How to apply for sealing of an electricity meter

The act of sealing the electricity meter is drawn up every time the previous seal was removed or damaged for one reason or another. Equally, a meter sealing report is drawn up in cases where a new meter is installed or a meter returned after verification. Files in .DOC: Form of act of sealing an electricity meterSample act of sealing an electricity meter

Sealing procedure

The procedure for drawing up a meter sealing report will vary depending on the type of meter.

Thus, the main meter, which takes into account the energy consumption of the main recipient, is sealed either by the supplier of last resort or by the network organization associated with the recipient of electricity through contractual legal relations.

As for intermediate meters, the issue of sealing them is decided by the recipient himself. In particular, intermediate meters can be installed by the owner of the house for tenants in order to account for the electricity consumed by the tenants.


To re-seal the electricity meter, if the owner himself wishes to replace the meter with a new, modern electricity meter, adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Contact your local electricity service provider.
  2. Submit a written application (you can find out what documents are needed from the supplier).
  3. Agree on the time and timing of the work. By the way, the timing of sealing the electric meter is not regulated, but it should not exceed one month. This time is calculated from the date of installation of the meter and your writing of an application for sealing the electric meter (clause 81 of the “Rules for the Provision of Utilities”).
  4. Pay the received check with bank details at the branch where payments are accepted.

Upon completion, an employee of the organization will draw up a report on the work performed, which will indicate the current readings of the old and new metering devices, installation location, date, and name of the organization that carried out the work.

We also recommend that you read the instructions on how to seal the input machine in the panel!

Guarantee supplier and network organization

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Electricity” considers business entities who, on the basis of a public offer, enter into an electricity supply agreement with any person who wishes to purchase electricity and resides or carries out business activities in the territory served by the guaranteeing supplier, as a guaranteeing supplier.

The law considers enterprises through whose equipment the supplier of last resort supplies electricity to be network organizations.

That is, the supplier of last resort is an enterprise that provides electricity and receives payment for it, and the network organization is the owners of the equipment (poles, wires, transformers, etc.) with the help of which the supplier of last resort transmits electricity to the consumer’s network equipment.

Problems that may arise

People, due to ignorance of the law, are forced to pay for the sealing of the meter even during the initial installation or when replacing the device at the initiative of the electrical networks. Such requirements are easily disputed, because the Russian government has decided to seal electric meters free of charge in these cases. This is specifically stated in Resolution No. 422 of May 4, 2012, namely paragraph 8 of the general provisions. Resolution No. 354 of May 6, 2011 also allows the device to be sealed at the expense of the electricity supplier.

For consumers living in a private home, energy workers require that an electricity meter be installed only outside in a switchboard. They can be denied this based on the requirements of clause 1.5.27 of the PUE (Chapter 1.5). It establishes that the consumer is responsible for maintaining the meter. Therefore, the resident is only required to place it in an accessible place and in compliance with installation standards, one of which is to install the electricity meter at a height of 0.8-1.7 m from the floor level.


The end consumer does not need to take any additional actions to ensure that the meter is sealed.

Sealing the meter and drawing up a certificate of sealing the meter is the task of the guaranteeing supplier or network organization, which, according to contractual terms, will receive payment for the electricity consumed.

The absence of a sealing certificate will be tantamount to non-sealing of the meter. The absence of a certificate, even if there is a seal, entails the inability to use meter readings to calculate payment for consumed electricity.

Accordingly, the absence of an act gives rise to the end consumer’s lack of obligation to preserve the seal. Simply put, the end consumer who has not signed the sealing certificate can break the seal, change the meter readings and not bear any responsibility for this.

In addition to the function of preserving the meter readings, the sealing act also has the function of recording the meter readings at the time of its launch. That is, the act must contain information about the meter readings from which the electricity consumption report begins.

Electric meter sealing

A new metering device must be sealed. Meter readings without a seal are not taken into account. It is necessary to carry out sealing immediately after installation of the device. The procedure is carried out by the management company after the receipt has been paid and the time has been specified.

The certificate of replacement of the electric meter and sealing is issued by the electrician. It should be submitted to the billing department. At whose expense the electric meter is replaced and repaired, this question worries everyone.

For a subscriber who uses electricity for domestic purposes, the electricity meter is replaced by the heat supply organization. This is specified in the norms of civil legislation.

According to Part 2 of Art. 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the organization undertakes to comply with the following points:

  • Correct technical condition of electricity meters.
  • Safe operation of energy networks.

Specialists of the energy supplying organization are required to change the subscriber's faulty meter immediately after receiving the application form. The work is carried out at the expense of the organization.

Drawing up an act

Guarantee suppliers and network organizations have their own forms for meter sealing certificates. That is, the end consumer will not be faced with the task of drawing up an act.

When sealing intermediate meters, you will have to draw up a report yourself. As part of this article, our users can download a standard template for a meter sealing act and familiarize themselves with a sample of how to fill it out.

During the filling process, you will need to enter the following information into the act:

  1. date and place of compilation;
  2. name of the person (full name, position, status, etc.) installing the meter and full name and address of the end consumer;
  3. the address where the meter is located;
  4. information about the meter (type, brand, number);
  5. meter readings at the time of sealing;
  6. the signature of the person who installed the seal and drew up the act and the signature of the end consumer.

Who legally has the right to seal an electricity meter?

After installing an electricity meter, the question arises: who should seal the electricity meter? In the previous section, you learned what types of fillings there are and where they are installed. The first two are installed at the factory during its production and initial verification, but the second is installed after installation of the control panel. Therefore, the energy sales company must seal the electric meter and, therefore, accept it for accounting.

Important! Do not apply for sealing through advertisements, as this is illegal and may result in fines.

Reasons and procedure for transfer

A non-closing communal electrical panel is a reason to move the meter into the house to avoid vandalism

After solving the problem of the legality of the actions taken, two other important questions should be dealt with: why this needs to be done at all and how to move the electric meter from the entrance to the apartment in compliance with all installation rules (in accordance with the requirements of the PUE).

Reasons for moving the electricity meter

After moving the electric meter into your apartment, you don’t have to worry about its safety and can easily track the current readings using the device’s indicator.

It is possible to transfer electricity meters from the entrance to the apartment in cases where this operation is really in demand and agreed upon with the relevant services.

Is it possible to correct errors in the act?

It happens that the engineer filling out the report form makes factual errors: for example, he writes the wrong meter number, date or address. Then you can correct the shortcomings by applying the standard procedure:

  1. The fragment with an error is crossed out with one line.
  2. The correct option is written above or next to it in the margin.
  3. They also write: “Believe the corrected.”
  4. The corrections made are endorsed with a signature and date.

Corrections must be made with a representative of the customer company.

Types and methods of installing fillings

There are two types of seals for electricity meters:

  1. Seals installed by the meter manufacturer. Its presence means that it is not mechanically damaged, is operational, has been tested, and also meets the passport accounting accuracy and characteristics. If there is no passport, then theoretically Energosbyt may refuse to install and register a new meter, since there will be no information about verification and production date. The factory seal may secure the mounting bolts of the device body. Using a wire threaded through special holes in the inspection cover, penetration into the electricity meter mechanism is prevented.

  2. A seal installed by the electricity supplier. Installed on the safety cover of the terminals for connecting the phase and neutral wires. If a current transformer is installed, its terminals must be sealed. To do this, you can use a wire with a compressible lead seal or a plastic seal. It will also be convenient to use stickers for sealing, as in the photo below.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is necessary to correctly determine for what purpose and on whose initiative the electricity meter must be sealed - the amount of money spent, as well as precious time, depends on this. Knowledge of laws and legal regulations will help you avoid fines and disconnection from the network.

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