How to reduce electricity meter readings: legal ways

Subscribers of PJSC Mosenergosbyt are often interested in: “How to transmit readings?” Here is our overview of ways to provide data to MES. The main thing is that readings must be submitted monthly from the 15th to the 26th, only if the electric meter is not connected to the automatic metering system. The company offers several options for providing monthly data: via SMS, by phone number, through its portal or State Services. You can also use the terminals of the energy sales company or walk to the nearest MFC. Let's look at the features of each option.

How to transfer meter readings through LC Mosenergosbyt

Users can transfer data and pay for services via a personal account on the company’s website. To do this, you need to go to the portal and click on the “Personal Account” link at the top right. The service will prompt you to log in or register.

After successfully logging into your account, fields for entering meter readings will appear. Testimony can be submitted from the 15th to the 26th of the month; on other days the service will display a message that the procedure is impossible. You can also compare expenses for the current and previous months in your account.

Rational use of electrical appliances

Proper operation of household appliances helps to minimize energy costs. TVs, boilers, microwave ovens, laptops and other household items are constantly connected to the network in stand by mode and continuously consume energy.

Old induction devices, such as the CO 505 meter, did not take into account the low standby power of the equipment due to their low accuracy class. New high-precision flow meters allow you to directly measure electrical energy and voltage. They are highly sensitive and record all the current consumed by the equipment.

Therefore, it is necessary to de-energize the electronics, i.e. turn it off completely. This also increases the service life of the equipment and reduces the likelihood of it catching fire.

Economical lamps

The savings ratio of each LED lamp is indicated on its packaging . It is easy to calculate the number of kilowatts saved. For example, if instead of a regular 100-watt lamp you use an LED lamp of the same brightness with a power of 12 watts, you save 88 watts.

If on average one light bulb is on for 4 hours a day, the following results: 0.088 kW x 4 hours x 365 days = 128.5 kW With a conditional tariff of 5 rubles/kWh, it turns out: 128.5 kWh x 5 rubles. = 642.5 rub.

This is the annual economic effect of using one lamp. If there are a dozen and a half of them in the house, the amount increases to almost 10,000 rubles.

Monitoring the condition of electrical wiring

It happens that increased electricity consumption occurs due to the fact that the wiring in the room has deteriorated due to age or got wet.

The supply company is not to blame for this, because... electrician in an apartment (private house) is the responsibility of the owner.

The most common case is when, from under rotted insulation, a bare section of cable shorts to a reinforcing profile inside the wall. This problem has no external signs and can only be determined using special instruments. However, if you know that the wiring in the house is old or the room was flooded by neighbors from above, you should call an electrician.

How to send by phone

PJSC Mosenergosbyt and LLC MosOblEIRTS launched a robotic service for receiving and processing data from electricity consumers. You can submit your testimony by calling +7 (499) 550-9-550. The service is equipped with a modern IVR system.

How to submit readings:

  1. Dial the service number indicated above.
  2. Wait for the robot operator to say “What are you interested in?”
  3. Reply “Indications”.
  4. Follow the robot's instructions: speak out the numbers of your personal account and the counter data.
  5. The system automatically recognizes the data.

Folk ways to save

There are many techniques for saving electricity at home. It is enough to identify how and where electricity is wasted without benefit and eliminate the reasons.

The following rules will help reduce energy consumption:

  1. Do not place the refrigerator close to the stove or radiator and protect from direct sunlight. The electric motor will operate continuously and create additional load on the network;
  2. prevent ice from forming on the walls of the refrigerator and freezer;
  3. clean lampshades transmit light better, so you should regularly clean them of dust;
  4. To increase heat transfer, install a heat-reflecting foil screen between the wall and the radiator. This improves room heating without the use of electric heaters.

The above activities should be carried out regularly. Such methods do not require any costs. When used in a comprehensive manner, energy costs will be significantly reduced.

Automation of sending electricity readings

We have been automating the collection and sending of meter readings since 2016. Our Wi-Fi and NB-IoT controllers can be connected to popular models of meters Mercury, Energomera, Neva ABB. By connecting SAURES equipment to meters, customers see all the readings on their smartphone and can control hourly electricity consumption. All data is stored in the secure SAURES cloud and is accessible from anywhere in the world via a mobile application or web browser.

You can send consumption data to MES by simply copying the number of kilowatt-hours from our system into the form on the MES website. MosOblEIRTS subscribers can set up automatic sending and forever forget about the monthly routine of readings.

Reprogramming of multi-tariff electricity meters Mercury

A valid certificate for this type of activity (if it is necessary to provide confirmation to an energy sales organization, it is possible to provide all the necessary documents, this service is calculated individually)

Services provided for maintenance work with Mercury brand electricity meters:

  • Setting up a tariff schedule - single-tariff (T1), two-tariff (T1 and T2), multi-tariff (T1, T2, T3)
  • Correction of erroneous time and date on metering devices (setting the exact time and date)
  • Switching the installed factory protocols SPODES / Mercury
  • Configuring the indication of electric meter parameters that will be displayed on the LCD display
  • Setting a password for electricity meters (replacing the factory password for access through survey programs)
  • Dispatch of electricity meters in individual metering units. Setting up telemetry (remote polling) with the ability to remotely control the metering device from a smartphone or PC

Cost of on-site work within the Moscow Ring Road: Programming of a three-phase Mercury electricity meter - from 2,500 rubles. Programming a single-phase electricity meter Mercury - from 2,500 rubles. The cost of a technician traveling outside the Moscow Ring Road: Negotiated individually.

The cost of work with the transfer of the Mercury electric meter to us: Programming of the three-phase Mercury electric meter - from 1,000 rubles. Programming a single-phase electricity meter Mercury - from 1,000 rubles.

You can transfer the meter yourself, having previously agreed on the transfer by phone. In Moscow, the electric meter from the customer to us and back to the customer can be transferred via courier (+1000 rubles), delivery time is 1-2 working days.

You can buy Mercury electricity meters from us, already configured for a three-tariff mode (differentiated by three zones of the day T1, T2 and T3) Read more >>

Programming Mercury meters

Programming of Mercury electricity meters for SNT, HOAs, housing cooperatives and other organizations that use internal subscriber electricity meters. Setting up a tariff schedule and other parameters in Mercury multi-tariff electricity meters is initially possible when ordering metering devices from our organization. By agreement, we can set up existing metering devices.

For consultations on programming / reprogramming Mercury electricity meters, call +7 (495) 922-17-70,

We can program Mercury electric meters of various series (single-phase - 200, 206, 203; three-phase - 230, 231, 234, 236).

Services for setting up multi-tariff electricity meters Mercury

Tariff schedule programming:

  • Single-tariff accounting using a single-rate tariff
  • Two-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones (day zone T1 - 7.00-23.00, night zone T2 - 23.00-7.00, the “popular” name is the day-night tariff)
  • Multi-tariff metering using a tariff differentiated by day zones (peak zone T1 - 7.00-10.00; 17.00-21.00, half-peak zone T3 - 10.00-17.00; 21.00-23.00, night zone T2 - 23.00-7.00)

Electric meter parameter settings:

  • changeover to winter/summer time (cancel transition)
  • indication (setting of displayed parameters)

Reprogramming of electricity meters is legitimate additional service and technical work on setting up and activating functions that are available in each specific modification of the meter and included in it by the manufacturer of this equipment. They are performed using special additional equipment (adapters) and software using a computer. By default, the factory comes with preset basic settings, including a set tariff schedule. Multi-tariff electricity meters Mercury have a two-tariff schedule installed from the factory, which is why such metering devices are often called a two-tariff meter. However, Mercury electricity meters that have a tariff function allow you to set a different tariff schedule. It is possible to reprogram the meter for three tariffs (three-tariff schedule), two tariffs (two-tariff schedule), one tariff (single-tariff schedule). In addition to the tariff schedule, it is possible to configure other parameters available in the meters that are not configured or not activated initially by the manufacturer. We can reprogram Mercury electricity meters of various modifications (single-phase - 200, 206, 203, three-phase 230, 231, 234, 236). For other manufacturers of metering devices, please inquire. Work is only possible with devices that are designed for internal metering of subscribers' energy consumption.

The service for reprogramming multi-tariff electricity meters Mercury (reflashing Mercury, setting up electricity meters) may be necessary if the Mercury meter was initially configured for a different tariff, incorrectly displays the necessary information, or one of the required display parameters is disabled or incorrectly displayed. A number of other situations and technical issues in the operation of multi-tariff electronic electricity metering devices.

Please call for details on the cost and procedure for completing the work.

For those wishing to order services for programming electricity meters through our website, please be sure to first read the information below.

We inform you that this activity is not LICENSED, i.e. does not require a license from the organization or private master who can provide it. If you have the skills, specialized equipment and software, you can even independently configure the purchased electric meter, which belongs to you, after its purchase, as property. This is legal in cases where network or sales organizations require you to purchase a new electricity meter (electricity meter). After programming, you have the right to install this electric meter where necessary, then provide it to a network or sales organization for sealing and issuing a certificate of approval (putting) of the meter into operation. You may be informed by telephone about the requirements for a license or other similar documents that are not mandatory for these services by illiterate or deliberately misleading employees of a number of network and sales organizations. Such organizations, if necessary, themselves must program the electricity meters of their subscribers, but a number of them have stopped doing this, because, apparently, it is not profitable for them. We inform you that all licensed types of activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” dated May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ. Anything that is not specified in this law is not subject to licensing. The need for a license to program and configure electricity meters (electricity meters) is not mentioned in this law. This confirms the groundlessness of the license requirements for electricity meter programming services.

Below are the procedures for the two main reasons why you may need to reprogram your electricity meters.

If the installed electric meter has not left the MPI (Interverification Interval), but it is necessary, for example, to reconfigure the tariff schedule or the time has gone critically wrong:

Before programming, if the electric meter is already installed and has seals from a network or sales organization, the customer must contact the electricity supplier (energy sales) with an application to unseal the electricity meter (electricity meter) for service work, indicating the reason, for example, that he needs - Multi-tariff accounting using a tariff differentiated by day zones. In simple terms, for Moscow and the region this is a three-tariff regime (T1, T2, T3). After agreeing with the energy sales company on the issue of unsealing the meter and parts at the cost of resealing it, you can program the electric meter.

If the installed electric meter has fallen out of the MPI (Interverification interval) and requires its replacement as prescribed by the energy sales organization:

In this case, reprogramming may also be necessary. We'll explain when. By default, Mercury multi-tariff electricity meters come with a two-tariff schedule (T1 and T2) and with preset Moscow time (MSK) (UTC+3). If, for example, a three-tariff schedule or a different time is needed, these meters must be reprogrammed. If you have already purchased a Mercury electric meter, we can configure it to the desired tariff schedule or customize the indication displayed on the LCD display. If the electric meter is supposed to be installed in another region, with a different time zone, but with time zones identical to Moscow, we will reconfigure the time for this region. We do not have tariff schedules for other regions and we do not set them up.

What happens if the readings are not transmitted for several months?

— If the personal account readings are not transferred within a month, the program switches to calculation based on the average consumption value for the last six months. This can continue for three billing periods. If the readings are not received by Chelyabenergosbyt further, the program switches to calculation according to the standard from the third month. The value of the standard is approved by the Ministry of Tariff Regulation and Energy of the Chelyabinsk Region and, among other things, depends on the number of owners or the number of registered in this housing. Often the accrual according to the standard exceeds the accrual according to the metering device.

After three months of calculation “on average,” the situation is aggravated by the use of an increasing factor of 1.5. This is how the legislator encourages consumers to keep track of resources.

Stopping the counter using a pulse device.

Recently, pulse devices for stopping electric meters have appeared on sale (Mercury, Neva, Energomera). Such pulses affect the electronic filling of the electricity meter and cause the meter to “freeze”, as a result of which electricity is not taken into account.

There are several types of jammers. The most popular are cheap options for pulse generators, which are suitable for several models of electric meters. But when using such a device, a big disadvantage emerged - after several uses, the meter breaks down. This is due to too powerful a pulse, which disables the electronic filling of the counter. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy universal jammers, but to select an impulse generator for a specific electric meter.

When using a pulse device for a specific electric meter, a pulse is generated that is temporary, reversible and does not harm the electronics of the metering unit. As a result, this allows you to use the device for a long time to stop the meter without any consequences. Such devices are a little more expensive, but for long-term use such models are optimal.

There are models of pulsed devices that allow you to reduce the electricity counted without completely stopping the meter. Such pulse devices are used for some Mercury electricity meters, the list of which can be checked with the manager.

What to do if an incorrect electric meter reading is sent by mistake?

- If you made a mistake and transmitted an underestimated reading, there is nothing to worry about, transmit the true value at a later date. The software package selects the later in date and the larger in absolute value.

It's more difficult if you submitted an inflated reading. For example, they mixed up the digit capacity of the meter and reported a value ten times higher than the true one. But this error can also be corrected. You need to contact the customer service office, which is often not enough time. You can quickly and easily resolve the issue online. In the “Personal Account” of a household consumer of PJSC Chelyabenergosbyt, leave a message stating that an inflated reading was sent by mistake. Please make calculations based on the reading indicated in this message. We will definitely fulfill your request.

Today, almost 400 thousand subscribers of PJSC Chelyabenergosbyt have connected to the “Personal Account”. For them, making such a correction is not difficult. For others, I recommend registering in your “Personal Account” on our website. This is easy to do using step-by-step tips.

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