How to obtain an electrical safety permit: step-by-step instructions

It is important for all specialists involved in electrical engineering to know how to gain access to electrical safety. All kinds of certifications, the results of which are entered into the work book, are used to determine the level of preparedness of any specialist whose activities are related to technology. Experienced workers have certain ranks or categories that determine their level of clearance and professionalism. In essence, they evaluate the complexity of tasks a given specialist is able to perform. Also, categories and ranks play a big role in determining the level of wages. In this article we will tell you what electricians and other employees need to do to confirm their qualifications and where to apply.

Access group

For employees related to electrical engineering, there is the concept of an electrical safety clearance group. In order to perform your duties at a high level, you need to know how to obtain an electrical safety permit. The assignment of a group occurs only based on the results of a meeting of a special commission. Who can be part of it is determined by law; no changes can be made. Based on the test results, the specialist is issued an appropriate uniform certificate. This document is decisive in assessing the employee’s skill level.

It is important for an individual to obtain electrical safety clearance groups when applying for a job. Based on this document, the manager will be able to determine the employee’s qualification level, what duties he can perform, and what salary he can expect.

Validity period of the electrical safety certificate

According to the provisions of PTEEP, certificates for testing knowledge of electrical safety of the following personnel are updated annually:

performing various electrical installation work;

  • repair;
  • individual commissioning tasks;
  • prevention;
  • issuing work permits;
  • orders from superiors;
  • leading operational negotiations.

Accordingly, they should renew the old crusts every year.

Note! Representatives of administrative and technical departments not belonging to the above groups, plus engineers (appointed by the head) of labor protection - inspectors - for them the validity period is longer. 3 years.

Determining the level of knowledge

At the same time, the documents acquired at your previous job are valid, so it is very important to save all your old crusts.

Also, this document may be needed when assigning team members and a responsible manager to solve various problems at electrical installations.

The admission group establishes the level of training and knowledge, the extent to which workers are oriented in the methods of safe handling of electricity. There are five groups identified in Russia. There are special conditions that allow you to obtain an electrical safety permit for each of them.

Procedure for assigning 1st electrical safety group

If we consider labor protection from different positions, it becomes clear that in any of the directions, it is important not only to work with personnel and ensure safe working conditions, but also to correctly and competently drawn up documents, because it is also necessary to protect the manager’s nerves and budget from fines, and this is always done with the help of a “piece of paper”

And it seems like such a simple procedure, but you need to prepare a lot of documents confirming the correct procedure for assigning group 1 in electrical safety, and simply making entries in a journal will not prove that the instructions were given in fact.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop documents that will confirm the reality of instructing people after the fact.

First group

The first admission group is initial. To obtain it you do not need to pass any exam or test. Workers with the first admission group do not have the right to work on existing electrical installations or service them. These are personnel who are not directly involved in electrical work.

According to the law, the first admission group should be assigned to persons from among the electrical and electrical engineering personnel, even if they do not have any training and minimum experience working with electrical installations.

It all comes down to the fact that the head of the enterprise must take measures to ensure that none of his employees suffer from electric shock. For example, formally, even a loader must have in his hands the corresponding document of the first group of admission. Since any warehouse he works in has electrical wiring or electrically powered devices, he could theoretically be harmed.

However, few people pay attention to this, since the first clearance group is assigned after instructions given by a specialist with a clearance group of at least the third. It should be completed with a checklist. Based on the answers to them, a decision is made to assign the appropriate access group to the employee.

It is enough for an employee with the first group of access to know basic information about the dangers of electric current, about methods of providing first aid in case of electric shock, about methods of performing one’s own duties that will not lead to a threat to one’s own life and the lives of others.

Second group

It is already more difficult to obtain group 2 electrical safety clearance. It is assigned only based on certification results to non-electrical and electrical personnel. There are two options for where to obtain an electrical safety clearance group. The commission that meets for this purpose must hold a meeting at the enterprise itself or at the regional office of Rostechnadzor.

To obtain a second admission group, certain conditions must be met. For example, a specialist must work on electrical installations for one to two months, depending on his initial education.

If the certification is primary, and the test taker does not have any electrical engineering education, then before the exam he will have to undergo mandatory theoretical training lasting at least 72 hours.

In this case, it is allowed to certify personnel for the 2nd admission group with a minimum work experience on electrical installations in the first group and in the absence of specialized education. At the same time, we note that formally workers with the first group of access do not have the right to work on electrical installations. Officially, they can only be at a decent distance during work.

Having received the second group, the employee has the right to work on electrical installations without making connections, under the supervision of more experienced and qualified specialists. As a rule, the second group is sufficient to work as a crane operator, welder, or elevator operator.

A specialist who has this group, in addition to the knowledge that an employee with the first group should have, is required to have general information about the principles of operation of electricity and devices under his jurisdiction. He must also have practical first aid skills in case of electric shock. It is possible to gain such experience in simulators where special mannequins are used.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary for non-electrical personnel to undergo certification if their direct place of work is not an electrical installation. However, many employers nowadays prefer to play it safe by organizing courses to obtain the second group of admission even for store clerks and cleaners.

Please note that the second admission group is considered the maximum for minor employees.

Third group

Specialists with the third group of clearance can also obtain an electrical safety permit from Rostechnadzor. A commission is also collected for them at the enterprise. Only electrical personnel can obtain a Group 3 electrical safety permit. It is assumed that certified employees can independently connect electrical installations up to 1000 volts and personally inspect them. They are also part of teams that service devices with a power of over 1000 volts, but only if they have a certificate that states that the specialist is allowed to work with such powerful installations.

Among the conditions that regulate how to obtain an electrical safety permit for group 3, it is mandatory to have experience working with electrical installations in the second group. A specialist with a higher technical education can count on receiving this level of clearance a month after working in the second group, and a vocational school graduate only after six months.

Such an employee must have the knowledge provided for representatives of the two previous groups, understand electrical engineering, know everything about the structure and procedure for servicing electrical installations, and be able to free a person who has been exposed to electric current.

Since it is possible to obtain a Group 3 electrical safety permit only as a result of certification, a special commission is assembled for this purpose. Such an employee has the right to be responsible for the safe performance of work on electrical installations up to 1000 volts, and, by extension and special order, to work on more powerful devices.

Certificate form

An electrical certificate is a special type of permit that confirms the positive results of a knowledge test and the presence of professional skills for safe work with electrical equipment at a certain level. To be issued, you need to undergo training and pass an exam.

The certificate is issued in one of two approved forms:

  1. On testing knowledge of operating rules in electrical installations.
  2. On testing knowledge of the rules by workers monitoring electrical installations.

The main changes in the new form are 8 pages instead of 4, space for a photo of the employee. But, filling out 4-6 pages and photos is not required for organizations that are only consumers of electricity.

The format of the document depends on the classification system:

  • type of electrical installation - up to 1000 V, up to and above 1000 V;
  • qualification group – II-V;
  • type of personnel – electrical, electrical, non-electrical;
  • type of personnel – technical and administrative, operational, repair, combined.

The permit document contains the name of the organization, structural unit, position, personal data of the employee, his category, work to which access is granted, and the results of tests of knowledge of regulatory documents. If any data changes, the certificate must be reissued.

Fourth group

Unlike previous levels of approval, there is only one place where you can obtain a Group 4 electrical safety approval. This is Rostekhnadzor. Appropriate certification is organized on the basis of management.

Such specialists already perform a wide range of duties, since obtaining group 4 electrical safety clearance is not at all easy. These are already highly qualified employees who issue orders for work on equipment up to 1000 volts, as well as orders for performing tasks on installations with a power of over 1000 volts, if they are included in the list approved by the head responsible for all energy management at the enterprise.

Since it is possible to obtain group 4 electrical safety approval only after passing the appropriate certification, the specialist is issued a certificate. It may contain a mark that allows you to work on equipment up to and above 1000 volts.

Group 4 is assigned to employees with higher education after 2 months of work, specialists without secondary education - only after 6 months of work in group 3. The fourth group cannot be assigned to trainees.

Explaining how to obtain a Group 4 electrical safety permit, we note that the specialist must have the knowledge required for the three previous groups, and according to the full vocational school program. Knowledge of the basics of electrical and fire safety, the ability to understand electrical circuits, and skills in personnel training and instruction are required.

Electrical safety certification in Russia

We offer to undergo initial training or confirm admission to groups 1,2,3,4,5 in electrical safety.

For distance learning you need:

— application to the Training Center;

— company card (for concluding an agreement).

Final document: CERTIFICATE of advanced training in the established form.


To conclude an agreement, send the completed application and company details [email protected]



Name of additional professional

educational program

Duration of training (hours) Price


El.B-2 “Training of personnel of the II qualification group in electrical safety” 72 3800
El.B-3 “Training of personnel of the III qualification group in electrical safety” 72 3800
El.B-4 “Training of personnel of the IV qualification group in electrical safety” 72 3800
El.B-5 “Training of personnel of the V qualification group in electrical safety” 72 3800

For detailed information, contact us by phone:

8 (800) 700-73-31

(in the Russian Federation the call is free)

Or write to us by email: [email protected]


Why is electrical safety certification necessary?

Electrical safety training is offered to all specialists interested in their growth and development. Electricity has become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult today to imagine the existence of humanity without it. But electric shock is one of the most common causes of accidents in industrial environments, especially if it is associated with daily work. Employees must adhere to the requirements of technical standards while working and be able to make the right decisions quickly and clearly. Only if this condition is met can safety at work be guaranteed. To avoid accidents, all types of work related to electrical installations and electrical equipment should be performed only by trained specialists who have been certified in electrical safety by Rostechnadzor. An indicator of their qualification is the electrical safety clearance group.

Electrical safety is a specific list of technical measures that prevent harm to the life and health of personnel servicing various types of electrical equipment.

Electrical safety certification is a procedure that confirms the theoretical training of specialists and grants them the right to perform certain work in electrical installations.

An employee who has passed the knowledge test on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations is issued a certificate of testing knowledge of labor standards and rules of work in electrical installations.

The results of testing knowledge on labor protection in electric power industry organizations are documented in a protocol for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations, and are taken into account in the logbook for testing knowledge of the rules of working in electrical installations.

The results of testing knowledge on labor protection for organizations purchasing electrical energy for their own household and production needs are recorded in the logbook for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations.

What are the electrical safety clearance groups?

All types of work that to one degree or another relate to the management, maintenance, and repair of electrical equipment can only be performed by specially trained and qualified specialists who have successfully passed certification for the electrical safety clearance group. Electrical safety clearance groups determine the list of works that can be performed by an employee with certain experience and theoretical knowledge. Issuing electrical safety clearance to employees of a certain group to perform a particular type of work is a prerequisite. Electrical safety certification in Rostechnadzor is organized both for specialists who directly perform electrical work, and for employees who are not related to them, but use electrical equipment to perform their job duties.

Depending on the specifics of the work performed, the following groups of personnel are distinguished, which must undergo mandatory training in electrical safety:

— administrative and technical staff;

— operational personnel;

- maintenance personnel;

— operational and repair personnel.

Electrical safety approval groups can be described as follows:

First group of electrical safety clearance . Assigned only to those employees who are not directly involved in servicing the installations themselves - non-electrical personnel. In fact, we are talking about people who have nothing to do with electrical engineering at all. These could be cleaners, personnel department workers, accounting department workers, or service personnel of another category. Such workers should be assigned the first electrical safety clearance group. The owner of the organization is obliged to take all necessary measures to avoid electric shock to his subordinates. To obtain Group 1 approval for electrical safety, a simple safety briefing is sufficient.

Second group of electrical safety clearance . There is an informal rule that it is given to those employees who have directly worked on electrical equipment for at least 2 months. However, if a person does not have the appropriate specialized education, then he must undergo electrical safety training, which lasts 72 hours. Electrical safety certification for group 2 is carried out by a commission created at the enterprise or the Training Center. To be certified for the second group of electrical safety clearance, you must have at least one month of experience working with electrical networks. An electrical safety certificate with tolerance group 2 allows you to perform work in electrical installations up to 1000 volts, but only under the supervision of a specialist with at least tolerance group 3. Non-electrical personnel, as noted above, do not need the second admission group.

Third group of electrical safety approval . May be for those specialists who are allowed to independently install, connect and inspect installations, provided that their total power does not exceed 1000 volts. The third group of electrical safety clearance can be obtained if you carry out activities in the second group for some time, depending on the level of education. A specialist who has graduated from a university will receive admission in 2 months, a person after a vocational school - in 6 months.

Fourth group of electrical safety approval . Group 4 approval for electrical safety up to 1000 volts allows you to independently maintain and operate electrical installations up to 1000 volts, and also allows you to be responsible for electrical equipment up to 1000 volts . The specialist must have knowledge of electrical engineering at the level of a full vocational school program, know the basic rules for working with installations and the standards outlined in documents relating to labor protection. Also, a mandatory condition for assigning the fourth group of electrical safety clearance is the presence of skills in providing primary medical care in case of electric shock.

After receiving a mark in the electrical safety certificate for assignment to tolerance group 4 “up to and above 1000 volts,” the employee is able to perform the following types of work:

- independently issue work orders for work up to 1000 volts and above, guided by a list approved by the responsible person;

— maintain and operate electrical installations over 1000 volts.

Fifth group of electrical safety clearance . An electrical safety certificate with a mark of assignment to the 5th tolerance group provides the opportunity for a specialist to carry out any work in electrical installations up to and above 1000 volts, lead teams and be appointed responsible for electrical equipment above 1000 volts . The fifth group of electrical safety clearance implies excellent knowledge of the entire power supply circuit of the farm, the design of absolutely all electrical equipment under its control, as well as technical safety standards. An electrical safety permit for group 5 is issued to a specialist exclusively with a higher education when working in the fourth group for at least 3 months, without a higher education - only when carrying out activities for two years.

Who needs to undergo electrical safety certification?

The following specialists must obtain an electrical safety permit:

— Electrical personnel (fitters, mechanics, etc.).

— Workers who in one way or another encounter relevant equipment in their activities (welders and elevator operators, for example).

— Foremen, foremen, construction site managers.

— Engineering and technical staff.

— Responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise, who are appointed by order.

— Companies and individual entrepreneurs wishing to gain access to self-regulatory organizations. Electrical safety training for the admission group is mandatory in this case.

— Firms that need to obtain permission for newly recruited personnel to carry out work with electrical equipment.

— Companies and individual entrepreneurs who need to comply with labor safety regulations.

— Those people who need to confirm their professional suitability and competence to move to another company or be promoted.

How to obtain an electrical safety permit?

When hiring a new employee to a company, it is necessary to organize training in electrical safety. To do this, an organization can create an internal electrical safety commission consisting of at least three people who have certain electrical safety clearance groups. But it is desirable that the enterprise’s electrical safety commission consist of five people. The remaining two members of the commission will be needed to replace the main ones in case of their vacations, illnesses, etc. Members of the enterprise's internal electrical safety commission are appointed by written order by the head of the enterprise.

The internal commission of the enterprise for conducting training on electrical safety up to 1000 volts must include a specialist with at least group 4 in electrical safety (chairman of the commission). The remaining members of this commission may be with the 3rd group of admission.

The internal commission of the enterprise for conducting training on electrical safety above 1000 volts must include a specialist with group 5 electrical safety clearance (chairman of the commission). The remaining members of this commission may be with the 4th group of admission from the island.

After the internal commission of the enterprise has carried out training and certification of its employees, specialists who have successfully passed the test of knowledge on electrical safety are entered into the electrical safety journal and a corresponding entry is made in it about the assignment of an access group to the specialist. This entry in the journal is sealed with the signatures of all members of the verification commission.

Also, if necessary, an organization (consumer) can contact Training Centers to conduct electrical safety training for its employees.

The only exception is obtaining a group 1 electrical safety permit. A simple safety instruction is sufficient for this purpose. When it is carried out, dangerous places in the enterprise are indicated, and warning means are located in case of emergency situations. This training will be carried out by a safety engineer or designee. After the briefing, a corresponding entry is made in the organization’s electrical safety journal about assigning the first electrical safety group to the employee.

A second group electrical safety permit can be assigned to workers who do not have special education. For this purpose, 72-hour electrical safety training courses are conducted, which explain the basics of electrical engineering and safety rules when carrying out work. If the employee has an electrical engineering education, then the second group is assigned automatically.

To obtain an electrical safety permit of the third group, you must work in the second group for at least 2-6 months (depending on the specialist’s education).

An electrical safety permit for the fourth group can be assigned only if the employee has worked in group 3 for at least 3-6 months (depending on the specialist’s education).

An electrical safety permit for the fifth group can be assigned only if the employee has worked in group 4 for at least 3-24 months (depending on the specialist’s education).

Obtaining an electrical safety permit in Russia

We organize training (pre-certification training) for electrical safety approval groups 1,2,3,4,5. Electrical safety training in Russia is provided in full-time and distance learning formats. After training and knowledge testing, the specialist receives an electrical safety certificate of the established type.

Your benefits when contacting us:

1. After completing pre-certification training in electrical safety in Russia, you receive a certificate of the established form.

2. We offer training in electrical safety in Russia.

3. In order to undergo electrical safety training in Russia, a minimum package of documents is required.

4. Full consulting support: from application to receipt of certificates.

5. Affordable prices.

To undergo electrical safety training in Russia, you need to fill out an application and send it to our email.

For detailed information, please contact CONSULT-DOPUSK LLC by phone: 8 (800) 700-73-31 (free call within the Russian Federation) or by email:

Fifth group

Qualified specialists need to know how to obtain group 5 electrical safety clearance, since this is the maximum degree of responsibility, which requires the ability to perform work on the most complex electrical installations. Also, such specialists are allowed to manage such work, even to the point of performing the duties of someone responsible for energy management at the enterprise.

There is only one place where it seems possible to obtain an electrical safety permit in this case. This is a commission organized by Rostechnadzor. If he has a certificate that contains permission to work with equipment over 1000 volts, such an employee has the right to issue orders or orders when performing the most complex tasks on any equipment.

A holder of a higher electrical engineering education can obtain the fifth category of admission after 3 months of work in the fourth group. For a vocational school graduate - only in two years.

Such an employee knows how to understand the layout and diagrams of electrical equipment, knows safety standards, the timing of equipment testing, and the rules for using effective protective equipment.

The specialist also needs to be familiar with the regulatory documents on electrical fire safety and be able to explain these standards when giving instructions. It is important to be able to manage when carrying out work of any complexity on electrical installations.


The composition of the commission depends on which admission group the employee is applying for. To issue the appropriate permit to electrical and electrical engineering personnel, a commission of five people will be required, headed by the person responsible for electrical engineering.

It should include a labor safety engineer who monitors the operation of electrical installations, and necessarily the chief engineer of your company or plant. The commission members themselves are first certified by the local Rostekhnadzor office. An inspector representing this organization may also participate in the commission. The chairman of the commission must have a fifth tolerance group if the enterprise uses installations with a power of over 1000 volts. If there is no such equipment, it is enough for the chairman of the commission to have a fourth clearance group.

Who should have a certificate

The latest changes in the legislation regulating the admission of consumers to work with electrical installations came into force in 2018. The legislator expanded the list of specialists who must undergo periodic training in electrical safety and confirm their qualifications in an exam with a special commission.

It is mandatory to pass a knowledge test to obtain an electronic security permit:

  1. Workers in the categories of electrical, electrical technology, non-electrical (second group only) personnel.
  2. Safety engineers who monitor the operation of electrical installations.
  3. State inspectors supervising compliance with the rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment.

The next certification can be carried out by a special commission (SDC), created within the enterprise, or in state energy supervision authorities. The second method is mandatory for members of the Labor Code, occupational safety specialists responsible for electrical equipment. The RTN exams are taken by employees of enterprises whose numbers do not allow them to create their own commission.

Certification result

Based on the results of the examination, the commission draws up a protocol, which all its members must sign. It contains a record of the assessment of the certified person’s knowledge and the assignment of one or another access group to him.

The same information is entered into the table contained in the certificate of the employee who has undergone certification. Only the chairman signs it.

The level of knowledge of personnel working directly at electrical installations is checked annually. The same requirements apply to technical and administrative personnel authorized to work on electrical installations. All other personnel, including occupational safety engineers, are examined every three years.

What are the requirements for specialists?

Russian legislation establishes a clear list of requirements for specialists applying for assignment of an access group; a wide range of requirements is put forward:

  • age – from 18 years;
  • presence of specialized secondary or higher education in a technical direction for groups IV and V of admission;
  • work experience of 1 month for clearance group III and at least 3 months for clearance groups IV and V.

Table 3. Requirements for the knowledge of specialists when assigning a tolerance group

Access group Knowledge requirements
  • technical knowledge of the electrical installation and its operating principles;
  • understanding the risks and hazards of working with electricity;
  • knowledge of safety precautions for working on electrical installations;
  • skills to assist with electric shock.
  • understanding of the operating principle of an electrical installation and the features of its maintenance;
  • understanding the risks and hazards of working with electricity;
  • knowledge of safety precautions for working on electrical installations;
  • skills in supervising workers in electrical installations;
  • first aid skills after an electric shock.
  • detailed knowledge of the principles of operation of electrical installations;
  • knowledge of inter-industry rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical equipment;
  • understanding of technical measures to ensure work safety;
  • skills in instructing personnel on safe work performance and supervising team members;
  • first aid skills;
  • ability to train personnel in safety regulations.

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In the certificate confirming the admission group, in addition to the information itself and the certification passed, the following information must be present on the title page:

  • specialist data;
  • place of work and position;
  • category in terms of electrical safety.

The title page must be certified by the seal of the organization in which the specialist works and the signature of the manager responsible for the energy sector. The certificate, which is issued to the person responsible for the energy sector, is signed by the head of the enterprise.

The last page contains a table that is a certificate of the right to carry out special work. Here records are made about the employee’s right to carry out certain work. For example, for measuring or testing electrical equipment. This is relevant for specialists in electrical engineering laboratories. Information confirming qualifications to perform work at height may also be provided.

Based on this document, it is concluded what level of qualifications the employee has and what salary he can qualify for.

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