Replacing an electricity meter: when is it required and how much does it cost?

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Mos-Tok specialists will install and replace electric meters in Moscow and the Moscow region at reasonable prices. We help you choose the optimal electric meter model for a private home, apartment, enterprise, public institution, office and cottage.

Our specialists install meters in accordance with technical requirements and installation standards.

It is recommended to replace and install an electric meter during repairs or upgrades of the electrical system. The average service life of devices is 16 years, and technical verification must be carried out at least once every two years.

List of worksUnit change Price, rub.
Installing an outdoor socketPC.220 rub.
Installing an internal socket (recess + socket box + socket)PC.550 rub.
Installation of a hanging chandelier (hook + installation + connection)PC.770 rub.
Installation of switch (external)PC.275 rub.
Wall scraping 20x20 mmm/n220 rub.
Ceiling chipping 20x20 mmm/n330 rub.
Installation of a two-pole RCDPC.330 rub.
1 room apartmentfrom16500 rub.

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Electrical wiring and installation in a two-room apartment

Electrical wiring in the apartment

Replacing switches and sockets

Comprehensive replacement of wiring in the apartment

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Installation of a new meter

It was not possible to buy exactly such a meter, I purchased an Energomera TsE6803V Sh M7 R32. How this name stands – see the instructions, which can be downloaded below.

5 New counter just unpacked

From the back the counter looks like this:

6 New meter, rear view

Connecting a new meter

Not everything went smoothly with the connection, although the old and new meters are from the same manufacturer (Energomer), and at first glance they are similar in design. How the single-phase Energomer meter works is in my other article, Design of a single-phase direct-connection meter. The three-phase one is designed in the same way, someday I’ll publish an article with a photo.

As you can see in the photo below, the counter is mounted on a DIN rail. However, the kit includes a strap for mounting in the shield. I found this out before purchasing, hoping that there would be no problems during installation. But when comparing meters of the same model, it turned out that not everything is so simple for Russian manufacturers.

7 Difference in mounting, the new one is on the left (the meters are on the tiled floor)

The counters are located so that the side holes are at the same level. The goal was to get into the same mounting holes. In this case, the Vertical bar had to be lowered as far as possible, and only then did all three holes coincide. But as a result, the meter terminals dropped by about 2-3 cm.

8 New three-phase meter installed and connected

I had to lower the wires down, lightly pressing them vertically down. The meter connection diagram is given below, but here is what happened in the end:

9 Installation complete

Reasons for replacing an electricity meter

Installation of a new electric meter is necessary in the following cases:

  • mechanical damage to the device body;
  • expiration of service life;
  • damage to seals;
  • technical malfunctions;
  • exceeding measurement error;
  • obsolescence (working at the limit due to the increased load on the electrical network).

An important reason is the desire to save money, because the installation of multi-tariff electricity meters can reduce the amount of monthly payments by 30%.

Replacing the meter yourself - procedure and requirements

Which electric meter to choose

Devices should be selected based on the following classifications:

  • current consumption - variable or constant;
  • number of phases – one (50 V) or three (380 V);
  • number of tariffs – one or several;
  • type of device - mechanical or electronic.
  • connection type - direct or through a transformer.

Mechanical meters are most often replaced with more modern electronic ones. The fact is that mechanical devices have the following disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to take readings automatically;
  • When metering electricity, very significant errors occur;
  • can take into account only one tariff;
  • they can be easily adjusted to reflect underestimates;
  • Difficult to install and operate.

Thus, most often, electronic devices are installed that are devoid of all of the above disadvantages. Reference! This device is based on a special device that electronically calculates the electricity consumed and records the readings. Such meters allow you to take into account any amount of electricity; they can be installed both in an apartment and in a private house.

Multi-tariff meters are also quite often installed. The essence of their work is to calculate energy depending on the time of day, which leads to lower costs compared to charging at a single tariff.

Attention! The possibility of calculating electricity indicators at several tariffs does not exist in all regions of Russia.

There are the most modern meters that have a liquid crystal display and a digital interface. Their disadvantage is their high cost, so consumers often choose simpler devices.

Preparation of necessary documents

According to the law, it is unacceptable to replace an electric meter without permission from the energy sales company. The following actions must be taken:

  1. Prepare a passport (identity card) and documents confirming ownership of the premises in which the replacement should be made. In the absence of the owner, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney.
  2. With the prepared documents, contact the supplier (Energosbyt) and write a statement, indicating the reason for replacing the device.

The utility company must accept the application and send a specialist to determine whether replacement is actually required. Then he removes the seals and records the last accrued readings.

Important! After the seals are removed, the cost of consumed energy will be determined at a special inflated tariff, which does not take into account real consumption.

Removing and installing the meter

Dismantling the old meter and installing a new one is usually carried out by an Energosbyt specialist, but you can replace it yourself if you are confident in your qualifications. You need to do the following:

Which counter to choose

One of the main problems when choosing meters is their variety. Ordinary consumers do not know what metering devices can be installed in an apartment, private house, country house, garage, office, industrial premises, which brands are considered reliable and which are not.

Mos-Tok specialists install and connect any models of electricity meters - single-phase, three-phase, single-tariff, multi-tariff, meters through transformers. We will help you choose a reliable model that will not only provide long-term electricity metering in Moscow and the Moscow region, but will also help you save money.

There are models on the market that differ in design characteristics and technical performance. To choose a high-quality and durable metering device, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The operating principle is electronic, induction (electromechanical with a rotating disk).
  • Number of tariffs – single-tariff, two-tariff, multi-tariff.
  • Number of phases – single-phase, three-phase.
  • Accuracy class – varies from 0.2 to 2.5%.
  • Installation method: directly, through a transformer. Depends on the network load.

In this case, there must be a passport and a product certificate.

Where to go to replace the meter

If the metering device installed in relation to the user has failed or the meter’s calibration interval has expired, then it is necessary to leave a corresponding request:

  • Owners of apartment buildings who have direct contractual relations with the guaranteeing supplier Mosenergosbyt JSC must contact the company directly. Users can submit an application by calling Mosenergosbyt JSC +7 (499) 550-9-550 (daily from 8:30 to 20:30);
  • Residents of apartment buildings who do not have a direct contractual relationship with Mosenergosbyt JSC must contact the company either directly or through the organization managing the apartment building;
  • residents of the private sector to a network organization to whose networks the household is connected. Or by network phone 8-800-700-40-70;
  • You can contact Mosenergosbyt JSC directly on a specially designated telephone number +7 (499) 550-33-77 . Electrical installation in Moscow and the Moscow region is carried out by calling +7 (499) 229-82-54 (daily, from 8.30 to 20.30);
  • You can directly order the meter and the service in the online store of Mosenergosbyt JSC or by phone +7 (495) 388-87-77;
  • Visit one of the company’s nearby offices and there, at the office of Mosenergosbyt JSC, write an application to replace the meter. It is possible to leave a request through the “My Mosenergosbyt” mobile application or send a letter by mail.

To apply for a replacement electric meter, it is not necessary to personally go to the resource supply organization. To submit an application for replacement of a metering device, you can send a request in writing to the e-mail of Mosenergosbyt JSC

When contacting, please provide the following information:

  • Your full name and personal account number/detailed address;
  • Your contact phone number;
  • entrance, floor, intercom code;
  • the reason for the need to replace the meter;
  • provide the meter readings as of the date of application;
  • Is access to the metering device free (free access/locked/locked).

You can also fill out an application online in the personal account of the user of Mosenergosbyt JSC. You can do this as follows:

  1. log into your account on the organization’s page (enter your login and password);
  2. Select the “services” section in the menu;
  3. check whether the “supplier” and “personal account” are indicated correctly
  4. select the type of service you need;
  5. Click the “order” button and in the form that opens, after checking, click the “confirm” button.

After the master from Mosenergosbyt JSC installs the metering device, he must put a seal on the new meter and issue you a certificate of work performed.

The guaranteeing supplier or the Network organization, which is entrusted with the responsibility for replacing metering devices, notifies the consumer and the management company in advance about the date and time of the metering device being put into operation (replacement/installation of the meter).

The above-mentioned applications can be left either on the website or by calling the organization’s hotline +7 (499) 550-9-550.

Installation cost

The price for installation and connection of a metering device depends on the type of equipment, technical parameters of the network, as well as on:

  • device modifications;
  • number of phases;
  • features of connection conditions;
  • type of electrical network;
  • number of connected devices;
  • additional work.

The cost of equipment is not included in the services. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance which device is suitable for connection in an apartment, house, or industrial premises in accordance with energy inspection standards.

Mos-Tok specialists in Moscow and the Moscow region will help you select equipment that will meet the client’s needs and existing standards, and will also determine the installation location, carry out electrical installation work and call a controller from the energy supervision department to confirm the correct installation. All installation and connection work is completed within one business day.

If you have any questions, request a call back or call:

Reasons for replacement, cost and action steps

Before changing the electric meter in a private home, you need to know some mandatory rules. Thanks to careful preparatory work, replacement can be quickly completed with minimal material losses.

Reasons for replacing an electric meter

The electric meter is changed only in compliance with the rules that are clearly described in Federal Law No. 522 “On Electricity” and are mandatory. The reasons for replacing the meter are as follows:

  • after the end of the service life of the electric meter;
  • if equipment fails or does not work correctly, replacing the meter is the only way to correct the situation;
  • when performing a planned replacement of the electric meter due to an update of the electrical network or some other work.

Attention! Other cases are optional and the decision to replace the old appliance is made by the homeowner.

One of the mandatory requirements for electricity meters that are located on the street is the presence of a special protective box Source

Payment for meter replacement

Only the owner of the house can express a desire to replace the electric meter and submit the appropriate application. The exception is unscheduled work that is carried out at the state level.

Before starting repairs, you need to contact an official organization and find out how much it will cost to replace the meter and who pays the costs. In this case, there are a number of nuances:

  • in some cases, the electric meter is the common property of the residents of several houses, while the device is joint, so it is necessary to carefully read the drawn up agreement, which clearly states who pays for its replacement;
  • if the meter is located in the house, then all operating costs are paid by its owner, moreover, he must regularly carry out inspections, carry out all required maintenance work on the device and maintain it in working condition;
  • If the electricity meter is the property of the municipality or the electricity supply company, then the installation of a new device is carried out at their expense.

It is difficult to determine the correct operation of the meter on your own, so it requires periodic checking by specialists from the electricity supplier company. Source

Attention! No one can impose a specific meter model on the home owner or demand installation outside the territory of his property.

The cost of a new electric meter that fully complies with the requirements of the law is 5,000-6,000 rubles.

How much it costs to replace an electricity meter will depend on the specific model and the company that installs it. Approximate prices in Moscow and the Moscow region are as follows:

  • replacement of a single-phase electric meter – 2500 rubles;
  • replacement of a three-phase electric meter – RUB 3,600.

Description of the procedure

The procedure for replacing an electricity meter is a rather lengthy process that can last up to 1 week.

Main stages:

  • the homeowner writes a statement to the company that supplies him with electricity;
  • when the application is reviewed, permission is officially given to remove the electric meter, while it is advisable to entrust all work to specialists from the relevant organization, this will avoid any problems with the integrity of the equipment;

Single-phase meters are most often installed in houses; electricians will help you choose the right model when replacing the device. Source

  • then a new electric meter is purchased, and it is recommended to buy it from the company that issues permission to install the equipment, this will avoid additional checks to ensure that the device meets the technical specifications;
  • the dismantled meter cannot be thrown away, it must be handed over to the energy supply company, where checks are carried out to ensure that the indicated indicators correspond to the real ones;
  • instead of the old device, a new one is installed, and the replacement of the electric meter must be carried out by a qualified electrician who will carry out the installation with high quality, which will ensure the safety of the equipment during its further operation;
  • a new electric meter is tested under different loads, the device must work properly and show valid data;
  • You can notify the energy supply company about the installation of new equipment by telephone or in person at the office;
  • at the last stage, the meter is sealed by an electrician sent by the energy supply organization.

There must be a seal on the electricity meter; failure to comply with this condition threatens its owner with a serious fine. Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in electrical work of any complexity

DIY replacement

If you have the skills of an electrician, you can replace the electric meter yourself. During the procedure, the following factors are taken into account:

  • removal features,
  • installation procedure,
  • safety regulations,
  • procedure for connecting a new electric meter.

Features of removal and installation of the device

To replace the electric meter, you need to select a new device. The model must be entered into the State Register. When selecting, the accuracy class and dimensions are taken into account. The device comes with a passport that needs to be filled out. To perform the operation, you will need to prepare the instrument:

  • pliers,
  • Screwdriver Set,
  • drill,
  • fasteners.

Tools for work
When performing installation work, do not neglect safety rules. It is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the seals. If the element is damaged, from a legal point of view the device cannot be used. When replacing the electric meter with your own hands, the controlling organization carries out a check and then connects the apartment to the electrical network.

Interesting! When removing old equipment, a lot depends on its location. Most meters are located on the landing, that is, in the distribution panel.

House owners move the devices inside the room, installing them in the hallways. It is advisable to provide free access to the equipment. The specialist should be able to change the parameters at any time. This is the main requirement of the energy supplier. Regarding operating temperatures and installation features, you should pay attention to the electric meter passport.

Electricity meter passport

Sequence of steps

When replacing the electric meter, you must follow the instructions:

  • study of the scheme,
  • machine check,
  • finding output contacts,
  • installation of an automatic distributor,
  • network shutdown,
  • wiring insulation,
  • connecting contacts to the meter,
  • power supply.

When connecting equipment, pay attention to the wiring diagram. In various rooms, machines are installed in the panel or outside it. The electric meter needs to be rechecked taking into account the total power consumption. The presence of a boiler, plasma, or washing machine in the house or apartment is taken into account.

Appliances in the house

When the electrical panel opens, it is worth unscrewing the bar. It is fixed with several screws and a screwdriver is used. Electrical panels can have one or several rails. If we consider multi-tier options, we will have to choose the location of the meter. Near the distributor you need to find the output contacts. For this purpose, a tester is used, a multimeter will do. As in the case of a socket, grounding is determined.

Important ! Houses use tires, which are necessary for the safe use of meters.

The machine will allow you to turn off the device in case of a sudden increase in voltage. Thus, it will be possible to protect the equipment from overload. The terminals of the machine are fixed after the contacts. For this purpose, jumpers are used; they can be made independently. For this purpose, aluminum conductors are used.

You may be interested in Installing an RCD in an apartment

Aluminum conductor

The phase wire is connected to the top of the meter. Much depends on the modification. At the end of the work, the phase wire is connected to the power supply; you need to check the diagram again. When the device is in an apartment, it is recommended to double-check the electrical circuit. As in the previous case, it all starts with the preparation of documents.

Important ! The distributor's phase is disconnected and must be isolated.

The contact is checked by a tester; you should make sure that the equipment is turned off. For a standard meter, the phase is on the left. If the contacts are not visible, you need to remove the cover. It is recommended to replace old machines during the replacement procedure. In the apartment, the equipment is installed on a rail. Self-tapping screws are used to secure it.

Self-tapping screws

When considering small workpieces, two or three elements are used. To fix the rail, you will have to work with a drill and make holes in the wall in advance. The next step is to connect the bus and then the contact. In order for the meter to receive power, an input cable must be installed. If the wiring is loose, the risk of a short circuit increases. The cable can be fixed to the rail if necessary.

When there is confusion with the wires when connecting, it is recommended to stick tape with pieces of paper with marks on them. At the end of the work, the lid of the device is closed, all that remains is to seal it. During installation, novice electricians mostly have problems with the device box.

Device box

If there is high humidity in the room or site, the equipment must be protected. Stores offer special boxes, but you can make them yourself. Inside the container there is a meter directly, as well as a switch. Special boxes can be installed directly on the street.

Most often, such options are seen in industrial enterprises. If machine tools and hydraulic units operate under a canopy, it is not possible to install a meter indoors. It is recommended to select street boxes based on the type of meter. Many manufacturers produce kits; there is no need to search for a long time for the required product.

Street boxes

Box types:

  • hidden,
  • half open,
  • wall,
  • floor,
  • built-in

Depending on the characteristics of the place, the appropriate box is selected. Markings are made on the wall, pole or floor. For each product, characteristics are indicated - impact resistance, operating temperature.

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