How to take readings from an electricity meter

Accounting for consumed electrical energy is given paramount importance, therefore, electricity meters are installed in every apartment, in every private house, in factories, factories, and business institutions. As a rule, most citizens submit monthly electricity meter readings to the metering service. At the same time, you can independently calculate how much electricity and how much the family spent per month. Unfortunately, not everyone records and transfers data correctly.

Induction meters: what are their features

Induction meters are already a thing of the past, although in some places they still remain. They are simple and reliable. They are easy to distinguish from other types of counters because they have a wheel that rotates when the counter is running.

Old style counter

How many numbers to write off

There are models with different numbers of digits: usually from 4 to 7. In many models, the last one or two digits are highlighted. This may be a regular comma, these numbers may have a different color (usually red) or different sizes. The last figures show tenths or hundredths of kilowatt/hours, therefore, when recording and transmitting to the appropriate services, they are not taken into account, since accounting is carried out in whole kilowatts.

Induction counter

It should be remembered that there are models in which the last one or two digits are not highlighted. In this case, you will have to write down all the numbers, since the design of the meter does not allow tenths or hundredths of the energy consumed to be taken into account. You need to be careful so that you don’t have to pay a huge difference.

If you are not sure that you will be able to take readings correctly, it is better to invite an inspector to your home so that he can explain and clarify which numbers should be recorded and which should not. Alternatively, you can contact the electrician who services this area and get all the information you need from him. This can even be done over the phone.

Reading process

After the meter is installed, the owner is given a certificate indicating the initial digits of the meter. By the way, they are obliged to explain how readings are taken correctly and which numbers are important and which ones should not be paid attention to. As a rule, all zeros that precede the first digit are also not written down.

Sample reading

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours of electricity were consumed, you need to know the readings for the previous month. If the meter has just been installed, the first numbers can be taken from the installation report, and subsequently the data can be taken from receipts, which are best stored in a convenient place so that you don’t have to look for them for a long time.

Nowadays, almost all subscriber services calculate the amount of energy consumed by consumers independently; it is enough to transfer the data to them. As a rule, data transfer occurs at the end of the month (on the last days). The deadlines for submitting information are set by the subscriber organization. Basically, invoices, in the form of receipts, are processed by computers, based on special computer programs. There are times when even computers make mistakes. Therefore, it is better to monitor how much electricity is consumed monthly. If this is not done in a timely manner, the error can grow into a significant amount, and companies supplying electricity pay off their debts with difficulty.

How to make calculations

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours were consumed during the current accounting period, it is enough to subtract the previous ones from the last readings. The result will be some kind of figure that will reflect the real amount of electricity.

Let's say that the last readings are 6102, and the previous ones correspond to the figure 5842, then 5842 must be subtracted from 6102 and the figure will be 250. Calculations show that 250 kilowatt-hours of electricity were consumed during the current accounting period. To find out how much you will have to pay, just multiply the number 250 by the tariff and you get the amount.

Counters that work for a long time sooner or later reset and mislead the owners. Many people believe that the electric meter has deteriorated, but this is not at all true.

Simply, when rewriting the meter readings, there is a unit in front of all the numbers, even if they are zeros. For example, before this the counter showed the numbers “9988”, and after a while, for example, “0022”. If these readings need to be transferred to the accounting company, you will have to write down “10022”. You will only have to set the unit once, and subsequently you will have to take readings as usual.

Reset counter

Types of meters and how they work

Today, manufacturers of electrical equipment produce two types of electricity meters:

  • induction - these are devices of outdated models, which are based on the principle of operation based on electromechanical induction;
  • electronic or static , which are based on microprocessor elements and electronic components.

Induction meters and control of electricity
And although the filling of the devices varies greatly, they perform the same function - they take into account the current passing through them and display its quantity. At the same time, the readings change over time, or rather increase. This allows you to more accurately record data over a certain period of time, which is the basis for electricity metering.

Electronic modifications of electricity meters

What are the differences between electronic electricity meters?

Electronic meters differ from induction meters in completely different approaches to calculating consumed electricity. Instead of mechanical displays, they use electronic digital displays, and this display can display not only the amount of energy consumed, but also other data, such as date, time, tariff, etc., every few seconds.

In such models, taking readings comes down to waiting until the required numbers appear on the screen. You don’t have to wait for these numbers to appear, but press a certain button, after which the numbers will immediately appear on the scoreboard. This is especially true in relation to multi-tariff meters, when the cost of daytime, evening or night tariffs is different. In this case, the meter keeps track of energy specifically for each tariff separately, and also shows the total amount of electricity consumed.

In the photo below you can see that on the electricity meter screen you can see the “T1” icon on the left, and slightly to the right the number “72.69”. A little further you can see the designation “kW h.” These figures show how much electricity is consumed at the daily “T1” tariff. After recording these numbers, they are transferred to the subscriber service or used for individual calculations.

Example of two tariff meter readings

Despite the fact that the counter is electronic, whole numbers should be transmitted, without digits after the decimal point. In this case, the counter shows “72.69”, then the number “72” should be transferred to the accounting organization.

Meter "Mercury 200": how readings are taken

Electronic electricity meters "Mercury 200" are available in both single-tariff and multi-tariff types. You can distinguish them by the numbers that come after the decimal point. Single-tariff meters are designated as “Mercury 200.00”, and multi-tariff meters as “Mercury 200. 01, 02 and 03”. That is, the designation may be 01, 02 or 03, which corresponds to the number of zones. At the same time, models are produced without control panels and with control panels.

As a rule, the process of taking readings does not depend on the model, although you will have to press the “Enter” button several times. The main thing is to know which numbers correspond to which zone.

Electricity meters of this model alternately display the time, date, and then tariffs on the electronic display, depending on their coverage area. First of all, the time in the regular tariff is shown, and hours, minutes and seconds can be seen slightly higher. After a few seconds, the date appears on the screen in the usual format: day, month and year.

Mercury 200 time and date

The next stage is information on tariffs. The designations “T1”, “T2”, “T3” or “T4” appear in the left corner and top. The number of these characters depends on the model of the electronic meter. It is at this moment that all readings that relate to the relevant tariffs should be recorded. The whole part of the numbers is written down to the decimal point.

Indications of two tariffs

Once the meter shows all tariffs and the amount of electricity used separately for each tariff, it shows the total amount of kilowatt/hours.

The frequency of displaying this information is about 5-10 seconds. During this time, especially without panic, you can have time to write down all the data. If you can’t do this, you can use the “Enter” button, which is located under the red LED. You need to press the button until the relevant information appears on the display. It is not so difficult.

Using the enter button you can view all meter readings

It is also not difficult to carry out calculations for each zone separately, especially since the calculation procedure is standard: the previous reading is subtracted from the current reading. Regardless of the model of the Mercury electric meter, the steps for taking readings are identical, especially since the location of the buttons is the same.

Mercury 200

Electric energy consumption meters "Energomera"

The technology for taking readings from Energomer's electronic meters, regardless of how many tariffs it calculates, is practically no different. The only difference is that you will have to press not the “Enter” button, since it is not there, but the “PRSM” button, which corresponds to the word “view”. The front panel may have 2 or 3 buttons, depending on the model.

Energy meter Energomera

If you do not press this button, the screen will alternately display numbers corresponding to a specific tariff, which indicate how much electricity has been consumed.

Electronic meters "Mikron"

These electronic devices differ in that they have only one button on the control panel, which, if necessary, must be pressed. As a result of clicking on this button under the designations “T1” or “T2”, “T3” or “T4”, checkmarks begin to appear, and numbers that indicate the consumed kilowatt/hours begin to appear on the right. You need to press several times, how many tariffs exist .

Taking readings from the Micron counter

Electronic meters "Saiman"

Currently, the active replacement of outdated induction meters with electronic ones continues. The most popular counter in this regard is considered to be the counter. The main advantage of such devices is the absence of buttons on the front panel for viewing readings. It is enough to wait a while for the required value to be displayed on the electronic display, after which it is recorded and transferred to special services for further action.

Saiman counter

The counter automatically and alternately displays on its display:

  • Date.
  • Time.
  • Your serial number.
  • Gear ratio (number of pulses per 1 kW* hour).
  • Total – a number corresponding to the current energy consumption. For two-tariff meters - alternately “T1” and “T2”, which corresponds to day and night tariffs.

As a rule, all readings are recorded, including Total, without taking into account the values ​​after the decimal point. In the video you can see how to do everything correctly.

How to take readings from an electric meter - saiman

Equipment with automatic data transmission

Manufacturers began to create developments that provide for the automatic transmission of information through a special channel. Installing and configuring such equipment will require more time and effort. But after completing all the stages, you won’t have to worry about tracking how much electricity has been “burned” every month and informing the customer service about this. Everything is done automatically.

Automatic data transfer

Recently, thanks to the widely developed information network, which operates quite quickly with huge volumes of data, as well as the ability to organize separate communication channels, electronic electricity consumption meters with automatic data transmission have appeared. The only problem is the complexity of installation and configuration, but subscribers do not have to participate in the process of collecting and transmitting data.

Taking CE303 meter readings using the iRZ MC52i-485GI GSM modem (video instructions)

Methods for submitting account information

There are different options by which homeowners transmit meter readings to the energy supply organization.

They are intended for various groups of the population, but most are remote in nature, using the telephone or the Internet. Thanks to this, there are fewer queues, and consumers have more personal time.

Method No. 1. Phone call

The method of making a call to a call center or management company is the most popular. Telephone numbers for calling operators or an answering machine are indicated on the receipt, which also indicates the time of reception of readings by telephone.

To optimize the process of receiving data, an answering machine works, following the instructions of which by pressing certain numbers on the telephone keypad or voicing the data in a voice message. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete this procedure.

There is a method intended for those who prefer communication with a living person. You just need to call the operator and leave your meter readings, answering his clarifying questions. In a management company, an employee assigned separately for this procedure is usually responsible for taking depositions by telephone. On strictly defined days of the month (for example, from the 15th to the 25th), he answers calls and enters them into the Energosbyt program. Thus, representatives of the management company control the timely and accurate payment of bills by residents.

The advantages of submitting information by phone are that it is convenient and time-saving. In minutes of making a call, you can transmit readings from all the meters that are in this entire home.

Three-phase electricity meters

There are 2 types of three-phase devices: direct connection and through current transformers. As a rule, modern 3-phase electronic meters are connected directly without current transformers. The process of taking readings from such meters is identical to that from single-phase ones, since they work according to the same algorithm. As a rule, there are practically no 3-phase consumers in the private sector for domestic needs, and in order to connect 3 phases to your house or apartment, you need to obtain a special permit.

Back in Soviet times, when apartments were built and electric stoves were installed in them, 3 phases were supplied to them. And so, 3-phase meters are installed at industrial enterprises and other institutions, as well as business structures.

If you plan to consume a lot of electrical energy, then you cannot do without current transformers in any case. To correctly calculate the consumed electricity, you need to know the transformation ratio of the current transformers. After this, the readings on the display must be multiplied by the transformation ratio. The result will be the sum of the actual electrical energy consumption.

In any case, you need to familiarize yourself with the agreement, which necessarily outlines the calculation scheme, indicating the transformation ratio, tariffs, etc.

Three-phase meters - how to take readings

Firstly, three-phase electricity meters differ from single-phase ones only in the number of terminals (input and output). Such devices are not installed in apartments. They are usually used either in private homes, or in production, or in large buildings for various purposes that have one owner.

Readings are taken in the same way as in single-phase devices. Accounting and calculation are also carried out in the same way, multiplied by the tariff. There are induction models in this group, and electronic, single- and multi-tariff.

What is the difference between single-phase electricity meters and three-phase ones?

Features of an electric meter with remote readings

This is a new approach to controlling energy consumption, which involves non-human intervention. The device is equipped with a special reading program, which is located remotely. This is convenient for everyone: for consumers who no longer think about when to submit reports or where to take them for control. Because taking and transmitting electricity consumption readings is transmitted automatically.

This is also a big plus for an energy sales organization. There is no need to go from house to house to check whether consumers have provided the data correctly and whether it matches the readings taken by inspectors. But the most important thing for organizations supplying electricity is the ability to plan electricity costs, which means it is possible to organize the operation of networks so that their efficiency becomes higher. And this is good for consumers and for energy supply organizations. At the same time, the entire system will work efficiently: from electricity generation to consumption.

Ability to monitor meter operation via smartphone

It should be noted that electricity meters with data transmission differ from conventional ones in that they are multi-tariff. At the same time, the device itself, every 15 seconds on its display, shows how much electricity has been consumed at the moment after the latest data was taken at the night rate, day rate and the total consumption rate. This is convenient in terms of controversial issues that arise, although, as practice shows, such issues usually do not arise after installing devices of this type.

Anti-magnetic fillings

Since Soviet times, citizens have been trying to save on current consumption by stealing it. Illegal actions, of course, brought criminal liability, which did not stop all citizens. Therefore, energy sales organizations install anti-magnetic seals on meters, which in appearance are similar to a regular label.

Anti-magnetic seal, where and what is located on it

The bottom line is that many are trying to stop the operation of the meter using a magnet, influencing electronic parts with a magnetic field. So, in the magnetic seal there is a sensor installed in the form of a capsule filled with a special liquid that contains a dye. If a magnetic effect has taken place, the substance spreads throughout the capsule, coloring the liquid. This is a signal for controllers, who immediately draw up an act.

Attention! It is impossible to tear off the label without damaging it.

How much does it cost to seal a meter?

  • If an old meter is replaced with a new one or the device is installed in an apartment (house) for the first time, the seal is installed free of charge.
  • If the meter requires repair, then after repair, the installation of a seal is subject to payment. Its value is determined by the energy sales organization depending on the region.

If the seal is broken or torn, will there be a fine?

There are two situations to consider here.

  • If it is discovered that the seal has been broken, then you must immediately contact the energy sales organization. The controller needs to explain why this happened. If the damage was discovered immediately, then no fines will follow.
  • If the inspector himself discovered a broken seal, and besides, the property owner cannot explain the reason, then most likely a large fine will follow. In addition, the controller will calculate the average readings for the entire period that he did not check. Therefore, my advice is to periodically inspect your metering devices to ensure they are working properly and have a seal.

Violating the integrity of the seal is a big fine.
In principle, the question of how to take and read electricity meter readings is not the most difficult. But if you have any difficulties or additional questions, we are ready to discuss them with you.

Sealing of meters

IPU sealing is proof of the mechanical integrity and correct operation of the device. This procedure protects against unauthorized withdrawal of electricity from the resource supply organization. Sealing the IPU is a mandatory procedure; each working electric meter must have a seal from the resource supplying organization.

Meters are sealed at the manufacturer and when the device is put into operation by an employee of the supplying company.

Currently, two types of fillings are used:

  • from the device manufacturer;
  • from your electricity supplier.

The PU sealing from the manufacturer confirms that the device has passed the necessary certification and operates in accordance with established standards. The declared characteristics meet the requirements, and the device itself has the proper measurement accuracy. In addition to this, the factory seal, the PU passport, which must be attached to each product, is proof that the device has passed all tests.

The second seal is placed during installation and commissioning of the IPU. This indicates that the resource supplying organization has accepted a specific PU on its balance sheet. Sealing is carried out exclusively by representatives of the organization that supplies electricity to a specific consumer and controls its timely payment.

Anti-magnetic seals

Unfortunately, not all electricity consumers pay for the service provided in good faith. In addition, many electricity consumers install magnets and a meter with such a magnet shows a value much less than the real one.

To prevent this from happening, service providers today supply their consumers' meters with a special anti-magnetic seal. In this case, it is not a seal as such, but a special sticker on the device body. It is a kind of indicator - if a magnet is used on a device with such a sticker, then the strip with a magnetic field changes color. Employees of the resource supplying organization, when conducting regular checks, having discovered such changes, have the right to fine the consumer.

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