How to check the electric meter for correct readings. Procedure, advice and recommendations from specialists

When should the test be performed?

For various reasons, the owners of a house or apartment may have doubts about whether the electric meter is working correctly. In this case, you need to find out how to check it. It is worth understanding that such a procedure has nothing to do with verification. It has no legal force. Such a check is necessary if the owners doubt the correctness of the electricity meter.

If some violations are identified, you need to contact a specialized organization. Its employees will confirm or deny the fact that the device is not working correctly.

Checking whether the electric meter is counting correctly is quite simple. This is a simple process that almost anyone can handle. But in some situations it is necessary to perform a check. These include the following.

  • For unknown reasons, the amount of energy consumed has increased. At the same time, the owners no longer began to use electrical household appliances and did not purchase new equipment. Electricity consumption may increase if you purchase a washing machine, air conditioner, heater, multicooker, etc. Also, the number of kilowatts consumed per month may increase if more people begin to live in an apartment or their own house. In some cases, changes in this indicator may be due to seasonal changes. If there were no such facts, but the electricity consumption indicator has increased noticeably, you need to check.
  • The meter readings have not decreased compared to last month, although the owners were not at home for a long time (at least a week). It should also be alarming if the indicator has decreased disproportionately.
  • Electricity consumption, according to the meter, clearly exceeds the available capabilities of household appliances.

Self-propelled test

Self-propelling means increasing the meter readings, even if you are not currently using electricity. To identify this problem:

  1. Disconnect all current consumers by pulling out the plugs;
  2. Turn off group machines if they are located after the counting device;
  3. Leave only the introductory machine turned on.

If you have an induction meter, then make sure that the number of revolutions does not exceed 6-12 times per hour: the less, the better. If you have an electronic energy meter, then you need to count the number of indicator flashes. If it lights up more than 12 times per hour, then checking is no longer required: you have already found the reason for the cheating. Otherwise, please use the verification methods described below.

Preparing for the test

Before checking the correct operation of the electric meter, you need to perform some preparatory steps. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of “self-propelled” occurrence. This term is used to describe a situation when all electrical appliances in the home are turned off, but the meter still works, the disk generates kilowatts.

You need to leave the meter energized, but you will need to turn off the single-pole circuit breaker. If the system has plugs, they need to be removed. Then you need to observe the operation of the device for 15 minutes. If the system has a disk, during this time it can make only one revolution, but no more.

If you are interested in how to check the correctness of the readings of the Mercury electric meter or other popular modern models, you need to focus on the operation of the indicator light. It emits light pulses. When consumption in the home is completely turned off, it can emit only one signal.

It is also worth considering that it is not normal if the meter shows fewer kilowatts per month than usual. If the owners have not limited themselves in energy consumption, but a similar situation occurs, they need to check the integrity of the device housing. This action must be performed in accordance with all electrical safety requirements. If there are defects, the meter needs to be replaced. To do this, they call in experts from the electricity supply company. They will conduct the appropriate examination. If it turns out that the user performed some actions to save money by disrupting the operation of the device, he will pay a fine. Therefore, all steps to check equipment must be performed very carefully.

In what cases are metering devices verified?

Induction and electronic devices have an operating life that is set by the manufacturer. For metering devices with a magnetic disk it is 8-10 years. Electricity meters: “Energomera”, “Niva”, etc. are verified every 16 years. Technical measures can be carried out earlier if there is reason to doubt that the metering device is damaged.

The timing of verification of electricity meters is indicated in the technical documents attached to the device. The initial work is carried out by the manufacturer. Based on the results of the procedure, the metrologist draws up a report on the suitability of the electric meter for use or the need for replacement (indicating its shortcomings). It must be checked at your place of residence and not necessarily at the company recommended by utility services. To install an electricity meter, you need to use the help of an electrician.

Frequency of verification according to law

There is no single set deadline for the verification period of electric meters. It must be looked at in the technical passport. Federal Law No. 102, the law on energy saving, does not prohibit the purchase of a new device during the calibration interval, without conducting metrological tests of the old one. The homeowner must focus on the technical documentation and promptly invite a specialist from the supplier company to draw up a report. The verification period for electric meters is usually at least 8 years.

Unscheduled inspection

You will need to check the electricity consumption meter if there is reason to doubt the correct operation of the electricity meter.

For this you will need:

  • make sure that the wiring is connected correctly;
  • invite a specialist to draw up a certificate of removal of the electric meter and send it for metrological tests. The exact verification period must be found in the device passport;
  • submit payment receipts.

Unscheduled measures will be needed when documents confirming a previous inspection are lost, or when it is necessary to set up and adjust the electric meter.

The corresponding activities are carried out by inspectors who compare the readings with the information specified in the calculation databases. It is necessary to check the electric meter if the device fails.

How to detect electricity theft?

When checking the electric meter for correct readings, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of energy theft. If all household appliances in the apartment are turned off, but the device still counts kilowatts, this may indicate that it is broken.

But sometimes, especially in an apartment building, such a situation may indicate unauthorized use of electricity by neighbors. In this case, additional wires will run from your meter into the panel. Sometimes this is difficult to determine if the person is not an electrician. Tangled twists can confuse even a professional.

Thief identification check

If you have already realized that electricity is being stolen, you need to catch the thief. For this:

  • On the site, unscrew the plugs in your panel (you will not have electricity in the apartment, at the same time, the thief’s devices, which are powered by you, will no longer be powered);
  • Go one floor higher, or go into the apartment and look through the peephole;
  • It may take a lot of time, but sooner or later the thief will want to turn on your panel.

You will see someone come and screw in the plugs in your panel so that you can use your electricity again. Catch the thief! It is he!

These simple algorithms for checking the accuracy of your meter readings and checking for electricity theft will help you determine if you are paying too much. And if this is the case, then get an official conclusion to change the meter for free (in case of high measurement error). And when identifying a thief, it will be easier for you to prove the fact of theft.

Illegal actions on the part of the owners

Sometimes apartment owners themselves use various methods in order to reduce the speed of electricity consumption by illegal means. Outside interference in the system may damage the device. In this case, inspectors will definitely find additional devices. Illegal interference with the meter system is indicated by:

  • A hole drilled in the body. It is used to use a needle to slow down the rate of counting consumed kilowatts.
  • Lack of glass on the electric meter. Instead, they can insert photographic film. But such material leaves a mark. This will definitely be revealed during the examination.
  • Connecting additional wiring, due to which some of the electricity is not recorded. Such a wire can be easily found using a detector. It usually hides behind plaster or baseboards.
  • Loose tension screw. This can be done if there is no seal on the meter.

To avoid problems with the inspection company, you need to periodically inspect the device for damage. Checking the electric meter for proper operation necessarily begins with a visual inspection.

How often to check

So, if you are familiar with one of the following situations, you need to waste no time checking whether the electric meter in a private house or apartment is winding correctly:

  1. Electricity consumption has increased sharply, although you use household appliances in the same mode as before. In addition, new electrical appliances were not purchased and, accordingly, connected to the network.
  2. The opposite situation - you began to use household appliances less often, but electricity consumption did not decrease (for example, during your long absence).
  3. Electricity consumption is very high, an order of magnitude higher than it could actually be. For example, if in your apartment there is nothing more powerful than a kettle, and the electricity consumption is the same as that of a neighbor who uses an air conditioner or oil heater every day.

If you are familiar with the situations listed above, read the tips below and immediately proceed to checking the electric meter for self-propelled movement and metering error. To test the device, you will need a stopwatch, calculator, multimeter and a 100-watt incandescent lamp.

Checking the correct connection

How to check if the electric meter is counting correctly? It is necessary to determine whether the device is connected correctly. If there are violations, the equipment will not work properly. Therefore, you need to take appropriate actions. Most often, single-tariff (single-phase) meters are installed in apartments. This equipment is characterized by direct connection. You need to inspect how the wires are connected. If everything is in order, you need to use special equipment (clamp meters). You can buy them at a specialty store or rent them from a familiar electrician.

Using the presented equipment, you can determine what load is acting on the network. When using current clamps, there is no need to perform complex calculations. If you plan to periodically check the operation of the electric meter, it is best to purchase equipment from a specialized store. In this case, it will be possible to obtain an accurate result at the slightest need.

How to check if an electric meter is working correctly using a clamp meter? You need to read the manufacturer's instructions for the equipment presented. Next you need to switch the range to the ACA 200 position. This is the optimal mode for checking the correct connection and operation of the meter.

The pliers need to be opened and then fixed around the phase wire. They should cover just one wire. You can take measurements on an insulated wire that is brought into the apartment. The result will appear on the device screen. It is measured in amperes. This figure must be multiplied by the network voltage (220 V). The cosine must be equal to 1.

How to determine who can be trusted to verify household meters

Rosakkreditatsiya strongly recommends that all consumers, before applying for verification of metering devices to the selected company, carefully check the information about it in the Register of accredited persons

on your website. Moreover, it is quite simple and easy - you just need to clarify the exact name of the company or find out its TIN. After this, you need to go to the Register of Accredited Persons, which is open and accessible to every citizen of Russia. Next, the relevant information is entered into the “name” fields and after that the consumer receives all the information he needs, which must be correctly “deciphered”. If there is a green icon next to it, then this mark indicates that the accreditation is valid. A red pictogram indicates termination of accreditation, and if suddenly a yellow icon appears nearby, this means that the company’s activities have been suspended. Accordingly, having such important information, deciding on a company that can be trusted to verify metering devices is not a problem at all. It is important to know that only a company with valid accreditation has the right to enter data into the unified electronic Register of Rosstandart.

Measurement error

There is another way to check whether the electric meter is counting correctly. After all, not everyone has special equipment at home in the form of current clamps. One of the methods for checking a calculating device is to determine its error. To find out, you need to prepare a simple incandescent lamp that will create a load. In addition, you need to prepare a calculator and a stopwatch. Measurements will be carried out using a multimeter. It must have an electronic display. A dial multimeter is not suitable for this.

The use of a conventional lamp during the examination allows one to obtain an accurate result. If you use household appliances for these purposes, you may get the wrong result. The data sheet indicates the maximum power of the device. But many of them consume different amounts of electricity in different operating modes. Because of this feature, it will not be possible to accurately determine the meter error. An ordinary incandescent lamp works stably. Therefore, it is used during testing.

When considering how to check whether the electric meter is working correctly, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the presented methodology.

First, use a multimeter to measure the voltage in the network. How to perform such an action should be read in the manufacturer's instructions. The result will almost never be exactly 220 V. For example, it may turn out to be 223 V or some other value. It is written down on a piece of paper.

Next, the lamp current is measured. For this purpose, the tester is switched to ammeter mode. It is connected to a light bulb. The resulting value, for example, can be 0.43 A. To find out what power the light bulb will have at this network voltage, you need to perform a simple calculation:

223 × 0.43 = 96 W

This deviation is 4%, so standard values ​​cannot be used for calculations. They may differ significantly from actual figures.

Error in the operation of the electric meter

The meter verification procedure and its subsequent checks must be carried out taking into account the error, which is the difference between the actual and calculated operation of the device. The resulting figure is multiplied by 100 and divided by the gear ratio. The error should not be higher than 10%. If it is higher, then you need to check it with the help of a specialist and, if necessary, change the meter.

Subsequent calculation

When considering how to check an electric meter for correct readings, you need to delve into the essence of calculating real network indicators. To do this, you will also need to calculate the lamp resistance. To do this, the network voltage is divided by the load of the electrical appliance:

223 ÷ 0.4 = 557.5 Ohm

Now you can start checking the counter. You need to connect the lamp to the network. Then, using a stopwatch, it is measured how long it will take for the counter to blink the indicator 10 times or make 10 revolutions of the disk. At this moment, it is important to control the voltage in the network. For example, during measurements it was found that the disk made ten revolutions in 2 minutes (120 seconds). The voltage during the test remained at 223 V.

Next, on the front panel you need to find the constant value of the electric meter. This, for example, could be 3,200 imp/kWh. Other values ​​may be specified. Next you need to perform the calculation using the following formula:

PE = NS × NS ÷ SL, where

PE – lamp electricity consumption (real),

NS – network voltage,

RL – lamp resistance.

PE = 223 × 223 ÷ 557.5 = 89 W

You need to calculate how many watts the lamp consumed during the test:

120 sec × 89 W ÷ 3600 = 2.97 Wh.

To determine the error of the meter, the following calculation is performed:

1000 × number of revolutions ÷ constant value indicated on the front panel of the meter. Substituting the available values, we get:

1000 × 10 ÷ 3200 = 3.13 Wh

Error = (2.97 – 3.13) ÷ 3.13 × 100 = -5%.

This is a minor error. It is within acceptable limits. A deviation of 10% is allowed. In the example shown, the counter works correctly.


When considering how to check an electric meter for correct readings, you need to consider such a feature as magnetization. Some users use a magnet to reduce the speed of kilowatt counting. You should not resort to such actions. Such a trick will definitely be revealed during an audit. To understand why you should not resort to magnetizing the meter, you need to consider the features of the test.

Thus, in modern models of the presented devices, for example, “Mercury”, “Neva”, “Energomer”, etc., a special magnetic seal is installed. This is a special sticker that, if the counter stops in a similar way, will change color. If this happens, during verification the user will be accused of illegal consumption of electricity.

In simpler meter models, you can also check the serviceability. For this you need a thin metal needle. If it is attracted to the meter panel, then it is magnetized. But in such models, if you remove the magnet, the field is restored in literally 2-3 days. In some cases, magnetization does not go away. In this case, you need to buy a special demagnetizer.

When to pay attention to the electric meter

Sometimes you notice an increased utility bill on your pay stubs. A possible reason for this is a malfunction of the electricity measuring device. The reasons for an unscheduled inspection include the following situations:

  1. A sharp increase in electricity consumption. Despite the fact that the amount of equipment and the frequency of its operation are the same.
  2. Despite the reduction in the time of use of household appliances, the readings on the meter increase by the same amount as before.
  3. Electricity consumption is much higher than it actually is.

Self-checks have no legal force. But in these ways they detect whether the meter is over-reading

They inspect everything carefully, in no case open the seal and do not violate the integrity of the device. If, during the inspection, a malfunction of the meter is discovered, then a specialist is called to officially confirm the malfunction

How to check if connected correctly

First, pay attention to how the electric meter is connected. The test is carried out only with the power off

Otherwise, when inspecting the device there is a risk of receiving an electric shock. Electricity meters in apartments are connected to the network with four terminals located on the device body. The connection is made in accordance with the diagram.

The order of connecting wires to the four terminals:

  • phase - leftmost;
  • phase input directed into the room - second from the left;
  • zero is the second pair;
  • zero going into the apartment is the far right.

Working meters with this connection show the correct signal.

Self-propelled vehicle calculation and payment

Self-driving is a malfunction of the electricity metering device when an increase in traffic is observed in the absence of consumption. That is, if the equipment in the house is turned off, and the numbers on the meter display continue to count. Therefore, the operation of the measuring device is periodically checked. To identify a self-propelled gun, turn off all the equipment in the apartment and the machines located behind the electric meter in the switchboard. The device is faulty if, during testing, non-stop rotation of the disk or blinking of the LED for electronic models is observed more than once per minute. In this situation, a specialist is called to determine the presence of extraneous connections.

If a malfunction of the device is detected, consumption costs are paid according to the readings obtained before signing the technical inspection report. Before installing a new meter, electricity costs are calculated according to the accepted standard.

Periodically checking that the device is working correctly will help you avoid increased utility costs. To do this, use the methods mentioned above. Since ordering verification by specialists is not free, it is usually resorted to only if they are first convinced that the electric meter is faulty.

Two- and three-tariff meters

It is easy to check whether a three-phase or two-phase electric meter is operating correctly. Such devices have certain operating features. At different times of the day, the cost of electricity calculated by such devices differs. At night the tariff will be slightly lower than during the day. This counting feature allows you to reduce the load on the network during the daytime.

For this reason, two- or three-phase meters are called two-tariff and three-tariff. They help reduce your energy bill. At the same time, uneven consumption leads to intense environmental pollution during the day and evening. Consumption of electricity at night is better for the environment.

The disadvantage of using such devices is the high demands placed on the correct operation of electrical appliances. Otherwise, significant savings will not be achieved.

What is verification?

Verification of meters is a mandatory procedure in which the performance of electricity metering devices is assessed. Serviceability is assessed by comparing the readings of the measuring device with the standard.

Current legislation obliges employees of resource supply organizations and manufacturers of electricity meters to carry out scheduled verification at established intervals. At the same time, the obligation to monitor the condition of appliances rests with homeowners. If discrepancies between the testimonies are revealed, the owners may be held accountable (administrative or criminal).

Verification is a paid service. If there is a suspicion of a malfunction in the device, the owners are required to independently contact the sales organization and write an application for this procedure.

Checking a two-tariff meter

How to check a two-tariff electric meter for correct readings? You need to follow a few simple steps. First, check that the electrical appliance is connected correctly. The device is also checked for the presence of “self-propelled”. If no problems are found in this indicator, you can proceed with further testing.

How to check the electric meter for correct readings? All electrical appliances are disconnected from the network, and all machines coming out of the panel are turned on. Next, the above procedure is carried out with a lamp and a multimeter.

Reconciliation frequency

Meters must be periodically checked for serviceability and reliability of transmitted data.
All meters for metering consumed resources are subject to periodic checks, both for serviceability and for the correctness of the readings given. The need to inspect meters is explained by factors such as natural wear and tear of mechanical parts or possible software failure.

In most cases, RES initiate this procedure themselves by sending written notifications to citizens. The papers indicate the date and place of delivery of the device, as well as the order and method of its dismantling. If a notice is not received for several years, property owners should find out about it themselves.

For diskless electronic meters of the Mercury and Neva types, the control period is no more than 10 years. Old type devices are checked more often - every 5-8 years. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up.

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