Electricity consumption standards per person per month in 2022

How much does 1 kW cost in rubles?

Electricity tariffs are effective from January 1, 2022. Average data: The cost of 1 kWh of electricity in Russian cities ranges from 2 rubles to 5 rubles. The table shows the price of 1 kWh of electricity in rubles at a single-rate tariff for the largest cities of the Russian Federation.

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Washing machine: 124–226 kWh per year

How much does he spend?

It all depends on what parameters the washing machine has and how often you use it. If you run the wash 3 times a week in the standard mode without drying, in a month you will get approximately 17.4 kWh, or 83 rubles, and in a year - 226.2 kWh, or 1102 rubles. This is for the most expensive energy consumption class:

Energy efficiency classAverage energy consumption for 1 wash cycle, kWhAverage energy consumption for 156 wash cycles per year, kWhAverage cost of energy consumption per year, rub.

How to save money

Firstly, you can wash in more economical modes.

The energy consumption class of a washing machine does not apply to all modes, but only to a specific one. This information can be found in the instructions.

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Most everyday items can be washed at a temperature of 30–40° in eco mode, and more serious washing can be run with a full load in short cycles of 15–30 minutes - this way you can save electricity consumption without much effort.

Secondly, even when choosing a machine, refuse additional functions. For example, washing machines and dryers burn 2 times more electricity - and at the same time they themselves are more expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages of the 2022 social norm

Whether the social norm is profitable or unprofitable in 2022 will depend on the methodology for determining tariffs. Different data will be taken for calculations in different regions.

Social reform of electricity consumption has its positive aspects:

  1. Reduced resource costs, lower costs in industry, increased competitiveness.
  2. Taking into account the interests of low-income families. Those who consume more electricity pay more.
  3. Ease of administration. The cost of electricity is lower and the costs to energy companies are lower.

Disadvantages of the reform:

  1. Reducing the volume of indicators for garage and gardening cooperatives and eliminating benefits for rural residents and residents with electric stoves, who now pay for electricity at a 30% discount.
  2. The interests of large families, owners of dilapidated housing and those who do not have the opportunity to use devices with expensive energy-saving technologies are not taken into account.
  3. The unknown result of this tariff calculation method.

The project has not yet been fully launched due to the difficulty in checking meter readings and the number of residents.

If the usual rates are not difficult to calculate for the consumer, then calculations based on a two-zone or three-zone tariff cause difficulties. For each of these parts of the day, several more tariffs are approved within and above the norm.

Settlements with RSO

Separate accounting of the energy supplied to each of the operating households is carried out. Such volumes are indicated separately when purchasing resources. The parties are obliged to exchange any information provided for in current legislation. The main thing is that the price of resources is calculated taking into account current tariffs.

Video about how much electricity household appliances consume:

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Valentina says: 01/11/2020 at 20:59
    Mom is a labor veteran, and she is provided with electricity benefits exactly from the norm, that is, they pay compensation from the amount that she would have paid according to the norm, but she pays less than the norm according to the meter. This results in good savings, so the standards are already being applied in some cases. Regarding the fact that expenses above the norm are paid at a more expensive rate, I think it is correct. We need to save, and maybe in this way people will become more thrifty.


What is this

The term electricity refers to a physical indicator that is used both in technology and in everyday life. This is the value that corresponds to the power consumed:

  • All combined household appliances in an apartment or private house. In this case, the value shows how much is spent by one household per day, month and year. In this case, you can also figure out how much of this value is per person per month. But in this case, the homeowner must have a special energy consumption meter. It can provide an average value or, to reduce cost, calculate energy consumption depending on whether the consumption occurs at night or during the day.
  • If you calculate it in relation to an appliance, for example, an electric stove, then this is the amount of electricity that it consumes per unit of time.

Shield with a separate machine for the refrigerator

Electrical appliances consume energy when at rest, in technical specifications this is called “standby energy consumption”:

The TV in standby mode spends 0.5 watts, or 0.0005 kilowatts per hour

Usually there are several devices in standby mode in an apartment. Let's assume that the family is not at home for 8 hours a day, then on average it takes:

DeviceStandby consumption per yearIn money per year
TV, 0.5 watt1.44 kilowatts8 rubles
Microwave, 2 watts5.76 kilowatts32 rubles
Printer, 10 watt28.8 kilowatts163 rubles
Computer, 1 watt2.88 kilowatts16 rubles
Washing machine, 3 watt8.64 kilowatts49 rubles
Dishwasher, 0.5 watt1.44 kilowatts8 rubles
Total48.96 kilowatts276 rubles

The more appliances or the more time no one is home, the higher the consumption. In order not to pay for standby mode, you can turn off all appliances from the socket when leaving the house or place the refrigerator in a separate machine in the panel to turn off everything except it in one motion.

For example, in the panel in the photo, the fourth machine is responsible for the kitchen, and the first four can be switched to the “off” position when leaving the house. You can remove the refrigerator separately so as not to pay for the dishwasher and microwave in standby mode

Displaying a separate machine on a panel will cost about 1000 rubles.

Calculation formula

In order to exclude illegal consumption from your own electrical network, take into account and determine the exact consumption and possibly limit consumption, it is necessary that individual housing be equipped with special electricity meters. In this case, the formula for calculating the consumed resource will be as follows:

  • The consumer takes readings on the display. If it has two separate displays, then you need to take 2 readings, for night and daytime.
  • Then the readings for the previous month are subtracted from the current figure.
  • The final number is an indicator of the power in kilowatt hours that was consumed by the household in 1 month.
  • To pay for the service, this number is multiplied by the cost of electricity 1 kW hour. Keep in mind that tariffs for this resource differ in each region; for example, in the Tula region and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug they will be different. The final amount is the number of rubles that must be transferred to the account of the organization supplying energy resources. This is done to pay for housing and communal services.
  • If this meter does not exist, then, for example, electricity consumption by power can be calculated by multiplying the power of the device by the amount of time it operates. But, since it is not possible for the state to control electricity consumption in this way, average indicators are used.

Calculation for non-residential public premises

The calculation of electricity consumed for general house needs, abbreviated as ONE, was recently included in the utility bill as a separate line item. There have been changes since January 2022, but this figure cannot disappear anywhere, because someone has to pay for electricity. These needs include the following:

  • Lighting of the entrance, staircase.
  • Power supply for intercoms and video cameras, if they are installed to maintain order.
  • Power supply for elevators.
  • Other types of energy losses in networks of apartment buildings.

Naturally, the amount of payment directly depends on the meter readings, but their installation for monitoring networks of non-residential premises does not always exist. If there is a meter, then each apartment will pay an amount corresponding to the living area. Still, this option is calculated based on power and depends on it; the situation with metering without a meter is slightly different.

How are such calculations carried out if the accounting element does not exist? As with residential premises, there is a general standard established by the regional administration. After which this indicator is multiplied by the area of ​​the common building and by the area of ​​a single apartment in a multi-storey building. Each region has its own standard and it is the key value for calculating electricity consumption.

As you can see, at present, a working electric meter for both residential and public premises and consumers is the only effective method of paying less, and only for the energy actually used. Now you know how to calculate electricity according to the standard and understand how expensive it is to pay electricity bills without a meter!

What you can save on:

  • How to pay less for light
  • How to choose LED lamps for your home
  • Advantages and disadvantages of two-tariff electricity meters

Current indicators

Naturally, when talking about electricity consumption, it is necessary to clearly understand how it changed over the years, regions and types of industry. After all, it is the latter that is the intensive consumer of this resource.

On years

Looking at the level of electricity consumption by the population over the past 13 years, the figures are as follows:

  • In 2005, the figure was 908.1 billion kilowatt-hours.
  • In 2008 it grew to 989.7 billion kWh.
  • By 2011 it reached 1000.1 billion kWh.
  • By 2015 it increased even more - to 1008.3 billion kWh.
  • In 2022 it reached 1055.6 billion kWh.

By region

Naturally, the level of electricity consumption will be higher in those regions where unfavorable climatic conditions are observed and daylight hours are much shorter than in the southern parts. This, naturally, is the north of the country and the central part – where the population density is higher. So, according to statistics for 2022, the numbers look like this:

  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – 74.854 million kW*hours.
  • Moscow – 56.699.
  • Irkutsk region – 55.665.
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory – 53,412.
  • Sverdlovskaya - 48.304.
  • Moscow region – 47.300.
  • Chelyabinsk - 37.700.
  • Kemerovo - 35.600.

These are the top 8 regions where there is the highest monthly electricity consumption per person in an apartment, which forms large final figures. Compared to them:

  • The Leningrad region consumes 20.660 million kWh.
  • In Rostovskaya - 19.600.
  • In Vologda - 14,800.
  • In Arkhangelsk - 7,800.
  • In Novgorodskaya - 4.380.
  • In Vladikavkaz - the Republic of North Ossetia 1,500.
  • There are almost 600 in the Altai Territory.

But if we consider energy resources in the world as a whole, then in 2019 an analysis of electricity consumption showed that the most per capita is produced in the following countries:

  • China – 24% of global production;
  • USA – 18% of the total;
  • In Europe, these are countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • They consume, or rather, import, the most in Europe - Italy, Great Britain, Morocco, Greece.

Naturally, countries that produce the most resources do not experience the effect of temporary power outages for the population. Whereas some importers of the resource are sometimes forced to take steps to introduce restrictions and limits per person in certain conditions, knowing that their own capacities are insufficient.

By type of industry

If we consider the balance of electrical energy and power in Russia for 2022, then there is the following distribution:

  • Thermal power plants account for 679.881 million kilowatt-hours.
  • At hydroelectric power stations – 190.295.
  • At nuclear power plants – 208.773.
  • At wind farms – 321.
  • At SES – 1284.

During 2022, resource consumption in the following industries is expressed in the following percentages:

  • Agriculture approximately 2%.
  • Mining approximately 16%.
  • Manufacturing industries – up to 39%.
  • Production and distribution of electricity, water and gas – 14%.
  • Construction takes up about 2%.
  • Wholesale and retail trade up to 4%.
  • 11% is spent on transport and communications.
  • Provision of other communal personal and social services – 2%.
  • Other types of economic activity up to 10%.


According to the standards, the following resource consumption figures are given for one person living in housing:

  • In Moscow, if you have a gas stove, the norm is 50 kilowatt-hours. If it is not there, the number increases to 80.
  • In St. Petersburg these figures are 78 and 111, respectively.
  • In Chelyabinsk 100 and 180.

These values ​​are established exclusively in each region and are regulated by local governments. They are necessary in order to reduce household expenses and increase the responsibility of management companies. The indicated figures will calculate the amount that is necessary to satisfy the minimum needs of a person. Naturally, non-contractual electricity consumption is unprofitable, first of all, for the consumer himself.

Sometimes they install devices that take into account general household consumption, but it is still more convenient to plan electricity consumption with a personal meter. As for unauthorized selection, this action will entail criminal liability.

Standard gcal per square meter in 2022 Moscow region

The legal topic is very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “The norm of gcal per square meter in 2020, Moscow region.” Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

In Tyumen, since the middle of the year, a single supplier of heating services for apartment buildings for the population (UTSK) was selected, and the tariff was 1,610.68 rubles. In Yaroslavl, the increase in prices for utilities also did not exceed 4%, the tariff increased from 1,551 rubles. up to 1615 rub. In the Krasnodar Territory, the tariff increased from 1993.61 rubles/Gcal to 2038.12 rubles/Gcal.

Thermal Energy Consumption Standard for Heating Gcal Sq M 2020

Organizational expenses spent on energy resources not used for heating citizens' homes. The calculation is carried out taking into account the difference in heat supply provided to tenants and the total amount of resource used. Thus, the more spacious the space occupied, the greater the amount for household expenses.

Basic standards for thermal energy consumption for heating

In September 2012, the Government signed a decree introducing into force a social norm for the use of public services. But at that moment it affected only certain types of services (electricity), but only certain areas. You need to find out whether there is a social norm in a particular area, as well as when it was approved, from regional sources.

Order of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs M.O. from 20.12.

2020 No. 392-r “On setting prices for natural gas sold to the population, as well as housing maintenance organizations, organizations managing apartment buildings, housing construction cooperatives and homeowners’ associations for the household needs of the population (except for gas for tenants of non-residential premises in residential houses)".

Heating fees account for approximately a quarter of the total utility bill. The tariff, the cost of one unit of energy (gigacalorie per square meter) spent on heating a room, increases annually. Accordingly, the amount of utility costs in each individual family or organization increases.

Many people are interested in the question of what tariff changes should be expected in the near future. Payment according to the standard for heating is made if a common house heat meter is not installed in the house. Payment for electricity, water supply, sewerage and gas is made according to established standards if an individual meter is not installed.

At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 No. 344, if consumers do not have metering devices (collective or individual), if it is technically possible to install them, the standards for the consumption of utility services in residential premises will be applied increasing coefficients.

Standards for the consumption of utility services were created specifically to ensure that there is an economic justification for the tariffs at which citizens pay for housing and communal services.

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