Who is assigned group 2 electrical safety?

Obtaining an electrical safety permit is not a problem today. Our training center offers accelerated courses in various programs. This will make it possible to quickly obtain an electrical safety certificate for groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and permission to work related to the maintenance of electrical installations of various types.

You will also be given a protocol from the certification commission and a logbook for testing your knowledge of working in electrical installations. The training programs were developed by the Department of State Energy Supervision and approved by the Ministry. labor protection and Min. education. The electrical safety approval will be certified by a Rostechnadzor inspector. The certificate is issued in groups 2, 3, 4 up to 1000 V, as well as 3, 4, 5 up to and more than 1000 V.

To begin working with electrical installations and equipment, an employee must undergo a medical examination, take courses, pass an exam, and receive a certificate.

Categories and approval groups for electrical safety

Each group gives a person the right to work with a certain type of electrical equipment. The main divisions exist for personnel category, group and voltage: up to/over 1000 V. Let's figure it out in order.

Varieties by group

  • Group 1 – the signature of a Rostechnadzor representative is not required. It can be completed at the enterprise by listening to instructions from the person responsible for electrical equipment or a person with electrical safety clearance groups 3, 4, 5. Once a year, people who work with office equipment and household electrical appliances undergo it. Formally, even a loader in a warehouse can receive it if he works where there are wires, sockets, switches, or a technician operating a vacuum cleaner. The employer who determines the circle of such employees is obliged to prevent electric shock to people working for him in this way.
  • Access group 2 – required for those who work with electrical equipment under the supervision of a more competent employee. It gives the right to interact with power tools and simple units. Received by novice electricians, electricians, machinists, welders, elevator operators, and management.
  • Group 3 electrical safety approval - makes it possible to work with electrical equipment up to 1000 V, as well as more than 1000 V without the supervision of holders of 4, 5 gr. It is received by those who had 2 grams to work independently.
  • Group 4 - can provide instructions and hold the position of person responsible for electrical equipment if the production process involves electrical units up to or more than 1000 V.
  • Group 5 electrical safety approval - its holders can work with electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V. Representatives of the 4th group receive it. They can participate in any production processes related to electricity: repair, adjustment, commissioning, testing.

To study and take the exam for groups 1, 2, 3, you must have 4 or 5 grades.

Required Skills

  1. Basic technical knowledge in the field of power tools, electrical installations, electricity.
  2. Knowledge of the risks and hazards that arise due to improper handling of electricity.
  3. Knowledge and ability to apply in practice precautionary measures and special devices to eliminate the danger of electric shock to workers and others, fire due to current, and damage to equipment.
  4. Ability to provide first aid to victims before doctors arrive.

Personnel categories

All workers who need an electrical safety permit are divided into 2 main categories: non-electrical and electrical (electrical) personnel. Non-electrical personnel include groups 1 and 2, which work with office equipment, household electrical appliances, simple electrical devices, that is, units that use electricity or power tools and electrical installations under the supervision of more competent persons.

Electrical technical personnel are divided into subcategories:

  • Administrative and technical - people who organize technical processes, their maintenance, and are responsible for installation, repair, and adjustment of electrical installations.
  • Repair - employees who service and repair equipment, carry out repairs and commissioning work.
  • Operational - these workers carry out operational shifts, inspections, supervision, prepare the workplace, and are responsible for access to work.
  • Operations and repair - specialists trained in servicing the equipment assigned to them. They, like all other categories, require an electrical safety permit.
  • Electrical technological personnel of production departments are people who participate in technological processes based on electricity, for example, electrolysis, electric welding, and the operation of electric ovens.

Examination process

To pass the exam to obtain the second group, you need to know the rules and regulations on electrical safety prescribed in the relevant documents (PTEEP and Order 328n).

For employees going for testing, you should know the following:

  • general rules for the construction of electrical tools, as well as rules and regulations for their operation;
  • requirements for training of working personnel;
  • procedure and conditions for safe work with electrical installations;
  • rules for the use and testing of protective equipment and grounding during operation;
  • providing medical care to people who have been injured by electric shock.

After successfully passing the test, special documents are drawn up. The chairman of the commission draws up a protocol indicating the employee’s knowledge and the timing of the next tests. The fact of assigning a group is documented, which is displayed in the journal established for this. After this, the employee receives a certificate of availability of the second electrical safety group.

What you need to know before certification for electrical safety approval

Group 1 is assigned after instruction on the rules of safe interaction with entrusted equipment and devices; the employee must also be able to provide first aid to a person who has been struck by an electric shock.

Group 2 requires more serious knowledge of how the equipment on which you will have to work works and operates. Also, the test taker must have an understanding of the consequences of electric shock, be able to help the victim, and know how to ensure the safety of his workplace.

Group 3 can only be obtained by a person with 1-3 months of work experience from the second. He must know electrical engineering, the design, principles of operation and maintenance of electrical installations, rules for admission to work, methods of supervision; be able to free and help people who have been electrocuted.

Electrical safety approval group 4 can be obtained only after 3-6 months of work with the previous one. By the time of certification, the specialist must know electrical engineering at the level of a vocational school graduate. Master the basic rules of labor protection, fire and electrical safety; know the design and maintenance of equipment, the procedure for conducting inspections, supervision, be able to read diagrams and conduct instructions. Know how to act correctly when a person is injured by an electric shock.

Group 5 is given after 3-24 months of activity with 4 grams. The employee who received it must know the diagrams, technologies, procedures for operating and repairing units, be able to organize the work process, and manage work related to electricity. Must be able to teach safety requirements. Have the skills to provide first aid.

Electrical safety certification will be accepted by the Rostechnadzor commission (Order No. 343)

In accordance with the Order of Rostechnadzor, commissions will be created to administer the exam; certifications of other organizations will be invalid. Read more.

Reason for the request by the authorities

Group 4 on electrical safety: knowledge testing, requirements for admission

The authorities of the Russian Federation are guided by the two most important documents in electrical safety:

  • Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations dated 2003, abbreviated as PTEEP;
  • Special Order 328n of 2015.

Note! The submitted documents are the main ones when the authorities require obtaining the 2nd access group.

The most important rules for carrying out electrical work are spelled out in the Order. It contains the basic norms and requirements.

Duration and price of training for electrical safety approval

Electrical safety approval groupAcademic hoursCourse price (in rub.)Timeframe for obtaining admission (in working days)
2 to 1000V7245007
3 to 1000V7245007
3 up to and above 1000V4050007-10
4 to 1000V7250007-10
4 up to and above 1000V4050007-10
5 up to and above 1000V405000up to 7

What is better: getting or buying an electrical safety certificate?

Admission must be confirmed every year. Some do not want to undergo certification and formalize it. They prefer to buy an electrical safety certificate with permission to work. There are risks here:

  • to be deceived, to lose your money;
  • become the owner of documents with a false seal, signature of a representative of Rostekhnadzor;
  • receive a certificate for the wrong category, for example, without the mark “over 1000 V”;
  • possess documents from an unaccredited institution without a license.

All these aspects will be the deciding factor during the inspection. The holder of such a “permit” will at a minimum be suspended, and the organization will pay a fine, and may even be closed.

There have been cases of criminal liability for fraud, forgery of documents, and complicity. It’s easier, calmer, and more reliable to formalize everything, especially since this can be done remotely, in just 2-3 days.

Industrial 2 group up to 1000 V



Question 1

Which electrical installation is considered operational?

  1. Serviceable electrical installation
  2. + An electrical installation or part thereof that is energized, or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices
  3. An electrical installation that is in constant operation
  4. An electrical installation with a voltage of at least 220 V

Question 2

What is the definition of “Targeted Coaching”?

  1. + Instructions for the safe performance of specific work in an electrical installation, covering the category of workers defined by the order or order, from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to a team member or performer
  2. Instructions for the safe performance of specific work in an electrical installation for team members or performers
  3. Instructions for the safe performance of one-time work not related to direct job responsibilities in the specialty

Question 3

What should electrical installations be equipped with?

  1. Protective means, fire extinguishing means
  2. Fire extinguishing equipment, serviceable tools and first aid equipment
  3. Working tool
  4. +Tested protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, working tools and first aid equipment

Question 4

What are employees who directly service electrical installations personally responsible for?

  1. For untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance of electrical installations
  2. +For violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area
  3. For disruptions in work caused by poor quality of repairs
  4. For violations in the operation of electrical equipment

Question 5

What liability is provided for violation of rules and regulations during the operation of electrical installations?

  1. Criminal
  2. Administrative
  3. Disciplinary
  4. +In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation

Question 6

Is it possible to accept electrical installations with defects and imperfections into operation?

  1. It is possible, subject to the condition that deficiencies are eliminated within a month from the date of acceptance of the electrical installation into operation
  2. It is possible, if there is permission from the energy supervision authority to do so.
  3. It is possible if the existing defects do not affect the operation of the electrical installation
  4. + Acceptance into operation of electrical installations with deficiencies is not allowed

Question 7

What categories are the electrical technical personnel of the organization divided into?

  1. For administrative, technical, operational and repair
  2. For operational, repair and operational-repair
  3. +For administrative and technical, operational and repair, operational and repair
  4. For administrative, repair and operational

Question 8

Which personnel are classified as electrical technologists?

  1. Personnel who carry out repairs and maintenance of electrical installations
  2. Personnel who install, adjust and test electrical equipment
  3. +Personnel who maintain electrical installations and use electrical machines, portable power tools and lamps in their work
  4. Personnel who do not fall within the definition of electrical

Question 9

What frequency of testing knowledge on electrical safety is established for electrical personnel who directly organize and carry out maintenance work on existing electrical installations?

  1. +At least once a year
  2. At least once every two years
  3. At least once every three years
  4. At least once every five years

Question 10

How many people should be on the commission for testing the knowledge of electrical engineering personnel?

  1. At least three people
  2. At least four people
  3. +At least five people
  4. Not regulated by rules

Question 11

How are the results of testing personnel knowledge on electrical safety documented?

  1. +The test results are recorded in a journal of the established form, personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate of the established form
  2. The results of the inspection are recorded in a journal of the established form.
  3. The test results are documented in a protocol in the established form, and personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate in the established form.
  4. The test results are recorded in the work book and in a certificate of the established form, which is issued to personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test

Question 12

How should emergency lighting luminaires differ from task lighting luminaires?

  1. Execution
  2. Marks or coloring
  3. There are no fundamental differences

Question 13

What knowledge testing is carried out on personnel upon appointment or transfer to another job if new duties require additional knowledge of rules and regulations?

  1. Primary
  2. Repeated
  3. Next
  4. +Extraordinary

Question 14

When is an extraordinary personnel knowledge test carried out?

  1. When new or revised rules and regulations come into effect for the Consumer
  2. At the request of government supervisory and control authorities
  3. When testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade
  4. If there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months
  5. +In any of the above cases

Question 15

Who should clean switchgear rooms and clean electrical equipment?

  1. +Trained personnel in compliance with safety regulations
  2. Operations and repair personnel servicing this installation
  3. Repair personnel with an electrical safety group of at least IV

Question 16

When are extraordinary inspections of overhead power lines carried out?

  1. Only when ice forms on wires and cables, after severe storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters, during ice drift and river floods
  2. Only when dancing wires
  3. Only in case of fires in the area of ​​the overhead line route
  4. Only after switching off the overhead line by relay protection and unsuccessful automatic restart
  5. +In any of the above cases

Question 17

How are grounding conductors connected to the ground electrode and grounding structures?

  1. +Welding
  2. Bolted connection
  3. Threaded connection
  4. Flange connection

Question 18

What color should exposed grounding conductors be painted?

  1. In blue
  2. In green
  3. +Black
  4. In red

Question 19

What voltage should be used to power portable (hand-held) lamps used in hazardous areas?

  1. Not higher than 12 V
  2. Not higher than 42 V
  3. +Not higher than 50 V
  4. Not higher than 127 V

Question 20

Provide a correct list of comprehensive first aid measures. (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. 1) identification of threatening factors for the life and health of the victim; 2) elimination of threatening factors for life and health; 3) calling an ambulance; 4) stopping the effect of damaging factors on the victim; 5) assessing the number of victims
  2. +1) identification of threatening factors for one’s own life and health; 2) identification of threatening factors for the life and health of the victim; 3) elimination of threatening factors for life and health; 4) cessation of the effect of damaging factors on the victim; 5) assessment of the number of victims; 6) removing the victim from the vehicle or other hard-to-reach places; 7) moving the victim
  3. 1) call an ambulance; 2) other special services whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or a special rule; 3) elimination of threatening factors for life and health; 4) cessation of the effect of damaging factors on the victim; 5) assessment of the number of victims; 6) removing the victim from the vehicle or other hard-to-reach places

Question 21

Provide a comprehensive list of first aid measures. (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. +1) assessing the situation and ensuring safe conditions for providing first aid; 2) calling emergency medical services and other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid; 3) determining whether the victim is conscious; 4) restoration of airway patency and determination of signs of life in the victim; 5) performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation until signs of life appear; 6) maintaining airway patency; 7) examination of the victim and temporary stop of external bleeding; detailed examination of the victim in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other conditions that threaten his life and health and provision of first aid; 9) giving the victim an optimal body position; 10) monitoring the victim’s condition (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and providing psychological support; 11) transfer of the victim to an ambulance team and other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid.
  2. 1) calling emergency medical services and other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid; 2) determining whether the victim is conscious; 3) restoration of airway patency and determination of signs of life in the victim; 4) performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation until signs of life appear; 5) examination of the victim and temporary stop of external bleeding; 6) giving the victim an optimal body position; 7) transfer of the victim to the ambulance team and other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid
  3. 1) make sure there is no pulse in the carotid artery; 2) make sure there are no signs of breathing; 3) free the chest from clothing and unfasten the waist belt; 4) cover the xiphoid process with two fingers; 5) strike the sternum with a fist; 6) check the pulse, if there is no pulse, proceed to chest compressions

Question 22

Indicate the sequence of actions to restore airway patency and determine signs of life in the victim. (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. 1) remove mucus and stomach contents; 2) raise your legs and unfasten the waist belt, if possible, put the cold on your stomach
  2. +1) throw back your head with your chin up; 2) extend the lower jaw; 3) determine the presence of breathing using hearing, vision and touch; 4) determine the presence of blood circulation, check the pulse in the main arteries
  3. 1) make sure there is no pulse in the carotid artery; 2) make sure there are no signs of breathing; 3) free the chest from clothing and unfasten the waist belt

Question 23

List of conditions for which first aid is not provided in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n?

  1. Lack of consciousness, cessation of breathing and circulation.
  2. External bleeding, injuries to various areas of the body.
  3. + Degree of severe alcohol intoxication, lack of coordination.

Question 24

List the measures to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation until signs of life appear. (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. +1) hand pressure on the victim’s sternum; 2) artificial respiration “Mouth to mouth” (“Mouth to nose”, using an artificial respiration device)
  2. 1) free the chest from clothing and unfasten the waist belt; 2) cover the xiphoid process with two fingers; 3) strike the sternum with a fist; 4) check the pulse, if there is no pulse, proceed to chest compressions
  3. 1) make sure there is no pulse in the carotid artery; 2) cover the xiphoid process with two fingers and strike the sternum; 3) go to chest compressions; 4) take a breath of artificial respiration

Question 25

What actions are taken to maintain airway patency? (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. 1) before the ambulance arrives, periodically inhale artificial respiration; 2) apply cold to the head
  2. +1) give the victim a stable lateral position; 2) throw back your head with your chin up; 3) extend the lower jaw
  3. 1) put the victim on his stomach; 2) bend your knees; 3) induce gagging

Question 26

List the measures for a general examination of the victim and temporary stopping of external bleeding. (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n).

  1. 1) press a folded clean cloth or bandage to the wound; 2) place the victim in a horizontal position; 3) use digital pressure on the wound; 4) fix the bandage with a scarf, scarf or cap with earflaps
  2. 1) examining the victim for bleeding; 2) conducting an examination of the limbs; 3) applying bandages for injuries to various areas of the body; 4) giving the victim an optimal body position.
  3. +1) general examination of the victim for the presence of bleeding; 2) finger pressure of the artery; 3) application of a tourniquet; 4) maximum flexion of the limb at the joint; 5) direct pressure on the wound; 6) applying a pressure bandage.

Question 27

What actions of the person providing assistance do not relate to measures for a detailed examination of the victim in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other conditions that threaten his life and health, and to provide first aid in the event of detection of these conditions: (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n )?

  1. +1) examining the victim for bleeding; 2) stopping the victim’s exposure to hazardous chemicals by performing a cleist; 3) application of plaster casts for damaged limbs; 4) cover with a dry, clean cloth, on top of the cloth for 20-30 minutes. apply cold
  2. 1) conducting a head examination; 2) performing a neck examination; 3) performing a breast examination; 4) performing a back examination; 5) conducting an examination of the abdomen and pelvis; 6) conducting an examination of the limbs; 7) application of bandages for injuries to various areas of the body, including occlusive (sealing) for injuries to the chest
  3. 1) carrying out immobilization; 2) stopping the victim from exposure to hazardous chemicals (gastric lavage by drinking water and inducing vomiting, removing from the damaged surface and washing the damaged surface with running water); 3) local cooling for injuries, thermal burns and other effects of high temperatures or thermal radiation; 4) thermal insulation against frostbite and other effects of low temperatures

Question 28

At what stage are emergency medical services and other special services called, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n?

  1. upon completion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and signs of life appearing
  2. +after identifying the victim and assessing the situation to ensure safe conditions for providing first aid
  3. after examining the victim and temporarily stopping external bleeding

Question 29

Who does the Labor Safety Rules apply to when operating electrical installations?

  1. For employees of industrial enterprises that include electrical installations
  2. For employees of organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, and other individuals engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, carrying out operational switching in them, organizing and performing tests and measurements
  3. +For employees from among electrical, electrical and non-electrical personnel, as well as for employers
  4. For employees of all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations and performing construction, installation and repair work in them

Question 30

Who are the operational personnel?

  1. +Workers authorized by the subject of the electric power industry (consumer of electric energy) to carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, actions to change the technological operating mode and operational state of power lines, equipment and devices with the right to directly influence the controls of equipment and relay protection and automation devices in the implementation of operational and technological control, including using remote control means, at electric power facilities (power receiving installations) belonging to such an electric power industry entity (electric energy consumer) on the basis of ownership or other legal basis
  2. Workers specially trained and prepared for operational maintenance of electrical installations assigned to them in the approved scope
  3. Workers performing maintenance and repair, installation, adjustment and testing of electrical equipment
  4. Workers who are entrusted with the responsibility for organizing technical and operational maintenance, carrying out repair, installation and commissioning work in electrical installations

Question 31

Under what conditions can workers who do not service electrical installations be allowed into switchgears up to 1000 V?

  1. Accompanied by operational personnel servicing this electrical installation, having group IV, or an employee who has the right of sole inspection
  2. + Accompanied by operational personnel servicing this electrical installation, having group III, or an employee who has the right of sole inspection
  3. Accompanied by an experienced maintenance worker with an electrical safety group of at least V

Question 32

For what purposes is it permissible to approach within a distance of less than 8 meters to the location of a short circuit to ground when working on an overhead power line?

  1. Only for providing first aid to people under voltage
  2. Only for determining the visual distance to the overhead line support
  3. +Only for operational switching in order to eliminate short circuits and free people under voltage

Question 33

Who gives permission for voltage relief in accidents to free the victim from the effects of electric current?

  1. Permission is given by the operating personnel of the power facility
  2. Permission is given by higher operational personnel
  3. Permission is given by administrative and technical staff
  4. +No prior permission from operational personnel is required. The tension must be relieved immediately

Question 34

Who are the operational maintenance personnel?

  1. +Employees from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the controls of equipment and relay protection and automation devices, performing operational maintenance of electrical installations assigned to them
  2. Workers performing maintenance and repair, installation, adjustment and testing of electrical equipment
  3. Workers carrying out operational management and maintenance of electrical installations (inspection, operational switching, preparation of the workplace, admission and supervision of workers, performance of work in the order of routine operation)
  4. Workers who are entrusted with the responsibility for organizing technical and operational maintenance, carrying out repair, installation and commissioning work in electrical installations

Question 35

Who is the administrative and technical staff?

  1. Workers performing operational management and maintenance of electrical installations
  2. +Managers and specialists who are entrusted with responsibilities for organizing technical and operational maintenance, carrying out repair, installation and commissioning work in electrical installations
  3. Workers specially trained and prepared for operational maintenance of electrical installations assigned to them in the approved scope

Question 36

How is it prohibited to carry out work in existing electrical installations?

  1. According to the permit
  2. By order
  3. Based on the list of works performed in the order of current operation
  4. + Unauthorized

Question 37

Is it allowed to carry out unauthorized work in existing electrical installations, as well as to expand jobs and the scope of the task determined by an order, order or a list of work performed in the course of routine operation approved by the employer?

  1. Unauthorized work is allowed only in the event of an emergency with the permission of superior operational personnel
  2. It is allowed to expand jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order or order when performing urgent work that requires more than 1 hour, with the permission of the work contractor
  3. Allowed, given the importance of the electrical installation in the technological process, with a mandatory entry in the operational log
  4. + Unauthorized performance of work, expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order, order or list of work approved by the employer, performed in the order of routine operation in existing electrical installations is not allowed

Question 38

In which electrical installations can work be performed as part of routine operation?

  1. +In electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V
  2. In electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V
  3. In any electrical installations
  4. Only in electrical installations with voltage not exceeding 380 V

Question 39

Which of the listed works can be classified as work performed as part of routine operation in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V?

  1. +Removal and installation of electricity meters, other instruments and measuring instruments
  2. Repair of starting and switching equipment installed on panels
  3. Replacing lamps and cleaning luminaires at a height of more than 2.5 m
  4. Any of the listed works

Question 40

Which of the listed activities must be taken into account when drawing up a list of works performed in the course of routine operation?

  1. Only safety conditions and the possibility of individual performance of specific work
  2. Only personnel qualifications
  3. Only the degree of importance of the electrical installation as a whole or its individual elements in the technological process
  4. +It is necessary to take into account all the listed activities

Question 41

Who instructs the crew on the use of tools and equipment?

  1. Responsible work manager
  2. +Producer of works
  3. Permissive

Question 42

How are power tools and hand-held electrical machines classified according to the method of protection against electric shock?

  1. +Divided into 4 classes - zero, first, second and third
  2. Divided into 3 classes - first, second and third
  3. Divided into 4 classes - first, second, third and fourth
  4. Divided into 3 classes - zero, first and second

Question 43

What is prohibited for an employee when performing work using portable power tools?

  1. Perform residual current device testing
  2. Check the completeness and reliability of fastening parts
  3. Check the serviceability of the grounding circuit for class I machines
  4. + Disassemble hand-held electrical machines and power tools, make any repairs

Question 44

What are the requirements for posted personnel?

  1. Seconded personnel must have professional training
  2. + Seconded personnel must have certificates of the established form for testing knowledge of norms and rules of work in electrical installations with a mark on the electrical safety group, assigned in accordance with the procedure established by current standards
  3. Seconded personnel must be trained and certified in occupational health and safety, if necessary.
  4. Seconded personnel must undergo a preliminary medical examination

Question 45

What must seconded personnel undergo upon arrival at the place of their assignment to perform work in existing electrical installations?

  1. Individual theoretical training
  2. Control emergency training
  3. +Introductory and initial briefings on occupational safety
  4. Familiarization with the current administrative documents of the organization on accidents and injuries

Question 46

Who provides initial training to seconded personnel when carrying out work in electrical installations up to 1000 V?

  1. + An employee of the organization that owns electrical installations from among the administrative and technical personnel, having group IV
  2. An employee of the organization that owns electrical installations from among the electrical personnel, having group IV
  3. An employee of the organization that owns electrical installations from among the operational and repair personnel, having group IV
  4. An employee of the sending organization from among the administrative and technical personnel with group IV

Question 47

Who prepares the workplace for construction and installation work?

  1. +Employees of the organization that owns the electrical installation
  2. Workers of a construction and installation organization
  3. Employees of a construction and installation organization and an organization that owns electrical installations

Question 48

What document is issued to personnel based on the results of an electrical safety knowledge test?

  1. +Certificate of the established form
  2. Knowledge Test Protocol
  3. Certificate of completion of training and knowledge testing

Question 49

In what case is a certificate for testing knowledge of the rules of working in electrical installations subject to replacement?

  1. Upon expiration of the electrical safety group
  2. In case of loss of ID
  3. When increasing the electrical safety group
  4. +In case of change of position

Question 50

What is evidence that team members have conducted and received targeted training?

  1. +Signatures of team members in the registration tables for targeted briefings
  2. Signatures of the responsible work manager in the target briefing registration tables
  3. Entry in the target briefing registration table

Question 51

Which premises are classified as premises with an increased risk of electric shock to people?

  1. Rooms characterized by the presence of dampness or conductive dust
  2. Premises characterized by the presence of metal, earthen, reinforced concrete and other conductive floors
  3. Rooms characterized by high temperatures
  4. Premises characterized by the possibility of simultaneous human contact with metal structures of buildings connected to the ground, technological devices, mechanisms, etc. on the one hand, and to metal housings of electrical equipment (exposed conductive parts) on the other
  5. + Any of the listed premises refers to premises with increased danger

Question 52

Which rooms, according to the PUE, are called damp?

  1. Rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 60%
  2. +Rooms in which the relative air humidity exceeds 75%
  3. Rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 90%
  4. Rooms where the relative humidity is close to 100%

Question 53

Which rooms, according to the PUE, are considered wet?

  1. + Rooms in which the relative air humidity is more than 60%, but does not exceed 75%
  2. Rooms in which the relative air humidity is within 80%
  3. Rooms in which the relative air humidity is more than 75%, but does not exceed 90%
  4. Rooms where the relative humidity is close to 100%

Question 54

Which rooms, according to the PUE, are called dry?

  1. +Rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 60%
  2. Rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 75%
  3. Rooms in which the relative air humidity does not exceed 70%
  4. Rooms where the relative humidity is close to 65%

Question 55

How should zero working (neutral) conductors in electrical installations be designated?

  1. +Letter N and blue color
  2. Letter N and white color
  3. Letter N and blue color
  4. Letter N and gray color

Question 56

How are protective grounding conductors, as well as neutral protective conductors, designated in electrical installations with voltages up to 1 kV with a solidly grounded neutral?

  1. + Designated PE and color coded by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of equal width in yellow and green
  2. They are designated RE and are color coded by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of equal width in white and green.
  3. Designated PE and color coded by alternating longitudinal or transverse stripes of equal width in yellow and white

Question 57

What, according to the Electrical Installation Rules, is called an electrical energy receiver (electrical receiver)?

  1. Switchgear designed to provide consumers with electrical energy
  2. Substation operating in a specific area
  3. An electrical installation designed to provide consumers with electrical energy
  4. +Apparatus, unit, etc., designed to convert electrical energy into another type of energy

How to obtain an electrical safety permit

Training programs include a theoretical part, lectures, and seminars. Certification is carried out in the presence of a representative of Rostechnadzor, who will then sign the electrical safety certificate. In our center you can undergo these procedures in several ways:

  • In person, by visiting a training center in Moscow.
  • In absentia, by taking the course online and coming to the center to take the certification.
  • Remotely, without interruption from production and a personal visit to the center.

In the latter case, documents are received by mail, by courier service or by a center courier at the request of the graduate.

Self-monitoring online

There is another Internet development that every student can use, and it is free. With Testsmart, you can prepare for certification yourself, even on your home computer, or participate in group classes at the enterprise, either face-to-face or remotely.

To do this, just log into the site and select the appropriate tests:

  • self-preparation for exams in knowledge testing mode;
  • in the preparatory test mode, where there are links to the correct answers on electrical safety from the regulatory and technical literature;
  • in the form of an exam followed by drawing up a protocol.

The last option allows managers to test knowledge (both primary and unscheduled and regular) among employees of their enterprise.

Another site that also offers self-preparation services for exams is Test Group 24. Here you can find a selection of tickets for testing knowledge for those who need Group 2 in electrical safety. Each test includes 5 questions and several answer options.

Despite the fact that the site interacts with Rostechnadzor, the proposed testing is not official and is carried out in incognito mode. Test tasks simply allow you to prepare for the upcoming official exams in a similar way, nothing more.

The service presents real questions used in tests of the certification commission of Rostechnadzor, valid at the moment. As soon as the list is updated, the same happens with Group Test tickets, and the previous options are sent to the archive.

Note! On the site you can immediately see the results of your answers and see the correct one if you make a mistake. The service is adapted for a mobile version, making knowledge testing more accessible.

Electrical safety is a big responsibility, and the requirements for its compliance must be strictly met. This requires qualified specialists who have undergone training and successfully passed exams in their ES group.

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