The main thing about who is assigned the 1st electrical safety group: how it is formalized

From a huge range of topics on electrical safety, a lot of questions arise and are received about who needs to be assigned group 1, with what frequency and what needs to be formalized?

In this article I will try to analyze them all in as much detail as possible, because if you have a gap in this direction, then the employer will be subject to fines and the risk of electric shock increases.

We all know how to safely use electrical appliances, but we often neglect labor safety rules and, according to statistics, electrical injuries in Russia annually amount to about 3%. Even if the figure is small, it is better to reduce it and eliminate it, at least within the framework of your organization.

Procedure for assigning 1st electrical safety group

If we consider labor protection from different positions, it becomes clear that in any of the directions, it is important not only to work with personnel and ensure safe working conditions, but also to correctly and competently drawn up documents, because it is also necessary to protect the manager’s nerves and budget from fines, and this is always done with the help of a “piece of paper”

And it seems like such a simple procedure, but you need to prepare a lot of documents confirming the correct procedure for assigning group 1 in electrical safety, and simply making entries in a journal will not prove that the instructions were given in fact.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop documents that will confirm the reality of instructing people after the fact.

How to obtain an electrician's license with the necessary permission

As mentioned above, a “credential” with an admission can be issued ONLY by a special institution that has been documented for this type of activity (we will not consider a commission in production). Without the signature of the supervisory officer, this document is not valid. Therefore, there are two types of identification.

  • 1. Send an employee to the training center to undergo training in person. This option is great for beginners. A month of training (72 hours) will not be in vain. The applicant will learn the basics of labor protection, fire safety, first aid to the injured, etc., everything that may be useful in the course of work. Next, the training center sends the employee to supervision to take the exam independently.
  • 2. Get an electrician's license with permission with our help. There will be minimal need to take the specialist away from work. The conditions for registration can be found at the beginning of the article.

In both cases, upon registration, a “crust” + a logbook for testing knowledge in electrical installations is provided.

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Electrical safety program 1 group

Any training and instruction in labor protection is carried out according to a specially prepared program, and in this area. You will need a group 1 electrical safety program.

There are no specific regulations for the design of the program for assigning group 1 in electrical safety; the main thing is to convey to workers the following topics while studying the basics of electrical safety:

  • the effect of electric current on the human body;
  • creating safe working conditions;
  • personal electrical safety;
  • rules for using electrical devices;
  • step voltage;
  • freeing the victim from exposure to electricity. current;
  • providing first aid in case of electric shock.

The instruction time is also not specified, everything is in your hands, but the point is that you need not to miss anything and convey as much information as possible to the employee so that he is protected from the effects of electric current:

  • when moving around the organization’s territory and premises;
  • when connecting equipment to the network (you need to make sure that it is working properly);
  • at the end of the working day (it is necessary to turn off electrical equipment);
  • knew where to go in case of detection of equipment malfunctions.

You can download the program for assigning group 1 in electrical safety by clicking on the link.

Electrical safety instructions group 1

And, of course, the program itself for conducting electrical safety training for 1 group is, in fact, a table indicating the main topics, and in order not to come up with a text every time, you should prepare instructions.

The text part is very important, because an employee may forget the basics of electrical safety and first aid rules for a year, and having this document always “at hand” at the workplace, there is an opportunity to refresh his knowledge.

Electrical safety instructions for non-electrical personnel assigned to Group I must contain detailed information specified in the program.

This document is developed by the person responsible for electrical facilities, agreed upon with the labor protection service, if there is a trade union, then with its representative, and approved by the head of the organization.

If you need electrical safety instructions as an example, they are located at this link.

The electrical safety instructions for personnel assigned to group 1 are quite lengthy, so it will not be possible to quickly release workers, especially after the instruction they need to test their knowledge.

Logbook for assignment of group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel

If the employee has answered all the questions asked, you will need a logbook for assigning group 1 electrical safety to non-electrical personnel, in which you must register.

Moreover, in this case it is not necessary

(Clause 1.4.4. Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 6).

The logbook for assigning group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel in a specific form is not regulated by law, but it must contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • job title;
  • date of the ES briefing;
  • signatures of the inspector and the instructed.

Sample log of assignment of 1st electrical safety group

In order not to look for the journal form for assigning 1st electrical safety group, I leave you a download link.

The signatures of both parties must be mandatory, otherwise it will be considered that the legal requirement has not been met and the employee does not have an electrical safety group.

Requirements for electrical personnel

Requirements for personnel depend on their access group.

1st group. The employee is required to listen to safety instructions when interacting with electrical equipment entrusted to him and learn to provide first aid in case of electric shock.

2nd group. The employee must understand the structure and operating features of the equipment with which he will work. In addition to providing first aid in case of electric shock, you must know the possible consequences of such a shock and the features of ensuring the safety of your workplace. This group allows you to work with electrical installations up to 1000 V, but only under the supervision of a specialist of a higher tolerance group. To be certified for an electrical safety permit, a specialist requires at least one month of experience working with electrical networks.

3rd group. The minimum work experience to obtain is 1 month with the second group of admission. The employee must understand the specifics of operation, maintenance and installation of electrical installations, know supervision methods and rules for access to work, and be able to provide assistance to victims of electric shock. This group allows you to service electrical installations with a total power of up to 1000 V.

4th group. To obtain it, you must work with the third group of admission for at least 2-6 months. In addition to the knowledge required for the previous group, the specialist must understand electrical circuits and be able to independently conduct instructions. In general, the employee’s knowledge should be that of a vocational school graduate.

  • Group 4 approval up to 1000 V allows you to use and maintain installations up to 1000 V and bear responsibility for electrical equipment up to 1000 V.
  • Admission of the 4th group up to and above 1000 V allows the employee to issue work orders for work up to 1000 V, as well as to use and maintain installations above 1000 V.

5th group. You can get admission to this group by working from the 4th grade for 3-24 months, depending on your higher education. The employee must know everything that the employee from the previous group did, plus be able to organize the work process, manage the execution of work and teach safety precautions. The 5th group gives permission to carry out work in electrical installations, manage teams and be responsible for electrical equipment up to and above 1000 volts.

Employer's liability

After employment, it is mandatory to conduct electrical safety training and assign a group, and if this requirement is not met, then administrative liability under Art. 9.11 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • for an official and individual entrepreneur from 2000 to 4000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity – from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

The fine is not as great as if you fail to comply with labor protection or environmental safety requirements, but nevertheless it should not be tolerated.

Although non-electrical personnel with electrical safety group 1 do not often encounter the danger of electric shock and the work is not as dangerous as that of others, they still need to be concerned about their well-being, because in case of heart problems, a fatal accident can occur and then the question of the emergence of criminal liability will already arise (Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

What are the permits of an electrician who has received a certificate?

Many people have an incorrect stereotype about the ID itself and its availability. Many (it’s even a shame that managers too) believe that if there is a “crust”, then you can safely “go into battle”.

Whatever the case.

According to the data written in the “crust”, it is possible to judge which areas of work can be trusted to an employee, and which ones should not be allowed to be allowed to fire. Let's look at how an electrician's tolerances are divided.

  • I. Voltage.

    Electrical equipment (according to PTEEP, Order 328n (amendments to Order No. 903n dated December 15, 2020), and other standards) is divided into categories - “Up to 1000V” and “Up to and Above 1000V”. An electrician (more precisely, an electrician) is immediately assigned this category, in which he can be allowed either to operate electrical equipment powered by electric current with a voltage of up to 1000v, or up to and above 1000v.

  • II. Group

    An electrician, like any other employee, can climb the career ladder. Only in electrical safety these are tolerance groups. According to the voltage, there are groups 2, 3, 4 Up to 1000V, and 3, 4, 5 Up to and above 1000V (the first group is not assigned to electricians, this is a category for those who use power tools without specialized education - office equipment, vacuum cleaner, electric tongs).

    Up to 1000v:

  • 2nd approval group - initial approval for an electrician. Usually assigned to young beginner professionals. This assumption allows work to be performed ONLY under the supervision of a senior person.
  • The third group allows you to independently complete the task.

  • Group four is the highest level of electrician development in voltage up to 1000V. With this group, the worker can not only complete the task independently, but also train young electricians, as well as perform work of increased complexity.

Up to and Above 1000v.

In organizations where electrical equipment with voltages over 1000V is installed, the electrician must have a Group 3, 4, or 5 permit. Their principle is the same as that of voltage Up to 1000V, but one step higher (3 degrees - work under supervision, 4 - independently, 5 - career peak). Groups can be promoted no more often than once every three months. Those. For example, you can assign the third group 3 months after the second was assigned, the fourth - three months after the third, etc.

Important: after assigning group IV up to 1000v, the next category is III Up and Above, but not like V, as many people think.

  • III. Staff.

    Depending on the work performed (installation, maintenance, repair), an electrician can be assigned operational, maintenance, or operational-repair personnel.

  • From all of the above categories, a permit for an electrician is formed, and the result is written down in the certificate. Based on these indications, the manager can determine the scope of work for the specialist.

    Main conclusions

    To avoid problems and stress, you need to remember that electrical safety group 1 is assigned to non-electrical personnel, these are those who are not associated with electrical installations, but there is a possibility of electric shock.

    Therefore, carry out instructions in a timely manner and record this fact in a journal, especially since the frequency is acceptable, once a year.

    Everything is quite simple, but it teaches workers to be safe when using electrical equipment, because it has become so tightly integrated into our lives and surrounds us everywhere that without it it’s already “like having no hands.”

    And injuries from electric shock are no exception to the general statistics of injuries, so personnel must know and be able to comply with electrical safety requirements, release the victim from the effects of electric current and provide first aid.

    Only then can you “sleep peacefully” at work

    I wish you safe and efficient work!

    If you still have questions about assigning group 1 to personnel, write comments, we will discuss, and if you need help with paperwork, please contact us.

    Sample of an electrician's certificate with a completed permit

    In electrical safety, the sample certificate is strictly regulated by Order 328n (amendments to Order No. 903n dated December 15, 2020). The appendix contains points that all organizations issuing this permit must follow. The change is a gross violation. Below is an approximate sample of the “crust” issued to electricians (more precisely, electricians).

    The permission we talked about in this article is written on page 3.

    In addition to the inspector's approval and seal, the certificate must be stamped and signed by the organization and the employee. There is also a place in the “crust” for a photo. Energy consuming companies do not need to glue it in (Order 903n). But I still recommend not being lazy and pasting it in (be sure to put a stamp on top of the photo).

    Let's summarize.

    An electrician's certificate with permission is a document confirming that a specialist has permission to work with electrical installations and electrical equipment (repair, installation, commissioning).
    According to the data specified in the certificate, the employer can clearly determine which areas of work can be entrusted to the employee. Back: Approvals for electricians | Next: Forklift driver's license Obtain or apply for a license for an electrician with the necessary permit

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