Characteristics, how to take readings Mercury 230 AM - information material

Electric meter Mercury 230 is a model of an accounting device that allows you to measure consumed electricity and power indicators. The device is designed for use in a three- or four-wire network with several pricing options via direct or transformer connection.

The device provides the ability to operate in individual mode or connected to an external device.

The main tasks of the device include:

  • counting and displaying on the liquid crystal display via the interface information on consumed electricity for any of the configured rates and in total;
  • number of tariffs – 4, with 16 time zones, with 4 types of days;
  • calculation of power, current and frequency indicators;
  • influence on loads through the interface;
  • storing the most important events (10 for each), displaying the moment the device was started and turned off, the appearance or disappearance of individual phases, when the meter opened and closed, the tariff schedule was adjusted, permissible parameters were exceeded.

The energy meter is equipped with protection that prevents unauthorized use for the purpose of stealing electricity. Accounting is carried out with an accrual total, regardless of the direction of the current.

Mercury counters: varieties

For example, if you need to know the amount of energy consumed at tariff T1 for February, you need to subtract T1 January from T1 February. The difference is the cost of a certain tariff.

How to take readings from it is quite clear if you take a little time and carefully read what is written on the display. If you have another meter installed, you can also learn about the rules for recording readings from the article How to take readings from an electric meter. Many people are starting to use Mercury-230 electricity meters.

Old-style electricity meters are induction devices. They are characterized by a mechanical disk that spins on the front model of the device.

Three-phase and single-phase electricity meters from the availability of Mercury 230ART2, Mercury 230AM, Mercury 230AR, Mercury 202, Mercury 230ART, Any number of electricity meters produced by the Frunze plant, Energomera, Elster, Incotex, Ryazan plant with... Stopping Mercury meters with a pulse device without removing or interfering with the design of the device itself. Stopping Mercury counters..

Basic and additional functions

Thanks to the presence of a multifunctional LCD screen, working with these devices does not cause much difficulty.

The device for stopping the counter Mercury 230 ART 01 has a number of features. The device for stopping the electricity meter 230 ART 01 works with the meter..

Each electric meter requires a separate approach, and it is very important to know how to correctly take readings from them.

Vitaly, no, I am not going to transfer the Smart Home system to Windows OS. I believe that the architecture of UNIX systems is more convenient for constructing automation systems of this kind, it is free, open, easier to manage by remote means, and provides more opportunities.

Taking readings from a multi-tariff meter

Popular types of multi-tariff electricity meters:

    Mercury 230 ART-01 Mercury 230 ART-02 Mercury 230 ART-03

In order to take and transmit readings from the meter, you will need to record the following indicators T1 - electricity consumption during the day T2 - electricity consumption at night

Before taking readings, check that the meter is in ready mode - to do this, look in the upper left corner of the display near the letter A there should be a dash

as in the image below. If mode A is not installed, then you need to switch the counter to this mode by briefly pressing the right button (next to the enter button). Further, when the counter mode is set to mode A, the choice between indicators is carried out by briefly pressing the Enter key.

enter key on the counter.

The display will show the daytime energy consumption indicator T1, write it down.

Press the enter key again and write down the indicator T2 (night time consumption)

We enter the readings taken from the meter into the payment for electricity and pay for the electricity.

Determining the amount of electricity consumption and paying for it

This question is understandable, since new modernized metering devices are equipped with liquid crystal screens and many different parameters and values, which may not always be clear to the user. The Mercury-230 meter is three-phase and is intended to account for electrical energy consumption already at certain tariffs.

The functionality of this counter includes the fact that it not only records data, but also stores it, measures it and displays it on a liquid crystal display. In addition, it transmits reactive and active energy in accordance with each tariff, both for a certain period of time and for the entire period in total.

In order for you to be able to correctly record your readings, we will try to study this meter in more detail.

It is two-tariff. Current measurement occurs via a transformer. Has the ability to transmit information through an interface via digital communication channels. It is used both in domestic buildings and in industrial enterprises and agricultural facilities. It is used both independently and in the scheme of systems for technological and commercial calculation tools.

Mercury 230. Operating procedure. Reading information from the meter indicator using buttons

The values ​​of metered energy by tariff zones can be read both from the meter indicator using the buttons on the front panel, and through the CAN interface (or RS-485 or IrDA or GSM modem). At the top of the LCD there are elements that indicate the type of energy: A+, A-, R+, R-, day, month, year, previous year and losses (Note - inscriptions can be in both Russian and English).

Reading information from the Mercury 230 meter indicator using buttons

When the counter is turned on, within 1.5 s, all indication elements are turned on: cursors, icons and all segments of digital indicators. After which the counter goes into the display mode of current measurements. The LCD of the counter during its operation when using the keys can be in one of three modes:

  • in the display mode of consumed electricity;
  • in the mode of recording the indication of maximum power;
  • in the display mode of the current values ​​of auxiliary parameters (instantaneous values ​​of active, reactive and apparent power, both in each phase and the sum, current in each phase, voltage in each phase, cos ϕ in each phase and in sum, network frequency, and for meters with an internal tariff (additionally - current time and date).

Display mode of accumulated energy according to current tariffs.

When the meter is turned on, the liquid crystal display (hereinafter referred to as LCD) shows the amount of active energy consumed at the current tariff for the entire period of operation of the meter. This value is displayed in kWh, with a resolution of 0.01 kWh (two decimal places). To the right of this number are the units in which the displayed value is expressed (kW⋅h). The number of the current tariff is shown on the left (T1 is the first tariff, T2 is the second, T3 is the third, T4 is the fourth). At the top of the LCD there are elements that indicate the type of energy: A+, A-, R+, R-.

The counter has two indication modes: manual and automatic.

In automatic mode, the LCD screen sequentially displays information about the accumulated active and reactive energy for each tariff and the sum for all tariffs for each type of energy. The number of parameters is no more than 12 and no less than one and is programmed using the “Configurator...” program. The duration of parameter display is also set by the “Configurator...” program. In manual mode, when you press the “ENTER” key, the information on the LCD changes cyclically as follows: the sum of the accumulated active energy at all current tariffs, then the next time you press the “ENTER” key, the amount of accumulated active energy at tariff 1 is indicated, indicating the tariff number, with further By pressing the “ENTER” key, the amount of accumulated active energy according to tariffs 2, 3, 4 is sequentially displayed, indicating the tariff number. After the last tariff (if the meter is four-tariff, then after the fourth, if three-tariff - after the third, if two-tariff - after the second), the amount of accumulated reactive energy at all current tariffs is displayed, the subsequent pressing of the “ENTER” key displays the amount of accumulated reactive energy at tariff 1 with an indication tariff numbers. When you further press the “ENTER” key, the amount of accumulated reactive energy according to tariffs 2, 3, 4 is sequentially displayed, indicating the tariff number. In this case, the number of the displayed tariff is displayed on the left, and if the amount is displayed, then the inscription “Amount” appears in the lower part. The amount of information displayed on the LCD is determined by the configurator, but does not exceed more than 12 parameters and at least one. For electricity meters with software version 2.2.83 and higher (production began on 04/07/2008), information on all tariffs and on all types of energy (active, reactive) is displayed manually on the LCD. The ability to change this indication mode using the “Configurator …” program is blocked at the electric meter level.

Indication of auxiliary parameters.

When you briefly press the “” key, auxiliary parameters are displayed on the LCD screen in the following sequence: active power (W) – reactive power (VAr) – apparent power (VA) – network voltage (V) – angle between phases – load current (A) – cos ϕ – network frequency (Hz), and for meters with an internal rater – current time (s) – current date. The parameter is selected by pressing the “” key for a long time (more than 3 seconds). When you briefly press the “” key, the total parameter value and for each phase separately are displayed on the LCD screen. When indicating network voltage and current, the total value is not indicated. If during the timeout for returning to automatic mode (5÷255 s) the “” button is not pressed, the indicator goes into automatic indication mode.

Power peak indication

When you press the “ENTER” button for a long time (more than 2 seconds), the LCD screen displays the current month in the “month _ year” format. Next, short presses of the “ENTER” button lead to sequential display of morning and evening power maximums for the current month on the LCD. You can also look at the previous three months. When displaying morning maximum power, symbols T1 and T2 are displayed, evening maximums – T3 and T4. The type of power is indicated at the top with the symbol “-” in the appropriate place.

Manual clock correction mode.

Clock correction is carried out in the current time display mode. By long pressing (more than 3 seconds) and releasing the “ENTER” button, the current time is corrected. In this case, if the value of the seconds of the current time is less than 30 seconds, the moment the “ENTER” button is released, the seconds of the current time are reset to zero; if the value of the seconds of the current time is more than 29 seconds, at the moment the “ENTER” button is released, the value of the seconds of the current time is set to 59 seconds. Implementation of maximum correction of the current time up to ±29 sec. perhaps once a day.

Meter "Mercury-230": indirect connection

I can’t understand what the hell this Mercury 230 is. I tried to change the tariffs (I need it for work). I entered 111111, 222222-horseradish with oil. Writes the wrong code. I'm sick of it.

We all pay for electricity based on accurate data taken from installed meters. Of course, the method of accounting for energy consumption using electrical equipment is the most optimal.

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Anyone who understands electricity meters, help with the problem...

And if earlier it was easy to calculate the required amount, then with the development of technology, devices for recording spent energy have also improved. But there are also different tariff plans.

Let’s say the number on your meter now is 00450.0. After a month or another period, the numbers on your meter display have changed and become 00500.0. We need to subtract them 500-450 and we get 50, which means you consumed 50 kilowatts of energy. Most meters have 6 digits. The last one can be ignored.

Let's look at how to connect the device. The meter can be connected using different schemes, in which current transformers will be used as a data source. Here is a diagram for connecting the Mercury 230 meter. The most common is the ten-wire connection diagram for the device. Its advantage is the presence of power circuits and measuring instruments. The disadvantage is the large number of wires.

How to take Mercury 230 meter readings

Google Trends is a chart for tracking the seasonality of keywords. This graph allows you to better understand the seasonal change in the polarity of queries on a certain topic. All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

They compare favorably with imported models at a noticeably lower cost, while at the same time not being inferior, and often even surpassing them in accuracy. , read here. And in you will read how to find out and pay your housing and communal services debt.

Installation of two-tariff electricity meters. Electricity meters. Mercury electricity meter price. Buy an electric meter. Sale and installation of two-tariff electricity meters. Electric meter connection. Connecting an electricity meter. Multi-tariff electricity meter. Two-tariff electricity meters. Installation of electricity meters. Electronic electricity meters. Price.

They represent a further development of the previously well-proven devices of the 200 and 201 series. The principle of their operation is based on determining the current and voltage using appropriate sensors. In this article we will analyze the features of taking readings from the electricity meter of the Mercury 230 family.

From their single-phase predecessors of the 200 and 201 series, the 230 series devices inherited high accuracy, significantly exceeding the requirements of the standards.

In addition, there are models that do not need to regularly take readings. They are connected to a common central network and send readings to a server at the power company. And you just receive a monthly electricity bill.

Taking readings from a single-tariff Mercury meter is not so difficult. To do this, pay attention to the 6-digit dial and write down all the signs up to the decimal point. In order to find out what indicator you received for the current period, subtract from the current data those that were taken last time.

The display shows visual parameters: date and time (current values), frequency of the measured network, total power factor, as well as separately for all phases, maximums - morning and evening, current and voltage value at a given time, consumption of active and reactive electricity, accuracy - up to hundredths of kW/h.

Main modifications and their features

This question is understandable, since new modernized metering devices are equipped with liquid crystal screens and many different parameters and values, which may not always be clear to the user. The Mercury-230 meter is three-phase and is intended to account for electrical energy consumption already at certain tariffs.

Consumers note a very important detail: the service life of such a meter reaches 30 years, but not every manufacturer can boast of such an indicator. In addition, the manufacturer provides a guarantee for the device, which will be sufficient, because any errors and malfunctions in the operation of the meter can be seen in the first months of operation. Mercury meters are designed to measure power in one/two and three-phase systems. This installation is capable of taking into account the tariff for certain parts of the day and transmitting readings and information about the use of electricity through certain digital channels.

Based on the modification, the device has additional functions:

  • Forward and reverse metering of electricity;
  • Energy metering for each phase;
  • Saving an archive of received capacities at step-by-step intervals from 1 to 45 minutes. The archive storage time reaches 85 days;
  • The maximum value of morning and evening power is recorded;
  • Current quality is monitored;
  • Losses and magnetic influence are taken into account - an entry is made in the log.

For those who are interested in the topics “Smart Home” and how to read data from their Mercury electronic meter, a new universal configurator has appeared with support for several types of communication interfaces (RS485, CAN, IRDA, optical port, USB-RF, GSM modem, GSM gateway , TCP/IP), allows you to read and configure electrical energy meters (Mercury-200, 201, 203, 230, 231, 233).

Therefore, today they are produced in several types:

  1. Induction meters, outdated model. It is based on electromechanics.
  2. Statistical instruments, a more modern model, with electronic microprocessors in its design.

They hung a notice at the entrance. Taking readings and checking water meters. But the verification period has not yet arrived.

Therefore, today they are produced in several types:

  1. Induction meters, outdated model. It is based on electromechanics.
  2. Statistical instruments, a more modern model, with electronic microprocessors in its design.

Let’s say the number on your meter now is 00450.0. After a month or another period, the numbers on your meter display have changed and become 00500.0. We need to subtract them 500-450 and we get 50, which means you consumed 50 kilowatts of energy. Most meters have 6 digits. The last one can be ignored.

Let's look at how to connect the device. The meter can be connected using different schemes, in which current transformers will be used as a data source. Here is a diagram for connecting the Mercury 230 meter. The most common is the ten-wire connection diagram for the device. Its advantage is the presence of power circuits and measuring instruments. The disadvantage is the large number of wires.

Google Trends is a chart for tracking the seasonality of keywords. This graph allows you to better understand the seasonal change in the polarity of queries on a certain topic. All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

They compare favorably with imported models at a noticeably lower cost, while at the same time not being inferior, and often even surpassing them in accuracy. , read here. And in you will read how to find out and pay your housing and communal services debt.

Installation of two-tariff electricity meters. Electricity meters. Mercury electricity meter price. Buy an electric meter. Sale and installation of two-tariff electricity meters. Electric meter connection. Connecting an electricity meter. Multi-tariff electricity meter. Two-tariff electricity meters. Installation of electricity meters. Electronic electricity meters. Price.

They represent a further development of the previously well-proven devices of the 200 and 201 series. The principle of their operation is based on determining the current and voltage using appropriate sensors. In this article we will analyze the features of taking readings from the electricity meter of the Mercury 230 family.

Mercury 230 - electric meter review, characteristics

Meters of this model are currently being produced. The price for Mercury 230 starts from 2300 rubles.

Some meters have only a whole part of kilowatt-hours on the drum of the counting mechanism, while others, in addition to the whole part, have a fraction of kilowatt-hours, which do not need to be taken into account when taking readings.

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Especially for you, I have compiled tables for the most common single-phase and three-phase Energomer meters (data taken from the operating manuals), where the exact position of the decimal point is indicated.

All about electricians: power supply, electrical equipment, electrical installation

The uninterrupted operation of the electrical appliance allows you to record consumption both during the day and at night. By comparing the readings of the previous payment on the meter with the new data and carrying out simple calculations, the consumer pays for electricity.

Let's find out how to take readings from a multi-tariff meter (article Mercury 230 ART-01). To do this, you need to record the following data: T1 – current consumption during the day, T2 – current consumption at night. Before recording data, you must make sure that the device is in ready mode.

Can you tell me in Linux, when connecting Mercury 221, the device /dev/ttyUSB0 appears, is this enough or is a special driver still needed?

When the meter is connected to three-phase consumers, the process is carried out through current transformers. This scheme makes it possible to reduce the cost of electricity and increase the reliability of its supply. Direct connection meters do not make more than 100 A. This is due to the limitation of conductor sizes. The higher the current, the larger the cross-section of the wire required to pass it.

Varieties of this counter

The device is available in ten versions. Next - more details about the features of each modification.

ART-00 С(R)N

It is characterized by a calculated phase voltage of 57.7 V, normal and maximum current of 5 and 7.5 A, respectively, the presence of a CAN or RS485 interface, accuracy class for the active type of electricity - 0.5S, reactive - 1.

ART-01 С(R)N

It differs from the previous version in the value of the rated voltage for a separate phase - 230 V, the maximum current - 60 A, the accuracy class for reactive electricity - 2.

ART-02 С(R)N

It differs from the above modification in the current limit value - 100 A, other parameters are identical.

ART-03 C(R)N

This model has a rated and maximum current of 5 and 7.5 A, respectively, the error value for the active type of electricity is different - 1, other parameters are similar.


It differs in current indicators - 10 (100) A, error values ​​- 1/2, IrDA is installed instead of the CAN interface.


The differences are in the magnitude of the electric current - 10 (100) and, accordingly, 5 (7.5) A, the rest is identical.


CAN and PLC-I ports are used; the versions differ from each other in the current value.

Technical characteristics: Mercury electricity meter

If you have an electronic meter, then in the readings on the LCD display a dot is usually placed instead of a comma. The meaning remains the same - we take into account only the whole part, i.e. all numbers up to this point.

The error in the readings of this device is 1.0. The devices are installed indoors, where the air temperature can be -40...+55ºC. If the device is connected through a transformer, then it is possible to measure a current greater than that for which the device is designed. Meters are installed in the domestic and industrial sectors.

This is valuable because it guarantees that the device will not need to be replaced for at least 15 years.

Has anyone tried to take ABB DELTAmax meters with an IP adapter that reads data from the infrared port and gives access to it via IP? It even has a web server.

A seven-wire CT connection method is also used. Its disadvantage is the lack of galvanic isolation of circuits. This scheme is considered dangerous to use and is now almost never used. The consumer's first impression is that it will be difficult to read information from an electronic meter. To do this, you need to study the manual for the electrical appliance or consult an electrician.

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