How to properly seal a water meter in 2022

A water meter is an important device that monitors water consumption in a home. This determines compliance with the rules of installation, as well as operation of the structure. It is to monitor compliance with these rules that seals are installed.

Sealing water meters is an important procedure that is subject to control by utility services. So, what is a seal, its purpose, the principle of installation, how many seals should there be and other issues will be discussed in detail below.

What does a filling look like and what is it for?

A seal is a kind of seal that is made according to a sample. It is placed on water meters in order to prevent illegal entry into the device and changes in liquid consumption indicators.

The seal is attached to the pipe using a simple wire. It ensures the safety of the device in the following way: the meter cannot be removed and opened without removing the seal.

ATTENTION! Meter sealing is a procedure that guarantees utility services the reliability of the readings and the integrity of the meters.

A separate seal is installed on each meter. The owner of the apartment must have two seals that are fixed on the hot and cold water meter.

Today there are several types of fillings. They differ in material and diameter. Usually a metal filling is placed, which has a diameter of about three centimeters.

But there are also plastic products. There are also magnetic seals. Thanks to this protection, it becomes impossible to change the readings on the meter using a magnet.

What is needed for sealing? Just call a specialist. Installation of the device does not take long. Does not require special equipment. However, this should only be done by a specialist. You should not take on this matter on your own.

What happens if the seal is broken?

After replacing the meter, as well as installing the seal, the user undertakes to comply with the law. Violation of the integrity of the seal leads to liability. Even if the subscriber has not reported violations to the appropriate organization, inspectors will discover them when checking the meter - if the wire is torn off or cut, then this is considered non-compliance with the rules.

Unscrupulous consumers may resort to various tricks to reduce their utility bills.

A broken filling has the following external signs:

  1. The plastic seal is completely susceptible to breakage.
  2. If a sticker seal is used, an inscription appears on it.
  3. If the “Expert” protective device is used, the body is susceptible to cracking.
  4. When using anti-magnetic tape, it will change color.
  5. In a conventional seal, the wire or twine winding is broken.

In total, there are three types of violations: standard breaking of the seal, without interfering with the operation of the device, connection without using the meter, illegal use of magnets. The minimum fine will be 200 rubles, but this figure varies depending on the city. If the seal was broken and the subscriber connected the water supply bypassing the water meter, the penalty increases. It is at least 1000 rubles. With the additional use of magnets, the fine will be 200-300 thousand rubles, the subscriber may be punished with imprisonment.

Necessity of the procedure

Installing liquid consumption metering devices provides some advantages. The most compelling argument is that payment will be made exclusively for the volume of water used. Those owners who do not have water meters pay for water according to the average.

The specified data consists of several indicators: housing area, number of residents.

Most often, apartment residents overpay about 400 rubles monthly. Accordingly, a decent amount accrues in a year. Because of this, installing water consumption meters is a useful and necessary action. Until 2012, this procedure was voluntary.

However, on July 1, everything changed. Installation of water meters is a mandatory procedure. The water meter must be sealed in a timely manner.

It is important to understand that it is not the meter itself that is subject to sealing, but the place where it is fixed to the water supply. A properly placed seal does not interfere with the operation of the meter. You can also easily shut off the water supply if necessary. But you won't be able to change the readings.

If there is no filling

If there is no seal, there will be no penalties for the homeowner. You just have to pay not according to the meter, but according to the standard tariff.

If you pay according to the readings of the meter, then during subsequent verification you may encounter other problems. The actual absence of a seal (subject to its availability according to the documentation) will be regarded as illegal interference with the operation of the device. The operation of the device will be completed, and the owner will have to pay a large amount. The new calculation will take into account the capacity of the water supply system and the round-the-clock use of the meter from the moment of intervention until the day the problem is eliminated. If the date is not set, the recalculation will be made from the last check.

Indications for sealing

Sealing of water meters is carried out in the following cases:

  • when installing a new device . When an owner purchases a new water meter, a seal must be installed after its installation;
  • in case of breakdown or replacement. If the meter in the apartment breaks down or its service life has expired, then it is necessary to change and seal the device;
  • during repair work . When a pipeline is replaced, requiring the installation of new pipes, the old seal is removed. After completing the plumbing manipulations, the water meter must be sealed;
  • in case of accident . If an accident occurs in public utilities, the elimination of which requires dismantling the meter, then after completion of the work, it is necessary to install the water meter in place and seal it;
  • if the integrity of the installed seal is violated . If the seal breaks due to careless actions of the owner or unauthorized persons, then a new protection must be installed.

If a person has purchased a home with water meters installed in it, then there is no need to replace or reseal them.

When a person buys a secondary home that already has water meters, he should inquire about the manipulations carried out with water meters. If the previous owner did not provide the relevant documents that confirm the fact of sealing, then the new owner needs to repeat the procedure.

In addition, the lack of passports for devices can lead to many problems. For example, a specialist who comes to install a seal on a water meter has the right to refuse this procedure due to the lack of passports for the device. Does the document need to be restored? Of course yes.

ATTENTION! If the papers are available, the owner will be provided with all services in full

Who seals the meters?

To recalculate payments for water supply, it is necessary not only to install meters, but also to seal and register them.
Without this procedure, payment will be charged according to the tariff. Meters can be sealed only by companies that have the right to draw up documents for them, the main one being the sealing act. Before installing seals, a specialist checks whether water meters are installed correctly and their integrity. The same specialist provides the owner of the apartment or house with a package of documents necessary for registration (in addition to the act, a technical passport is required).

It is important to choose the right company to carry out this important work. When choosing specialists you should check:

  • availability of a license to carry out this type of work (this is a guarantee of the professionalism of specialists);
  • Availability of service and warranty service , repair and replacement of devices (in case of breakdown);
  • preparation of documents for all work performed (contract for work on installing meters, installation certificate).

It is important to know that the company that carried out the installation bears the correct installation of All work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

In case of first installation and replacement

This event is carried out by qualified specialists of the management company that maintains the house. Often, calling an employee takes a long time. Since there is only one specialist, but there are many applications. Therefore, contacting a commercial institution becomes a way out of the situation.

When choosing an organization, you need to inquire about whether they have the appropriate license. To call a specialist, you need to write a paper that includes the following data, which must be indicated:

  1. information about the owner of the premises where the water meter is located;
  2. the root cause of the meter sealing procedure;
  3. information about the counter;
  4. information that indicates the installation of a water meter;
  5. date of the next meter check.

There are no regulated standards for writing paper; everything is done in free form. However, you should adhere to a business style of writing. A copy of the passport for the water meter must be attached to the completed paper. The collected documents can be sent by registered mail or brought in person to the institution.

How much does it cost to seal a water meter?

The initial installation and sealing of the meter, as well as the return of the device to operation after servicing or testing are carried out free of charge. This is provided for in Part 5 of Art. 20 Federal Law “On water supply and sanitation”.

If the equipment or the integrity of the seal has been damaged by the homeowner, there will be a charge for reinstallation. The cost varies in different service companies and regions of the country from 550 to 2500 rubles.

The first time installation is free.
The supplied water meter must be sealed and registered before the expiration of 15 working days after contacting the organization for servicing metering devices. In most cases this happens within 7 working days. If there are no equipment defects, the inspector seals the entire water unit and records this in the commissioning certificate, which remains with the homeowner.

A company employee makes copies of technical documentation for the water meter , and the service agreement is drawn up in 2 copies. The original registration certificate is kept by the homeowner.

Accounting for consumed resources occurs after the parties sign the contract and start using the device; payment is calculated according to the meter.


A specialist must come to the applicant to put a seal within five working days, which begins to count from the moment the owner submits the relevant application. The master puts seals on the water meters and issues the owner with certain documents that confirm the work done.

The paper contains information about the owner of the premises, information about the company that sealed the water meters, registration information for the meter, as well as a unique seal number and a water distribution diagram where the control element is recorded.

IMPORTANT! If the specialist has not responded to the submitted application, then the owner can continue to use the water, and the service organization will be obliged to take the readings to calculate the cost.

Where to go and what you need to seal water meters

Water meters are sealed by service companies that legally inspect and install them. When applying for water meter registration, the homeowner submits a copy of the registration certificate.

Before contacting an authorized company that will seal the water metering device, you should check:

  1. Availability of permitting documentation for carrying out these works. The license confirms the legality of the service company’s actions.
  2. Possibility of maintenance and repair in case of meter malfunction. In addition, the company must replace water meters and re-seal them when they fail.
  3. Preparation of related documentation when performing work (agreement with the homeowner, commissioning certificate).

The service company is responsible for the correct installation of the equipment. This ensures that the requirements of the water supply law are met.


If there is a gas boiler or water heater in the house, then only cold water is supplied. In this case, only one water meter needs to be sealed. If there is a hot water supply, it is necessary to install a pair of meters, each of which must have a seal.

The meter for hot water is sealed in the same way as for cold water. There are no fundamental differences in installing a seal. The technician seals the water meter and issues the appropriate papers containing all the necessary data.

Is it necessary to seal the water meter?

Many homeowners appreciate the rationality of purchasing water meters. Legally installed meters are registered and sealed to prevent them from being opened and tampered with. This allows the service company to monitor the serviceability and safety of the devices.

The procedure for sealing water meters.

Only authorized organizations can install a water meter, provided there is appropriate documentary evidence. Therefore, according to the law, it is not possible to install the meter yourself.

Replacing water meters and re-sealing may be required if:

  • the device has expired (the permissible service life is indicated in the technical passport and is calculated from the date of production, not installation of the equipment);
  • premature failure of the water meter;
  • mechanical damage to the device;
  • ball valve malfunction;
  • replacing water supply pipes, taps, valves and other parts of the system;
  • emergency situation in a water supply unit;
  • initially incorrectly performed sealing or lack of documents for the equipment.

If the water meter is not sealed, the consumed resources are paid according to current utility tariffs.

Ways to save on the procedure

The first installation of a seal on a water meter is always free . Employees of management companies can initiate verification of devices with offers to re-seal for a fee.

Owners should be aware that the technical documents for meters indicate recommended time intervals for verification. They differ for different models.

Average interval for devices installed on systems:

  • with hot water – 4 years,
  • with cold – 6 years.

There is no point in trying to save money by filling it yourself, even if you find a special tool.

The procedure requires not only applying a security seal, but also drawing up a document certified by a specialist. It is this document that will become the basis for subsequent calculations based on the meter data.

What affects the cost

  • Service organization decision : in some regions this service is provided free of charge.
  • Reason for providing the service . Thus, the initial installation of a new or replacement of an old meter will cost free if they occur at the request of the service provider - Energosbyt. If it is necessary to carry out the procedure due to circumstances beyond the control of the consumer (the product or protective equipment has failed), then the service is already paid.

approximate cost

  • In Barnaul they will charge 500-600 rubles .
  • In Severodvinsk, sealing a product will cost 590 rubles .
  • In Ussuriysk you will need to pay 630 rubles .
  • Secondary installation of a filling in Moscow and the region varies from 400 to 800 rubles .
  • In the Leningrad region, the tariff varies between 300-600 rubles .

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