The Bedini generator is almost a perpetual motion machine (3 photos + 6 videos)

New power generators

> Generators > New energy generators

New energy generators - what is it about? Currently, it is still profitable to obtain energy from oil, gas and coal. Using hydroelectric power is labor-intensive and costly, and nuclear power is dangerous. Natural fuel reserves will soon come to an end; it is imperative to look for new sources of alternative and free energy. The CE designation refers to independent energy from the environment. The picture below shows Nikola Tesla's famous free energy generator in action.

Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator

For the development of any civilization, a continuous increase in replenishable free energy is necessary; its new sources are constantly being sought. To do this, it is necessary to create self-powered generators that use the following phenomena:

static electricity; features of the action of the magnetic field created by permanent magnets (blocking generators); heat extraction by mechanical heating; use of earth and space resources; heat pumps; CE of water, wind and the earth's magnetic field; creation of biogas plants; obtaining hydrogen fuel from water; CE of the sun.

What previously seemed like science fiction is now finding industrial application, although the principle of obtaining free energy is costly. New factory-made devices have high prices and not all generators live up to expectations. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce some of the costs by making the installations yourself.

Peltier elements

Initially, the elements found application in military and space technology, which required a not very powerful device that was also subject to vibrations and shaking. Now new devices are widely used in everyday life, most often for cooling electronic equipment and in the manufacture of small portable refrigerators. Refrigerators with modules can be made with your own hands, but they are also available for sale.

The Peltier effect occurs when a constant voltage is applied to different surfaces of a semiconductor wafer: one side heats up and the other cools. The process is reversible: when a temperature difference is maintained between the sides of the plate, an electric current flows between them and the device acts as a generator. The diagram of its structure is shown in the figure below.

Thermoelectric generator (Peltier element)

This makes it possible to use a Peltier element as an electricity generator. Powerful installations here will be too expensive, but as independent chargers when assembled with your own hands for mobile phones, they are just right.

The advantage of a thermoelectric generator is the absence of moving parts, which usually wear out and require maintenance. The disadvantage is low productivity, since while one side is working, the other side has to dissipate energy into the external environment.

Evaporation pumps

The operating principle of a heat pump is based on collecting and increasing heat potential through a reverse Carnot cycle. The system is filled with freon and consists of the following parts:

  • external and internal circuits with coolant;
  • compressor;
  • evaporator;
  • capacitor.

Thermal energy is taken from the environment. It is conditionally free, since the temperature of water, air and soil is always different

Its constant renewal is important. The operating principle of a heat generator can be simulated by installing a heat exchanger inside a regular refrigerator through which warm water is pumped

The generator will work to cool it, and the heat will be released in the radiator on the rear wall of the refrigerator. Using this method, a heat pump works to heat a house, taking heat from the environment and transferring it indoors. Sources of free thermal energy can be technical or ground water, a reservoir, outside air, or soil.

The figure below schematically shows a home heating installation using a heat pump.

Heat pump operation diagram

The heat input comes from the external circuit (blue), through which the coolant circulates with the selection of heat (free energy) from the surrounding space, for example, from a reservoir. In the evaporator, the coolant transfers heat (4-70C) to the refrigerant circulating through the heat pump, the boiling point of which is only +100C.

The refrigerant boils and turns into a gaseous state. The coolant, having given up some of the heat, is used for heating, and the gaseous refrigerant is supplied to the compressor, where it is compressed and its temperature rises significantly.

Bedini generator. Work principles. Part 1

The report “THE PRIMORDIAL PHYSICS OF ALLATRA” opens up the limitless possibilities for humanity to use free energy for the benefit of humanity. After reading this report and the AllatRa book, as well as familiarizing yourself with the works of scientists, it is not difficult to create a mechanism that would operate in a closed cycle, without external replenishment from traditional energy sources.

We offer you a series of articles about scientists and the history of their inventions that could change the world, and we begin this series with John Bedini’s generator.

It is worth noting that the name of this invention is widespread in the world as “Bedini Free Energy Generator”. However, in terms of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, free energy is the energy that is obtained when the septonic field is exposed to a certain force. To obtain it, no additional energy sources are needed. Therefore, this article is not about free energy as such, but about certain laws of electricity.

The design of John Bedini's first successful "Self-Rotating" machine was presented in his 1984 booklet entitled " Bedini Free Energy Generator " . It was a combination of an electric motor, flywheel, rotary switch, battery and a specially designed electric generator, which he called the “Energizer”:

Developed by Bedini 1984

“Energizer” is a kind of generator that does not lose rotation speed, like a regular generator under load. The rotary switch allows the battery to charge only for a short period of time and provide energy to turn the motor the rest of the time. (You can eliminate the motor and greatly simplify the system.) The energizer was originally a wheel with a certain number of permanent magnets that spun in front of several coils of wire. When magnets pass against the coils, electrical impulses generated in the coils charge the battery. But John also realized that the wheel could be made to rotate if these electrical impulses were sent back to the coils at the right moment. It was simply a matter of developing a suitable switching method.

In 2001, one very interesting event happened. The father of a 10-year-old schoolgirl, who worked in a workshop next door, asked John to help his daughter create a school project in physics. The idea of ​​introducing the younger generation to his work seemed interesting to John, and he began to explain to a girl named Shawnee Baughman how to construct a small energizer based on his invention. The energizer that Shawnee displayed at the school fair ran on a small 9-volt battery for more than a week, powering a single LED and spinning the rotor at high speed. Shawnee even made some posters explaining how it works. Shawnee's school physics teacher was shocked by the energizer; he could not understand why the battery did not discharge, because logically, its charge should only be enough for a few hours of continuous operation? But people liked this device and now the Bedini generator is perhaps one of the most popular devices in the world.

The new system consisted of an energizer, a battery and a special switching circuit. This design eliminated half of the unnecessary components, including the electric motor, rotary switch and flywheel. The new energizer consisted of a wheel with several permanent magnets and one or two coils attached to it. This is the design that Shawnee presented at her school. John called it the “North Pole Motor.” The difference between his first design above and Shawnee's design was that Shawnee's wheel contained 4 magnets and had another coil mounted on top for the LED. A 9-volt battery and four electronic components: MPS8099 transistor, 1N914 diode, 680 ohm resistor.

Considering all of the above, let's begin a detailed study of the workings of this device.

The main coil contains several iron rods in the center of its structure, which are needed to begin the process. When one of the magnets on the wheel approaches the Main Coil, it is attracted to the iron and moves in the direction shown by the RED ARROW.

As the magnet gets closer and closer to the coil, the iron rods in its core begin to become magnetized. This causes a small current to appear in the turns of the Start Winding, which flows in the circuit indicated by the GREEN ARROWS. In a coil wound clockwise, current flows in a direction other than that in which it would open the transistor. So the transistor remains off. This means that when the magnet is just approaching the coil, the main winding and transistor remain at rest and the battery energy is not consumed.

However, mechanical energy occurs in small quantities and is stored in the inertia of the wheel.

When a magnet is placed directly against an iron core, several phenomena occur simultaneously. First of all, the iron is magnetized to its maximum. When the magnet was just approaching the core, the magnetism of the core increased gradually. This change in magnetic flux caused the appearance of a small current in the Start Winding circuit. Now, when the change in the magnetic field has stopped, the current in the Starting circuit has also come to naught. At this stage, when the magnet on the wheel magnetized the iron core of the coil, it was “attracted” to it, since now the magnetism of the core has a south pole directed towards the wheel and its north pole directed downwards.

Now it all begins. The magnet is “attracted” to the core, but the wheel has a certain “moment” of rotation in reserve. So the magnet slips past the “point of attraction” with the core. As soon as he does this, the magnetic field in the core begins to decrease. This change in the magnetic flux in the core induces a current in the Start winding circuit, which now flows in the direction opposite to what we saw before and is indicated in the figure by RED ARROWS. This event now opens the transistor, resulting in a current that flows from the battery through the Main Winding and is shown by the GREEN ARROWS.

The current from the battery now causes the core to reverse its polarity. So now the North Pole of the core is towards the wheel and it pushes away the North Pole of the magnet. This causes an increase in wheel torque and causes the wheel to spin faster. This process continues until the core is magnetized as much as all nine volts from the battery allow it. Then the change in magnetic flux stops, so the current in the Start Winding circuit also stops. This immediately turns off the transistor, which in turn stops maintaining a magnetic field in the main coil. He has no choice but to begin to decrease, which induces a current in the Start winding, as shown below by GREEN ARROWS.

Meanwhile, another magnet approaches the Oscillator Coil and is also attracted by the small amount of iron in its core. When the magnet passes the coil, the current induced in it causes the LED to flash. As the rotor spins faster, these flashes occur more and more often and the LED appears to be constantly on.

At this stage, the entire cycle must begin again, but this is not the end of the description of the machine's operation. Even the most experienced electrical engineers would be confident that all the explanations have already been made. If this were so, then the machine would run on a 9-volt battery for about 6 hours.

The machine continued to work because the battery was being recharged by a process that had not yet been described. Everything that was described actually happens and can be measured using ordinary laboratory equipment. But there is something else going on in this device that is not so easy to explain. Here it is:

When the transistor turns off, and even before current begins to flow in the Start winding, dissipating the energy of the diminishing magnetic field, a high-voltage surge consisting of a longitudinal wave of pure voltage runs from the Main Winding along the wire back to the positive terminal of the battery. This phenomenon occurs within a few microseconds, but has a serious impact on the battery.

This temporarily reverses the flow of heavy ions in the battery, which apparently slows down the average “discharge time” of the battery by 95%! This allows our “toy” to work much longer than in the traditional version.

This phenomenon was first described by Nikola Tesla in the 1890s and is called "Radiant Energy". This phenomenon demonstrates an aspect of electrical engineering that not everyone understands.

In Shawnee's design, the rotor was a wheel only 2.5 inches (63mm) in diameter, which was turned by a 9-volt radio battery. The Main Coil was 1 inch (25.5mm) in diameter and 1.5 inches (38mm) high. When the transistor turned off, the voltage surge was transferred to the battery and the model could work longer.

This model performed quite well for its size and the components that were used. But if you make the Main Coil larger, it will be much more difficult to control that voltage surge. Instead of just charging the battery, it will try to burn the transistor. If you want to make a larger model, you should make changes to it, but we will talk about these changes, as well as other research in the field of electricity, in subsequent publications on the ALLATRA SCIENCE website.

Continuation: Bedini Generator. Improvement. Part 2

Igor N.

Single pole Bedini motor, radiant energy

Russian and Ukrainian engineer-scientists have made a number of discoveries that can revolutionize the entire world economy. The introduction of Russian know-how will radically change the entire energy infrastructure and society as a whole. Instructions included! How to repeat this device, which, while consuming about 16 watts, spins up an almost kilowatt motor. Pulse energy of the future. Download the report in . Electrical energy generators are a long-standing invention of mankind. They are the main sources of electrical energy.

Friends, has anyone assembled a Bedini generator (or Tesla, Melnichenko,... Hmm, very interesting, I need to study it, write it, make it.

How to make a generator

There are two options for doing the job:

  1. Dry method;
  2. Wet or oily;

The wet method uses a battery, while the dry method does not require a battery.

Step-by-step instructions on how to assemble an electric fuel-free generator. To make a fuel-free wet generator you will need several components:

  • battery,
  • charger of suitable caliber,
  • AC transformer
  • Amplifier.

Connect the DC AC transformer to your battery and power amplifier, and then connect the charger and expansion sensor to the circuit, then you need to connect it back to the battery. Why are these components needed:

  1. The battery is used to store and store energy;
  2. A transformer is used to create constant current signals;
  3. The amplifier will help increase the current flow because the power from the battery is only 12V or 24V, depending on the battery.
  4. The charger is necessary for the smooth operation of the generator.

Photo – Alternative generator

A dry generator runs on capacitors. To assemble such a device you need to prepare:

  • Generator prototype
  • Transformer.

This production is the most advanced way to make a generator because its operation can last for years, at least 3 years without recharging. These two components must be combined using undamped special conductors. We recommend using welding to create the strongest possible connection. A dynatron is used to control operation; watch the video on how to correctly connect the conductors.

Transformer-based devices are more expensive, but are much more efficient than battery-based ones. As a prototype you can take the free energy model, kapanadze, torrent, Khmilnik brand. Such devices can be used as a motor for an electric vehicle.

Wind turbine characteristics

Despite the fact that a wind generator may well be installed on a site without any claims from the state, problems may arise with neighbors, for example. It may happen that he will disturb other people, which will cause complaints and possible complaints

For these reasons, it is necessary to pay great attention to certain parameters both when purchasing and when making it yourself.

  1. Mast height. When assembling a wind generator, you need to remember that there are height restrictions for individual buildings. If there is an airport, tunnel or bridge nearby, the height of the structure cannot exceed 15 meters.
  2. Noise from equipment operation. Naturally, the rotor and blades will make some noise during operation. To measure this parameter, there are special instruments. After the measurement, the results obtained must be documented. They must not exceed noise standards.
  3. Interference on the air. When installing a wind turbine, care must be taken to ensure that it does not create interference on the air. This is only relevant for those places where the generator is, in principle, capable of creating such troubles.
  4. Environmental component. Rarely, but still there may be complaints from this service. They can be presented only if the wind generator for the house is located on the migration path of birds, which will disturb them. However, this happens extremely rarely.

If the device is made by hand, then these parameters need to be given special attention. If the windmill is purchased, then it is worth checking its technical data sheet to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics

Does not work

Despite the step-by-step video tutorial, almost no one who has tried to do it can assemble and launch a free energy generator with their own hands. The reason is not in the hands, but in the fact that the scientist, having given people a diagram with a detailed indication of the parameters, forgot to mention several small details. Most likely, this was done deliberately to protect his invention.

The theory about the falsity of the invented generator is not without meaning. Many energy companies are working in this way to discredit scientific research into alternative energy sources. People who follow the wrong path will ultimately be disappointed. Many inquisitive minds, after unsuccessful attempts, rejected the very idea of ​​free energy.

What do fuel-free generator manufacturers promise?

On the Internet you can find various sites that offer to buy BTG, and for quite a lot of money (on average - 12 thousand rubles). Moreover, each seller explains the principle of operation of the mechanism in his own way. Some say that a fuel-free generator operates on some kind of “earth energy”, for others the source is ether, and others talk about static energy, which does not obey the known laws of physics, but is quite real.

In fact, BTG is a beautiful invention, and similar devices do not exist in nature.

However, for those who are new to physics, the explanations about the ether and “earth energy” are quite enough to buy an expensive but useless generator.

Vega device and its features

BTGs operate according to the scheme of capturing free energy, after which it is converted into an induction current. Adams and Bedini devoted their lives to studying this physical phenomenon.

The devices can be used as an autonomous power supply for:

  • private houses;
  • farm or forest land;
  • shipping;
  • automotive industry;
  • aircraft manufacturing and astronautics.

The effectiveness of fuel-free magnetic generators often manifests itself in places that cannot be supplied with fuel, and the strength of natural energy is not enough to fully provide electricity. It should be understood that Adams' device is not an eternal generator of electricity. During operation, it requires periodic repairs. The unit also requires constant maintenance.

The fuel-free magnet generator has a number of advantages:

  1. The device can be used in any weather conditions, as well as away from power supply networks.
  2. The fuel is kinetic energy.
  3. There are no restrictions on electricity production.
  4. Completely safe for the human body and nature.
  5. You can make a fuel-free generator with your own hands.
  6. The unit is very compact.
  7. The minimum service life is 20 years.

How to do it yourself?

You can create a working electric generator from two electric motors at home. There are many possibilities for implementation, but the simplest design would be a Tesla generator. To do this you will need the following.

  1. Create a receiver with a fairly wide range from plywood and foil.
  2. Attach the conductor to the center of the receiver.
  3. Install it on the roof of the house or at the highest point.
  4. The receiver is connected to the energy storage device and the capacitor plate using a wire. With this scheme, a model with the ability to power from 220 V is suitable.
  5. The terminal and the second plate of the capacitor must be grounded.

When connecting, be sure to check the electrical connections and the charge of the capacitor. At the very beginning of work it is always zero. After an hour of operation, you can measure the voltage on the capacitor using a multimeter. You can complicate the design and use several capacitors instead of one, this can give an additional 20 kW of power. Electronics are selected harmoniously, all materials must match each other.

A more powerful battery, for example, at 50 Hz, a wider receiver area, a capacitor or several coils will help generate more electricity, but the design itself will become more complex. A Tesla generator is not suitable for charging powerful electronic devices and providing energy to a residential area.

Oil collection method

For this method you will need:

  • accumulator battery;
  • amplifier;
  • transformer that generates alternating current.

The battery is needed as a permanent storage device, the transformer will constantly generate a current signal, and paired with an amplifier, the power necessary for operation is guaranteed to compensate for the capacity of the battery (usually it ranges from 12 to 24 V). The transformer is connected first either to the current source or to the battery immediately, then all this is connected by wires to the amplifier, and then the sensor is connected directly to the charger, which will ensure an uninterrupted level of operation. Another wire connects the sensor to the battery.

Dry method

The secret to this method is to use a capacitor, but even then the kit will require:

  • current transformer;
  • generator or its prototype.

For assembly, the transformer and generator are connected to each other by undamped wires; for strength, everything is also secured by welding. The capacitor is connected last and serves as the basis for the operation of the device. This assembly method is preferable at home. In order not to make a mistake, it is enough to follow the chosen scheme and reproduce the design; the average life of such a generator is several years.

A fuel-free permanent magnet generator is presented below.

Design and principle of operation of the Bedini generator motor

The temptation to debunk the newly-minted creator of a perpetual motion machine forced scientists from around the world to study in detail the issue of searching for energy in the surrounding space. Those who were planning to repeat the inventor’s experience and assemble the Bedini generator with their own hands at home studied the presented sample in detail. Among the main elements were identified:

  • energizer - a rotating element with several permanent magnets;
  • coil for two windings with a ferromagnetic base;
  • accumulator battery;
  • a control unit consisting of a diode, transistor and resistor;
  • additional coil for current collection, to which the LED is connected.

The general circuit of a self-powered Bedini generator is as follows: the rotation of the permanent magnets of the energizer creates excitation in the core of the main coil. An electromotive force appears in the output windings, and electric current begins to flow through the turns of the starting winding through the control unit. When the magnet is above the inductive coil, the core receives an additional charge of energy and thereby opens the transistor. At this moment, current flows to the working winding, charging the battery.

Further magnetization of the core results in the repulsion of a single-pole magnet on a rotating base. This speeds up the movement of the energizer, and as its rotation speed increases, electromagnetic pulses are generated with increasing frequency. And the consuming LED, initially operating in blinking mode, quickly begins to glow without interruption. This allowed Bedini to declare that he was able to subjugate the energy of space and created a prototype of a perpetual motion machine that produces more energy than it consumes.

Tesla Transformer

Many people confuse the concepts of generator and transformer (Tesla coil). For clarification, we need to look at this in more detail. The Tesla transformer has been studied sufficiently and is accessible for repetition. Many manufacturers successfully produce various models of transformers both for practical use in various devices and for demonstration purposes.

A Tesla transformer is a converter of electrical energy from low voltage to high voltage. The output voltage can be millions of volts, but the design itself is not very complex. The genius of the inventor lies in the fact that he managed to assemble a device that uses the known physical properties of electromagnetic fields, but in a completely different way. There is still no comprehensive theoretical basis for the operation of the device.

Tesla Transformer

The design is based on a transformer with two windings, with a large and a small number of turns. The most important thing is that there is no traditional ferromagnetic core, and the connection between the windings is very weak. Considering the output voltage level of the Tesla transformer, we can conclude that the usual method of calculating the transformer, even taking into account the high conversion frequency, is not applicable here.


The Bedini motor is a battery charger. Which in turn feeds the motor itself. This is a kind of “perpetual motion machine”. This design differs in many ways from the standard options found on the Internet. The basis of the Bedini motor was a cooler from a computer power supply.

As you know, such motors cannot operate directly from a DC source, so a special driver is built inside, which powers the motor windings. The essence of the Bedini motor is to obtain more voltage on the removable winding, which has no connection with the main winding. An alternating voltage is generated on this winding, the rating of which is much higher than the motor supply voltage. The resulting voltage is rectified and charges the battery, which in turn powers the motor. Today you can find various modifications of this engine on the Internet, but the essence is the same. By principle, the Bedini motor is a kind of voltage converter. Standard versions of the Bedini motor usually have a separate circuit for powering the motor. You can often find circuits based on a single bipolar transistor; in our version, everything is simplified as much as possible.

Many coolers have an excitation winding; it is designed to start the engine. The winding is easy to determine if you disassemble the cooler. Typically, the excitation winding has low resistance and is easily determined by continuity; by eye, the wire of this winding differs in the color of the varnish.

We unsolder the ends of this winding from the main board and bring it out, it will serve as a pick-up winding. This winding is capable of delivering up to 20 volts if the engine is powered by 14 volts DC voltage. Of course, this voltage is low, but the point of the article is only a demonstration of the device.

The main alteration is completed here, then you need to prepare a small stand on which to install the motor.

The current in the removable winding depends on many factors - power, revolutions per minute, wire thickness, etc... In this motor, the current in the second winding is no more than 100 mA. And for starters, an interesting video on making a device based on a transistor converter:

According to Bedini, the whole “secret” is to correctly alternate battery discharges with its own charges with pulses of “radiant energy” from the generator. And this is where the quality of the received pulses and the possible range of their regulation may simply not provide the conditions under which the battery will actually begin to charge beyond unity. In this case, both the cycle frequencies and the ratio of the durations of their parts (charge - discharge) must be specially selected for each type and type of battery. AKA KASYAN

Electric Motor Forum

Forum for discussing the material MOTOR BEDINI
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Generator circuit

The minimum power from any device can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Atmospheric condensate as a source. It can be used to create a transgenerator.
  2. Ferrimagnetic alloys.
  3. Warm water.
  4. Through magnets. They require minimal conditions.

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But you need to learn how to control this phenomenon in order for the effect to be maximum.

Free energy diagram

Magnetic generator

The application of a magnetic field to an electric coil is the main effect that can be achieved by using such a device. The list of main components is as follows:

  • Support coil to regulate electricity.
  • Feed coil.
  • Locking coil.
  • Starting coil, also necessary for fuel-free appliances.

The circuit includes a control transistor along with a capacitor, diodes, a limiting resistor and a load.

Creating an alternating magnetic flux is the issue in which device owners have the most questions. It is recommended to mount two circuits that have permanent magnets. Then the lines of force are organized in the opposite direction.


It is necessary to create a circuit that supplies the main flow of electricity to the working device. After this, the generators switch to self-oscillating mode. They no longer need external power.

This device was called “kachera”. But the correct name is blocking generator. It creates a powerful electrical impulse.

In total, there are three main groups of blocking generators:

  1. On field-effect transistors whose gate is insulated.
  2. With a base in the form of bipolar transistors.
  3. With vacuum tubes, such designs are also common.

Energy from the ether

Tesla Generators

The design involves the use of a transformer, like high-voltage analogues. The principle of operation is approximately the same as that of conventional products. At the output of this device, so-called excess energy is formed. They significantly exceed what was spent when launching the device. The main thing is to choose the right method for manufacturing a transformer and configure the device to work.

Battle for Earth

What will happen to the world if such a generator appears in every home? The answer is simple, as is the principle by which self-powered free energy generators operate. It will simply cease to exist in the form in which it exists now.

If on a planetary scale the consumption of electricity, which is provided by a free energy generator, begins, an amazing thing will happen. Financial hegemons will lose control over the world order and fall from the pedestals of their prosperity. Their primary task is to prevent us from becoming truly free citizens of planet Earth. They were very successful along this path. The life of a modern person resembles a squirrel race in a wheel. There is no time to stop, look around, or begin to slowly think.

If you stop, you will immediately fall out of the “clip” of those who are successful and receive rewards for their work. The reward is actually small, but compared to many who do not have it, it looks significant. This way of life is a road to nowhere. We burn not only our lives for the benefit of others. We are leaving our children an unenviable legacy in the form of a polluted atmosphere, water resources, and turning the Earth's surface into a landfill.

Therefore, everyone's freedom is in his hands. Now you have the knowledge that a free energy generator can exist and operate in the world. The scheme by which humanity will throw off centuries of slavery has already been launched. We are on the verge of great change.

What do fuel-free generator manufacturers promise?

On the Internet you can find various sites that offer to buy BTG, and for quite a lot of money (on average - 12 thousand rubles). Moreover, each seller explains the principle of operation of the mechanism in his own way.

Some say that a fuel-free generator operates on some kind of “earth energy”, for others the source is ether, and others talk about static energy, which does not obey the known laws of physics, but is quite real.

IMPORTANT! The theory of the ether was relevant until the beginning of the twentieth century, until in 1910 Einstein refuted it in his scientific article “The Principle of Relativity and Its Consequences in Modern Physics.” In fact, BTG is a beautiful invention, and similar devices do not exist in nature

In fact, BTG is a beautiful invention, and similar devices do not exist in nature.

However, for those who are new to physics, the explanations about the ether and “earth energy” are quite enough to buy an expensive but useless generator.

Is it possible to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands?

If you are still in doubt, try assembling such a generator yourself. There are many different schemes on the Internet for collecting BTG at home. Among them, there were two fairly simple methods: wet (or oil) and dry.

Oil method of collecting BTG

You will need:

  • AC transformer – necessary to create constant current signals;
  • Charger – ensures uninterrupted operation of the assembled device;
  • Battery (or regular battery) – helps accumulate and conserve energy;
  • Power amplifier – will increase the current supply;

What is a lithium ion battery - device and types

The transformer must be connected first to the battery and then to the power amplifier. Now a charger is connected to this design, and the portable BTG is ready!

Dry method

You will need:

  • Transformer;
  • Generator prototype;
  • Undamped conductors;
  • Dynatron;
  • Welding.

Connect the transformer to the generator prototype using undamped conductors. Use welding for this. A dynatron is needed to control the operation of the finished device. Such a generator should work for about 3 years.

The success and effectiveness of these designs largely depends on your luck. You will also need it to find all the necessary elements specified in the instructions. But you probably already guessed that all this is unlikely to work.

Adams generator

In 1967, a patent was received for the production of this generator. The BTG turned out to be working, but the power it produced was so small that it would hardly be possible to provide energy to even a small room with its help.

But scammers don't care. Therefore, on the Internet you can find sites selling the Adams generator. But why spend money on a device that won’t help you save money?

Self-powered Bedini generator: debunking the myth

The first euphoria from the invention passed quite quickly. The craftsmen who constructed the Bedini generator with their own hands according to the author’s scheme quickly realized that the supposedly perpetual motion without recharging ends relatively quickly and the device stops. No one argued that the discovery has good prospects subject to refinement and improvement. But to call it a perpetual motion machine would be an exaggeration.

You can prove the inconsistency of the presented device if you assemble and test the Bedini generator on self-powering. The only thing worth considering is the duration of such an experiment. Compared to powerful batteries, the energy consumption for rotating the energizer is minimal, so its reserves will last for a long time. Perhaps this moment became a factor in deceiving the invention commission, to which the Bedini motor was presented as conditionally eternal.

You can assemble the design of a Bedini generator using a mofset transistor according to the proposed scheme.

The purpose of the experiment is to prove that a so-called increase in energy occurs in the device, which stimulates further rotation and does not allow the energizer to stop. It is further recommended to proceed according to the following plan:

  • Two batteries of equal capacity are charged for the same time in the same network;
  • After a full charge, one of the batteries is discharged, preventing it from being completely discharged. The best option is to connect it to an incandescent lamp under conditions of constant charge control.
  • The initial voltage and density of the batteries are measured.
  • The batteries are connected to the generator as follows: full - as the primary battery, discharged - as the secondary battery.
  • The installation is put into operation.
  • During operation, it is necessary to monitor the charge level of the first and second batteries.
  • If the voltage level in the primary battery reaches the value of the secondary battery before it is connected to the generator, the engine should be turned off. If the charge level of the secondary battery increases to the level of the primary battery, the engine is also turned off.
  • The voltage and density of batteries that have worked for some time in the Bedini installation are measured.

To simplify the task, instead of two batteries, you can use one as both a primary and secondary source of energy. In this case, it is important to switch the installation output from the secondary batteries back to the primary one. If you need to shorten the duration of an element, you should connect a 10-15 W incandescent lamp to the generator as a consumer.

In the vast majority of experiments, the charge of the primary battery decreased, while the charge level of the second increased slightly or remained at the same level. No one succeeded in keeping the lamp burning for at least several weeks. Thus, Bedini’s perpetual motion machine is an interesting but simple toy, the action of which did not go beyond the laws known to modern physics.


How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The circuit of N. Tesla's single-phase resonant device consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two regular 12 V batteries.
  2. Current rectifier with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that sets the standard current frequency (50 Hz).
  4. Current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Converter of low voltage (12 V) to high voltage (up to 3000 V).
  6. A conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1:100.
  7. Step-up transformer with high-voltage winding and strip core, power up to 30 W.
  8. Main transformer without core, with double winding.
  9. A step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All installation blocks are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is configured experimentally.


How and where is the BTG generator used?

There are many different methods of generating power from a fuel-free generator or engine. In every field, the use of such a device undoubtedly brings benefits. Below we have provided brief descriptions of certain areas.

On road

It is not difficult to make a fuel-free electricity generator with your own hands, and it can perfectly replace diesel engines, which are used in the vast majority of heavy modern vehicles, namely buses, trucks, trains, and portable large-sized power engines. This list also includes many quarry and agricultural vehicles.

In the air

Both diesel and gasoline engines used in airplanes can be replaced with alternative energy sources, and even with fuel-free electric generators.

On the water

Fuel-free devices can be a worthy replacement even for the high-speed engines that ships, yachts and lines along the high seas have.


Fuel-free generators and engines can also replace diesel engines, as well as devices that are used in mining around the world. Similarly, fuel-free devices are replacing engines used to extract natural resources, namely precious metals, coal, iron ore and associated petroleum gas.

In medical institutions

In data centers

Fuel-free generators can be used for computers, and if your phone is not charging, the generator will be an excellent charger for mobile devices. When systems and servers go down, communications can be lost, workflow will stop and data will be lost, and even the entire workflow can be stopped completely. Fuel-free electrical energy devices can also be installed on the side of a two-wheeled vehicle. This must be done in such a way that as the vehicle moves, the fan begins to rotate and generates additional electrical energy.

Please note that when DC motors with power greater than 500 hp are connected to an AC unit whose power is lower than that of DC motors, the maximum power output of the generator can be obtained.

Design features

A conventional fuel-free generator is made from a rotor and a stator. It is the stator in the machine that does not move and is usually the outer frame of the machine. The rotor can move freely and is usually located in the interior of the machine. They are both made from ferrimagnetic materials. The slots are made along the inner periphery of the stator and the outer rotor periphery. The conductors are placed in certain slots in the stator or even the rotor. They are connected to each other, creating round windings. The one in which the voltage is induced is called the armature winding, and this name is also given to the current that is transmitted through it. Permanent magnets are used in certain machines to provide the main flow of the machines.

The TRU device from Stephen Mark is radically different from other fuel-free devices with its unusual design. You can’t make this fuel-free generator with your own hands, but it does not have radio frequency resonators. The working part of the device is made of a metal ring (its diameter is approximately 20 cm), onto which coils made of thick stranded wire are placed. The author showed his invention in public more than once, but after that it was decided to keep the original development strictly classified. And yet, thanks to his followers, another version was published - Ottp Ronette, which had differences from the original. She had a pair of plastic rings to which a thick pair of wires was attached. The wires themselves were connected crosswise.

Power supply circuit

For the initial start-up, a circuit is required that supplies a pulse of energy to the Tesla generator transformer. Next, the generator switches to self-oscillating mode and does not constantly need external power.

In developer slang, the power supply device is called a “kacher”. Those familiar with electronics know that the correct name for the device is a blocking oscillator (shock oscillator). Such a circuit solution generates a single powerful electrical impulse.

Many variants of blocking generators have been developed, which are divided into three groups:

  • On vacuum tubes;
  • On bipolar transistors;
  • On field-effect transistors with an insulated gate.

A tube electromagnetic generator using powerful generator tubes operates with high output parameters, but its design is hampered by the availability of components. In addition, not two, but three winding transformers are required, so tube blocking oscillators are now rare.

Tube blocking generator

The most widely used devices are those based on bipolar transistors. Their circuitry is well developed, setup and adjustment are simple. We use domestically produced transistors of the 800 series (KT805, KT808, KT819), which have good technical parameters, are widespread and do not cause financial difficulties.

Blocking oscillator based on a bipolar transistor

The proliferation of powerful and reliable field-effect transistors has made it possible to design blocking oscillators with increased efficiency due to the fact that MOSFET or IGBT transistors have better parameters for voltage drop across transitions. In addition to increasing efficiency, the problem of cooling transistors becomes less problematic. Proven circuits use IRF740 or IRF840 transistors, which are also inexpensive and reliable.

Field effect transistor circuit

Before assembling the generator into a finished structure, double-check the workmanship of all components. Assemble the structure and supply power to it. The transition to self-oscillating mode is accompanied by the presence of voltage on the windings of the transformer (at the output of the secondary). If there is no voltage, then it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the blocking generator in resonance with the frequency of the transformer.

Important! When working with a Tesla generator, extreme caution must be exercised, since when starting, high voltage is induced in the primary winding, which can lead to an accident.

Bedini generator - myth or truth?

The Bedini generator is an invention from the section of alternative energy, built on the principles of electromagnetism by John Bedini and Nikola Tesla. The first such device, operating on the basis of the mentioned provision, was created in 1984. It was demonstrated at the International Conference named after. Tesla" in Colorado Springs. The inventor of such a device was Jim Watson, who, after presenting the prototype of the device in question to the public, disappeared with his family... And this is not the first such situation: many scientists who actually came close to the discovery of a “perpetual motion machine” either disappear without a trace or die in an accident. This is rock...

Well, now let’s return to such an invention as the Bedini generator. Let's try to understand the essence of this device. Recently, the scientist John Bedini (USA) and a number of his inventions in the field of obtaining vacuum energy (it is also called “free”, “radiator” or “negative”) have gained considerable fame. He started with the development of sound amplifiers and battery chargers based on the Tesla principle. But the most important thing that made him famous is the mentioned device, which has several different variations. The photo shows a Bedini generator from a cooler. The diagram of such a device is shown below.

Let's look at what this design is. Outwardly, everything is quite simple: a bicycle wheel with magnets, a pair of batteries and a basic electronic control circuit consisting of one transistor, two diodes, two resistors, a neon lamp and a coil.

Let's figure out what principle the Bedini generator operates on. The electrical circuit is supplied with power from the battery. The transistor is in the closed state - generation does not occur. Let's start the bicycle wheel. When magnets pass near the solenoid, a magnetic field is formed, causing induction in its coil. A pulse of electric current is created in the primary winding, due to which the transistor opens (the photo shows a self-powered Bedini generator). The circuit, thanks to the open transistor, closes. Current flows through the primary winding of the solenoid, limiting resistors, lamp, base-emitter junction and returns to the starting point (winding). If the current is sufficient, the lamp lights up. The transistor opens, and through the secondary winding of the solenoid, current flows from the positive contact of the primary battery again to the secondary winding, then through the junction of the collector-emitter transistor to the negative terminal of the battery. The current in the secondary winding creates a magnetic field in the core opposite to the wheel magnets. As a result, they are repelled from the solenoid field, and the wheel rotates. The coils are wound in the opposite direction. Therefore, when the core is saturated, an EMF with negative polarity is induced in the primary winding, which turns off the transistor. When the transistor is closed, the current changes its path: from the secondary coil through the diode to the positive terminal of the secondary battery, and from the negative terminal to the solenoid winding. This is the operating principle of this device.

But this is all in theory; many radio amateurs believe that Bedini’s inventions are nothing more than a hoax. You should not trust other people's judgments, check them from your own experience, and you will know the exact answer.

Another follower of Tesla can be considered John Bedini, who acted very wisely. Having created an almost perpetual motion machine - a generator and an engine paired on one shaft, he placed this structure in his museum, and the latter has been operating for many years. But he refused on principle to take a patent for his invention, leaving it at the disposal of all mankind.

Fig. 13. D. Bedini next to his perpetual motion machine.

On one site I found a diagram with which they tried to check the operation of a twin motor with a generator according to Bedini. Here is this drawing (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Misunderstanding of Bedini's idea.

The fact is that with John Bedini, energy from the generator G to the motor M is transmitted through a spark gap or chopper, which can be installed between the capacitor C2 and the inductance. This means that back EMF and radiant energy work beneficially in Bedini systems.

At the same time, he created several systems for charging batteries. Moreover, in his devices, with the help of one battery, you can charge several batteries in succession, and using two batteries, one of which powers a device and simultaneously charges the second battery, he turns the batteries into practically eternal ones, forcing even batteries that seemed to be dead to work that they can no longer be used. Here is one of their schemes, details of which can be found in the article, which can be found at the address in the list of references.

Adams generator

Such a device can rightfully be called working, but sellers significantly exaggerate its capabilities. At one time, a patent was even received for its production in 1967, but that’s where its story should have ended. However, scammers decided to take advantage of the ignorance of many people and sell the so-called dummy for serious money.

Watch this video, they show how the device works. I would like to note that even for the show it was not possible to show its effectiveness; we only heard incomprehensible promises that many people believed.

Now let’s see why you shouldn’t buy such an Adams fuel-free generator. The maximum efficiency of its work in laboratory conditions was only 15%. This figure is not enough to even provide the minimum amount of electricity to a small room. In real conditions, the efficiency was only 3-7%. In general, the idea is not bad, even the Adams generator circuit turned out to be quite well thought out, but not yet working.

Adams oscillator circuit

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