Formation and approval of work permits in electronic form

Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out:

  • according to the permit;
  • by order;
  • based on the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

A work permit is a task drawn up on a special form and defining the content, place of work, start and end times, safe conditions, composition of the team and employees responsible for the safe performance of the work.

The list of work performed under the work permit is determined in each organization depending on the specifics of production and the work performed. It is approved by the head of the enterprise.

issued by employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of an organization with group V for electrical safety - in the presence of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and with group IV - in the presence of electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. In emergency cases, for example, if work is being carried out to prevent accident or liquidation of its consequences, permits can be issued by employees from among the operational personnel . To do this, they need to have group IV in electrical safety, and the right to issue permits must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization.

Who is responsible for work under the permit?

Is it necessary to issue a work permit for work on electrical installations?

The rules and standards of labor protection that apply when using electrical installations in organizations are approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 903n dated December 15, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Order of the Ministry of Labor).

The organization of work in electrical installations, taking into account safety requirements, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section V of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Labor. Moreover, their organization, which involves issuing a work permit, is regulated by the norms of Section VI of the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Labor (clauses 6.1-6.32).

Thus, a work permit for work on electrical installations is a document that is drawn up in a special form, issued by an authorized person of the employing organization and, accordingly, allows a specific performing employee to carry out the specified high-risk actions.

The work order contains information about what functions the performing employee has the right to perform, who is appointed responsible (a list of subjects is provided). In addition, this document reflects the fact that mandatory training was provided to the performing employee.

The validity period of the granted permit cannot exceed 15 (fifteen) calendar days.

This period is counted from the date of commencement of permitted work and, if necessary, can be extended 1 (one) time for a period not exceeding a fifteen-day interval. If work is performed by a performing employee on live elements of electrical installations under voltage, a work permit is issued to him for no more than 1 (one) calendar day (or for one work shift).

Work orders are issued to employees to perform the following actions carried out in electrical installations:

  1. Relieving voltage from current-carrying equipment elements. This could be electrical equipment that is nearby or needs to be repaired.
  2. Carrying out actions in specialized electrical installations equipped with relay protection.
  3. Carrying out adjustment and repair work for high-voltage electrical equipment.
  4. Performing work with lifting and transport machines within the electrical installation.
  5. Performing actions with an energized electrical cable.

In an organization, permits can be issued by the following persons:

  1. Authorized administrative and technical employees with electrical safety group V (if the voltage of the electrical installations used exceeds 1000 V) or at least group IV (if the voltage of the electrical installations used does not exceed 1000 V).
  2. Authorized representatives of operational personnel with group IV in electrical safety (if it is necessary to prevent an accident or eliminate its consequences, and there are no authorized administrative and technical employees).

The issued order is registered by an authorized employee in a special journal for recording the issue. Its recommended form is given in Appendix No. 8 to the Rules regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Labor. The shelf life of a closed permit is 1 (one) year.

Sample of filling out a work permit:

  • on high;
  • fire.

How to compose?

The recommended template for work permits for work on electrical installations is proposed in Appendix No. 7 to the Rules regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Labor.

The form has a front and back side.

The front side reflects the following information:

  1. Name of the organization.
  2. Name of the division (shop, department) of the organization.
  3. The name of the document itself. In this case, its number is indicated.
  4. Information about the responsible manager, the direct manufacturer, the permitting employee, the supervising employee and all team members. For each person mentioned, the full name and electrical safety group are indicated.
  5. Work in progress.
  6. The start and end date/time of the assigned high-risk activity.
  7. Activities carried out to prepare workplaces for the relevant work. A table is filled out indicating the electrical installations to be disconnected and grounded (it is necessary to specify the objects to be disconnected, grounded, isolated and fenced). After the table, you should indicate the date/time of document execution and the date/time of issue. If the document has been extended, you need to note the date/time until which it was extended. The full name/signature of the person who issued and extended the permit, as well as individual instructions, are also indicated here.
  8. Information about conducting targeted training.
  9. Information about permission to carry out work and to prepare the relevant workplaces.

The reverse side includes the following information:

  1. Statement of the fact of preparation of relevant jobs.
  2. Objects remaining energized.
  3. Signature of the admitting employee.
  4. Signature of the responsible manager (optionally, the manufacturer or supervising employee).
  5. Information about targeted instructions during initial admission. Who conducted it - the admitting employee (full name/signature). Who received it - the responsible manager, the manufacturer (optionally, a supervising employee), as well as team members. From each - full name/signature.
  6. Information about daily access to the work being carried out and the time of its completion.
  7. Information about targeted briefing. Who conducted it - the responsible manager, manufacturer or supervising employee. Who received it - team members, manufacturer.
  8. Information about changes that occurred in the composition of the work team (who entered, who left, date/time, name/signature of the authorizer).
  9. Statement of completion of the assigned work, removal of groundings, removal of the team (date/time of completion, signatures).

and sample filling 2021



Is it possible to issue a work permit electronically?

Is it possible to issue and transfer an order electronically? How then are permission to work and instruction carried out?

Dmitry CHIKHANOV, specialist in labor protection, industrial safety and ecology (St. Petersburg)

The permit can be issued electronically. One copy will be kept by the employee issuing the order. The employee receiving the order prints it out in two copies. Having checked the correctness of filling out the order, the recipient indicates in it the surname and initials of the person issuing the order and puts his signature.

The responsible work manager can receive instructions electronically and conduct targeted training with other employees.

Is it possible to make corrections in the Work Log for work orders and orders for work in electrical installations?

What are the consequences when checking corrections in the Work Log for work orders and orders for work in electrical installations?

Mikhail SERGEENKO, engineer (Dubna)

Corrections are not allowed only in approval orders; nothing is said about the Journal in the regulatory documents. Therefore, correction in it does not threaten anything if the generally accepted requirements are met: the correction is made by crossing out, certified by the inscription “Believe the corrected one” and the signature of the person who corrected it.

Is the work plan a permit to work in the security zone of an overhead power line?

At our construction site, a contractor is performing work in the security zone of an overhead power line. To carry out the work, he prepared and agreed on a work plan with the organization operating the air line. We (the customer) also require written permission from the contractor to carry out work in the security zone of the overhead line. However, he claims that the agreed work plan is the permit. Is he right?

Andrey DRUZHININ, chief specialist (Krasnodar)

No, the contractor is wrong. In addition to the work plan, he must have a written decision on the approval of work from the network organization operating the overhead power line. It is impossible to carry out work in the security zone without a written decision.

Requirements for the formation of a work permit

An authorization order is a document that specifies what types of work, in what place, at what time, and by which responsible persons must be carried out. The document must also contain information about safety requirements, training completed by employees, and protective equipment used.

The work permit is a very important document, because it contains complete information about the activities required to be performed before carrying out high-risk work. The agreed and approved document confirms compliance with all requirements for the upcoming work, the competence and health status of the performers, and the provision of the necessary protective equipment, which helps to avoid injuries and accidents at work.

Officials who have the right to issue permits to perform work with increased danger, as well as to be responsible managers and performers of work, must be appointed by organizational orders and must undergo a labor safety knowledge test.

Let's consider what responsibilities are assigned to responsible persons in accordance with POT R O-14000-005-98:

1. Persons who issue permits determine the need for work and the possibility of performing it safely. They are the ones responsible for the correctness and completeness of the safety measures indicated in the work permit.

2. The responsible work manager establishes the full scope of work, indicates the necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of workers, determines the size of the team and qualification requirements, and appoints the permitting and responsible work contractor.

The responsible work manager is obliged to instruct the responsible work producer (supervisor) and all persons involved in this work, as well as check the implementation of the measures specified in the work permit and ensure control over compliance with safety requirements during the work and after its completion.

3. The person permitting work monitors the implementation of the activities specified in the work permit and allows the team to begin performing high-risk work.

When admitting team members to work, the person who allows them to work must:

• check the names of the responsible work manager and the responsible work producer, team members and the content of the work performed using the permit;

• inform team members, based on hazard considerations, about the working conditions;

• take into account the suitability of each employee for the work performed, based on safety conditions and health conditions, and also check knowledge of the duties of team members when performing work.

4. The responsible work performer (supervisor) supervises the work of the direct performers, supervises compliance with safety rules by team members, the correct use of personal protective equipment, the serviceability of the tools used during work, the presence and condition of fences, protective and blocking devices, etc.

5. Team members performing work with increased danger are responsible for following the instructions received upon admission to work, for the correct handling of equipment, tools, materials, and for the correct use of the provided protective equipment.

The most necessary regulations

Document Will help you
Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n Understand how to formalize and organize work in electrical installations according to work permits
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 No. 160 Clarify the rules for carrying out work in the security zone of the power line

Electrical safety measures

Commission for testing the knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel of the organization

In order to test the knowledge of the electrical and electrical engineering personnel of the organization, the head of the Consumer must appoint, by order of the organization, a commission consisting of at least five people.

The chairman of the commission must have electrical safety group V for Consumers with electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V and group IV for Consumers with electrical installations with voltages only up to 1000 V. The chairman of the commission is usually appointed as the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

All members of the commission must have an electrical safety group and pass a knowledge test in the commission of the state energy supervision body.

It is allowed to test the knowledge of individual members of the commission on the spot, provided that the chairman and at least two members of the commission have passed the knowledge test in the commission of the state energy supervision authorities.

In structural divisions, the head of the Consumer may create commissions to test the knowledge of employees of structural divisions.

Members of the commissions of structural divisions must pass a test of knowledge of norms and rules in the central commission of the Consumer.

During the knowledge testing procedure, at least three members of the commission must be present, including necessarily the chairman (deputy chairman) of the commission.

Testing the knowledge of Consumer employees whose numbers do not allow the formation of knowledge testing commissions should be carried out in commissions of state energy supervision bodies.

Commissions of state energy supervision bodies for testing knowledge can be created at specialized educational institutions (institutes for advanced training, training centers, etc.). They are appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the state energy supervision body. Members of the commission must undergo a knowledge test at the state energy supervision body that issued permission to create this commission. A senior state inspector (state inspector) for energy supervision is appointed as the chairman of the commission.

Representatives of state supervision and control bodies, upon their decision, can take part in the work of knowledge testing commissions at all levels.

The procedure for testing the knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel of the organization

Each employee's knowledge is tested individually.

For each position (profession), the head of the Consumer or structural unit must determine the scope of testing knowledge of norms and rules, taking into account the job responsibilities and the nature of the employee’s production activities in the corresponding position (profession), as well as the requirements of those regulatory documents, the provision and compliance of which is included in his/her responsibility. job responsibilities.

Based on the results of testing the knowledge of the rules for constructing electrical installations, these Rules, safety rules and other regulatory and technical documents, an electrical safety group is established for electrical (electrotechnological) personnel.

The results of the knowledge test are recorded in a journal of the established form and signed by all members of the commission. If the knowledge test of several employees was carried out on the same day and the composition of the commission did not change, then the members of the commission can sign once after finishing work. In this case, the total number of employees whose knowledge was tested must be indicated in words.

Personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate in the established form.

It is allowed to use control and training machines based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for all types of testing, except for the primary one. In this case, the entry in the knowledge test log is not canceled.

The developed program should provide the possibility of using it in training mode.

If a PC is used and an unsatisfactory mark is received in the auto-examiner’s protocol and the person being tested disagrees, the commission asks additional questions. The final grade is determined based on the results of a commission survey.

An occupational safety specialist, whose responsibilities include inspecting electrical installations, who has passed a knowledge test in the scope of Group IV on electrical safety, is issued a certificate for the right to inspect the electrical installations of his Consumer.

Consumers must carry out systematic work with electrical personnel aimed at improving their qualifications, level of knowledge of labor protection rules and instructions, studying best practices and safe techniques for servicing electrical installations, preventing accidents and injuries.

The volume of technical training to be organized and the need for emergency training are determined by the technical manager of the Consumer.

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