Electrical safety groups: specifics of assignment and presentation of admission according to the new rules

Our center conducts courses and assigns electrical safety group 2 up to 1000 V. Ready documents are sent to graduates by mail or courier. Delivery throughout Russia. Let's figure out what electrical safety group 2 is, what personnel it applies to, to whom it is assigned and how to obtain it.
Course program “Norms and rules for working in electrical installations”
Form of study Remotely
Duration 72 ak/h
Price 4000 rubles
Final documents Electrical safety certificate group 2 with entry into the register, protocol.
Deadlines for receiving documents Up to 10 working days from the date of application

What is better: getting or buying an electrical safety certificate?

Admission must be confirmed every year. Some do not want to undergo certification and formalize it. They prefer to buy an electrical safety certificate with permission to work. There are risks here:

  • to be deceived, to lose your money;
  • become the owner of documents with a false seal, signature of a representative of Rostekhnadzor;
  • receive a certificate for the wrong category, for example, without the mark “over 1000 V”;
  • possess documents from an unaccredited institution without a license.

All these aspects will be the deciding factor during the inspection. The holder of such a “permit” will at a minimum be suspended, and the organization will pay a fine, and may even be closed.

There have been cases of criminal liability for fraud, forgery of documents, and complicity. It’s easier, calmer, and more reliable to formalize everything, especially since this can be done remotely, in just 2-3 days.

Logbook for assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel - Bitrade

The logbook for assignment of group 1 for electrical supply is filled out in all enterprises with registered electrical equipment in accordance with POT R M-016-2001 “Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations.”

The magazine allows you to ensure safe maintenance of electrical installations by both technical specialists and non-electrical personnel.

This category includes all heads and deputies of departments, workshops and sections, heads of individual energy services and companies as a whole.

What does electrical safety group I mean?

This group includes non-electrical employees who perform their duties in conditions where there is a high probability of receiving electric shocks. They are not directly employed on electrical installations, but directly or indirectly use them in the course of performing their job duties.

This can be both production and non-production personnel, including premises cleaners, dispatchers, etc. The full list of positions that fall into this group is approved by the director of the enterprise. It is the fact of obtaining the first electrical safety group that is noted in the standardized journal.

Group I is the lowest available, the highest is V (fifth). This group is received by employees of the enterprise without special electrical engineering training.

How to get Group I in electrical safety

Persons who have the following knowledge are allowed to receive instructions for obtaining the first group:

  • Why is electric current dangerous?
  • safety rules for contact with electrical appliances;
  • providing emergency assistance in case of electric shock.

If necessary, not only an oral interview is carried out, but also a test of practical skills in trouble-free work with electrical installations and an assessment of emergency assistance techniques in case of electrical damage. Classes are taught by a responsible employee with group III or higher.

Procedure for filling out the journal

The journal for assigning group 1 for electrical safety is filled out in accordance with the established form. Before making the first entry, the responsible person fills out the first sheet and puts a certification on it. The title page indicates the full name of the organization, its structural unit (optional) and two dates.

Inside the journal, in special columns, the serial number of the entry, the full name of the person who passed the certification, his position, the date of assignment of the group (plus the date of the previous assignment, if any) are indicated, as well as two signatures - the certified person and the inspector.

The general logging sequence is as follows:

  • The head of the enterprise by order appoints a person responsible for electrical safety. He also lists the positions that should be assigned to group 1;
  • employees undergo training, following which they sign in a log and receive group 1;
  • employees listen to repeated lectures and undergo an oral knowledge test once every 12 months.

The pages of the magazine are numbered and laced. The last of them bears the signature of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise or its separate structural unit (for example, a branch). The ends of the lacing are fastened with paper on which the company's seal is affixed.

Other logging requirements:

  • Empty lines are not allowed;
  • corrections are not allowed (incorrect text is carefully crossed out, the correct version is indicated next to it);
  • The journal maintenance is controlled by the chief power engineer of the enterprise;
  • It is desirable, but not necessary, to seal each page of the magazine;
  • The document must be kept for 10 years.

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We offer only standardized documentation that complies with GOSTs and the current regulatory framework.

From us you can purchase not only magazines, but also forms, stands, safety signs, technical literature and much more at a good price.

We also offer other ways to place an order: you can write in the online chat or select the contact number at the top and call our manager.

Any batch of magazines can be promptly picked up from our warehouse or received by delivery service in Moscow, Moscow Region or to another city in the Russian Federation.

What are the different electrical safety groups?

Group I

Who needs it

: to all people who, even theoretically, can be shocked by electric shock - cleaners, loaders, office employees, etc.

Assigned based on the results of introductory briefing and oral questioning with a possible test of practical skills. Employees are provided with general information about TB and trained in the rules of first aid in case of electric shock. The instructor is a full-time employee with an electrical safety group of at least third.

LIST of positions (professions) of non-electrical personnel requiring assignment to group I in electrical safety

No.Job titleStructural subdivision
3Cleaning womanAXO

Group II

Categories of listeners

: minimum qualification level for electrical personnel involved in servicing electrical equipment without the right to connect:

  • Electric welders;
  • Elevators;
  • Operators of lifting equipment;
  • Operators of mobile equipment and mechanisms with electrical units;
  • Termistov and others.

Automatically provided to persons who have a higher qualification level, but did not manage to confirm it within the regulated time frame (usually recertification is carried out once a year).

Electrical safety clearance group 2 is the limit for minors (for example, students).


: certificate holders can service electrical installations (without the right to independently connect) under the supervision of the work manager or together with other team members.

Education Requirements

: Persons receive the second group on the basis of a document of secondary education in electrical engineering. Applicants with no education or with a non-electrical engineering background must undergo a 72-hour training program and subsequent certification at the enterprise.

Knowledge requirements

: How electrical devices assigned to an employee work, knowledge and skills in providing medical care to victims before the arrival of medical personnel.

III group


: Electrical workers are allowed to independently maintain, install, connect (disconnect) equipment with voltage less than 1000 V.

Group 3 electrical safety clearance allows you to control the work of employees with a lower qualification level. A certificate marked “up to and over 1000 volts” gives the right to carry out repair work as part of a team.

Experience and education requirements

: presence of secondary specialized education or solid work experience in the position. You can pass certification for the third group a month after receiving the previous one; for vocational school trainees, the interval is six months.

Knowledge requirements


Persons with group 3 in ES are required to have knowledge in the amount of group 2, as well as:

  • Know the design and methods of servicing electrical installations;
  • Be able to free the victim in case of electric shock;
  • Have the skills to organize work performed by other employees.

Admission is assigned based on the results of an exam in the commission of the enterprise or Rostechnadzor.

IV group

Categories of workers

: electrical technical personnel with group 3 who have worked in their position for at least three months, in the absence of secondary education - 6 months.

Goals and powers


Group 4 electrical safety approval allows:

  • Obtain a position responsible for electrical equipment in an organization (for engineers);
  • Perform special types of work;
  • Repair and maintain electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V;
  • Train less qualified personnel to work with electrical installations (on-site);
  • Provide instructions and issue permits to work on electrical devices;
  • Monitor the work of subordinates, i.e. less qualified persons.

Knowledge requirements

: to obtain the fourth group of admission, you must know the course of the third group, as well as the vocational school or college program in electrical engineering. The applicant must be able to read diagrams, fully know the fire safety requirements and the provisions of the PUE.

Group V

Categories of workers

: those responsible for electrical equipment and other engineering and technical workers associated with work in electrical devices under voltage from 1000 V.


Group 5 on electrical safety allows you to perform any type of work on power installations, regardless of the voltage level, issue orders and orders for work on electrical devices up to or above 1000 V.

Experience and education requirements

: Persons with higher education are given permission to take the exam at the Rostechnadzor commission no earlier than after 3 months of practical activity in group 4; workers without secondary education must wait 24 months.

Knowledge requirements

: the amount of knowledge is similar to the fourth group. Plus, you need to know the timing of testing and the design of all electrical devices that are operated under the supervision of this specialist.

LIST of positions (professions) of electrical and electrical engineering personnel requiring assignment to groups II-V in electrical safety

No.Electrical safety group no lowerJob titleStructural subdivision
1III up to 1000 VEngineerTechnical department
2IV up to 1000 VDepartment headProduction Department
3IV up to 1000 VElectricianProduction Department
4V up to and above 1000 VHead of Electrical LaboratoryElectrolaboratory
5V up to and above 1000 VElectrical laboratory engineerElectrolaboratory

Attention! Managers who are directly subordinate to personnel with electrical safety groups II-V must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel (clause 1.4. 3. Regulation dated January 13, 2003 N 6 PTEEP).

Documents for certification

To test employees’ knowledge of electrical safety, the organization’s management writes an application to Rostekhnadzor. The following documents are attached to it:

  • an extract from the Logbook for testing knowledge of working rules in electrical installations, as well as a protocol for testing knowledge of working rules in electrical installations - for employees who work at energy facilities;
  • an extract from the Logbook for testing knowledge of working rules in electrical installations - for employees of organizations that are consumers of electrical energy.

Extracts are certified by the organization that sends employees for certification. For organizations that are consumers of electricity, certification is organized in specialized training centers; they do not have to contact Rostechnadzor.

Types of knowledge tests

In accordance with the rules, the knowledge test, by passing which an employee of an enterprise can obtain or confirm an existing qualification group, is divided into:

  • primary;
  • next;
  • extraordinary.

If an employee receives an unsatisfactory assessment, the commission assigns another repeat inspection, which the employee undertakes to undergo no later than a month later. In this case, the validity of the occupational safety certificate is extended until the retake date.


An initial knowledge test is needed for workers who are about to start working in electrical installations for the first time.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the case when the break in monitoring the employee’s knowledge exceeded the period of 3 years. In such a situation, verification is also considered primary.


The next test of knowledge on electrical safety is carried out at the enterprise itself in accordance with clause 1.4.20 of the PTEEP. According to it, the timing may vary for different categories of employees. The next check of the level of knowledge corresponding to the 2nd electrical safety group is carried out once a year.


The timing of the extraordinary knowledge test does not depend on the timing of other exams. This is due to the fact that it is prescribed only in case of extraordinary circumstances.

It is carried out:

  • in case of changes in old or new electrical safety standards;
  • during reconstruction and commissioning of new equipment, as well as changes in existing electrical circuits;
  • when transferring an employee to another place of work, in cases where the implementation of the job description requires knowledge of new standards;
  • if the employee violates established labor protection rules;
  • at the request of regulatory government bodies;
  • based on the results of the investigation of accidents or breakdowns that led to disruptions in the operation of electrical equipment;
  • if the break in work at the specified position exceeded six months.

To whom is it assigned?

Persons working in certain professions need to obtain qualification group No. 2 in electrical safety. These are specialties that are associated with the conditions listed in the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” (PTEEP) and in the “Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” (POTEE).

Each individual enterprise has a list of specific positions and jobs related to the need for access to electrical equipment. Approval of such a list is the responsibility of the head of the organization.

These positions include:

  • electric welders;
  • machine equipment operators;
  • crane operators;
  • boiler equipment operators;
  • signalmen;
  • thermists;
  • drivers of special cargo transport;
  • persons working with power tools;
  • electricians on probation.

The video from the channel “STBSH CHU ODPO” tells who at the enterprise must undergo training in electrical safety rules.

Categories of electrical technical personnel

All electrical personnel are usually divided into several categories:

Administrative and technicalManagers and organizers of the work process
OperationalOperations management workers who service electrical installations. Employees prepare workplaces and directly supervise the process.
Repair Personnel who provide:
  • installation;
  • commissioning;
  • repair and maintenance;
  • electrical equipment testing
Operational and repairEmployees are engaged in repair work. Personnel must be prepared for prompt maintenance of electrical installations.

Requirements for candidates

Officials or workers wishing to receive electrical safety group 2 must meet the following requirements:

  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • have two months of experience working with electrical devices.

Employees can be admitted to the test only if they have completed ES training lasting at least 72 hours. The exam is available to workers in the electrical sector without work experience or relevant education: applicants must have access group No. 1.

Rostechnadzor explains: Group II on electrical safety


The company has created a commission to test knowledge in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations. Does this commission have the right to train newly hired employees, assign group II and higher in electrical safety, conduct a knowledge test and make an entry in the certificate?

Answer: This question was answered by specialists from the State Energy Supervision Department of Rostechnadzor.

The commission created in the organization in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.4.30 – 1.4.31 of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations (hereinafter referred to as PTEEP) to conduct a knowledge test has the right to conduct a knowledge test of the rules of operation in electrical installations, assign group II and higher in electrical safety, make appropriate entries in the certificates. To assign the organization's personnel the appropriate electrical safety group, the conditions specified in Appendix No. 1 of the Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) must be met.

In accordance with paragraph 1.4.9 of PTEEP, training of electrical personnel in an organization can be carried out according to training programs developed in the organization and approved by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

At the same time, we inform you that newly hired employees with basic general or secondary complete education, in order to be assigned group II in electrical safety, must undergo training for at least 72 hours in a specialized educational institution (training center, etc.) (Base – Appendix No. 1 of the Rules) .

Question from 01/11/2018:

Has the department received an appeal about the procedure for training electrical engineering personnel in electrical safety for group II?

Answer: In accordance with paragraph 1.4.3. Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), electrical technological personnel of production workshops and areas not included in the Consumer's energy service, operating electrical technological installations and having electrical safety group II and above, in its rights and obligations it is equal to electrical engineering; in technical terms, it is subordinate to the Consumer’s energy service.

In accordance with clause 1.4.8. of the Rules, before being appointed to work independently or when transferring to another job (position) related to the operation of electrical technology installations, as well as during a break in work as electrical technology personnel for more than 1 year, they are required to undergo an internship (on-the-job training) at the workplace.

For training, the employee must be given a period sufficient to familiarize himself with the equipment, equipment of the electrical technological installation and at the same time study to the extent necessary for this position (profession):

  • safety rules, rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents at work, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment;
  • job and production instructions;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • other rules, regulatory and operational documents in force for this Consumer.

In accordance with clause 1.4.9. The rules of the training program for electrical engineering personnel, indicating the necessary sections of the rules and instructions, are drawn up by managers who are directly subordinate to the electrical engineering personnel and can be approved by those responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

The training program for electrical engineering personnel must include internship and knowledge testing.

In accordance with paragraph 1.4.37. Rules for each position (profession), the head of the Consumer or structural unit must determine the scope of testing knowledge of the rules, taking into account the job responsibilities and the nature of the employee’s production activities in the corresponding position (profession), as well as the requirements of those regulatory documents, the provision and compliance of which is included in his official duties responsibilities.

When testing the knowledge of the electrical engineering personnel of an organization, it is necessary to take into account the condition specified in Appendix 1 of the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n - workers with basic general or secondary education before assignment II electrical safety groups must undergo training in educational organizations for at least 72 hours.


A 2nd electrical safety group is required for the chief engineer. The organization does not have a commission for passing the exam. What needs to be done to get group 2. Is it possible to obtain it from the commission of another organization?

Answer: We inform you that in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 1 of the “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n, upon the initial assignment of group II for electrical safety to electrical (electrotechnological) personnel with the main General or secondary education students must undergo training in educational organizations for at least 72 hours.

Personnel of organizations who have primary vocational and higher vocational (technical) education, higher vocational (technical) education in the field of electrical energy are not required to undergo additional training in educational organizations to be assigned group II in electrical safety.

In accordance with the requirements of clause 1.4.34 of the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6, testing the knowledge of Consumer employees, the number of which does not allow the formation of knowledge testing commissions, must be carried out in the commissions of state energy supervision bodies.

See also articles:

  • Rostechnadzor explains: Testing knowledge, assigning an electrical safety group
  • Rostekhnadzor explains: Creation of a commission on electrical safety
  • Rostekhnadzor explains: Group I on electrical safety
  • Rostechnadzor explains: Group II on electrical safety
  • Rostekhnadzor explains: Group III on electrical safety
  • Rostekhnadzor explains: IV and V electrical safety approval groups

Program 2 groups

Of the four electrical safety groups, the process of obtaining the second is the simplest; almost all employees of the enterprise, including management and maintenance personnel, have it.

The second group is intended for workers whose responsibilities include operations with electrical equipment, its installation and commissioning, but they are not responsible for ensuring safety at the site and do not monitor compliance with the technology by other personnel.

Requirements for obtaining

The training and certification program for the second group of electrical safety is designed for personnel who must meet the following requirements:

  1. The employee must be at least 18 years old;
  2. Work experience in the field of installation and maintenance of electrical equipment for at least 1 month. Often the second group is assigned to an employee who is hired into an organization after receiving secondary specialized education;
  3. Personnel applying for this certification must already have the first category, which is assigned immediately after hiring and is a routine briefing on safety knowledge.

Service personnel
This list of requirements is minimal; each enterprise can independently add additional items to it, depending on the functions of the organization, for example, engineering education or work experience of more than one year.

The training program for this qualification includes a training course of lectures, which ends with testing or an oral exam. The assigned group gives the employee the right to perform electrical installation work, laying conductive lines, and assembling panels with equipment without connection. All actions must be controlled by a responsible employee with clearance higher than second and appointed by management as a senior or foreman.

What's included in the course

To get a second group on electrical safety, you need to study three main areas that are included in the course of lectures on this topic. Among them:

  1. General parameters and rules of conduct for personnel at power plants, real threats to human health that may arise in the event of an emergency. To study this information, there are various methods that are recommended by the supervisory authority;
  2. Measures to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations at work, as well as the procedure for troubleshooting electrical installations in compliance with safety regulations. This item includes algorithms for employee behavior during emergencies, procedures for evacuation or emergency response;

First aid

  1. Minimum knowledge to provide first aid to an electric shock victim. This information is mandatory for study, since during accidents, except for the employee with the second group, there may be no one nearby, and you will have to carry out the initial resuscitation actions yourself.

These points are the minimum to study; they are included in the main personnel training program. Depending on the specifics of the work performed, the organization may include additional questions regarding production in the testing, but this is not a prerequisite for passing the standard.

How is a group assigned?

The procedure for assigning the 2nd electrical safety group is specified in the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations.” To conduct it, a special commission is created, and the results are recorded in the relevant documents.

Where do they rent for the EB group?

The main condition for carrying out the electrical safety exam procedure at an enterprise is that the organization has a special license to conduct it.

The enterprise itself can assign a second qualification group by conducting an examination through its own commission. If its limited staff does not allow this, the exam is held at Rostechnadzor. Commissions created on the basis of specialized educational institutions also have the right to assess knowledge and assign a safety group.

Who can take the exam?

Conducting a knowledge test at an enterprise involves creating a commission of 5 people. If the organization has equipment only up to 1000 V, a person with the 4th clearance group can manage the activities of the commission. At enterprises operating electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, the head of the commission must be an employee with a group of at least five.

The minimum number of examiners is 3. Among them must be the chairman and his deputy. Usually they are appointed as a labor protection engineer and the chief engineer of the enterprise. Everyone who assigns a group must be themselves examined by Rostechnadzor or by the organization in the presence of an inspector sent by this body.

Exam program for obtaining admission

The exam program includes questions compiled according to new electrical safety standards, which include:

  • “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” (PTEEP), amended in 2003;
  • “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, as amended in 2016;
  • “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” 2013.

EB exam

In order to successfully pass the exam for confirmation or obtaining the 2nd group in electrical safety, an employee needs to know:

  • about the design of electrical installations (in general);
  • about the norms and rules when working in them;
  • on the requirements for training of working personnel;
  • on the conditions for safe work in electrical installations, on their procedure;
  • about grounding, protective equipment, as well as the rules for their testing and use;
  • on the procedure for providing first aid to victims of electric current.

Knowledge test result

Permission to participate in work is issued as follows:

  1. Upon completion of the procedure, a special protocol drawn up by the chairman of the commission displays the employee’s level of knowledge and the date of the next exam.
  2. The fact that the qualification commission has assigned a safety group is recorded in a journal specially established for this purpose.
  3. The employee is issued a certificate in the established form.

Sample certificate of an employee who has received a second group security clearance

Remote learning

Thanks to the well-developed Internet network, it has become possible to reach a large number of people simultaneously with the learning process. The Olympox methodological program provides pre-certification training in various technical areas.

It is easy to study lectures and complete practical assignments for group 2 EB. In this case, the certified person can be in the classroom of his own enterprise and engage in self-training. Login to the system is carried out using a password and login, since the program is a licensed product.

The training course includes teaching materials (reference books, manuals, regulations, etc.), as well as test questions on each topic. Questions and answers to them are made in the form of tests, where you need to make the only correct choice.

To make it easier to give answers, the student is offered to use additional training manuals with sample quotes on the topic of interest.

Pre-exam testing for the electrical safety group is taken into account when taking subsequent exams, since the answers are saved in the system

Additional Information. For preliminary self-control, it is proposed to use express tests that are not stored in memory. You can take the test on each topic separately, or you can go through the entire course at once. Test questions resemble tickets, but do not necessarily contain questions from the final exam version.

OLIMPOX website

OLYMPOX is great for corporate training. The program connects to the office local network, and each employee can log into it from their work computer after being authorized.

All students loaded into the system are divided into groups based on professional competence, and their own training courses are created for them. In order not to overload the system, a lesson plan or testing plan for each group is drawn up. The time allocated to each student for self-preparation is also taken into account.

Exam mode

To summarize the training, the program provides an exam that is taken on a computer. The certification commission (two or more people) can monitor the progress of testing in real time, being at a considerable distance.

Note! A certain number of tickets have been created for each course, including several test tasks. A fixed period of time is allotted to familiarize yourself with them and choose the correct answer.

Despite the distance between the examinee and the certification commission, a protocol is drawn up based on the exam results according to the template available in the program itself. On its basis, electrical safety group 2 (or higher) is assigned, since Rostechnadzor recognizes this method of training and passing exams.


Data on passing the test is recorded in the books of Rostechnadzor and the knowledge testing journal, in which there is a special column for this. After this, the employee’s identification card is filled out.

Note! Log entries and testing reports help identify counterfeit IDs that have been acquired illegally. If an employee received a document illegally, there will be no entries about it in the accounting journals and books

Such an employee will be considered to have failed the exam.

If an employee received a document illegally, there will be no entries about it in the accounting journals and books. Such an employee will be considered to have failed the exam.

Requirements for employees

Document for admission

As a result of successfully passing the test, the commission issues the examinee a certificate confirming that the employee has been assigned group 2 in electrical safety. Such a document is valid for a year, then it is renewed after the next knowledge test.

Document certifying the EB group

When moving to another production, a valid certificate does not give access to all electrical equipment, installations and tools until the employee confirms his knowledge and skills. He is given time to review the theory and a probationary period for practical work, after which the examinee is tested.

Note! If the document is lost, the employee is not allowed into the electrical installation until he receives a new certificate. To do this, you must submit an application to the commission that issued it.

Basic information about electrical safety approval

An electrical safety permit is a document that allows a specialist to carry out various work on electrical installations and confirms the appropriate level of his skills and knowledge, as well as experience. Workers who have received level 2-5 clearance have the necessary qualifications. After additional preparation and registration of this type of permit, the risk of emergencies and incidents at your facility will be significantly reduced.

Before obtaining admission, you must undergo specialized training at the organization’s training center or a third-party educational institution and pass exams. Based on their results, the specialist will be assigned a group corresponding to his position, work responsibilities, as well as experience and knowledge. With such a document, he will be able to carry out work with installations of a certain capacity and purpose.

Primary trainingNecessary for employees who have just been hired, do not have confirmed status, and specialists with less than three years of experience.
Repeated planned trainingRequired for all specialists on a regular basis. The main employees of enterprises must attend lectures once a year, managers, foremen, foremen of various levels - once every three years.
Unscheduled trainingIt is necessary for specialists who want to move to another position, gain access to more powerful installations or complex activities, but do not have sufficient knowledge and skills for this.
CertificationCarried out after each training cycle. Allows you to get a new group.

Note! The employer must organize training and certification of specialists. He is obliged to pay for educational services, all kinds of fees and commissions, as well as cover additional expenses, if any.

The level (group) of admission depends on education, job responsibilities, category of the employee, as well as the maximum installation voltage allowed at the facility.

The following organizations can issue permits:

  • Certification Commission of Rostechnadzor (territorial body).
  • Specialized training centers that have accreditation (the issuing commission must be headed by a Rostechnadzor inspector).
  • Internal commission of the company for which employees are trained. Such a commission must include at least five specialists, three of whom are required to obtain accreditation in advance from an educational organization (training center).

The choice in favor of one option or another depends on the size of the enterprise, the number of specialists, and location. Most often, it is convenient for companies to contact training centers.

Knowledge testing at Rostekhnadzor

In general, the verification itself does not cause any particular difficulties. Now all exams are taken on computers.

I don’t see much point in looking for Rostekhnadzor tickets (I mean tickets with questions) somewhere on the Internet. Because they change quite often. This year, for example, there are changes again - the total number of questions has decreased, but new ones have been added.

The number of allowed errors also changes. Now one, then two, then three. This year there are two again. So you won't get bored.

Rostechnadzor tests are not that difficult if you know how to prepare for them correctly. I talked about my method of preparing for the exam here in detail, so I won’t repeat myself.

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