Fuel-free energy generator: make a working BTG with your own hands

What is a FTG (fuel-free generator)?

The idea itself is relatively not new; the concept of a fuel-free generator refers to a device that will generate electricity without the need to expend resources on rotating its shaft. This idea was based on such outstanding scientists as Tesla, Einstein, Hendershot and others. In those days, to start and operate the generator, steam was used, obtained from the combustion of some kind of fuel, and this is where the name fuel-free came from.

Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to use fuel to generate electrical energy. They learned to generate it from solar energy, wind energy, rivers, ebbs and flows. But the devices proposed by the physicists who were the founders of electrical engineering still border on science fiction and continue to excite the imagination of both eminent scientists and ordinary people.

You can find out about mobile laboratories at https://nppalerom.ru/proizvodstvo/elektrotehnicheskie-laboratorii/etl-35k/.

Principle of operation

Any generating device is built on the principle of generating electric current through the directed movement of charged particles in a conductive medium. This effect can be achieved by:

  • Generation of alternating magnetic flux - when an EMF is induced in a conductor from an external magnetic field;
  • The flow of charged particles between media with different potentials;
  • Self-generation is an operating mode in which the device increases the power of the initial pulse, which allows it to maintain its operation and accumulate part of the energy to power some third-party consumer.

The only reason why such a plan cannot be fully realized is the law of conservation of energy. To get one type of energy, you still need to expend another type. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​inventing a fuel-free generator gave rise to a lot of myths around this issue and gave rise to adventurers.

Myth or reality?

Let me note right away that great minds did not create the idea of ​​a fuel-free generator for commercial gain. People like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein were driven by a completely natural thirst for knowledge and the desire to make this world a better place, and not by banal enrichment. As the chronicles of their activities testify, they managed to achieve incredible success. Many of their achievements left behind many more questions than answers, which gives our contemporaries a reason to continue their daring and scientific pursuits.

The reason why great scientists could not realize their inventions was the imperfection of technology or the absence of any component that would provide a stable result. Our contemporaries in scientific laboratories are trying to realize unrealized ideas for creating a fuel-free engine, sometimes for scientific purposes, sometimes for profit. But it has not yet been possible to achieve the desired goal and establish the production of a fuel-free generator on an industrial scale.

Due to the rapid activity of scammers on the Internet, you will come across a lot of offers to buy a fuel-free generator, but these models do not work. As a rule, unscrupulous inventors take advantage of the population's illiteracy in matters of electrical engineering, create beautiful packaging and sell a dummy under the tempting name of a fuel-free generator. But this does not mean that working schemes do not exist; consider examples of the most famous of them.

Scheme and design of a 20 kW free generator

BTG is understood as a device that generates electricity without the cost of shaft rotation and other processes that require energy consumption. Nowadays, technologies for producing electricity using solar energy, wind, differences in the height of river flows, ebbs and flows have been mastered. A person has access to tools and resources that allow him to reproduce one of these technologies at home.

Where and how is the BTG generator used?

There are many different ways to generate power from a fuel-free engine or generator. In every field, the use of this device will undoubtedly bring benefits. Below are brief descriptions of some of these areas.

On the roads

A fuel-free generator can easily replace diesel engines used in the vast majority of modern heavy vehicles, such as trucks, buses, trains, and large portable power engines. This list also includes most agricultural and quarry vehicles.

In the air

Both gasoline and diesel engines used in aircraft can be replaced by alternative energy sources, including fuel-free electric generators.

On the water

Fuel-free generators can also serve as a replacement for the high-speed engines found on yachts, ships and lines along the high seas.


Fuelless engines and generators can also replace diesel engines, as well as engines used in mining operations around the world. Similarly, fuel-free devices are replacing engines that are used for mining and natural resources, such as various precious metals, iron ore, coal and associated petroleum gas.

In medical institutions

The devices can also replace emergency backup generators, which every large medical facility or hospital must have in place due to the presence of possible critical situations.

In data centers

Fuel-free generators can be used for computers, and also if the phone is not charging, the generator can serve as a good charger for a mobile device. When servers and systems go down, communications can be lost, workflows can stop, data can be lost, and even entire workflows can be stopped completely.

Fuel-free power generators can also be installed on the sides of a two-wheeler. This must be done in such a way that as the vehicle moves, the fan begins to rotate and generate additional energy.

When DC motors with a power of more than 500 hp. With. connected to an alternator whose power is lower than that of dc motors, the maximum power output of the alternator can be obtained.

Lazarev engine

The only working VD2 today is a powerful rotary ring - an engine created by Lazarev. The scientist’s invention has a simple design, thanks to which it can be assembled at home using improvised means. According to the diagram of a fuel-free engine, the container used to create it is divided into two equal parts by means of a special partition - a ceramic disk to which a tube is attached. There should be liquid inside the container - gasoline or plain water. The operation of electric generators of this type is based on the transition of liquid to the lower zone of the container through a partition and its gradual flow to the top. The movement of the solution is carried out without exposure to the environment. A prerequisite for the design is that a small wheel must be placed under the dripping liquid. This technology formed the basis of the simplest model of an electric motor using magnets. The design of such an engine implies the presence of a wheel under the dropper with small magnets attached to its blades. A magnetic field occurs only if the liquid is pumped by a wheel at high speed.

Design Features

A simple fuel-free electric generator consists of a rotor and a stator.

The stator of the machine does not move and is usually the outer frame of the machine. The rotor can move freely and is usually located inside the machine. They are both typically composed of ferromagnetic materials. The slots are made along the inner periphery of the stator and the outer periphery of the rotor. The conductors are placed in the corresponding slots of the stator or rotor. They are connected to each other, forming round windings. The winding in which the voltage is induced is called the armature winding, and this is also the name given to the current transmitted through it. Permanent magnets are used in some machines to provide the main flux to the machine.

Steven Mark's TPU device is radically different from other fuel-free devices with its original design. Such a generator does not have radio frequency resonators. The working part of the device consists of a metal ring (diameter approximately 20 cm), onto which coils made of thick stranded wire are placed. The author demonstrated his invention in public more than once, but then the original development was strictly classified.

And yet, thanks to his followers, a new version was released - Ottp Ronette, which already had differences from the original version. She already had two plastic rings, to which a thick pair of wires was attached. The wires themselves were connected crosswise.

Impact on humans

Unlike low-frequency current, high-frequency current does not penetrate deep into human tissue, flowing down the surface of the body. HF current eliminates electrical injury.

UHF device

Used in medicine to treat:

  • ultra frequency therapy, UHF devices;
  • diathermy, heating with HF currents;
  • inductothermy, high-frequency magnetic field treatment;
  • healing of organs using a microwave device;
  • darsonval, exposure of body parts to high-voltage discharges.

In everyday life, they use a microwave oven with microwave radiation.

N. Tesla is rightfully considered a genius of his time. There is an opinion that his theory of the ether and his brilliant developments were blocked. Tesla dreamed of providing humanity with free energy, creating an anti-gravity engine by converting the energy of the ether. Even schoolchildren assemble the fuel-free generator and N. Tesla resonant transformer with their own hands. And this means that someone will continue his work.

Vega device and its features

BTGs operate according to the scheme of capturing free energy, after which it is converted into an induction current. Adams and Bedini devoted their lives to studying this physical phenomenon.

The devices can be used as an autonomous power supply for:

  • private houses;
  • farm or forest land;
  • shipping;
  • automotive industry;
  • aircraft manufacturing and astronautics.

The effectiveness of fuel-free magnetic generators often manifests itself in places that cannot be supplied with fuel, and the strength of natural energy is not enough to fully provide electricity. It should be understood that Adams' device is not an eternal generator of electricity. During operation, it requires periodic repairs. The unit also requires constant maintenance.

The fuel-free magnet generator has a number of advantages:

  1. The device can be used in any weather conditions, as well as away from power supply networks.
  2. The fuel is kinetic energy.
  3. There are no restrictions on electricity production.
  4. Completely safe for the human body and nature.
  5. You can make a fuel-free generator with your own hands.
  6. The unit is very compact.
  7. The minimum service life is 20 years.

The main advantage is that you do not need to move the shaft yourself. The entire process is automated, thanks to the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical impulse.

Asynchronous magnetic motor

The creator of the asynchronous magnetic motor was Tesla. Its operation is based on a rotating magnetic field, which allows the resulting energy flow to be converted into electric current. An insulated metal plate is attached at the maximum height. A similar plate is buried into the soil layer to a considerable depth. A wire is passed through the capacitor, which on one side passes through the plate, and on the other, it is attached to its base and connected to the capacitor on the other side. In this design, the capacitor acts as a reservoir in which negative energy charges accumulate.

Creating a device with your own hands

Obtaining electrical energy in huge quantities without consuming fuel is a tempting and quite feasible idea. The creation of such a device can be considered using the example of the Adams generator.

For self-assembly you will need:

  1. Magnets. The larger the magnet, the more it affects the induction field, as well as the amount of energy generated. For a low-power generator, small pieces are suitable. It is desirable that the sizes be the same. For normal operation, 15 pieces are enough. The positive pole of one magnet must be installed opposite the positive pole of the other. If this condition is not met, then there will be no induction field.
  2. Copper wires.
  3. Two coils. You can get them from old engines or wind the wire yourself.
  4. Sheet steel for making the body.
  5. Bolts, washers, screws and nails. They are necessary for fastening small elements.

First, the magnet must be secured to the base of the coil.
This can be done by drilling a hole in it and then securing it with bolts. The wires on the coils should be 1.25 mm thick and have a layer of insulation. The coils should be mounted on a metal frame so that there are small gaps between the ends. This is required for free rotation of the main element. At this stage, the device can already be used. It is quite simple to check the correct assembly: you should manually turn the magnets. If the structure is assembled correctly, voltage will arise at the ends of the winding.

This is the most primitive generator, powered by magnets. But based on such a scheme, it is possible to create a device that will be able to provide electricity to the entire house. You can also purchase ready-made devices from trusted manufacturers.

Most popular models

Currently, the most popular generators are models from, U-Polemag, Vega, and Verano-Co.
They occupy a large part of the device market. Vega produces devices that operate on the principle of magnetic induction. This idea was realized by the famous physicist Adams. The price often depends on the power and size of the device. The minimum cost is 45 thousand rubles.

This manufacturer has a number of advantages:

  1. Products from are very environmentally friendly.
  2. The generators are completely silent, which allows them to be installed anywhere.
  3. The devices are relatively compact.
  4. The manufacturer has quite a few models, the power of which starts from 1.5 kW and reaches up to 10 kW.

The minimum service life is 20 years. Batteries must be replaced every 3-4 years.

"Verano-Co" is a Ukrainian manufacturer that uses only high-quality components for its products. It produces generators for both domestic and industrial purposes. The operating principle of the alternative energy source is the same as that of other magnetic units. The cheapest model costs 50 thousand rubles. Prices for devices reach 200 thousand rubles.

U-Polemag is a Chinese manufacturer. Represents the largest variety of generator models. The standard efficiency of the devices is 93%. Maximum energy loss is 1%. Often purchased for household use. It has compact dimensions, low noise level and light weight. The package includes cooling systems. The maximum duration of use reaches 15 years. Prices for the model range start from 30 thousand rubles. and reach 90 thousand rubles.

Energizistem produces vertical devices. Consumers do not have a clear opinion about the quality and power of devices. Prices for generators are a little high and start at 50 thousand rubles.

Recommendations for selection

Any such devices (especially magnetic generators) cost quite a lot. Often, consumers want to buy a high-quality model, but at the same time spend a minimal amount of money. Recently, people have started purchasing goods from China. This is due to the fact that the products are cheap and have quite tolerable quality. Generators or structural elements can be purchased abroad, but there are certain risks that should be taken into account:

  1. You have to pay for the product before receiving it.
  2. It often happens that products do not correspond to the description on the website.
  3. Sometimes the package does not reach the recipient, and no one will return the money.

Often such savings turn out to be false. It is possible to purchase a generator directly from the manufacturer. But with this option, you need to know all the intricacies of the device’s design so that an experienced seller cannot “sell in” a generator that does not meet the requirements, so before purchasing you should:

  1. Thoroughly study the market for such devices. This will allow you to discover leaders among manufacturers.
  2. Correctly calculate the power. This way you can save money without overpaying for unnecessary features.

It is advisable to make sure that a warranty card is issued for the product. Each model must have a test sheet which can confirm the quality.

Making a magnetic motor at home

A magnetic generator can be assembled at home. To create it, three shafts connected to each other are used. The shaft located in the center necessarily turns perpendicular to the other two. A special four-inch diameter Lucite disc is attached to the middle of the shaft. Similar disks of smaller diameter are attached to other shafts. Magnets are placed on them: eight in the middle and four on each side. The base of the structure can be an aluminum block, which speeds up engine operation.

Review of manufacturers and prices

Generators from Odessa manufacturers are quite popular and widely available. The most expensive devices on the market are foreign generators from Ferrite. Depending on the power, the price of the device ranges from 35,000 rubles. Less expensive, but quite popular are generators of the Andrus brand - from 25,000 rubles.


The company specializes in the supply of electrical equipment for various industrial areas. The company has also been operating since 2006 and helps certify and promote products on the foreign market. Specializes in the production of magnetic electric generators and motors.

The magnetic generator contains working stator windings, which are evenly distributed around the circumference and stand motionless in the housing. The generator itself is made of non-magnetic material. Its operating principle is to provide direct current through several electromagnets, creating a magnetic balance effect.

As for the electric motor produced, the principle of its operation lies in the supply of high voltage to the electrodes. The engine is very simple in design, reliable and has a small weight and dimensions.

Research and Production Enterprise KB "VERANO-KO"

The fuel-free wind generator, which is produced by a Ukrainian company, contains a solution to several problems in using wind energy:

  • capable of charging the battery at wind speeds of 2 m/s;
  • capable of producing the specified power with a wind force of 5 m/s, while increasing power if the wind speed increases;
  • in hurricane winds, the device is as stable as possible and no free energy is burned out in the thermal resistors.

Generator with light bulb

This is not an industrial design, however, it supports the strong belief of some people in the possibility of obtaining free electricity or lighting. As you can see from the picture, there are two “magic” coils, a capacitor, a transistor, a light bulb, and everything is soldered right in front of us, in the video. Then a 220 Volt wire is brought in to “start” and then the light bulb lights up by itself.

The light bulb is on for free!

It becomes clear that even if there is a battery hidden in the coils, it will not be enough to keep the light bulb burning at full intensity. If you don’t want it, you will believe in the possibility of a fuel-free generator!

Project Charge

When commenting, scholasticism is not appropriate, but, unfortunately, it is ubiquitous!

In fact, if it were a real "roll-your-own" cigarette, it would not need to be "launched" by a push or spin of any kind. This "roll-your-own" thing must be stopped! If the person had been in the know, he would not have made this mistake. And any fool can make a power supply with a field switch under LED bulbs and turn it on from the “box”!

For comparison, here is an example of real “roll-your-own” cigarettes:

“Evolution of VD on neodymium magnets” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA0b-8pqUCk

Evolution of Perpetual Motion, WORK of Gravitational Power! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiPU4KIbL5E

And why do they really work, let the graduate students and candidates think... For my opinion, see

HYPOTHESIS ABOUT HYPOSTASIS - https://www.sciteclibrary.ru/texsts/rus/stat/stat1985.htm

DETERMINISM - https://svitk.ru/004_book_book/17b/3778_kumin-derminizm.php

THIRD ETHER MODEL: - https://www.universe100.narod.ru/Z-191-Alt-200-Kumin.htm


TWO MODELS OF THE WORLD ORDER - https://www.bazaluk.com/conference/280/comments

DMUMM - https://www.rusphysics.ru/files/Kumin.Dve%20modeli.pdf ; https://e-puzzle.ru/page.php?id=5938

https://naturalworld.ru/kniga_dve-modeli-ustroystva-mira.htm ; https://www.kazedu.kz/referat/64511 https://nsks.rusphysics.ru/files/Kumin.Dve%20modeli.pdf https://otherreferats.allbest.ru/biology/00021556_0.html

MOVEMENT AND KNOWLEDGE: OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE - https://bookre.org/reader?file=533309

Three laws - https://naturalworld.ru/article_tri-zakona.htm under adjustment...


Atomism and materialism - https://all-referats.com/103/1-52434-sistemnyy-pohod-k-modeli-socialnogo-razvitiya-perehod-zakrytogo-obschestva-v-otkrytoe.html History of atomism, rotation and gravity. The facts are obvious, but not true!? Identification of “gravitational” matter.

The Universe: from comprehension to mastery - https://mirozdanie.narod.ru/Kymin.html (STS Mirror)

Discussion club - https://putro1.narod.ru/Pisma.htm

MECHANISM OF FLOW-COLLISION INTERACTION - https://www.chronos.msu.ru/old/RREPORTS/kumin_mekhanizm.htm

MECHANISM OF FLOW-COLLISION INTERACTION Hypothesis (part five) - https://temporology.bio.msu.ru/RREPORTS/kumin_mekhanizm.htm

ASSOCIATIVE PHILOSOPHY OF MOVEMENT. (REFLECTIONS “IN IMAGE AND SIMILARITY” - https://www.moscowaleks.narod.ru/astrophilos004.html

Verbal illusionism and illusory knowledge or modern myths and legends - https://tululu.org/sam/doc/156848/ ; https://www.uralstudent.ru/baza-znanyj/referats/filosofiya/verbalnyy-illyuzionizm-i-illyuzornye-znaniya-ili-sovremennye-mify-i-legendy-1630126/

https://baumanki.net/filearray/file-info-163294.html ; https://referat.abc-english-grammar.com/ref.php?id=107238



https://mobiro.org/doc/156848/verbalbnyj_illjuzionizm_i_illjuzornye_znanija_ili_sovremennye_mify_i_legendy ;

All the best, Kumin A.M.

Adams generator

Unlike other crafts, this device really works, but not exactly as various scammer sellers position it. They start deceiving from the very name of the device. In fact, it is called the “Adams Engine” and was originally invented by the inventor to empirically (experimentally) confirm his assumptions that more electricity can be taken from the moving part of the system than is spent on the manufacture of permanent magnets included in it.

And it really works! The engine rotates very effectively, without being connected to the network, battery, etc. But this device cannot be called a fuel-free generator. Much research has been carried out on the Adams engine, both in laboratories and by amateur enthusiasts. The maximum efficiency obtained in laboratory conditions is 15%.

Those. If we calculate the amount of electricity required to magnetize the permanent magnets in the device, then only 15% of them can be returned to us in the form of electricity. Not a very smart battery, is it?

But this is in laboratory conditions. In reality, things are even worse. When connecting a minimal load (for example, an incandescent lamp) to a “commercial sample”, it slows down or stops rotating altogether, because The current generated by it is clearly not enough for such work.

Tesla Fuel Free Generator

This is where the scammers used all their imagination and remembered all the unreal merits of the famous physicist. Of course, there are legends about him, and perhaps he came up with something special, but an eternal energy generator is unlikely to appear on the public market. This is not beneficial to anyone, and every thinking person should understand this.

Here is a selection of pointless devices we have collected for you:

  1. Want free energy? Buy the stupidest device!

  2. The best alternative to money, but only yours.

  3. It’s a beautiful building, you can even show it to your neighbors.

  4. It's put together beautifully, but it's of no use.

  5. This sample is called “Experienced”; we put absolutely everything here, even an experienced electrician will say: “Ooh.”

If you want to buy a fuel-free generator presented above, throw this idea out of your head, you will only lose your money!

Tesla resonator transformer

The Tesla resonant transformer is an oscillator (oscillatory system) in which it transforms and changes the voltage of an alternating electric current into a high-frequency one.

The Tesla transformer is based on two circuits, a primary and a secondary coil. It is in this oscillatory system that the transformation of the initial electric current pulse occurs.

Components of a Tesla coil:

  • coils (primary, secondary);
  • storage capacitor;
  • spark gap fan (protects against overvoltage);
  • protective circuit or ring with grounding;
  • toroid.

The assembly of all these elements into a single device will allow a low-frequency pulse of electric current to be converted into a high-frequency voltage.

High frequency transformer circuit

Purpose of elements of the Tesla high-frequency transformer

Toroid. A circle rotating in a straight line forms a torus shape. This is the geometric shape of a toroid. For the Tesla transformer, a corrugated metal pipe is used.

Purpose of the toroid:

  • reduces the oscillation frequency of the secondary circuit;
  • increases output voltage;
  • creates an electrostatic field in the secondary winding;
  • protects the secondary winding from breakdown.

Primary winding or resonant circuit

Conductor with low resistance. For its manufacture, a copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm is used. Using additional devices, the resonance frequency of the circuit is changed.

Secondary coil

The main element of a resonant transformer is a secondary coil with winding. The length of the winding in experimental installations to the diameter is 5/1. The optimal number of turns of copper winding is 1000 - 1200 revolutions. They are wound on dielectric PVC pipes.

Materials for the manufacture of high-frequency Tesla transformer:

  • a transformer for neon lighting is used as a power source (up to 35 mA/output voltage less than 4 kV);
  • capacitor;
  • copper wire thickness (from 0.3 to 0.6 mm);
  • plastic pipe (75 mm);
  • grounding (metal rod);
  • metal ventilation pipe:
  • a metal ball, hollow inside (toroid);
  • copper tube for air conditioner (6 mm).
  • metal ball, fastener.

Installation of the generator system according to the diagram.

The system consists of the following blocks:

  1. Arrester. 2 metal bolts are screwed to a plastic base, and a metal ball is fixed between them. At the moment of connection to the transformer, a spark appears in the arrester.
  2. Capacitor. Consists of 1 block or component elements. The capacitor accumulates charge to pierce the spark gap.
  3. A resonant transformer supplies the primary electrical impulse.
  4. Secondary coil of the inductive loop. The copper wire is wound onto a plastic pipe, the turns should fit tightly to each other (the number of turns is from 900 to 1200). The winding, if it is not enameled copper wire, is covered with several layers of varnish and epoxy resin. A wire is connected to the secondary coil and ground is connected.
  5. Primary circuit. They are made from a copper pipe that is bent into several turns. To prevent it from cracking at the moment of bending, sand must first be poured inside. Between turns leave distances of up to 5 mm. Connect all elements according to the diagram.

Note! A toroid is needed to prevent the steamer from hitting the primary winding. The spark damages the electronics. The toroid is grounded by connecting to the main wire.

Tesla Coil Effects

Operating principle of the Tesla transformer

A pulse is supplied from the transformer, which charges the capacitors. When the required voltage is reached, a gas breakdown occurs at the spark gap and a spark occurs. The primary circuit at the moment of closure generates a high-frequency oscillation. Electromagnetic waves pass to the secondary coil. A resonant oscillation occurs, which produces currents of high frequency and voltage.

Gas discharges

The operation of Tesla's high-frequency transformer is accompanied by interesting effects. Various gas discharges and glows are formed:

  • Steamers. Ionized glow of gases in the air.
  • Sparky. Flashing and dying spark channels.
  • Corona glow. Occurs around bent parts of the transformer (blue).
  • Arc. Appears when a grounded object is introduced into a high-voltage field, a luminous arc appears.

Similar effects are widely used to create various pop and circus shows.

Ionized glow of a Tesla transformer

General operating principles

The essence of all developed installations is to redirect the used part of the power back to the secondary circuit, losing a minimum of energy. The remaining part must be generated by a transformer.

The sequence of operation of such a BTG is as follows:

The initial power from the supply battery (for example, solar) is accumulated by a high-capacity capacitor.

Upon reaching a given potential difference, the capacitor is discharged and transmits an impulse to the primary winding of the transformer. As an intermediate link, a capacitive cascade of two parallel-connected diodes and a capacitor is used, which smoothes out the inevitable voltage ripples.

The power is sensed by an inductor, which is connected to the primary winding of the transformer. The secondary winding is a series-connected oscillating circuit and another inductor, in parallel with which a diode bridge operates. The purpose of the latter is to limit peak power values, which theoretically can reach infinity.

Part of the primary winding of the transformer is reserved for load, and part is connected to ground. This is necessary to limit the generated power and extend the life of the circuit elements.

To avoid spontaneous pulse discharge, all other elements of the circuit - the primary oscillating circuit, as well as the terminals of the primary and secondary windings of the transformer are grounded.

Thus, the energy consumed by the circuit is constant and sufficient to power the load - the local lighting system, as well as the drives of any small devices or devices. At the same time, due to the pulsed nature of the output voltage, the BTG on a transformer cannot be used to power DC motors.

Important! It should be taken into account that any external energy source - solar battery, magnets, etc. - does not differ in power regularity. Therefore, despite the absence of mechanical transmission systems, some of the energy will be dissipated in the circuits and lost due to the electrical resistance of the wires.

Next, the most available options for the practical production of BTG from 50 Hz transformers are analyzed.

Fuel-free generator. What is included?

The electric generator is a completely autonomous device and is capable of generating electricity to fully charge the batteries without the use of fuel. The inertial device can be combined with other devices that are already installed.

The fuel-free electric generator package includes:

  • aluminum box with Faraday cage;
  • generator of required power from 1 to 5 kW;
  • control device with a battery charging function with a pulse of up to 2000 V;
  • 4 rechargeable batteries for operating the coils.

Sometimes, at the customer’s request, capacitors of various capacities can be added, as well as a backup power supply panel (in systems from 3 kW).

Is it possible to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands?

If you are still in doubt, try assembling such a generator yourself. There are many different schemes on the Internet for collecting BTG at home. Among them, there were two fairly simple methods: wet (or oil) and dry.

Oil method of collecting BTG

You will need:

  • AC transformer – necessary to create constant current signals;
  • Charger – ensures uninterrupted operation of the assembled device;
  • Battery (or regular battery) – helps accumulate and conserve energy;
  • Power amplifier – will increase the current supply;

The transformer must be connected first to the battery and then to the power amplifier. Now a charger is connected to this design, and the portable BTG is ready!

Dry method

You will need:

  • Transformer;
  • Generator prototype;
  • Undamped conductors;
  • Dynatron;
  • Welding.

Connect the transformer to the generator prototype using undamped conductors. Use welding for this. A dynatron is needed to control the operation of the finished device. Such a generator should work for about 3 years.

The success and effectiveness of these designs largely depends on your luck. You will also need it to find all the necessary elements specified in the instructions. But you probably already guessed that all this is unlikely to work.

Types of magnetic motors

At the moment, there are several types of magnetic motors, each of which requires a magnetic field to operate. The only difference between them is the design and operating principle. Magnetic motors cannot exist forever, since any magnets lose their properties after several hundred years.

The simplest model is the Lorenz engine, which can be assembled at home. It is characterized by anti-gravity properties. The engine design is based on two disks with different charges, which are connected via a power source. They install it in a hemispherical screen, which begins to rotate. Such a superconductor allows you to easily and quickly create a magnetic field.

A more complex design is the Searle magnetic motor.

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