Do-it-yourself hydrogen generator: operating principle of the device, diagrams and description of the assembly process

Hydrogen is an almost ideal fuel for our planet. The only problem is that it is found on the planet only in combination with other substances. In its pure form, hydrogen on Earth is only 0.00005%. In this regard, the issue of designing hydrogen generators is very relevant. Do not forget that hydrogen is an endless source of energy, practically located under our feet.

General structure of an electrolytic hydrogen generator

Using electrolysis (see the school curriculum for physics and chemistry), water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen.
The surface area of ​​the electrodes must be large, so they are collected in packages (cells). By the way, the electrolyzer cannot be overheated above 65 ºС, otherwise the plates will have to be cleaned for a long time or even replaced

There is no need to separate the gases; the combustible mixture is sent to a heat generator, in which a reverse reaction occurs: hydrogen and oxygen reunite, again forming water.

The simplest homemade hydrogen generator is a sealed container with electrodes immersed in liquid, a 12-volt power source.

There is a charge, the water is “gurgling”, Hydrogenium is gone

On the lid of the container there is a fitting for discharging a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to the consumer (Brown’s gas, “explosive mixture”).

In addition to the fitting, it is advisable to have air vents on the lid

This container is the basis of a hydrogen generator for a car with a carburetor engine. The internal combustion engine runs on a mixture of gasoline and requires an additional storage device and battery. The case is durable, from a water filter, a simple installation created by “people's academicians”, called “AquaCar”, was offered in Ukraine for 1600 hryvnia in pre-revolutionary prices

A hydrogen generator for the home, also in a water filter housing. More efficient cylindrical electrodes are used here, and there is a pressure sensor. Bubbles are visible on the walls of the vessel - the coveted H2 and oxygen

But the point is not just to separate the “rattlers” from the water; it’s no wonder to do this. Gas must be obtained from raw materials in the maximum quantity, in a short time, while spending a minimum of energy. To increase efficiency, they use not ordinary electrodes made of copper or stainless steel, but products of complex shapes made of expensive alloys. The strength of the electric current must change during the reaction, accordingly, an electronic unit is needed.

Version of the electronic unit of the miracle generator

Water is consumed, its level must be constantly maintained, and if this is not done manually, an automatic replenishment system will be needed. Finally, for electrolysis to occur with sufficient intensity, the water must contain a sufficient amount of dissolved salts; in soft water the reaction will be weak, and in distilled water it will be completely absent. This means that you cannot pour water from the tap: you will have to prepare it (the simplest option is a tablespoon of sodium hydroxide per 10 liters of water), which means additional tanks, pipelines, etc.

The figure shows a diagram of a hydrogen generator for a car, but the difference with a device for heating is only that the gas consumer is not the engine nozzles, but the boiler burner

But that's not all. The heat generator (boiler) consumes fuel unevenly, and also requires a certain pressure and humidity. In order for the fuel reactor + heat generator system to work interconnectedly and accurately, hydrogenium must first enter the dryer, then the compressor, which will pump it into the storage facility, where the required pressure must be maintained with the help of additional automation.

How to make a generator

A lot of Internet resources publish a variety of diagrams and drawings of a generator for producing hydrogen, but they all operate on the same principle. We present to your attention a drawing of a simple device taken from popular science literature:

Here the electrolyzer is a group of metal plates bolted together. Insulating gaskets are installed between them; the outermost thick plates are also made of dielectric. From a fitting built into one of the plates there is a tube for supplying gas to a vessel with water, and from it to the second. The purpose of the tanks is to separate the steam component and accumulate a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to supply it under pressure.

Advice. Electrolytic plates for the generator must be made of stainless steel alloyed with titanium. It will serve as an additional catalyst for the splitting reaction.

The plates that serve as electrodes can be of any size. But you need to understand that the performance of the device depends on their surface area. The greater the number of electrodes that can be used in the process, the better. But at the same time, the current consumption will be higher, this should be taken into account. Wires leading to a source of electricity are soldered to the ends of the plates. There is also room for experimentation here: you can supply different voltages to the electrolyzer using an adjustable power supply.

As an electrolyzer, you can use a plastic container from a water filter, placing electrodes made of stainless steel tubes in it. The product is convenient because it is easy to seal from the environment by removing the tube and wires through the holes in the lid. Another thing is that this homemade hydrogen generator has low productivity due to the small area of ​​the electrodes.

Prospects for hydrogen energy

Are there real ways to seriously reduce the cost of pure Hydrogenium? Certainly. This is, first of all, obtaining cheap electricity from renewable sources. Secondly, the use of more advanced chemical catalysts for the process. By the way, they have long been known and are used in automotive hydrogen fuel cells. But again it all comes down to their too high cost.

A really useful application of alternative energy: a serial gas welding device with a built-in hydrogen reactor. In this case, the cost of gas is not decisive; what matters for the welder is that instead of a cylinder and a welder that are inconvenient to transport, he has one relatively small and light box

Science moves forward, technology improves. Someday the oil will run out and humanity will have to switch to other sources of energy. In the meantime, we can say with confidence that hydrogen energy is unprofitable (except for those cases when flammable gas is a by-product of technological processes), and programs for the development of hydrogen transport are possible only thanks to state and corporate programs to support alternative energy.

The municipalities of major German cities are compensating transport companies for all losses so that these beautiful hydrogenium buses transport passengers without polluting the environment

How does hydrogen heating work?

This heating method was developed by one of the Italian companies. A hydrogen boiler operates without generating any harmful waste, which is why it is considered the most environmentally friendly and silent way to heat a home. The innovation of the development is that scientists managed to achieve the combustion of hydrogen at a relatively low temperature (about 300? C), and this made it possible to produce similar heating boilers from traditional materials.

Hydrogen fuel cells for home

When operating, the boiler emits only harmless steam, and the only thing that requires costs is electricity. And if you combine this with solar panels (solar system), then these costs can be completely reduced to zero.

Note! Hydrogen boilers are often used to heat underfloor heating systems, which can be easily installed with your own hands. How does it all happen? Oxygen reacts with hydrogen and, as we remember from middle school chemistry lessons, forms water molecules

The reaction is provoked by catalysts, as a result, thermal energy is released, heating the water to approximately 40? C - the ideal temperature for “warm floors”

How does it all happen? Oxygen reacts with hydrogen and, as we remember from middle school chemistry lessons, forms water molecules. The reaction is provoked by catalysts, as a result, thermal energy is released, heating the water to approximately 40? C - the ideal temperature for a “warm floor”.

Adjusting the boiler power allows you to achieve a certain temperature required for heating a room of a given area. It is also worth noting that such boilers are considered modular, since they consist of several channels independent of each other. In each of the channels there is the catalyst mentioned above, as a result, the coolant enters the heat exchanger, which has already reached the required value of 40? C.

Note! A feature of such equipment is that each channel is capable of producing a different temperature. Thus, one of them can be routed to the “warm floor”, the second to the adjacent room, the third to the ceiling, etc.


The simplest electrolyzer

In order to make a simple hydrogen generator, enough knowledge of physics and chemistry at the level of high school.

Materials and tools

Stainless steel 03Х16Н15М3 size 500x500 mm. Any other grade of stainless steel can be used

Important: ordinary steel in water will be susceptible to corrosion. In addition, instead of water, it is possible to use an alkaline electrolyte, which is quite aggressive, especially when electric current passes through it

Under these conditions, ordinary steel will not last long.

A transparent polyethylene tube at least 1 m long and 8 mm in diameter. 2 bolts M6x150, washers and nuts. 3 herringbone fittings with an outer diameter of 8 mm. A plastic container with a lid with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters. Filter for purifying running water (you can use a filter from a washing machine). Water check valve. Silicone sealant. Grinder or hacksaw for metal. Wrenches for M6 bolts.

Manufacturing process

We cut the steel sheet so that we get 16 plates of the same size. In one of the corners of each plate you need to drill a hole for an M6 bolt. With the help of this hole, the plates will be fastened together, so the center of the hole in all plates must be on the same axis. In order to correctly connect the plates, it is necessary to cut off the corner in each plate, which is located on the side opposite the bolt hole. Install the plates on the bolts one by one according to the diagram, isolating the “+” and “-” plates from each other using a polyethylene tube and washers. If the plates are installed correctly, the cut corners will not allow the plates of different polarities to contact each other. After installing all the plates, the structure must be tightened with nuts

Important: after completing the assembly, you need to make sure that the different-pole plates are not connected to each other (ring the structure).

We fasten the resulting structure into a plastic box using washers and nuts, having previously drilled 2 holes for the “+” and “-“ bolts. To ensure the tightness of the hole, treat it with silicone sealant. Drill holes in the box cover and insert fittings

The holes must be treated with silicone sealant. It remains to check the performance of the resulting electrolyzer. To do this, fill the container with water up to the mounting bolts and close it with a lid. Then we put a polyethylene hose on one of the fittings and lower it into some container with water. Having connected a power source to the bolts, we observe the appearance of bubbles of released gas. In order to increase the amount of gas released, it is necessary to increase the current passing through the water. After checking the functionality of the device, you need to drain the water and fill the plastic container with alkaline electrolyte. This will allow you to obtain a significantly larger amount of gas released.

ATTENTION: when operating an electrolyzer, you must remember that the process of splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen is explosive. Therefore, certain safety regulations must be observed

Is it possible to create a hydrogen generator yourself?

It’s better not to take risks, because such a process is associated not only with the need to know the intricacies of technology and chemistry, but also requires proper compliance with safety rules. But installing the equipment yourself is possible. To do this, it is enough to follow the instructions and avoid amateur activities.

Heating of any home should ensure not only comfortable human living, but also the ecological cleanliness of the environment. This is achieved due to the fact that after the combustion of hydrogen no harmful compounds are formed.

In Western countries, heating using hydrogen generators has gained widespread acceptance and economic justification. If a similar method takes root in Russia, it will significantly increase heating efficiency with minimal resource costs.

The benefits and harms of hydrogen water

A person should drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water daily. If the drinking water is hydrogen, the benefits increase markedly.

How is hydrogen water useful, why should you drink it? Main medicinal properties:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • stimulation of immune defense;
  • increasing the body's endurance, rapid recovery after sports activities;
  • activation of metabolism, including acceleration of weight loss;
  • prevention of inflammation;
  • reduction of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • improving the condition of nails and hair;
  • smoothing out allergic symptoms;
  • antiparasitic effect.

No harm was found from water charged with a hydrogen generator. But it is important to keep in mind that for prevention and treatment, hydrogen water should be drunk immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the hydrogen will evaporate and the effects will not be fully realized.

The benefits of hydrogen water can be enhanced by external use - in the form of masks, applications, and rubbing the skin.

Opinion about hydrogen water in simple words:

Making a generator in-house

On the Internet you can find many instructions on how to make a hydrogen generator. It should be noted that it is quite possible to assemble such an installation for your home yourself - the design is quite simple.

DIY hydrogen generator components for heating in a private home

But what will you do with the resulting hydrogen? Once again, pay attention to the combustion temperature of this fuel in the air. It is 2800-3000°C

If you consider that metals and other solid materials are cut with the help of burning hydrogen, it becomes clear that installing the burner in a regular gas, liquid fuel or solid fuel boiler with a water jacket will not work - it will simply burn out.

Craftsmen on the forums advise lining the inside of the firebox with fireclay bricks. But the melting point of even the best materials of this type does not exceed 1600°C; such a firebox will not last long. The second option is to use a special burner that can reduce the flame temperature to acceptable values. Thus, until you find such a burner, you should not start installing a homemade hydrogen generator.

Tips for assembling and operating a generator

Having solved the issue with the boiler, choose a suitable diagram and instructions on how to make a hydrogen generator for heating a private house.

A homemade device will be effective only if


  • sufficient surface area of ​​the plate electrodes;
  • correct choice of material for the manufacture of electrodes;
  • high quality liquid for electrolysis.

What size should be the unit that generates hydrogen in sufficient quantities to heat a house will have to be determined “by eye” (based on other people’s experience), or by first assembling a small installation. The second option is more practical - it will allow you to understand whether it is worth spending money and time on installing a full-fledged generator.

Rare metals are ideally used as electrodes, but this is too expensive for a home unit. It is recommended to choose stainless steel plates, preferably ferromagnetic.

Hydrogen generator design

There are certain requirements for water quality. It should not contain mechanical impurities and heavy metals. The generator operates most efficiently on distilled water, but to reduce the cost of design, you can limit yourself to filters to purify water from unnecessary impurities. To make the electrical reaction more intense, sodium hydroxide is added to the water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Selected points of use

First of all, I would like to note that the traditional method of burning natural gas or propane is not suitable in our case, since the combustion temperature of HHO is more than three times higher than that of hydrocarbons.
As you yourself understand, structural steel will not withstand this temperature for long. Stanley Meyer himself recommended using a burner of an unusual design, the diagram of which is given below. Scheme of a hydrogen burner designed by S. Meyer

The whole trick of this device is that HHO (indicated by the number 72 in the diagram) passes into the combustion chamber through valve 35. The burning hydrogen mixture rises through channel 63 and simultaneously carries out the ejection process, entraining outside air through adjustable openings 13 and 70. Under the hood 40, a certain amount of combustion products (water vapor) is retained, which enters the combustion column through channel 45 and mixes with the burning gas. This allows you to reduce the combustion temperature several times.

The second point that I would like to draw your attention to is the liquid that should be poured into the installation. It is best to use prepared water that does not contain heavy metal salts. The ideal option is distillate, which can be purchased at any auto store or pharmacy.

For successful operation of the electrolyzer, potassium hydroxide KOH is added to the water, at the rate of approximately one tablespoon of powder per bucket of water.

And the third thing we place special emphasis on is safety. Remember that it was not by chance that the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was called explosive. HHO is a hazardous chemical that can cause an explosion if not handled properly. Follow safety rules and be especially careful when experimenting with hydrogen. Only in this case, the “brick” that our Universe consists of will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

We hope you found this article a source of inspiration and will roll up your sleeves and start making a hydrogen fuel cell. Of course, all our calculations are not the ultimate truth, however, they can be used to create a working model of a hydrogen generator. If you want to completely switch to this type of heating, then the issue will have to be studied in more detail. Perhaps your installation will become the cornerstone, thanks to which the redistribution of energy markets will end, and cheap and environmentally friendly heat will enter every home.

What is hydrogen

Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical substance on our planet. A colorless gas that contains no toxins, it is present in almost all compounds. The substance is endowed with unique properties. In solid and liquid states, hydrogen has virtually no mass. The size of its atoms is the smallest in comparison with other chemical elements.

The substance obtained by mixing hydrogen with the surrounding air can retain its properties for a very long time while indoors, but can explode from minimal contact with fire. For transportation and storage, special cylinders made of alloy steel are used.

Methods for producing hydrogen

Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gaseous element with a density of 1/14 relative to air. It is rarely found in a free state. Hydrogen is usually combined with other chemical elements: oxygen, carbon.

Hydrogen production for industrial needs and energy is carried out using several methods. The most popular are:

  • electrolysis of water;
  • concentration method;
  • low temperature condensation;
  • adsorption.

Hydrogen can be isolated not only from gas or water compounds. Hydrogen is produced by exposing wood and coal to high temperatures, as well as by processing biowaste.

Atomic hydrogen for energy is produced using the method of thermal dissociation of a molecular substance on a wire made of platinum, tungsten or palladium. It is heated in a hydrogen environment under a pressure of less than 1.33 Pa. Radioactive elements are also used to produce hydrogen.

Electrolysis method

The simplest and most popular method of hydrogen separation is the electrolysis of water. It allows the production of almost pure hydrogen. Other advantages of this method are:

  • availability of raw materials;
  • obtaining the element under pressure;
  • the ability to automate the process due to the absence of moving parts.

The procedure for splitting a liquid by electrolysis is the reverse of hydrogen combustion. Its essence is that under the influence of direct current, oxygen and hydrogen are released on electrodes immersed in an aqueous electrolyte solution.

An additional advantage is the production of by-products of industrial value. Thus, oxygen in large quantities is necessary for catalyzing technological processes in the energy sector, cleaning soil and water bodies, and recycling household waste. Heavy water produced by electrolysis is used in the energy sector in nuclear reactors.

Hydrogen production by concentration

This method is based on isolating an element from gas mixtures containing it. Thus, the largest part of the substance produced in industrial volumes is extracted using steam reforming of methane. The hydrogen produced in this process is used in the energy sector, in the oil refining industry, the rocket industry, and also for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. The process of obtaining H2 is carried out in different ways:

  • short cycle;
  • cryogenic;
  • membrane.

The latter method is considered the most effective and less expensive.

Condensation due to low temperatures

This technique for producing H2 involves intensely cooling gas compounds under pressure. As a result, they are transformed into a two-phase system, which is subsequently separated by a separator into a liquid component and a gas. Liquid media are used for cooling:

  • water;
  • liquefied ethane or propane;
  • liquid ammonia.

This procedure is not as simple as it seems. It is not possible to cleanly separate hydrocarbon gases in one go. Some of the components will leave with the gas taken from the separation compartment, which is not economical. The problem can be solved by deep cooling of the raw materials before separation. But this requires a lot of energy.

Modern low-temperature condenser systems additionally include demethanization or deethanization columns. The gas phase is removed from the last separation stage, and the liquid is sent to the distillation column with a flow of raw gas after heat exchange.

Adsorption method

During adsorption, adsorbents are used to release hydrogen - solid substances that absorb the necessary components of the gas mixture. Activated carbon, silicate gel, and zeolites are used as adsorbents. To carry out this process, special devices are used - cyclic adsorbers or molecular sieves. When implemented under pressure, this method allows recovery of 85% hydrogen.

If we compare adsorption with low-temperature condensation, we can note that the material and operational costs of the process are lower - on average, by 30 percent. The adsorption method produces hydrogen for energy and using solvents. This method allows for the extraction of 90 percent of H2 from the gas mixture and the production of a final product with a hydrogen concentration of up to 99.9%.

Hydrogen generator design

To build hydrogen generators with your own hands, they usually take Brown’s classic installation scheme as a basis. This medium-power electrolyser consists of a group of cells, each of which contains a group of plate electrodes. The power of the installation is determined by the total surface area of ​​the plate electrodes.

The cells are placed inside a container well isolated from the external environment. The tank body has pipes for connecting the water main, hydrogen outlet, as well as a contact panel for connecting electricity.

Hydrogen generation apparatus designed according to Brown's scheme. By all calculations, this installation should fully provide the household with heat and light. Another question is what dimensions and power will allow this to be done (+)

A little about gullibility and naivety

Some enterprising businessmen offer for sale a hydrogen generator for cars. They talk about laser processing of the surface of electrodes or about the unique secret alloys from which they are made, special water catalysts developed in scientific laboratories around the world.

It all depends on the ability of the thoughts of such entrepreneurs to fly scientifically. Credulity can make you, at your own expense (sometimes not even small ones), the owner of an installation whose contact plates will collapse after two months of operation.

If you decide to save money in this way, then it is better to assemble the installation yourself. At least there will be no one to blame later.

Economic question

Before you begin to understand in detail how to make a hydrogen generator, it is advisable to remember your school physics course. All transformations occur with a loss of energy, that is, the cost of electricity to produce hydrogen will not be recouped by the thermal power when burning the resulting fuel.

If we consider that it is simply impossible to burn hydrogen at maximum temperature and heat transfer at home, it becomes clear that real losses will be even higher than those calculated for ideal conditions.

So, using a DIY hydrogen generator for heating doesn't make any sense if you don't have access to free electricity. Installing an electric boiler to heat your home and spending electricity directly, without complex transformations, will cost you 2-3 times less. In addition, the electric boiler is completely safe, and the operation of a homemade installation can lead to an explosion if the installation and operation rules are not followed.

Obviously, producing cheap hydrogen in an environmentally friendly way, which includes electrolysis, is a matter of the future, which scientists in the leading countries of the world are working on today.

Installation quality criteria

It is extremely difficult to assemble a high-quality, efficient and productive installation at home. For example, even if we take into account such a criterion as the metal from which the electrode plates or tubes are made, there is already a risk of encountering problems.

The durability of electrodes depends on the type of metal and its properties. You can, of course, use the same stainless steel, but the lifespan of such elements will be short.

A kind of parody of electrode plates for a hydrogen generator. The plates are taken from a conventional variable capacitor, which are made of aluminum. Such electrodes will be enough for exactly half an hour of operation even as part of a small experimental system

Installation dimensions also play a significant role. Calculations with high accuracy are required in relation to the required power, water quality and other parameters.

So, if the gap between the working electrodes is outside the calculated value, the hydrogen generator may not function at all. In the worst case, the power for which the calculation was made will turn out to be several times less.

Even the cross-section of the wire connecting the electrodes to the power source is important in the design of a hydrogen generator. True, this concerns the safe operation of the device. However, this design detail should also be taken into account in home installations.

Returning to the safe operation of the system, one should also not forget about the introduction of a so-called water seal into the design, which prevents the reverse movement of gas.

Despite a fairly impressive number of developments of homemade hydrogen generators, there is no really effective option yet. All models are inferior to factory equipment

Main nuances of hydrogen boilers

The power of hydrogen-based boilers is selected depending on the area of ​​the structure that needs to be heated.

Using this type of technology, you can solve many heating-related problems. This occurs due to the simultaneous functioning of several channels designed to generate hydrogen energy (there can be a maximum of 6).

The modular system inherent in hydrogen boilers ensures independent operation of the channels, without in any way affecting the efficiency of the installation. Each individual channel contains its own catalyst.

Advantages of hydrogen heating

A hydrogen-powered boiler is in demand for many reasons:

  1. The inexhaustibility of hydrogen, as well as the ability to obtain it in any quantity.
  2. Producing hydrogen is considered more economically profitable than the constant extraction of minerals with flammable properties (gas, coal, oil, etc.).
  3. The heating system operates without emissions harmful to people and the atmosphere, emitting ordinary water vapor.
  4. No flame required (works on the basis of chemical reactions).
  5. The boiler has the highest possible efficiency.
  6. The device operates completely silently.
  7. There is no need to build and operate a chimney.
  8. Safety requirements for hydrogen heating are lower than for gas-based installations.

Disadvantages of hydrogen boilers

Despite the many advantages, it is important to know about the disadvantages of such units:

  • the need to constantly replenish the catalyst;
  • explosion hazard of the element if strict requirements are not met;
  • inconvenient transportation of hydrogen;
  • lack of specialists in installation and maintenance of such equipment in Russia;
  • insufficient number of necessary spare parts due to the underdeveloped market for hydrogen heating.

ICE on hydrogen fuel

For several decades, there has been a search for the possibility of adapting internal combustion engines for full or hybrid operation on hydrogen fuel. In Great Britain, back in 1841, an engine running on an air-hydrogen mixture was patented. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Zeppelin concern used internal combustion engines running on hydrogen as the propulsion system for its famous airships.

The development of hydrogen energy was also facilitated by the global energy crisis that erupted in the 70s of the last century. However, with its end, hydrogen generators were quickly forgotten. And this despite a lot of advantages compared to conventional fuel:

  • ideal flammability of the fuel mixture based on air and hydrogen, which makes it possible to easily start the engine at any ambient temperature;
  • large heat release during gas combustion;
  • absolute environmental safety - exhaust gases turn into water;
  • the combustion rate is 4 times higher compared to a gasoline mixture;
  • the ability of the mixture to operate without detonation at a high compression ratio.

The main technical reason, which is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, was the inability to fit a sufficient amount of gas on a vehicle. The size of the hydrogen fuel tank will be comparable to the parameters of the car itself. The high explosiveness of the gas should exclude the possibility of the slightest leak. In liquid form, a cryogenic installation is required. This method is also not very feasible in a car.

Universal diagram of a hydrogen generator

For those who do not have the ability to design, a hydrogen generator for a car can be purchased from folk craftsmen who put the assembly and installation of such systems on stream. Today there are many such offers. The cost of the unit and installation is about 40 thousand rubles.

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But you can assemble such a system yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. It consists of several simple elements combined into one whole:

  1. Installations for water electrolysis.
  2. Storage tank.
  3. Moisture trap from gas.
  4. Electronic control unit (current modulator).

Below is a diagram according to which you can easily assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands. The drawings of the main installation producing Brown's gas are quite simple and understandable.

The circuit does not represent any engineering complexity; anyone who knows how to work with the tool can repeat it. For vehicles with a fuel injection system, it is also necessary to install a controller that regulates the level of gas supply to the fuel mixture and is connected to the vehicle’s on-board computer.


The amount of Brown gas produced depends on the area of ​​the electrodes and their material. If copper or iron plates are used as electrodes, the reactor will not be able to operate for a long time due to the rapid destruction of the plates.

The use of titanium sheets looks ideal. However, their use increases the cost of assembling the unit several times. It is considered optimal to use plates made of high-alloy stainless steel. This metal is available, it will not be difficult to purchase. You can also use a used washing machine tank. The only difficulty will be cutting out the plates of the required size.

Types of installations

Today, a hydrogen generator for a car can be equipped with three electrolyzers that differ in type, nature of operation and performance:

  1. Simple, cylindrical type. Produces 700 milliliters of gas per minute. This performance is sufficient for engines with a displacement of up to 1.4 liters.
  2. With cells of separate type. It is the most efficient in terms of design and performance. The gas output exceeds 2 liters per minute. This volume allows it to be used in freight transport.
  3. Electrolyzer with open plates. This design provides additional cooling to the system, as a result of which it can be used during long-term operation of the unit. The gas output is controlled by the number of reactor plates.

The first type of design is quite sufficient for many carburetor engines. There is no need to install a complex electronic circuit for a gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer itself is not difficult.

For more powerful cars, it is preferable to assemble the second type of reactor. And for engines running on diesel fuel and heavy-duty vehicles, a third type of reactor is used.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to treat the surface with sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Current regulator

A hydrogen generator on a car increases its productivity during operation. This is due to the release of heat during the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor experiences heating, and the process proceeds much more intensely. To control the progress of the reaction, a current regulator is used.

If you do not lower it, the water may simply boil and the reactor will stop producing Brown gas. A special controller that regulates the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing speed.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch for two operating modes: “Highway” and “City”.

Applications of hydrogen generator

Due to the problems associated with the transportation and storage of hydrogen, such devices are in demand in industries where the presence of this gas is required by the technological cycle. Let's list the main directions:

  1. Production related to the synthesis of hydrogen chloride.
  2. Production of fuel for rocket engines.
  3. Creation of fertilizers.
  4. Production of hydrogen nitride (ammonia).
  5. Synthesis of nitric acid.
  6. In the food industry (for producing solid fats from vegetable oils).
  7. Metal processing (welding and cutting).
  8. Metal recovery.
  9. Synthesis of methyl alcohol
  10. Production of hydrochloric acid.

The main areas of application of hydrogen generators in industry
Despite the fact that the production of hydrogen during oil refining is cheaper than its production by electrolysis, as mentioned above, difficulties arise with gas transportation. The environmental situation does not always allow the construction of hazardous chemical production facilities directly next to oil refineries. In addition, hydrogen produced by electrolysis is much cleaner than that produced by cracking oil. In this regard, industrial hydrogen generators are always in high demand.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to treat the surface with sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Design features and design of the hydrogen generator

While there are practically no problems with producing hydrogen now, its transportation and storage still remains an urgent task. The molecules of this substance are so small that they can even penetrate metal, which poses a certain safety risk. Absorbed storage is not yet highly profitable. Therefore, the best option is to generate hydrogen immediately before its use in the production cycle.

For this purpose, industrial plants for generating hydrogen are manufactured. As a rule, these are membrane-type electrolyzers. The simplified design of such a device and the principle of operation are given below.

Simplified diagram of a membrane-type hydrogen generator


  • A – tube for removing chlorine (Cl2).
  • B – hydrogen (H2) removal.
  • C is the anode on which the following reaction occurs: 2CL—→CL2 + 2е—.
  • D is the cathode, the reaction on it can be described by the following equation: 2H2O + 2e— →H2 + OH—.
  • E – solution of water and sodium chloride (H2O & NaCl).
  • F – membrane;
  • G – saturated solution of sodium chloride and the formation of caustic soda (NaOH).
  • H – removal of brine and diluted caustic soda.
  • I – input of saturated brine.
  • J – cover.

Design of a hydrogen cell for a household electrolyzer


  • a – tube for venting Brown’s gas;
  • b – water supply inlet manifold;
  • c – sealed housing;
  • d – block of electrode plates (anodes and cathodes), with insulators installed between them;
  • e – water;
  • f – water level sensor (connected to the control unit);
  • g – water separation filter;
  • h – power supply supplied to the electrodes;
  • i – pressure sensor (sends a signal to the control unit when the threshold level is reached);
  • j – safety valve;
  • k – gas outlet from the safety valve.

A characteristic feature of such devices is the use of electrode blocks, since separation of hydrogen and oxygen is not required. This allows the generators to be quite compact.

Electrode blocks for a plant that produces Brown's gas

Hydrogen engine: types, device, principle of operation


The first type of hydrogen engine runs on fuel cells. Unfortunately, hydrogen engines of this type are still very expensive. The fact is that the design contains expensive materials like platinum.

The second type includes hydrogen internal combustion engines. The operating principle of such devices is very similar to propane models. That is why they are often reconfigured to run on hydrogen. Unfortunately, the efficiency of such devices is an order of magnitude lower than those operating on fuel cells.


The main difference between hydrogen engines and the gasoline or diesel analogues we are now familiar with is the method of supplying and igniting the working mixture. The principle of converting the reciprocating movements of the crankshaft into useful work remains unchanged. Due to the fact that fuel based on petroleum products burns slowly, the combustion chamber is filled with the fuel-air mixture a little before the moment the piston rises to its highest position (TDC). The lightning-fast reaction speed of hydrogen makes it possible to shift the injection time to the moment when the piston begins its return movement to BDC. In this case, the pressure in the fuel system does not have to be high (4 atm is enough).

Under ideal conditions, a hydrogen engine can have a closed-type power supply system. The mixture formation process occurs without the participation of atmospheric air. After the compression stroke, water remains in the combustion chamber in the form of steam, which, passing through the radiator, condenses and turns back into H2O. This type of equipment is possible if an electrolyzer is installed on the car, which will separate hydrogen from the resulting water for repeated reaction with oxygen.

In practice, this type of system is still difficult to implement. To ensure proper operation and reduce friction, engines use oil, the evaporation of which is part of the exhaust gases. At the present stage of technology development, stable operation and trouble-free starting of an engine running on detonating gas without the use of atmospheric air is not feasible.

Household use

There are also uses for hydrogen in everyday life. First of all, these are autonomous heating systems. But here are some peculiarities. Pure hydrogen production plants are much more expensive than Brown gas generators; the latter can even be assembled yourself. But when organizing home heating, it is necessary to take into account that the combustion temperature of Brown gas is much higher than that of methane, so you will need a special boiler, which is somewhat more expensive than a regular one.

The fuel boiler must have the appropriate label

On the Internet you can find many articles in which it is written that ordinary boilers can be used for detonating gas, but this is strictly forbidden. At best, they will quickly fail, and at worst, they can cause sad or even tragic consequences. Special designs with a more heat-resistant nozzle are available for Brown's mixture.

It should be noted that the profitability of heating systems based on hydrogen generators is highly questionable due to low efficiency. In such systems there are double losses, firstly, during the gas generation process, and secondly, when heating water in the boiler. It is cheaper to immediately heat water in an electric boiler for heating.

An equally controversial implementation for domestic use, in which Brown's gas is used to enrich gasoline in the fuel system of a car engine in order to save money.

Using an NGO generator in a car


  • a – NHO generator (accepted designation for Brown’s gas);
  • b – gas outlet to the drying chamber;
  • c – compartment for removing water vapor;
  • d – return of condensate to the generator;
  • e – supply of dried gas to the air filter of the fuel system;
  • f – car engine;
  • g – connection to the battery and electric generator.

It should be noted that in some cases such a system even works (if it is assembled correctly). But you won’t find exact parameters, power gain coefficient, or savings percentage. These data are highly blurred and their reliability is questionable. Again, the question is not clear how much the engine life will decrease.

But demand creates supply; on the Internet you can find detailed drawings of such devices and instructions for connecting them. There are also ready-made models made in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Current regulator

A hydrogen generator on a car increases its productivity during operation. This is due to the release of heat during the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor experiences heating, and the process proceeds much more intensely. To control the progress of the reaction, a current regulator is used.

If you do not lower it, the water may simply boil and the reactor will stop producing Brown gas. A special controller that regulates the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing speed.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch for two operating modes: “Highway” and “City”.

Features of a hydrogen generator

Based on the requirements and size of a private or municipal building, it is necessary to select a hydrogen burner with an optimal power level, adapted to the needs of a particular room. It should be noted that the maximum possible power rating of the generators is 6.

Hydrogen, rightfully recognized as the most economical type of fuel, can be produced in any quantity. A prerequisite for this is the availability of electrical energy and water.

The main task of the equipment is complete independent heating of premises. However, hydrogen-based installations can perfectly complement existing home heating systems. You just need to make sure that all elements of the heating system operate at low temperatures.

These units are also used to heat the room using heated floors, which are now easy to assemble with your own hands.

Operating principle of the device

The heat generation process is based on the electrolysis of water in a medium saturated with a catalyst. The main condition for the normal operation, as well as the safety of the generator, is that under such conditions, water does not decompose into oxygen and hydrogen, the combination of which can be explosive.

Modern generators work to produce Brown gas. This is a completely non-explosive substance of a brownish or green hue, also called water gas. After production and heating to 40 degrees, it immediately goes to the combustion chambers, and more specifically, to the heat exchanger. There it is mixed with air-fuel elements.

Hydrogen Generator Components

The main structural components of the simplest hydrogen unit are pipes and the boiler itself. Often no technical accessories or additional elements and devices are required anymore.

This also applies to components designed to remove combustion products. After all, as a result of the operation of the generator, only steam is released into the atmosphere: water, clean and completely safe.

Often, burners of this type have a modular design, each part of which has its own catalyst, which increases the overall efficiency of the system.

Regarding pipes for a hydrogen heating system. then it is advisable to use those whose diameter is in the range from 1 to 1.25 inches. Some deviations are allowed, but most often these particular ones are used to heat a house.

An important rule that should not be neglected when installing heating pipes is that each previous branch must be larger in diameter than the next one.

Conditions for installing a hydroelectric power station

Despite the tempting cheapness of the energy generated by a hydro generator, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the water source whose resources you plan to use for your own needs. After all, not every watercourse is suitable for the operation of a mini-hydroelectric power station, especially year-round, so it does not hurt to have in reserve the ability to connect to a centralized main line

After all, not every watercourse is suitable for the operation of a mini-hydroelectric power station, especially year-round, so it does not hurt to have in reserve the possibility of connecting to a centralized main line.

A few pros and cons

The main advantages of an individual hydroelectric power station are obvious: inexpensive equipment that generates cheap electricity, and also does not harm nature (unlike dams that block the flow of a river). Although the system cannot be called absolutely safe, the rotating elements of the turbines can still cause injuries to the inhabitants of the underwater world and even people.

To prevent accidents, the hydroelectric station must be fenced, and if the system is completely hidden by water, a warning sign must be installed on the shore

Advantages of mini-hydroelectric power stations:

  1. Unlike other “free” energy sources (solar panels, wind generators), hydraulic systems can operate regardless of the time of day and weather. The only thing that can stop them is the freezing of the reservoir.
  2. To install a hydrogenerator, it is not necessary to have a large river - the same water wheels can be successfully used even in small (but fast!) streams.
  3. The units do not emit harmful substances, do not pollute water and operate almost silently.
  4. To install a mini-hydroelectric power station with a capacity of up to 100 kW, you do not need to obtain permits (although everything depends on the local authorities and the type of installation).
  5. Excess electricity can be sold to neighboring houses.

As for the disadvantages, insufficient current strength can become a serious obstacle to the productive operation of the equipment. In this case, it will be necessary to build auxiliary structures, which entails additional costs.

If the potential energy of a nearby river, based on rough calculations, is not enough to generate electricity in a volume sufficient for practical use, it is worth paying attention to methods for constructing wind generators. A windmill will serve as an effective addition

Measuring the strength of water flow

The first thing you need to do to think about the type and method of installation of the station is to measure the speed of water flow at your favorite source.

The easiest way is to lower any light object (for example, a tennis ball, a piece of foam plastic, or a fishing float) onto the rapids and use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for it to swim the distance to some landmark. The standard distance for the “swim” is 10 meters.

If the reservoir is located far from the house, you can build a diversion channel or pipeline, and at the same time take care of height differences

Now you need to divide the distance traveled in meters by the number of seconds - this will be the speed of the current. But if the resulting value is less than 1 m/sec, it will be necessary to erect artificial structures to speed up the flow due to elevation changes.

This can be done with the help of a collapsible dam or a narrow drain pipe. But without a good flow, the idea of ​​a hydroelectric station will have to be abandoned.

A little history

The principle of operation of hydrogen energy was noted in ancient times. The famous healer Paracelsus, while conducting his scientific experiments, noticed that when certain elements were combined, bubbles were formed, which at that time he mistook for air. It was later discovered that it was hydrogen, which is a colorless gas that exhibits explosive properties under certain conditions.

Currently, they have learned to use hydrogen for various purposes, including heating a residential building or any other structure. These technologies are being actively developed and implemented in many industries. As an innovation on the scientific development market, hydrogen heating has already attracted the interest of many consumers and continues to gain popularity among the general public.

It has been proven that hydrogen is considered not only a fairly common substance, but also an easily accessible substance. The only difficulty is that it has to be extracted from chemical compounds, most often water.

Hydrogen heating: myth or reality

A generator for welding is currently the only practical application of electrolytic water splitting. It is not advisable to use it for heating a house and here's why. Energy costs during gas-flame work are not so important; the main thing is that the welder does not need to carry heavy cylinders and fiddle with hoses. Another thing is home heating, where every penny counts. And here hydrogen loses to all currently existing types of fuel.

Serial welding generators cost a lot of money because they use catalysts for the electrolysis process, which include platinum. You can make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, but its efficiency will be even lower than that of a factory one. You will definitely be able to get flammable gas, but it is unlikely to be enough to heat at least one large room, let alone an entire house. And if there is enough, you will have to pay exorbitant electricity bills.

Rather than wasting time and effort on obtaining free fuel, which does not exist a priori, it is easier to make a simple electrode boiler with your own hands. You can be sure that this way you will spend much less energy with greater benefit. However, DIY enthusiasts can always try their hand at assembling an electrolyzer at home in order to conduct experiments and see for themselves. One such experiment is shown in the video:

Heating the house with Brown gas

Scheme of operation of a hydrogen generator.

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and summer cottages, the question often arises of how to obtain “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

This compound can be represented by a chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their home with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to produce it (Brown’s gas) in domestic conditions.

There is not yet a technology for hydrogen heating of a private home that would be sufficiently reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands:

Independent construction

Due to the fact that there is currently no mass production of such units, purchasing them is not an easy process. Most likely, you will have to place an individual order or negotiate the supply of equipment from Italy, where such devices were first developed and put into operation.

But not all consumers can afford such a solution to the problem. In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of building a boiler with your own hands.

How does a homemade hydrogen heating boiler work?

The hydrogen heating system consists of a generator, burner and boiler.

At the moment, no source can provide accurate and success-guaranteing instructions for constructing a hydrogen boiler. But according to the skills and experience of practicing chemists and technicians, such a unit should consist of the following components:

  1. Heat exchanger.
  2. Electrolyzer.
  3. The combustion chamber.
  4. Safety block protecting against “return” (with 2 stages).
  5. Container with electrolyte and produced hydrogen. It should be made of alloy or stainless steel, and also be equipped with a valve with which you can relieve pressure in the system.

Operating principle of the boiler

Hydrogen begins to be produced after the electrolytic solution enters the electrolyzer. Under the influence of a catalyst with O2, the element is divided into heat and water. The resulting heat, which has a temperature of about 40 degrees, goes into the heating system, first passing through a heat exchanger. Very often, this temperature is enough to fully heat the house using heated floors.

The water released as a result of the chemical reaction enters the tank (with the electrolyte), and then a certain part of the solution undergoes spontaneous ignition due to the recirculation process.

Device with two valves

The manufacturing process of a 2-valve electrolyzer model is not particularly complicated. As in the previous version, assembly should begin by preparing the base. It is made from steel sheets, which need to be cut in accordance with the dimensions of the container.

The board is firmly attached to the base (we use M6 screws), after which you can install a bubbling tube with a diameter of at least 33 mm. Having selected the valve for the device, you can begin installing the valves.

Plastic container

The first one is installed on the base of the pipe, for which it is necessary to secure a fitting in this place. The connection is sealed with a clamping ring, after which another plate is installed - it will be needed to fix the shutter.

The second valve should be mounted on the pipe with a distance of 20 mm from the edge.

Features of Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator

A hydrogen generator based on the principle of electrolysis is most often produced in a container version. A prerequisite for purchasing such a heating device is the presence of the following documents: permission from Rostechnadzor, certificates (compliance with GOSTR and hygienic).

The electrolytic generator consists of the following elements:

  • a block that includes a transformer, a rectifier, distribution boxes and devices, a water replenishment and demineralization unit;
  • devices for separate production of hydrogen and oxygen - electrolyzer;
  • gas analysis systems;
  • liquid cooling systems;
  • a system aimed at detecting a possible hydrogen leak;
  • control panel and automatic control system.

To achieve the most efficient electrical conduction process, drops of lye are used. The reservoir with it is replenished as needed, but most often this happens about once a year. Any electrolytic generators of industrial type are manufactured based on European environmental and safety standards.

It has been experimentally proven that purchasing a hydrogen electrolytic generator is much more profitable than regularly purchasing gas. Thus, to produce 1 cubic meter of gas from hydrogen and oxygen, only about 3.5 kW of electrical energy is required, as well as half a liter of demineralized water.

Is it profitable to heat a house with hydrogen?

Sellers of compact hydrogen generators convince buyers that heating a home with hydrogen is incredibly cheap. Supposedly this is even more profitable than heating with gas. They say that the water that is poured into the installation costs nothing, and they are silent about other costs. Such promises have a magical effect on some of our fellow citizens who love freebies. But let’s not be like Pinocchio and, before setting foot in the Land of Fools, let’s find out how much hydrogen heating at home actually costs.

The average selling price of natural gas for the population for heating and electricity generation is 4.76 rubles/m3. 1 m3 contains 0.712 kg. Accordingly, 1 kg of natural gas costs 6.68 rubles. The average calorific value of natural gas is 50,000 kJ/kg. For hydrogen it is much higher, 140,000 kJ/kg. That is, in order to obtain an amount of thermal energy equal to that generated by the combustion of 1 kg of hydrogen, 2.8 kg of natural gas will be required. Its cost is 13.32 rubles. Now let’s compare the cost of thermal energy obtained from burning 1 kg of hydrogen obtained in a good factory electrolyzer and from 2.8 kg of natural gas: 420 rubles versus 13.32. The difference is truly monstrous, 31.5 times! Even compared to the most expensive of traditional types of heating - electric, hydrogen cannot even come close to competing, it costs 4 times more! The electricity that will be spent on the operation of the electrolyzer is better used to operate heating electrical appliances; there will be much more benefit.

It is precisely these advertising technologies and methods of persuasion that sellers of installations for heating a home with hydrogen use in order to sell their useless goods at exorbitant prices.

As for the prospects for hydrogen energy, they exist, but success is associated with promising industrial technologies that have not yet been invented. Household hydrogen generators and hydrogen vehicles are definitely unprofitable at least for the next decades. Their very limited use in some countries is only possible thanks to significant government subsidies as part of experimental environmental programs.

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