Magnetic perpetual motion machine: truth or myth, possibilities and prospects, do-it-yourself linear engine

There are many autonomous devices capable of generating electrical energy. Among them, it is worth noting the neodymium magnet engine, which is distinguished by its original design and the ability to use alternative energy sources. However, there are a number of factors preventing the widespread use of these devices in industry and in everyday life. First of all, this is the negative impact of the magnetic field on humans, as well as the difficulty in creating the necessary conditions for operation.

What is a magnetic motor

In the scientific world, perpetual motion machines are divided into two groups: the first and second types.
And if with the first everything is relatively clear - this is rather an element of fantastic works, then the second is very real. Let's start with the fact that the first type of engine is a kind of utopian thing capable of extracting energy from nothing. But the second type is based on very real things. This is an attempt to extract and use the energy of everything that surrounds us: the sun, water, wind and, of course, the magnetic field. Many scientists from different countries and in different eras tried not only to explain the possibilities of magnetic fields, but also to implement some kind of perpetual motion machine powered by these very fields. The interesting thing is that many of them have achieved quite impressive results in this area. Names such as Nikola Tesla, Vasily Shkondin, Nikolai Lazarev are well known not only in a narrow circle of specialists and adherents of the creation of a perpetual motion machine.

Of particular interest to them were permanent magnets capable of renewing energy from the world's ether. Of course, no one on Earth has yet been able to prove anything significant, but thanks to studying the nature of permanent magnets, humanity has a real chance to get closer to using a colossal source of energy in the form of permanent magnets.

And although the magnetic topic is still far from being fully studied, there are many inventions, theories and scientifically based hypotheses regarding perpetual motion. At the same time, there are many impressive devices passed off as such. The magnet engine itself already exists, although not in the form in which we would like, because after some time the magnets still lose their magnetic properties. But, despite the laws of physics, scientists were able to create something reliable that works using the energy generated by magnetic fields.

Today there are several types of linear motors that differ in their structure and technology, but operate on the same principles . These include:

  1. Operating solely due to the action of magnetic fields, without control devices and without external energy consumption;
  2. Pulse action, which already have both control devices and an additional power source;
  3. Devices that combine the operating principles of both engines.

Permanent magnet synchronous motor

Design of a synchronous motor with magnets

One of the main types of electric motors is synchronous, the rotation frequency of the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor are equal. In a conventional electromagnetic motor, both of these parts consist of windings on plates. But if the design of the armature is changed and permanent magnets are installed instead of the coil, then you can get an interesting, efficient, operating model of a synchronous motor. The stator has the usual layout of a magnetic circuit of plates and windings, in which a rotating magnetic field from an electric current can be generated. The rotor creates a constant field that interacts with the previous one and creates torque.

It should also be noted that depending on the circuit, the relative position of the stator and armature may change, for example, the latter will be made in the form of an outer shell. To start the motor from current from the network, a circuit consisting of a magnetic starter (relay, contactor) and a thermal protective relay is used.

Myth or reality?

Perpetual motion is familiar to almost everyone from school, only in physics lessons it was clearly stated that it is impossible to achieve practical implementation due to friction forces in moving elements. Among the modern developments of magnetic motors, self-supporting models are presented, in which the magnetic flux independently creates a rotational force and continues to support itself throughout the entire operation process. But the main stumbling block is the efficiency of any motor, including magnetic, since it never reaches 100%. Over time, the engine will still stop.

Therefore, all practical models require repeated intervention after a certain time or some third-party elements operating from an independent power source. The most likely option for fuel-free engines and generators is a magnetic machine. In which the main driving force will be the magnetic interaction between permanent magnets, electromagnetic fields or ferromagnetic materials.

A current example of implementation is decorative decorations made in the form of constantly moving balls, frames or other structures. But for them to work, it is necessary to use batteries that supply direct current to the electromagnets. Therefore, next we will consider the principle of action that gives the most encouraging expectations.

Disadvantages of engines

Despite the advantages, fuel-free generators also have their disadvantages:

  1. When staying near a running engine for a long time, a person may notice a deterioration in their health.
  2. For the operation of many models, including the Chinese engine, special conditions are required.
  3. In some cases it is quite difficult to connect a ready-made engine.
  4. High cost of fuel-free Chinese engines.

Design and principle of operation

Today there are quite a large number of magnetic motors, some of them are similar, others have a fundamentally different design.

For example, we will consider the most obvious option:

Operating principle of a magnetic motor

As you can see in the figure, the motor consists of the following components:

  • There is only one stator magnet and it is located on a spring pendulum, but such placement is required only for experimental purposes. If the weight of the rotor turns out to be sufficient, then the inertia of movement will be enough to overcome the smallest distance between the magnets and the stator can have a stationary magnet without a pendulum.
  • Disc-type rotor made of non-magnetic material.
  • Permanent magnets mounted on a snail-shaped rotor in the same position.
  • Ballast is any weighty object that will provide the necessary inertia (in working models, this function can be performed by a load).

All that is needed for the operation of such a unit is to move the stator magnet a sufficient distance to the rotor at the point of greatest distance, as shown in the figure. After this, the magnets will begin to attract as the snail shape approaches in a circle, and the rotor will begin to rotate. The smaller the size of the magnets and the smoother the shape, the easier the movement will occur. At the point of maximum approach, a “dog” is installed on the disk, which will shift the pendulum from its normal position so that the magnets are not attracted to a static position.

Engine Minato

Another striking example of the use of magnetism energy for self-excitation and autonomous operation is today a serial model developed more than thirty years ago by the Japanese Kohei Minato. It is distinguished by noiselessness and high efficiency. According to Minato's own statements, a self-rotating magnetic motor of this design has an efficiency above 300%.

Engine Minato

The rotor has the shape of a disk or wheel, on which magnets are located at a certain angle. When a stator with a large magnet is brought to them, a moment arises and the Minato wheel begins to rotate, using alternating approach and repulsion of the poles. The closer the stator is to the rotor, the higher the torque and rotation speed. Power is supplied through the breaker relay circuit.

To prevent impulses and beating when the Minato wheel rotates, stabilizer relays are used and the control current consumption is minimized. magnet The disadvantage can be considered the lack of data on the load characteristics, traction, used control circuit relays, as well as the need for periodic magnetization, about which, by the way, there is also no information from Minato.

It can be assembled, like other prototypes, experimentally, from improvised means, for example, construction parts, relays, electrical components. magnets, etc.

Modern classification of perpetual motion machines

  • A perpetual motion machine of the first kind
    is an engine (an imaginary machine) capable of endlessly doing work without consuming fuel or other energy resources. Their existence contradicts the first law of thermodynamics. According to the law of conservation of energy, all attempts to create such an engine are doomed to failure.
  • A perpetual motion machine of the second kind
    is an imaginary machine that, when put into motion, would transform into work all the heat extracted from surrounding bodies (see Maxwell's Demon). They contradict the second law of thermodynamics. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, all attempts to create such an engine are doomed to failure.

Operating principle of a magnetic electric generator

Perpetual motion machines are divided into two categories: first and second order. The first type refers to equipment capable of generating energy from air flow. Second-order motors require natural energy to operate - water, sunlight or wind - which is converted into electric current. Despite the existing laws of physics, scientists were able to create a perpetual fuel-free engine in China, which operates using the energy produced by a magnetic field.

The history of the perpetual motion machine

The first mention of the creation of such a device appeared in India in the 7th century, but the first practical attempts to create it appeared in the 8th century in Europe. Naturally, the creation of such a device would significantly accelerate the development of energy science.

In those days, such a power unit could not only lift various loads, but also turn mills, as well as water pumps. In the 20th century, a significant discovery occurred, which gave impetus to the creation of a power unit - the discovery of a permanent magnet with the subsequent study of its capabilities.

The motor model based on it was supposed to work for an unlimited amount of time, which is why it was called eternal. But be that as it may, nothing lasts forever, since any part or detail can malfunction, therefore, the word “eternally” must only be understood as meaning that it must work without interruption, without implying any costs, including fuel.

Now it is impossible to accurately determine the creator of the first perpetual mechanism, which was based on magnets. Naturally, it is very different from the modern one, but there are some opinions that the first mention of a power unit using magnets is in the treatise of Bhskara Acharya, a mathematician from India.

The first information about the appearance of such a device in Europe appeared in the 13th century. The information came from Villard d'Honnecourt, an eminent engineer and architect. After his death, the inventor left his notebook to his descendants, which contained various drawings of not only structures, but also mechanisms for lifting loads and the actual first device using magnets, which vaguely resembles a perpetual motion machine.

What is a Searle generator?

The John Searle effect is based on the use of a magnetic field; this is a fundamentally new method of generating energy. Its essence is as follows: electrical energy is produced by rotating magnetic rollers around magnetized rings. Interestingly, the device not only emits electricity, but also creates a gravitational field around itself.

The generator consists of three concentric rings fastened together. Magnetized cylinders are located around them. All cylinders can rotate freely in a circle.

Real prospects for creating a perpetual motion machine using magnets

Opponents of the theory of creating a perpetual motion machine say that it is impossible to violate the law of conservation of energy. Indeed, there are absolutely no prerequisites for obtaining energy from nothing. On the other hand, a magnetic field is not emptiness at all, but a special type of matter, the density of which can reach 280 kJ/m³. It is this value that is the potential energy that a perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets can theoretically use. Despite the lack of ready-made samples in the public domain, numerous patents indicate the possibility of the existence of such devices, as well as the fact of the presence of promising developments that have remained classified since Soviet times.

Norwegian artist Reidar Finsrud created his own version of a perpetual motion machine using magnets. Famous physicists and scientists contributed to the creation of such electric generators: Nikola Tesla, Minato, Vasily Shkondin, Howard Johnson and Nikolai Lazarev. It should be noted right away that engines created with the help of magnets are called “eternal” conventionally - the magnet loses its properties after a couple of hundred years, and along with it the generator will stop working.

The principle of operation of a perpetual magnetic mover

Most modern electric engines use the principle of electrical transformation. current into the mechanical rotation of the rotor, and with it the drive shaft. This means that any calculation will show an efficiency of less than 100%, and the unit itself is dependent and not autonomous. The same situation is observed in the case of a generating device. Here, the moment of rotation of the shaft, which occurs due to thermal, nuclear, kinetic or potential energy of the movement of the medium, leads to the generation of electric current on the collector plates.

A permanent magnet motor uses a completely different approach to operation, which eliminates or minimizes the need for third-party energy sources. The operating principle of such an engine can be described using the example of a “squirrel wheel”. No special drawings or reliability calculations are required to produce a demonstration model. It is necessary to take one permanent magnet of the dish (disk) type, the poles of which are located on the upper and lower planes of the plates. It will serve as the basis of the structure, to which you need to add two ring barriers (internal, external) made of non-magnetic shielding materials. A steel ball is placed in the gap (track) between them, which will act as a rotor. Due to the properties of the magnetic field, it will immediately stick to the disk with an opposite pole, the position of which will not change during movement.

The stator is a conventional plate made of shielded material, onto which permanent magnets, for example, neodymium, are attached along a circular path. Their poles are located perpendicular to the poles of the disk magnet and rotor. As a result, when the stator approaches the rotor at a certain distance, an alternating attraction and repulsion occurs in the magnetic field, which forms a moment and then develops into rotation of the ball along a circular path (track). Starting and stopping occur due to the approach or distance of the stator with magnets. This perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets will work until they are demagnetized. The calculation is carried out regarding the size of the corridor, the diameters of the ball, stator plate, as well as the control circuit on relays or inductors.

Based on a similar principle of operation, many models of operating samples have been developed, for example, synchronous motors and generators. The most famous among them are Tesla, Minato, Perendev, Howard Johnson, Lazarev magnetic thrust engines, as well as linear, unipolar, rotary, cylinder, etc.

Let's look at each of the examples in more detail.

The most famous analogues of perpetual motion magnets

Numerous enthusiasts are trying to create a perpetual motion machine using magnets with their own hands according to a scheme in which rotational motion is ensured by the interaction of magnetic fields. As you know, poles of the same name repel each other. It is this effect that underlies almost all such developments. Proper use of the energy of repulsion of like poles of a magnet and attraction of unlike poles in a closed loop allows for long-term non-stop rotation of the installation without the application of external force.

Lazarev engine

Lazarev engine design

Domestic developer Nikolai Lazarev has created a working and fairly simple version of the unit using magnetic traction. Its engine, or rotary ring, consists of a container divided by a porous flow barrier into upper and lower parts. They communicate with each other through a tube through which a flow of water/liquid flows from the lower chamber to the upper one. In turn, the pores provide gravitational downward flow. If you place a wheel under the flow of liquid, on the blades of which magnets are attached, you will be able to achieve the goal of the flow - rotation and creation of a constant magnetic field. The rotary engine diagram of Nikolai Lazarev is used to calculate and assemble the simplest self-rotating devices.

Types of magnetic motors and their circuits

Today there are many models of fuel-free generators, electrical machines and motors, whose operating principle is based on the natural properties of permanent magnets. Some options were designed by eminent scientists, whose achievements became the founding stone in the foundation of science. Therefore, next we will consider the most popular of them.

Magnetic unipolar Tesla motor

An outstanding scientist who at one time became a pioneer in the field of electrical supply. current, asynchronous electric motors on alternating current, did not deprive his attention and calculations of the issue of an eternal source of energy. In the scientific community, this invention is referred to differently as the Tesla unipolar generator.

Initially, the calculation of this type of device was carried out by Faraday, but its prototype, with a similar principle of operation, did not have the proper efficiency and stability of operation, that is, it did not achieve the goal. The term “unipolar” means that in the circuit of the unit, a ring, disk (plate) or cylinder conductor is located in a circuit between the poles of a permanent magnet.

Tesla magnetic motor and its circuit

In the diagram, which was presented in the original patent, there is a design with two shafts on which two pairs of magnets are placed: B, B create a conditionally positive field, and C, C - a negative one. Between them there are unipolar flanged disks used as generating conductors. Both unipolar disks are connected to each other by a thin metal strip, which can, in principle, be used as a conductor (in the original) or to rotate the disk.


This example cannot be called a self-rotating engine, since its operation requires constant supply of electrical energy. But such an electromagnetic motor allows you to obtain significant benefits by using a minimum of electricity to perform physical work.

Minato engine diagram

As you can see in the diagram, a feature of this type is an unusual approach to the placement of magnets on the rotor. To interact with it, magnetic pulses appear on the stator due to a short-term supply of electricity through a relay or semiconductor device.

In this case, the rotor will rotate until its elements are demagnetized. Today, developments are still underway to improve and increase the efficiency of the device, so it cannot be called completely completed.

"Testatika" by Paul Bauman

One of the most famous developments is Bauman’s “testatics”. The device resembles in its design a simple electrostatic machine with Leyden jars. “Testatik” consists of a pair of acrylic disks (ordinary music records were used for the first experiments), onto which 36 narrow and thin strips of aluminum are glued.

A still from a documentary: a 1000-watt lamp was connected to Testatika. On the left is inventor Paul Bauman. After the discs were pushed with fingers in opposite directions, the running engine continued to run indefinitely for a long time with a stable rotation speed of the discs at 50-70 rpm. In the electrical circuit of Paul Bauman's generator, it is possible to develop a voltage of up to 350 volts with a current of up to 30 Amperes. Due to its low mechanical power, it is more likely not a perpetual motion machine, but a magnetic generator.

Lazarev rotary ring

A perpetual motion machine based on magnets based on Lazarev’s project is very popular. Today, his rotary ring is considered a device whose implementation is as close as possible to the concept of a perpetual motion machine. An important advantage of Lazarev’s development is that even without specialized knowledge and serious expenses, you can assemble a similar perpetual motion machine using neodymium magnets with your own hands. Such a device is a container divided into two parts by a porous partition. The author of the development used a special ceramic disk as a partition. A tube is installed in it, and liquid is poured into the container. Volatile solutions (for example, gasoline) are ideal for this, but plain tap water can also be used.

The mechanism of operation of the Lazarev engine is very simple. First, the liquid is fed through a partition down the container. Under pressure, the solution begins to rise through the tube. Under the resulting dropper, a wheel with blades is placed, on which magnets are installed. Under the force of falling drops, the wheel rotates, forming a constant magnetic field. Based on this development, a self-rotating magnetic electric motor was successfully created, for which one domestic enterprise registered a patent.

Howard Johnson

In his research, Johnson was guided by the theory of the flow of unpaired electrons acting in any magnet. In its motor, the stator windings are formed from magnetic tracks. In practice, these units have been implemented in the design of rotary and linear motors. An example of such a device is shown in the figure below:

Johnson engine

As you can see, both the stator and the rotor are installed on the axis of rotation in the engine, so classically the shaft will not rotate here. On the stator, the magnets are turned with the same pole towards the rotor ones, so they interact using repulsive forces. The peculiarity of the scientist’s work was the lengthy calculation of the distances and gaps between the main elements of the motor.

Anti-gravity magnetic Lorentz motor

You can make a Lorenz engine yourself using simple materials. If you want to assemble a perpetual motion machine using magnets with your own hands, then pay attention to Lorenz’s developments. The anti-gravity magnetic engine of his authorship is considered the simplest to implement. This device is based on the use of two disks with different charges. They are placed halfway into a hemispherical magnetic shield made of superconductor, which completely pushes out magnetic fields. Such a device is necessary to isolate the disk halves from the external magnetic field. This engine is started by forcing the disks to rotate towards each other. In fact, the disks in the resulting system are a pair of half-turns with current, the open parts of which will be affected by Lorentz forces.

Generator Perendeva

Another controversial example of the action of magnetic forces is the self-rotating magnetic motor Perendev. Its creator, Mike Brady, before criminal proceedings began against him, even managed to acquire a patent, create a company of the same name (Perendev) and put the business on stream. If you analyze the circuit and principle presented in the patent, or the drawings of home-made electrical devices. engines, the rotor and stator have the shape of a disk and an outer ring. Individual magnets are placed on them along a circular path, maintaining a certain angle relative to the central axis. Due to the interaction of the field of the individual magnets of the stator and rotor Perendev, a moment arises and their mutual movement (rotation) occurs. Calculation of a magnet chain comes down to determining the divergence angle.

Sweet Floyd Vacuum Triode Amplifier

The difficulty in reproducing Sweet Floyd's device lies not in its design, but in the magnet manufacturing technology. This motor is based on two ferrite magnets with dimensions of 10x15x2.5 cm, as well as coils without cores, one of which is working with several hundred turns, and two more are exciting. A simple 9V pocket battery is required to run the triode amplifier. After switching on, the device can work for a very long time, powering itself by analogy with a self-generator. According to Sweet Floyd, from a working installation it was possible to obtain an output voltage of 120 volts with a frequency of 60 Hz, the power of which reached 1 kW.

Shkondin wheel motor

If you are looking for interesting options on how to make a perpetual motion machine from magnets, then be sure to pay attention to the development of Shkondin. The design of its linear motor can be described as a “wheel within a wheel”. This simple yet powerful device is successfully used for bicycles, scooters and other vehicles. A pulse-inertial motor-wheel is a combination of magnetic tracks, the parameters of which dynamically change by switching the windings of electromagnets.

General diagram of a linear motor by Vasily Shkondin The key elements of the Shkondin device are an external rotor and a stator of a special design: the arrangement of 11 pairs of neodymium magnets in a perpetual motion machine is made in a circle, which forms a total of 22 poles. The rotor is equipped with 6 horseshoe-shaped electromagnets, which are installed in pairs and offset to each other by 120°. There is the same distance between the poles of the electromagnets on the rotor and between the magnets on the stator. Changing the position of the poles of the magnets relative to each other leads to the creation of a gradient of magnetic field strength, forming a torque. The neodymium magnet in the perpetual motion machine based on the design of the Shkondin project is of key importance. When an electromagnet passes through the axes of neodymium magnets, a magnetic pole is formed, which is the same in relation to the overcome pole and opposite in relation to the pole of the next magnet. It turns out that an electromagnet always repels from the previous magnet and is attracted to the next one. Such influences ensure the rotation of the rim. De-energizing the electromagnet when it reaches the magnet axis on the stator is ensured by placing a current collector at this point.

A resident of Pushchino, Vasily Shkondin, invented not a perpetual motion machine, but highly efficient motor-wheels for transport and electricity generators. The efficiency of the Shkondin engine is 83%. Of course, this is not yet a completely energy-independent perpetual motion machine on neodymium magnets, but it is a very serious and convincing step in the right direction. Thanks to the design features of the device, when idling, it is possible to return some of the energy to the batteries (recovery function).


Back in the late 90s, a Ukrainian designer would offer a model of a self-rotating magnetic motor, which became a real breakthrough in technology. He used the Wankel asynchronous motor as a basis, which failed to solve the problem of overcoming 360° rotation.

Igor Svintitsky solved this problem and received a patent, contacted a number of companies, but no one was interested in the asynchronous magnetic miracle of technology, so the project was closed and not a single company undertook its large-scale testing.

John Searle

What distinguishes such a magnetic motor from an electric motor is the interaction exclusively of the magnetic field of the stator and rotor. But the latter is performed by stacked cylinders with tablets made of a special alloy, which create magnetic lines of force in the opposite direction. It can be considered a synchronous motor, since there is no frequency difference in it.

Searle engine

The poles of permanent magnets are arranged so that one pushes the next, and so on. A chain reaction begins, driving the entire magnetic engine system until there is enough magnetic force for at least one cylinder.

Magnetic gravity engine

Everything here is a little simpler than in the previous version. To create such a device, you need permanent magnets and weights of certain parameters. It works like this : in the center of the rotating wheel there is a main magnet, and around it (at the edges of the wheel) auxiliary magnets and weights are located. The magnets interact with each other, and the loads are in motion and move either closer to the center of rotation or further. Thus, the center of mass shifts and the wheel rotates.


An interesting version of a magnetic engine was presented by the scientist Alekseenko, who created a device with rotor magnets of an unusual shape.

Alekseenko engine

As you can see in the picture, the magnets have an unusual curved shape, which brings the opposite poles as close as possible. Which makes the magnetic fluxes at the point of convergence much stronger. When rotation begins, the repulsion of the poles turns out to be much greater, which should ensure continuous movement in a circle.

Permanent magnet synchronous motor

A synchronous motor at constant frequencies is the main type of electric motor, where the rotation speeds of the rotor and stator are at the same level. A classic electromagnetic power unit has windings on plates, but if you change the design of the armature and install permanent magnets instead of a coil, then you get a fairly effective model of a synchronous power unit.

The stator circuit has a classic magnetic circuit layout, which includes a winding and plates, where the magnetic field of the electric current accumulates. This field interacts with the constant field of the rotor, which creates torque.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account that, based on the specific type of circuit, the location of the armature and stator can be changed, for example, the first one can be made in the form of an outer shell. To activate the motor from the mains current, a circuit of a magnetic starter and a thermal protective relay is used.

Generator Perendeva

Generator Perendeva

Another controversial example of the action of magnetic forces is the self-rotating magnetic motor Perendev. Its creator, Mike Brady, before criminal proceedings began against him, even managed to acquire a patent, create a company of the same name (Perendev) and put the business on stream. If you analyze the circuit and principle presented in the patent, or the drawings of home-made electrical devices. engines, the rotor and stator have the shape of a disk and an outer ring. Individual magnets are placed on them along a circular path, maintaining a certain angle relative to the central axis. Due to the interaction of the field of the individual magnets of the stator and rotor Perendev, a moment arises and their mutual movement (rotation) occurs. Calculation of a magnet chain comes down to determining the divergence angle.

How to assemble an engine yourself

Homemade versions of such devices are no less popular. They are quite often found on the Internet, not only as working diagrams, but also specifically designed and working units.

One of the easiest devices to create at home, it is created using 3 interconnected shafts, which are fastened in such a way that the central one is rotated to those on the sides.

At the center of the shaft in the middle is attached a disk of lucite, 4 inches in diameter and 0.5 inches thick. Those shafts that are located on the sides also have 2-inch disks, on which there are magnets of 4 pieces on each, and on the central one there are twice as many - 8 pieces.

The axis must be in a parallel plane in relation to the shafts. The ends near the wheels pass with a flash of 1 minute. If you start moving the wheels, then the ends of the magnetic axis will begin to synchronize. To give acceleration, it is necessary to place an aluminum block at the base of the device. One end of it should slightly touch the magnetic parts. As soon as the design is improved in this way, the unit will rotate faster, by half a revolution per second.

Watch this video on YouTube

Watch this video on YouTube

The drives were installed so that the shafts rotated similarly to each other. If you try to influence the system with a finger or some other object, then it will stop.

Guided by this scheme, you can create a magnetic unit on your own.

Confirmation of the existence of the effect

The characteristics and description of the Searle engine given above allow us to judge it as a very useful device, certainly interesting, but also raising many questions. Disputes in scientific circles and on the Internet about whether the generators created by this English scientist actually worked continue to this day. Some researchers and curious people believe that the assembly and use of such installations is quite possible. Others believe that Searle is nothing more than a hoaxer misleading the public.

Judging by the description, Searle's engines actually had absolutely ordinary properties. It is possible, of course, that no flying magnetic roller disks ever existed, and the English researcher simply deceived the world in order to attract attention to himself, and also not pay for electricity. However, Searle's experiments were repeated, including by amateur enthusiasts and even serious scientists. Several such experiments were carried out in Russia.

In the 90s of the last century, for example, a similar installation was created and patented by domestic masters Roshchin and Gordin. However, soon the work on the production of such generators by these researchers was curtailed for unknown reasons. Only the results of the experiments of these specialists have been preserved. Roshchin and Gordin, according to available information, managed to create a generator that loses weight up to 40% and produces up to 7 kW of electricity without any external costs.

According to available information, domestic scientists also conducted experiments to recreate Searle’s “perpetual” engine. At the Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences and OJSC NPO Energomash named after. Academician Glushko" an experimental installation using rare-earth magnets was created. It was called a converter. As a result, scientists found that as the Searle generator rotor rotated clockwise, the weight of the platform actually began to decrease (up to 50%). When rotating in the opposite direction, its mass, on the contrary, increased.

The researchers also found that when the rollers reach a speed of 550 rpm, the rotor speed actually begins to increase spontaneously. However, at the same time, scientists were able to find out that when a load of more than 7 kW is connected, the Searle engine, unfortunately, exits the self-generation mode. Domestic experts also confirmed the presence of side effects accompanying engine operation - a pink glow and the smell of ozone.

The researchers also found that during its operation special magnetic walls appear around the converter, which coincide in vector with the field of the rollers. Beyond this limit, the air temperature inside the generator decreases, compared to the room temperature, by 6–8 degrees.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of actually working magnetic motors?

Among the advantages of such units, the following can be noted:

  1. Full autonomy with maximum fuel economy.
  2. A powerful device using magnets can provide a room with energy of 10 kW or more.
  3. Such an engine runs until complete operational wear.

So far, such engines are not without their drawbacks:

  1. The magnetic field can negatively affect human health and well-being.
  2. A large number of models cannot work effectively in domestic conditions.
  3. There are slight difficulties in connecting even a ready-made unit.
  4. The cost of such engines is quite high.

Such units are no longer a fiction and will soon be able to replace conventional power units. At the moment, they cannot compete with conventional engines, but there is potential for development.

Advantages and disadvantages

The considered embodiment has the following advantages:

  1. The optimal operating mode can be obtained by exposure to reactive energy, which is possible with automatic current regulation. This feature makes it possible to operate the electric motor without consuming or releasing reactive energy into the network. Unlike an asynchronous motor, a synchronous motor has small overall dimensions with the same power, but the efficiency is much higher.
  2. Voltage fluctuations in the network have a lesser impact on the synchronous motor. The maximum torque is proportional to the mains voltage.
  3. High overload capacity. By increasing the excitation current, a significant increase in overload capacity can be achieved. This occurs at the moment of a sharp and short-term occurrence of additional load on the output shaft.
  4. The rotation speed of the output shaft remains unchanged under any load, as long as it does not exceed the overload rating.

The disadvantages of the design under consideration include a more complex design and, as a result, a higher cost than that of asynchronous motors. However, in some cases, it is impossible to do without this type of electric motor.

Why is a perpetual motion machine impossible?

When it comes to perpetual motion, the main problem is confusion in wording. For some reason, some people believe that a perpetual motion machine is a machine that moves constantly, that it never stops. This is true, but only partly.

Indeed, if you once installed and started a perpetual motion machine, it will have to work until the “end of time.” To call the life of an engine “long” or “long” is to greatly understate its capabilities. However, it is no secret that a perpetual motion machine does not and cannot exist in nature.

But what about planets, stars and galaxies? After all, all these objects are in constant motion, and this motion will exist constantly as long as the Universe exists, until the time of eternal, endless, absolute darkness comes. Isn't this a perpetual motion machine?

It is in answering this question that the confusion in wording that we talked about at the beginning is revealed. Perpetual motion is not a perpetual motion machine! The movement itself in the Universe is “eternal”. Movement will exist as long as the Universe exists. But a so-called perpetual motion machine is a device that not only moves endlessly, it also produces energy as it moves. Therefore, the definition given by Wikipedia is correct:

A perpetual motion machine is an imaginary device that produces useful work greater than the amount of energy supplied to this device.

On the Internet you can find many projects that offer models of perpetual motion machines. Looking at these structures, you might think that they are able to work without stopping, constantly producing energy. If we actually succeeded in designing a perpetual motion machine, the consequences would be staggering. It would be an eternal source of energy, moreover, free energy. Unfortunately, due to the fundamental laws of physics of our Universe, the creation of perpetual motion machines is impossible. Let's figure out why this is so.

Anti-gravity engine

Further research allegedly showed new capabilities of the Searle generator. So, in 1999, SISRC Ltd announced the results of modernizing the generator and made a couple of loud, but unfortunately unsubstantiated statements. To enhance the power of the generator, the magnets were doped with neodymium.

Having tested the new generator, the company’s specialists stated that the key role in obtaining electrical energy is played by the transformation of the energy of the vacuum state, which, of course, is at least incoherent and incomprehensible. More fantastic was the second statement, that when dynamic equilibrium was achieved, the device took off.

Levitation was explained by the fact that the interaction of an electric field of significant intensity with a radial vector and a pulsating field creates its own gravitational field. Considering that the gravitational field itself remains unstudied to this day, and particles such as gravitons are only hypothesized, this statement can safely be called complete nonsense. At the same time, the idea remains attractive and many try to assemble a Searle generator with their own hands.

The device diagram is often provided on the Internet. The videos demonstrate the capabilities of the miracle technology, which spurs interest in the invention. Still, it is worth noting that not a single attempt has yet been crowned with success, that is, it has not been officially documented. The Searle generator is of no interest to science and is not used in any enterprise.

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Creators of fuel-free generators

Special equipment for car engines that allows cars to move only on water without the use of hydrocarbon additives. Many Russian cars are equipped with similar attachments today. The use of such equipment allows motorists to save on gasoline and reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. To create the prefix, Bakaev needed to discover a new type of splitting, which was used in his invention.

Bolotov, a 20th century scientist, developed a car engine that requires literally one drop of fuel to start. The design of such an engine does not include cylinders, a crankshaft and any other rubbing parts - they are replaced by two discs on bearings with small gaps between them. The fuel is ordinary air, which is split into nitrogen and oxygen at high speeds. Nitrogen, under the influence of a temperature of 90 ° C, burns in oxygen, which allows the engine to develop a power of 300 horsepower. Russian scientists, in addition to the fuel-free engine design, have developed and proposed modifications of many other engines, the functioning of which requires fundamentally new energy sources - for example, vacuum energy.

PSDM Management

A frequency converter or a start servo drive can be used as a control system for a synchronous motor with a rotor equipped with permanent magnets. The launch control methods can be varied; the choice depends on the tasks at hand. Control can be sinusoidal or trapezoidal. These 2 types have their own subtypes, with their own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Scalar. One of the simplest schemes. At the same time, it is sensitive to load changes, which leads to loss of controllability.
  2. Vector field-oriented. Can be implemented with or without a position sensor. Its advantages are to ensure smooth and accurate installation of the rotor position. Makes engine operation more stable and allows adjustment. The disadvantage of such designs is the need for a powerful control microcontroller.
  3. Vector direct. A fairly simple scheme with good dynamic performance. Allows adjustment over a wide range. The disadvantage is high current and torque ripples.
  4. No feedback. Like all trapezoidal control methods, it has a simple circuit. This moment also creates negative aspects - controllability can be lost when the resistance (load on the shaft) changes.
  5. With feedback on Hall sensors. Convenient and uncomplicated system. The downside is the need to purchase and install sensors. Torque pulsation is also possible.
  6. Feedback without sensors. The circuit works and is used in many engines, but requires a powerful control system. Also ineffective at low speeds and can create torque pulsations.

The simplest motor designs (computer cooler) are equipped with Hall sensors that do not have high requirements. If it is necessary to form a system to achieve maximum performance, field-oriented circuits are most often used.

Field-oriented control

The method allows for smooth, accurate and independent control of the speed and torque of a brushless motor. For the system to work properly, you need to determine the exact position of the rotor. This is done in one of 2 available ways - with or without position sensors.

The following types of sensors can be used in the design of a synchronous motor:

  • inductive, including sine-cosine rotating transformers, reductosyn, inductosyn and the like;
  • optical;
  • magnetic.

The main element of the latter type is magnetoresistive sensors that can accurately determine the position of the rotor in a magnetic field.

If we focus on the sensorless method, it is based on vector control. This technology began to be developed back in the 1970s. The first methods were based on the property of an electric motor to generate back EMF when moving. It is this that contains the necessary information from which the position of the rotor part of the engine can be calculated. A stationary coordinate system is used. However, this technique has a big disadvantage - it cannot be used with a stationary rotor and at low speeds. The reason is the absence or minimal levels of back EMF, which are lost in the general noise.

Control systems can use 2 ways to start the engine:

  1. Scalar. Starting is performed according to a predetermined voltage-frequency characteristic. The method is effective, however, it introduces its own limitations on the capabilities of the control system and the general parameters of the electric drive.
  2. High frequency signal. The overlay method is used. Effective only with units that have salient poles.

Full-range speed control of a synchronous motor without position sensors in modern production is used only with salient rotor poles.

Difference from an asynchronous motor

The main difference between asynchronous and synchronous motors is the method of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy:

  • synchronous models rotate similarly to the electromagnetic field of the network;
  • asynchronous units operate due to the EMF induced by the stator field in the rotor, producing mutual induction and leading to rotation.

The peculiarity of the operation of asynchronous fields is expressed in a special parameter - slip, which characterizes the difference in the frequency of the stator and rotor fields.

Asynchronous systems, despite their popularity, have a number of disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to overload;
  • high starting currents;
  • instability of torque when the load changes.

All these factors are absent in linear synchronous motors, whether with field winding or permanent magnets.

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