Organizational measures to ensure safe work in electrical installations

Assignment of an electrical safety group is a necessary condition for obtaining permission to service and operate existing electrical installations. This requirement also applies to non-electrical personnel working in electrical installations.

Electrical technical personnel in the organization are divided into the following categories:

  • administrative and technical;
  • operational;
  • repair;
  • operational and repair;
  • electrotechnological.

In accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations, five qualification groups for electrical safety have been established for personnel servicing electrical installations (working on them).

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I group on electrical safety

Qualification group I for electrical safety is assigned to non-electrical personnel performing work that may pose a risk of electric shock. The list of positions and professions requiring assignment to personnel of electrical safety group I is determined by the head of the Consumer.

Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group I with registration in a journal of the established form. No certificate will be issued.

Assignment of group I in electrical safety is carried out through instruction, which, as a rule, should be completed by testing knowledge in the form of an oral survey and (if necessary) testing acquired skills in safe ways of working or providing first aid in case of electric shock.

The assignment of electrical safety group I is carried out by an employee from among the electrical technical personnel of a given Consumer with an electrical safety group of at least III.

Assignment of electrical safety group I is carried out at least once a year.

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Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work in electrical installations

Persons with professional training appropriate to the nature of the work are allowed to work in electrical installations. In the absence of professional training, such workers must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers (training centers, educational centers, etc.). Professional training of personnel, advanced training, testing of knowledge and briefings are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state and industry regulations on the organization of labor protection and safe work of personnel. An employee’s health status is checked before being hired, as well as periodically, in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

— registration of work with a work order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;

— permission to work;

— supervision during work;

— registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work.

Specific lists of work that must be performed according to work order or order are established in accordance with the Interindustry Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) for the Operation of Electrical Installations.

Registration of work.

Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order), according to the order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Responsible for the safe conduct of work are:

— issuing order, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation;

— responsible work manager;

- allowing;

- work producer;

- observer;

- members of the brigade.

The issuing order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of performing the work safely. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of those responsible for safety, as well as for compliance with the work performed by the groups of workers listed in the work order, conducting targeted briefing of the responsible work manager (work manager, supervisor ). The right to issue orders and instructions is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 and group IV - in electrical installations with voltage U < 1000.

A responsible work manager is appointed, as a rule, when working in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 V. In electrical installations with voltage U

The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order or order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the team members. Permitters must be appointed from among the operating personnel; in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 V, the admitter must have group IV, and in electrical installations U.

The work producer answers:

— for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions of the work order, additional safety measures required by the conditions of the work;

— for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members;

— for the availability, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, equipment and devices;

— for the safety of fences, posters, grounding, and locking devices in the workplace;

- for the safe performance of work and compliance with these Rules by himself and the members of the team;

- for constant monitoring of team members.

The manufacturer of work performed alongside in electrical installations with voltages above U > 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltage U.

A supervisor should be appointed to supervise teams that do not have the right to work independently in electrical installations. The supervisor is responsible: for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions provided in the work order; for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members; for the presence and safety of grounding systems, fences, posters and safety signs installed at the workplace, and drive locking devices; for the safety of team members in relation to electric shock from the electrical installation. An employee with group III can be appointed as an observer.

Responsible for safety related to work technology is the employee leading the team, who is part of it and must be constantly at the workplace. His last name is indicated in the “Separate instructions” line of the order. Each team member must comply with the requirements of these Rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work, as well as the requirements of labor protection instructions of the relevant organizations.

Permission to work.

Preparation of the workplace and admission of the team to work can only be carried out after receiving permission from the operating personnel in whose management or jurisdiction the equipment is located, or an employee authorized to do so. The permit can be transferred to the personnel preparing the workplace and allowing the team to work in person, by telephone, radio, by messenger or through the operational personnel of the intermediate substation. It is not permitted to issue such permits before the crew arrives at the work site.

Before being allowed to work, the permitting, responsible manager and the work performer (supervisor) must make sure that technical measures for preparing the workplace are being carried out through personal inspection, according to entries in the operational log, according to the operational scheme and according to reports from the operational, operational and repair personnel of the organizations involved. . Admission to work according to orders and instructions must be carried out directly at the workplace, after checking the preparation of the workplace and showing technical electrical safety equipment to team members.

The start of work according to an order or order must be preceded by targeted instruction, providing instructions for the safe performance of specific work in a sequential chain from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to the team member (performer), i.e. in the order of subordination. Without targeted instruction, permission to work is not permitted.

Supervision during work.

After admission to work, supervision of the team’s compliance with safety requirements is assigned to the work manager (responsible manager, supervisor), who must organize his work in such a way as to monitor all members of the team, being, if possible, in the area of ​​the workplace where the most dangerous work is performed . The observer is prohibited from combining supervision with the performance of any work.

Work under voltage in AC sections from insulating towers of railcars, railcars and wagons can only be carried out under the supervision of a work supervisor.

Registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work.

When taking a break from work during the working day (for lunch, according to working conditions), the team must be removed from the workplace. The work order remains with the work producer (supervisor). Team members do not have the right to return to the workplace after a break without a work supervisor (supervisor). Admission after such a break is carried out by the work foreman (supervisor) without registration in the work order. When there is a break in work due to the end of the working day, the work performer (supervisor) must hand over the work order to the permitter; when working in electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, he is allowed to keep the work order. Repeated admission to the prepared workplace in subsequent days is carried out by the person admitting him or with his permission by the responsible work manager.

After complete completion of the work, the work foreman (supervisor) must remove the team from the workplace, remove the temporary fences, portable safety posters, flags and grounding installed by the team, close the doors of the electrical installation with a lock and document the complete completion of the work with his signature. The responsible work manager, after checking the completion of the work, must formalize its complete completion in the work order. The work performer (observer) informs the operational personnel on duty or the employee who issued the work order about the complete completion of the work and hands over the work order to the permitting officer, who, in turn, inspects the work performed and informs the employee from among the higher operational personnel about the complete completion of the work and about the possibility of turning on the electrical installation.

Persons with professional training appropriate to the nature of the work are allowed to work in electrical installations. In the absence of professional training, such workers must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized personnel training centers (training centers, educational centers, etc.). Professional training of personnel, advanced training, testing of knowledge and briefings are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state and industry regulations on the organization of labor protection and safe work of personnel. An employee’s health status is checked before being hired, as well as periodically, in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

— registration of work with a work order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;

— permission to work;

— supervision during work;

— registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work.

Specific lists of work that must be performed according to work order or order are established in accordance with the Interindustry Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) for the Operation of Electrical Installations.

Registration of work.

Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out in accordance with the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order), according to the order, according to the list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Responsible for the safe conduct of work are:

— issuing order, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation;

— responsible work manager;

- allowing;

- work producer;

- observer;

- members of the brigade.

The issuing order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of performing the work safely. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of those responsible for safety, as well as for compliance with the work performed by the groups of workers listed in the work order, conducting targeted briefing of the responsible work manager (work manager, supervisor ). The right to issue orders and instructions is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 and group IV - in electrical installations with voltage U < 1000.

A responsible work manager is appointed, as a rule, when working in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 V. In electrical installations with voltage U

The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order or order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the team members. Permitters must be appointed from among the operating personnel; in electrical installations with voltage U > 1000 V, the admitter must have group IV, and in electrical installations U.

The work producer answers:

— for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions of the work order, additional safety measures required by the conditions of the work;

— for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members;

— for the availability, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, equipment and devices;

— for the safety of fences, posters, grounding, and locking devices in the workplace;

- for the safe performance of work and compliance with these Rules by himself and the members of the team;

- for constant monitoring of team members.

The manufacturer of work performed alongside in electrical installations with voltages above U > 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltage U.

A supervisor should be appointed to supervise teams that do not have the right to work independently in electrical installations. The supervisor is responsible: for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions provided in the work order; for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members; for the presence and safety of grounding systems, fences, posters and safety signs installed at the workplace, and drive locking devices; for the safety of team members in relation to electric shock from the electrical installation. An employee with group III can be appointed as an observer.

Responsible for safety related to work technology is the employee leading the team, who is part of it and must be constantly at the workplace. His last name is indicated in the “Separate instructions” line of the order. Each team member must comply with the requirements of these Rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work, as well as the requirements of labor protection instructions of the relevant organizations.

Permission to work.

Preparation of the workplace and admission of the team to work can only be carried out after receiving permission from the operating personnel in whose management or jurisdiction the equipment is located, or an employee authorized to do so. The permit can be transferred to the personnel preparing the workplace and allowing the team to work in person, by telephone, radio, by messenger or through the operational personnel of the intermediate substation. It is not permitted to issue such permits before the crew arrives at the work site.

Before being allowed to work, the permitting, responsible manager and the work performer (supervisor) must make sure that technical measures for preparing the workplace are being carried out through personal inspection, according to entries in the operational log, according to the operational scheme and according to reports from the operational, operational and repair personnel of the organizations involved. . Admission to work according to orders and instructions must be carried out directly at the workplace, after checking the preparation of the workplace and showing technical electrical safety equipment to team members.

The start of work according to an order or order must be preceded by targeted instruction, providing instructions for the safe performance of specific work in a sequential chain from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to the team member (performer), i.e. in the order of subordination. Without targeted instruction, permission to work is not permitted.

Supervision during work.

After admission to work, supervision of the team’s compliance with safety requirements is assigned to the work manager (responsible manager, supervisor), who must organize his work in such a way as to monitor all members of the team, being, if possible, in the area of ​​the workplace where the most dangerous work is performed . The observer is prohibited from combining supervision with the performance of any work.

Work under voltage in AC sections from insulating towers of railcars, railcars and wagons can only be carried out under the supervision of a work supervisor.

Registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work.

When taking a break from work during the working day (for lunch, according to working conditions), the team must be removed from the workplace. The work order remains with the work producer (supervisor). Team members do not have the right to return to the workplace after a break without a work supervisor (supervisor). Admission after such a break is carried out by the work foreman (supervisor) without registration in the work order. When there is a break in work due to the end of the working day, the work performer (supervisor) must hand over the work order to the permitter; when working in electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, he is allowed to keep the work order. Repeated admission to the prepared workplace in subsequent days is carried out by the person admitting him or with his permission by the responsible work manager.

After complete completion of the work, the work foreman (supervisor) must remove the team from the workplace, remove the temporary fences, portable safety posters, flags and grounding installed by the team, close the doors of the electrical installation with a lock and document the complete completion of the work with his signature. The responsible work manager, after checking the completion of the work, must formalize its complete completion in the work order. The work performer (observer) informs the operational personnel on duty or the employee who issued the work order about the complete completion of the work and hands over the work order to the permitting officer, who, in turn, inspects the work performed and informs the employee from among the higher operational personnel about the complete completion of the work and about the possibility of turning on the electrical installation.

II group on electrical safety

The II qualification group for electrical safety is assigned by the qualification commission to electrical technical personnel servicing installations and equipment with an electric drive - electric welders (without the right to connect), thermal operators of HDTV installations, operators of lifting machines, mobile machines and mechanisms with an electric drive, working with manual electric machines and other portable electrical receivers etc.

Also, admission group II (up to 1000 V) is assigned to young electricians, electricians, and employees who have overdue the renewal of the admission group by more than 6 months.

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IV group on electrical safety

IV qualification group for electrical safety is assigned only to electrical personnel. Persons with a qualification group of at least IV have the right to service electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V.

IV qualification group for electrical safety (up to 1000 V) is required for persons (engineering engineers) to be appointed as the person responsible for electrical equipment in an organization. Also assigned to operational personnel for on-the-job training of the younger generation.

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Preparation of the workplace

Before starting work, you need to tidy up your workplace. What does it mean? It is necessary to carry out some technical measures, without which it is impossible to start work. These include:

  1. Carrying out the necessary shutdowns and taking other measures that will prevent the supply of voltage to the place of work if the switching devices suddenly turn on on their own or are mistakenly activated.
  2. On the keys of the remote control device or the drives of the manual switching device, posters must be hung that prohibit turning on the device.
  3. The absence of voltage on live parts grounded to protect people from current was checked.
  4. Grounding. In this case, grounding blades must be turned on or portable grounding connections must be installed.
  5. Hanging posters stating that the structure is grounded. If necessary, workplaces and those live parts from which the voltage has not been removed must be fenced. In all cases, warning posters must be posted.

If all these activities are completed, then the preparation of the work site is considered complete. Next, personnel protection equipment is checked.

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