LED ceiling chandelier with remote control: 70 photos

For many years, choosing a chandelier for your home required only having an idea of ​​the color and style that would suit a particular room. The fact is that previously chandeliers differed only in the design of the lampshade. With the advent of new types of light bulbs, buyers had to add technical parameters to their selection criteria: type of lamps, their number, level of energy consumption.

Nowadays the market offers a huge range of models with different characteristics, and a significant share of them are chandeliers operating from a remote control. In this article we will look at why they are good and what parameters you should pay attention to when purchasing such a model.

Features of a chandelier with remote control

At first glance, structurally such devices are not much different from conventional ceiling lighting fixtures. In fact, there are several differences from a traditional chandelier:

  • Instead of light bulbs, built-in LEDs emit streams of light, and reflective and diffusing elements distribute them throughout the room.
  • Such models are equipped with a transformer that provides the necessary voltage for the LEDs to operate. Along with them, there are models without a power supply, but there are much fewer of them. The transformer lowers the voltage to 12 or 24 V - this indicator depends on the type of diodes and their number.
  • Inside the chandeliers, which operate from a remote control, there are additional blocks responsible for their functionality. We are talking about changing the brightness and shade of lighting, various programs during which the chandelier changes modes or even plays the role of light music.
  • Another obvious difference and advantage is the ability to control lighting modes using the remote control. You can make the light of the chandelier brighter or dimmer, turn it off or on, change the mode with the press of one button, without leaving the sofa. The most modern models allow you to control the light via a mobile application on your smartphone.

Main advantages

Having listed the features of chandeliers with a control panel, we can highlight their advantages over conventional ceiling lamps.

  • The key advantage of such models is ease of use. You don't have to interrupt your work or other activities every time to go to the switch. Just take the remote control and press a couple of buttons.

By the way, the remote control can be stored in a special wall compartment next to the bed or desk - this arrangement will further increase the comfort of using the chandelier. Soon you'll get used to putting the remote control back in its place so you don't have to search all over the room for it.

  • Possibility to adjust the light intensity depending on current needs. It's no secret that many children are afraid to fall asleep in the dark. Chandeliers with different modes will save you from the need to purchase a night light or garland - just turn on the desired mode, and the child will fall asleep under the soft light without fears or whims. The same applies to situations when you need to adjust the light intensity depending on the tasks being performed at the moment: while working or studying, you need brighter light, and for a romantic date, a more subdued option is suitable.
  • Different colors of lighting. LED chandeliers can transform a room with just the click of a remote control. You probably know that color affects our perception of reality - there is even medical color therapy. By changing the shade of lighting, you can create the desired atmosphere in the room and improve your emotional state.
  • Low power consumption. As you know, LEDs are quite economical, so you don’t have to worry that the new miracle of technology will increase your electricity bills.

Do not forget about the disadvantages that any household appliance has. LEDs often fail, and their cost is quite high. In addition, the price of chandeliers with such functionality is significantly higher than the price tags for conventional lamps. It turns out that both minuses are of a material nature, and the first one is random. Thus, such models have no significant disadvantages, and their small disadvantages are more than offset by beauty and functionality.

LED chandelier from China, with remote control and adjustable brightness and color temperature

Hello, Muskovites! Today we will review a rather rare category of products from China - a ceiling LED chandelier with a remote control and variable brightness and color temperature. After studying the LED chandelier market offline, and being disappointed with the assortment and prices, I made a strong-willed decision to order a chandelier from China. What came out of this - read under the cut.


The chandelier is generally normal, but as always, not without Chinese nuances

So, the task was simple - to brightly illuminate the kitchen, with an area of ​​15 sq.m., with a standard ceiling height of P44T - 2.7 meters. The color is not cold, I wanted something between a warm lamp and a cold LED. A flat, strict design that does not protrude too far from the ceiling, without pendants or spillikins.

As a result, after a long search on Ali, the heroine of today’s review was chosen as the one that most satisfies all the requirements stated above. Reviews for the product were quite good and inspired optimism. All that remained was to choose the size and power. After some googling I settled on the size 65x65cm, and the power is 32Wx2. The seller has many models of this chandelier, with different sizes and powers.

If the power is indicated without “x2”, the chandelier will have no remote control and will have the only possible cold shade of light. If the power is indicated with “x2”, then the chandelier will have a remote control and the ability to change the brightness and color temperature. This is achieved through the use of two rows of diodes - a warm and a cold shade. Total - in my chandelier, both of them have 32 watts, the total power is 64 watts, which, according to Google, should have more than illuminated the kitchen.

The order was made on August 11, a coupon for 3 bucks from the seller was applied, as well as a coupon for 5 bucks from 50 from Ali (thanks to Muska for the tip), the final price for me was $84.53. Additionally, a cashback plugin was applied, which saved another 7% of the cost, or 6 bucks.

The seller sent the parcel after 3 days, gave a strange track number like SLJDB55555555YQ, and did not want to admit which company this track belongs to. I had to google again, it turned out to be a certain China (369Express), the track was updated very rarely and reluctantly. After about a week, the chandelier was discovered in Chita, then another week it traveled to Moscow, where it was handed over for delivery to Business Lines. A polite girl called and asked which address would be most convenient to deliver the goods to. As a result, they brought it to my work, free of charge and promptly. The total delivery time was just under a month.

The packaging size is impressive:

The box is made of thick cardboard; inside, tightly packed in molded foam, there is the “base” of the chandelier, the “lampshade”, also known as the chandelier diffuser, and the remote control in the box. Everything arrived without damage.

“Lampshade” aka diffuser:

The main material of the diffuser is matte translucent plastic. It hardly weakens the luminous flux, which is what my previous chandelier suffered from. The frame is made of aluminum profile. At the corners there are plastic linings painted to look like “chrome”. It doesn’t matter how this “chrome” coating looks up close - it’s applied crookedly, with shagreen, but the defects are not visible on the ceiling. I personally would prefer without this chrome at all, just a uniform aluminum frame, but the Chinese have their own ideas about beauty. =)

Chandelier base:

The base is made of a thin sheet of metal, onto which six strips with LEDs are glued through thermally conductive glue, and they are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws. The power supply is also secured to the base with two self-tapping screws.

A closer look at the power supply:

Here the first surprise awaits me - as you can see from the photo, the power of the power supply is only 40-48 watts. But they promised 32x2=64 watts. As it turned out later, when all the LEDs are used simultaneously, they do not burn at full strength. Those. if you turn on only warm diodes, they burn very brightly, but if you add cold ones to them, they all start to burn a little dimmer. As a result, the level of illumination in the room remains almost unchanged, only the color temperature changes.

By the way, in the same photo you can see that the declared power of one strip with diodes is 8x2 watts, i.e. 16 watts. Considering that we have six strips, the theoretical total power is 16x6 = 96 watts. And this is with a power supply of 48 watts maximum. As a result, as far as I understand, all the diodes work at half power, but they don’t heat up and the resource will be longer. =)

Opening the power supply and additional photos

I’ll let more educated people in this area judge the circuit design, but at least the soldering seems to be good, the flux has been washed off.

Chandelier remote control:

Powered by two AAA batteries, they were not included. Functions from top to bottom and from left to right: First row: left button to turn on, right button to turn off the chandelier. Second row: left button - sequential switching of modes 100% warm, 50/50 warm/cold light and 100% cold. Right - night light mode - minimum backlight power. Joystick: left-right - smooth change in color temperature from completely warm to completely cold, while the “quantity” of light does not visually change. Up and down - smooth increase/decrease of glow power. The bottom row of buttons - as far as I understand, turns on/off individual chandeliers if there is more than one. Only button A works for me, the rest don't work. I don’t know how to program them if there is more than one chandelier.

Well, now to the main thing - impressions of the installation, and pros/cons.

The chandelier is installed with 4 self-tapping screws. Holes are drilled in the ceiling, dowels are driven in, and the base of the chandelier is hung with self-tapping screws. Wiring is connected via quick-release connections, without tools. The first switch-on made an indelible impression, there was a loud boom, the lights went out in the entire apartment and the switch remained forever in the “on” state, with its insides melted. It turned out that the wonderful electricians who did the wiring hung the second phase on the ground wire, but I did not check. Fortunately, the circuit breakers worked. After replacing the burnt-out switch and completing the quest “identify two phase and neutral wires among three incomprehensible wires,” the chandelier was finally connected correctly and everything worked.

But not quite as expected. Namely, from the switch the chandelier was turned on all the time in a random mode, then 100% cold light, then 100% warm, then 50/50, and I didn’t catch any sequence, the mode was chosen really randomly. =))

If you turn it on/off using the remote control, the previous operating mode is remembered, and the chandelier turns on exactly in the mode in which it was turned off. But not from the switch. This fact upset me very much, because... I had absolutely no plans to use the remote control, or to change my long-established habits of turning on the lights in the kitchen from the switch. After much thought and searching through all possible options, nothing better than soldering the positive terminals of the power supply together came to mind. I soldered it, now the chandelier always turns on in 50/50 cold/heat mode. True, the result is still a little cold in shade for my taste, very unusual after incandescent lamps. But the ability to adjust the shade with such a barbaric approach naturally disappeared. The remote control now only controls the power. Well, to hell with it, I didn’t intend to use the remote control anyway, the only thing I wanted was to set the shade warmer, and then just turn it on/off with the switch.

If you know a way to implement this, given my shallow knowledge of electrical engineering, please tell me. I can hold a soldering iron in my hands more or less, and I can use a multimeter. Thank you in advance!

Well, a couple of photos of how the chandelier now shines, 50/50 cold/heat mode, maximum power.

A short video with an attempt to demonstrate turning on/off/changing brightness from the remote control. Unfortunately, due to exposure adjustments made by the phone's camera, changes in brightness are difficult to judge from video.


1) For my taste, it looks good and neat in the kitchen, does not visually press due to its flat design. 2) It shines brightly, the kitchen area is 15 sq.m. enough, but not excessive. For larger rooms it is better to take more powerful ones. I think its limit is 20 meters, if you don’t want to read small text in every corner. 3) Low energy consumption with high luminous output 4) No flickering, at least by feel and on video. 5) For amateurs - the opportunity to play with the remote control, arbitrarily changing the brightness and temperature of the light. Night light mode.


1) A little expensive, although here offline something like this is still one and a half to two times more expensive 2) Does not correspond to the declared power - 48 watts instead of the advertised 64. 3) When the power is turned off from the network, it does not remember the previous operating mode, it turns on in random mode. You must either use the remote control or “collective farm” like me. 4) There is a slight delay when turning on, about 0.5 seconds, I don’t even have time to go into the kitchen, but it’s still unusual after the instantaneousness of incandescent lamps. There is no delay when turning on from the remote control.

Thank you all for your attention, potential suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. If there is something missing in the review, write in the comments, I will improve it and add it.

UPD: I’m adding a photo when it’s turned off during the day, as well as a photo from the side of the ceiling surface to assess the shape and thickness:

The height from the ceiling surface to the lowest (central) point of the lampshade is 11.5 cm.

I also remembered that I measured the heating, but forgot to write it in the review. So, the temperatures after 15 minutes of operation at full power:

The LED strip itself is about 35 degrees, barely warm to the touch. The power supply heatsink is 50 degrees. Power supply transformer - 40 degrees.

After disassembling, I did not cover the power supply with the standard cover for better cooling. I was afraid that it would be visible through the lampshade - but it is not visible at all.

Operating principle and possible functionality

As we have already said, chandeliers with a remote control can operate in different light modes, change the color and intensity of the rays.

Most often, the functionality of the model provides several basic shades. Which can be switched. For example, instead of the usual white light, you can fill the room with a blue or pink glow.

Some products provide a smooth transition from one color to another. This mode will automatically switch shades one after another, creating variety. This feature is loved by children and is also suitable for a party or date night.

You can also control the light intensity from the remote control, turning on or off certain rows of lamps. Most of these chandeliers can use several lighting options:

  • Turn on all available lamps, brightly lighting the room;
  • Use only half of the LEDs (outer or inner circle);
  • Turn off the chandelier completely.

How to choose a chandelier?

LED lamps, controlled from a remote control, bring comfort and convenience to everyday life. With their help, you don’t have to get up again to control the light - the remote control is always at hand. A correctly selected model will not only make life easier, but will also decorate the room and create a color mood. We will give you several selection criteria that you can use when purchasing chandeliers with a remote control:

  1. Appearance is one of the most important components when choosing a lamp. A wide range of models is able to fulfill any design wishes of the client. You will find many products suitable specifically for your interior, made in classic, floral, modern and other styles.
  2. The best options would be chandeliers with the ability to adjust the brightness and adjust the intensity of the light flux. A nice addition will also be setting the shutdown timer.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the power of the lighting device. Choose the right lamp for small and large rooms. In the first case, the brightness should not hurt the eye, and in the second it should be enough to fully illuminate the entire room.
  4. When choosing a lamp for the bathroom, the degree of moisture protection should be IP68, IP65 or IP44.

Criterias of choice

When considering different models and studying their characteristics, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Lamp type. Such chandeliers are not only LED. The most economical models with minimal functionality can even use incandescent lamps, not to mention energy-saving and halogen versions. It is better to opt for more modern options, as they will recoup their increased price over time of use. Incandescent light bulbs will need to be replaced more frequently and cannot be used on ceiling lights that are attached directly to a suspended ceiling.
  • Chandelier power and lighting intensity. These indicators are directly related to the area of ​​the room. In spacious rooms (living room, bedroom, dining room or large kitchen), a light source with an intensity of at least 200 lux is required, and in the corridor, dressing room, bathroom or toilet, an indicator of up to 150 lux will be sufficient.
  • Operating range of the control panel. If you are buying a lamp for an ordinary apartment with an area of ​​no more than 60-70 square meters, then any model will do. When purchasing a chandelier with a remote control for a country house, it makes sense to take the option with the largest range.

Also important criteria are the design features and stylistic affiliation of the model.

Design and construction nuances

A separate block should be devoted to this criterion, since it includes several important parameters at once.

Installation method

Depending on how the lamp is attached to the ceiling, chandeliers are divided into ceiling and pendant.

  • Pendant models are traditional lighting fixtures, the body of which “hangs” from the ceiling on a chain or spring, without touching the ceiling. They are suitable for rooms where ceilings are higher than 2.7 m.
  • Ceiling options are secured using a special mounting element directly below the ceiling. They don't take up much space. Therefore, they are suitable for rooms with ceilings of 2.7 m and lower.

A separate category includes lamps that are hung low, directly above the dining table.


When choosing a chandelier, you need to consider not only the height of the ceilings. The dimensions of the lamp must correspond to the area of ​​the room, otherwise the chosen model will look too bulky or, conversely, unsightly.

The ideal parameters of a chandelier can be calculated using a simple formula:

Chandelier diameter (cm) = (room length (m) + width (m)) x 10

It turns out that for a living room 3 by 5 squares a chandelier with a diameter of 80 cm would be appropriate.

If we are talking about lighting a long room, then in addition to the chandelier, it is recommended to purchase wall sconces or spotlights, placing them on both sides of the main chandelier.


Most buyers focus on this parameter first of all, since the beauty and durability of the product depend on it. In addition, the material of the case and fittings directly affects the cost of the model.

The housings of LED chandeliers are most often made of glass or crystal, but there are also unusual models made of metal and plastic.

Crystal or glass chandeliers

A recognized classic that has remained relevant for decades. They fit perfectly into classic interiors with a claim to status and elegance. Usually these are real works of art, decorated with multi-faceted pendants. Hundreds of small elements of original shapes interestingly refract the light of the lamps, creating an exquisite play of rays on the ceiling.

The design can be absolutely anything. Crystal options are more expensive, glass options are cheaper.

When purchasing, keep in mind that you will have to regularly wipe the chandelier when removing it from the ceiling so that it delights with reflections and does not fade. To make maintenance easier, you can use special dust-repellent products.

Metal chandeliers

These options are more durable because they are stronger. If a ball or a toy thrown by a child unexpectedly hits such a specimen, or you accidentally hit it with a mop while washing the floor, there is no need to fear for its integrity. Unlike glass and crystal models, the elements of which can easily come off and break if dropped.

By metal we mean steel, brass, bronze or copper. These can also be more modern light alloys with chrome or gold plating. In contrast to the classic charm of crystal, metal is used to make lamps in loft, high-tech, industrial, modern, and pop art styles.

Plastic chandelier

This is the most budget option due to the low cost of the material and its ease of processing. Another obvious advantage is the variety of shapes and colors. When choosing a plastic chandelier, it is better to give preference to rich shades, since white shades often turn yellow over time.

LED chandeliers with remote control: photos of popular models for all rooms

Light effects are best seen with your own eyes. However, I tried to collect the most original photographs. They will help you choose the most suitable option for creating unique lighting in the room with various useful innovations.

Chandelier for the children's room: LED butterfly chandelier with lighting effects from the remote control and switch

At dusk with the power turned off, the appearance of the lighting device does not particularly stand out, which is clearly visible in the photo below.

In sunny weather, the built-in lenses shimmer with light so that even without electric lighting they attract attention.

Remote control allows you to create various effects on three channels:

  1. central lighting;
  2. built-in LED strip;
  3. four separate lamps.

Most modes are accessible from the switch. But, in this case, they are generated randomly, and selected from the remote control according to a planned program.

A small part of the modes shown below will help present the picture more realistically.

Such reflections of light, as my observations have shown, delight children when they themselves actively participate in these processes.

Chandelier in the living room: modern models

You can surprise a visitor who comes to you and impress him with the design of the lamp by investing heavily in the design of the lighting device, or in a budget way, shown below.

Expensive devices include a musical chandelier for the living room and models with original crystal compositions of unusual shapes.

Musical chandelier

This very original ceiling chandelier for the living room is now gaining peak popularity. It is usually made in the form of a cake or plate.

It may not differ in appearance from ordinary lamps: when controlled from a remote control or from a switch, it also changes the light and color effects.

A microprocessor device is built inside its case, which allows you to set such basic functions as:

  • lamp with adjustable lighting;
  • color music with various lighting effects;
  • remote-controlled music center;
  • alarm;
  • programmable night light.

To control it, just install software from the manufacturer with a simple interface on your smartphone and use it for your pleasure.

Communication is carried out via Bluetooth. Your favorite music can be uploaded to the cloud and taken from it according to scheduled requests.

The case design and external design may differ significantly from one model to another in terms of shape, design, design of crystal pendants, optical amplifiers and reflectors.

For those wishing to learn more about the operation of musical lamps, I recommend watching the video of the owner of CITILUX Lamps.

Vertical ceiling chandelier in the living room

Among the fashion trends, unusually perceived lamps began to stand out, located in a vertical space from the ceiling almost to the floor.

I tried to show one of the options for this design and the lighting effects in the photo below.

DIY chandelier for the living room with remote control

Here I present the most budget-friendly option for converting an old Soviet model with incandescent lamps into a modern module with lighting effects from the remote control. I show some of them in the photo.

The homemade idea is quite simple: we ordered LED lamps with a remote control from China by mail. Then we screwed them into a socket instead of old light bulbs with incandescent filaments, and then set them up according to the instructions.

This technology is described in detail in the article here. Read if anyone is interested.

See the video “LED lamp with remote control in a regular chandelier” for color effects.

Chandeliers for the hall: photos of new products

The complex designs of two-tier lamps made from luminous geometric shapes look original.

Daisy Shaped LED Ceiling Light

Even a brief photo review of some of the effects gives a certain idea of ​​the operation of the device.

Ribbon chandelier in modern room design

The rapid development of semiconductor technologies has made it possible to create luminous surfaces in the form of strips that cover various surfaces of lamps.

They are made in different shapes and configurations with controlled color effects.

LED strip chandeliers

Square ceiling chandelier: latest scientific developments

Three-tier design

The compact lamp fits well into any interior, giving the room an aesthetic appearance.

Chandelier squares in space

This is one of the varieties of the design described above with the ability to create different degrees of illumination.

Round LED chandelier for universal use

The shape of an enlarged tablet fits well into the interior of any room. It takes up little space and is great for rooms with low ceilings.

I liked the model, which emits a stream of white rays in the center, and different shades from the edges. However, this is only part of its functionality.

LED crystal chandelier: classic and modern in the interior of rooms

Among a fairly large assortment of products, 2 types stand out best: modern models and classics. I show them one by one.

Rotating rings: crystal design on strings

Compact lamps with crystal pendants

Classic crystal models with traditional pendants have been trending for a long time.

They are created in the form of cones, pyramids, fungi, jellyfish.

Crystal chandelier from Czechoslovakia

The model still remains popular. It is being modernized with modern light bulbs and glowing strips. The rays passing through the crystal create additional highlights and shades.

Chandelier for suspended ceiling with film coating

The original LED ceiling light with remote control is specially designed to reflect glare from the film. Due to this, additional effects are formed.

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