Sealing an electric meter: procedure, how much it costs

The act of sealing the electricity meter is drawn up every time the previous seal was removed or damaged for one reason or another. Equally, a meter sealing report is drawn up in cases where a new meter is installed or a meter returned after verification. Files in .DOC: Form of act of sealing an electricity meterSample act of sealing an electricity meter

Sealing procedure

The procedure for drawing up a meter sealing report will vary depending on the type of meter.

Thus, the main meter, which takes into account the energy consumption of the main recipient, is sealed either by the supplier of last resort or by the network organization associated with the recipient of electricity through contractual legal relations.

As for intermediate meters, the issue of sealing them is decided by the recipient himself. In particular, intermediate meters can be installed by the owner of the house for tenants in order to account for the electricity consumed by the tenants.

What is the fine for breaking the seal on an electric meter?

When there is a suspicion that the consumer is to blame, it is necessary to prove the fact of his guilt. Separately noted is the fact that the meter readings have decreased. In practice, utility services rarely try to understand the essence of what happened. If there is a problem, it means the consumers are to blame. But a differentiated approach is required, which needs to be more clearly reflected in legislative acts.

  1. The filling materials themselves must be restored only in the manner established by law.
  2. If the consumer is not at fault, this must be proven so that no fines are assessed. Utilities must be required to provide information about the volume of their products consumed and to check the technical condition of the device. This will help identify the presence or absence of deviations from the norm.
  3. The same must be done if the communal office itself is to blame. Then a statement is written addressed to the manager.
  4. Each inspector must be required to provide a complete set of documents to confirm their identity and the availability of appropriate authority.
  5. Service providers must themselves inform consumers about who exactly is responsible for the metering devices.
  6. Providers should review each case individually.

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Guarantee supplier and network organization

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Electricity” considers business entities who, on the basis of a public offer, enter into an electricity supply agreement with any person who wishes to purchase electricity and resides or carries out business activities in the territory served by the guaranteeing supplier, as a guaranteeing supplier.

The law considers enterprises through whose equipment the supplier of last resort supplies electricity to be network organizations.

That is, the supplier of last resort is an enterprise that provides electricity and receives payment for it, and the network organization is the owners of the equipment (poles, wires, transformers, etc.) with the help of which the supplier of last resort transmits electricity to the consumer’s network equipment.

for free

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The end consumer does not need to take any additional actions to ensure that the meter is sealed.

Sealing the meter and drawing up a certificate of sealing the meter is the task of the guaranteeing supplier or network organization, which, according to contractual terms, will receive payment for the electricity consumed.

The absence of a sealing certificate will be tantamount to non-sealing of the meter. The absence of a certificate, even if there is a seal, entails the inability to use meter readings to calculate payment for consumed electricity.

Accordingly, the absence of an act gives rise to the end consumer’s lack of obligation to preserve the seal. Simply put, the end consumer who has not signed the sealing certificate can break the seal, change the meter readings and not bear any responsibility for this.

In addition to the function of preserving the meter readings, the sealing act also has the function of recording the meter readings at the time of its launch. That is, the act must contain information about the meter readings from which the electricity consumption report begins.

Act on removing seals (seals) from technical equipment of the organization

The act of sealing (removing seals) of measuring instruments, technical means, equipment for recording the concentration and volume of anhydrous alcohol in finished products, the volume of finished products, sealing (removing seals) of technical means of fixing and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products into a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, sealing (removing seals) of equipment to record the volume of transportation of ethyl alcohol (including denatured alcohol) and bulk alcohol-containing products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 25 percent of the volume of finished products Statement on sealing (removing seals) of measuring instruments, technical means and equipment for recording the concentration and volume of anhydrous alcohol in finished products, the volume of finished products, on sealing (removing seals) of technical means of fixing and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol , alcohol and alcohol-containing products into a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, on sealing (removing seals) of equipment for recording the volume of transportation of ethyl alcohol (including denatured alcohol) and bulk alcohol-containing products containing ethyl alcohol alcohol more than 25 percent of the volume of finished products

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Drawing up an act

Guarantee suppliers and network organizations have their own forms for meter sealing certificates. That is, the end consumer will not be faced with the task of drawing up an act.

When sealing intermediate meters, you will have to draw up a report yourself. As part of this article, our users can download a standard template for a meter sealing act and familiarize themselves with a sample of how to fill it out.

During the filling process, you will need to enter the following information into the act:

  1. date and place of compilation;
  2. name of the person (full name, position, status, etc.) installing the meter and full name and address of the end consumer;
  3. the address where the meter is located;
  4. information about the meter (type, brand, number);
  5. meter readings at the time of sealing;
  6. the signature of the person who installed the seal and drew up the act and the signature of the end consumer.

How to remove a seal from an electric meter: 3 solutions

Still, you decided to take a risk and removed the seal from your electricity meter. But something went wrong: either an inspection came unexpectedly while you were still in the process of installation, or, as often happens, the removed seal is in a state ready for installation, but you did not have time to install it.

  1. Use the services of electricians unofficially and trust them to check your electrical network.
  2. Carry out independent work: watch a training video, determine what material the filling is made of. It can be lead (like a water meter) or polyethylene (like a gas meter, which is attached to gas pipes). Decide on the degree of fit of the filling: tight or there is some play. Dismantle and open the meter. You need to be very careful not to damage the plastic seal.
  3. If you are not able to distinguish a machine from a DIN rail, then the best solution for you would be to use the services of electricians, find a sample, write a notice and officially break the seal from the meter.

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How to properly seal a room

In 2022, the choice of sealing type depends entirely on the current specific situation. As a rule, the decision on the choice is made by the responsible persons who will subsequently carry out this procedure and draw up an act of sealing the premises.

So, for example, if the premises are the property of an organization, the decision on how exactly the sealing will be carried out is made by the head of the enterprise.

Here is a list of the most common sealing methods in 2022:

  1. Use of paper printing . This method is considered the simplest and most effective/low cost for most companies. For sealing, a narrow strip of paper (50 by 200 millimeters) is used, officially certified by the seal of the organization, on which information about the timing and reasons for isolating the premises is written, and the name of the employee responsible for the sealed premises is also affixed.

The ends of the strip are glued to the door and door frame so that when the door is opened, the paper tears.

  1. The use of wire, as well as a special sealer . When sealing in this way, a binding wire, a lead seal and a special impression are used.
  2. Installing a plasticine seal is a less expensive filling method compared to the previous one. To implement it, you need to make a special “eye” on the door jamb through which a steel thread is threaded. In this case, plasticine is used instead of lead.
  3. Using sealing tape , which today can be purchased in the printing departments of supermarkets, made in different colors. In some cases, organizations order such a period directly from the manufacturer, who makes special inscriptions on the tape.
  4. Hinged or sliding rod . In this case, plasticine is also used. Using the rod, the material is given the appropriate shape, which is attached to the jamb and door, and then connected using the rod itself.


The procedure for filling out the document seizure act form

The legislator does not establish a mandatory type of sealing, because each of the methods described above helps prevent unnoticed entry into a sealed room.


Simply put, the isolation of the room is confirmed by the integrity of the seal or seal.

When to compile in 2021

Organizations that comply with a special security regime are quite often responsible for the safety of documents, the contents of which are not subject to disclosure. In addition to such documentation, the company may store various material assets.

In 2022, in most cases, the main purpose of sealing premises is the desire to ensure maximum safety of valuable property . However, there are often situations in which the landlord, using his legal rights, seals the premises in order to isolate it from the tenant (similar to a rented room in a two-three-room apartment, when the rest of the premises are locked by the landlord).

Thus, we can conclude that sealing acts as a guarantor of the safety of all sealed property and all responsibility for its damage (if any) will lie with its owner.

Expert opinion

Oleg Ustinov

Practicing lawyer, author of the website “Legal Ambulance”, one of the co-founders of the “Our Future” foundation.

In practice, the specialists of our site quite often encounter situations where the presence of the act in question and its correct drafting allow us to quickly resolve the outcome of the case in court, in favor of tenants accused by landlords of damaging their property.

As for enterprises, there is a lot of valuable property on their premises, which is on the balance sheet. Therefore, the safety of documents, money and things by sealing premises is the primary task of managers!


Form EL-8. Grounding inspection report

It is worth noting that the sealing of premises at enterprises can also be carried out in the event of inspections by higher control structures, which, in themselves, imply the lack of access to the inspected premises for persons not included in the inspection groups/commissions.

How to draw up a sealing certificate for a premises in 2021

Let's start with the fact that, although the legislator allows this document to be drawn up in a free style on a regular A4 sheet, the lawyers of the Legal Ambulance website recommend using a standard form of the act, which contains all the necessary columns and allows you to avoid many mistakes in the registration process.

However, if the drafter chose to fill out the act by hand, be sure to follow the rules for drawing up business documentation, which consists of a “header”, a main block and a conclusion in which the signatures of the participants in the process are affixed.

Expert opinion

Oleg Ustinov

Practicing lawyer, author of the website “Legal Ambulance”, one of the co-founders of the “Our Future” foundation.

Please remember that corrections, errors and inaccurate/vague descriptions are grounds for creating a new document. Otherwise, such blots may cause close attention from employees of regulatory agencies, with subsequent recognition of the sealing of the premises as illegal!

If errors were discovered after the act was signed, they must be corrected in accordance with the requirements established by the legislator . First, the inaccuracy is crossed out with a solid line, after which the correct information is written next to it and the mark “Corrected to believe” is placed, next to which all participants who previously signed the document sign.


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