All about electrical safety groups: assignment, detailed instructions

Practical dependence

One of the mandatory conditions for personnel qualification is an electrical safety group. To be awarded the appropriate qualification, you must undergo instruction and acquire practical skills. The fact of assignment is confirmed by the issuance of a certificate of the established form with a record.

TB requirements require a special approach and cannot be achieved without the experience gained during the internship. The employee’s work book must also indicate the access group. If it is necessary to issue an administrative document for the organization, then it is also required to indicate the date of certification.

When moving from one enterprise to another, be sure to keep the certificate; this document confirms the specialist’s skills when working with current and conductive equipment.


An employee certified in the third group is assigned the following responsibilities:

  1. If it is necessary to work in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, the employee can accompany the actions of personnel who need to perform functional tasks, but do not normally service technical devices.
  2. When replacing the electrical part, two employees must be present on the lifting mechanisms, since the work is carried out at height. One of the employees must have access to the third group.
  3. If the organization operates electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.
  4. Cleaning premises equipped with electrical installations with open switchgears with a voltage rating of up to 1000 V as directed by the manager.

The list of operations must be listed in the local act of the enterprise and approved by the chief engineer.

How much does it cost to get a third group ID?

To receive 3rd grade in electrical safety, you must pass the entire test exam. The exam itself takes place directly at the regional branch of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision or Rostechnadzor. It is also possible to open commissions in the building of organizations; the commission consists of 5 people, with the head having a Group V permit.

In general, the procedure should not take much time; the list of documents and certificates should be clarified with the department. There are also a sufficient number of organizations involved in assisting in the preparation of all documents.

The price is regulated by the organization; the approximate price is 4,000 rubles*.

Certain types of work permitted for the third group

Additionally, electricians with the third tolerance group are allowed to:

  1. Carry out voltage checks. On power lines together with another worker, and alone in switchgears.
  2. Install grounding buses, but only when an employee is included in the repair staff.
  3. Disconnect and install insulation on live elements. This work must be performed using PPE made from dielectric materials.
  4. Install high voltage warning posters and signs.
  5. Monitor the execution of operations related to the repair of current generating devices.
  6. Observe the condition of insulating means when measuring voltage.
  7. Perform routine repairs of batteries and generator under voltage.

When the voltage is above 1000 V, you can perform the following work:

  1. Clean areas with installed open switchgear.
  2. Maintain technical devices in accordance with established regulations.
  3. Monitor the drying process of transformer and generator installations, but when they are de-energized.
  4. Perform maintenance of oil purification units.
  5. Disconnect grounding blades.

The additional operations listed above are approved by the head of the organization.


Each specialist applying for a particular admission group must meet a number of criteria and requirements. If at least one item is not met, the employee will not be assigned to the group of interest.

The general requirements look like this:

  • Age of majority and legal capacity. You can only work with electrical equipment after 18 years of age.
  • The first and second groups do not require special education. A diploma from a secondary specialized or higher educational institution is required only for employees applying for the fourth or fifth group.
  • The second group can be obtained directly after employment. The third group can be assigned only to those who have worked in their specialty for at least a month. The fourth and fifth groups are issued to employees with at least 3 months of experience.

How to get admission group 3

To obtain admission group 3, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Secondary education.
  2. Coming of age.
  3. The total experience must be at least three months, but have skills in the second group
  4. Have knowledge of electrical engineering.
  5. Know how to provide first aid.
  6. Know TB.
  7. Complete training at a specialized educational institution or enterprise, but on the condition that the latter must have a license.

When you change jobs, move to another position, or the next certification deadline approaches, you must take the exam. Based on the results, a protocol is drawn up and a certificate is issued for permission to perform operations.

Certification algorithm

To successfully pass the exams you need to know:

  1. Rules for the operation of electrical installations.
  2. Additional recommendations for training and testing practical skills are included by the management of the enterprise or the person responsible for electrical safety.
  3. Electrical engineering requirements.
  4. Characteristics of electrical installations, including rules for their maintenance and operation.

It is necessary to have skills in performing all operations, including in safe mode.

To pass the exams you must do the following:

  1. Form a commission of an odd number of members. 5 people is the minimum number. All members of the commission must have electrical safety certification and group at least 3.
  2. Preparation of tickets based on the requirements of the Rules and other regulations. Possibly questions in the form of testing. Preparation is possible on computers.
  3. When passing exams, the mark is made in a special journal, recorded in the protocol and recorded in the certificate.
  4. The certificate is handed over to the employee.

Certification according to this algorithm is carried out in organizational structures of medium and large scales. But if creating a commission does not make sense, then certification can be carried out in educational institutions that have certificates from Rostechnadzor.

What work can an electrician with access group 3 perform, and what rights does he have?

The 3rd tolerance group is assigned if it is necessary to carry out work in electrical installations with equipment voltage less than 1000 V. If the voltage is higher than specified, then the assignment of group 4 is required.

The dependence of permitted work and personnel rights not only on the group indicator, but also on the assigned category. Electricians can be classified as operational or maintenance personnel.

What an employee can do:

  1. If group 3 is assigned, then you can independently carry out inspections of equipment with voltages less than 1000 V. It is expected to make operational connections, allow the team to work and control the work process.
  2. When the voltage in electrical installations is more than 1000 V, operational switching and inspections are assumed to be carried out independently, but in the presence of blocking devices against incorrectly performed actions. During the period of duty, it is possible to perform work to inspect such equipment.
  3. Current work: replacement of lighting equipment, application of inscriptions and other types of work included in the list approved by the head of the facility. Performing these works independently, without instructions from management, including shutting down, preparing the area for the operation of electrical devices and direct operations with technological equipment.
  4. If repair personnel have group 3, then they can carry out work themselves according to a permit or by order of management, with exceptions being special types of work interpreted by the rules and defined by organizational documents.

The job description provides for these functionalities.

Where can I get it?

To obtain an electrical safety group, you can use three methods:

  1. Creation of a commission in the organization, development of a program and tickets. Documents must be approved by Rostekhnadzor.
  2. Concluding an agreement with a specialized training center. A certificate of study and certification is required.
  3. Accessing the site via the Internet. Modern technical means allow you to study and take tests.

It is necessary to pay attention to the availability of permits for study and certification.

What you need to know to receive

To obtain the right of admission to certification in group 3, you must check:

  1. Availability of permission from the organization or training center to carry out these works.
  2. The permit must not be expired.
  3. Certification of teachers and commission members, the electrical safety group must be at least third.
  4. Health and safety rules and other regulations governing safety during work.

When is the delivery to the EB group made?

Within one year, it is necessary to pass the examination at least once: for workers who perform maintenance operations on electrical installations that are directly in operation, repair these units, perform installation work or perform performance testing. Actually, the same as for persons who have the right to issue a work order.

Electrical safety group 1: who is assigned, preparation

Within three years, it is necessary to undergo testing at least once: for administrative technical personnel, as well as for electrical installation inspectors.

Important! According to PTEEP: you need to requalify no later than the established deadline; if this is not done, then the admission will automatically be reduced to level II.

Also, if you change your place of work, you must re-certify your qualifications.

Duration and price of education

Applications for training are accepted by licensed training centers. We will show in the table the groups of electrical safety clearance for electrical installations up to and above 1000 V, the time it will take for training, and the estimated cost.

After training, students know everything that, according to the standards, is required for the corresponding category of admission.

Main classes

The above standards introduce several electrical safety classes for devices, instruments, and production equipment:

  • 0.
  • I.
  • II.
  • III.

In addition to them, additional electrical safety classes of power tools are distinguished. We will introduce and characterize all of them further.

Categories of premises

You can also distinguish classes of premises according to electrical safety:

  1. No increased danger. These are spaces with low air humidity (up to 45%). There is a ventilation and heating system. Floors are non-conductive (earthen, reinforced concrete, earthen, etc. are considered conductive). If this is a production workshop, then its floors are covered with dielectric. In such rooms there are no high temperatures, dampness, chemical environments, conductive floors and dust.
  2. With increased danger. What can be said about this electrical safety class of premises? A space will be included in the category if it meets at least one of these conditions: damp (air humidity more than 75%), conductive dust is constantly present, there is a conductive floor covering (reinforced concrete, brick, metal, earthen), constantly high temperatures (more than 35° WITH). These are also those rooms where people can simultaneously touch the metal shells of the equipment and the grounded metal structure of the building.
  3. Particularly dangerous. These are rooms with “special dampness” (in some cases it can reach 100%), spaces in which there is an active chemical or organic environment (which can destroy equipment). Premises that fall under any two conditions from the “high-risk” category are also considered particularly dangerous.

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