detail how to take readings from various electronic models. As for their advantages, these include:

  • Indication of the current date and time.
  • Saving readings for the previous month in the device memory.
  • Transferring data with readings to the control center of the energy company providing the services.
  • Possibilities of multi-mode tariffing.
  • The current sensor can be a shunt, a current transformer, or both.

It makes sense to consider the last point in more detail.

Electric meter le 221 how to take readings

Irisha Mishakina
Pay attention to the letters on top of the numbers

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Arrow on T0

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Natalya Kochetova

How to take readings from the electricity meter Energomer CE 101, CE 102, TsE6803V?

For electronic devices of Energomer models, the procedure for obtaining readings is quite simple and does not require any pressing of control keys; in fact, on some modifications they are absent altogether.

Front panel of meter CE 102

Every 10-15 seconds, the display cyclically displays the data of time zones from T1-T2 or T1-T3 (depending on the modification of the device) and their total value. In this case, the name of the tariff (T1-T3 and T - the total amount) and, in fact, the readings in the form of a number with two decimal places are displayed at the top of the screen.

Front panel of meter TsE6803V housing type P32 (for DIN rail)

It is not possible to view readings for the previous period.

Taking readings from a single-tariff electric meter and calculating the payment amount

Induction meters are single-tariff metering devices. Taking readings from devices of this type is carried out using simple mathematical calculations. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Error-free recording and transmission of information from the electric meter guarantees accurate and correct charging for electricity and the absence of misunderstandings associated with overpayment for electricity.

We recommend: How to calculate electricity bills

How to take and transmit readings from a new electric meter to Mosenergosbyt

Now there are three types of meters, but multi-tariff meters are becoming increasingly popular when metering electricity, which are literally replacing old metering devices. And this is no coincidence, this happens because consumers want to reduce daytime electricity consumption and increase it at night, which reduces electricity bills by 50%. Thus, tariffs differentiated by time of day appeared.

Electric meter le 221 how to take readings

another's computer

JSC Lenelectro

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Old ones first

Natalia Tsvilikh

Tell me, how deep should the panels be in order to place the LE 111.1.DO counter (120x76x66) on a DIN rail? For example, is it possible to install 365 x 220 x 100 in IEK ShchRN-P-18? Thank you.

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Very high quality. With a capital K.

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Good afternoon. Do you still need to obtain permission for installation from Petroelectrosbyt? And who will seal the new meter?

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Natalia, if it’s the Criminal Code, then they are. Place and remove and fill

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Tell me on the lenelectro meter 221.1.r2.d0 error Err where to find the error code. ?

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Maxim Gorbachev

Good afternoon. Where can I see prices for your devices? I would like to purchase it, you know)) another question: do electricity meters need to be checked for accuracy (the so-called verification) after some time? And if so, then through what time? Is there a deadline when such a reader needs to be replaced, regardless of whether it works or not?

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