How to take electricity meter readings day night cascade 11 correctly

What is a multi-tariff meter “Day-Night”

Through the PSK application it is not yet possible to transmit the readings “The meter does not belong to the subscriber” to PetroElectroSbyt they said the information will be updated only by September.

As you know, the load on the energy system is uneven. During the day, electricity consumption is several times higher than at night (to be precise, the peak occurs in the morning and evening). In order to motivate the population, multi-tariff systems have been introduced in many countries, including Russia, taking into account the characteristics of a particular city (settlement).

This process for old-style devices is quite simple; it is enough to rewrite the information from the mechanical indicator, where the numbers display the total amount of electricity consumption over the entire period of operation of the device. After this, the readings for the previous period are subtracted from the resulting number. The result is multiplied by the current tariff.

For the first 5 years, the manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation, subject to compliance with the installation, connection and operation rules.

What are the advantages of the Cascade 11 electric meter

Learning to take readings from this type of meter is not that difficult. The main thing is to study the operating instructions, and take into account that the indicators may be for different tariff zones. This electric meter has a number of advantages that may be of interest to consumers:

  • It is possible to obtain data for several periods of energy consumption.
  • Maximum accuracy of indicators.
  • Verification should be carried out every 16 years, and the total service life is up to 30.
  • The data is provided in a convenient format.
  • The design is reliable, and many of the modifications can be installed outdoors.

An undeniable advantage is the low price for equipment with fairly high quality. You can also choose a version for installation both in residential premises and in offices or small companies.


Counter display. How to take readings

Depending on the model of the meter installed in the apartment, the consumer can see from 4 to 7 digits. One, sometimes two numbers on the far right are either in a separate window or indicated by a colored frame. This is a fraction of a kilowatt. Since electricity consumption is calculated in whole kilowatts, these numbers are not needed when taking readings. They are not rewritten.

The Cascade meter is made in different mounting options and can give readings (if necessary) at four tariffs simultaneously:

  • Total amount of kilowatts consumed.
  • The number of kilowatts consumed for each tariff separately.
  • The volume of kilowatts consumed at the beginning of the month in total and specifically for each tariff.
  • The amount of electricity consumed at the beginning of the day.
  • Power profile.

For special days, the characteristics of a work, Saturday, Sunday or special tariff program can be set. The meter contains two tariff programs in non-volatile memory - active and backup. The reserve tariff program is put into effect from a certain date, which is transmitted by a separate command via the interface.

Accounting for electricity consumption is necessary to pay for utilities in the amount in which they were consumed. The Cascade single-phase multi-tariff meter helps to obtain high accuracy of readings, but its use causes difficulties for some people.

How to take readings from the electricity meter Energomer CE 101, CE 102, TsE6803V?

Petroelektrosbyt installed new meters in our house, day and night. Who knows how to take readings. Different numbers are constantly jumping around, you can’t understand anything. Or is the data transferred to PetroElectroSbyt automatically?

Depending on the design, the meters may have one measuring element in the phase circuit or two measuring elements in the phase and neutral circuits; when there is a difference in electricity values ​​between the measuring elements of the phase and neutral current circuits, electricity is metered at the larger value.

Cascade meters are capable of accounting for electricity at three tariffs. Daytime, nighttime and morning - while electricity costs less at night. In this way, you can save significantly, you just need to transfer the use of energy-consuming equipment to the night: washing machine, dishwasher, etc.

GOST 31819.21-2012 Equipment for measuring alternating current electrical energy. Private requirements. Part 21.

A few years ago they set it up for us... at first we submitted data for the day and night separately, we entered it separately, then we switched to automatic... very convenient... and better than listening to us all here, call or go to Petroelectrosbyt and ask what and how is going on in your home...

The operating principle of the counters is based on measuring input voltage and current signals using analog-to-digital converters and multiplying them with subsequent processing using a specialized controller.

Single-tariff metering devices reflect the total electricity consumption without dividing into time intervals. On the display of a single-tariff meter, the amount of resource consumed, date and other information (depending on the model) alternately changes automatically. The Cascade 101-MT meter can measure active and reactive electricity at tariffs differentiated over time.

Cascade 11 s1 a 230 how to take readings

We got a replacement in mid-March. We were connected to the system only in May. I also didn’t understand anything about these running numbers, I went to the operator, she explained that I needed to take the indicators T 1 and T 2, there was no need to count them in total. The new meter is “not smart”; it does not transmit data itself. We have Cascade 11. The recalculation will be next month.

Electric energy is metered by meters modulo, regardless of direction or taking into account the direction (meters with the index “D”).

Switching of the built-in contactor when connecting the load occurs after issuing the appropriate command via the interface and pressing the button located on the front panel of the meter (by default), or only after issuing a command via the interface (optional).

Information is displayed on a liquid crystal display. How to take readings correctly is described in the instructions for the meter. Careful study of the manual will help you avoid serious errors in calculations.

Readings of electronic electricity meters

GOST 31819.21-2012 Equipment for measuring alternating current electrical energy. Private requirements. Part 21.

The device releases electricity, prevents exceeding the limit, and keeps electricity records taking into account daytime and nighttime tariffs.

In case of errors due to incorrect installation or other reasons, in addition to the main screens, another screen with codes from 1 to 8 will also be displayed. Error codes are displayed in ascending order from left to right. Each error has its own fixed position. Multiple error codes may be displayed at the same time.

A remote information acquisition system can be configured to receive data from one or more devices. Information is transmitted via WiFi or GSM. Some models can be configured in such a way that data transmission to the energy supply company will be transmitted automatically without the participation of the owner.

The device belongs to the category of high reliability, the device can withstand powerful loads of a wide variety of nature, and provides objective data regarding the energy resource consumed. Meter models should be selected taking into account their characteristics and features.

As you can see, the difference in price between night and day rates is slightly less than twofold. Even if you only turn on the washing machine when the nightly tariff is in effect, you can save a lot.

Electricity meters Cascade

The device has the following positive qualities:

  • long period of work;
  • high frequency of verification;
  • simple and reliable design;
  • impossibility of outside influence;
  • high accuracy of recording indicators;
  • affordable price;
  • option to connect to a centralized system;
  • economical self-consumption and the presence of a function for connecting an autonomous power source.

When starting to use Cascade equipment, you should carefully understand how to take readings from the meter. The procedure follows a certain order. Initially, information about daytime data is collected, after which night indicators are recorded. Even if different tariffs are charged, this data is collected without fail.

Such a system has a number of advantages. The main thing is that changes in readings are recorded daily and are always stored in memory, which makes it easy to resolve any controversial situation. You can use special programs to monitor energy consumption remotely, for example, while on vacation.

The key features of the energy consumption meter are:

  • A simple and convenient design that can easily be placed on any horizontal surface in a convenient place.
  • A large information board on which the numbers are clearly visible.
  • Powered by batteries, size AA.

F433/n — 433 MHz RF interface, where n is the modification number of the interface module (from 1 to 9) F868/n — 868 MHz RF interface, where n is the modification number of the interface module (from 1 to 9) F2400/n — RF interface 2400 MHz, where n is the modification no. interface module (from 1 to 9) PL/n - PLC modem, where n is a modification of the interface module.

In user mode, selected information is displayed cyclically at a specified frequency (usually 5-10 s).

The information is included in the payment receipt. Once every six months, energy companies have the right to monitor the metering device, which obliges the consumer to provide access to it. In the figure above, the segments of the mechanical indicator that display an integer are marked in red, and tenths of kilowatt-hours are marked in blue. There are models without displaying the fractional part. The meter's rated current, voltage, and frequency parameters are shown below. By the rotation speed of the drum, you can visually assess the current load power.

T2 night. They should be entered on the receipt accordingly. All numbers up to the point. T0 is the total amount that burned.

This is how tariffs differentiated by daily time appeared. The daily consumption period is considered to be from seven o'clock in the morning to eleven in the evening. All other times are considered night rates.

Every consumer dreams of reducing the cost of paying receipts. There are several ways to do this: control electricity consumption by organizing rational, optimal use of electrical equipment, or deceive resource suppliers. The fraudulent method is attractive due to its simplicity, but is it really so?

One of the most popular is a strong magnet. But when deciding on such a fraud, be prepared that the imaginary savings will result in a breakdown of the device, the need to purchase a new meter, and large fines. A magnet for a Cascade counter can be purchased at any online store, but most likely, the user will encounter additional problems with the magnet. Today you can see devices with built-in memory, allowing hourly monitoring, as well as the ability to connect to a computer. All electric meters can be divided into single and three-phase with mechanical or electronic control. It is the latter that are considered more convenient, due to the automatic recording of readings.

If the LCD display of the meter fails, the information can be read via the existing interface, depending on the version, using service software.

The device releases electricity, prevents exceeding the limit, and keeps electricity records taking into account daytime and nighttime tariffs.


The three-tariff meter Cascade is designed to obtain information about consumed electricity. In addition to this device, there is a Cascade water meter of the same name, which has a completely different purpose.

The key features of the energy consumption meter are:

  • A simple and convenient design that can easily be placed on any horizontal surface in a convenient place.
  • A large information board on which the numbers are clearly visible.
  • Powered by batteries, size AA.

Cascade-11-S1-A This meter was installed by the Petroelectrosbyt company to replace old metering devices. Indications...

GOST 31819.23-2012 Equipment for measuring alternating current electrical energy. Private requirements. Part 23.

The appearance of new electricity meters puzzled the craftsmen at first, but gradually ways of influencing the metering device appeared.

How to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter (video)

The Cascade 1-MT meter is of high quality: the device body is made of durable, non-flammable material, is resistant to voltage surges, and remains in working order even after the voltage increases to four hundred watts.

The device belongs to the category of high reliability, the device can withstand powerful loads of a wide variety of nature, and provides objective data regarding the energy resource consumed. Meter models should be selected taking into account their characteristics and features.

In various designs, one or a pair of measuring units are installed in the phase and neutral circuits. The device is additionally equipped with:

  • microcontroller;
  • built-in memory with autonomous power supply;
  • electronic watch;
  • optical verification output and device for connecting to third-party devices;
  • liquid crystal display or mechanical display, depending on the modification.

The situation is a little different with older models, as well as with those that are allocated too much power, requiring a transformer. To find out the exact data from such an electric meter, you also need to know the transformation (conversion) coefficient. The information displayed on the screen is multiplied by this coefficient, only then is true information about consumption obtained.

The “Day and Night” electric energy meter is a device that allows you to take into account the consumption of electricity. Its peculiarity is that payment for energy resources is carried out using several tariffs. Moreover, nighttime is much cheaper than daytime, which allows you to save money.

The Cascade 101-MT meter can measure active and reactive electricity at tariffs differentiated over time.

The use of a meter with the ability to take readings at different tariffs is advisable when the service provider allows you to pay bills taking into account the time of consumption (divided into day and night or other options).

If the display shows differentiated tariffs by zone of the day, in addition to the information given above, the following data will also be displayed.

Counter Cascade 1-MT

Another model is the Cascade 1-MT counter. The device belongs to the category of single-phase multifunctional electricity metering devices.

The device releases electricity, prevents exceeding the limit, and keeps electricity records taking into account daytime and nighttime tariffs.

Contains two tariff plan memories – active and backup.

The Cascade 1-MT meter is of high quality: the device body is made of durable, non-flammable material, is resistant to voltage surges, and remains in working order even after the voltage increases to four hundred watts.

Instructions: how to take readings from a two-tariff electricity meter

Perhaps you have a Saivan single-tariff meter installed at home. It has extremely laconic functionality - for example, it does not have a button for switching tariffs, so you need to wait 5-10 seconds each time until the next value appears. The following data is displayed on the Saivan device display (in order):

  • The current date;
  • time;
  • device identification number;
  • disk rotation speed (how many times it will turn in 1 kW, the average is 1600);
  • for a two-tariff meter - changing readings T1/T2, for a single-tariff meter - general TOTAL.

Both individual and general indicators are entered in the receipt. Numbers after the decimal point are not taken into account.

Pay attention to the first number. One is daytime consumption, two is nighttime consumption. Some also show the total.

Frequent exposure to a magnetic field causes the device to fail much earlier than the warranty period. Also, the use of devices leaves noticeable scratches on the body of the device, which inspectors cannot fail to notice when checking or collecting data. The magnet stops the movement of the counter in such a way that often the disk can no longer rotate.


Every consumer dreams of reducing the cost of paying receipts. There are several ways to do this: control electricity consumption by organizing rational, optimal use of electrical equipment, or deceive resource suppliers. The fraudulent method is attractive due to its simplicity, but is it really so?

Old models stopped without problems: a needle, thin wire, and strong magnets were used. Particularly “advanced” ones even forced the device to spin in the other direction.

The appearance of new electricity meters puzzled the craftsmen at first, but gradually ways of influencing the metering device appeared.

One of the most popular is a strong magnet. But when deciding on such a fraud, be prepared that the imaginary savings will result in a breakdown of the device, the need to purchase a new meter, and large fines. A magnet for a Cascade counter can be purchased at any online store, but most likely, the user will encounter additional problems with the magnet.

Any interference with the operation of the meter may result in damage to the device.

Frequent exposure to a magnetic field causes the device to fail much earlier than the warranty period. Also, the use of devices leaves noticeable scratches on the body of the device, which inspectors cannot fail to notice when checking or collecting data. The magnet stops the movement of the counter in such a way that often the disk can no longer rotate. You will have to buy a new device, spend money, and explain the reason for the replacement.

In addition to mechanical damage, there is another indicator of interference with the operation of the meter. Modern meters are equipped with transparent plates that change color when in contact with a magnetic field. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide fraud from inspectors; in this case, the fine will be an order of magnitude greater than the imaginary benefit.

Stopping the Cascade counter using available means is an idea that can only bring a lot of problems.

Purpose and design of the electric meter

Learning to take readings from a Cascade meter is easier than it might initially seem. To do this, you need to strictly follow the instructions and try not to get confused in the consumption data at different times of the day. This electricity meter has the following advantages:

  • the ability to take readings for several periods of consumption;
  • accuracy of the information provided;
  • service life from 30 years;
  • verification period is once every 16 years;
  • providing data in a convenient form;
  • reliable design;
  • resistance to negative environmental influences.

The service mode is called up by pressing a button, the information is scrolled through by subsequent button presses. Exit from service mode to user mode occurs automatically after the timeout specified in the configuration has expired (1 minute by default). For the service mode, you can specify a set of output values ​​different from the user one.

To take into account electricity consumption using such a device, you need to regularly take readings at certain intervals and calculate the payment amount, taking into account the tariffs of the day and night.

Description of the electric meter "Cascade-11S1"

All models of this brand are single-phase metering devices and are multifunctional. Using them you can keep track of the following indicators:

  • The current date and time that is displayed on most electricity meters.
  • Electricity costs on an accrual basis, regardless of the tariff.
  • Energy consumed for each current tariff plan in total.
  • Separate cost indicators for each tariff at the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the day.
  • Power profile averaged over a half-hour interval.
  • Volume of consumption for short time intervals – 30 or 60 minutes.

The device contains two tariff programs in its non-volatile memory - active and backup. If the cover and body of the device were opened, this is recorded in the event log, and such data is recorded even when the batteries are disconnected.

Additional equipment and auxiliary functions include: radio interface, optical port, load control, and optical seal. The type of housing provides the possibility of installing it only on the shield. The device provides cyclic indication:

  • Amounts of electrical energy on an accrual basis, cumulatively and separately, at current tariffs.
  • Time and date at the time of access to the device.
  • Counter address.

In this case, the list of information displayed on the display is entered through the “Cascade-Soft” configurator program. The consumer himself simply rewrites the readings that appear on the screen.

Note! The device is easy to use due to the cyclical display of data on the display; you do not have to press any buttons to call up the data.

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