Wood-burning electric generator: principle of operation and DIY production

It has long become customary for us to use firewood to build a fire or fireplace. And hearing that burning wood can help produce electricity is quite strange. But despite this, the modern market contains a large selection of models of electric generators that use wood as fuel.

In short, the power of such equipment on average reaches 50 W, in addition, there are more powerful installations that can provide higher power equipment up to approximately 100 W. The full amount of energy will be collected in about 10 minutes, which is quite fast for this type of equipment. To operate such a device, it is allowed to use not only wood, but also its analogues.

Wood-burning thermoelectric generators [ads-mob-1][ads-pc-1]


Today, wood-burning electric generators are used quite widely, of course, they are still far from large scale, but even this achievement means a lot.

How it works?

A standard Peltier element is a plate with two outputs for connecting to the network, assembled from cubes of different metals, for example copper and constantan, copper and nickel, lead and constantan, etc.
The plate passes electric current through itself and heats up on one side, and on the other hand it becomes cold.

The presented electric generator uses the opposite principle: one side of the element is heated by burning fuel (in this case, wood chips and firewood), the other is cooled by any heat exchanger - liquid or air, and a constant electric current is generated on the wires, which can already be used at your discretion.

One cannot expect high power levels; even in factory furnace-generators (they usually have two elements), up to 60 W are generated. Homemade ones typically output 5 W (enough to charge a cell phone or power an LED flashlight).

The electric current in such a stove is only a by-product; the main energy from the combustion of wood is not wasted, but is used to heat the room (enough for a small house, cottage or tent).

Thermoelectric generator

With low productivity, it is advisable to use TEGs in camping conditions, where it is necessary to obtain electricity to charge a cell phone or LED light bulb. The simplicity of the design allows you to make an electric generator with your own hands.

Alternative sources are also solar panels or a wind generator. The former require special conditions - the presence of sunlight, which may not always be available. Another source is large and requires wind. Another disadvantage is the presence of moving parts that reduce reliability and are heavy.

Industrial thermogenerators

BioLite has developed a new model for hiking that allows you to cook food in a compact, portable wood-burning stove and at the same time charge your mobile device from the built-in TEG.


Indigirka is a multifunctional device, which is a symbiosis of a long-burning wood stove and a thermal electric generator capable of producing electricity.

The compact and lightweight stove can be easily transported and installed not only indoors, but also used outdoors. The device can operate at temperatures from +40 to -30 ° C.

The spacious hob can accommodate several types of cookware (cook soup, heat tea, etc.). The electricity generated by the stove is quite enough to connect a portable TV, radio, 1-2 light bulbs, and charge the power supply of a mobile phone, laptop or video camera.

Classic version

As noted, a wood-fired power plant uses several technologies to produce electricity. The classic one among them is steam power, or simply the steam engine.

Everything is simple here - wood or any other fuel, when burned, heats up the water, as a result of which it turns into a gaseous state - steam.

The resulting steam is supplied to the turbine of the generating set, and due to rotation, the generator generates electricity.

Since the steam engine and generator set are connected in a single closed circuit, after passing through the turbine the steam is cooled, fed back into the boiler, and the whole process is repeated.

This power plant scheme is one of the simplest, but it has a number of significant disadvantages, one of which is the danger of explosion.

After water passes into a gaseous state, the pressure in the circuit increases significantly, and if it is not regulated, there is a high probability of rupture of the pipelines.

And although modern systems use a whole set of valves that regulate pressure, the operation of a steam engine still requires constant monitoring.

In addition, ordinary water used in this engine can cause scale to form on the walls of the pipes, which reduces the efficiency of the station (scale impairs heat transfer and reduces the throughput of the pipes).

But now this problem is solved by using distilled water, liquids, purified impurities that precipitate, or special gases.

But on the other hand, this power plant can perform another function - to heat the room.

Everything is simple here - after performing its function (rotation of the turbine), the steam must be cooled so that it turns into a liquid state again, which requires a cooling system or, simply, a radiator.

And if you place this radiator indoors, then in the end we will receive not only electricity from such a station, but also heat.

Engineering capabilities

The technical characteristics of power generating equipment speak for themselves:

  • the optimal amount of fuel for loading is 30 liters;
  • external dimensions have the following parameters: height – 652 mm, depth – 427 mm, width – 540 mm;
  • unit weight – 54 kg;
  • the maximum size of a heated structure is 50 m³;
  • chimney diameter – 80.0 mm;
  • the smallest chimney height is 3.0 meters;
  • number of chimney pipes - 9 pieces per set;
  • combustion compartment – ​​41 dm³;
  • thermal power – 4 kW;
  • output power – 50 W (min);
  • output voltage – approximately 12 Volts;
  • firebox door size – 178 mm in diameter;
  • heating surface – 0.6 sq. m;
  • type of fuel - brown coal, peat, firewood from deciduous trees, fuel briquettes, pallets.

It is important to know: it is strictly forbidden to use coal as a combustible material.

Energy stove - wood stove with thermoelectric generator

An energy stove is needed wherever there is no electricity!
It has no analogues in the world! “Energy stove” is a wood-burning stove with a thermoelectric generator, which, using the effect of direct conversion, allows you to obtain electrical energy from thermal energy.

Technical characteristics of the Energy Furnace:

  • Electrical power at a voltage of 12 V - 50 W;
  • Actuation time is no more than 20 minutes;
  • The maximum volume of a heated room is 50 m3;
  • Thermal power - 4 kW;
  • Weight - 58 kg;
  • Depth - 370 mm;
  • Width - 500 mm;
  • Height - 620 mm;
  • Firebox volume -41 liter;
  • Chimney diameter - 80 mm;
  • Operating conditions for a wood stove with a thermoelectric generator:
  • Outdoors and indoors at temperatures from -45 degrees C to +45 degrees C.
  • The service life, if the instructions are followed, is at least 10 years.

Additional features of the Energy Furnace:

1 – Energy furnace 2 – Battery charge/discharge controller 3 – Inverter 4 – Battery

In order to meet the needs for the use of electrical appliances with a power of 1 kW or more, it is more effective not to increase the power of our product, but to use an integrated system consisting of our product, converters and standard batteries. In this system, our product will serve as an electricity generator and charger for charging batteries.

Who needs an energy stove?

  • In the world - Africa, China, Russia, South America, India
  • In Russia - the peoples of the North, hunters, tourists, gardeners, emergency workers.
  • Today the planet's population is more than 6 billion people. 1.6 billion do not have access to electricity.
  • There are about 20 million garden and dacha plots in Russia, 25% of them are not connected to the power grid.

Electrical load of the furnace:

  • lighting lamps,
  • TV,
  • player,
  • battery or phone charger,
  • radio station,
  • radio,
  • computer.

Advantages of the Energy Furnace:

  1. Versatility. An energy stove makes it possible to receive electrical energy and at the same time heat the room and make it possible to cook food.
  2. No dependence on weather conditions.
  3. Does not require the purchase of expensive fuel.
  4. Does not require maintenance.
  5. Environmentally safe.
  6. Silent.

The energy furnace has a number of undoubted advantages in comparison with other sources of electricity!

When using waste as a heat source, for example, when burning waste in a EURO-5 NEC furnace with a power of 20 kW, the electrical power can reach 7 kW at a voltage of 12 volts.

The operation of an energy furnace is based on a thermogenerator.

The operation of thermoelectric generators is based on the conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy. Possessing a number of positive technical characteristics in terms of the level of generated power, quiet operation, reliability and long service life. For individual use by tourists, fishermen, and summer residents, low-power thermoelectric generators from 2.5 to 12 W are produced. Some of them are designed to convert the heat of kerosene combustion products in a kerosene lamp into electric current and serve as a source of direct current and lighting. They can be used in huts and tents protected from direct exposure to wind and precipitation. Electrical power is 4.5 W, voltage up to 12 volts. Service life 12 years.

The most famous are thermoelectric generators used in the gas industry. They are designed for autonomous power sources with a power from 150 to 900 W and are used to power radio relay communications and cathodic protection of gas pipelines.

Thermoelectric generators built into the bottom of saucepans and kettles are also produced. Moreover, you can cook food in them, as in ordinary dishes. The principle of operation is the same - when a pan is heated over a fire or other heat source, electricity is generated sufficient to power radio equipment, communications, lighting and recharge batteries. Their power reaches 15 W at a voltage of 12 volts. A variant of a thermo-electric generator, which is installed between the pipe bends of an iron stove, has a voltage of 12 V. But with the help of a battery and converters, it is possible to obtain electricity at 220 V with a power of 1 kW or more.

All inventions presented on the site have copyright certificates for the invention, drawings and design documentation. Author – Nikolay Egin.

All materials published on the site are provided by Nikolai Egin!

You have the right to copy them with a mandatory link to the inventor’s website

Copyright © 2010-2020 Nikolay Egin, All Rights Reserved. Designed by Aleksey Lattu

Thermoelectric generators

Power plants with generators built according to the Peltier principle are quite an interesting option.

Physicist Peltier discovered an effect that boils down to the fact that when electricity is passed through conductors consisting of two dissimilar materials, heat is absorbed at one of the contacts, and heat is released at the other.

Moreover, this effect is the opposite - if the conductor is heated on one side and cooled on the other, then electricity will be generated in it.

It is the opposite effect that is used in wood-fired power plants. When burned, they heat up one half of the plate (it is a thermoelectric generator), consisting of cubes made of different metals, and the second part is cooled (for which heat exchangers are used), as a result of which electricity appears at the terminals of the plate.

But such a generator has several nuances. One of them is that the parameters of the released energy directly depend on the temperature difference at the ends of the plate, therefore, to equalize and stabilize them, it is necessary to use a voltage regulator.

The second nuance is that the energy released is just a side effect; most of the energy when burning wood is simply converted into heat. Because of this, the efficiency of this type of station is not very high.

We recommend: Choosing wall-mounted gas boilers

The advantages of power plants with thermoelectric generators include:

  • Long service life (no moving parts);
  • At the same time, not only energy is generated, but also heat, which can be used for heating or cooking;
  • Quiet operation.

Wood-burning power plants using the Peltier principle are a fairly common option, and they produce both portable devices that can only release electricity to charge low-power consumers (phones, flashlights), and industrial ones that can power powerful units.

Description and design characteristics

The Indigirka heating, electricity-generating cooking stove is a simple but unique design consisting of the following elements:

  1. The firebox is made of heat-resistant stainless high-alloy steel (2.0 mm thick). Due to this, the air space of the object quickly warms up. The maximum volume of a heated room does not exceed 50 cubic meters. Elements not subject to temperature stress are made of one and a half millimeter structural steel.
  2. There are 2 thermal electric generators (TEG) 30-12 fixed on the side walls of the firebox. Using a cable, connectors for connecting electrical appliances are connected to the generator. Generators transform the heat of burning fuel into electrical energy. A stable, full-fledged operation mode of the TEG begins 10 minutes after the fuel is ignited.
  3. The firebox door can open 140 degrees. A window made of heat-resistant glass is mounted on the door, through which the fuel combustion process is visually observed.
  4. The grate is made of heat-resistant steel alloy. Through the grate slits, ash and combustion product residues enter the movable ash pan. The model is equipped with a valve that regulates the intensity of the combustion process. The ideal fuel for a TEG stove is firewood, peat and wood chip briquettes.
  5. The upper part of the body is designed for heating and cooking food.

The outer surface of the Indigirka stove is covered with silicone heat-resistant enamel.

Please note: before continuous operation of the heating device, it is recommended to pre-fire the stove in the open air for an hour to eliminate the smell and smoke emitted by the enamel.

Electricity-generating wood heating and cooking stove Termofor Indigirka-2

heats up to 50m³

, chimney diameter

heat-resistant steel
body , dimensions

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Electricity-generating wood heating and cooking stove Termofor Indigirka-2

Small solid fuel stove.

During operation of the furnace, two built-in thermoelectric generators (TEG) heat up and produce direct current with a voltage of 12 V and a total nominal power of 60 W.

The presence of a cast iron burner on the upper horizontal surface allows you to heat and cook food. The small size and weight of the stove allow it to be transported and installed in any accessible room.

The furnace is made of heat-resistant high-alloy steel with a scaling temperature of 750°C, which significantly increases the service life of the furnace. The delivery set includes two connecting cables for connecting various portable devices, one with car cigarette lighter and USB connectors (5 volts), the second with alligator clips.

Due to technical improvements and the use of new generation TEGs, the weight of the furnace has decreased by 17 kg.

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Gazteplopribor Zhigulevsk, st. Pobeda, 4 Mon-Fri 8:30-19:00, Sat 8:30-18:00, Sun 9:00-17:00After 7 days
Gas and Heat Togliatti, Kommunalnaya st. 32, right wing, 10 sec.Mon-Fri 9:00-19:00, Sat 9:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-17:00After 7 days

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Pros of this generator

The simpler the design, the more reliable it is, this can also be said about the type of electricity generation presented.

There are no parts rubbing against each other that could fail. Therefore, a wood-burning generator:

  • durable and reliable;
  • works silently;
  • uses available fuel;
  • lightweight, portable - can be up to 1 kg.

The generator furnace is a know-how of recent years. It will be of interest to both amateur experimenters and travelers, fans of hiking and fishing. And who wouldn’t want to have access to electricity during a blackout?

For a homemade stove, all the parts can be bought very inexpensively - within 500 rubles. (Chinese Peltier elements can be ordered via the Internet for about 300 rubles.)

Criterias of choice

Due to the fact that the wood-burning autonomous electric generator exists in several versions, the user’s choice is simplified. Since only a generator stove is suitable for the home, there are no other options. And large wood-burning power plants are used to supply power to industrial or civil facilities, since their power varies between 100-200 kW.

When choosing, you should take into account the size of the facility that will be served, as well as what power you should expect. To determine the amount of fuel consumption, you need to plan with what degree of efficiency and how often the device will be used, based on this, the volume of the loading container for firewood is selected.

Existing models

Fully functional, high-performance equipment such as the BioKIBOR power plant is quite expensive. If a wood-burning generator was chosen for the facility, then you can buy it within the amount of 2,000,000 rubles. By design, this is a modular installation with automatic fuel supply. To provide 100 kW equipment with firewood for one day, 5 tons (or 200 kg per hour of operation) will be required. The specified amount of fuel is required for full operation of the station.

Let's watch a video about the Indigirka wood-burning stove-generator model:

A device such as a wood-burning stove-generator (Indigirka brand Termofor) will cost the user approximately 30,000 rubles. When purchasing, the capacity of the combustion chamber is taken into account (41 liters), with a maximum load of 30 liters. To remove combustion products, a chimney is provided, the diameter of which is 80 mm and the height is 3 m. The output voltage is 12 V and the power is 60 W.

General recommendations

Wood-burning generator for charging your phone

To maintain a high temperature, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough fuel in the combustion chamber. If this is not necessary in the case of an automated power plant, then the furnace-generator does not have the function of autonomous fuel supply.

Such a device must be operated with a chimney that removes combustion products, especially if the operation is carried out indoors.

As an alternative to expensive equipment, you can make a backup electric generator using wood with your own hands. But this design also implies the use of a Peltier element. Without this, it is problematic to organize the conversion of temperature into electricity. According to users, a compact stove-generator is fully justified, especially in the context of the current decline in the price of such a unit and the availability of solid fuel.

Thus, the operation of a low-power household electric generator is an alternative to high-performance gasoline and diesel devices. But before purchasing, you should consider such a thing as the need to purchase an inverter to convert the output voltage of 12 V to 220 V. Without this, it will be impossible to connect most modern devices.

Manufacturing process

How to make a gas generator with your own hands? One of the possible options is described below. Take a 40 liter gas cylinder and cut a circle in the upper part, as shown in photo 1.

This tank will house the loading area and firebox.

A meter-long piece of pipe with an outer diameter of about 50 mm will serve to supply air (photo 2).

The bottom and cover of the housing can be made of sheet steel 5 mm thick. Fire extinguisher housings are suitable for coarse and fine filters. The grate can be welded from reinforcement (photo 3).

It is better, of course, to find cast iron rods for the grate or to find a finished product of suitable dimensions.

To make a lock for the generator column cover, an old car spring is suitable (photo 4). When the pressure inside the generator increases, such a lock will work like a valve in a pressure cooker.

A piece of rectangular pipe can serve as the basis for fastening the cover parts (photo 5)

The main parts of the body are connected by electric welding; when installing the cover parts, a bolted connection is used.

Thus, almost all the parts needed to make a gas generator with your own hands can be found in scrap metal.

Model overview

You can buy a wood-burning electric generator from specialized companies.

Portable models

They are represented by wood chippers and grills equipped with an electrical converting element. This stove is good for heating food on a hike; you can use it to warm a mug of tea, fry a small piece of meat, and charge your gadgets at the same time. not designed for more .
For example, the BioLite CampStove stove can operate on any wood fuel: twigs, chips, cones. It produces up to 5 W of power and is equipped with USB. To boil a liter of water, just a little wood is enough, and it will take literally 5 minutes. The price of BioLite CampStove is 9,600 rubles .


The Indigirka stove is the most famous model of wood-burning electric generators. This stove heats a room up to 50 m3, weighs 37 kilograms, is made of heat-resistant steel and lasts for decades. Firebox volume – 30 liters. Indigirka's output voltage is 12 volts, maximum output power is 50 W. Of course, the main purpose of the stove is heating; a convenient cast-iron burner allows you to cook food or warm tea. As an electric generator, the stove is able to work within 15 minutes after ignition.

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Where can I buy?

  • BioLite CampStove – can be purchased in the AvtoStudio online store. Tel.
  • On the website ivenue.ru (9450 rub.) Delivery in Moscow.
  • Icover PRO LLC

These three suppliers offer miniature burners - 5 kW wood chippers, which tourists can take on a hike and, while heating food on the fire, simultaneously charge the batteries of digital devices (cord with USB output).

Energy generating furnace Indigirka

The Termofor online store is a larger Indigirka oven. Its power is 50-60 kW, which heats the house, has a cast-iron “circle” for cooking and connectors: USB, cigarette lighter and “crocodiles”.

In Perm you can buy a thermoelectric generator B25-12 (a separate device, without a stove, for installation on a hot surface) - 25 W. Phone number for orders. – 15,000 rub.

During wartime, when there was a shortage of fuel, cars were made using wood. Now such generators are also used, but mainly for household needs. Do-it-yourself gas generator: step-by-step production of the unit and installation of equipment.

Which wall-mounted gas boiler is better to choose, read here. Prices and characteristics of devices.

Charcoal is used as fuel for baths and fireplaces, as well as for cooking barbecue. In addition, it is widely used in industrial applications. In this article https://4air.ru/otopitelnoe-oborudovanie/pechi/drevesnyj-ugol-svoimi-rukami.html you will learn how to make coal with your own hands. Let's consider several methods: in a barrel, in a pit and in an oven.

Method No. 1 - Do-it-yourself wood-burning electric generator

The basis of the device is a Peltier element. It can be purchased specially or removed from the computer (it is located between the processor and the heatsink).

In addition to this, for the unit to operate you will need:

  • voltage stabilizer, also known as a module with USB output;
  • metal for the case (you can use the case from an old power supply);
  • cooling radiator and cooler;
  • thermal paste;
  • tools – riveter, metal scissors, drill;
  • soldering iron;
  • rivets.

First, the body of the wood chipper is made (on which you can boil water in a saucepan using small brushwood).

This is a square jar without a bottom, has holes for air on the bottom, and a stand on top for a container (although this is not necessary, the generator will work without water).

A Peltier element is attached to the side of the case, and a cooling radiator is attached to its cold side through thermal paste. It is important that the contact between the parts is as tight as possible. This creates the basis of a generator furnace.

The radiator must cool the system as best as possible, since the greatest efficiency is achieved with a large temperature difference. There will be no problems in winter, since the device can be placed in the snow. But in the warm season, the radiator will gradually heat up, so a cooler is installed to cool it.

Next is the electrical part. It’s good if you managed to find a voltage stabilizer in the same case with a USB socket - it will be convenient.

A stabilizer is needed to ensure that the output always has the specified voltage, regardless of how much the generating element produces.

You can purchase a ready-made one with a diode indicator that lights up when the voltage reaches a predetermined value.

The stabilizer and Peltier are soldered according to the poles. The stabilizer is carefully insulated to prevent any moisture from entering.

The design is ready, testing can be carried out.

Method No. 3

To implement the following method, you need to prepare a 4.25-inch (14 centimeters in length) stainless steel tube and a five-gallon tank. You can use an old fire extinguisher instead of a pipe.

Next, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • a special hole is cut in the drum for installing the prepared pipe;

  • the flange is cut out. To do this, use a small piece of 1/8 inch steel. It is necessary to secure the flame tube in the drum;

  • Using aluminum angles and bolts, the flame tube is secured to the flange.

As a gasket, you can use a silicone gasket, with which you can effectively seal all existing cracks and seams;

a door is cut into the tank of such a size that your hands can get into it to remove old ashes. Then a small door is made (from another tank). The door can be fixed using special fasteners;

  • You can use the grill part from a steamer as a grate for the bottom of the tube. The main requirement is that it be made of stainless steel;

  • the grate broiler is suspended slightly below the bottom of the flame tube by means of chains;

  • all elements are installed on the base, namely the grille, flange, flame pipe. To seal the joints, as mentioned above, high-temperature grease should be used;
  • A fan is used to circulate gas.

Other diagrams that can help you in making a gas generator.

Another sample.

Method No. 2 - Self-production

Self-assembly of such a model does not present any particular difficulties for craftsmen.
When creating a wood-burning electric generator with your own hands, you need to buy or remove a Peltier element from an old portable refrigerator. It looks like a thin-walled plate-like square. One of its panels is made of copper, the other of nickel. Contact clamps are attached to them, which are subsequently connected to the network. The principle of operation is that when current passes through metal surfaces, one side of the part heats up and the other cools down.

When an electric generator operates on solid fuel, the reverse method of action is used: one plate is heated by burning wood, and the other is cooled by a cooler and radiator connected to the unit. At this moment, an electric current arises between the parts, which is what was required.

Do-it-yourself gas generator for a 100 kW power plant with automatic loading

Installations with average performance generate power up to 60 W. This is quite enough for cooking and heating a country house. Self-made compact modules are capable of producing no more than 5 W. This voltage is sufficient for lighting with LED lamps.

Once the craftsman has the main element, you can begin making the device. In addition to the main device, during the assembly process you will need:

  • metal sheet for the body;
  • voltage stabilizing part;
  • cooler and cooling radiator;
  • heat-conducting paste;
  • tool for installing rivets;
  • special scissors for working on metal;
  • rivets;
  • soldering iron;
  • drill.

Once all the tools and consumables are ready, you can begin assembling the mechanism. There are ready-made sets of power tools on sale.

The main part of the work on assembling the heat exchanger comes down to the manufacture of a metal body in the shape of a parallelepiped or cylinder. Holes for air intake are located at the bottom, and a stand with a container for water is installed at the top.

The radiator is fixed on the cold side using thermal paste. The main heating element is attached to the other edge. During the assembly process, you will need an electricity stabilizer with a USB connector. Such a device will create a stable voltage and allow you to cook food and charge various electrical appliances. The stabilizing part is isolated from moisture and soldered to the main element, taking into account the poles.

All joints must have maximum density. To ensure productive operation of the device and create the necessary temperature difference on surfaces, it is necessary to purchase heat-conducting paste with an index of at least 1 W/mK.

Design features and operating principle

The operating principle of this unit is based on a Peltier element, thanks to which it is possible to generate electricity through temperature. This element has a ceramic coating that acts as an insulator for electricity. One side of the insulator tends to give off heat, and the other, on the contrary, absorbs it. The internal structure consists of 1 copper conductor, and two semiconductors of types P and N.

At the output, this generator produces 12 V voltage. Of course, using a generator with such output is unlikely to be able to provide a number of devices even for household purposes, but by using an inverter or converter, you can get an electric generator that will produce 220V at the output.

The principle of operation of a wood-burning electric generator

In addition to this device, there is another type, this is an automated power plant. This type is more productive; solid fuel is also used as fuel, resulting in electricity.

The operation of the electric generator is quite simple; this requires compliance with all the rules:

  • The first thing to do is put fuel in the device and set it on fire. As a result of combustion, the walls of the stove and the Peltier element, which is located on one of the walls, are heated.
  • The side located on the radiator will gradually be cooled due to lower outside temperatures. The power of the device will be greater if the temperature difference is greater. The highest performance of the device will be achieved if the temperature increases to 100 degrees.
  • Snow or water is used to cool the radiator. Alternatively, you can move the device onto ice.
  • It is necessary to remember the maximum temperature values ​​and not exceed these values, otherwise the Peltier element may burn out.

Method number 3 - Homemade stations

Also, many craftsmen create homemade stations (usually based on a gas generator), which they then sell.

All this indicates that you can independently make a power plant from available materials and use it for your own purposes.

Next, let's look at how you can make the device yourself.

Based on a thermoelectric generator.

The first option is a power plant based on a Peltier plate. Let us immediately note that a device made at home is only suitable for charging a phone, a flashlight, or for lighting using LED lamps.

For production you will need:

  • A metal body that will play the role of a furnace;
  • Peltier plate (purchased separately);
  • Voltage regulator with installed USB output;
  • A heat exchanger or just a fan to provide cooling (you can take a computer cooler).

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Making a power plant is very simple:

  1. We make a stove. We take a metal box (for example, a computer case) and unfold it so that the oven does not have a bottom. We make holes in the walls below for air supply. At the top you can install a grate on which you can place a kettle, etc.
  2. We mount the plate on the back wall;
  3. We mount the cooler on top of the plate;
  4. We connect a voltage regulator to the terminals from the plate, from which we power the cooler, and also draw terminals for connecting consumers.

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It works simply: we light the wood, and as the plate heats up, electricity will begin to be generated at its terminals, which will be supplied to the voltage regulator. The cooler will start working from it, providing cooling of the plate.

All that remains is to connect the consumers and monitor the combustion process in the stove (add firewood in a timely manner).

Based on a gas generator.

The second way to make a power plant is to make a gas generator. Such a device is much more difficult to manufacture, but the energy output is much greater.

To make it you will need:

  • Cylindrical container (for example, a disassembled gas cylinder). It will play the role of a stove, so hatches should be provided for loading fuel and cleaning solid combustion products, as well as an air supply (a fan will be required for forced supply to ensure a better combustion process) and an outlet for gas;
  • A cooling radiator (can be made in the form of a coil) in which the gas will be cooled;
  • Container for creating a “Cyclone” type filter;
  • Container for creating a fine gas filter;
  • Gasoline generator set (but you can just take any gasoline engine, as well as a regular 220 V asynchronous electric motor).

After this, everything must be connected into a single structure. From the boiler, gas should flow to the cooling radiator, and then to the “Cyclone” and a fine filter. And only after that the resulting gas is supplied to the engine.

This is a schematic diagram of the manufacture of a gas generator. Execution can be very different.

For example, it is possible to install a mechanism for forced supply of solid fuel from a bunker, which, by the way, will also be powered by a generator, as well as all kinds of control devices.

When creating a power plant based on the Peltier effect, no special problems will arise, since the circuit is simple. The only thing is that you should take some safety measures, since the fire in such a stove is almost open.

But when creating a gas generator, many nuances should be taken into account, among them is ensuring tightness at all connections of the system through which gas passes.

In order for the internal combustion engine to operate normally, you should take care of high-quality gas purification (the presence of impurities in it is unacceptable).

The gas generator is a bulky design, so it is necessary to choose the right place for it, as well as ensure normal ventilation if it is installed indoors.

Since such power plants are not new, and they have been manufactured by amateurs for a relatively long time, a lot of reviews have accumulated about them.

Basically, they are all positive. Even a homemade stove with a Peltier element is noted to completely cope with the task. As for gas generators, a clear example here is the installation of such devices even on modern cars, which indicates their effectiveness.

Method No. 2

When creating a gas generator for a car, the main emphasis is not only on the reliability and efficiency of the device, but also on its compactness.

Abroad, the cooling filter, cyclone and housing part are made of stainless steel, which allows the use of metal that is half as thick.

Naturally, this design turns out to be much easier. In our conditions, to reduce the cost of construction, old propane cylinders or fire extinguishers are used.

Liquefied propane cylinders are often used to make external containers.

The internal part is made from the receiver of a truck, for example, KAMAZ or ZIL.

Particular attention should be paid to the grate - it is made of thin metal, and the pipes are made of ordinary pipes (the main thing is to choose the right diameter).

The upper part of the cylinder is used to make a cover with fasteners. As a last resort, the part can be made of sheet steel.

The lid is sealed using a special cord treated with graphite impregnation and made of heat-resistant asbestos.

To make a coarse filter, you can use an old fire extinguisher or do it even simpler - take a piece of pipe.

At the bottom there should be a cone-shaped nozzle necessary for unloading ash.

At the top, the end must be tightly closed with a lid (as a rule, it is welded).

An outlet pipe is installed in the cover itself, and on the side there is another fitting for supplying combustion products.

The gases released by the gas generator have a high temperature, so they require high-quality cooling.

There are two reasons for this:

  • firstly, gases heated to high temperatures have a minimum density, which makes the process of burning them in internal combustion engine cylinders almost impossible;
  • secondly, there is a risk of a spontaneous outbreak if the gas comes into contact with hot engine elements.

During the ignition process, it is important to ensure normal gas movement along the path - this work is performed by the fan.

After the engine starts, the working composition moves due to vacuum, so there is no need for a fan.

Standard heating radiators can be used as a cooler. The main thing is to position them correctly and ensure maximum contact with air masses.

In some cases, installation of bimetallic radiators is allowed.

Gas fuel must be cleaned before being supplied to the engine - this is ensured using special filters.

We must not forget about another important element - the mixer. With its help, the volume of the supplied gas-air mixture is regulated. The adjustment is made using the damper.

Method No. 4 - Making it yourself

Wood-burning electric generators have only recently begun to be produced, so their prices are quite high. This encourages craftsmen to make such devices themselves. The basis of the generator is a Petellier element, that is, a thermoelectric converter that can be purchased. If you need a small wood chipper, a Petelier element salvaged from an old computer will do.

You will need a voltage stabilizer, a module with a USB output, a case, and a cooler for cooling.

Report about one of the variants of this device

Advantages and disadvantages

If we consider an electric generator or a wood-fired power plant in more detail, then we can highlight one main drawback - it is high cost. Although during operation, the funds spent on the purchase quickly pay for themselves, because the main fuel is wood, and it is much cheaper, unlike gasoline or diesel fuel.

Pros of using a wood-burning generator

But this is not just one advantage, this equipment has several advantages, including:

  • Capable of heating a room up to 50 cubic meters. m.
  • In addition to its main purpose, generating electricity and heat, an electric generator allows you to cook food.
  • Compact sizes. Which is especially important during transportation.
  • Long service life.
  • Light weight structure.
  • Quiet operation.

The simpler the design of the device, the more reliable it is in terms of wear and tear. An electric generator that uses wood also falls under this rule.

The production of such units on an industrial scale appeared not so long ago, so the price for them is quite high, which prompted craftsmen to make generators at home.

An alternative option is a gas generator

This unit is a prototype of an electric generator.
A gas-fired wood-fired power plant is used for various purposes, including generating electricity. The essence of the operation of this device is to produce flammable gas. Solid fuels are oxidized by combustion. As a result of this activity, gases are released: methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide. They can be used for a variety of purposes. In the automotive industry, they were used to operate internal combustion engines.

To make your own power plant, it is enough to have a generator, an internal combustion engine and a gas generator. The principle of operation of the installation is to obtain gas, due to which the engine will operate. The latter will rotate the generator rotor and ultimately generate electricity. The operating principle of the device allows it to be used not only in private households, but also on an industrial scale. Constructions of this kind are very reliable.

The bulkiness of the station is a significant disadvantage. Its device must include a boiler for gas production and a system for cooling and cleaning. To generate electricity, it must be supplemented with an electric generator and an internal combustion engine (ICE).

Considering the cost of individual parts, even making the structure yourself will not be cheap. During operation, carefully monitor the mechanism to avoid fire. An experienced craftsman who is not afraid of experiments can create such a module. You can select a ready-made model at an affordable price and with the right type of fuel in retail chains.

Gas generators

The second type is gas generators. Such a device can be used in several directions, including generating electricity.

It is worth noting here that such a generator itself has nothing to do with electricity, since its main task is to produce flammable gas.

The essence of the operation of such a device is that during the oxidation of solid fuel (its combustion), gases are released, including flammable ones - hydrogen, methane, CO, which can be used for a variety of purposes.

For example, such generators were previously used in cars, where conventional internal combustion engines worked perfectly on the emitted gas.

Due to the constant rise in fuel prices, some motorists and motorcyclists have already begun installing these devices on their cars.

That is, to get a power plant, it is enough to have a gas generator, an internal combustion engine and a regular generator.

The first element will release gas, which will become fuel for the engine, which in turn will rotate the generator rotor to produce electricity as output.

The advantages of power plants using gas generators include:

  • Reliability of the design of the gas generator itself;
  • The resulting gas can be used to operate an internal combustion engine (which will drive an electric generator), a gas boiler, a furnace;
  • Depending on the internal combustion engine and electric generator involved, electricity can be obtained even for industrial purposes.

The main disadvantage of the gas generator is the bulkiness of the design, since it must include a boiler where all the processes for producing gas take place, a system for its cooling and purification.

And if this device is used to generate electricity, then the station must also include an internal combustion engine and an electric generator.

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