Free energy generator: diagrams, instructions, description

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We’ve heard about fuel-free generators for a long time, and let’s be honest, our subscribers constantly remind us of them. In this article we decided to tell you how they work and why such energy is unreal. After reading everything, you will be able to understand why such mechanisms are a hoax, and we will show the tricks that manufacturers use in order to sell their goods.

What is free energy?

The term free energy arose during the time of large-scale introduction and operation of internal combustion engines, when the problem of obtaining electric current directly depended on the coal, wood or petroleum products used for this. Therefore, free energy is understood as a force for the production of which there is no need to burn fuel and, accordingly, consume any resources.

The first attempts to scientifically substantiate the possibility of obtaining free energy were laid by Helmholtz, Gibbs and Tesla. The first of them developed the theory of creating a system in which the generated electricity should be equal to or greater than that spent for the initial start-up, that is, obtaining a perpetual motion machine. Gibbs expressed the possibility of obtaining energy through a chemical reaction so long that it was enough for a full power supply. Tesla observed energy in all natural phenomena and proposed a theory about the presence of ether, a substance that permeates everything around us.

Today you can see the implementation of these principles to obtain free energy in fuel-free generators. Some of them have long been at the service of humanity and help to obtain alternative energy from wind, sun, rivers, ebbs and flows. These are the same solar panels, wind generators, hydroelectric power stations that helped harness the forces of nature that are freely available. But along with already proven and implemented free energy generators, there are concepts of fuel-free engines that try to circumvent the law of conservation of energy.

The problem of energy conservation

The main stumbling block in obtaining free electricity is the law of conservation of energy. Due to the presence of electrical resistance in the generator itself, connecting wires and other elements of the electrical network, according to the laws of physics, there is a loss of output power. Energy is consumed and to replenish it, constant external replenishment is required, or the generation system must create such an excess of electrical energy that it is enough to both power the load and maintain the operation of the generator. From a mathematical point of view, the free energy generator must have an efficiency greater than 1, which does not fit into the framework of standard physical phenomena.

What do fuel-free generator manufacturers promise?

On the Internet you can find various sites that offer to buy BTG, and for quite a lot of money (on average - 12 thousand rubles). Moreover, each seller explains the principle of operation of the mechanism in his own way. Some say that a fuel-free generator operates on some kind of “earth energy”, for others the source is ether, and others talk about static energy, which does not obey the known laws of physics, but is quite real.

IMPORTANT! The theory of the ether was relevant until the beginning of the twentieth century, until in 1910 Einstein refuted it in his scientific article “The Principle of Relativity and Its Consequences in Modern Physics.”

In fact, BTG is a beautiful invention, and similar devices do not exist in nature.

However, for those who are new to physics, the explanations about the ether and “earth energy” are quite enough to buy an expensive but useless generator.

Circuit and design of the Tesla generator

Nikola Tesla became the discoverer of physical phenomena and based on them he created many electrical devices, for example, Tesla transformers, which are used by mankind to this day. Over the entire history of his activities, he has patented thousands of inventions, among which there is more than one free energy generator.

Rice. 1. Tesla Free Energy Generator

Look at Figure 1, this shows the principle of generating electricity using a free energy generator made from Tesla coils. This device involves obtaining energy from the ether, for which the coils included in its composition are tuned to a resonant frequency. To obtain energy from the surrounding space in this system, the following geometric relationships must be observed:

  • winding diameter;
  • wire cross-section for each winding;
  • distance between coils.

Today, various options for using Tesla coils in the design of other free energy generators are known. True, it has not yet been possible to achieve any significant results from their use. Although some inventors claim the opposite, and keep the results of their developments in the strictest confidence, demonstrating only the final effect of the generator. In addition to this model, other inventions of Nikola Tesla are known, which are generators of free energy.

Tesla Transformer

New power generators

Many people confuse the concepts of generator and transformer (Tesla coil). For clarification, we need to look at this in more detail. The Tesla transformer has been studied sufficiently and is accessible for repetition. Many manufacturers successfully produce various models of transformers both for practical use in various devices and for demonstration purposes.

A Tesla transformer is a converter of electrical energy from low voltage to high voltage. The output voltage can be millions of volts, but the design itself is not very complex. The genius of the inventor lies in the fact that he managed to assemble a device that uses the known physical properties of electromagnetic fields, but in a completely different way. There is still no comprehensive theoretical basis for the operation of the device.

Tesla Transformer

The design is based on a transformer with two windings, with a large and a small number of turns. The most important thing is that there is no traditional ferromagnetic core, and the connection between the windings is very weak. Considering the output voltage level of the Tesla transformer, we can conclude that the usual method of calculating the transformer, even taking into account the high conversion frequency, is not applicable here.

Magnetic free energy generator

The effect of interaction between a magnetic field and a coil is widely used in magnetic motors. And in a free energy generator, this principle is used not to rotate a magnetized shaft by applying electrical impulses to the windings, but to supply a magnetic field to an electric coil.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the effect obtained by applying voltage to an electromagnet (a coil wound on a magnetic circuit). In this case, a nearby permanent magnet is attracted to the ends of the magnetic circuit and remains attracted even after turning off the power from the coil. A permanent magnet creates a constant flow of magnetic field in the core, which will hold the structure until it is torn off by physical force. This effect was used to create a permanent magnet free energy generator circuit.

Rice. 2. Magnetic free energy generator

Look at Figure 2, to create such a free energy generator and power the load from it, it is necessary to form a system of electromagnetic interaction, which consists of:

  • trigger coil (I);
  • locking coil (IV);
  • supply coil (II);
  • support coil (III).

The circuit also includes control transistor VT1, capacitors Cb and Cf, diodes VD1-VD6, limiting resistor Rb and load ZH.

This free energy generator is turned on by pressing the “Start” button, after which the control pulse is supplied through VD6 and R6 to the base of transistor VT1. When a control pulse arrives, the transistor opens and closes the circuit of current flow through the starting coils I. After which the electric current will flow through the coils I and excite the magnetic circuit, which will attract a permanent magnet. Magnetic field lines will flow along the closed contour of the magnet core and permanent magnet.

An emf is induced from the flowing magnetic flux in coils II, III, IV. The electric potential from the IV coil is supplied to the base of the transistor VT1, creating a control signal. The EMF in coil III is designed to maintain the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuits. The EMF in coil II provides power to the load.

The stumbling block in the practical implementation of such a free energy generator is the creation of an alternating magnetic flux. To do this, it is recommended to install two circuits with permanent magnets in the circuit, in which the power lines are in the opposite direction.

In addition to the above free energy generator using magnets, today there are a number of similar devices designed by Searle, Adams and other developers, the generation of which is based on the use of a constant magnetic field.

How the device works

The operating principle of a Searle effect generator is based on the property of magnets to attract and repel each other. Opposite poles attract magnets, and like poles repel them.

If you place cylinders of the same magnetization around the base, they will begin to repel at equidistant distances. When you try to move one magnetized cylinder, all the others will immediately move, while the distance between them will be maintained.

Rotating the base will cause the rollers to move. By gradually increasing the speed, we can achieve rotation of the system as a whole over a certain period of time. As a rule, the movement of the system is provided by bearings.

As the cylinders rotate, they pass through the gaps of a yoke made of magnetic material. As a result of this, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the coils wound on the yoke; it can be removed from the terminals attached to the ends of the coils. And here you can learn how to assemble a homemade wind generator from an asynchronous motor.

The Searle generator circuit is a ring magnet to which special cylindrical magnets (rollers) are magnetized in a circle. When one of the rollers is pushed, all cylindrical magnets begin to rotate around the ring magnet and around its own axis. In this case, the rotation speed increases until dynamic equilibrium occurs. The centrifugal force that arises during the circular motion pulls the rollers away from the central ring, and the magnets simply fly in the air in a circle. With this movement of the rollers, a potential difference arises between the central ring, which is charged positively, and the roller magnets, which are charged negatively.

Followers of Nikola Tesla and their generators

The seeds of incredible inventions sown by Tesla gave birth to an insatiable thirst in the minds of applicants to turn into reality fantastic ideas for creating a perpetual motion machine and send mechanical generators to the dusty shelf of history. The most famous inventors used the principles laid down by Nikola Tesla in their devices. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Lester Hendershot

Hendershot developed a theory about the possibility of using the Earth's magnetic field to generate electricity. Lester presented the first models back in the 1930s, but they were never in demand by his contemporaries. Structurally, the Hendershot generator consists of two counter-wound coils, two transformers, capacitors and a movable solenoid.

Rice. 3: general view of the Hendershot generator

The operation of such a free energy generator is only possible if it is strictly oriented from north to south, so a compass must be used to set up the operation. The coils are wound on wooden bases with multidirectional winding to reduce the effect of mutual induction (when EMF is induced in them, EMF will not be induced in the opposite direction). In addition, the coils must be tuned by a resonant circuit.

John Bedini

Bedini presented his free energy generator in 1984. A special feature of the patented device was the energizer - a device with constant rotating torque that does not lose speed. This effect was achieved by installing several permanent magnets on the disk, which, when interacting with an electromagnetic coil, create impulses in it and are repelled from the ferromagnetic base. Due to this, the free energy generator received a self-powering effect.

Bedini's later generators became known through a school experiment. The model turned out to be much simpler and did not represent anything grandiose, but it was able to perform the functions of a generator of free electricity for about 9 days without outside help.

Rice. 4. Schematic diagram of the Bedini generator

Look at Figure 4, here is a schematic diagram of the free energy generator of that same school project. It uses the following elements:

  • a rotating disk with several permanent magnets (energizer);
  • coil with a ferromagnetic base and two windings;
  • battery (in this example it was replaced with a 9V battery);
  • control unit consisting of a transistor (VT1), resistor (R1) and diode (VD1);
  • Current collection is organized from an additional coil that powers the LED, but power can also be supplied from the battery circuit.

With the start of rotation, the permanent magnets create magnetic excitation in the coil core, which induces an emf in the windings of the output coils. Due to the direction of the turns in the starting winding, current begins to flow, as shown in the figure below, through the starting winding, resistor and diode.

Rice. 5. Start of operation of the Bedini generator

When the magnet is directly above the solenoid, the core becomes saturated and the stored energy becomes sufficient to open the transistor VT1. When the transistor opens, current begins to flow in the working winding, which recharges the battery.

Rice. 6. Starting the charging winding

At this stage, the energy becomes sufficient to magnetize the ferromagnetic core from the working winding, and it receives a pole of the same name with a magnet located above it. Thanks to the magnetic pole in the core, the magnet on the rotating wheel is repelled from this pole and accelerates the further movement of the energizer. As the movement accelerates, pulses appear in the windings more often, and the LED switches from flashing mode to constant light mode.

Alas, such a free energy generator is not a perpetual motion machine. In practice, he allowed the system to work tens of times longer than it could function on a single battery, but eventually it still stops.

Tariel Kapanadze

Kapanadze developed a model of his free energy generator in the 80s and 90s of the last century. The mechanical device was based on the operation of an improved Tesla coil. As the author himself stated, the compact generator could power consumers with a power of 5 kW. In the 2000s, they tried to build a 100 kW industrial-scale Kapanadze generator in Turkey; according to its technical characteristics, it required only 2 kW to start and operate.

Rice. 7. Schematic diagram of the Kapanadze generator (scheme version from Jean-Louis Naudin)

The original version of the Kapanadze generator circuit remains unknown. The figure above shows a schematic diagram of a free energy generator from researcher Jean-Louis Naudin. He conducted a series of experiments, the purpose of which was to understand the principle of operation of Kapanadze’s generator, which he presented in a demonstration video. As a result, this work led to the creation of our own version of the generator, which is close to the original device.

Power supply circuit

For the initial start-up, a circuit is required that supplies a pulse of energy to the Tesla generator transformer. Next, the generator switches to self-oscillating mode and does not constantly need external power.

In developer slang, the power supply device is called a “kacher”. Those familiar with electronics know that the correct name for the device is a blocking oscillator (shock oscillator). Such a circuit solution generates a single powerful electrical impulse.

Many variants of blocking generators have been developed, which are divided into three groups:

  • On vacuum tubes;
  • On bipolar transistors;
  • On field-effect transistors with an insulated gate.

A tube electromagnetic generator using powerful generator tubes operates with high output parameters, but its design is hampered by the availability of components. In addition, not two, but three winding transformers are required, so tube blocking oscillators are now rare.

Tube blocking generator

The most widely used devices are those based on bipolar transistors. Their circuitry is well developed, setup and adjustment are simple. We use domestically produced transistors of the 800 series (KT805, KT808, KT819), which have good technical parameters, are widespread and do not cause financial difficulties.

Blocking oscillator based on a bipolar transistor

The proliferation of powerful and reliable field-effect transistors has made it possible to design blocking oscillators with increased efficiency due to the fact that MOSFET or IGBT transistors have better parameters for voltage drop across transitions. In addition to increasing efficiency, the problem of cooling transistors becomes less problematic. Proven circuits use IRF740 or IRF840 transistors, which are also inexpensive and reliable.

Field effect transistor circuit

Before assembling the generator into a finished structure, double-check the workmanship of all components. Assemble the structure and supply power to it. The transition to self-oscillating mode is accompanied by the presence of voltage on the windings of the transformer (at the output of the secondary). If there is no voltage, then it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the blocking generator in resonance with the frequency of the transformer.

Important! When working with a Tesla generator, extreme caution must be exercised, since when starting, high voltage is induced in the primary winding, which can lead to an accident.

Practical circuit of a free energy generator

Despite the large number of existing schemes for free energy generators, very few of them can boast of real results that could be tested and repeated at home.

Rice. 8. Working diagram of the Tesla gegerator

Figure 8 above shows a free energy generator circuit that you can replicate at home. This principle was stated by Nikola Tesla. For its operation, a metal plate is used, isolated from the ground and located on some hill. The plate is a receiver of electromagnetic vibrations in the atmosphere. This includes a fairly wide range of radiation (solar, radiomagnetic waves, static electricity from the movement of air masses, etc.)

The receiver is connected to one of the plates of the capacitor, and the second plate is grounded, which creates the required potential difference. The only stumbling block to its industrial implementation is the need to isolate a large plate on a hill to power even a private home.

DIY Tesla generator for 220 volts


  • dielectric base for the screen (thick cardboard, plastic panel, plywood);
  • foil material;
  • the wire;
  • electrolytic capacitor (voltage from 180 to 400 V);
  • To regulate the voltage, it is possible to install a resistor (resistance).

A similar set of materials is almost always available in the house.


It is enough to connect the wire to a metal rod and bury it in the ground. At the dacha, you can throw a wire on any metal pipe in the ground. In the apartment, the wire is connected to water supply pipes, gas metal pipes, and the grounding phase in the socket.

Tesla generator screen

Receives light radiation with positively charged particles from sources (from a light source, the sun).

It’s not difficult to make; just cover the dielectric panel with foil. The layers are overlapped. The larger the screen is to trap positively charged particles, the higher the voltage in the circuit. Several shielded surfaces are also connected to each other. They form a chain of screens for Tesla's fuel-free generator. According to the expansion of the area of ​​the collecting panels, it is necessary to increase the capacitance of the capacitor and the dissipation power of the resistor.

It is necessary to connect and connect the elements of the Tesla fuel-free generator circuit. One wire (contact) is connected to the foil screen, the second leads from grounding. The contacts are closed at the poles of the capacitor. The moment the circuit is closed, the battery begins charging.

Materials for fuel-free Tesla generator

Tesla's fuel-free generator is ready. You can check it by connecting the contacts of the light bulb to a battery, it will light up.

Modern look and new developments

Despite widespread interest in creating a free energy generator, they are still unable to displace the classical method of generating electricity from the market. Developers of the past, who put forward bold theories about significantly reducing the cost of electricity, lacked the technical perfection of the equipment or the parameters of the elements could not provide the desired effect. And thanks to scientific and technological progress, humanity is receiving more and more inventions that make the embodiment of a free energy generator already tangible. It should be noted that today free energy generators powered by the sun and wind have already been obtained and are actively being used.

But, at the same time, on the Internet you can find offers to purchase such devices, although most of them are dummies created with the aim of deceiving an ignorant person. And a small percentage of actually operating free energy generators, whether on resonant transformers, coils or permanent magnets, can only cope with powering low-power consumers. They cannot provide electricity, for example, to a private home or lighting in the yard.

As a result, free energy generators are a promising direction, but their practical implementation has not yet been implemented.

Generator with light bulb

Fuel-free generator assembly

This is not an industrial design, however, it supports the strong belief of some people in the possibility of obtaining free electricity or lighting. As you can see from the picture, there are two “magic” coils, a capacitor, a transistor, a light bulb, and everything is soldered right in front of us, in the video. Then a 220 Volt wire is brought in to “start” and then the light bulb lights up by itself.

The light bulb is on for free!

It becomes clear that even if there is a battery hidden in the coils, it will not be enough to keep the light bulb burning at full intensity. If you don’t want it, you will believe in the possibility of a fuel-free generator! But the answer is in two thin wires, imperceptibly approaching the light bulb on the other side:

Secret wires to the light bulb

A little about what electricity is

An atom creates two types of energy fields around itself. One is formed by circular rotation, the speed of which is close to the speed of light. This movement is familiar to us as a magnetic field. It spreads along the plane of rotation of the atom. Two other perturbations of space are observed along the axis of rotation. The latter cause the appearance of electric fields in bodies. The energy of particle rotation is the free energy of space. We do not make any expenses in order for it to appear - the energy was initially embedded by the universe in all particles of the material world. The task is to ensure that the vortexes of rotation of atoms in a physical body are formed into one, which can be extracted.

Electric current in a wire is nothing more than the rotation orientation of metal atoms in the direction of the current. But it is possible to orient the rotation axes of atoms perpendicular to the surface. This orientation is known as electric charge. However, the latter method involves the atoms of a substance only on its surface.



All sites selling this crap were created “on the knee” in two hours. But someone is doing it, someone is buying these perpetual motion machines, since such resources exist... Without a sucker, life is bad, as they say...


It's a shame that on TV, I mean the RenTV channel, there was a whole series of programs about the so-called. fuel-free generators. And not a single revelation. Like everyone is in cahoots, everyone wants our technologies not to be widespread, everyone wants to enslave Russia, etc. How disgusting it all is!


A fuel-free generator is a matter of faith, not science. Those. there is no benefit, but the brain is busy with what seems to be the right thing. Unfortunately, the brain always finds a reason why the mechanism did not work this time and does not try to think critically and question the idea itself.


I've already seen this video with the light bulb. Nice divorce. Two magnets, a piece of wire and some kind of transistor. And voila! The light bulb magically lights up! Great article, but not complete. You can also talk about bioenergy, although perhaps this is not the topic of the site)))


But what about the Shkondin wheel motor, the Stirling engine, the Rossi reactor - this is also close to the BTG


I bought it and couldn’t be happier


A solar battery, a wind generator, a hydroelectric power station, geothermal, tidal and other fuel-free heat pumps, atmospheric electricity, everything has long existed in nature and has been used. The energy of fission and fusion of the atomic nucleus, hydrogen energy was inaccessible just a hundred years ago. What will be revealed to people and will be used during this century, it’s hard to imagine.


an illiterate inventor is an innovator, and a scientist is a follower of the illiterate. and the fact that it works or doesn’t work without fuel is a play on words and that’s all.


who bought the btg, please tell me how to really look at it and buy it and is it true that such things are possible


It’s also very interesting whether this miracle works


people, if anyone bought BTG, then share your impressions for the people


With the help of these sites, fuel-free technologies are being massively discredited. And actually working BTGs along with their inventors are quietly destroyed

Makeev Sergey Aleksandrovich, 45 years old. Rostov region.

If anyone needs a real 8-kW/hour 3-phase BTG from the Kursk Energomash generator with a power take-off of 2.5 kW/hour from a second small 24-volt generator. from KAMAZ.. then write to come to your home and build your house for your money, of course! my phone. for SMS 89515288050. Sergey.


Makeev Sergey Aleksandrovich, first learn not to confuse power and energy.

Nikolay Evgenievich

BTG scam. Not a single seller has yet presented a serial design in operation. Just VIDEO WORDS.


BTG is a topic! I bought it and I'm happy!


An interesting approach: grab a few fried videos and, based on them, draw a conclusion about the insolvency of BTG. Everyone just has to mind their own business. For some, screw in light bulbs, and for others, deal with CE anomalies. If you want to figure it out, then we go to specialized forums, read a lot, strain our brains, and maybe in five years an understanding will come. You can go here:


It’s interesting how they sell bgt on the site. They write that “no meetings and no viewing.” And it’s clear to the moron.


BTGs work, this is a fact that cannot be avoided, for example, the ROSSI generator, Perendev. I completely agree with Alexander, these fake sites are controlled by the secret service, with the aim of discrediting fuel-free technologies, because this is a collapse of the entire system, not only the energy one, a general reformation of the economy, who really needs this!

Achton Gennadievich

Buyers Kostya and Arog Looks like these are Stepura and Zherdev. When ordering, only receipts for payment are sent to the specified individuals, which indicate the order number, and not the product itself. The contract comes only supposedly with the product. On the main page of the site it is written: “We issue an invoice for payment three days before shipment! Payment is made to the company’s account or card!” There is no company. The organization is not invoiced. The contract is not presented. Therefore, having received a simple electric motor through any delivery, YOU will not prove anything.


Energy can change from one type to another. A closed system cannot generate energy if energy is not accumulated in this system in some form, that’s all. A perpetual motion machine is therefore not possible. Someone apparently decided to test citizens on their knowledge of physics if they promoted this topic.


I'll add. In 1970, inertioids were in vogue, or propulsors that, due to mechanical energy in a closed system, allegedly created external thrust and could move. It turned out that the whole point was in the tiny external rolling friction force in the wheels of this inertioid. When these “scientists” were asked to test this device in space, the topic was closed. And now the idea of ​​BTG is aimed at that part of the population that is not familiar with the basic laws of physics, and if there are people who have been pleased with such a “theory,” then business will not miss it.


And now, in the spirit of the BTG idea, I will propose the Kelvin element. It is known that nitrogen molecules in air have a speed of 500 m/s and a diameter of 0.3 nm. The piezoelectric effect of quartz is also known. So, using nanotechnology, it was possible to create a galvanically coupled quartz nanomatrix with a cell size of only 1 nm. Nitrogen molecules hitting such a cell induce a small pulse potential, but taking into account their large number in a 1 cm2 matrix, it was possible to obtain a potential of 0.01 V with a current of only 100 μA. With an element thickness of 0.01 mm, they are combined into a battery and with a thickness of 1 cm we already have a voltage of 10V. Next, we place the battery in the case and increase the pressure 10 times and the current increases to 1 mA. As a result, from a battery of 1 cubic dm you can get a current of up to 1 A. Taking into account the fact that nitrogen molecules will move even at -60 degrees. we can get a constant source that consumes the thermal energy of the molecules. The dimensions of such a battery are still large, but only for now.


/ Motorcycle with a magnetic engine: truth or deception


Hello, skeptics! I agree, 99.9% are scammers. But BTG actually exists and works. It’s a pity to give it away just like that, too much brain has been wasted, and there doesn’t seem to be a need to sell yet. I’ll sell it if I can finish the last horseradish without salt. If you’re interested, write, let’s talk.

Alexey Viktorovich

They wrote some kind of nonsense. BTG is a generator that generates energy without spending fuel. And they exist; the Internet is full of examples of this. At least the same Akula083 or Ruslan Kulabukhov did a lot. And your owners, who pay for such articles, are pissing on the fact that the people will receive free energy, the age of which is already on the threshold. They are afraid that the world will get off the oil needle - on which the economy of almost all countries rests. And absolutely EVERYONE who is now in power is afraid of this, as well as the revolution, because they are afraid for what they have stolen!


yes. I completely agree with Paul's opinion. about ten years ago, I built a rotary windshield at my dacha. on the 4th quarter I constantly experimented with it. achieved efficiency of 115%. I published my work on various sites until some shady guys came and told me to shut up. I didn’t listen, and a week later the dacha burned down. conclusion - it’s not forbidden to do it, but only crooks are allowed to distribute it, for whom nothing will obviously work.


Everything that was previously considered fantasy now exists in reality! The earth in the universe does not occupy even a grain of sand, not to mention a person, but the entire universe can fit in a person’s brain! Energy surrounds us, we must learn to take it! While there is a slave system on Earth, some exploit others ,BTG is freedom from slavery and no one will give you freedom just like that!


who wants to buy BTG, type this in a search engine and the information will be provided to you. They've been on sale for a long time. They are branded.


Once upon a time there was no cell phone!! however, now everyone has it!! And the prototype is an ordinary walkie-talkie, but not everyone could afford a walkie-talkie!! And the fact that there is now complete baltalogy against BTG is immediately obvious!! pick up a school textbook from the physics room and spin a little longer!! You will receive such a discharge equivalent to a lightning strike!! And in the states, one village, using this benefit as a basis, has long been supplied with free energy!! Anything that will help a person stop giving the lion’s share and remain poor, everyone considers it a ban (impossible)!! those in power will lose billions, that’s why they write opposite articles!!


not long to wait


admin, what don’t you like? I wrote there’s not long to wait. In 20 years. Or maybe even sooner, city networks will walk around people’s yards and persuade them not to disconnect. Like it was with landline phones when everyone switched to mobile phones. On a production scale, yes. It’s hard to create a powerful one. installation. Three five kW is enough for a house


And it’s not even a matter of BTG. People are installing wind turbines, mini hydroelectric power stations and even combined heat and power plants. And with such prices for utilities, it will soon be more profitable to buy gasoline or diesel and let it rumble. Now there are a lot of inverter and gas generator units. Only the price tag is exorbitant and, of course, the service


Gas mini generators are already a reality. On gas, a miniturbine gives as much as a household needs. BTG is naturally nonsense; we’ll spend the next few years, and then we’ll see. In any case, energy must come from somewhere, and for this you need to know the theory. Practice is created after theory, and if no one can explain the principle, and also does not want to meet during the sale, then this is already clear to everyone. For now, small and private generation is already economically feasible.

Vladislav Eduardovich

Speaking of the law of conservation of energy. If according to a simple school definition; “energy does not come from nothing... Has anyone asked any questions? What is “nothing” and where does it come from? It is clear that physics will not give an answer to this. Therefore, I do not exclude the possibility of generating energy from this “nothing”. But the fact that there are a lot of assholes and scammers is real. And yet, the law of conservation of energy itself may not be violated (according to the principle of a heat pump). For example, let’s say your BTG is working and heats a house of 1000 cubic meters. In the house +20, outside -30. your generator somehow takes away 1 degree from 50,000 cubic meters of external air, and on the street near the house it became -31.t. (it got colder). But the house, through the walls and windows, returns this temperature and the natural balance of energies and climate is not disturbed. And by burning vegetable fuel in the stove, we add excess (not natural heat) to the atmosphere, deprive the soil of humus, and pollute the atmosphere. a windmill creates turbulence and vibrations, solar panels shade the plants. I’m not talking about the harm of industrial energy-generating facilities, and the production of the same panels and wind turbines.


Surprisingly, the so-called “green alternative eco-friendly energy” (“perpetual batteries” as well) is precisely based on people’s ignorance. They don't know where electricity comes from in batteries, wires, sockets and light bulbs. They don't know where the current comes from in the production, disposal and recycling of batteries and other "green electricity" items. They don’t know that power plants are burned to create electricity. Kapitsa, Richard Heinberg and the whistleblowers of mascophiles have already explained with weighty arguments that this alternative energy of yours will not save you. But the “green lobby” is not being stopped.

“Motorcycle with a magnetic engine: truth or deception” (C) I consider it a deception - just like about batteries, windmills and other “green lobby”. First: magnets are not eternal; they gradually lose their ability to be magnetized. They also lose their magnetic abilities when overheated. Second: magnets are made from minerals, and they are also not rubber, and I’d better keep quiet about the ability to restore their volumes. Third: The electromagnet again needs batteries and wires for charging, this again means burning fuel at power plants. Fourth: is it okay that magnets and magnetic fields can negatively affect biological life and technology? Well, remember the magnetic storm during solar flares.

I don't believe in “alternative green ecological electricity”. This is the same scam as about Petrik filters, the “ends of the world” and the planet Sirius.

I'll just leave this here: "Richard Heinberg, in his acclaimed book PowerDown: Options And Actions For A Post-Carbon World, repeats the analysis in great detail Kapitsa and shows that no amount of bioenergy [alternative energy] will save the world" (C)

Lion Shevtsov

good afternoon, who can I really talk to about BTG?


The law of conservation of energy says “Energy does not come from anywhere and does not go anywhere, but moves from one state to another...” Our whole problem is that we are trying to “create” energy, but it already exists. Nikola Tesla spoke about this at one time, but we stubbornly continue to put on our skis and drive along the sidewalk...

Web Hosting

In order not to fall for the tricks of various scammers, just know and remember that the law of conservation of energy has not yet been canceled. But there’s nothing of mine there, the static electricity generator has been known for a long time, the Tesla discharger inside the coil is described here on page 40 in the book cloud.


That is, while on this topic, there are only scammers, air sellers? Are there no specific buyers for BTG?

This is where the scammers used all their imagination and remembered all the unreal merits of the famous physicist. Of course, there are legends about him, and perhaps he came up with something special, but an eternal energy generator is unlikely to appear on the public market. This is not beneficial to anyone, and every thinking person should understand this. Oh my God, how is that possible? Make a BTG, show it, they’ll give you a bonus. Stop poking at laws that no one can put into practice.


Only mediocrity can discredit this topic. There are plenty of examples of such fuel-free generators, as well as economizers - devices with an output power higher than the consumed one. However, they are also pooped by adherents of Zion’s sub-physics.


Fuel-free devices are really possible and there are many different types... Both mechanical and static devices that give an increase in energy are already ready and it is possible to make such devices. And there are people who know how to do it... Well, those who claim that they will give a bonus, or a patent on the ears with an order in addition, they just don’t know the situation. Or they are waiting for generics that are mass-produced and sold in stores, and apparently they don’t understand the situation. And the situation is that all these fuel-free technologies are considered a violation of the sphere of interests of states and are monitored and prosecuted at the government level. So we have to think what kind of governments do we have and whose interests do they protect? Who is the state? Apparently, you don’t have to stutter about the interests of each individual person...


Pavel, how can I contact you regarding BTG?


Web Hosting, what kind of static generator is it, where can I look it up?


Good day. I bought myself a generator for my home. Delivered to Kursk. It's been working for about 4 months without any problems. I bought it for 4 kW. cost 21,000 rubles.


It's all a conspiracy of sellers of magnets and wire XD)


T.N. BGT on permanent magnets, as indicated in one of the first comments, uses the energy stored in the magnets themselves. Of course, wasting it. Those. After some very limited time, the permanent magnets will simply demagnetize. And buying new ones to replace them will exceed the cost of generated energy by tens, if not hundreds, times (the cost of energy for magnetization is at least equal to that generated, + depreciation of equipment, + added value, VAT, etc.) In principle , it is possible to create a unit that draws energy from the Earth’s magnetic field. But... Firstly, due to the low induction of this field, the household power unit will occupy a decent industrial space with its dimensions. And secondly, will this energy really be so free? After all, having weakened the planet’s magnetic field through wholesale consumption, we will lose protection from solar radiation (that considerable part of it that consists of alpha and beta particles deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field)! Is it worth paying for this with your life?! “Free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap,” says popular wisdom. Listen to her. And do not indulge the scammers who speculate on the desire of many (no matter from poverty or greed) to be “well-fed” for free. This is my opinion.


I bought this week from this seller for my dacha. Now you can at least enjoy all the benefits of civilization. From 1 kW the output is 3-4 kW. If anyone is interested, see

Vladimir Viktorovich

Ruslan Kabulakhov created an installation on which several powerful lamps glow. The installation is grounded—this is very important. Due to the energy of the Sun, winds blow on Earth, so the air is negatively charged, and the land is positively charged (remember that when a plastic stick is rubbed against fur, it becomes charged)! Electrons from the air pass through Ruslan's installation, heat the lamps and go through the grounding wire to the Earth. The Law of Conservation of Energy is fulfilled! But this installation is harmful to health, since it operates at a very high frequency! August 23, 2022, Vladimir Viktorovich, radio physicist.

Vladimir Viktorovich

Ruslan Kulabukhov created an installation in which several powerful lamps glow. The most important thing is that this device is earthed! The energy of the Sun created winds on Earth, so the air is negatively charged, and the land is positively charged (remember that when we rub a plastic stick on fur, it charges)! Electrons from the air pass through Ruslan’s installation, heat the spirals of the lamps and go through the grounding to the Earth. The law of conservation of Energy is true, but this device is very dangerous to health, as it operates at a very high frequency! August 24, 2022, Vladimir Viktorovich, radiophysicist. On August 23, 2018, this entry was sent to this site, but a day later this information was removed, so we’ll see if the message will be erased again, since it talks about the danger to human health of Ruslan Kulabukhov’s installation!


surprising, but the so-called “green alternative eco-friendly energy” (“perpetual batteries” as well) is precisely based on people’s ignorance. They don't know where electricity comes from in batteries, wires, sockets and light bulbs. They don't know where the current comes from in the production, disposal and recycling of batteries and other "green electricity" items. They don’t know that power plants are burned to create electricity. Kapitsa, Richard Heinberg and the whistleblowers of mascophiles have already explained with weighty arguments that this alternative energy of yours will not save you. But the “green lobby” is not being stopped. No need to compare x... with a finger! Everything described is the first steps towards the use of electricity. Well, in general, there are technologies for generating energy that do not affect the environment in any way, i.e. almost harmless compared to the methods used to obtain energy. Now they get energy practically like cavemen: namely, by burning hydrocarbons and by splitting radioactive elements, which produce waste that requires disposal and has harmful technologies for its production and enrichment. Well, rivers also block and disrupt the ecosystems of entire regions.


I looked at the advertisement I received in the mail. buy used btg 10 kw price 9999 rub. 10 kW new 50,000 rubles. I decided to check the scam, but I decided to pay 10,000 rubles at little cost and will wait. I'll write the result. Let me know who purchased it and actually works. Write what news and suggestions you have, I will be grateful, I will definitely answer.


Of course, no one has canceled the law of conservation of energy. But who said that energy exists only in those forms that we now know about??? And I completely agree about the fact that 99.9% of sellers are scammers.


The most interesting thing is that humanity has long been using BTG in the form of hydroelectric power plants, on the one hand, the energy of gravity, on the other, generators made of ferromagnets (remember the hysteresis loop, school course). I will note that if the magnetic field of the earth disappears, hydroelectric power stations will become useless. Yes, in fact, oil is also a kind of BTG because it is a renewable resource, which Andrei Sklyarov proved, for which he paid with his life


Well, after reading reviews and similar statements, I’ll tell you that everything that is invented with the aim of getting free energy, and then revealed to the masses, everything goes through strict control by special services. After all, how in our country your invention is first considered by the military, then by economists. I personally know a person who discovered the field of the neutral zone, who after his discovery had to quit his job and move to another country. And he didn’t want to sell anything at all, but simply get a patent


So who can you chat with by voice via BTG?


Yes, the magnetic field works under the table and you can do anything on the table, that’s the whole secret!!! I already tried that


BTGs do not violate the law of singularity BTGs take the energy that is around us. If someone wants to say that there are no radio waves in the entire spectrum, they have a Hawking degree


The simplest BTG is a detector receiver


Let's start with the fact that it is very rare to find the truth on this topic on the Internet. Why start with understanding rather than making? Probably because many of those who already have a generator do not know how to improve it, other than experimentally pointing their finger into the void. Let's start with the fact that firewood, coal, oil, gas are not energy resources (THEY DO NOT BURN!!!) Then what do we use to burn our houses? Why is our country being paid now for the fact that industry does not work in the country - for the fact that others have more energy resources? So what is it? What is meant by the 200 year old word “ETHER”. It dawned on you how you get PICKED, starting from school, technical school, institute? Therefore, no one can repeat it. Some are talking about the “golden ratio”, and it will work with it, but you can just stick it in the ass of the smart guys!!!! etc.


I’ll buy a 5 kW BTG after testing, pick up, phone 89627449086, but for some reason I don’t believe it, probably because I studied in a Soviet school.


Who has already bought BTG, write your contacts, please. It’s better to immediately provide bank card details so that I can save your and my time.


There is only one source of energy on earth - the Sun. The solar panel is the most affordable BTG for the peoples of the EARTH. This is just the beginning. Go guys!!! The one who walks will master the road.

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