Testing knowledge on electrical safety, its procedure and frequency

Who passes the knowledge test

There are a total of 5 tolerance groups in this area. The first group is assigned to personnel not directly related to the maintenance of electrical installations, while their activities are, in one way or another, dependent on electrical appliances.

These personnel are called non-electrical personnel. This includes premises cleaners, accountants and other persons whose work involves reading and entering information onto a PC.

Employees are required to have basic knowledge of electrical safety, including how to provide first aid until emergency services arrive.

List of categories of workers who are assigned electrical safety groups 2 to 4:

  1. Administrative and technical. These are safety engineers, technologists, and designers related to electronic media.
  2. Operations and repair personnel. These are electricians who repair electrical installations.

Heads of departments and individual sections should have electrical safety groups no lower than those of their subordinates.

Training and testing the knowledge of electrical personnel

Workers hired to perform work in electrical installations must have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of professional training, such employees must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers (training centers, educational and training centers).

Before being appointed to work independently or when transferring to another job (position) related to the operation of electrical installations, electrical personnel, as well as during a break in work as electrical personnel for more than 1 year, are required to undergo an internship (on-the-job training) at the workplace.

For training, the employee must be given a period sufficient to become familiar with the equipment, apparatus, operational schemes and at the same time study to the extent necessary for the given position (profession):

  • rules for the design of electrical installations, safety rules, rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents at work, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations;
  • job and production instructions;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • other rules, regulatory and operational documents in force in this organization.

Training programs for electrical technical personnel, indicating the necessary sections of the rules and instructions, are drawn up by the heads (responsible for electrical equipment) of structural units and can be approved by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the organization.

The training program for managers of operational personnel, employees from among operational, operational and repair personnel should include internship and knowledge testing, and for managers of operational personnel, employees from among operational, operational and repair personnel, also duplication.

An employee undergoing an internship (duplication) must be assigned by an appropriate document to an experienced employee in the organization (for managers and specialists) or in a structural unit (for workers).

The internship is carried out under the guidance of a responsible training employee and is carried out according to programs developed for each position (workplace) and approved in the prescribed manner. The duration of the internship should be from 2 to 14 shifts.

The head of an organization or structural unit may exempt from internship an employee who has at least 3 years of experience in his specialty and who moves from one workshop to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he previously worked does not change.

Admission to an internship is issued by a relevant document from the head of the organization or structural unit. The document indicates the calendar dates of the internship and the names of the employees responsible for its implementation.

The duration of the internship is set individually depending on the level of professional education, work experience, and profession (position) of the student.

During the internship, the employee must:

  • understand the requirements of operating rules, labor protection, fire safety and their application in the workplace;
  • study diagrams, production instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in a given position (profession);
  • practice clear orientation in your workplace;
  • acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;
  • study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the equipment being serviced.

Admission to duplication for operational personnel and independent work for administrative, technical and maintenance personnel is documented in the appropriate document for the organization.

After duplication, an employee from among the operational or operational-repair personnel may be allowed to work independently. Duration of duplication from 2 to 12 work shifts. For a specific employee, it is established by a decision of the knowledge testing commission, depending on the level of his professional training, length of service and work experience.

Permission to independent work for operational personnel is issued by a corresponding document from the head of the organization.

During the period of duplication, the employee must take part in control emergency fire drills with evaluation of the results and recording in the appropriate logs.

The number of training sessions and their topics are determined by the backup training program.

If during the duplication the employee has not acquired sufficient production skills or received an unsatisfactory assessment in emergency training, it is allowed to extend his duplication for a period of 2 to 12 work shifts and additionally conduct control emergency training. The extension of duplication is formalized by the relevant document of the organization.

If during the duplication period it is established that the employee is professionally unsuitable for this activity, he is removed from training.

During duplication, the trainee can carry out operational switching, inspections and other work in electrical installations only with the permission and under the supervision of the trainee. Responsibility for the correctness of the trainee’s actions and his compliance with the rules lies with both the trainee himself and the employee teaching him.

Types of electrical safety knowledge tests

Electrical safety knowledge is divided into the following types:

  1. Primary. If an employee has re-entered work, then he cannot be allowed to perform tasks independently, since he does not know the technical process. If the break in work is more than three years, then you will need to undergo training again.
  2. The next one. After the expiration date, the knowledge test must be carried out again. The order of priority is established by rules depending on the categories of workers.
  3. Extraordinary. When changing the sequence of technological operations; the introduction of new rules, instructions, as well as after changes to existing ones; upgrading obsolete equipment or purchasing new equipment; at the request of inspectors, including representatives of Rostechnadzor; in case of violation of OT requirements; Based on the results of the commissions’ conclusions and other changes, an unscheduled test of employees’ knowledge is carried out.

Electrical safety approval

An electrical safety permit is the ability to independently work with electrical installations (maintenance, repair, inspection, testing). Depending on the access group, a specialist has the right to perform one or another amount of work. Electrical safety groups are assigned sequentially. The timing of electrical safety certification depends on the training profile. The specialist first undergoes training in the Electrical Safety course for 72 hours and is certified for Group 2 electrical safety clearance, then, depending on work experience and education, after 3-6 months it is possible to pass an extraordinary knowledge test, receiving Group 3, and so on. .

Electrical safety approval groups:

First (I) – for non-electrical personnel whose work poses a risk of electric shock; — Second (II) – Certification for the second group of electrical safety is carried out for electricians, workers, electricians working with power tools (voltage up to 1000V) under control; — Third (III) – for workers and management personnel who have the right to independently work with voltages up to 1000V; — Fourth (IV) – for engineers and experienced workers performing maintenance on electrical installations with voltages over 1000V; — Fifth (V) – for power engineers, electrical engineers with voltages over 1000V. Personnel are entitled to training and inspection of equipment.

Frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety

As noted earlier, verification is divided mainly into regular and primary.

Deadlines for recertification:

  1. If an employee returns to the workplace, he must be certified within a month.
  2. If there was a break in work, then after three years the time comes for certification again.
  3. Once a year, employees involved in repairs or servicing electrical consumers are recertified.
  4. Administrative and technical personnel undergo inspection every three years.

If an extraordinary certification is required, an additional commission meets and conducts a knowledge test.

Expert advice on testing knowledge in your organization without penalties

The exam must be taken on a working day. It is prohibited to do this on weekends or holidays, since this time belongs to the employee, not the company. Therefore, draw up a schedule of exams in advance and inform employees in advance.

If you give an employee little time to prepare, in the future you will have no reason not to take an exam and suspend him from work. The training program can be 20 hours or more; preparation should also include independent study of educational materials and training.

The commission must explain all conditions before the exam. For example, during the exam it is prohibited for the chairman or deputy to be absent at the same time; if this is a production necessity, the exam must be rescheduled to another date agreed upon with the employees in writing.

If violations are allowed, the inspection body may impose a fine on the organization, and consider the training results invalid, and then all employees will have to be sent for a knowledge test to the Energonadzor commission. After such a check, not every worker will be able to return to their profession, because “houses and walls help.” “Failures” are a common occurrence in such exams, because the influence of the human factor is minimal there. The exam is taken on a computer in the form of a test, and the soulless machine cannot make concessions, unlike a person.

The Chairman must give a verbal instruction to provide valid electrical safety certificates for entry into them. It is necessary to strictly monitor the availability of the required work experience in electrical installations.

Electrical safety groups are assigned in a strict sequence that cannot be changed. Things to consider:

  • The organization's commission assigns an ES group after successfully passing a test task or answering exam papers.
  • The exam is taken individually, while the rest of the employees prepare for the answer.
  • During the exam, the employee is not allowed to use a mobile phone, regulatory documents, electrical diagrams or other clues. But you can give employees pens, pencils, and sheets of blank paper to prepare an answer. Many people find it more convenient to pass exams if they make a note of the answer for themselves.

An employee who successfully passes the exam receives a certificate, signs in the register and, if necessary, in the protocol, and leaves the examination room so as not to disturb others.

➔ All about the electrical safety certificate

The results of the test must be announced after the last examinee has finished giving his answer. Based on the results, prepare reporting documents.

If the employee studied at a training center, you need to take a copy of the training program there, as well as an extract from the protocol (for electric power enterprises), and also pick up the knowledge test log filled out at the training center. The employee is given the certificate in person, against signature.

Note! During the initial briefing on labor protection, it is necessary to remind all new employees that employees are required to carry a certificate of labor protection, electrical safety, and type of work while performing work duties.

Some employers, after training, keep the certificates with the chief power engineer, or with the labor protection service, citing the fact that it is inconvenient for the employee to carry such a heavy load in his pocket, and may lose or damage it. It is not right. An inspection may come to the enterprise, and the lack of a certificate will prohibit the employee from performing his duties, and the employer will be fined.

It is mandatory to issue an order for permission to work independently after each test of ETP knowledge. Lace all the magazines, seal them, number each sheet in them. Keep the documents for 10 years, and then archive them.

By following our simple recommendations, you can easily organize training on electrical safety, which will suit the inspector, and will allow your employees to be properly prepared to work with hazardous factors of electrical nature.

More materials on the topic:

Procedure for testing knowledge

The organization of work at the enterprise to test the knowledge of employees is carried out as follows:

  1. At enterprises, an administrative document is issued, which stipulates all the nuances of the inspection, and the document must comply with the requirements of the rules.
  2. If necessary, training is organized (during initial certification).
  3. Time for preparation is provided according to the developed tickets.
  4. Exams are accepted by a commission at the enterprise.
  5. Based on the results of the inspection, a protocol is drawn up, in one of the columns of which it is written whether the tests were passed or failed.
  6. If the knowledge test passes with a positive mark, then the information is entered into the certificates.

Then you can work as intended.

If the exams are not passed, then additional time is assigned for retraining, and the commission meets again to accept tests. If the exams are not passed, the question of suitability for the position may be decided again. Programs and tickets must be developed in advance and approved by the head of the training center. The form of the protocol is also developed separately and approved by the regulatory act of the association.

Electrical safety certification procedure

From Administrator in Articles


Electrical safety rules exist to ensure reliable, safe and rational operation of electrical installations and their maintenance in good condition. The operation of electrical installations should be carried out only by trained personnel who have the appropriate group of permission to work with electrical installations.

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 14 of the Regulations on the industry commission of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for testing knowledge of norms and rules in the field of energy supervision, approved by Order of Rostechnadzor dated May 28, 2008 No. 362a (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) , the basis for organizing the verification knowledge of norms and rules is the submission of an application to send an employee for a knowledge test to the sectoral territorial commission of the Rostechnadzor body.

The application is submitted to the address of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor in a way that allows you to establish the date and fact of sending and receiving documents.

The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

for employees working at energy facilities (energy supplying organizations), - an extract from the logbook for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations (Appendix 5 of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)) , and a protocol for testing knowledge of the rules of operation in electrical installations (Appendix 4 of the Rules);

for employees of organizations purchasing electrical energy (consumers of electrical energy) - an extract from the logbook for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations (Appendix 6 of the Rules).

Extracts must be certified by the organization that issued the above documents.

Creation of an attestation commission

At enterprises where it is required to test knowledge in the field of electrical safety, a certification commission is created or contracts are concluded with a third-party organization that has the right to conduct certification.

The composition of the commission is determined by order of the enterprise; the commission includes:

  1. Chief Power Engineer. This is an official who has the highest electrical safety group. Group can be 4 if the facility operates technical devices with voltages up to 1000 V, and also 5 - if the voltage of power equipment is over 5000 V.
  2. Deputy managers or chief engineer, safety engineer, these categories of employees are required to have at least 4 access group.
  3. Heads of facilities in this division.

What are the requirements for commission members:

  • electrical safety certification must not be expired;
  • it is necessary to be certified at Rostechnadzor or with a representative of this organization directly at the enterprise;
  • You must have identification on hand.

The commission is created from an odd number of members; this requirement must be fulfilled, since when resolving controversial issues, voting will be required and this is how it can be determined whether the employee is certified or not.

The organization independently chooses who specifically to include in the Certification Commission (AC).

Personnel categories

For each category of employee there is a recommended electrical safety group.

  • Group I. All non-electrical personnel are subject to minimal risk of electrical shock. This group is sufficient for cleaners, office workers, concierges, service workers not related to electricity.
  • Group II. The second group should be received by workers who require interaction with electrified equipment: welders, turners, cleaners working in production areas.
  • III group. The third group is necessary for employees who provide connection, configuration and maintenance of equipment: electricians, electromechanics, operators of electric furnaces.
  • IV group. The fourth group is required for management and supervisory personnel: those responsible for electrical facilities, chief power engineers and engineers, and managers.
  • V group. The fifth group is intended for inspectors, engineers and managers of hazardous industries.

Representatives of all groups are required to comply with the frequency of electrical safety certification. Violation of the schedule for representatives of groups II – V is fraught with removal from production.

Requirements for employees to be tested

What are the requirements for a manager?

  1. The electrical safety group must correspond to the voltage consumed.
  2. An official who is entrusted with responsibility for electrical equipment is appointed to the position of chairman.
  3. The inspection group must not be lower than that of the employee being certified.

The following requirements apply to examiners:

  1. Mandatory certification in the territorial division of Rostechnadzor. It is allowed for two employees to undergo a knowledge test at the state energy supervision, and all the rest at the enterprise itself.
  2. If the structure of the organization is large enough, then such commissions are created at each facility. This makes it more convenient to work and carry out checks.
  3. The AC may include representatives of supervisory authorities; they are included by agreement.
  4. If the enterprise employs a small number of employees, then it is enough to take exams directly at Rostechnadzor, and the creation of commissions will not be advisable.

general information

Inspection activities are carried out by the employee responsible for electrical equipment or another employee appointed by order of the manager. The specialist undergoes appropriate training and is assigned an electrical safety group, which he regularly confirms by passing certification exams.

The manager is obliged to ensure that the frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety of personnel complies with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, financial sanctions may be imposed and the enterprise may be suspended.

Test results

If the check is carried out, its results must be recorded. This will be a kind of report on the work done.

For this purpose, a protocol is provided that reflects the following information:

  • full name of the enterprise where the exams were taken;
  • what is the name of the document and its serial number;
  • where and when the knowledge test was conducted (for example, in the meeting room, at 14.00);
  • information about officials who are members of the AC;
  • information about employees who need to undergo certification;
  • what inspection results are noted;
  • conclusion determined by commission.

The protocol is signed by the commission members and approved by the chairman, after which certificates are issued based on this document.

Procedure for assigning admission

First, if necessary, personnel are trained in courses that include at least 72 hours of theoretical and practical training.

Training in specialized courses

Upon completion of training, an exam date is set. An employee may not undergo training and prepare for certification on his own (as specified in the Rules).

Exam for assignment to group 2 in electrical safety

Certification can be carried out:

  • internal commission of the organization;
  • in a training center (if a Rostechnadzor inspector is included in the commission;
  • at the place of registration in the Federal Service of Rostechnadzor.

The responsibilities of the head of the enterprise include appointing members of the internal commission to certify employees in electrical safety. The person responsible for electrical equipment at an enterprise is most often appointed by the chairman. Only those certified by the Rostechnadzor commission can be members of the commission. If the enterprise does not have the opportunity to create such a commission, employees undergo certification by the Rostechnadzor commission.

In order to properly prepare for the exam, you can use special Internet services, which, in addition to tickets, contain special literature that may be useful in preparation, as well as answers to tickets. Services offer paid and free services to help prepare for certification.

Online test preparation service

Personnel who successfully pass the exams receive a standard certificate. The certificate indicates the admission group, as well as the power of the equipment with which the employee can perform work.

Important! Only after being assigned an electrical safety group is an employee allowed to perform his professional duties

Knowledge test result

All exam results must be recorded in a standard journal.

If certification is carried out for employees of a company in the electrical engineering industry, then the results are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of TAK Rostechnadzor.

The protocol includes the date and reason for the inspection, information about the composition of the commission, information about the employee, the results of the inspection and the conclusion of the commission.

After filling out the form, the protocol is signed by all members of the commission and the certifying employee.

The certificate is valid for a year, then you must take exams again to confirm the group.

Standard certificate

When starting a job due to a transition to servicing new equipment, a change of position, etc. the employee must undergo recertification. When passing the exams, he must confirm his category in relation to servicing new equipment, working in new conditions or performing a new range of official duties.

Attention! If an employee with clearance group 2 or higher has not passed recertification on electrical safety issues, then he is treated as an employee of an enterprise with clearance group 1. If three or more years have passed between certifications, then the obtained access group is lost irretrievably, and the employee must restore the access group starting from the second

Certification for compliance with access groups is not only a means of obtaining the opportunity to work with electrical installations, but also confirmation of the qualifications of the employee himself.

What is included in testing

Commission for testing knowledge on electrical safety

During testing, employees are tested for the following knowledge:

  1. Purpose and principle of operation of power plants and their components;
  2. Awareness of the danger of injury due to non-compliance with safety precautions when working on electrical networks, knowledge of life-threatening sectors on devices and units connected to power;
  3. Knowledge of techniques for providing first aid to victims of electric shock or burns. This course includes the study of the processes of the influence of electricity on a living organism, the stages of shock and possible options for removing a person from this state.

Sample test question

During testing, some employees from among the service and administrative personnel are also tested for knowledge of the organization of the work process, industrial safety requirements, as well as other narrowly focused data that an employee performing any function must have.

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