Frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety

Electrical safety certification in Rostechnadzor for group 4

Certification for level 4 access can only be carried out in officially operating training centers of Rotechnadzor for personnel who have experience working with level 3 for at least 3 months and a diploma in electrical engineering, issued by a secondary specialized educational institution. Studies and exams must be conducted in equipped Rostechnadzor classrooms by certified teachers.

Additional Information! In Rostechnadzor, only specialists with level 5 access and special certificates allowing such teaching activities are certified in electrical safety for category 4.

Why do we need an electrical safety commission?

Until recently, management of industrial companies turned to specialized training centers for help. Their task was to test the theoretical knowledge of each hired worker remotely. Upon completion of testing, the degree of qualification was established.

Composition of the Electrical Safety Commission

Practice has shown that the effectiveness of this method is low, which is why it was decided to involve experts who carry out activities directly with the staff of hired workers.

In 2022, this is the most significant certification tool for the working class in the field of technical operation of electrical installations.

The commission for testing knowledge on electrical safety at an enterprise makes it possible to confirm the level of competence of specialists in the electrical field. During inspections, examiners assess the level of knowledge based on the norms of federal legislation.

Lack of knowledge of electrical safety prohibits working with electrical equipment and devices

Upon completion of certification, employees are assigned an electrical safety group, which is confirmed by the appropriate certificate in accordance with the approved Regulations.

Formation of a commission at an enterprise

For the purpose of conducting certification within the organization, it is necessary to assemble a commission. In this case, there are requirements that establish the required number of workers with the required qualifications. All possible requirements and conditions are specified in the PTEEP. They state that the minimum number of examiners should be five or more.

Group 4 on electrical safety: knowledge testing, requirements for admission

The commission may consist of highly qualified employees. After the meeting of the necessary commission, a document is created, which is certified by the head of the organization. This allows the certification to begin.

Note! The commission is created for a specified period during which its powers last. After the deadline, you must submit an activity report to the director.

Electrical safety groups

In Russia, in accordance with PTEEP (Rules for Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations) and PTB for personnel servicing (operating) electrical installations, 5 qualification groups for electrical safety have been established:

– I qualification group is assigned to non-electrical production personnel: PC operators, servicing electric furnaces, etc. – II qualification group is assigned by the qualification commission to non-electrical personnel servicing installations and equipment with electric drives, electric welders (without the right to connect), thermal operators of HDTV installations, machinists lifting machines, mobile machines and mechanisms with electric drives that work with manual electric machines and other portable electrical receivers, etc. – III qualification group is assigned to electrical technical personnel. Electrical engineering personnel in their rights and responsibilities are equal to electrical personnel. This group gives the right to sole service , inspection, connection and disconnection of electrical installations from a voltage network up to 1000 V. Assigned only upon reaching 18 years of age. – Qualification group IV is assigned only to electrical personnel. Persons with a qualification group of at least IV have the right to service electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V

An occupational safety engineer must have at least 3 years of experience in production (no matter what position). – Qualification group V is assigned to persons responsible for electrical equipment and other engineering and technical personnel in installations with voltages above 1000 V. For an occupational safety engineer, to obtain this group, at least 5 years of work experience is required.

Persons with qualification group V have the right to give orders and supervise work in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and higher.

Who is the person responsible for electrical equipment?

The work of personnel in the company is inextricably linked with the use of equipment powered from the mains. Workers use power tools - hammer drills, grinders, and portable lamps. Office workers perform work duties surrounded by computer equipment and peripheral devices.

In order to organize control over the safe operation of electrical equipment, each company must appoint a person responsible for electrical equipment (clause 1.2.3 Regulation of January 13, 2003 N 6 PTEEP).

The responsible person ensures that the necessary measures are taken to allow personnel to work in electrical installations, controls the implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance, periodic testing of protective equipment, and ensures the uninterrupted operation of electrical equipment.

If the company has electrical installations with a capacity of 10 kVA or higher, a deputy responsible for electrical facilities is also appointed by order of the manager.

The person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed by order of the manager.

A sample order is shown in the figure:

The person in charge of electrical equipment and his deputy must have clearance group IV if the company has electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and tolerance group V if there are electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V (clause 1.2.7. Regulation dated January 13, 2003 N 6 PTEEP).

The regulatory document allows not to appoint a person responsible for electrical equipment in cases where the company does not have equipment powered from a network with a voltage higher than 380 V (clause 1.2.4 Resolution No. 6 PTEEP dated January 13, 2003).

In this case, the manager assumes responsibility for the safe operation of electrical installations. However, such a decision requires approval from the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.

What is electrical safety training and who provides it?

Assignment to group I is carried out in the form of instructions; special training for personnel is not required.

The instruction is conducted by a company employee with an electrical safety group of at least III. Usually this is the person responsible for the company's electrical facilities.

Registration of assignment of group I is carried out in the “Register of assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel”.

A sample of a completed journal is shown in the figure.

To initially obtain the II group of admission, personnel with secondary education or without secondary education must undergo electrical safety training for at least 72 hours and pass exams at the certification commission of Rostekhnalzor.

Those who successfully pass the knowledge test are assigned admission group II and issued a certificate in the established form.

Types of electrical safety knowledge tests, timing

The initial knowledge test is carried out for workers who first entered work related to the maintenance of electrical installations, or when there is a break in knowledge testing for more than three years.

The next knowledge test is carried out for electrical personnel directly servicing existing electrical installations or performing adjustment, electrical installation, repair work or preventive tests in them, as well as for personnel drawing up orders and orders and organizing these works - once a year,

For managers and specialists not belonging to the previous group, as well as for labor protection engineers authorized to inspect electrical installations - once every 3 years.

For employees who receive an unsatisfactory assessment during the next knowledge test, the commission assigns a repeat test no later than 1 month from the date of the last test.

An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out regardless of the date of the previous test:

— upon the introduction of new or revised rules and regulations;

— when installing new equipment, reconstructing or changing main electrical or technological circuits;

- upon appointment or transfer to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of rules and regulations;

— in case of violation by employees of the requirements of regulatory acts on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, including when withdrawing a labor protection coupon;

— at the request of Rostekhnadzor authorities;

- at the request of those responsible for electrical equipment

— according to the conclusion of commissions that investigated accidents with people or disruptions in the operation of an energy facility;

- when increasing knowledge to a higher group;

— when testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade;

- if there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

The scope of knowledge for an extraordinary inspection and the date of its conduct are determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

Knowledge testing is carried out by a commission. An entry is made in the journal and a protocol is drawn up. A certificate is issued.

Targeted briefing

Instructions for the safe performance of specific work in an electrical installation, covering the category of workers defined by the order or order, from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to a team member or performer.

Targeted briefing is carried out before the start of work according to the order, order.

When working as part of a work order, the targeted briefing must be documented in the table “Registration of targeted briefing during initial admission” of the permit with the signatures of the employees who conducted and received the targeted briefing.

When working under an order, the targeted briefing must be formalized in the appropriate column of the work log for work orders and orders with a brief summary of the essence of the briefing and the signatures of the person who gave the order (who carried out the briefing) and who accepted the order.


Date added: 2015-12-16; ;

Admission to special work: how to register and register in documents

If an employee performs special work, an entry about this is made in his certificate of testing knowledge of the rules of working in electrical installations. What kind of special work are these? Special works include:

  • work at height;
  • work without removing voltage from the electrical installation, performed with touching live parts that are under operating voltage, or at a distance from these live parts that is less than permissible (hereinafter referred to as live work on live parts);
  • testing equipment with increased voltage (except for work with a megohmmeter);
  • work performed by removing operating voltage from an electrical installation or part thereof with touching live parts that are under an induced voltage of more than 25 V in the workplace or at a distance from these live parts that is less than permissible (hereinafter referred to as work under induced voltage).

For workers authorized to work under voltage on live parts, when filling out the “name of work” column in the “Certificate of the right to carry out special work” field, the following table should be used:

IndexElectrical installation voltage, kV
I1VLI up to 1
AND 2Other electrical installations: up to 1
I3Electrical installations 6-20

For workers who have a group of work at height, you must indicate the group number and the date of assignment.

When is an extraordinary personnel knowledge test carried out?

123Next ⇒


1.4.23. An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out regardless of the date of the previous test:

— when the Consumer introduces new or revised norms and rules;

— when installing new equipment, reconstructing or changing the main electrical and technological circuits (the need for an extraordinary check in this case is determined by the technical manager);

- upon appointment or transfer to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of rules and regulations;

— in case of violation by employees of the requirements of regulations on labor protection;

— at the request of state supervisory authorities;

— according to the conclusion of commissions that investigated accidents with people or disruptions in the operation of an energy facility;

- when increasing knowledge to a higher group;

— when testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade;

- if there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

6. Within what period of time from the date of the last knowledge test can employees who received an unsatisfactory assessment be re-tested? PTEEP

1.4.22. For employees who receive an unsatisfactory assessment during the next knowledge test, the commission assigns a repeat test no later than 1 month from the date of the last test. The validity of the certificate for an employee who has received an unsatisfactory assessment is automatically extended until the period appointed by the commission for the second inspection, unless there is a special decision of the commission recorded in the knowledge test log on the temporary suspension of the employee from working in electrical installations.

7. How are the results of testing personnel knowledge on electrical safety documented? PTEEP

1.4.39. The results of the knowledge test are recorded in a journal of the established form and signed by all members of the commission. If the knowledge test of several employees was carried out on the same day and the composition of the commission did not change, then the commission members can sign once after finishing work; in this case, the total number of employees whose knowledge was tested must be indicated in words.

Personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate in the established form.

8. How long should electrical technical personnel undergo on-the-job training before being assigned to independent work? PTEEP

1.4.8. Before being appointed to work independently or when transferring to another job (position) related to the operation of electrical installations, electrical personnel, as well as during a break in work as electrical personnel for more than 1 year, are required to undergo an internship (on-the-job training) at the workplace.

For training, the employee must be given a period sufficient to become familiar with the equipment, apparatus, operational schemes and at the same time study to the extent necessary for the given position (profession):

rules for the design of electrical installations, safety rules, rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents at work, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, these Rules;

job and production instructions;

labor protection instructions;

other rules, regulatory and operational documents in force for this Consumer.

1.4.11. The internship is carried out under the guidance of a responsible training employee and is carried out according to programs developed for each position (workplace) and approved in the prescribed manner.

Test results

If the check is carried out, its results must be recorded. This will be a kind of report on the work done.

For this purpose, a protocol is provided that reflects the following information:

  • full name of the enterprise where the exams were taken;
  • what is the name of the document and its serial number;
  • where and when the knowledge test was conducted (for example, in the meeting room, at 14.00);
  • information about officials who are members of the AC;
  • information about employees who need to undergo certification;
  • what inspection results are noted;
  • conclusion determined by commission.

The protocol is signed by the commission members and approved by the chairman, after which certificates are issued based on this document.

Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations

1.4.23. An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out regardless of the date of the previous test:

  • when new or revised rules and regulations come into effect for the Consumer;
  • when installing new equipment, reconstructing or changing the main electrical and technological circuits (the need for an extraordinary check in this case is determined by the technical manager);
  • upon appointment or transfer to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of rules and regulations;
  • in case of violation by employees of the requirements of regulations on labor protection;
  • at the request of state supervisory authorities;
  • according to the conclusion of commissions investigating accidents with people or disruptions in the operation of an energy facility;
  • when increasing knowledge to a higher group;
  • when testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade;
  • if there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

Access groups, classification and requirements for employees

Receiving each new group indicates an improvement in the employee’s professional skills, experience and capabilities. Any company or organization associated with electrical technology activities must know the frequency of certification of workers on electrical safety and organize it in a timely manner. The first way is that this can be done directly by the company itself, then a commission and an inspector from supervision are assembled. You can increase employee clearances without leaving work. The second way is to send the employee for independent training and testing.

Protection against electric shock

Important! The first method is suitable for enterprises with a large staff

First group

The certificate of this access group is issued to non-electrical personnel who work with electrical equipment without the need to have special skills. Assigned by a company employee who already has confirmation of a clearance level higher than third.


Assigned as initial or repeated confirmation of the qualifications of an employee with secondary or higher education. You must first undergo training at a special center, the duration of which must be more than seventy-two hours. After this, testing is carried out at the Rostekhnadzor organization. Gives the right to use electric tools and equipment whose voltage is less than a thousand volts. Be sure to be supervised by a more qualified partner.


Only an electrical engineer can obtain this level of clearance. The ability to operate networks and equipment with voltages of up to a thousand or more volts is provided. Independent work with networks and tools is allowed.


The penultimate group, which is issued only to electrical engineering specialists. Enables the operation of networks up to a thousand volts. Required for engineering professionals to become the person responsible for electrical management in a specific company. The fourth group is also needed for training personnel who are involved in introducing young specialists to the business.


The highest clearance group is required for workers responsible for the maintenance of electrical facilities and other engineering specialists when working with equipment and networks whose voltage exceeds a thousand volts.

Documentation on obtaining the fourth group

Requirements for the employer

The employer is responsible for ensuring that all equipment operates correctly and correctly. It must be serviced and inspected on time. The employer carries out periodic certification and briefings, checking compliance with all rules and safety requirements when working with electrical installations.

Certification of employees for knowledge of the correct operation of electrical machines and installations should be carried out at certain intervals for each group, depending on their qualifications. For this purpose, a commission is assembled and an exam is held. Based on its results, an entry is made in the journal and a document is issued to the specialist.

Where does the test take place?

Specialists who need to work with electrical installations should have professional training that is equal to their specific work. If professional training is not available, training should be provided. It is performed in a specialized center that trains people.

Personnel, before being sent to perform tasks independently or before changing jobs that involve the operation of electrical equipment, must undergo on-the-job training. The same applies to non-electrical personnel.

If there is a break in work for more than one year, you should undergo various types of electrical safety checks in the workplace.

The procedure for carrying out the PVZOT

An extraordinary test of employee skills is carried out on the basis that the knowledge of the company's employees was obtained as a result of training. It can be organized at the enterprise itself or on the side of a training company. Training programs are created on the basis of standard provisions that are approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. This body approves standards for the following positions:

  • for directors and deputy directors;
  • for individuals who have the status of employers;
  • specialists who organize work in the organization and conduct technical supervision;
  • employees who work in labor protection services;
  • participants in government bodies who are competent in matters of labor protection;
  • teaching specialists in organizations where they study in primary, secondary and higher education programs related to labor protection;
  • members of commissions that monitor knowledge on labor protection issues;
  • members of various mixed groups that deal with labor protection issues.

Note! Thus, programs are drawn up both for ordinary employees and for directors and their deputies

Employee training

Based on rules No. 1/29, employees who have just started working are trained during the first month. Specialists and managers are trained for a month in labor safety standards in relation to their direct responsibilities. Then the procedure is repeated once a year.

Note! Employees of blue-collar professions learn to provide first aid during the first month and are retrained at least once a year. In addition to the general criteria described above regarding working specialties, training and control of knowledge in the field of labor protection is carried out on the basis of industry regulations

In addition to the general criteria described above for blue-collar occupations, training and control of knowledge in the field of labor protection is carried out on the basis of industry regulations.

Rights and obligations of the commission

Approved qualified specialists establish the level of knowledge of hired employees.

Work is determined exclusively on an individual basis:

  1. Members of the examination group initially form a list of questions that will be asked during testing, referring to their position and work experience.
  2. The current level of knowledge in the area under consideration is checked. The chairman or his deputy must be present during testing - according to the management, they can conduct testing together.
  3. Assignment of an electrical safety group based on the results of the passed exam. Based on the results, a decision is made whether to assign a group or not.
  4. Issuance of a confirmation certificate.

Certificate confirming successful passing of the test

The results of the testing must be recorded in a specially developed internal Protocol. In the event of an unsatisfactory assessment, data about this must also be recorded in the document. As a rule, this entails a retake within the established time frame - until this point the permit is not issued, otherwise the employer will be subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine.


Certification for each employee is determined depending on the position held, experience and skills. For any employee, the scope of the inspection and the requirements for it are established by the manager. You must first agree on the requirements and documents, the work with which is specified in the employee’s job responsibilities.

Note! After this, an exam is conducted and the results are recorded in a special journal. As a result of successfully passing the exam, the employee is issued an appropriate certificate.

Frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety

In this case, knowledge of labor protection requirements associated with the relevant changes is checked;

when assigning or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge on labor protection (before they begin to perform their job duties);

at the request of officials of the Federal Labor Inspectorate, other bodies of state supervision and control, as well as federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, local government bodies, as well as the employer (or a person authorized by him) when establishing violations of the requirements labor protection and insufficient knowledge of occupational safety and health requirements;

after accidents and incidents that have occurred, as well as when repeated violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection are identified;

if there is a break in work in this position for more than one year.

How often is it necessary to conduct employee certification?

The Russian Ministry of Energy has approved the frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety. All knowledge about safety precautions in the workplace is divided into types: primary and periodic. And periodic knowledge is divided into two more types: regular and extraordinary.


The next test of knowledge on electrical safety is carried out:

  • For workers involved in the repair and installation of electrical installations, a regular test of knowledge on electrical safety is assigned. The deadline for its completion must be set by a labor protection specialist.
  • Technical workers need to test their knowledge of electrical safety every 3 years.

Extraordinary electrical safety check:

  • workers undergo such testing if equipment using new technology is installed.
  • An extraordinary test of knowledge on electrical safety is necessary in case of a break from professional activities for six months.
  • when receiving a position that requires different knowledge than the previous one.
  • If an injury occurs during work, a commission is formed that can prescribe mandatory certification.

An initial test of knowledge on electrical safety is carried out mainly for new workers who are entering this field for the first time and if more than 3 years have passed since their last job.


Group 2 on electrical safety: test, knowledge test, requirements

Electrical safety knowledge testing should be carried out on a periodic basis. It is necessary to test knowledge for each group in a different order. The frequency of certifications is indicated in the figure.

Frequency of passage

The period within which an employee must pass the exam differs for people with higher or secondary education.

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