How to take water meter readings, what numbers to record

Location of standard type meters

Water meters are installed according to the standard water distribution scheme in the apartment: pipes with hot water go on top, and, accordingly, there is a meter for hot water, and below - for cold water. They are mounted on water pipes in the toilet or in the kitchen under the sink. Sometimes pipelines with meters are located vertically, but for clarity, the instrument bodies are painted in the appropriate colors: red and blue.

Meters for hot and cold water

In order to check that the meters are installed correctly, before taking readings from the water meter, open the tap and drain cold water from it. In this case, the blue meter responsible for recording cold water should start working. If you have figured out the location of the meters and they are working correctly, you can proceed to the most important activity: taking readings.

How information is read from the meter

It is not difficult to take readings from water meters in an apartment. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper.

Also remember that it is very important to store data from last month: it will need to be used for calculations. What do we need to take readings?

  1. Determine which meter is for hot water and which is for cold water. You need to write all the numbers displayed on the dial.
  2. The last digit must be entered in a rounded value: if the indicator is more than 500, then you need to write down the number rounded up, less - down.
  3. The resulting quantity must be multiplied by the tariff rate. Examples: 5 cubic meters (cubes) of hot water at 100 rubles per 1 cubic meter - 500 rubles per month.

Before recording and transmitting the received readings, make sure that the water supply system in the apartment is working without interruptions and there are no leaks anywhere. Otherwise, you risk transmitting incorrect readings.

What numbers from the meter do we need?

If you pay attention to the meter dial, you can see black and red numbers. Let's look again at what they mean and which of them we need to write off:

8 digits - that’s how many indicators the scoreboard includes. 3 numbers of which are red

Please note that they indicate liters and are not counted, since the result must be indicated in cubic meters. The remaining 5 digits on black show exactly what we need - the amount of resource consumed, which we will enter in the receipt. It is necessary to read the readings from the meter for the reporting period, which today is 1 month

This means that in order to determine the number of cubes consumed, we will need to subtract previous information from last month from today’s readings, and only then make entries

It is necessary to read meter readings for the reporting period, which currently amounts to 1 month. This means that in order to determine the number of cubes consumed, we will need to subtract previous information from last month from today’s readings, and only then make entries.

Recalculation of utility bills

In some situations, it may be necessary to verify the correctness of the enumeration.

If you overpay

Due to incorrect counter information or errors by the receiving employee, excess funds may appear in the account. According to RF PP No. 354, if discrepancies are detected, but provided that the IPU is fully operational and is not classified as out of order, the payment is recalculated.

To return funds, you must:

  1. Receive from the contractor a copy of the inspection report, which established the presence of surplus due to the difference in readings.
  2. Write a statement requesting a recalculation of the payment made.
  3. Submit the documents to a special department of the service company and be sure to receive confirmation that the information has been accepted for consideration.

If everything is done correctly, the due deduction will be indicated on the next receipt. If there is a significant overpayment, the amount is spread over several months.

Advice! If the contractor does not recalculate and does not provide an answer about the decision, you need to contact the regulatory authorities. The cause of failure may be a detected malfunction of the device or damage to control seals, which must be confirmed by an inspection report.

If testimony has not been submitted for a long time

The lack of information about consumed resources recorded by the IPU does not exempt the owner or tenant from paying, since residents are not limited in access to the service and can use water. Based on existing legislation (RF PP No. 354), each owner of a premises that is equipped with a meter has the right to calculate water consumption according to the readings of a correctly installed and commissioned meter. In such a situation, the amount is calculated at a single tariff for a specific region.

If you do not submit meter data, then the payment calculation method changes: for the first 3 months, the average indicator for the past six months is taken as a basis, and then according to the standard. Changing the situation is quite simple: you need to invite a specialist from a service organization to check the meter and take control readings.

In this case, it will not be possible to achieve recalculation, since it was the owner who ignored the right granted to him to submit monthly information.

Exceptions include special cases that may require legal proceedings where it will be necessary to prove the presence of force majeure circumstances or confirm temporary absence.

How to correctly take water meter readings

Water meters are no longer a luxury, but a necessity in almost any apartment.

In order to take water meter readings, you need to know literally a couple of nuances.

The main thing on the meter for an ordinary resident of a particular apartment is the central display with numbers - they show the number of cubic meters of code used in the apartment. These numbers have a division into black and red boundaries - to take readings from the meters, we should only care about the numbers displayed in the black part of the digital field (for example, on the top counter in the picture we are only interested in the number 20, and 270 in the red field is needed only for statistics).

It is important to ensure that there are no water leaks in the apartment. With the help of water meters, this is very easy to do - just turn off the water taps everywhere and see if the meter is spinning

If not, then everything is fine in your apartment!

Data taken from water meters is submitted to special authorities to be included in the rent each month.

the moderator chose this answer as the best

All water meters are made the same way and their dial is divided into two parts - on the left there are black numbers that count cubic meters of water consumed, so they are entered into the statement, and on the right there are red numbers, they take into account the consumption of liters, they do not need to be taken into account anywhere. Why did many people ask, perhaps there are two reasons - the first is that these numbers are needed to carry out a more accurate verification of the device, and the second, perhaps they were left for self-monitoring of water consumption for advanced users. If people with low vision live in the house, then it is best to cover up the red numbers so that they are not visible at all.

Below is a fragment of the accounting, which shows that each line has its own device, try not to confuse, otherwise you will then have to explain and pay extra, or return the money.

Water meter readings must be submitted regularly, before the end of the current month, by phone or directly to the controller every month.

To take readings from a water meter, just look at its dial and rewrite the numbers, you need to take into account that the meter may have numbers highlighted in red - these are fractions of cubes; you don’t need to take them into account, you only need to take into account numbers on a white background, black - that’s them recorded and reported when transmitting readings and included in payment receipts.

Look at photos of water meters with different allocations of whole numbers and their fractions, look at yours and easily determine which numbers to rewrite.

Every month, on the day of submission of information about meter readings, it is necessary to take readings from water meters, which are usually located in close proximity to hot and cold water risers. The cold water meter has a blue plastic housing, and the hot water meter has a red housing. The first black field, consisting of five digits, contains the required number of cubic meters consumed in total, according to the cumulative principle, since the start of operation of the meter. We enter this data on an invoice or other form.

Payments for water supply must be made monthly. To do this, you need to learn how to take meter readings correctly.

The water meter has a display with numbers. Usually it has 3 digits after the decimal point and 5-6 digits before it. You will need to write down the numbers before the decimal point. You need to record readings from the hot water meter (usually red) and from the cold water meter (usually blue).

When paying, you will have to indicate the figures from last month and the present ones, as well as calculate the difference.

Electricity meter readings: how to get data from the device

Electricity consumers are required to pay in full for consumed electricity. To do this, they must transfer the electricity meter readings to the appropriate authority or perform an independent calculation of energy consumption.

Data on consumed energy must be transferred to the energy sales service

How to take readings from induction type electricity meters

Induction-type devices are equipped with a rotating wheel located under a frame with numbers. This data is necessary to perform calculations and transmit readings. The type of electricity meter readings that need to be transmitted depends on the device model and the number of digital values.

Most often, the induction type meter display displays from 5 to 7 digits. The last digit is distinguished from the total number by a difference in size, color, or decimal point. In rare cases, the last two numbers may be highlighted.

When taking readings from the electricity meter, the numerical values ​​after the decimal point are not taken into account. These data display hundredths and tenths of a kilowatt, so they are not taken into account.

Taking readings from an induction electricity meter

How to take electricity meter readings correctly

After installing or replacing an electric meter in a private house or apartment, the owner is issued a certificate confirming the correct implementation of this procedure. The document records the initial digital values. To obtain data from the unit, you need to transfer onto paper all the numbers displayed by the device at the moment, not taking into account the numbers after the decimal point. Also, zeros preceding the first significant number are not taken into account, i.e. 1 or more.

To carry out calculations, you will need data for the previous month. In the first month after installation of the equipment, these figures are taken from the report. Next, you will have to keep a logbook or save all receipts in order to record the indicators.

Some subscription services relieve electricity consumers from having to make their own payments. It is only required to transmit data in a timely manner for a certain period of time. This became possible thanks to an automated system, which itself or through an operator enters data into the personal account, calculates charges and generates a receipt. In this case, the consumer will only have to make payment based on the invoice.

In addition to data on energy used, electronic meters can show other information

How to calculate payment based on electricity meter readings

You can calculate the amount to pay your electricity bills yourself. To do this, you need to subtract the latest data from the previous readings. The result is the amount of electrical energy consumed over the last period of time. All that remains is to multiply it by the current tariff.

For example, if the meter displays a numerical value of 5204 kW, and the previous figure was 4954 kW, the calculations will be as follows: 5204 – 4954 = 250 kW (electricity consumption).

When resetting the counters, the readings are rewritten taking into account all zeros, and “1” is placed at the beginning of the number

However, the values ​​after the decimal point do not need to be taken into account. For example, if the meter displays 00001.7 kW, you need to rewrite this value as 100001

Previous readings are subtracted from this indicator, and the result is multiplied by the tariff. This calculation method is used once, after which readings are taken according to the usual system - without leading zeros and an additional “1”.

When reading data from the meter, the last one or two digits are not taken into account

Calculation example for the second month

Now let's see how to take readings next month. For our example this is April:

  1. Let's look at the cold water meter readings. The black numbers are 00008, the red ones are 674. This means that the water meter shows that in two months we have used 9 m 3 of water (674 liters, since this is more than 500, we round up to one cubic meter).
  2. Now let's see how much we spent in March - 4 cubic meters. Simple arithmetic calculations: 9 - 4 = 5. It turns out that in April we pay for 5 cubic meters of cold water at the established tariff.
  3. Now the hot water meter. Black numbers are 00006, red numbers are 430. In two months we spent 6 cubic meters.
  4. In March, 3 m 3 of hot water was consumed. Hence 6 - 3 = 3. In April, 3 cubic meters were also consumed.
  5. In a notebook or notes we reflect the indicators for April - 9 and 6 m 3 of cold and hot water, respectively. The receipt indicates expenses for the current month. That is, 5 cubic meters of cold and 3 cubic meters of hot water.

How to correctly take water meter readings

The use of water meters has long ceased to be rare and exotic in our city apartments, especially since the installation of these devices is mandatory in accordance with current legislation.
However, those who are just starting to use them often have a number of questions related to how to take water meter readings. This is very important, because errors made when taking meter readings can lead to problems associated with paying for the resource consumed. That is, just one incorrectly recorded number can cost an unlucky payer a pretty penny, especially when it comes to the use of hot water, which is paid at higher rates

How to take water meter readings

Whoever encounters water meters in an apartment for the first time, after installing, or purchasing a new apartment with already installed water meters, the question will certainly arise, how to correctly take readings of water meters? In this article I will describe in detail the instructions on how to do this correctly.

How to determine where the hot water meter is and where the cold one is?

To correctly transmit readings, we determine where the hot and cold meters are. The blue meter is always set to cold water, and the red one to hot. Also, according to the standard, it is allowed to place the red device not only on hot water, but also on cold water.

How to determine in this case where to correctly write off the readings? According to the standard since Soviet times, at the entrances from the water risers to the apartment, cold water is supplied from below, and hot water from above.

And the easiest way to determine, as they say, is “at random,” if you haven’t determined the other two parameters, since modern builders can arrange the pipes as they see fit, just open the tap, for example, of cold water, and see which meter is spinning, and so define it.

How to correctly take water meter readings

So, we figured out where which device is, and now we’ll figure out how to correctly take readings from water meters. The most common counters have eight digits on the dial, so let's start with such models.

The first five numbers are cubes, the numbers stand out on them against a black background. The next 3 digits are liters.

To take readings, we only need the first five digits, since liters are not taken into account by the monitoring services when taking readings.

Let's look at an example:

The initial meter readings, 00023 409, will be based on this indicator, after a month the readings on the meters are 00031 777, we round the red numbers to one, the total is 00032 cubic meters, from 32 to 23 (initial readings), and it turns out that 9 cubic meters of water have been consumed. We enter 00032 in the receipt and pay for 9 cubic meters. This is how to correctly take readings for cold and hot water.

There are cold and hot water meters without the last three red digits, that is, without taking into account liters, in which case there is no need to round anything.

How to pay for water using meters

For Russia, payment for water is made as follows:

Enter the initial and final readings for cold water into the receipt, for example, 00078 - 00094, subtract 78 from 94, you get 16, multiply 16 by the current tariff, you get the required amount.

Calculate hot water in the same way. For example, 00032 – 00037, a total of 5 cubic meters of hot water is obtained, also multiply by the tariff.

To pay for sewerage (sewage), sum up these 2 indicators, 16 + 5, you get 21, and multiply by the sewerage tariff.

16 cubic meters of cold water, add 5 cubic meters of hot water used, you get 21 cubic meters, pay for cold water, and in the “heating” column, pay for heating 5 cubic meters. For drainage – 21 cubic meters.

Does the meter count correctly, how to check

You can check the correct operation of the meter yourself with a 5-10 liter canister, or another container, having collected approximately one hundred liters; with a smaller volume it is difficult to calculate the discrepancies in the volume of drained water and the discrepancy in the meter readings.

What happens if you don't take meter readings?

If you do not submit your readings during the test, then the relevant services will issue an invoice at the rate provided for apartments where a meter is not installed, that is, according to the standards per person.

That's all the advice on how to correctly take water meter readings.

Good luck to you!

What numbers are needed on the water meter?

Having decided whether the devices belong to hot and cold water supply, you need to write down the actual numbers - those indicated on the scale or display. And before that, you will have to figure out which numbers need to be counted on both water meters, and which ones do not need to be taken into account.

The scale of a simple tachometer device includes 8 rollers, that is, it shows 8 numbers: the three rightmost ones indicate consumed liters, the rest - cubic meters.

Common tachometer models have an 8-digit scale, which is the easiest to navigate: we write off only the black numbers, we ignore the red ones!
However, there are counters whose display differs in the total number of digits or the number of digits after the decimal point. In this case, you need to consult a specialist who installs meters or a representative of the service company who performs the sealing.

Is it possible to round off readings? This is allowed, up or down. Typically, if the red numbers reach the value “600”, the number is increased by 1, that is, liters are rounded to the cube.

Reading example:

Let's assume that the next number on the dial of the cold water meter is 00076.268. We write down only “76” on the receipt. Let's assume that next month the readings are 00084.896. We round and write “76” in the column for the last month, and “85” for the current month. The difference is 9 m³.

To understand how much you need to pay for consumed water, we multiply the cubic meters spent by the regional tariff, let’s assume 34.5 rubles/m³. It turns out 310.50 rubles - that’s what you’ll have to pay for cold water.

Using the same principle, you can calculate the amount to pay for hot water supply. If you add up both amounts, you will get a total payment for water - but without taking into account heating and sanitation, these are separate expense items

We discussed the specifics of calculating water consumption in more detail in our other article. Having figured out what numbers need to be supplied to water meters, all that remains is to choose the most convenient method of transmission, if there are several of them.

Meanings of numbers and their decoding

There are eight digits on the counter dial, 5 of which are black and 3 are red. Red ones indicate the number of liters used. They should not be considered, since payment for consumed water is made in cubic meters. That is, we are only interested in black numbers indicating the number of cubic meters of water we used during the reporting period.

Next you need to proceed as follows:

  • Write down the required numbers in a notepad or notebook in the order in which they are shown on the device.
  • Round the last figure up if the number of liters is more than 500.
  • Multiply the resulting value by the established tariff for water payment and enter the resulting value into the paybook. Now you can go to the nearest bank branch to pay for consumed water.

Please note: Before taking readings from the water meter, make sure that the pipes in the house do not leak, and that the taps in the bathroom and kitchen provide shut-off water at normal levels. If all sources of water consumption in the house are turned off, and the meter continues to “increase the numbers”, even at a minimum speed, it means that there is a leak in the home network that needs to be identified and eliminated to prevent paying for unused water

If all sources of water consumption in the house are turned off, and the meter continues to “increase the numbers”, even at a minimum speed, then there is a leak in the home network that needs to be identified and eliminated in order to prevent paying for unused water.

You can check the correct operation of hot and cold water meters as follows:

After turning off all the taps in the house, pay attention to the meters. They must be in a stationary position, and their readings must remain unchanged

After this, you need to take a 10 liter pan and fill it with water to the brim. This manipulation should be performed five times, thus gaining 50 liters. Then check the readings again with the actual water calculation. They should increase by exactly 50 liters. If there are discrepancies between the actual and nominal readings, the meters should be checked by the appropriate organization for possible problems and malfunctions.

Where are water meters installed?

All pipes of hot and cold water supply systems entering the apartment have metering units installed. It happens that readings from meters in the bathroom and kitchen are recorded separately. This is if the water supply was connected according to a complex scheme. In such a situation, water meters must be installed on all connections to cold and hot water supplies. Counters must be freely available.

It is allowed to install water meters in plastic boxes, installed side by side, located together with the shut-off valve and the leakage protection system unit. When opening the box panel, cells and seals should be visible.

Attention! If you notice that the seal on the water meter is broken, immediately contact your utility service.

The counters work on a simple principle:

  • The flow of water drives the counting mechanism.

  • The rotary indicator rotates when the taps are open.
  • The meter rotates faster if the water flow increases.

What numbers to look at on the meter to enter into the payment slip?

Payment is made at the price per 1 m3 of water, so the amount of water you used is transferred in cubic meters.

Instrument panels, depending on what model the meter is, may be different.

Alternative counters

Time does not stand still. The tachymetric water meters that we reviewed are being replaced by impulse devices. They allow you to remotely reflect your water consumption. For example, on a special display installed at the entrance, or directly in the general office system of the controlling company. With such meters, the homeowner no longer needs to independently collect readings.

There are already current water meters that independently send readings to your computer and smartphone via Wi-Fi. But they are still distinguished by a noticeable high cost.

Now you know how to correctly record and indicate meter readings on a receipt. Perhaps in the near future technology will free us from these actions.

Where to send water meter readings

Until recently, in order to submit meter readings, citizens had to wait for an inspector who independently ascertained the data. This is not always convenient, so an alternative was soon found - it became possible to transmit instrument readings independently, by telephone.

The numbers that are indicated in black font on a white background should be transmitted.

All that is required from the owners is attentiveness and punctuality - it is advisable to provide data monthly, on the same day.

Since progress does not stand still, some cities have introduced another convenient option - readings can be transmitted via the Internet.

This option is now at the peak of demand due to a number of obvious advantages:

  1. Autonomy. Readings can be transmitted at any time of the day or night, having previously specified the billing period. You can also use the option on weekends, which is especially convenient for people who work 5 days a week.
  2. Ease of use. The data is stored in the system, so if any misunderstandings arise, you can view the readings for the entire period of use and dump them on your computer as a summary table.
  3. Possibility to get help online. Getting through to utility services is not an easy task, but writing to them on the Internet will be much easier. Frequently asked questions with answers are usually included on the main page. Other operators respond within 5-10 minutes.

All water meter readings go into the utility’s common database, which is stored electronically. Most of the processes of receiving/transmitting data are automated, so the human factor, due to which errors occur, is completely eliminated.

How the meter works

To understand how to correctly take readings from water meters, you need to pay special attention to the principles of their installation and operation. Let's look at them further:

  1. Readings for hot water are taken from the hot water meter, which is usually located on top of the water pipe. This is due to the position of the pipes, since the hot water pipes are located on top. Accordingly, you will need to look at the readings on the cold water meter at the lower meter.
  2. The numbers must be written off from a special display located in the central part of the control center. It shows a lot of numbers: the three on the far right indicate the minimum indicators and change very quickly. Next come the ones we need, denoting cubic meters.

To make it easier to understand, sometimes the meters are colored blue and red - so as not to make a mistake when you take the data.

How to determine which meter is cold and which is hot

If both water meters have red markings, then you should determine which one belongs to what. To do this, there are two ways to determine whether a meter belongs to a hot or cold water supply:

  • Location relative to each other. According to the standard, the cold water meter should be located lower than the hot one. This condition is not mandatory, so during installation the meters can be located in a way that is convenient for the master. This can make it difficult to determine which meter is which.
  • Turning on the water. To accurately determine which meter belongs to cold water, regardless of their location relative to each other, you should open the cold water tap. After opening the tap, one of the meters will begin to rotate, this will be the cold water meter.

Calculation example first month

The easiest way to understand taking water meter readings is to use a specific example. First month - March:

  1. How to take cold water meter readings? Let's look at the values ​​​​on the blue water meter: black numbers - 00004, red numbers - 382. The number 382 is less than 500, so we do not take it into account. We record a black number - 4 cubic meters of water wasted.
  2. How to take hot water meter readings? The red water meter has the following values: black numbers - 00002, red numbers - 834. The last number is more than 500, so we round 834 liters to 1 m 3. The black numbers show that we wasted 2 cubic meters of hot water. With rounding 2 + 1 = 3. We record that we have wasted 3 cubic meters of hot water.
  3. We advise you to record the readings in a special notebook or notes on your smartphone - they will be needed for calculations for the next month.
  4. We transfer from the notebook to the receipt that we wasted 4 cubic meters of cold and 3 cubic meters of hot water in March.

How to fill out a receipt

We have already figured out what numbers are when taking readings from water meters and how we need to read them. But in addition, we need to figure out how to correctly fill out the receipts that we will use when paying. There are a number of special simple rules for this:

  1. In the second column and second drain, you must indicate the latest information from the cold water meter. There is no need to enter the last three digits from the readings - we will not need them here.
  2. In the third column of the second line, indicate data on cold water for the past month. Also, the fillings should not include the last 3 digits of the information.
  3. Third row, second column. Here we need data on hot water today.
  4. Third row, third column. The information here indicates hot water data for the past month.
  5. To fill out column 4, you first need to take information from the cold water meter for the current month and subtract the data for the previous month from it. That is, we need to calculate how many cubic meters of cold water and hot water you have used for the current month. Accordingly, information on cold water is indicated in the 2nd line, on hot water - in the third line.
  6. Usually the receipt already shows the current tariff for cold and hot water, so that it is more convenient for you to calculate the amount to pay. However, if this is not written, then you will have to personally find out this information from your management company or from the person responsible for transmitting the testimony, and enter it yourself. This information must also be indicated in column 4.

Once your receipt is completed, you can go pay your bills. This can be done at post offices, as well as through banks. If necessary, payment is made online through the City system, a personal account on the housing and communal services website, or through Sberbank online. Moreover, in most cases, no commission is charged, and the amount to be paid must be entered independently.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

When to take instrument data and how to fill out paperwork

So, now you know how to calculate water meter readings. Now let's figure out when to do this. The rules for transmitting information from meters state that this must be done before the 27th of the month. If information is not provided, the amount is calculated as the average value for all previous months.

However, it is important not only to take water meter readings correctly, but also to fill out the form without errors. In the official form, indicate only information that is relevant on the day of removal. If the housing is communal, a single invoice is issued, and the amount is divided by the number of registered residents.

Rice. 2

Fill out the payment form correctly, writing down the numbers as clearly as possible. If what is written down is difficult to understand or goes beyond the established fields, the document may be considered invalid and you will have to pay according to the average standards.

How to take readings from five-roller meters

On some meters, the whole part is represented by a roller scale, and the fractional part by three or four pointer scales.

Such counters are called “with a combined roller digital scale” or five-roller. If you have a five-roller counter, you take the whole part of the readings from the roller numbers, and the fractional part from the arrows.

One pointer scale shows hundreds of liters consumed, the other tens, the third units. To obtain the value of the fractional part, you need to multiply the value of hundreds of liters by a factor of 0.1, the value of tens by a factor of 0.01, and multiply the value of units by 0.001. Then add up the calculation results.

In our example, it will look like this: 7*0.1 + 5*0.01 + 9*0.001 = 0.759 cubic meters.

We add the fractional part of the readings with the integer: 6 + 0.759. We get the water consumption according to the meter to be 6.759.

Since we write only whole values ​​on the receipt, your choice is: round the fractional part according to mathematical rules or ignore the fractional part.

In the first case it will be 7, in the second 6 cubic meters. No need to worry about missing liters if you choose the non-rounding option. The consumed part of the cubic meter will be paid by you in the next period.

Just like for eight-roller meters, when you first take readings, the entire number from the meter is included in the receipt: 7 or 6, depending on whether you round the fractional part or not.

Next month, we write down on the receipt the difference between the new and previous values: 5 (12 – 7) or 6 cubic meters (12 – 6) of water.

The main supplier of five-roller counters in Russia is the German manufacturer Zenner.

How to transfer data

The method of transmitting readings may differ depending on the conditions accepted by the management company or resource provider. Data transfer is possible via:

  • telephone calls - the consumer calls the specified number and reports his full name, address and current water meter readings;
  • SMS messages;
  • Email;
  • mobile application - a program is installed on the smartphone, by logging into which the consumer is taken to a personal page and enters data on a set date;
  • website with a personal account – the home owner registers and creates his own account;
  • collecting paper messages in a designated place is a method convenient for older people who have poor knowledge of modern means of communication.

Transfer of readings for Moscow:

Methods of transmitting readings for the city - Moscow

  • Unified service department -.
  • Mobile application - downloaded from the official website.
  • City service portal – Login to your personal account.

The date for transmitting the readings depends on the region, but must be determined with the condition that payment for consumed resources is made no later than the 10th day of the following month after the reporting month. It is important that all owners of apartment buildings submit readings in a timely manner to minimize the difference between the total data of individual and general building meters.

Transferring readings via the Internet:

Article: Until what date to transmit meter readings

We recommend: Procedure for replacing a gas meter

How to take readings from meters with electronic displays

Meters with an electronic digital panel are less common than others. They are more expensive, require electrical power, and do not have significant advantages over roller ones.

However, if you have a meter with an electronic display, write down the whole number of cubes on the receipt. Round the numbers after the decimal point according to mathematical rules or ignore them.

In our example: 25 (with rounding liters) or 24 cubic meters (without rounding).

All other rules for collecting, calculating, recording and transmitting readings for meters with electronic displays are identical to any other meters.

Manufacturers of meters with electronic displays: Siemens, Betar, Sayany, Grand and others.

Practical recommendations for recording readings

Here is a simple example of how to take water meter readings yourself:

New hot and cold water meters were installed in the apartment, on which the readings at the time of their installation were zero.

That is, it looked like this:

  • Hot water: 00000000;
  • Cold water: 00000000.

After a month of using the water, the readings changed as follows:

That is, by being careful and attentive, recording and paying for readings on time, you don’t have to worry about how to correctly take water meter readings, since making serious mistakes is unlikely. The main thing is to do everything regularly and responsibly.

We talked about how to submit water meter readings via the Internet in our other article.

If you have to purchase additional meters, perhaps our tips on choosing them will help you with this.

The video will clearly demonstrate how to take water meter readings.

How to take readings from meters with a roller scale

A counter with a roller scale is often called an eight-roller counter because there are eight windows with numbers on the indicator panel. Typically five black and three red.

The first five digits show the number of cubic meters consumed. The last three digits are the fractional part of the consumption - liters.

We write an integer on the receipt, so the first five digits are the main part of the readings.

The fractional part can be ignored or rounded to a whole number according to mathematical rules - if after the decimal point there is less than 499, downwards, if more than 500, up.

For example: in the figure, the whole part of the reading is 4 cubic meters, the fractional part is 736 liters. We can round liters to the nearest whole in the current month or include them in the payment for the next period (when the meter turns over the next cubic meter).

If you are taking readings for the first time, write down 5 cubic meters (with rounding of the fractional part) or 4 (if you decide not to take into account the fractional part) on the receipt.

Next month the counter shows 11 in the integer part and 235 in the fractional part. With and without rounding – 11 cubic meters of water.

In the receipt we write down the difference between the current readings and the result of last month: 11 – 5 = 6 or 11 – 4 = 7 cubic meters.

As you can see: whether you round the fractional part or ignore it, the total number of paid cubic meters does not change. Pick one method and stick to it every month.

Manufacturers of roller digital scale meters: Valtec, Itelma, Beregun, Meter, Okhta, Taypit, Alekseevsky, Economy, Norma and others.

Features of the water meter with remote transmission of readings

Modern devices are equipped with a pulse sensor that generates signals proportional to water flow. In this case, the data is automatically transferred to a centralized accounting system, which allows you to control the amount of resources used and the operation of the device.

The owner of such a device does not need to report monthly readings, since the resource provider receives the necessary information automatically. The consumer is required to monitor the proper operation of the water meter and submit it for inspection by representatives of the regulatory organization once every 6 months.

Submission of testimony

We figured out how to take water meter readings

It is also important to submit them to the relevant organization on time - before the 26th of each month. Usually, for these purposes, a receipt and a coupon for it are filled out:

  1. Write down the full name of the apartment owner, address, number of residents and, of course, the payment period.
  2. The cold water (cold water) field indicates the values ​​on the water meter for the past and present month. In our example these are 00004 and 00009.
  3. The same information is written in the DHW (hot water) column. In our example - 00003 and 00006.
  4. In the “Consumption” field, you indicate how much cold and hot water you consumed per month. For our example, these are 5 and 3 cubic meters, respectively.
  5. The column “Water drainage” is the sum of hot water and cold water. For our example: 5 + 3 = 8 cubic meters.
  6. For the “Amount” field, you need to multiply the “Consumption” of cold and hot water by the established tariff, and then add these products.

Receipts are kept by the owner of the house, and the tear-off coupon is placed in a special box, container placed near the entrance door or in another place established by the management company. In some places it is possible to transmit testimony virtually - through State Services.

If you cannot submit a coupon with information on meters on time, then you need to notify the company involved in this accounting. You should be given average readings for the current month, the basis for which will be your data on water meters for the previous three months. And for the next payment (when you are already able to take meter readings), you can submit an application for recalculation.

How to fill out a receipt

At the moment, almost all accruals for consumed resources are carried out automatically. This provides a more convenient calculation procedure and eliminates errors, but does not relieve owners of houses and apartments from the need to check information.

In some situations, you may need to fill out the receipt yourself.

Sample of filling out a receipt

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The period of document generation is indicated. All values ​​must be entered legibly, without errors or corrections.
  2. Personal information is entered into the corresponding line of the table: full name, address, household IPU number, if it has not been registered previously.
  3. The number of people registered in the apartment or house and the number of persons entitled to receive benefits are indicated.
  4. If any, the debt or overpayment is included. The name of the service is marked taking into account the unit in which it is measured and the time period.
  5. The volume of consumption for the billing period is entered.
  6. Enter the full amount to be paid, after which you need to calculate the total taking into account benefits.
  7. All information is clarified and confirmed by signature.
  8. If during the specified period the meter was being calibrated, then consumption will be measured based on the average value for 3 or 6 months.

The completed receipt must be submitted to the institution that provides admission.

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