What is a magnetic motor and how to make it yourself?

The possibility of obtaining free energy is one of the stumbling blocks for many scientists in the world. Today, such energy is obtained through alternative energy. Natural energy is converted by alternative energy sources into thermal and electrical energy familiar to people. However, such sources have a major drawback - dependence on weather conditions. Fuel-free engines, namely the Moskvin engine, do not have such disadvantages.

Model using a 12 V generator

Using a 12 V generator makes it quite easy to assemble a perpetual motion machine using neodymium magnets.
The converter for this must be a chromatic one. The strength of the magnetic field in this case depends on the mass of the plates. To increase the actual inductance, many experts advise using special operational amplifiers. They are connected directly to the converters. The plate must only be used with copper conductors. Problems with wave induction in this situation are quite difficult to solve. As a rule, the problem most often lies in poor disc sliding. In this situation, some advise installing bearings in a perpetual motion machine on neodymium magnets, which are attached to the suspension. However, this is sometimes impossible to do.

What is a fuel-free generator

This simple device is designed to generate electricity without the use of various types of fuel. It works on the principle of neodymium magnets. In a simple motor, the magnetic field is created by electric coils, usually made of copper or aluminum. These motors constantly require electrical power to create a magnetic field. The energy losses are colossal. But a fuel-free generator does not contain coils made of such materials. Therefore, losses will be minimal. It uses a constant magnetic field to create the necessary force to move the motor.

This concept of generating a magnetic field from permanent magnets only came into practice with the introduction of neodymium magnets, which perform better at full power than previous ferrite magnets. The main advantage is that the device does not require constant power supply or recharging.

To find alternative ways to generate electricity, there are a number of alternatives from non-traditional energy sources that are also renewable. One such alternative is to generate electricity from a fuel-free engine in an isolated power generation system with low maintenance costs.

A fuel-free engine (like a generator) is an engine that generates electricity around the clock without fuel (gasoline, diesel, oil, gas, sun). The drive mechanism is a DC motor, which is driven by a battery (12V or more). The battery drives a DC motor, which in turn drives an alternator to generate electricity and at the same time, using a diode, charges the battery.

Energy sources that can operate without carbon dioxide include wind, waves, or photovoltaic and osmotic energy. But fuel-free power generators are still the most reliable sources of energy with low operating costs, even outperforming solar panels in some cases.

The use of low-cost traditional energy sources such as fuels will remain the main source of energy until the next decades, despite their adverse environmental impacts.

The use of a fuelless engine (or generator) for generating electricity is limited by the power of the DC motor and alternator. This implies that the presence of a DC motor and a high power generator gives the fuelless engine its capabilities. Research has shown that the fuel-free engine's worldwide potential is more than five times that of wind and solar because it operates 24/7, every day, anywhere on the planet.

Hydraulic perpetual motion machines

The most important discovery of mankind was the wheel. Over the past millennia, it has changed from land to water. The most significant machines of the past - pumps, saws, mills - coupled with the muscular power of animals and humans, were the main source of the moving power of the wheel.

The water wheel, distinguished by its simplicity, also has negative sides: insufficient amount of water at different times of the year. Therefore, the idea of ​​operating a water wheel in a closed cycle arose. This would make it independent for widespread temporary use. This idea had one significant problem in delivering water in the opposite direction to the tray that feeds the pump blades, so many scientists of that time were engaged in hydraulic perpetual motion: Archimedes, Galileo, Heron of Alexandria, Newton, etc. In the Middle Ages, specific machines appeared that claimed to the name of perpetual motion machines. Many original works were created. Let's consider one of them.

An unusual and complex hydraulic perpetual motion machine for those times was built by the Pole Stanislav Saulsky with his own hands.

The main parts of this mechanism are the wheel and the water pump. When the load is smoothly lowered, the tub rises up. At the same time, the pump valve should also rise: water enters the vessel. Then the water, entering the round tank, opens the valve in it and pours into the tub through the tap. At the same time, under the weight of the water, the tub lowers, and at a certain moment, with the help of a rope attached to one side, it bends and empties. Rising to the top, the empty tub is lowered again, and the whole process is repeated again. In this case, the wheel itself performs only oscillatory movements.

All currently existing mechanisms, machines, devices, etc. are divided into perpetual motion machines of the first and second kind. Engines of the first kind are machines that operate without extracting energy from the environment. They cannot be built, since the very principle of their functioning is a violation of the first law of thermodynamics.

Engines of the second type are machines that reduce the thermal energy of a reservoir and completely convert it into work without changing the environment. Their use would violate the second law of thermodynamics.

Although thousands of different variants of the device in question have been invented over the past centuries, the question remains of how to make a perpetual motion machine. And yet we must understand that such a mechanism must be completely isolated from external energy. And further. Any eternal work of any structure is carried out when this work is directed in one direction.

This avoids the cost of returning to the original position. And one last thing. Nothing lasts forever in this world. And all these so-called perpetual motion machines, operating on the energy of gravity, and on the energy of water and air, and on the energy of permanent magnets, will not function constantly. Everything comes to an end.

This is interesting

Arthur Beverly's watch.

At the University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand) there is a mechanical clock built by Arthur Beverley in 1864. They are started by changes in atmospheric pressure and daily temperatures. The clock has been running for 143 years. This experiment is considered the longest in the world, but the term “subjective perpetual motion” is not applicable here. They were stopped several times for cleaning, troubleshooting, and also in those rare cases when the average daily temperature and pressure were stable. The oldest working clock in the world is the chimes of Salisbury Cathedral (UK), installed around 1386.

Isaac Asimov did not approve of the idea of ​​creating energy from nothing. He believed that humanity would develop by “burning out” the stars. This cannot last forever, but the writer came out of the situation with his usual elegance: in the story “The Last Question,” two drunken technicians asked a supercomputer a question about how to reverse entropy and extend the life of the Universe (thus obtaining infinite energy). The supercomputer thought for trillions of years, constantly evolving, and at the end of the world, after the heat death of the Universe, it found the answer and said: “Let there be light.” This can be understood as follows: energy is eternal, but it cannot be used forever. Sooner or later everything will have to start all over again.

There are games that make you feel like a mad scientist, like The Incredible Machine (TIM) or Armadillo Run. The latter is supposedly more realistic, but in both cases the programs calculate physics in such a way that a skilled player can construct a perpetual motion machine.

TIM and Armadillo Run.

The best homemade magnets

The use of magnets in everyday life is so widespread that listing them all would take a lot of time. But since many are rather entertaining, we will dwell in more detail on listing the widely used ones.

Magnets use:

  • During installation work;
  • Window cleaning;
  • As holders.

First of all, it is worth noting that finding magnets is not a very difficult task. Small magnets you can find in old headphones. More powerful neodymium magnets can be removed from old computer hard drives.

Let's assume that you are working with a wooden structure. In one hand you hold a hammer, and in the other an element of this design. In this case, holding an armful of nails is not entirely convenient. To do this, you just need to place a magnet in your chest pocket and glue nails to it.

There are situations when you have to tighten screws in hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to hold the screw. To do this, simply attach a magnet to the metal part of the screwdriver. A magnetized screwdriver allows the bolt or screw to hold on its own.

If you glue small magnets to your computer desk (in any convenient place), you can use them as holders for various USB or other types of wires. To do this, small springs are placed on the wires (springs from handles can be used), which are a metal magnetized structure.

As a component of decor, magnets can be used as fastening elements for a puzzle located on the refrigerator door. To do this, take any photograph that is outlined into certain elements. A small magnet is glued to each element using ordinary glue. The photo is divided into its component elements. After this, it is assembled on the refrigerator door in the form of a puzzle.

How to assemble such an engine yourself

Such homemade products are in constant demand, as evidenced by almost all electrician forums. Because of this, we should take a closer look at how you can independently assemble a working magnetic motor at home.

The device that we will now try to construct together will consist of three connected shafts, and they should be fastened so that the central shaft is directly turned towards the side ones. In the center of the middle shaft it is necessary to attach a disk made of lucite and having a diameter of about ten centimeters, and its thickness is a little more than one centimeter. External shafts should also be equipped with disks, but with half the diameter. Small magnets are attached to these disks. Of these, eight pieces are attached to a disk of larger diameter, and four to small ones.

In this case, the axis where the individual magnets are located must be parallel to the plane of the shafts. They are installed so that the ends of the magnets pass with a minute's flash near the wheels. When these wheels are set in motion by hand, the poles of the magnetic axis will become synchronized. To obtain acceleration, it is strongly recommended to install an aluminum block at the base of the system so that its end is slightly in contact with the magnetic parts. By performing such manipulations, it will be possible to obtain a structure that will rotate, performing a full rotation in two seconds.

In this case, the drives must be installed in a certain way, when all the shafts rotate relative to the others in the same way. Naturally, when a braking effect is applied to the system by a third-party object, it will stop rotating. It was just such a perpetual motion machine on a magnetic basis that Bauman first invented, but he was unable to patent the invention, since at that time the device belonged to the category of developments for which a patent was not issued.

This magnetic motor is interesting because it does not require any external energy input. Only the magnetic field causes the mechanism to rotate. Because of this, it is worth trying to build a version of such a device yourself.

To perform the experiment you will need to prepare:

  • disk made of plexiglass;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • a workpiece machined from a spindle and then mounted on a steel body;
  • magnets.

On a plexiglass blank in the form of a disk, you need to stick pieces of a magnet around the entire perimeter using double-sided tape. They must be positioned with their edges turned outward. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all ground edges of each magnet must have a one-way direction.

The resulting disk, on which the magnets are located, must be secured to the spindle, and then checked how freely it will rotate in order to avoid the slightest snagging. When you bring a small magnet, similar to those already glued to the plexiglass, to the completed structure, nothing should change. Although if you try to twist the disk itself a little, a small effect will become noticeable, although very insignificant.

Now you should bring a larger magnet and watch how the situation changes. When you twist the disk by hand, the mechanism still stops in the gap between the magnets.

When you take only half of a magnet and bring it to the manufactured mechanism, you can visually see that after a slight twist it continues to move a little due to the influence of a weak magnetic field. It remains to check what kind of rotation will be observed if you remove the magnets from the disk one by one, leaving large gaps between them. And this experiment is doomed to failure - the disk will invariably stop exactly in the magnetic gaps.

After conducting lengthy research, everyone will be able to see with their own eyes that it will not be possible to make a magnetic motor in this way. You should experiment with other options.

How to make a good smokehouse from a washing machine drum

The icing on the cake in our matter is the smokehouse. Fragrant smoked meat, lard and fish - what could be better for the table? If you have a tank from a top-loading machine lying around in your shed or garage, consider it a done deal.

It is necessary to cut a hole in the bottom of the tank for the firebox, and weld fasteners inside for hanging food. All that remains is to install the tank on the fireplace, hang the fish or lard, cover the top of the tank with a lid and light the sawdust.

Products need to be smoked for several hours until cooked

It is important that the fuel under the smokehouse smolders and does not burn. It is better to place such a device away from home.

We hope we have convinced you that you should not scrap your old washing machine.

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Scientists' opinion: creating a fuel-free generator is impossible

New developments of innovative fuel-free engines have received original names and have become the promise of revolutionary prospects for the future. The creators of the generators reported initial successes in the early stages of testing. Despite this, the scientific community is still skeptical about the idea of ​​fuel-free engines, and many scientists have expressed their doubts about this. One of the opponents and main skeptics is a scientist from the University of California, physicist and mathematician Phil Plate.

Scientists from the opposing camp are of the opinion that the very concept of an engine that does not require fuel to operate contradicts the classical laws of physics. The balance of forces inside the engine must be maintained the entire time that thrust is created inside it, and according to the law of impulse, this is impossible without the use of fuel. Phil Plate has repeatedly noted that in order to talk about creating such a generator, one will have to refute the entire law of conservation of momentum, which is impossible to do. Simply put, creating a fuel-free engine requires a revolutionary breakthrough in fundamental science, and the level of modern technology leaves no chance for the very concept of a generator of this type to be considered seriously.

The general situation regarding this type of engine suggests a similar opinion. A working model of the generator does not exist today, and theoretical calculations and characteristics of the experimental device do not provide any significant information. The measurements showed that the thrust is about 16 millinewtons. With subsequent measurements, this figure increased to 50 millinewtons.

Back in 2003, Briton Roger Shoer presented an experimental model of the fuel-free engine EmDrive, of which he was the developer. To create microwaves, the generator required electricity produced through the use of solar energy. This development has once again stirred up talk in the scientific community about perpetual motion.

The scientists’ development was assessed ambiguously by NASA. Experts noted the uniqueness, innovation and originality of the engine design, but at the same time argued that significant results and efficient operation can only be achieved if the generator is operated in a quantum vacuum.

Permanent magnet synchronous motor

Design of a synchronous motor with magnets

One of the main types of electric motors is synchronous, the rotation frequency of the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor are equal. In a conventional electromagnetic motor, both of these parts consist of windings on plates. But if the design of the armature is changed and permanent magnets are installed instead of the coil, then you can get an interesting, efficient, operating model of a synchronous motor. The stator has the usual layout of a magnetic circuit of plates and windings, in which a rotating magnetic field from an electric current can be generated. The rotor creates a constant field that interacts with the previous one and creates torque.

It should also be noted that depending on the circuit, the relative position of the stator and armature may change, for example, the latter will be made in the form of an outer shell. To start the motor from current from the network, a circuit consisting of a magnetic starter (relay, contactor) and a thermal protective relay is used.

  • https://www.asutpp.ru/magnitnyj-dvigatel.html
  • https://odinelectric.ru/knowledgebase/chto-takoe-magnitniy-dvigatel
  • https://electricvdele.ru/elektrooborudovanie/elektrodvigateli/dvigatel-na-postoyannyh-magnitah.html

Fuel-free engine: cars and planes can run... on air

Uneven heating of gases compressed under the influence of gravity causes changes in pressure in the atmosphere, which disrupts its equilibrium state.
When restored, its potential and thermal energy of the air is converted into kinetic energy of air flows, available for use. This principle is the basis for the operation of wind engines, which perform mechanical work without consuming oxygen or producing combustion products. However, such engines have disadvantages - low energy density per unit of working area and uncontrollability of the process. But it is also possible to disrupt the equilibrium state of the atmosphere to convert the potential energy of air masses into kinetic energy through controlled influences. For example, in ejector devices. When exposed to a pulsating active jet, a vacuum is periodically created in the ejector nozzle, in which, due to the unbalanced force of atmospheric pressure, the air is accelerated after each pulse of the active jet.

O.I. Kudrin, one of the authors of the discovery “The phenomenon of an abnormally high increase in thrust in a gas ejection process with a pulsating active jet,” registered in 1951, conducted experimental studies that showed the effectiveness of this process. Unfortunately, the discovery was not widely used. Probably because the research was initially aimed at obtaining jet thrust (additional to the thrust of the screw propellers of piston aircraft engines).

It should be noted that if the process of adding additional masses is used to increase the thrust of a jet propulsion system, then most of the additionally obtained energy cannot be used to perform useful work - it is inevitably dissipated in the atmosphere.

This has become an obstacle to its implementation in other industries, where the kinetic energy of the air mass obtained as a result of controlled conversion of atmospheric energy can be used more efficiently.

Let's consider four main methods of converting low-potential energy from the external environment using the process of series connection.

First way. Low-potential atmospheric energy is converted in a jet engine with an ejector nozzle apparatus and a working fluid obtained by combustion of fuel in a periodic combustion chamber. In this case, the addition process consists of two consecutive thermodynamic cycles repeated at a given frequency. Each cycle has its own source of energy and working fluid. In the first cycle (when fuel is burned in a constant chamber volume), the energy of the combustion products flowing out of the jet nozzle is converted into the kinetic energy of the first part of the reactive mass, which moves in the ejector nozzle like a gas piston and creates a vacuum behind it, and upon expiration affects the turbine blades, creating torque on the shaft.

Due to the rarefaction obtained in the nozzle, the source of energy in the second cycle becomes the potential and thermal energy of atmospheric air compressed by gravity. Under the influence of a pressure difference, it flows into the nozzle, expanding, cooling and accelerating as in a natural atmospheric process, but in a given direction. When flowing out of the ejector nozzle, it forms the second part of the reactive mass with calculated thermodynamic parameters, which also affects the blades.

As a result of the energy conversion of a low-potential source in the previous period, conditions are created for increasing the efficiency of energy conversion of a high-potential source in the next period.

Thus, periodic disruption of the equilibrium state of the atmosphere in the ejector nozzle by the influence of a pulsating active jet creates a pressure potential difference in it at a given frequency, which ensures, when the equilibrium state is restored, the acceleration of the attached air masses and an increase in the speed of the active jet. And as a result, the combined mass acts on the turbine blades with increased kinetic energy (compared to the kinetic energy of the active jet), increasing the torque on its shaft without additional fuel consumption.

Experiments have shown that the kinetic energy of the combined reactive mass is significantly greater than the kinetic energy of the active jet. When ejecting atmospheric air with a pulsating jet of combustion products, O.I. Kudrin obtained an increase in reactive force of up to 140%, i.e. thrust increased by 2.4 times. The kinetic energy of the combined reactive mass can be increased by more than 10 times compared to the kinetic energy of the active jet, since depending on the parameters of the joining process, not only the reactive mass, but also its speed can increase. Moreover, the resulting kinetic energy is not dissipated in the atmosphere, as when creating jet thrust of the propulsion, but is almost completely used to influence the turbine blades. Consequently, most of the power is obtained by converting potential energy and low-potential heat of gases compressed under the influence of gravity into the kinetic energy of the air mass, which creates a torque on the power shaft.

Today, the possibilities for increasing the efficiency of traditional gas turbine engines (with fuel combustion at constant pressure) are practically exhausted. And combined engines can be an order of magnitude more economical than traditional ones (with a corresponding reduction in emissions of combustion products into the atmosphere).

Second way. The experiments have shown that the optimal value of the speed of the active jet of combustion products, necessary to increase the kinetic energy of the combined mass during the joining process, is in the range of speeds that can be obtained without using additional heating (fuel combustion) for the compressed working fluid before its expansion in the jet nozzle

Consequently, combustion products can be replaced with compressed air, and the combustion chamber with a pneumatic accumulator. The kinetic energy of the combined mass in this case will be greater than the kinetic energy of the active jet by at least 2.4 times and, according to the law of conservation of energy, greater than the potential energy required to obtain the working fluid - compressed air, which forms this pulsating active jet during expansion .

It is quite obvious that such an energy balance makes it possible to compress atmospheric air in a compressor using the power obtained as a result of atmospheric energy transformation processes in previous periods, i.e., use the reverse Carnot cycle (air heat pump - refrigeration machine cycle), driving the compressor in account of converted atmospheric energy.

At the same time, the total technological energy consumption and losses during the process of transformations in the turbine and air compression in the compressor, as well as other energy losses do not exceed 25% of the resulting kinetic energy of the combined reactive mass. Basically, the magnitude of these losses depends on the efficiency of the turbine and can be 15-20%, and the specific weight of losses in the compressor is insignificant.

To compensate for technological energy costs and losses, it is sufficient to increase the kinetic energy as a result of the process of adding additional masses by 44%. Those. for this process to self-sustain, the kinetic energy of the combined mass must be only 1.44 times greater than the kinetic energy of the active jet. The energy obtained in addition can be used by external consumers.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, not all the energy of one inexhaustible source is converted into work - some is converted into heat. And with mechanical compression of the working fluid - into high-potential heat, the temperature of which can be adjusted depending on the degree of compression and cooling of the working fluid before expansion and used, for example, in heating systems. The temperature of the high-potential working fluid, as well as low-potential air, decreases during expansion and work. By controlling the amount of atmospheric and cold exhaust air returned to the ejector nozzles as added masses of the following periods, it is possible to obtain exhaust air mass of the required temperature - for example, for use in air conditioning systems. If the air exhausted in one connection device or ejector nozzle apparatus is directed as connecting masses to another device or the next nozzle apparatus, then it can be cooled to ultra-low temperatures used in cryogenic technology.

This fuel-free method of converting atmospheric energy differs from the method of converting it in traditional wind engines in the controllability of the process of creating an air stream acting on the blades (blades), and in the high energy density per unit of working area. Devices for implementing this method are atmospheric fuel-free jet engines. Their efficiency in comparison with known wind, solar and geothermal energy converters does not depend on geographical, time and weather conditions, and the specific power is much higher and is comparable to the specific power of thermal engines of traditional schemes. The absence of heat-resistant materials and systems associated with the use of fuel simplifies the design and production technology, and reduces the cost of energy production.

Third way. The series connection process can be used to produce power, high-grade heat and "cold" outside atmospheric conditions, converting low-grade thermal energy from the environment in a closed thermodynamic cycle.

Let's imagine that an atmospheric fuel-free jet engine is placed in a volume isolated from the external environment, filled with gas - air or helium. When the engine is running, due to the cooling of the exhaust mass, the temperature and pressure in it will decrease. The parameters of the joining process will change so much that at some point the kinetic energy of the combined mass will become insufficient to create the design power of the compressor compressing the working fluid to form an active jet. In each cycle, the compression ratio and, accordingly, the speed of the active jet will decrease. The connection process will gradually “die out” and the engine will “freeze” and stop.

This will not happen if the isolated volume is used as a low-temperature heat sink for the exhaust gas mass and is connected to a heat exchange device, and the output of this device is connected to the inputs of the connection device and the compressor, forming a closed loop. Under the influence of an unbalanced gas pressure force that occurs when a vacuum is created behind the gas mass of the active jet pulses, part of the exhaust gas mass from this volume is directed to the heat exchange device. In it, receiving heat and lowering the temperature of the external environment, it is heated to the temperature necessary to perform the function of the added masses of the following periods. The other part of the gas mass is sent through a heat exchange device (or bypassing it) to the compressor for compression and further use as a high-potential working fluid.

As a result of heating the exhaust gas mass in a heat exchange device, the process of sequential connection in closed-cycle jet engines continues indefinitely and regardless of the pressure of the external environment, which at the same time serves as a heater - a source of heat converted into work.

The difference between fuel-free closed-cycle engines and open-cycle engines is the organization of heat exchange with the external environment and the ability to vary the pressure and temperature in the heat sink. Moreover, the efficiency of these engines largely depends on the temperature difference between the external heat source and the heat sink before heating the exhaust gas mass used in the following periods. By varying the parameters of the connection process, as well as the pressure and temperature in the heat receiver and before reusing the spent mass, it is possible to control the engine power and expand the temperature range of the used environmental heat sources to negative temperatures.

Based on closed-cycle jet engines, it is possible to create air-independent, fuel-free energy systems that can operate using low-grade heat in various extreme conditions.

Fourth way. In two previous fuel-free methods for converting low-potential energy from the external environment, the working fluid was compressed in a mechanical compressor to produce an active jet.

Let's consider options for using a working fluid without mechanical compression - with its acceleration as a result of heating due to the heat of various energy sources. For example, low-potential heat from the external environment in the closed volume of a pneumatic accumulator. In this case, the required pressure in the pneumatic accumulator can be obtained by filling it with low-temperature mass spent in previous periods, and the calculated temperature difference before it is heated by the heat of the external environment is achieved through the repeated use of the spent mass during the connection process (in closed-cycle engines - without intermediate heating in the heat exchanger).

The spent mass must be heated in at least two pneumatic accumulators, which must be alternately connected to the jet device after heating and disconnected to remove the remnants of the heated working fluid for the next filling with low-temperature spent mass.

In open cycle engines, when the residues removed expand, useful work can be done.

This heating option requires a large volume of pneumatic accumulators and a large working surface area of ​​the heat exchange device. Therefore, it can be used in power plants, where volume and mass do not play a significant role, and cannot be used in the engines of most vehicles.

In another option - when using an electric jet device to form an active jet - the low-temperature mass in the pneumatic accumulator needs to be heated only to a minimum pressure level or another method must be used to ensure the flow of the working fluid into this device for the purpose of subsequent acceleration due to electricity generated in previous periods. To accelerate the working fluid in a pulsed electroreactive device, various methods can be used (thermoelectric, electromagnetic, etc.). When using such a device in the process of sequential connection, the speed of the active jet and the specific power of the fuel-free, compressor-free jet engine increase.

If, due to the power obtained as a result of transformations of low-potential energy of the external environment, electricity is generated to accelerate the active jet and at the same time for external use, then a universal source of electricity with an unlimited scope of application is obtained. The main advantage of this method is the simplicity of design, reliability and high power density of the engines for its implementation - qualities required by most vehicle engines, and especially aircraft engines.

In conclusion, it should be noted that not all the heat from external sources is converted into work; part of it (according to the second law of thermodynamics) to varying degrees, but in all of the above methods, is dissipated in the external environment during the process of energy conversion. It is important to emphasize: the jet thrust and kinetic energy of the combined mass obtained as a result of the process of sequential connection is greater than the thrust and kinetic energy of the active jet. This statement is confirmed both experimentally and by numerical modeling methods. The considered non-fuel methods for converting low-potential energy from the external environment are based on it. The principle of increasing kinetic energy is the same in all methods. The amount of increase in kinetic energy depends on the ratio of the main parameters of the series connection process, as well as the ratio of the design parameters and proportions of the ejector device.

Thus, the use of the process of sequential addition of additional masses in energy systems allows, without damage to the environment, to transform inexhaustible, free natural energy anywhere and regardless of environmental conditions into the necessary type of energy, available for consumption directly at the point of production.

Fuel-free jet engines can have a wide range of powers and applications. Depending on the cycles used and their purpose, they are capable of operating in any environmental conditions: in the atmosphere, space, under water. Their production is simpler than similar traditional ones, in addition, it is possible at most machine-building enterprises.

General structure and principle of operation

Work on the so-called perpetual motion machine has been going on for a very long time and does not stop at the present time. In modern conditions, this issue is becoming increasingly relevant, especially in the context of the looming energy crisis. Therefore, one of the options for solving this problem is a free energy engine on neodymium magnets, the action of which is based on the energy of the magnetic field. Creating a working circuit for such an engine will make it possible to obtain electrical, mechanical and other types of energy without any restrictions.

Currently, work on creating an engine is at the stage of theoretical research, but in practice only a few positive results have been obtained, allowing us to study in more detail the principle of operation of these devices.

The design of magnetic motors is completely different from conventional electric motors, which use electric current as the main driving force. The operation of this circuit is based on the energy of permanent magnets, which sets the entire mechanism in motion. The entire unit consists of three components: the motor itself, a stator with an electromagnet and a rotor with a permanent magnet installed.

An electromechanical generator is installed on the same shaft as the engine. Additionally, a static electromagnet, which is a ring magnetic circuit, is installed on the entire unit. An arc or segment is cut out of it and an inductor is installed. An electronic commutator is connected to this coil to regulate the reverse current and other operating processes.

The very first motor designs were made with metal parts that had to be influenced by a magnet. However, to return such a part to its original position, the same amount of energy is expended. That is, theoretically, the use of such a motor is impractical, so this problem was solved by using a copper conductor through which an electric current was passed. As a result, an attraction of this conductor to the magnet occurs. When the current is turned off, the interaction between the magnet and the conductor also stops.

It has been established that the force of a magnet is directly proportional to its power. Thus, a constant electric current and an increase in the strength of the magnet increase the effect of this force on the conductor. The increased force helps produce a current that will then be applied to and through the conductor. As a result, a kind of perpetual motion machine using neodymium magnets is obtained.

This principle was the basis for an improved neodymium magnet motor. To start it, an inductive coil is used, into which an electric current is supplied. The poles of the permanent magnet must be perpendicular to the gap cut into the electromagnet. Under the influence of polarity, a permanent magnet mounted on the rotor begins to rotate. The attraction of its poles to the electromagnetic poles, which have the opposite meaning, begins.

When the opposite poles coincide, the current in the coil turns off. Under its own weight, the rotor, together with the permanent magnet, passes this coincidence point by inertia. At the same time, a change in the direction of the current occurs in the coil, and with the onset of the next operating cycle, the poles of the magnets become identical. This leads to their repulsion from each other and additional acceleration of the rotor.

The most famous analogues of perpetual motion magnets

Numerous enthusiasts are trying to create a perpetual motion machine using magnets with their own hands according to a scheme in which rotational motion is ensured by the interaction of magnetic fields. As you know, poles of the same name repel each other. It is this effect that underlies almost all such developments. Proper use of the energy of repulsion of like poles of a magnet and attraction of unlike poles in a closed loop allows for long-term non-stop rotation of the installation without the application of external force.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of actually working magnetic motors?

Among the advantages of such units, the following can be noted:

  1. Full autonomy with maximum fuel economy.
  2. A powerful device using magnets can provide a room with energy of 10 kW or more.
  3. Such an engine runs until complete operational wear.

So far, such engines are not without their drawbacks:

  1. The magnetic field can negatively affect human health and well-being.
  2. A large number of models cannot work effectively in domestic conditions.
  3. There are slight difficulties in connecting even a ready-made unit.
  4. The cost of such engines is quite high.

Such units are no longer a fiction and will soon be able to replace conventional power units. At the moment, they cannot compete with conventional engines, but there is potential for development.

Most popular models

Currently, the most popular generators are models from, U-Polemag, Vega, and Verano-Co. They occupy a large part of the device market.

Vega produces devices that operate on the principle of magnetic induction. This idea was realized by the famous physicist Adams. The price often depends on the power and size of the device. The minimum cost is 45 thousand rubles. This manufacturer has a number of advantages:

  1. Products from are very environmentally friendly.
  2. The generators are completely silent, which allows them to be installed anywhere.
  3. The devices are relatively compact.
  4. The manufacturer has quite a few models, the power of which starts from 1.5 kW and reaches up to 10 kW.

The minimum service life is 20 years. Batteries must be replaced every 3-4 years.

"Verano-Co" is a Ukrainian manufacturer that uses only high-quality components for its products. It produces generators for both domestic and industrial purposes. The operating principle of the alternative energy source is the same as that of other magnetic units. The cheapest model costs 50 thousand rubles. Prices for devices reach 200 thousand rubles.

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U-Polemag is a Chinese manufacturer. Represents the largest variety of generator models. The standard efficiency of the devices is 93%. Maximum energy loss is 1%. Often purchased for household use. It has compact dimensions, low noise level and light weight. The package includes cooling systems. The maximum duration of use reaches 15 years. Prices for the model range start from 30 thousand rubles. and reach 90 thousand rubles.

Energizistem produces vertical devices. Consumers do not have a clear opinion about the quality and power of devices. Prices for generators are a little high and start at 50 thousand rubles.

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  • https://220v.guru/elementy-elektriki/dvigateli/magnitnyy-vechnyy-dvigatel-delaem-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://www.asutpp.ru/magnitnyj-dvigatel.html
  • https://www.syl.ru/article/189970/new_kak-sdelat-vechnyiy-dvigatel-svoimi-rukami
  • https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/839655
  • https://odinelectric.ru/knowledgebase/chto-takoe-magnitniy-dvigatel
  • https://MirMagnitov.ru/blog/primenenie-magnitov/vechnyy-dvigatel-na-magnitakh/
  • https://electricvdele.ru/elektrooborudovanie/elektrodvigateli/dvigatel-na-postoyannyh-magnitah.html
  • https://220v.guru/elementy-elektriki/dvigateli/vechnyy-dvigatel-svoimi-rukami-ego-opisanie-i-vidy.html
  • https://yourtutor.info/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD% D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C-%D0%BD% D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD

The principle of operation of a perpetual magnetic mover

Most modern electric engines use the principle of electrical transformation. current into the mechanical rotation of the rotor, and with it the drive shaft. This means that any calculation will show an efficiency of less than 100%, and the unit itself is dependent and not autonomous. The same situation is observed in the case of a generating device. Here, the moment of rotation of the shaft, which occurs due to thermal, nuclear, kinetic or potential energy of the movement of the medium, leads to the generation of electric current on the collector plates.

A permanent magnet motor uses a completely different approach to operation, which eliminates or minimizes the need for third-party energy sources. The operating principle of such an engine can be described using the example of a “squirrel wheel”. No special drawings or reliability calculations are required to produce a demonstration model. It is necessary to take one permanent magnet of the dish (disk) type, the poles of which are located on the upper and lower planes of the plates. It will serve as the basis of the structure, to which you need to add two ring barriers (internal, external) made of non-magnetic shielding materials. A steel ball is placed in the gap (track) between them, which will act as a rotor. Due to the properties of the magnetic field, it will immediately stick to the disk with an opposite pole, the position of which will not change during movement.

The stator is a conventional plate made of shielded material, onto which permanent magnets, for example, neodymium, are attached along a circular path. Their poles are located perpendicular to the poles of the disk magnet and rotor. As a result, when the stator approaches the rotor at a certain distance, an alternating attraction and repulsion occurs in the magnetic field, which forms a moment and then develops into rotation of the ball along a circular path (track). Starting and stopping occur due to the approach or distance of the stator with magnets. This perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets will work until they are demagnetized. The calculation is carried out regarding the size of the corridor, the diameters of the ball, stator plate, as well as the control circuit on relays or inductors.

Based on a similar principle of operation, many models of operating samples have been developed, for example, synchronous motors and generators. The most famous among them are Tesla, Minato, Perendev, Howard Johnson, Lazarev magnetic thrust engines, as well as linear, unipolar, rotary, cylinder, etc.

Let's look at each of the examples in more detail.

Where and how is the BTG generator used?

There are many different ways to generate power from a fuel-free engine or generator. In every field, the use of this device will undoubtedly bring benefits. Below are brief descriptions of some of these areas.

On the roads

A fuel-free generator can easily replace diesel engines used in the vast majority of modern heavy vehicles, such as trucks, buses, trains, and large portable power engines. This list also includes most agricultural and quarry vehicles.

In the air

Both gasoline and diesel engines used in aircraft can be replaced by alternative energy sources, including fuel-free electric generators.

On the water

Fuel-free generators can also serve as a replacement for the high-speed engines found on yachts, ships and lines along the high seas.


Fuelless engines and generators can also replace diesel engines, as well as engines used in mining operations around the world. Similarly, fuel-free devices are replacing engines that are used for mining and natural resources, such as various precious metals, iron ore, coal and associated petroleum gas.

In medical institutions

The devices can also replace emergency backup generators, which every large medical facility or hospital must have in place due to the presence of possible critical situations.

In data centers

Fuel-free generators can be used for computers, and also if the phone is not charging, the generator can serve as a good charger for a mobile device. When servers and systems go down, communications can be lost, workflows can stop, data can be lost, and even entire workflows can be stopped completely.

Fuel-free power generators can also be installed on the sides of a two-wheeler. This must be done in such a way that as the vehicle moves, the fan begins to rotate and generate additional energy.

When DC motors with a power of more than 500 hp. With. connected to an alternator whose power is lower than that of dc motors, the maximum power output of the alternator can be obtained.

Sweet Floyd Vacuum Triode Amplifier

The difficulty in reproducing Sweet Floyd's device lies not in its design, but in the magnet manufacturing technology. This motor is based on two ferrite magnets with dimensions of 10x15x2.5 cm, as well as coils without cores, one of which is working with several hundred turns, and two more are exciting. A simple 9V pocket battery is required to run the triode amplifier. After switching on, the device can work for a very long time, powering itself by analogy with a self-generator. According to Sweet Floyd, from a working installation it was possible to obtain an output voltage of 120 volts with a frequency of 60 Hz, the power of which reached 1 kW.

Perpetual motion machine: the history of attempts to invent a generator that will work with your own hands

  • Magnets of the same size - about 15 pieces. The amount of energy received depends on their size. Since the device is designed for domestic needs, magnets measuring 3-5 cm are sufficient. All of them are installed with the “+” side facing each other, which is necessary to create an induction field.
  • Copper wires.
  • Ready-made or homemade coils. To save time, it is better to take them from unnecessary low-power motors.
  • Steel sheets for the body.
  • Fasteners for parts that must be securely fixed to each other.

The principle of operation of a perpetual magnetic mover

Most modern electric engines use the principle of electrical transformation. current into the mechanical rotation of the rotor, and with it the drive shaft. This means that any calculation will show an efficiency of less than 100%, and the unit itself is dependent and not autonomous. The same situation is observed in the case of a generating device. Here, the moment of rotation of the shaft, which occurs due to thermal, nuclear, kinetic or potential energy of the movement of the medium, leads to the generation of electric current on the collector plates.

A permanent magnet motor uses a completely different approach to operation, which eliminates or minimizes the need for third-party energy sources. The operating principle of such an engine can be described using the example of a “squirrel wheel”. No special drawings or reliability calculations are required to produce a demonstration model. It is necessary to take one permanent magnet of the dish (disk) type, the poles of which are located on the upper and lower planes of the plates. It will serve as the basis of the structure, to which you need to add two ring barriers (internal, external) made of non-magnetic shielding materials. A steel ball is placed in the gap (track) between them, which will act as a rotor. Due to the properties of the magnetic field, it will immediately stick to the disk with an opposite pole, the position of which will not change during movement.

The stator is a conventional plate made of shielded material, onto which permanent magnets, for example, neodymium, are attached along a circular path. Their poles are located perpendicular to the poles of the disk magnet and rotor. As a result, when the stator approaches the rotor at a certain distance, an alternating attraction and repulsion occurs in the magnetic field, which forms a moment and then develops into rotation of the ball along a circular path (track). Starting and stopping occur due to the approach or distance of the stator with magnets. This perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets will work until they are demagnetized. The calculation is carried out regarding the size of the corridor, the diameters of the ball, stator plate, as well as the control circuit on relays or inductors.

Based on a similar principle of operation, many models of operating samples have been developed, for example, synchronous motors and generators. The most famous among them are Tesla, Minato, Perendev, Howard Johnson, Lazarev magnetic thrust engines, as well as linear, unipolar, rotary, cylinder, etc.

Let's look at each of the examples in more detail.

Suspicious types

Physicists divide perpetual motion machines into two types.

Any machine that receives energy produces work and (or) heat equivalent to it. If there is more work or heat than energy, we are dealing with a perpetual motion machine of the first type - the most popular among inventors. Let's imagine that some dark genius put an unbalanced wheel on a miracle bearing. It is enough to push it once - and it should spin, accelerating until it breaks into pieces. This is called a "violation of the law of conservation of energy."

The second type of engine completely converts ambient heat into work, ignoring the second law of thermodynamics. Today there are suggestions that the creation of some semblance of such a device is still possible if we are talking about the transformation of not just heat, but dark energy or dark matter, from which the largest part of our Universe is created.

Perpetual motion machines in science fiction can also be divided into four categories.

Escher's "Waterfall" (1961). Water rotates the wheel, rises to the top and again participates in the work.

The simplest type of perpetual motion machine is based on certain magical effects . For example, Wells’ novels mention the miracle material “cavorite” with strong anti-gravity properties. If you make a wheel, half of which is made of cavorite, it will spin with constant acceleration. In fantasy worlds, a perpetual motion machine is not in demand, because instead of constructing a cumbersome mechanism, you can always cast a permanent spell (cleaning the room in Disney’s “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” or a pot that cooks an endless amount of porridge in Andersen’s fairy tale).

A perpetual motion machine of the second type - an “ impossible mechanism ” - operates in deliberate violation of the laws of nature and is purely speculative in nature. A good example of such a paradoxical design is the watermill of the Dutch artist Maurice Escher (1898-1972).

The third, “ subjective ” type of perpetual motion machine includes a unit that operates for so long that even a few human lives are not enough to practically refute its “eternity.” The source of energy here is usually some kind of “eternal” natural phenomena.

"Atmos". Pay over a thousand dollars and save on batteries.

This type is possible not only in science fiction. For example, the Atmos watch from the Swiss company Jaeger-LeCoultre operates on daily fluctuations in air temperature. They are filled with ethyl chloride, which expands when heated and winds the spring. To minimize friction, the torsion pendulum makes only 1 revolution per minute (150 times slower than a conventional clock). A difference of 1 degree is enough to keep the clock running for two days. Theoretically, this watch can survive more than one owner. But in practice, the warranty period for servicing different Atmos models is 20-30 years.

Another type of device that can be mistaken for a perpetual motion machine is deliberately complicated long-acting mechanisms that perform some primitive task. It is difficult for the average person to understand the purpose and principles of their work.

Faced with such a “perpetual motion machine,” you can be 99% sure that its “inventor” is a swindler. Excessive design complications are needed only to confuse the observer and hide the real source of movement (usually a powerful spring hidden in the hollow axis of a gear).

The endless movement of the ball along the chute of the “vibration mechanism”. "Invention" by artist Reidar Finsrud can be seen in his gallery in Oslo.

Myth or reality?

Perpetual motion is familiar to almost everyone from school, only in physics lessons it was clearly stated that it is impossible to achieve practical implementation due to friction forces in moving elements. Among the modern developments of magnetic motors, self-supporting models are presented, in which the magnetic flux independently creates a rotational force and continues to support itself throughout the entire operation process. But the main stumbling block is the efficiency of any motor, including magnetic, since it never reaches 100%. Over time, the engine will still stop.

Therefore, all practical models require repeated intervention after a certain time or some third-party elements operating from an independent power source. The most likely option for fuel-free engines and generators is a magnetic machine. In which the main driving force will be the magnetic interaction between permanent magnets, electromagnetic fields or ferromagnetic materials.

A current example of implementation is decorative decorations made in the form of constantly moving balls, frames or other structures. But for them to work, it is necessary to use batteries that supply direct current to the electromagnets. Therefore, next we will consider the principle of action that gives the most encouraging expectations.

The history of the perpetual motion machine

The first mention of the creation of such a device appeared in India in the 7th century, but the first practical attempts to create it appeared in the 8th century in Europe. Naturally, the creation of such a device would significantly accelerate the development of energy science.

In those days, such a power unit could not only lift various loads, but also turn mills, as well as water pumps. In the 20th century, a significant discovery occurred, which gave impetus to the creation of a power unit - the discovery of a permanent magnet with the subsequent study of its capabilities.

The motor model based on it was supposed to work for an unlimited amount of time, which is why it was called eternal. But be that as it may, nothing lasts forever, since any part or detail can malfunction, therefore, the word “eternally” must only be understood as meaning that it must work without interruption, without implying any costs, including fuel.

Now it is impossible to accurately determine the creator of the first perpetual mechanism, which was based on magnets. Naturally, it is very different from the modern one, but there are some opinions that the first mention of a power unit using magnets is in the treatise of Bhskara Acharya, a mathematician from India.

The first information about the appearance of such a device in Europe appeared in the 13th century. The information came from Villard d'Honnecourt, an eminent engineer and architect. After his death, the inventor left his notebook to his descendants, which contained various drawings of not only structures, but also mechanisms for lifting loads and the actual first device using magnets, which vaguely resembles a perpetual motion machine.

Fuelless engine

Every day more and more people around the world are thinking about the possibility of obtaining free energy. Today, an accessible way to obtain such energy is alternative energy. Alternative energy sources convert natural energy into the electrical and thermal energy we need. But their main disadvantage is their dependence on weather conditions. The invented Moskvin fuelless engine does not have this drawback and some others.

The Moskvin fuel-free engine is a mechanical device that converts the potential energy of an external conservative force into the kinetic energy of rotation of the working shaft without consuming any type of fuel or electricity. A fuelless engine is a kind of perpetual motion machine, running indefinitely as long as force is applied to the levers and the parts do not wear out, with a continuous conversion of free energy. The free energy obtained during the operation of a fuel-free engine is completely free, and the consumption of free electricity from a fuel-free generator, when connected to the engine of a conventional electric generator, will be absolutely legal.

A fuel-free engine is an environmentally friendly universal drive for various devices and mechanisms, operating without harmful emissions into the atmosphere and preserving the environment.

A fuel-free generator is a basic device made possible by a fuel-free engine. A fuel-free electricity generator is an opportunity to produce autonomous fuel-free power plants of various capacities!

Currently, the invention is at the substantive examination stage, and unlike numerous similar patented inventions, the performance of which has not been tested for various reasons and is in doubt, this fuel-free engine already has a working prototype. practically confirming the reality of obtaining free energy.

Creating a device with your own hands

Obtaining electrical energy in huge quantities without consuming fuel is a tempting and quite feasible idea. The creation of such a device can be considered using the example of the Adams generator. For self-assembly you will need:

  1. Magnets. The larger the magnet, the more it affects the induction field, as well as the amount of energy generated. For a low-power generator, small pieces are suitable. It is desirable that the sizes be the same. For normal operation, 15 pieces are enough. The positive pole of one magnet must be installed opposite the positive pole of the other. If this condition is not met, then there will be no induction field.
  2. Copper wires.
  3. Two coils. You can get them from old engines or wind the wire yourself.
  4. Sheet steel for making the body.
  5. Bolts, washers, screws and nails. They are necessary for fastening small elements.

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First, the magnet must be secured to the base of the coil. This can be done by drilling a hole in it and then securing it with bolts. The wires on the coils should be 1.25 mm thick and have a layer of insulation. The coils should be mounted on a metal frame so that there are small gaps between the ends. This is required for free rotation of the main element.

At this stage, the device can already be used. It is quite simple to check the correct assembly: you should manually turn the magnets. If the structure is assembled correctly, voltage will arise at the ends of the winding.

This is the most primitive generator, powered by magnets. But based on such a scheme, it is possible to create a device that will be able to provide electricity to the entire house. You can also purchase ready-made devices from trusted manufacturers.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the considered embodiment is based on the creation of centrifugal force due to the magnetic field, which is created using a winding. It is worth noting that the operation of a synchronous electric motor is similar to the operation of a three-phase asynchronous motor.

The main points include:

  1. The created magnetic field of the rotor interacts with the current supplied to the stator winding.
  2. Ampere's law determines the creation of torque, which causes the output shaft to rotate along with the rotor.
  3. The magnetic field is created by installed magnets.
  4. The synchronous rotation speed of the rotor with the generated stator field determines the adhesion of the stator magnetic field pole to the rotor. For this reason, the motor in question cannot be used directly in a three-phase network.

In this case, it is imperative to install a special control unit.

Asynchronous magnetic motor

The creator of the asynchronous magnetic motor was Tesla. Its operation is based on a rotating magnetic field, which allows the resulting energy flow to be converted into electric current. An insulated metal plate is attached at the maximum height. A similar plate is buried into the soil layer to a considerable depth. A wire is passed through the capacitor, which on one side passes through the plate, and on the other, it is attached to its base and connected to the capacitor on the other side. In this design, the capacitor acts as a reservoir in which negative energy charges accumulate.

Modern classification of perpetual motion machines

  • A perpetual motion machine of the first kind
    is an engine (an imaginary machine) capable of endlessly doing work without consuming fuel or other energy resources. Their existence contradicts the first law of thermodynamics. According to the law of conservation of energy, all attempts to create such an engine are doomed to failure.
  • A perpetual motion machine of the second kind
    is an imaginary machine that, when put into motion, would transform into work all the heat extracted from surrounding bodies (see Maxwell's Demon). They contradict the second law of thermodynamics. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, all attempts to create such an engine are doomed to failure.



A permanent magnet electric motor is not very different in design.

In this case, the following main elements can be distinguished:

  1. On the outside, electrical steel is used to make the stator core.
  2. Next comes the core winding.
  3. The rotor hub and behind it a special plate.
  4. Then, sections of the rotor gearbox are made of electrical steel.
  5. Permanent magnets are part of the rotor.
  6. The design is completed by a support bearing.

Like any rotating electric motor, the design option under consideration consists of a stationary stator and a movable rotor, which interact with each other when power is supplied. The difference between the considered version can be called the presence of a rotor, the design of which includes permanent magnets.

When manufacturing a stator, a structure is created consisting of a core and a winding. The remaining elements are auxiliary and serve solely to provide the best conditions for stator rotation.

Lazarev engine

Lazarev engine design

Domestic developer Nikolai Lazarev has created a working and fairly simple version of the unit using magnetic traction. Its engine, or rotary ring, consists of a container divided by a porous flow barrier into upper and lower parts. They communicate with each other through a tube through which a flow of water/liquid flows from the lower chamber to the upper one. In turn, the pores provide gravitational downward flow. If you place a wheel under the flow of liquid, on the blades of which magnets are attached, you will be able to achieve the goal of the flow - rotation and creation of a constant magnetic field. The rotary engine diagram of Nikolai Lazarev is used to calculate and assemble the simplest self-rotating devices.

Real prospects for creating a perpetual motion machine using magnets

Opponents of the theory of creating a perpetual motion machine say that it is impossible to violate the law of conservation of energy. Indeed, there are absolutely no prerequisites for obtaining energy from nothing. On the other hand, a magnetic field is not emptiness at all, but a special type of matter, the density of which can reach 280 kJ/m³. It is this value that is the potential energy that a perpetual motion machine on permanent magnets can theoretically use. Despite the lack of ready-made samples in the public domain, numerous patents indicate the possibility of the existence of such devices, as well as the fact of the presence of promising developments that have remained classified since Soviet times.

Norwegian artist Reidar Finsrud created his own version of a perpetual motion machine using magnets

Famous physicists and scientists contributed to the creation of such electric generators: Nikola Tesla, Minato, Vasily Shkondin, Howard Johnson and Nikolai Lazarev. It should be noted right away that engines created with the help of magnets are called “eternal” conventionally - the magnet loses its properties after a couple of hundred years, and along with it the generator will stop working.

Perpetual motion machine by Simon Stevin

Another inventor of a perpetual motion machine is the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin. According to his theory, a chain of 14 balls thrown through a triangular prism should begin to move, because there are twice as many balls on the left side as on the right, and the lower balls balance each other. But here, too, the insidious laws of physics thwarted the inventor’s plans. Despite the fact that four balls are twice as heavy as two, they roll on a flatter surface, therefore the force of gravity acting on the balls on the right is balanced by the force of gravity acting on the balls on the left, and the system remains in equilibrium.

Stevin's perpetual motion model and its implementation with a chain

Generator Perendeva

Generator Perendeva

Another controversial example of the action of magnetic forces is the self-rotating magnetic motor Perendev. Its creator, Mike Brady, before criminal proceedings began against him, even managed to acquire a patent, create a company of the same name (Perendev) and put the business on stream. If you analyze the circuit and principle presented in the patent, or the drawings of home-made electrical devices. engines, the rotor and stator have the shape of a disk and an outer ring. Individual magnets are placed on them along a circular path, maintaining a certain angle relative to the central axis. Due to the interaction of the field of the individual magnets of the stator and rotor Perendev, a moment arises and their mutual movement (rotation) occurs. Calculation of a magnet chain comes down to determining the divergence angle.

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