Did Nikola Tesla really leave us the key to free energy?

Nikola Tesla is the name of the great and unsurpassed inventor who managed to achieve incredibly great success and a huge breakthrough in the field of electrical engineering and radio engineering.

His contribution to the development of scientific activity seems so significant that his name is once and for all imprinted in world historical science.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that for many decades numerous films have been dedicated to this personality, the best selection of which is presented below. We present to you all the feature films and documentaries about Nikola Tesla - a complete list.

Experiences of famous scientists

Nikola Tesla was one of the first to become interested in this problem. He planned to transfer the production of electricity from the air to an industrial basis. Most of Nikola Tesla's experiments were devoted to the free form of electricity. He believed solar energy to be the main reason for its appearance out of nowhere.

As a result of his study of free energy, Tesla created a device that would produce electrical energy directly from the earth and air. The transfer of the received energy over a distance was also provided. This invention was patented under the name of an apparatus using radiant energy.

Already in our time, inventor Stephen Mark created a device that produces electricity in sufficient quantities. It is called a toroidal generator, capable of efficiently powering various types of consumers, including incandescent lamps and even complex household appliances. This generator can operate for a long time and does not require any external recharge. Its main operating principle is resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

A brilliant seer and a guest from the future

The most famous and most mysterious enthusiast of the idea was the Serbian Nikola Tesla. The free energy generator is just one of the inventions of the brilliant scientist, the owner of almost a thousand patents. He was born in the mid-19th century in what is now Croatia. He, like some other atypical people, has two biographies.

great scientist

It is believed that the Serbian scientist not only laid the foundation for modern electrical engineering, but also made a major contribution to the continuation of the industrial revolution - its so-called second stage. Tesla gained fame in various fields of science. He is responsible for alternating current devices, a synchronous generator, an asynchronous motor and many other inventions. The official data from his biography are widely known:

  1. Since 1884, Nikola Tesla lived in the USA. In a short time of collaboration with Edison, he was able to improve many of his direct current devices on a dare. Later, the scientists parted ways, and the famous “War of Currents” broke out.
  2. In 1887, the Serb created the Tesla Electric Company.
  3. He studied high-frequency magnetic fields. Some of his developments are still used in medicine and electrotherapy. It is significant that the scientist first tested the effect of alternating currents on himself.
  4. He developed field theory and methods for transmitting electricity using multiphase alternating current. They are now the backbone of the global energy system. For example, light enters homes and businesses.
  5. Even before Marconi, he described the principles of radio communication. Later he improved the transmission of radio frequencies over long distances.
  6. Invented devices for detecting submarines and suppressing sound.
  7. At his instigation, outdoor advertising based on luminous tubes appeared on city streets.
  8. Made the first electric motor. Conducted successful tests of an electric vehicle. Invented an electric submarine.
  9. Worked on the study and use of x-rays.
  10. He predicted the appearance of weapons such as the atomic bomb, and thought through ways to study the nucleus.
  11. He was the first to build a device that could be controlled remotely.
  12. He repeatedly voiced ideas that were later used in the development of robotics.

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The scientist's ideas were ahead of their time. The practical use of some of his inventions is still prohibited, although they are officially patented. Modern scientists cannot repeat a number of Serbian experiments.

Mysterious wizard

Many of the scientist’s inventions went with him. Successful experiments with the ether have not yet been explained, although the principle of operation of the Tesla generator is known. Free energy from the ether was not his goal in itself. The scientist sought to understand the world. Revolutionaries in this field are always surrounded by secrets . To understand the riddle of the great Serb, it will be interesting to know:

  1. The future engineer and inventor could become a priest. He received not only a technical, but also a philosophical education.
  2. In his youth, he was fond of playing cards until he lost completely and had to pay off his debts to his relatives.
  3. In the USA, after a quarrel with Edison, he was a tramp, an auxiliary worker, hired out as a day laborer, and dug ditches.
  4. Never married. Didn't get close to anyone. Preferred to work alone.
  5. Penetrated the secret of ball lightning and knew how to create them artificially.
  6. He was superstitious and had the gift of foresight. Several times, using this ability, he saved people from possible troubles and even death.
  7. He had incredible performance. I slept 2 hours a day.
  8. He began to build a secluded laboratory on the then deserted Long Island. Officially, a tower for a radio station was supposed to appear in this place. Unofficially, it was here that ideas for using atmospheric electricity could be worked out in practice. There was allegedly not enough money to complete the project. The base was subsequently destroyed.
  9. The tower on Long Island is associated with rumors of the development of death rays, a directed combat emitter and an ultrasonic gun. Later, the Serb's ideas could be used to create a laser.
  10. During the First World War, Tesla not only raised funds to help Serbia, but also thought about creating an absolute weapon capable of destroying enemy armies at once. It is unknown how far he went along this path.
  11. Some researchers associate the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite with the scientist. He was really interested shortly before the fall of the celestial body in the remote and most uninhabited territories of Siberia.
  12. Events similar to the Tunguska events were also observed in the Indian Ocean. The Serb was accused of “shaking” the airwaves here.

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Tesla died in 1943. His body was found in the hotel only 2 days later. According to one version, all documents found in the room were confiscated and classified by US intelligence services. According to another, most of the genius’s papers were stolen by German or Russian intelligence.

How to actually get electricity from thin air

The experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla prove that you can get electricity from the air with your own hands completely freely. This has become especially relevant at the present time, when the entire atmosphere is constantly permeated in large quantities by various energy fields. They are created by broadcast towers, power lines and other devices that produce radiation.

Generating electricity from air does not require any complex circuitry. As a rule, the ground is used as a base, above which a metal plate rises, acting as an antenna. Between them there is static electricity that accumulates over time and has a certain potential. At certain time intervals, discharges of electricity occur that can be used. At its core, this is a lightning effect, which poses a certain danger when working with it.

Did Nikola Tesla really leave us the key to free energy?

We have many reasons to thank Nikola Tesla when it comes to modern technology, but if capitalist greed had not stood in his way, Tesla's contributions to society could have gone much further. Despite his mental breakdowns later in life, likely caused by detractors and capitalists who refuted his utopian visions of society. Tesla created many inventions with the goal of transferring energy to the world almost free of charge.

While Tesla is known for his achievements in alternating current, radio transmission, and induction motors, he had one vision that was not fully realized, and that was wireless power transmission in mass flogging. While the Tesla Coil is widely recognized and found in most science museums, the underlying technology behind it is still in its infancy for practical use.

Wireless charging has only become a feasible technology product in the last few years. But its scale has not yet reached the level that Tesla originally envisioned. While some companies have used this concept to create wireless chargers for cell phones and small electronic devices, Tesla's original intention was to provide wireless power to anyone in the world.

Wardenclyffe Tower.

Tesla originally built his Tesla Coil in Colorado Springs at Pike's Peak to experiment and test his idea of ​​creating a wireless power grid for the entire world. There he received free electricity from the local utility, as well as funding for his laboratory. At his Pike's Peak Laboratory, Tesla could test his theory by creating electrical arcs that were essentially artificial lightning that could be seen for miles. Tesla proved that with this invention he could power light bulbs wirelessly.

This caught Jay's attention. Pi. Morgan, who offered funding for his projects, the Wardenclyffe Tower in New York, a massive magnifying transmitter, also known as a high power harmonic oscillator. The Wardenclyffe Tower was built and was 57 meters high and 91 meters deep. When Marconi defeated Tesla in a wireless radio transmission across the Atlantic, Tesla changed his plan for the Wardenclyffe tower to transmit free energy to the world.

Energy was created in traditional ways and cost money, but Tesla's tower was intended to make it possible to transfer energy for free, creating a channel between the Earth and the ionosphere for anyone to tap into. Besides the need for more money to achieve this goal, Jay. Pi. Morgan was threatened by the prospect of free energy. After all, he was a titan of his copper industry, a major conductor of electricity. And also a capitalist whose work is centered around making profit from others.

Russian studies.

Although it apparently hasn't been active since the Soviet era, Russia has a massive Tesla Tower that is still operational. Not much is known about this complex, which is called the Marx and Tesla High Voltage Generator Research Center. It is located in the middle of a forest, 65 kilometers from Moscow.

It is assumed that the installation can generate enough electricity to power the entire country for a period of... a millionth of a second. The operating costs of the tower are also said to be very high. While the practicality of the object may be part of the reason why it doesn't work, it's intriguing nonetheless. What more could be gained from this facility if funding were provided for its continued operation?

A few years ago, two Russian scientists, who also happened to be brothers, began a campaign to raise money to build a massive magnifying transmitter with advanced materials to finish what Tesla started and power the entire world. The cost of building the tower was set at $800,000, but it was never reached. The brothers claimed to have proven the feasibility of the project based on models made in computer software, as well as their belief in Tesla's proof of concept.

Unfortunately, their funding goal was never achieved. There was also another cost-related gap that was left out of the equation, funding for the energy production itself. The brothers proved that an area of ​​100 square kilometers, located around the equator and filled with solar panels, would be sufficient to meet the world's energy needs. However, the cost of building solar panels to fill this area is estimated at around $20 trillion.

Project "HAARP".

A less benevolent example of modern use of the science behind Tesla's theory of wireless power transmission. There is a government project in the US called "HAARP". This high-frequency active auroral research program in Alaska was supposedly abandoned several years ago after the US Air Force deemed it useless.

While Tesla recognized the altruistic utility of the ionosphere as a transmitter of radio waves and energy, the US military likely studied it for more sinister purposes. Despite its nearly $300 million price tag and the expressed desire of allied countries, government agencies and universities to continue research, the site was closed, but only on paper and to the public.

So what was studied at HAARP, run by several branches of the US military in Gakona, Alaska? Chances seem good that this was not due to free, wireless energy that would be scattered throughout the world. Conspiracies surrounding the program range from death rays to electromagnetic shock waves to disable weapons. As well as radar systems and weather control. And it wasn't just American and Canadian citizens who had these concerns, the European Union also called for more transparency with "HAARP" and the experiments being conducted there.

Clearly, Tesla's unrealized vision of wireless power transmission has not been completely buried and may still be realized in one form or another. Whether the government will figure out how to use it for destructive purposes, or an innovator will use it for the purpose for which Tesla intended it, time will tell...

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What is atmospheric electricity

The first to seriously tackle the problem was the brilliant Nikola Tesla. Tesla considered the energy of the Sun to be the source of free electrical energy. The device he created received electricity from the air and earth. Tesla planned to develop a way to transmit the received energy over long distances. The invention patent described the proposed device as using radiation energy.

Tesla's device was revolutionary for its time, but the amount of electricity it generated was small, and it was wrong to consider atmospheric electricity as an alternative source of energy. More recently, inventor Stephen Mark patented a device that produces electricity in large quantities. Its toroidal generator can supply electricity to incandescent light bulbs and more complex household appliances. It works for a long time without requiring external recharge. The operation of this device is based on resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

The photo shows a working example of Steven Mark's toroidal generator

What is ether and where did the concept come from?

Many outstanding scientists studied the ether until the beginning of the 20th century. Among them were Dmitry Mendeleev, Hendrik Lorenz, Clerk Maxwell and many others. Rene Decart was the first to speak about the theory of the ether. However, Nikola Tesla is most associated with the ether, who not only believed in the existence of the ether, but also conducted practical experiments.

Scientists gave different definitions of ether, but most of them called this concept a certain matter that fills the space between atoms and other particles. Accordingly, the ether fills the entire universe.

Particular interest in the ether arose in the 19th century as part of the study of wave optics. Discovering the properties of light, scientists came to the conclusion that it has a wave nature. But a wave cannot propagate in a complete vacuum. She needs a certain environment in which microparticles can “float” in the same way as sound or any other waves. As a result, they came to the conclusion that the ether is an intangible, all-pervading something, superfine matter.

Dmitry Mendeleev added ether to the periodic table of chemical elements. In the 20th century Newtonium was removed

For example, Mendeleev described it as an ultra-light gas (the lightest in the universe). Its particles have an extremely high translational speed for gases. Another feature of the substance, according to the chemist, is an ultra-high degree of permeability. Without doubting its existence, Mendeleev added a particle of ether to his table and called it “Newtonium”.

As a result, the theory of the ether became not only the central topic of scientific research, but was also able to explain many phenomena. By the way, some of them, after abandoning the theory of the ether, still have no scientific explanation.

How to get electricity from air at home

Nikola Tesla's experiments showed that you can generate electricity from the air with your own hands without much difficulty. Nowadays, when the atmosphere is permeated with various energy fields, this task has become easier. Everything that produces radiation (television and radio towers, power lines, etc.) creates energy fields.

The principle of generating electricity from the air is very simple: a metal plate rises above the ground, which plays the role of an antenna. Static electricity occurs between the ground and the plate, which accumulates over time. Electrical discharges occur at certain time intervals. In this way, atmospheric electricity is generated and then used.

Do-it-yourself atmospheric electricity generation scheme

This scheme is quite simple - only a metal antenna and ground are required for generation. The potential that is established between conductors accumulates over time, although it is impossible to calculate its strength. When a certain maximum potential value is reached, a current discharge occurs, similar to lightning.


New ways to obtain cheap energy raise concerns among many scientists due to interference in the processes of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Their influence on the emergence and course of life on Earth has been poorly studied, so the impact can have a detrimental effect on the state of the planet.

But personally, I believe that the technology of atmospheric electricity is being slowed down deliberately. Moreover, there is a fact of large-scale use of electricity from the air before 1917. In the video below you can see for yourself that electricity existed even in the 17th century.

How to get energy from the ether with your own hands?

Microquantum etheric flows in many such generators are the main sources from which energy for the generators comes. You can try connecting systems through capacitors and lithium batteries. You can choose different materials depending on the performance they provide. Then the number of kW will be different.

So far, free energy is a phenomenon little studied in practice. Therefore, many gaps remain in the design of generators. Only practical experiments help to find the answer to most questions. But many large manufacturers of electronic devices are already interested in this direction.

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What is atmospheric electricity

The first to seriously tackle the problem was the brilliant Nikola Tesla. Tesla considered the energy of the Sun to be the source of free electrical energy. The device he created received electricity from the air and earth. Tesla planned to develop a way to transmit the received energy over long distances. The invention patent described the proposed device as using radiation energy.

Tesla's device was revolutionary for its time, but the amount of electricity it generated was small, and it was wrong to consider atmospheric electricity as an alternative source of energy. More recently, inventor Stephen Mark patented a device that produces electricity in large quantities. Its toroidal generator can supply electricity to incandescent light bulbs and more complex household appliances. It works for a long time without requiring external recharge. The operation of this device is based on resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

The photo shows a working example of Steven Mark's toroidal generator

Art films

The Mystery of Nikola Tesla (1979)

Director : Krsto Papic

Actors : Loise Rozman, Boris Buzancic, Oza Kodar, Orson Welles, Demeter Bitenc, Vanja Dratch, Charles Milhaud, Strother Martin, Petar Bozovic, Igor Galo, Dennis Patrick, Petar Dobrich

As Nikola Tesla : Petar Bozovic

The biographical drama reveals details of both the work life and some intriguing details from the personal life of the world famous scientist Nikola Tesla, who is Serbian by birth.

The inventions he developed in the field of electrical and radio engineering became an incredibly large contribution to the development of human knowledge. True, it just so happens that many aspects of such a contribution continue to be shrouded in secrecy and remain a mystery to this day. Moreover, numerous Tesla inventions were stolen...

Prestige (2006)

Director : Christopher Nolan

Actors : Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, David Bowie, Piper Perabo, Chris Cleveland, James Lancaster, J. Paul Moore, Ron Perkins, Roger Rees, Julie Sanford, Anthony De Marco, Kevin Will, Russ Fega, Chao Li Chi, John B. Kray, Sean House, Rebecca Hall, William Morgan Sheppard

As Nikola Tesla : David Bowie

The plot of the dramatic detective story takes place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Alfred and Robert are the names of magicians and illusionists who have been competing with each other for quite some time.

True, initially such rivalry was exclusively friendly. However, over the years, it gradually developed into a war in which each of them is ready to do anything to once again prove to others their superiority over their competitor.

Moreover, at some point these two become so carried away by their confrontation that their actions become a threat to the lives of the people around them...

Nikola Tesla and the end of the world (2015)

Director : Ian Strang

As Nikola Tesla : Paul O'Neill

Sophie Clarke is the name of a young physics teacher who has been painstakingly working for several years to develop a real time machine.

True, in appearance it seems to be a very strange unit. But, despite many dubious aspects, the girl believes that she will soon be able to put this unique device into action.

And, one day, it happens. Moreover, without realizing it, Sophie unexpectedly transports the “father of electricity” himself, the world famous physicist Nikola Tesla, from the past to modern London...

War of Currents (2017)

Director : Alfonso Gomez-Rejon

Actors : Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Shannon, Tom Holland, Nicholas Hoult, Katherine Waterston, Tuppence Middleton, Matthew Macfadyen, Damien Moloney, Woody Norman, Louis Ashbourne Serkis, Simon Koontz, Craig Conway, Amy Marston, Stanley Townsend, Celyn Jones, Tom Bell (III), Emma Davis, Colin Stinton, Conor McNeill, Tom Sweet

As Nikola Tesla : Nicholas Hoult

The plot of the historical biographical drama takes place in 1880 in America. Thomas Edison is one of the talented inventors of his time, who managed to invent an incandescent lamp, a system for the production and distribution of direct current, etc.

It was during this period of time that Edison, being a short-sighted businessman, hired an ordinary engineer Nikola Tesla.

At the same time, he does not notice any potential in the ideas of young Nikol, which is why after some time he loses his valuable employee and soon finds in Tesla a worthy rival in the war of direct and alternating currents...

Tesla (2020)

Director : Michael Almereyda

Actors : Ethan Hawke, Kyle MacLachlan, Eve Hewson, Jim Gaffigan, Hannah Gross, Lois Smith, Josh Hamilton, Ebony Moss-Bachrach, James Urbaniak, Lucille Walters, Donnie Keshavarz, Ian Lithgow, David Callaway, Dan Bittner, Rebecca Dayan, Vincent DePaul, Blake DeLonge, John Palladino, Tom Farrell, Michael Mastro

As Nikola Tesla : Ethan Hawke

The biographical drama takes place in 1885 in America. Emigrant Nikola Tesla has been working for Thomas Edison for quite some time.

However, after a fierce quarrel with him, Tesla has no choice but to resign. After thinking a little, he begins to look for investors and, along with this, manages to start digging ditches.

However, the uncertainty reigning in his life instantly disappears when he meets Ann Morgan, the daughter of a wealthy banker. Some time after this, he opens his own company and, in this new status, begins to compete with Edison...

How to get electricity from air at home

Nikola Tesla's experiments showed that you can generate electricity from the air with your own hands without much difficulty. Nowadays, when the atmosphere is permeated with various energy fields, this task has become easier. Everything that produces radiation (television and radio towers, power lines, etc.) creates energy fields.

The principle of generating electricity from the air is very simple: a metal plate rises above the ground, which plays the role of an antenna. Static electricity occurs between the ground and the plate, which accumulates over time. Electrical discharges occur at certain time intervals. In this way, atmospheric electricity is generated and then used.

Famous documentaries about Nikola Tesla

There are many documentaries about Nikola Tesla, and each of them reveals the personality of the inventor to the fullest. We especially recommend watching:

  • "Nikola Tesla. Lord of the world".

  • "Nikola Tesla - Lord of Lightning."

  • "Tesla's Free Energy" (2011 film only).

In the film “Free Energy” and “Lord of the World,” not only the personality of the scientist is revealed, but also the secrets of his personal life, myths are dispelled, and the operating principle of the main inventions is described. It’s worth a look for everyone for general information and to add to their knowledge base.

If you don’t want to spend an hour and a half to two hours on films, go to YouTube and watch videos, compilations and individual films about Tesla’s various inventions. Particularly interesting are the stories about the mystical side of the physicist’s life.

Where atmospheric electricity is already used

Nevertheless, there are examples of the use of devices that work according to the described principle - the Chizhevsky chandelier ionizer has been sold for decades and works successfully.

Another working scheme for generating electricity from air is the TPU generator by Stephen Mark. The device allows you to obtain electricity without external recharge. This scheme has been tested by many scientists, but has not yet found wide application due to its peculiarities. The principle of operation of this circuit is to create a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices, which contribute to the occurrence of current shocks.

Kapanadze's generator is currently being tested in Georgia. This energy source also works without external power and extracts electricity from the air without additional resources.

The photo shows the Kapanadze generator ready for operation.


New ways to obtain cheap energy raise concerns among many scientists due to interference in the processes of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Their influence on the emergence and course of life on Earth has been poorly studied, so the impact can have a detrimental effect on the state of the planet.

But personally, I believe that the technology of atmospheric electricity is being slowed down deliberately. Moreover, there is a fact of large-scale use of electricity from the air before 1917. In the video below you can see for yourself that electricity existed even in the 17th century.

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