How to assign electrical safety clearance groups

Obtaining an electrical safety permit is not a problem today. Our training center offers accelerated courses in various programs. This will make it possible to quickly obtain an electrical safety certificate for groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and permission to work related to the maintenance of electrical installations of various types.

You will also be given a protocol from the certification commission and a logbook for testing your knowledge of working in electrical installations. The training programs were developed by the Department of State Energy Supervision and approved by the Ministry. labor protection and Min. education. The electrical safety approval will be certified by a Rostechnadzor inspector. The certificate is issued in groups 2, 3, 4 up to 1000 V, as well as 3, 4, 5 up to and more than 1000 V.

To begin working with electrical installations and equipment, an employee must undergo a medical examination, take courses, pass an exam, and receive a certificate.

Normative base

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”
Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 6 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations”

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”

Categories of workers

The following categories of electrical safety personnel are distinguished:

  • electrotechnical;
  • electrotechnological;
  • non-electrical.


It includes:

  1. Administrative staff. For example, chief engineer, workshop manager, etc. These are workers who are responsible for planning and organizing work related to electrical equipment.
  2. Operational, repair and operational repair services of the enterprise. These include personnel involved in various transfers, admission of workers to workplaces, and supervision of their activities. If they have special training, they are allowed to participate in eliminating accidents and various malfunctions at the site, and they have the right to provide assistance to employees engaged in repair work in production.
  3. Subject matter specialists of the departments. This category includes engineers, electricians, welders, electricians, etc. Which electrical safety group a welder should have depends on the danger of the work he performs.


An employee is included in this category if:

  • in a controlled technological process, the main component is electrical energy (for example, electric welding, electric arc furnaces, electrolysis, etc.);
  • use hand-held electric machines, portable power tools and lamps;
  • The job description establishes knowledge of PT.

The electrotechnological category includes:

  1. Administrative and technical employees, that is, managers and specialists whose work is related to operational and technical maintenance, commissioning, repair and installation work in installations.
  2. Operational employees who carry out routine maintenance and management of installations. They are engaged in inspection, preparation of workplaces, operational switching, admission, supervision of other workers, and performance of tasks within the framework of the ongoing operation of equipment.
  3. Operational and repair workers. These employees are specially trained to service the installations assigned to them.
  4. Maintenance workers who are responsible for maintenance, installation, testing, and commissioning of equipment.

Obtaining an electrical safety group for electrical and electrical engineering personnel occurs in accordance with the “List of positions that require assignment of a group...” established at the enterprise.


This category includes all other employees whose work cannot completely exclude the possibility of electric shock (the specific list of positions is determined by order of the employer): a secretary working at a computer.

Persons included in this category are assigned group 1. That is, they must have the minimum knowledge of electrical engineering and safety regulations that is necessary to perform the work entrusted to them without risk to health and life.

We will describe electrical safety groups and the conditions for their assignment in 2020.

Personnel categories

All workers who need an electrical safety permit are divided into 2 main categories: non-electrical and electrical (electrical) personnel. Non-electrical personnel include groups 1 and 2, which work with office equipment, household electrical appliances, simple electrical devices, that is, units that use electricity or power tools and electrical installations under the supervision of more competent persons.

Electrical technical personnel are divided into subcategories:

  • Administrative and technical - people who organize technical processes, their maintenance, and are responsible for installation, repair, and adjustment of electrical installations.
  • Repair - employees who service and repair equipment, carry out repairs and commissioning work.
  • Operational - these workers carry out operational shifts, inspections, supervision, prepare the workplace, and are responsible for access to work.
  • Operations and repair - specialists trained in servicing the equipment assigned to them. They, like all other categories, require an electrical safety permit.
  • Electrical technological personnel of production departments are people who participate in technological processes based on electricity, for example, electrolysis, electric welding, and the operation of electric ovens.


There are several electrical safety groups that are enshrined in law. This classification allows a worker to perform work in electrical installations and determines the level of his training.

Workers are usually divided into five categories.

1st is assigned to non-electrical workers. Their work is not related to working with electrical installations.

What electrical safety groups, which determine the required amount of employee knowledge, are established for electrical personnel is written in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n (as amended on February 19, 2016) “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” ( registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 12, 2013 No. 30593) and the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 22, 2003 No. 4145).

First, initial, admission group

This applies only to non-electrical personnel. Before starting work, employees in this category must undergo training.


What electrical safety group is needed for an employee assigned to electrical safety group 1 in organizations with electrical installations over 1000 V? A specialist with a clearance group of at least three is appointed responsible for conducting the briefing: third, fourth or fifth.

After the employee completes the training, a record of this is made in a special journal. The citizen gets acquainted with her under his personal signature. The instructor also signs the log.

Personnel requirementsConditions of assignment
  • knowledge of the provisions of the TB instructions is necessary;
  • ability to provide first aid to a colleague in case of electric shock.
  • the employee undergoes training;
  • The employee must undergo an oral test of acquired knowledge.

Electrical safety groups

Electrical safety training should be built at any enterprise, clause 1.1.2 and clause 1.2.2 of Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 6 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations.”

This responsibility is assigned to employers, because electrical injuries are small compared to other industrial injuries, but when compared with severe or fatal outcomes, they occupy one of the leading places. Moreover, these accidents occur when working in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. The reason is that they are very common and plus improper handling due to the relatively low level of training of operating personnel.

And in order for there to be fewer injuries at work, it is necessary for those in charge to know and understand what the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations require of them, and it is worth starting to understand it with the electrical safety groups.

Electrical safety groups are systematized requirements for the qualifications of personnel who will need to undergo training in the form of instruction or certification, and there are a total of 5 electrical safety groups.

Such a distinction is necessary to ensure the safety of workers during ongoing work in the organization, or when involved in work in electrical installations, depending on the training of personnel.

1 group on electrical safety

1 qualification group for electrical safety is assigned only to non-electrical personnel who are not directly related to the maintenance and operation of electrical installations. But during their workdays, they may be exposed to electric shock due to improper handling of electrified equipment.

In any organization there are always employees who are assigned group 1 for electrical safety and these are, as a rule, office workers, loaders, janitors, cleaners and all those who have absolutely nothing to do with electrics in this organization.

Assignment to group 1 in electrical safety takes place in the form of training in the organization, many call it instruction, correctly, so and so. Because everything goes without any special difficulties, it is carried out by the person responsible for electrical equipment or another employee with an electrical safety group of at least 3, who is appointed by order for the enterprise.

He talks about observing safety measures when working with equipment, for example, a computer, office equipment, coffee machine, and the rules for providing first aid in case of electric shock.

At the end, questions are asked and if the person being instructed has coped, the result is recorded in the logbook and assignment of 1st electrical safety group. The frequency of such knowledge testing is once a year. And that’s all, no protocol or certificates are required.

If you want to understand in more detail the assignment of electrical safety group 1, follow the link to another article.

Second admission group

Assigned to workers who are not directly related to electrical installations, but who use electric tools when performing work, where electrical safety is important. Upon receipt of each subsequent category, the conditions for assigning electrical safety groups to personnel change, and new requirements are added.

Personnel requirementsConditions of assignment
  • assigned to employees at least 18 years of age;
  • the employee has basic technical knowledge of the electrical installation and its equipment;
  • the employee is aware of the danger of electric current, the danger of approaching live parts;
  • the employee knows the main precautions when working in electrical installations;
  • the employee knows the rules of providing first aid to victims of electric current and is able to correctly apply them in practice.
  • the employee has basic general education. There are no requirements for minimum work experience in electrical installations, but training at an educational institution is required for at least 72 hours;
  • assigned to citizens who have completed secondary education. There are no requirements for work experience with electrical installations, but the employee must complete a training course in an educational organization for at least 72 hours;
  • assigned to persons with secondary electrical engineering and higher education. In this case, no minimum work experience in electrical installations is required;
  • assigned to workers who have a higher electrical engineering education. There are no minimum work experience requirements for electrical installations.

Third group of admission

A specialist assigned to group 3 receives permission to work independently or the opportunity to work in a team that works with electrical installations over 1000 Volts. In this case, the corresponding explanation is indicated in his certificate.

Personnel requirementsConditions of assignment
  • special knowledge in general electrical engineering;
  • knowledge of the electrical installation and its maintenance procedures;
  • knowledge of general safety regulations, including rules for permission to work, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment and special requirements relating to the work performed;
  • ability to ensure safe work and supervise those working in electrical installations;
  • knowledge of the rules for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current, providing first aid and the ability to practically provide it to the victim.
  • employees without secondary education must have at least 3 months of work experience at the previous level;
  • employees with secondary education must have at least 2 months of work experience in the previous group;
  • persons with secondary electrical engineering and higher education must have at least 2 months of work experience at the previous level;
  • employees with higher electrical engineering education must have at least 1 month of work experience at the previous level.

What you need to know before certification for electrical safety approval

Group 1 is assigned after instruction on the rules of safe interaction with entrusted equipment and devices; the employee must also be able to provide first aid to a person who has been struck by an electric shock.

Group 2 requires more serious knowledge of how the equipment on which you will have to work works and operates. Also, the test taker must have an understanding of the consequences of electric shock, be able to help the victim, and know how to ensure the safety of his workplace.

Group 3 can only be obtained by a person with 1-3 months of work experience from the second. He must know electrical engineering, the design, principles of operation and maintenance of electrical installations, rules for admission to work, methods of supervision; be able to free and help people who have been electrocuted.

Electrical safety approval group 4 can be obtained only after 3-6 months of work with the previous one. By the time of certification, the specialist must know electrical engineering at the level of a vocational school graduate. Master the basic rules of labor protection, fire and electrical safety; know the design and maintenance of equipment, the procedure for conducting inspections, supervision, be able to read diagrams and conduct instructions. Know how to act correctly when a person is injured by an electric shock.

Group 5 is given after 3-24 months of activity with 4 grams. The employee who received it must know the diagrams, technologies, procedures for operating and repairing units, be able to organize the work process, and manage work related to electricity. Must be able to teach safety requirements. Have the skills to provide first aid.

Electrical safety certification will be accepted by the Rostechnadzor commission (Order No. 343)

In accordance with the Order of Rostechnadzor, commissions will be created to administer the exam; certifications of other organizations will be invalid. Read more.

Fourth admission group

This category of persons is approved for electrical safety as personnel to work on installations with voltages over 1000 V. An employee who has this right has the right to bear responsibility for electrical facilities and train young employees.

Personnel requirementsConditions of assignment
  • knowledge of electrical engineering to the extent of a specialized vocational school;
  • a complete understanding of the dangers when working in electrical installations;
  • knowledge of inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, rules for the technical operation of electrical equipment, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, installation of electrical installations and fire safety within the scope of the position held;
  • knowledge of electrical installation diagrams and equipment of the serviced area, knowledge of technical measures to ensure the safety of work;
  • ability to provide instructions, organize safe work, and supervise team members;
  • knowledge of the rules for freeing a victim from the effects of electric current, providing first aid and the ability to practically provide it to the victim;
  • ability to train personnel in safety rules and practical first aid techniques.
  • assigned to employees who do not have secondary education, but have worked for at least 6 months at the previous level;
  • assigned to employees who have secondary education and have worked for at least 3 months at the previous level;
  • employees with secondary electrical engineering and higher education who have at least 3 months of work experience at the previous level;
  • persons with a higher electrical engineering education who have worked for at least 2 months at the previous level.

Recommendations for preparing for the exam

Testing knowledge on electrical safety can be carried out in the form of oral answers to questions or through testing. The subject must be informed in advance about the type of examination.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with examination tickets for electrical safety for group 4 directly on the Rostechnadzor website. If the person being certified wants to receive a certificate marked “up to 1000 v”, you need to know the answers to 1794 questions, and “up to 1000 v and above” - to 2109.

For self-study on electrical safety for group 4, you can use the Olympox or Testsmart test programs. They consist of 7 sections studying:

  • construction of electrical installations;
  • operating and maintenance instructions;
  • use of protective equipment;
  • design of lightning protection equipment;
  • basic safety rules at work;
  • fire safety;
  • first aid measures in case of accidents.

The convenience of these computer programs is that they contain electrical safety tickets for the 4th admission group with answers. Therefore, you can prepare for the exam yourself, which will allow you to pass it as quickly and without problems as possible.

If a specialist wants to receive a certificate marked “up to 1000 in and above,” it is necessary not only to memorize the test answers, but also to thoroughly understand all the issues that cause difficulties. Answers on electrical safety for group 4 can be found in the relevant literature, the main one of which is:

  • Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.
  • Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations (IPISZ).
  • Safety rules for operating electrical installations.

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Fifth admission group

As a rule, it is owned by engineering and technical personnel. This is the highest category, the presence of which gives permission to manage and manage tasks on equipment under any voltage and perform the duties of a manager of electrical facilities.

Personnel requirementsConditions of assignment
  • knowledge of electrical installation diagrams, equipment layout, production processes;
  • knowledge of inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, rules for using and testing protective equipment, a clear understanding of what caused this or that requirement;
  • rules of technical operation, rules for electrical installations and fire safety within the scope of the position held;
  • knows how to organize safe work as a work manager in electrical installations of any voltage;
  • the ability to clearly identify and state requirements for safety measures when instructing workers;
  • ability to train personnel in safety rules and practical first aid techniques.
  • assigned to employees who do not have secondary education, but have worked for at least 24 months at the previous level;
  • assigned to employees who have secondary education and have worked for at least 12 months at the previous level;
  • employees with secondary electrical engineering and higher education who have at least 6 months of work experience at the previous level;
  • persons with a higher electrical engineering education and at least 3 months of experience at the previous level.

The approved procedure for assigning electrical safety tolerance groups must be observed. Receiving the next group is allowed only if the assignment conditions are met.

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Group 2 on electrical safety

The next increasing level of qualification is group 2 in electrical safety. And assignment is required to personnel who work using electrically driven equipment.

These employees usually include:

  • electric welders, without connection rights;
  • lifting equipment operators;
  • lifters;
  • drivers from different industries;
  • electricians and electricians who have access to installations up to 1000 V.
  • employees who missed group assignment for more than six months.

If an employee is undergoing certification for Group 2 in electrical safety for the first time and has no electrical engineering education, then he must first undergo 72 hours of training. If the enterprise has a knowledge testing commission, then certification is carried out locally.

If there is none, then certification takes place in Rostechnadzor, and pre-certification training in a training center.

Group 2 training in electrical safety conveys to the employee knowledge about the threats, dangers and consequences of improper work with electrical equipment and electrical installations.

This knowledge must be conveyed realistically and in fact, otherwise, such cases as my good friend told me are possible.

A small contractor came to the site to clean the split systems. Apparently, they had a lot of work, it was summer, they were in a hurry, trying to finish the work for the day. Several of the air conditioners were located at a height of 2 floors. For the work they used a Karcher and a ladder. Forgetting to first turn off the power to the split, I started work.

My acquaintance

The result of such work is multiple fractures after a fall from a height due to the surprise effect of the closure.

You need to work safely at heights, and even more so with electrical equipment, otherwise the result can be even worse. And all due to the lack of knowledge of workers about the safe performance of work.

Group 3 on electrical safety

An even more “advanced” level of qualification is group 3 in electrical safety. The assignment is the same as for group 2. Moreover, a promotion from group 2 to group 3 cannot happen instantly; there must be a time interval in order to gain knowledge and experience.

This interval ranges from 1 to 3 months, depending on education (Appendix No. 1 Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 903n), because knowing Ohm’s law does not mean that you can immediately work in electrical installations.

And if the employee has a confirming certificate, then he can independently carry out maintenance, connection or disconnection, as well as inspection of electrical installations up to 1000 V.

And now he has not only the technical side covered, but also the organizational one, because he can already be part of a team that carries out work on electrical installations of more than 1000 V, observe and remember how approval is carried out before performing such work.

If work is carried out in installations up to 1000 V, then an employee who has a 3rd electrical safety group can act as a team producer. This is already a big responsibility, because you have to answer not only for your own actions, but also for the actions of your colleagues.

That is why group 3 for electrical safety is assigned only to persons over 18 years of age, in contrast to groups 1 and 2 for electrical safety.

Group 4 on electrical safety

Electrical safety group 4 can only be assigned by the Rostechnadzor commission, because the range of responsibility is much wider.

It can perform the functions:

  • operational and repair personnel;
  • manufacturer or permitting work on electrical installations;
  • instructing, interning and training in electrical safety.

And in order to receive the “coveted” crust, an employee must work in group 3 in electrical safety for 2 to 6 months.

5 electrical safety group

As a rule, group 5 on electrical safety consists of purely administrative and technical workers who have maximum responsibility, issue work permits, act as the person responsible for electrical facilities and can be the supervisor of work in any electrical installations.

The knowledge base is already voluminous; there must be a thorough knowledge of electrical safety rules, regulations, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, reading electrical equipment diagrams and layout, and much more. The list is very extensive and you can move from level 4 electrical safety group to level 5 group in a period of 3 to 24 months.

And as it is already becoming clear, you can increase your group only by passing certification at Rostechnadzor.

Where do they rent for groups?

The exam for admission groups 2-5 takes place in the Rostechnadzor division that conducts training and certification of employees.

Training is carried out in the direction of the enterprise, in which it is necessary to indicate:

  • employee position;
  • his length of service in this position;
  • required level of clearance.

Some organizations have their own permanent commission. She accepts exams and submits a draft order for the assignment (or upgrade) of qualifications to management for consideration. The commission must include:

  • Chairman with electrical safety approval 5 (at voltages above (up to) 1000 V) and 4 (at voltages less than 1000 V). This is the person responsible for the electrical part;
  • vice-chairman;
  • secretary;
  • at least 3 commission members.

After completing the training program and successfully passing the exam, employees are assigned categories of electrical engineering personnel (from 2 to 5). The corresponding mark is made in the certificate, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 3 to the rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n. The certificate is valid until the position changes.

Certain types of work permitted for the third group

Additionally, electricians with the third tolerance group are allowed to:

  1. Carry out voltage checks. On power lines together with another worker, and alone in switchgears.
  2. Install grounding buses, but only when an employee is included in the repair staff.
  3. Disconnect and install insulation on live elements. This work must be performed using PPE made from dielectric materials.
  4. Install high voltage warning posters and signs.
  5. Monitor the execution of operations related to the repair of current generating devices.
  6. Observe the condition of insulating means when measuring voltage.
  7. Perform routine repairs of batteries and generator under voltage.

When the voltage is above 1000 V, you can perform the following work:

  1. Clean areas with installed open switchgear.
  2. Maintain technical devices in accordance with established regulations.
  3. Monitor the drying process of transformer and generator installations, but when they are de-energized.
  4. Perform maintenance of oil purification units.
  5. Disconnect grounding blades.

The additional operations listed above are approved by the head of the organization.

Duration and price of education

Applications for training are accepted by licensed training centers. We will show in the table the groups of electrical safety clearance for electrical installations up to and above 1000 V, the time it will take for training, and the estimated cost.

After training, students know everything that, according to the standards, is required for the corresponding category of admission.

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