Work permit for work in electrical installations in 2022

Due to the high degree of danger, working with electrical installations requires special qualifications. Since any electrical installations are objects of increased risk to health and life, everything related to working with them is clearly regulated and established in special rules, regulations and acts. Specialists who carry out work at such facilities are issued a special document called a work permit for work in electrical installations .

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Why do you need a work permit to work in electrical installations?

The main function of the document is to accurately record what kind of work certain employees are allowed to do. Here it is written:

  • safety measures that employees must apply when performing their work duties (switching off voltage and power supply, de-energizing, grounding, etc.),
  • targeted safety briefings conducted with them and other conditions,
  • persons responsible for safety.

If the electrical installation is part of a complex electrical circuit (for example, a power line), then this is also indicated in the permit.

The absence of a work permit to work with electrical equipment is a gross violation of safety regulations.

Closing a work order, orders

2.11.1. After complete completion of the work, the work foreman (supervisor) must remove the team from the workplace, remove the temporary fences, portable safety posters, flags and grounding installed by the team, close the doors of the electrical installation with a lock and document the complete completion of the work with his signature. After checking the work sites, the responsible work manager must formalize the complete completion of the work in the work order.

2.11.2. The work performer (supervisor) must inform the operational personnel on duty or the employee who issued the work order about the complete completion of the work and his compliance with the requirements of clause 2.11.1 of these Rules.

2.11.3. After the work has been completed, the work supervisor (supervisor) must hand it over to the permitter, and if he is absent, leave it in a designated place, for example, in the folder of existing work orders. If handing over the work order after complete completion of the work is difficult, then with the permission of the permitter or an employee from among the operational personnel, the work performer (supervisor) can keep the work order. In this case, as well as when the work performer combines the duties of the permitter, he must, no later than the next day, hand over the work order to the operational personnel or the employee who issued the work order, and in remote areas - to the administrative and technical staff of the site.

2.11.4. After receiving the work order documenting the complete completion of the work, the permitter must inspect the workplaces and inform the employee from among the higher operational personnel about the complete completion of the work and the possibility of turning on the electrical installation.

2.11.5. The completion of work according to an order or order after inspecting the place of work must be recorded in the appropriate column of the Journal of work according to orders and orders (Appendix No. 5 to these Rules) and the operational journal.

Switching on electrical installations after complete completion of work

2.12.1. An employee from among the operational personnel who has received permission (order) to turn on an electrical installation after the work has been completed must, before turning it on, make sure that the electrical installation is ready to turn on (check the cleanliness of the workplace, the absence of tools, etc.), remove temporary fences, portable safety posters and grounding installed during preparation of the workplace by operational personnel, restore permanent fences.

2.12.2. An authorized member of the operational and repair personnel may be given the right, after completing work on an electrical installation, to turn it on without obtaining additional permission or orders.

Granting the right to such inclusion must be recorded in the “Separate instructions” line of the work order.

The right to such inclusion can be given only if other teams are not allowed to work on the electrical installation or its section.

2.12.3. In emergency cases, operating personnel or permitting personnel may start work on electrical equipment or electrical installations put out for repairs in the absence of the team until the work is completely completed, provided that before the work foreman arrives and the work order is returned to them, workers are stationed at the workplace and are required to notify the work foreman and all members of the team that the electrical installation is turned on and resumption of work is not allowed.

Appendix No. 4



Front side of the outfit (page 1)




For work in electrical installations

Responsible work manager______________________________ allowing__________________________

(last name, initials) (last name, initials)

To the work foreman _____________________________ observing _____________________________

(last name, initials) (last name, initials)

with team members ____________________________________________________________

(surname, initials)


(surname, initials)


Start work: date______________________ time__________________________

Work to be completed: date__________________________ time __________________________

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)

Workplace preparation measures

Name of electrical installations in which it is necessary to disconnect and install groundingWhat should be disconnected and where should it be grounded?

Specific instructions ____________________________________________________________

The outfit was issued by: date___________________________ time

Signature________________________________ Last name, initials

The work was extended by: date _______________________ time

Signature________________________________ Last name, initials

Date Time

Registration of targeted briefing conducted by the issuer

Conducted targeted briefingReceived targeted instruction
The employee who issued the order________________ (last name, initials) ________________ (signature)Responsible work manager (work manager, supervisor)___________________ (last name, initials) ___________________ (signature) ____________________

Permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work

Issued permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work (position, surname or signature)Date TimeSignature of the employee who received permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work

Reverse side of the outfit (page 2)

Workplaces have been prepared. The following remain under voltage:


Allowing __________________________________________________________________


Responsible work manager

(work performer or supervisor) _________________________________________________


Registration of targeted briefing conducted by the admitting person

Upon initial admission

Conducted targeted briefingReceived targeted instruction
Permissive________________ (last name, initials) ________________ (signature)Responsible manager, work foreman (supervisor), team members___________________ (last name, initials) ___________________ (signature) ____________________

Daily access to work and completion time

The team received targeted instructions and was allowed to enter the prepared workplaceThe work is finished, the team has left
Name of workplaceDate TimeSignatures (signature) (surname, initials)Date TimeSignature of the work producer (supervisor)
Allowingwork producer (supervisor)(signature) (surname, initials)

Registration of targeted briefing conducted by the responsible manager (work manager, supervisor)

Conducted targeted briefingReceived targeted instruction
Responsible manager (work performer, supervisor)________________ (last name, initials) ________________ (signature)Brigade members___________________ (last name, initials) ___________________ (signature) ____________________

Changes in brigade composition

Inducted into the brigade (surname, initials, group)Removed from the brigade (surname, initials, group)Date, time (date) (time)Approved (signature) (last name, initials)

The work is completely finished, the team has been removed, the groundings installed by the team have been removed, it has been reported to (to)__________________________________________________________________________

(position) (last name, initials)

Date Time __________________________________

(date Time)

Work foreman (supervisor)_____________________________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Responsible work manager ________________________________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)


for filling out the permit* for work in electrical installations


* Next is the outfit.

1. Entries in the work order must be legible.
Filling out work orders with a pencil and correcting the text is not allowed (a computer can be used to fill out work orders, but a blank work order form must be filled out for each new job).
2. The numbering system for work orders is established by the management of the organization.

3. When specifying dates, write the day, month and last two digits indicating the year, for example: 09.29.00, 12.19.01, 01.30.02.

4. In addition to the surnames of the workers indicated in the work order, their initials and electrical safety group are recorded.

5. The work order specifies the dispatcher names (designations) of electrical installations, connections, and equipment.

6. If there are not enough lines in the tables of the main form of the order, it is allowed to attach to it an additional form under the same number indicating the surname and initials of the person issuing the order to continue the entries. In this case, in the last lines of the corresponding table of the main form, you should write: “See. additional form." The additional form must be signed by the employee who issued the order.

Front side of the outfit

7. The line “Division” indicates the structural unit (workshop, service, district, site) of the organization in whose electrical installations work is to be done.

8. In cases where a responsible work manager is not assigned, “Not assigned” is indicated in the “Responsible work manager” line.

9. In the line “permitting” the surname of the permitting person, appointed from among the operational personnel, or the producer (responsible manager) of the work from among the maintenance personnel, who combines the duties of the permitting person, is indicated. When performing work in electrical installations, where the permitter is an employee from among the operational personnel on duty, the line is written “operational personnel” without indicating the last name.

10. The line “with team members” lists the team members performing work in the electrical installation. When performing work using vehicles, mechanisms and self-propelled cranes, it is indicated which member of the team is the driver, crane operator, slinger, as well as the type of mechanism or self-propelled crane on which he works.

11. In the lines “entrusted”:

for electrical installations of switchgear and cable lines, the name of the electrical installation and its connections in which to work, the content of the work are indicated;

for overhead lines, indicate the name of the line and the boundary of the area where work is to be done (the number of supports on which or between which, including them, the work will be carried out, individual spans), as well as the content of the work. For a multi-circuit overhead line, the name of the circuit is also indicated, and in case of phase-by-phase repairs, the location of the phase on the support is also indicated.

12. In the lines “Start work” and “Finish work” the date and time of the beginning and end of work for this work order are indicated.

13. When working in electrical installations of switchgear and cable lines, the table “Measures for preparing workplaces” indicates:

in column 1 - the name of electrical installations in which it is necessary to carry out operations with switching devices and install grounding;

in column 2 - names (designations) of switching devices, connections, equipment with which operations are carried out, and places where grounding should be installed.

Disconnections in secondary circuits, in relay protection devices, electroautomatics, telemechanics, and communications are not required to be indicated in this table.

14. When working on overhead lines, the table “Measures for preparing workplaces” indicates:

in column 1 - the names of lines, circuits, wires written in the “assigned” line of the work order, as well as the names of other overhead lines or circuits that are subject to disconnection and grounding in connection with the performance of work on the overhead line or circuit being repaired (for example, overhead lines intersecting with the line being repaired or passing near it, other circuits of a multi-circuit overhead line, etc.);

in column 2 for overhead lines that are disconnected and grounded by an admitting member of the operating personnel - the name of the switching devices in the switchgear and on the overhead line itself with which operations are carried out, and the numbers of the supports on which grounding must be installed.

The same column must indicate the numbers of supports or spans where the workman must install grounding connections to wires and cables at the workplace in accordance with paragraphs. 3.6.2, 3.6.6, 3.6.8, 3.6.10, 3.6.12 of these Rules.

If the installation locations of the grounding cannot be determined when issuing the work order or the work will be carried out with the rearrangement of the grounding, the column indicates “Ground at workplaces.”

Column 2 should also indicate the places where the workman must install grounding connections on the overhead lines that intersect with the one being repaired or passing near it. If these overhead lines are operated by another organization (service), the work order line “Separate instructions” must indicate the need to check the groundings installed by the personnel of this organization (service).

15. The table “Measures for preparing workplaces” should include those operations with switching devices that are needed to prepare the workplace itself. Switchings performed during the preparation of the workplace associated with changes in circuits (for example, transferring connections from one bus system to another, transferring the power supply of a network section from one power source to another, etc.) are not recorded in the table.

16. In cases where the person admitting from among the operational personnel, when issuing a work order, is entrusted with access to already prepared workplaces, in column 2 of the table the issuing work order enters a list of disconnections and groundings necessary for the preparation of workplaces.

For work that does not require preparation of the workplace, the entry “Not required” is made in the columns of the table.

17. In the line “Separate instructions” the following is indicated:

additional measures to ensure the safety of workers (installation of fences, checking the air in the room for the absence of hydrogen, fire safety measures, etc.) -

stages of work and individual operations that must be performed under the continuous control of the responsible work manager (clause 2.1.5 of these Rules);

in case of registration of a work order for an observer, the surname and initials of the responsible employee leading the team (clause 2.1.8 of these Rules);

permission to the responsible manager and work manager to transfer workers to another workplace (clause 2.9.1 of these Rules);

permission to the responsible manufacturer (supervisor) to carry out re-admission (clause 2.10.3 of these Rules);

permission to turn on the electrical installation or its part (individual switching devices) without permission or order from the operating personnel (clause 2.12.2 of these Rules);

permission to temporarily remove groundings (clause 3.5.5 of these Rules);

permission for the work contractor to operate switching devices (clause 9.2 of these Rules);

responsible employees for the safe performance of work with cranes (lifts) (clause 11.4 of these Rules);

an indication that the line being repaired is located in the zone of induced voltage from another overhead line (clause 4.15.43 of these Rules);

additional requirements for safety measures when working in the zone of influence of electric and magnetic fields (clause 4.1.18 of these Rules);

an indication of the need to check the grounding of overhead lines of other organizations (clause 14 of this appendix).

The issuer of the order is allowed to make, at his discretion, other entries related to the work performed in these lines.

18. In the lines “Issued the order” and “Extended the order,” the issuing order indicates the date and time of its signing.

Employees issuing and renewing work orders must indicate their last name in addition to their signature.

19. The table “Permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work” is filled in when obtaining permission to prepare a workplace and initial permission.

In column 1, workers preparing workplaces and permitting indicate the positions and names of workers who issued permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work. When handing over permits in person, column 1 is signed by the employees issuing the permit, indicating their position.

Column 2 indicates the date and time the permit was issued.

Column 3 indicates the employees who have received permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work. When preparing workplaces by several employees or employees of different workshops, column 3 is signed by everyone who prepared the workplaces.

If permission to prepare a workplace and for admission are not requested at the same time, then in the table “Permission to prepare workplaces and for permission to perform work” two lines are filled in: one for permission to prepare a workplace, the other for permission to admit.

Reverse side of the outfit

20. When working in switchgear and on cable lines, in the lines “Workplaces are prepared.
Remained under voltage”, allowing indicates the names of the remaining live parts of the repaired and adjacent connections (or equipment of adjacent connections) closest to the workplace. (the text in brackets allows not to indicate the live parts of the connection being repaired that remain energized - this is incorrect, and most likely, this addition was made to the Rule erroneously)
When working on an overhead line, the names of the live parts indicated by the issuing order in the lines “Separate instructions” are written in these lines ", and, if necessary, the names of other live parts.

The permitting and responsible work manager (the work manager observing, if a responsible manager has not been appointed) sign under the lines “Workplaces are prepared. “Remained under voltage” only upon initial approval to perform work.

21. In the table “Daily admission to work and time of completion”, daily admission to work and its completion, including admission upon transfer to another workplace, are recorded.

If the work foreman combines the duties of the permitter, and also if the work foreman is allowed to re-admit the team to perform work, he signs in columns 3 and 4.

When the responsible work manager is allowed to re-admit the team to work, he signs in column 3.

The completion of work associated with the end of the working day is recorded by the work manager (supervisor) in columns 5 and 6.

22. In the table “Changes in the composition of the brigade”, when a car driver or machinery operator or crane operator is added to or removed from the brigade, the type of car, mechanism or self-propelled crane assigned to him is also indicated. Column 4 is signed by the employee who issued permission to change the composition of the team. When transmitting permission by telephone or radio, the work manager indicates in column 4 the last name of this employee.

23. After complete completion of the work, the work foreman (supervisor) and the responsible work manager sign in the corresponding lines of the work order, indicating the date and time of complete completion of the work. If a responsible work manager has not been appointed, then the signature in the line “Responsible work manager” is not placed.

If, during the execution of the complete completion of work in the work order, there are no operational personnel or a permitter from among the operating personnel, or the work manager combines the duties of a permitter, the work performer or supervisor formalizes the complete completion of the work only in his copy of the work order, indicating the position and surname of the employee to whom he informed about the complete completion of the work. completion of work, as well as the date and time of the message.

If, during the execution of the complete completion of the work, operational personnel or an admitting member of the operational personnel are present, the work performer or supervisor formalizes the complete completion of the work in both copies of the work order.

If the team did not install groundings, then the words “groundings installed by the team have been removed” are crossed out from the text of the message.

24. Before the clearance of the team to work on the work order, targeted briefings must be carried out by the issuer of the work order and the permitter, and before the start of work - by the responsible manager (work manager, supervisor) with their registration in the appropriate tables for registering the targeted briefing in the work permit form. Conducting targeted briefings should cover all workers involved in the work - from the person who issued the work order to the team members.

The signatures of employees in the registration tables for targeted briefings are confirmation of the conduct and receipt of the briefing.

Basic rules for issuing a work permit

The act does not have a strictly established template; it can be written in free form or according to a specially designed template. The main thing is that the document must include:

  • all information about employees who have access to work in electrical installations,
  • work manager,
  • responsible persons.

Everything that relates directly to job responsibilities must also be spelled out very carefully: what kind of work must be carried out, what safety measures have been taken, what instructions have been completed by employees.

The work permit is drawn up in several copies - one for each of the interested parties. All entries in the document must be legible and clear; you cannot fill it out in pencil or correct the information entered.


Work on electrical installations is subject to mandatory registration. The accounting form is given in the rules in Appendix No. 8. The content of the journal itself in the new edition has not changed. The same applies to accounting in electronic form or automated specialized systems. The new rules allow for the possibility of electronic signature in the journal, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Any other form of record keeping remains in force, provided it is approved by the head of the enterprise and the content of the information remains unchanged.

How to create a work order for piece work

Since 2013, the mandatory use of unified forms of primary accounting and personnel documents has been abolished, therefore enterprises and organizations have every right to draw up these papers in any form, use templates approved in their internal accounting policies or take standard samples as a basis. This rule also applies to piecework work orders.

The example discussed below proposes a unified document form that remains in demand and widespread to this day. This is due to the fact that it has all the necessary columns and columns; there is no need to rack your brains over the structure and content of the outfit.

At the beginning of the document it is written:

  • his number;
  • name of company;
  • OKUD number;
  • date of filling out the form;
  • the department in which it is formed;
  • last name, first name and patronymic name of the foreman and responsible employee.

Below is a table indicating:

  • serial number of works, their description;
  • discharge;
  • unit of measurement used in accounting (pieces, kilograms, meters, etc.);
  • assignment for the production rate (including quantity and time);
  • how much work is done and how much is accepted;
  • how many hours and days worked;
  • if available, information about the additional payment.

After filling out the table, the employee of the enterprise who issued the work and the contractor himself put their signatures.

Below is the assessment of the quality of work, i.e. information about their compliance with established norms and standards, last names, first names and patronymics of the one who accepted and the one who passed the work, the amount of production.

On the back of the form there is a table that records the following information:

  • number of hours and days worked per month;
  • Full name of the employee, his rank;
  • distribution coefficient;
  • profession, category, personnel number.

After this, the total amount of money earned is summed up.

Communication devices

Preparation of workplaces for carrying out work in communication devices located on the territory of the reactor plant is carried out by operational personnel from among those servicing this device.

Technological and dispatch management specialists have the right to issue a permit, which does not negate the possibility of authorizing repairs, inspections and preventive maintenance by those performing control over the switchgear.

The exception is work on high-frequency suppressors and coupling capacitors. In these cases, only the personnel servicing the plant has the right to issue a permit.

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