Rostechnadzor explains: Work in electrical installations, repair personnel, contractor personnel (until 2022)

Who is given the right to issue orders to perform work in electrical installations up to 1000 V

. The right to issue orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of employees who have the right to issue orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders by employees from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization.

6. Reasons for conducting unscheduled safety training.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

— upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;

— when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

— in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;

—at the request of supervisory authorities;

— during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days. 6.4.2. Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers

one profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated its implementation.

6.4.3. An unscheduled briefing is noted in the workplace briefing log, indicating the reasons for it.

Ticket number 13.

1). Who has the right to issue orders and orders?

the right to issue orders and instructions is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of employees who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by employees from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization


. The right to issue orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of employees who have the right to issue orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders by employees from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization.

6. Reasons for conducting unscheduled safety training.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

— upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;

— when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

— in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;

—at the request of supervisory authorities;

— during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days. 6.4.2. Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers

one profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated its implementation.

6.4.3. An unscheduled briefing is noted in the workplace briefing log, indicating the reasons for it.

Ticket number 13.

1). Who has the right to issue orders and orders?

the right to issue orders and instructions is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of employees who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by employees from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization


2.8. Supervision during work, changes in team composition

2.8. Supervision during work, changes in team composition

2.8.1. After admission to work, supervision of the team’s compliance with safety requirements is assigned to the work manager (responsible manager, supervisor), who must organize his work in such a way as to monitor all

members of the team, being, if possible, in the area of ​​the workplace where the most dangerous work is performed.

The observer is not allowed to combine supervision with the performance of any work.

2.8.2. If it is necessary to temporarily leave the workplace, the work foreman (supervisor), if he cannot be replaced by a responsible work manager, a permitter or an employee who has the right to issue work orders, is obliged to remove the team from the place of work (by removing it from the control room and closing the entrance doors with a lock, with removing people from the overhead line support, etc.).

In cases of substitution, the work supervisor (supervisor) must transfer the work order to the employee who replaced him during his absence.

It is not allowed for one worker (supervisor) or members of a team without a worker (supervisor) to remain in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V. The following types of work may be exceptions:

  • adjustment of switches, disconnectors, the drives of which are located in another room;
  • installation, testing of secondary circuits, protection devices, electrical automation, alarms, measurements, communications, etc.;
  • laying power and control cables;
  • testing of electrical equipment with high voltage supply, when it is necessary to monitor the equipment being tested and warn about the danger of unauthorized persons approaching it.

The specified work is carried out on the basis and conditions provided for in paragraphs 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 of these Rules.

2.8.3. It is allowed, with the permission of the work supervisor (supervisor), to temporarily leave the workplace of one or more team members. At the same time, there is no need to remove them from the brigade. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, the number of team members remaining at the workplace must be at least two, including the work supervisor (supervisor).

Team members with group III can independently leave the switchgear and return to the workplace, team members with group II can only be accompanied by a team member with group III, or an employee who has the right to individually inspect electrical installations. It is not allowed to leave the door unlocked after leaving the control room.

Returning team members can begin work only with the permission of the work manager (supervisor).

2.8.4. If violations of these Rules are detected or other circumstances threatening the safety of workers are identified, the team must be removed from the workplace and the work order must be taken away from the work manager (supervisor). Only after the detected violations have been eliminated can the team be allowed to work again with a new work order.

2.8.5. The employee who issued the order or another employee who has the right to issue an order to perform work in an electrical installation is allowed to change the composition of the team. Instructions about changes in the composition of the team can be transmitted by telephone, radio or by hand to the permitting, responsible manager or work supervisor (supervisor), who writes down the surname and initials of the employee who gave the instruction for the change in the work order with his signature.

When changing the composition of the brigade, the requirements of clause 2.5.1 of these Rules must not be violated. The work foreman (supervisor) is obliged to instruct the workers included in the team.

2.8.6. If the responsible manager or work supervisor (supervisor) is replaced, the composition of the team changes by more than half, or the working conditions change, the work order must be reissued.

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