Kapanadze fuel-free generator. (11 photos + 2 videos + 2 GIFs)

Hypothesis one: “Oscillating circuit”


See all photos in the gallery

Kapanadze's power supply to the first coil is not ideal. Kapanadze called the first coil a current amplifier. It is hidden in a green box and is in a vertical position. (I advise you to carefully look at the video of Kapanadze’s generator in a transparent case) There is a capacitor in the first coil parallel to the primary winding. This is called an "oscillatory circuit". Something like a bell. The sound frequency, which depends on the inductance of the primary winding and the capacitance of the capacitor. The spark plug (like a hammer) stands in front of the oscillating circuit (bell). It doesn't matter how fast the (hammer) spark strikes. It would be desirable that the discharge be more powerful. The spark generator discharge emits a whole spectrum of frequencies, one of which will necessarily coincide with the oscillation frequency of the circuit. The second coil is the same as the first, but wound with bifilar and connected through a spark plug. The goal of the entire design is to spin the current in the bifilar as much as possible. It is better not to measure the current in a working bifilar. He is very tall. High bifilar currents draw energy from space, converting them into powerful electromotive force. The flow of energy going to the bifilar creates air circulation (the flame of a lit match will be inclined towards the bifilar). This way you can determine if your bifilar is working or not. The drawn-in energy flows into the center of the bifilar and moves along its axis, creating an emf of the central wire. On the latter, the frequency of 50 Hertz is adjusted by the gap of the third spark gap, but this is not yet necessary. The lamps will burn without it. Large currents arise in the bifilar (as they said earlier, something like a spinning top). EMF arises due to the electrostatic effect of the bifilar on the boldly highlighted turns of the right side of the circuit. The energy density inside and outside the bifilar is different. The so-called energy funnel. The greater the energy difference, the higher the electromotive force.



In fact, removal is similar to emptying the resonator volume. Energy has a spectral density, and we have emptied this spectrum within the volume of the coil at the resonant frequency of the coil. And outside the coil, the spectral density of space contains energy at a given frequency, and we also selected the resonant frequency of the “receiving” coil equal to a harmonic of the Earth’s natural frequency. We have created a “drain” at the resonant frequency of the coil, and the surrounding space will compensate for the created difference. Moreover, if you compare the volumes of the coil and the surrounding space...





Saturday FAQ on the topic of free energy and BTG

A critical review on the topic of “free energy” released last week has raised questions, including on other resources.
Therefore, while I’m working on the promised material, I decided to release a small extraordinary FAQ - in order to constructively dot the i’s on particularly relevant topics. Q: The decision of the French Academy of Sciences in 1775 to ban perpetual motion machines is a well-known historical fact. Which clearly hints at the existence of secret technologies for generating energy, and their strict concealment for two hundred years.


I hope after the arguments given below, the issue with the Paris Academy of Sciences will be resolved once and for all for all SE seekers.

Let's start with the exact wording: in fact, the French Academy of Sciences has never prohibited anyone from doing anything. Scientists just officially refused to consider projects and ideas

perpetual motion machines.
State scientific research is financed from the state. budget, with funds collected from taxpayers - that is, at our expense. This was the case in the 18th century, and the same thing is happening to this day. The natural question is: does it make sense to spend the extremely expensive working time of scientists on a free-
for-the-applicant consideration
of an idea
that came to him on a cloudy morning after a hangover? I focus on ideas, sketches, projects - that is, the fruits of the imagination, theoretical speculations of the authors... It’s better to let scientists create practically useful technologies - common sense dictates.

Now about what is possible and allowed. Any solar energy researcher can contact scientists to explain why his ammeter shows over-unity, or even convene an expert commission to review the project - but only for a certain fee. Anyone can purchase devices and equipment of a wide range for personal use - and not a single dog will ask “why do you need a gigahertz oscilloscope, aren’t you just assembling forever...” Anyone can make a model on their own, or take out a loan secured by property and order production in production - unless, of course, the project is of collider scale. In my opinion, everything is fair, there are no restrictions. If you are sure, invest and do it. If you’re not sure, don’t try to go out with risky projects at someone else’s expense.

Q: For example, I was nervous at first when I read about the law of conservation (I even wanted to point out the cons without reading further)


Science, despite its popularity in society, is a very closed system. Moreover, its secrecy does not come from secrecy, but primarily from the high educational standard necessary to understand the depth of scientific issues. No matter what is going on behind the scenes, no matter what seemingly crazy hypotheses are discussed there, science releases proven knowledge and technologies into the world. An engineer works with what has already been explored and described by science. He uses the models provided to him, without bothering too much about what and how they are derived, the main thing is that they practically work.

Therefore, if a perpetual builder comes to an engineer and says he’s come up with something that violates the ESA, it’s quite reasonable to drive him away with a broom without understanding it. When the question is posed this way, the scientist will also be kicked out the door, because... the wording clearly says that the individual does not understand the basics of physics, and it is costly to educate him. But if the question is formulated correctly from a scientific point of view, for example: “here is the prototype, here are the circuits, it seems to indicate over-unity, I don’t understand where the additional energy comes from” - perhaps it makes sense to pay attention, to show the author where measurement errors or other jambs are hidden. True, etherists, phyton-radiant energetics, and other schizotronics do not strive to distinguish themselves by correct formulations - instead of prototypes they carry only their own ideas, which are fundamentally incompatible with the scientific approach.

Q: Any heat pump has an efficiency >1 Even a home refrigerator, but no one suspects it


Yes, yes, and the main thing is that manufacturers do not know what they produce) Especially those who did not finish reading the comments on the original source... Seriously, a heat pump is an analogue of a conveyor belt that delivers energy from point “a” to point “b”. With a successful combination of circumstances, this transportation will require much less energy than the amount of energy transferred - which, by the way, must come from somewhere.

General diagram of any power supply system:

Here Eo is the energy supplied to the input, for example mechanical (recycled). The output is: useful - electricity E1, secondary but usable - say heat E2, and some part goes to losses. A heat pump is just a subset of energy systems for which E2 is absent, and E0 and E1 are homogeneous types of energy - thermal. In this case, power supply for auxiliary needs (air conditioning compressor pump) is carried out from another source.

Q: Why did they suppress the Canep7 participant who did not give any ad-libs, but only wanted to convey Bedini’s point of view on how the installation works?


It was for this reason that they downvoted it, for the lack of a “gag” in the scientific sense.
For the contradiction between what was declared at the beginning: “I was interested in Bedini’s research and therefore I can absolutely confidently say that you did not understand the essence of his invention (discovery).
There the matter is completely different,” and what came to light when the situation became clearer.
This kind of statement implies that they have conducted their own
research, or at least a technically competent analysis of the principles of operation. But in fact, he gave out a copy-paste version of Bedini’s own explanation, which is already written on every fence and is known to everyone interested - without any elaboration of his own.

Q: Why was the research of freaks, who are not particularly competent in what they do, considered by the general opinion to be categorically unscientific?


Because science works at the forefront, exploring what has not yet been known by man. And it produces new knowledge, technologies, methods, products - which humanity simply did not have in its arsenal before. Freak research is either philosophical in nature - where unprovable and irrefutable general questions of existence are discussed. Or near-technical creativity, in which a freak has a chance to learn something new for himself. But all this has long been known to specialized specialists, so their activities do not make any contribution to expanding the known picture of the world. Therefore it is not scientific.

Block diagram of T. Kapandze’s device, taken from his patent.


Considering that the green box has a spark gap with a gap width of 1-1.5 mm, the breakdown voltage of this gap is within 2000 Volts. The excitation frequency of this spark gap is 150 – 200 kHz. The secondary coil pumps the charge current with a force of 5 kW. This is in terms of current: 5000W: 220V = 23A, which is what the current clamps showed in the film. It turns out that the relative transformation coefficient of the coils is 2000V: 220V = 10, approximately. It turns out that the power of the primary circuit is supposedly 10 times greater, that is, 50 kW. Is it so? After all, we are dealing with resonance. Let's go from the other side. Power is proportional to the square of the voltage. In the first coil 2000 x 2000 = 4,000,000. In the second coil 220 x 220 = 48,400 Ratio 4,000,000 : 48,400 = 82, approximately 100 times. There are already two orders of magnitude. That's already something. That is, in the resonance locale of the first coil, 500 kW of power fluctuates, and we pump out only a hundred - 5 kW. In principle, this is real, at the “noise” level, so “the squad did not notice the loss of a fighter” of 5 kW.


How and where is the BTG generator used?

There are many different methods of generating power from a fuel-free generator or engine. In every field, the use of such a device undoubtedly brings benefits. Below we have provided brief descriptions of certain areas.

On road

It is not difficult to make a fuel-free electricity generator with your own hands, and it can perfectly replace diesel engines, which are used in the vast majority of heavy modern vehicles, namely buses, trucks, trains, and portable large-sized power engines. This list also includes many quarry and agricultural vehicles.

In the air

Both diesel and gasoline engines used in airplanes can be replaced with alternative energy sources, and even with fuel-free electric generators.

On the water

Fuel-free devices can be a worthy replacement even for the high-speed engines that ships, yachts and lines along the high seas have.


Fuel-free generators and engines can also replace diesel engines, as well as devices that are used in mining around the world. Similarly, fuel-free devices are replacing engines used to extract natural resources, namely precious metals, coal, iron ore and associated petroleum gas.

In medical institutions

In data centers

Fuel-free generators can be used for computers, and if your phone is not charging, the generator will be an excellent charger for mobile devices. When systems and servers go down, communications can be lost, workflow will stop and data will be lost, and even the entire workflow can be stopped completely. Fuel-free electrical energy devices can also be installed on the side of a two-wheeled vehicle. This must be done in such a way that as the vehicle moves, the fan begins to rotate and generates additional electrical energy.

Please note that when DC motors with power greater than 500 hp are connected to an AC unit whose power is lower than that of DC motors, the maximum power output of the generator can be obtained. https://www.youtube.com/embed/EGmYDXOD1x4

Design features

A conventional fuel-free generator is made from a rotor and a stator. It is the stator in the machine that does not move and is usually the outer frame of the machine. The rotor can move freely and is usually located in the interior of the machine. They are both made from ferrimagnetic materials. The slots are made along the inner periphery of the stator and the outer rotor periphery. The conductors are placed in certain slots in the stator or even the rotor. They are connected to each other, creating round windings. The one in which the voltage is induced is called the armature winding, and this name is also given to the current that is transmitted through it. Permanent magnets are used in certain machines to provide the main flow of the machines.

The TRU device from Stephen Mark is radically different from other fuel-free devices with its unusual design. You can’t make this fuel-free generator with your own hands, but it does not have radio frequency resonators. The working part of the device is made of a metal ring (its diameter is approximately 20 cm), onto which coils made of thick stranded wire are placed. The author showed his invention in public more than once, but after that it was decided to keep the original development strictly classified. And yet, thanks to his followers, another version was published - Ottp Ronette, which had differences from the original. She had a pair of plastic rings to which a thick pair of wires was attached. The wires themselves were connected crosswise.

What is a fuel-free generator

This simple device is designed to generate electricity without the use of various types of fuel. It works on the principle of neodymium magnets. In a simple motor, the magnetic field is created by electric coils, usually made of copper or aluminum. These motors constantly require electrical power to create a magnetic field. The energy losses are colossal. But a fuel-free generator does not contain coils made of such materials. Therefore, losses will be minimal. It uses a constant magnetic field to create the necessary force to move the motor.

To find alternative ways to generate electricity, there are a number of alternatives from non-traditional energy sources that are also renewable. One such alternative is to generate electricity from a fuel-free engine in an isolated power generation system with low maintenance costs.

A fuel-free engine (like a generator) is an engine that generates electricity around the clock without fuel (gasoline, diesel, oil, gas, sun). The drive mechanism is a DC motor, which is driven by a battery (12V or more). The battery drives a DC motor, which in turn drives an alternator to generate electricity and at the same time, using a diode, charges the battery.

Energy sources that can operate without carbon dioxide include wind, waves, or photovoltaic and osmotic energy. But fuel-free power generators are still the most reliable sources of energy with low operating costs, even outperforming solar panels in some cases.

The use of low-cost traditional energy sources such as fuels will remain the main source of energy until the next decades, despite their adverse environmental impacts.

The use of a fuelless engine (or generator) for generating electricity is limited by the power of the DC motor and alternator. This implies that the presence of a DC motor and a high power generator gives the fuelless engine its capabilities. Research has shown that the fuel-free engine's worldwide potential is more than five times that of wind and solar because it operates 24/7, every day, anywhere on the planet.

About small wind turbines

Vertical, horizontal, sail and blade, rotary - all these are types of wind turbines. The big disadvantage that enthusiasts are working to overcome is the difficulty of starting at low air flow rates. It is cost-effective to use a fuel-free generator that rotates from the movement of the atmosphere in areas with frequent winds. When making such an installation, the possibility and frequency of hurricanes must be taken into account. To prevent the blades from breaking, they must fold when the wind speed increases greatly. The rotor is installed in an open area at the top of a mast, more than 3 meters high.

Some fan designs are mounted on the roofs of houses. For small, individual power plants, it is cost-effective to install a complex of wind turbines and solar panels. This will allow you to receive energy in sunny and rainy weather, regardless of calm or clouds in the sky. Residual power is stored in batteries and used as needed.

In the last 15-20 years, enthusiasts of this type of energy production have been actively using sailing wind wheels. Among their advantages are the following:

  • Light weight and captures even the slightest air movement;
  • silent rotation;
  • bladeless design;
  • obtaining high power even in low winds;
  • self-start;
  • the cheapest wind generator design;
  • availability of materials for self-production;
  • vibration-free operation.

It’s a pity that such units are cumbersome, otherwise there would be craftsmen who would equip their cars with them! Install it on the roof and enjoy free energy. He drives himself - he produces it himself, it’s a dream, not a machine. No exhaust fumes, no endless dependence on gas stations.


It is believed that Khmelevsky’s original BTG was created based on a pulse transformer from an old color TV. The transformer windings were split and connected to resistors, capacitors and a thyristor. The circuit diagram is entitled: “Cost-free ferroresonant high-frequency power supply.” It is assumed that the device will be used to supply electricity to radio equipment. The frequency of the device shown in the diagram is 2500 Hz, and the power is 279 Watts.

Some enthusiasts encountered difficulties when disassembling the TPI-4 core. To unstick the ferrite core, the author of the invention suggests throwing it in acetone for a week. Then, having taken it out of the liquid, the core needs to be lightly hit on the edge - from such a blow it is easily separated. However, you will have to test this method of unsticking at your own peril and risk - on the forums, many people noted that in a week in acetone, not only the adhesive layer of the core will come off, but also the insulating varnish on the coils. It is recommended to use PEL-0.35 wire for all inductors. It must be composed of three cores and braided using paper fabric or fiberglass.

Main Applications

Watch this video on YouTube
Watch this video on YouTube

Depending on where the electric generator is used, its technical characteristics are determined. Mainly, the relationship of the generator to a certain category in the field of application determines its power. The following types of equipment are divided into areas of operation:

  • Household. They have a power from 0.7 to 25 kW. Gasoline and diesel generators typically fall into this category. They are used to supply power to household electrical appliances and low-power equipment, very often on construction sites. Suitable as a portable source of electricity when going outdoors;
  • Professional. Can be used as a permanent source of electricity in municipal institutions and small industrial enterprises. Its power does not exceed 100 kW;
  • Industrial. They can be used in large factories and factories where high-power equipment is required. Such devices have a power of more than 100 kW, have considerable dimensions and are difficult to maintain for an untrained person.

Vortex devices

Transistor generator

When talking about free sources of electricity, it is imperative to touch upon special systems capable of generating heat with an efficiency of more than 100%. This device refers to the previously mentioned Potapov generator.

Its action is based on the mutual vortex influence of coaxially acting liquid flows. The principle of its operation is well illustrated by the following figure (see photo below).

Potapov generator circuit

To create the required water pressure, a centrifugal pump is used, directing it through the pipe (2). As it moves in a spiral near the walls of the housing (1), the flow reaches the reflecting cone (4) and is then divided into two independent parts.

In this case, the heated external part of the flow returns back to the pump, and its internal component is reflected from the cone to form a smaller vortex. This new vortex flows through the internal cavity of the primary vortex formation, and then enters the outlet of the pipe (3) with the heating system connected to it.

Thus, heat transfer is carried out due to the exchange of vortex energies, and the complete absence of mechanical moving parts provides it with very high efficiency. It is quite difficult to make such a converter with your own hands, since not everyone has special equipment for boring metal.

Modern models of heat generators operating on this principle try to use the phenomenon of so-called “cavitation”. It refers to the process of formation of vaporous air bubbles in a liquid and their subsequent collapse. All this is accompanied by the rapid release of a significant amount of thermal substance.

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