Who is assigned group 2 electrical safety?

At any enterprise, employees performing work using electrical equipment must have a special permit that allows servicing it. To obtain it, you must pass qualifying exams for assignment of an electrical safety clearance group. Each group corresponds to the range of production tasks that an employee is allowed to perform when working with electrical equipment or electrical installations.

Maintenance of electrical equipment by an electric welder with 2nd tolerance group

The scope of tasks solved by personnel in each group is regulated by the Interindustry Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) for the Operation of Electrical Installations.

According to these Rules, there are 5 electrical safety groups. Group numbers are arranged in accordance with the increasing complexity of the tasks being solved by employees. They take into account education and experience working with electrical equipment.

Attention! Workers who are not electrical personnel can be assigned only groups 1 and 2.

The first is assigned to non-electrical personnel after instructions have been completed by a specialist of group 3. After this, the assimilation of the material is checked using an oral survey of employees. During the briefing, issues of the negative impact of electric current on the human body are discussed, as well as the rules for providing first aid to the victim. The results of the knowledge test are recorded in a standard journal.

Who is assigned group 2 in electrical safety?

At the enterprise, any employee from the electrical technical staff must have qualifications of at least group 2.

Requirements for candidates

If the organization’s personnel do not have a specialized secondary education or do not have it at all, then according to the rules they are allowed to be assigned group 2 only after completing training courses in a program lasting at least 72 hours.

For employees of the enterprise who have a secondary or higher electrical engineering education, as well as trainees from colleges, technical schools, vocational schools or universities undergoing internship at the enterprise, in order to obtain group 2, the minimum period for performing professional duties corresponding to a specialist of the 1st admission group is not standardized.

Electrical safety group 2 is assigned when the employee has knowledge of:

  • about electric current and dangers to humans due to electric shock;
  • about electrical installations with which he will have to work (at an elementary level);
  • about the dangers that may arise when working with electrical equipment and live parts of equipment that are energized;
  • basic precautions when working with electrical installations.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, it is necessary that the person being certified has certain practical skills. Qualification group 2 for electrical safety (according to the Rules) is assigned if a specialist can in practice provide first aid to a victim of electric current.

Positions with the second group of electrical safety clearance

Obtaining a second clearance group allows workers to perform work using electrical equipment. However, you are not allowed to connect it yourself.

According to the Rules, specialists of at least this qualification are admitted to the following positions or types of work:

  • Electric welders, electricians working with equipment up to 1000V under supervision;
  • Technical personnel for cleaning the corridors of a closed switchgear, as well as rooms with electrical equipment in the case of fencing live parts;
  • For maintenance of overhead power lines (OHT) (inspection and painting of supports). In case of work in the dark, bad weather or in hard-to-reach places, the team must consist of at least 2 workers with a 2nd group. In normal cases, the work can be performed by one employee of the same category. When performing high-altitude work, the employee must have access to steeplejack work;
  • A security guard in a team performing testing of stationary or mobile electrical installations. Its task is to prevent strangers from approaching electrical equipment. A security guard must be located outside the testing area fence. The fencing is set up by members of the testing team. The security guard can leave his post only with the permission of the test director;
  • Personnel performing any work in the security zone of high-rise power lines or working in electrical installations. This category includes crane operators, machinists, drivers, slingers, etc.;
  • Employees performing work in high-risk areas using portable power tools and hand-held electric machines of class 1.

Sample job description for an electrician

General provisions

  1. At work, the electrician reports to the chief engineer.
  2. A candidate for this position must meet the following standards:
      specialized secondary specialized education;
  3. At least one year of experience in this position;
  4. confirmed security group no less than fourth.
  5. An electrician must understand:
      technological and fire safety standards;
  6. profile documentation;
  7. procedure for servicing electrical equipment and wiring;
  8. standards for evaluating work performed;
  9. specialized technologies used at the enterprise;
  10. rules for caring for tools and equipment;
  11. rules for using power tools and specialized equipment;
  12. methods of laying and distributing wires;
  13. the specifics of the brands and models of electrical equipment used at the enterprise;
  14. electrical equipment testing standards;
  15. operation of the enterprise's electrical systems;
  16. standards for carrying out preventive measures in their area of ​​responsibility.
  17. The electrician must be guided by:
      current regulations and laws;
  18. enterprise documentation;
  19. data in this manual.
  20. During the absence of an electrician, his functions are performed by another electrician, designated by the chief engineer.


List of work responsibilities of an electrician:

  1. Ensuring the operability of electrical equipment and machines in the area of ​​responsibility.
  2. Carrying out required electrical work.
  3. Performing test and preventative operations on electrical equipment.
  4. Monitoring the condition of electrical networks and carrying out work to improve their condition.
  5. Interaction with employees during the operation of electrical equipment.
  6. Monitoring compliance with safety standards for handling electricity at the enterprise.
  7. Informing the chief engineer on possible problematic issues in the operation of electrical equipment and electrical systems.
  8. Maintaining necessary documentation.
  9. Caring for employer-issued equipment and tools.


An electrician can be held liable in the following cases:

  1. For incompetent performance of one's duties - within the limits given in labor legislation and relevant internal documents.
  2. For violations of laws committed during the performance of work - within the limits specified in the relevant articles of legislation.
  3. For damage caused to the enterprise due to its unskilled actions - in accordance with the rules defined by labor legislation and documents of the enterprise.


An electrician has the following rights at work:

  1. Make proposals to management to improve quality indicators in their area of ​​responsibility, as well as to eliminate possible problematic issues.
  2. Receive from enterprise employees the data necessary to successfully perform a set of their duties.
  3. Require management to take measures to eliminate these problems in their area of ​​responsibility, as well as maintain conditions for their normal functioning.
  4. Receive from the employer special clothing and other equipment necessary for one’s work, in accordance with the provisions of the enterprise’s documents.

Working conditions

  1. An electrician can be sent on a work trip in case of production necessity, under the conditions specified in the relevant documents of the enterprise.
  2. Bonuses for the year and quarter are paid to the electrician in accordance with the provisions of the employment contract and the principles of labor legislation.
  3. The electrician is provided by the employer with special work clothes (overalls, helmet, gloves), and is also given the equipment necessary for the work.

Procedure for assigning admission

Electrical Safety Group 4

First, if necessary, personnel are trained in courses that include at least 72 hours of theoretical and practical training.

Training in specialized courses

Upon completion of training, an exam date is set. An employee may not undergo training and prepare for certification on his own (as specified in the Rules).

Exam for assignment to group 2 in electrical safety

Certification can be carried out:

  • internal commission of the organization;
  • in a training center (if a Rostechnadzor inspector is included in the commission;
  • at the place of registration in the Federal Service of Rostechnadzor.

The responsibilities of the head of the enterprise include appointing members of the internal commission to certify employees in electrical safety. The person responsible for electrical equipment at an enterprise is most often appointed by the chairman. Only those certified by the Rostechnadzor commission can be members of the commission. If the enterprise does not have the opportunity to create such a commission, employees undergo certification by the Rostechnadzor commission.

For your information. Knowledge testing is carried out using tickets containing tests.

In order to properly prepare for the exam, you can use special Internet services, which, in addition to tickets, contain special literature that may be useful in preparation, as well as answers to tickets. Services offer paid and free services to help prepare for certification.

Online test preparation service

Personnel who successfully pass the exams receive a standard certificate. The certificate indicates the admission group, as well as the power of the equipment with which the employee can perform work.

Important! Only after being assigned an electrical safety group is an employee allowed to perform his professional duties.

Knowledge test result

All exam results must be recorded in a standard journal.

If certification is carried out for employees of a company in the electrical engineering industry, then the results are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of TAK Rostechnadzor.

The protocol includes the date and reason for the inspection, information about the composition of the commission, information about the employee, the results of the inspection and the conclusion of the commission.

After filling out the form, the protocol is signed by all members of the commission and the certifying employee.

The certificate is valid for a year, then you must take exams again to confirm the group.

Standard certificate

When starting a job due to a transition to servicing new equipment, a change of position, etc. the employee must undergo recertification. When passing the exams, he must confirm his category in relation to servicing new equipment, working in new conditions or performing a new range of official duties.

Attention! If an employee with clearance group 2 or higher has not passed recertification on electrical safety issues, then he is treated as an employee of an enterprise with clearance group 1. If three or more years have passed between certifications, then the obtained access group is lost forever, and the employee must restore the access group, starting with the second.

Certification for compliance with access groups is not only a means of obtaining the opportunity to work with electrical installations, but also confirmation of the qualifications of the employee himself.

Specifics of writing a document

By including this document in the package of labor documentation, employers not only specify the sections of the employment contract, but can also adapt the provisions of the instructions to their needs. Nevertheless, a number of standards are also observed, including those relating to the form of job description. It usually includes 4 basic parts:

  • General section.
  • Responsibilities.
  • Responsibility.
  • Rights.

These sections may also be supplemented by additional ones that describe the criteria for evaluating an employee or the conditions of his work. The advisability of their inclusion depends on the specifics of the employer’s activities, its size and other factors.

General section

A basic section that is used to list the general points that define an electrician's job. Thus, a description is given of the details of his temporary replacement, who he is subordinate to, and other similar points.

The most important points are those that set out the requirements for his qualifications, as well as the skills required of the employee. The list of skills should correspond to the responsibilities outlined in the next section, and qualification requirements should exclude unprofessional candidates.

Important! Professions such as electrician, which involve special technological risks, are subject to special qualification rules. Electricians must have an electrical safety group of at least 3 and undergo regular specialized retraining.


This section provides a list of the work responsibilities of an electrician. Depending on the profile of the enterprise and the area of ​​responsibility, responsibilities can vary quite significantly, although the main functions remain the same. For professions associated with risk, it is worth separately mentioning the obligation to comply with the requirements of safety standards and regulations.

Important! Many employers provide electricians with overalls, tools and the necessary equipment (helmet, gloves, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to separately mention the specialist’s obligation to handle them with care.


A mandatory section used to list items for which an employee may be held accountable. The section describes them in the most general form, without mentioning specific penalties, which are determined later, after all the facts contributing to the violation have been established.


This section is intended to describe the rights that a specialist has. The list of rights is typical for technical specialists, but their list can be expanded as the electrician’s area of ​​responsibility increases. Thus, an electrician may be given the right to suspend the operation of electrical equipment to prevent critical situations or demand prompt action from management to correct the situation in their areas of responsibility.


Electrical safety group 3 group

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What is it and why is it necessary?

Groups assigned to personnel are indicators of the skill, experience and personal qualities of the employee. Even administrative employees in senior positions must begin by passing a test for group 2 electrical safety clearance and obtaining a certificate and identification.

Electrical safety 2nd group of admission

Important! Only in this case can the employee be allowed to perform a certain type of work of varying complexity. However, the first group is still the lowest, but it is not supervised

In this case, it does not require special certification by a technical supervision inspector. Electrical safety group 2 requires such assurance, and therefore is considered more preferable and important

However, the first group is still the lowest, but it is not supervised. In this case, it does not require special certification by a technical supervision inspector

Electrical safety group 2 requires such assurance, and therefore is considered more preferable and important

Almost all specialists, for example, fitters, installers, welders and even senior management specialists must first obtain this permit. In this case, you can begin to perform the required work and tasks, but only under the guidance of an employee with a higher level of access.

Also, this category allows you to work with tools and equipment that have a voltage of up to a thousand volts.

The category is issued on the basis of special testing of the theory and practice of working with electric tools. However, special certificates for a profession, for example, an assembler or a welder, are considered non-electrical, and therefore do not give the right to pick up such a tool. Therefore, such specialists need to additionally obtain a second electrical safety group. This can be called a kind of shortcoming in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining a document confirming the availability of the second level of clearance is the first level in the career ladder of an employee whose occupation is related to electrical safety.

Technician knowledge test log

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