What is a wireless call, device, operating principle, how to choose

What it is, scope of application

A wireless call is a device consisting of a group of elements:

  1. SPEAKER A sound comes from it when the contacts close.
  2. BUTTON. This is a mechanical element that ensures the product operates.
  3. TRANSMITTER. With the help of this element, a signal is transmitted from the button (located outside) to the speaker (mounted indoors and emits sound).

Wireless calls are used in the following cases:

  1. For a private home (for example, when the gate is located at a distance from a residential building).
  2. For a dacha where the entrance to the site is distant from the building on the site.
  3. On the door to the apartment. The option with a wireless call is convenient for ease of installation, the ability to avoid drilling holes and laying wires.
  4. In warehouses and offices. Giving a sound signal allows employees to be informed of the client’s arrival.

The scope of application is very wide. The wireless bell can be used wherever notification of the arrival of a guest or visitor may be useful.

Checking the functionality of the call and the causes of malfunctions

To check, just press the button at the entrance. If the main module makes a sound, then the system is working normally. If not, then you need to check the following points:

  1. Battery charge. To check, replace them with new store-bought ones.
  2. Check for mains voltage. Is there power supply to the bell circuit?
  3. Make sure the wires are intact. Visually check for breaks. Better yet, test the cable with a multimeter.
  4. Check if the button is working properly. When pressed, the resistance between the contacts should be no more than a couple of ohms.
  5. Test the sound module. Remove it from the wall and plug it into an outlet. It is advisable to perform this operation by those who have experience working with electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before purchasing a wireless call, it is important to study its features, evaluate the pros and cons, and then decide on the possibility of use.


  1. No wires. During the installation process, you can do without a drill (except for the case of attaching the button using self-tapping screws), pulling wires or cables connecting the button and the speaker. This is convenient when the product is purchased for a summer house or private home. When installed on an apartment door, you can avoid tearing off wallpaper or damaging the interior. The device is self-powered, so there is no need for a separate voltage supply (except in some cases).
  2. Easy and fast installation. Fixing the product takes a few minutes. This is due to the absence of wires and complex fastenings.
  3. Convenience. The use of such a product does not cause difficulties, both for guests and for owners of the house (cottage, apartment).
  4. Easy to move to another place. Due to the absence of wires, the wireless call can be reset at any time.
  5. Possibility of use in combination with complex devices. Wireless calls can be used for intercom or equipped with two buttons (if necessary).
  6. Nice design. Modern models have an attractive appearance, so they fit into any interior. A large selection of models allows you to choose a product that matches the shape, color or material of manufacture. You can be sure that a wireless call will only decorate your interior or exterior.
  7. Independent nutrition. Regular bells operate without batteries and require wires to supply voltage. In the case of a wireless device, this is not necessary. The voltage is supplied from batteries, so even if the lights are turned off, guests will be able to notify of their arrival. This feature is useful for private homes or for summer cottages where there is no electricity. An alternative option is to use a wireless call without batteries, when power is supplied from special batteries (purchased separately).
  8. Possibility of additional equipment. If desired, wireless calls can be supplemented with other devices (depending on the model). We are talking about connecting a video camera, TV or other equipment.


  1. Installing a wireless button is not possible in all cases. No wires are used during the installation process, and the signal is transmitted wirelessly. If there are obstacles in its path, the product will not work. Under such circumstances, you will have to install a classic wired bell or eliminate the cause of the interference (if possible).
  2. The need to change the battery. The autonomous power supply tends to discharge, so from time to time it requires replacement. If you skip this point, the wireless call will not work.
  3. Poor fastening. Some models are fixed with a sticky base. This option is suitable for a door to an apartment. When installed in a country house or used for a private home, the button is fixed on the street. When exposed to cold, it often disappears. In addition, the Velcro fastener does not withstand even light physical impact.
  4. Possibility of jamming. The presence of negative influences (for example, moisture entering the product, the influence of low temperatures, or displacement of the contact group) leads to the button getting stuck in the actuated position. As a result, the call works until the battery runs out or the defect is eliminated.
  5. Ease of theft. The wireless bell model is easier to steal because there are no wires connected to it. To prevent theft, you can install a video camera at the entrance. It will be doubly useful. Firstly, it allows you to look at the guest personally, and secondly, it will reduce the likelihood of theft.
  6. No signal transmission. Problems with the circuitry may result in difficulty sending the signal from the button to the bell. Another situation is possible when the command arrives, but there is no sound.

A wireless call is not a perfect device, but its advantages more than cover the disadvantages of its operation.

Connection rules

The rules for installing doorbells depend on the type of device.


To connect wired products, you need to follow the following guide:

  • Determine where the doorbell will be installed. The device consists of two parts - a button and a main block. Therefore, a place for the bell will be required indoors and outdoors.
  • The network is de-energized. To do this, turn off all relevant machines.
  • Make a hole in the wall from the main block to the button. The device connection cable is laid through it.

  • Lay wires from the network to the bell connection point. If external wiring is used, then it is simply fixed to the wall with special fasteners or installed in a box. In the case of using internal wiring, the surface is grooved and the cables are fixed into the resulting recesses.

  • Connect the wiring to the main unit and the button. The devices are fixed to the surface.

  • Turn on the power supply. To do this, the corresponding machines are activated.
  • Check the functionality of the call by pressing a button. If the job is done correctly, the device will make a corresponding sound. If there is no signal, deactivate the electricity again and check the connection by checking the diagram. If deficiencies are found, they are eliminated, the electricity is turned on and the test is repeated.

Expert opinion

Makhinov Vladimir Konstantinovich

Electrical Communications Specialist

Attention! Since the doorbell is connected to a 220V network, it is recommended to entrust the installation of the equipment to professionals.


To connect wireless products, there is no need to lay cables or drill walls.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • Determine the location for the button and the main block . In this case, the last element does not have to be fixed on the wall. Since no wires are needed to connect the device, the main unit can simply be placed on any surface, taking into account the range of action between it and the button.
  • Install the elements . As already mentioned, the main unit can be placed on any surface, but the button needs to be fixed on the wall using fasteners, glue, or in another way, depending on the model.

Since the installation of wireless devices is carried out without connecting to the mains, you can perform the procedure yourself.

Operating principle, diagram

In the case of a wired call, the situation is clear. After attaching the button on the outside and the bell on the inside, they are connected using a wire. Power is supplied to the speaker, and the circuit is closed through a button.

In a wireless call situation, the same principle is used, but there is no need to complete the electrical circuit.

The operating principle is simple:

  1. The guest presses a button installed near the apartment, on the gate near a private house (dacha) or in another place.
  2. The transmitter is activated, sending the signal wirelessly to the receiver (call).
  3. The electrical circuit is activated.
  4. Power is supplied to the speakers and the music (that is programmed into the device) plays.

Models with a combined operating principle are available for sale. For example, the button is powered by a battery, and the sound source is connected to a standard power supply.

The speed of signal transmission and its strength depend on a number of factors - the distance between devices and the presence of obstacles (for example, walls or doors). It is important to remember that brick, concrete or metal structures significantly degrade the signal.

The design of wireless calls is simple, which guarantees their reliability, ease of operation and long service life.

There are two boards installed in the button and the device with the bell. A third circuit (signal generator) is also provided, characterized by the absence of failures.

Features of models and installation

All issued calls are divided into wired and wireless. It is impossible to say which option is better. The final choice depends on the installation conditions and the wishes of the apartment residents.

Features of wireless calls

Wireless devices are needed when a guest notification system needs to be set up in the shortest possible time or when there is no fixed cable for the bell circuits.

Features of wireless models:

  • operate without an external power source;
  • do not require laying wires, installing boxes, automatic machines, etc.;
  • use safe low voltage batteries;
  • may sound false when your neighbors' bell button is pressed;
  • sensitive to obstacles to radio waves.

Wireless call to the dacha with intercom

Features of wired models

Wired models are difficult to install. They are suitable for installation in personal fixed housing or where there is an appropriate cable for connecting a bell.

Features of wired models:

  • do not require battery replacement, which saves money;
  • increased reliability, because radio transmitting electronics are not used;
  • wired calls are unable to intercept a false signal from neighbors’ buttons;
  • designed for 220 V.

Device types

There are two types of wireless calls:

  1. With separate power supply. The button runs on a battery, and the bell runs on mains power.

  2. With shared meals. In this case, both nodes operate from a DC source (battery).

Modern models are divided into:

  1. By functional purpose. Products can be intended for a home or cottage (street and waterproof version), for an apartment door or for an intercom.
  2. According to the configuration. Buyers have several configuration options at their disposal in terms of the number of buttons and speakers - 1+1, 2+1, 1+2 or 2+2, respectively. When choosing an option, it is important to focus on the number of entrances and the area of ​​the house.

  3. According to the functional “filling”. Modern models can be supplemented with Wi-Fi, a microphone, a video camera, and work without batteries. Some wireless calls have the option to set your own ringtone (using a flash drive). For better sound quality, a number of devices are equipped with two speakers (as noted in the package). This is convenient when the product is installed in a room with a large area. The device can be used with Smart Home systems (the website has a separate section on this topic).

Thanks to this classification, there are no difficulties in choosing the appropriate button. The main thing is to select a model taking into account the current situation and needs.

Questions and answers

What is the optimal range of a doorbell from the button to the main unit for apartments?

For typical apartments, it is recommended to use models with a range of up to 80 m. Even in the presence of metal or concrete obstacles, the sound of the bell will be heard in any room.

Is it possible to install a bell on a whitewashed wall?

In this case, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws or reliable glue. Double-sided tape will not stick to a whitewashed wall.

Where is the best place to place the main unit?

If it is mains powered and has a plug, then it can be plugged into any outlet. With a wired connection, the element is installed on the opposite side of the button, and with a wireless connection - anywhere in the hallway or room.

How often should I change the batteries in my doorbell?

It all depends on the characteristics of the model and the frequency of use of the product. On average, batteries are changed once every 2 years.

How to change the ringtone?

It all depends on the specific model. Usually there is a special button on the case that allows you to select melodies, and exactly how to perform the procedure is indicated in the instructions.

A modern doorbell is a multifunctional device, the operation of which can be customized to the needs of the user. The main thing is to choose the right model.

Technical characteristics - main differences

Despite their apparent simplicity, wireless calls differ in technical characteristics. Basic parameters that are important to pay attention to when choosing include:

  1. Device operating frequency and range.
  2. Type of signal being transmitted.
  3. Number of speakers and buttons included.
  4. Power and type of electrical power (mains or batteries).
  5. Backlight (provided or not provided).
  6. Possibility of installing different melodies or setting your own music (using a flash drive).
  7. Volume control option.
  8. Supports application function for intercom or video peephole.
  9. Option to send SMS messages.
  10. Night light function and motion sensor.
  11. Operating temperature range (important when installing the button outdoors).
  12. Availability of moisture protection (provided for outdoor options).
  13. Other characteristics.

As a rule, modern wireless calling models operate at frequencies from 433 to 434 MHz. The exception is products operating at a lower frequency - 315 MHz.

When assessing the range, it is important to evaluate not only the information from the passport, but also the presence of interference. Their presence reduces the range of action. For example, a concrete wall or an armored door prevents the signal from entering. Drywall or wood transmits electromagnetic waves better.

Doorbell rating

All devices that were considered during the compilation of the 2019 rating are certified in the Russian Federation. To identify market leaders, a comparative analysis of the characteristics declared by the manufacturer and customer reviews was carried out. Close attention was paid to the following parameters:

  • Maximum distance between source and receiver;
  • Stability of the communication channel of the call components;
  • Easy to connect doorbell;
  • Parting design;
  • Price;
  • Possibility of repair, location of service centers and reviews about them.

Among several dozen call models of various modifications, seven leaders were identified. Some of them are wired, some are wireless and with additional options.

The best water meters

Additional components to expand functionality

To increase comfort and convenience, you can complement the wireless call with additional devices. Sometimes they are included with more expensive models.

An alternative option is to purchase the product separately and then connect it to the “base”. In the latter situation, it is important to clarify the possibility of unification.

Additional elements include:

  1. VIDEO-EYE. It operates on a permanent basis or is activated using a motion sensor (when a person approaches the door). There are cameras connected to the bell button and only activated when it is pressed. The image received from the video eye is transmitted to a special monitor. The signal can be output to a phone, PC or laptop.

  2. MOTION SENSOR. The presence of such a node allows you to inform the owner about the arrival of a guest before he presses the button. In addition, the triggering of the sensor gives a command for the video eye to operate or starts recording (depending on the setting).

  3. INTERCOM. Some models of wireless calls are available for intercom. Such a system is more complex and involves the presence of speakers, a microphone, a camera and a monitor that allow you to see and communicate with the visitor.

Advanced models can be equipped with backlighting, a volume control knob, or a mute button.

Some devices can send a signal about a guest's arrival via SMS. It is important to note that the price of the selected model depends on the number of additional functions.

Comparison of characteristics of rating models

CharacteristicsREXANT 46-0215TRITON Cricket SV-03RREXANT 73-0080ERA A02ERA C96ERA BIONIC IvoryNavigator NDB-A-DC01-1V1-WH?Legrand PremiumSVETOZAR SV-58062Trio TR-01B
Place in the ranking12345678910
Call typewirelesswiredwiredwirelesswirelesswirelesswirelesswirelesswirelesswireless
Number of melodies1211326636301632
Mute the soundThere isThere isThere isNoThere isThere isThere isThere isNoThere is
Volume level90 dB80dB
Waterproof buttonNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesNoYes
Call protection levelIP 20IP 20IP 20IP 20IP44IP 20IP 20IP 20IP 20IP44
Speaker powerBattery type AAA X 3 / From a household network 220VFrom a household network 220VFrom a household network 220VBattery type AAA X 2From a household network 220VBattery type AA X 2Battery type AAFrom a household network 220VBattery type AA X 2From a household network 220V
Power buttonBattery type AAA X 2 / From a household network 220VFrom a household network 220VFrom a household network 220VBattery type 23ABattery type 23ABattery (CR2032)Battery type AAFrom a household network 220VBattery type AAFrom a household network 220V
Radius of action10 m.100 m100 m100 m100 m200 m100 m150 meters
Motion SensorThere isNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Light indicationNoNoNoNoNoNoThere isNoNoThere is
Guarantee period12 months18 months12 months12 months12 months12 months12 months12 months12 months24 months
average price854 rub.302 rub.345 rub.363 rub.924 rub.665 rub.323 rub.3172 rub.620 rub.650 rub.

We really hope that our review will help eliminate most mistakes when choosing and allow you to find the optimal device that will serve you for a long time. If you have had experience using the products described in the rating, please write your reviews in the comments.

Video eye for wireless calling

With the help of an additional camera, the owner of an apartment, house or cottage can see a visitor from a distance. As a result, it is easier for him to make a decision about opening the doors.

If there is a peephole with a camera on the apartment door or gate, the calling visitor is reflected on the monitor inside the building. The image from the camera can be transferred to a separate display, PC or laptop (depending on the selected model). The quality of image transmission depends on the camera installed in the video eye.

When choosing a circuit, it is important to consider that the peephole needs additional and more reliable power. The following paths are available here:

  1. Search for a suitable low-power kit (if continuous video recording is required).
  2. Scheme with video eye activation only when a button is pressed. Under such circumstances, the camera only records the face of the person calling.
  3. The video eye is powered separately. In such cases, the use of a wireless call is not entirely clear, but such a scheme is common.
  4. A circuit with a motion sensor that detects whether a guest is near the bell button. This option is convenient for controlling inappropriate citizens who may make fun of the owner. The convenience is that the video camera records when there is movement near the entrance (pressing the button is not necessary).

When choosing a video eye, it is important to pay attention to the camera resolution. The higher this parameter, the better the image.

On the other hand, with a higher resolution, the volume of video received increases greatly. In addition, high-resolution video eyes have high power requirements.

The best doorbells with camera

A qualitatively new level among calls is devices with a camera. The first obvious convenience is that you don’t need any peepholes in the front door; the doorbell is visible on the screen inside the room. The second advantage concerns security - many of these calls are equipped with built-in memory. You can always see who rang the doorbell and when. And “smart” doorbells with a camera transmit information to the cloud and to other devices.

Video Doorbell 5100ZJ

One of the best doorbells is the Video Doorbell 5100ZJ. This is the so-called “smart” call. The button transmits information to devices with iOS or Android operating systems. It is possible to transfer data to cloud storage. This significantly increases the level of security of an apartment, house, or office. The camera has a resolution of 720 pixels and is equipped with an infrared module. Thanks to this, vision is ensured even in the dark.


  • Good camera;
  • Backlight;
  • High-quality Internet connection;
  • Fashionable, laconic design.


  • High price;
  • It takes time to understand the functional component.

With this device, you can do away with the usual peephole and the video surveillance system at the entrance. The software for the device is constantly updated by the manufacturer.

Anytek B30

The Anytek B30 wireless video call is easy to install and has all the necessary functions. The camera quality is sufficient to convey a clear image of whoever is ringing the doorbell. The device has good sound without unnecessary noise. Volume adjustment is possible, 52 melodies are built-in. There is built-in memory. Inside the room, the image is displayed on the display. Syncs with Android devices. There is an alarm function.


  • Lots of melodies, great sound;
  • Good image in the external built-in camera;
  • Convenient touch control;
  • Low price;
  • A number of additional options.


  • Does not connect with devices running the iOS operating system;
  • Does not work with phones and tablets with Android versions lower than version 5.

Anytek B30 has cutting-edge functionality, but it costs less than many products in its category. Users like that there are additional features. In particular, the alarm function, which can be controlled from your phone or tablet. All other functions of the device can again be controlled from a smartphone through a special application. The development company regularly releases updates.

What is the difference between indoor and outdoor wireless calls?

When buying a wireless bell for your home, it is important to consider its future location. There are two basic options here - indoors (for an apartment) or outdoors (for a home or cottage).

In the first case, it is enough to buy a simple model, without moisture protection and a wide temperature range. If you plan to install a wireless call outdoors, the approach to selection is more serious.

The main requirement is the presence of a moisture-proof coating to prevent moisture from entering the internal elements of the device.

In addition, a wireless bell for outdoor installation must withstand temperature changes and operate in a wide temperature range. This requirement applies not only to the shell, but also to the internal circuits of the product. Moisture protection should also be provided here.

When installing on doors, it is worth providing a small canopy to protect the product from moisture, sun rays, dust, wind and other negative influences.

The main requirement is that the additional element does not interfere with the passage of the signal.

To avoid theft or protect your wireless call from vandals, it is recommended to choose models made of durable metal. The downside is that they will be more expensive.

Features of choice

When purchasing a wireless call, it is important to know the selection rules and follow them when selecting a device. It is important to pay attention to the following details:

  1. TYPE. The operating principle of wireless calls is almost the same. The differences relate only to design, functionality and equipment.
  2. APPEARANCE. When choosing, it is important to focus on the design of the house, apartment or cottage, so that the installed equipment fits into the interior. It is important to take into account color, design, shape and other features. Against the backdrop of competition, each manufacturer tries to distinguish its models and make them better than those of competitors.

  3. NUMBER OF BATTERIES. Depending on the complexity and design of the device, the number and type of power supplies used may vary. This point must be taken into account, because in the future the batteries will have to be changed.
  4. RADIUS OF ACTION. When purchasing a wireless call for an apartment, this factor does not matter. It’s a different matter when installation is planned in a private house or country house, and the distance between the gate and the house is up to ten meters or more. When studying range, it is important to consider interference in the signal path. range, without obstacles such as walls or doors. That's why it's better to focus on a larger range of action (take it with a reserve).
  5. CASING. When installing externally, you should pay attention to the material and build quality of the housing. Key factors are resistance to moisture and dust, as well as vandalism. As noted, metal models with high-quality moisture protection are more suitable for outdoor installation.
  6. MELODY. Most simple models have one or two melodies that you will want to change over time. That's why it's better to get wireless calls with music replacement options. Some devices allow you to insert a flash drive or transfer music from a smartphone.
  7. SIGNAL POWER. When installing a wireless call button at a distance of 50 meters or more, it is recommended to take equipment with an amplified signal. In addition, before making a purchase, it is worth testing the product at the distance of interest.
  8. EQUIPMENT. An equally important selection criterion is the composition of the kit. The extended version can add a video eye, an additional button or speakers, a motion sensor or other devices. When purchasing elements separately, it is important to clarify the possibility of their combined use.
  9. ATTACHMENT METHOD. This is a key point that receives little attention. As a rule, fixation is achieved using simple Velcro. Under the influence of cold or other negative natural factors, it stops holding the button and comes unstuck. The best solution is to secure the wireless call button using self-tapping screws, but such an option must be provided for this.
  10. PRICE. The seller’s task is to earn as much as possible from the client, so when choosing, you should not follow the seller’s advice 100%. It is important to focus on personal needs and take equipment based on your goals. You shouldn’t overpay for additional features that will never be useful, or for a brand.
  11. GUARANTEE PERIOD. When choosing a simple model, the likelihood of breakdown is minimal (this is due to the absence of complex elements). It's another matter when the package includes many additional devices. Under such circumstances, you should give preference to products with a warranty of 10 years or more.

Using the above recommendations will allow you to choose a high-quality wireless call with the necessary functionality and at an affordable price.

Which doorbell is better to buy?

When choosing a door alarm, first of all, you need to decide what you want from it. If work without interference is important and you don’t want to constantly spend money on batteries, it is better to choose a wired device. But it requires installation. There are wireless devices for every taste and budget. The only question is their range, quality of switching parts and design. The most modern and advanced are calls with a video camera. But they also cost much more than others. The leaders in their groups are as follows:

  • Garin Ella is an excellent functional and inexpensive wireless option for a modern apartment;
  • Schneider Electric BLNZA000011 is a stylish, modern wired door device that is reliable and low in price;
  • Video Doorbell 5100ZJ is a “smart” gadget with a video camera from a manufacturer that has focused its attention specifically on gadgets in this category.

It has already been said that the device must meet certain requirements of a particular user. There is one more nuance that should not be forgotten. When choosing a door alarm, be sure to pay attention to the packaging, accessories and keep the receipt. Products from good manufacturers always have a warranty period. In case of problems, it should be possible to contact a service center.

Popular models

The choice of wireless call models is wide enough to choose the appropriate option.

For an apartment, private house or cottage

Popular models for cottages, private houses or apartments include:

  1. "Cosmos", KOC_AG512С. The package includes a calling unit and a unit with a speaker. The button is secured using glue screws or double-sided tape. Additional features are noise immunity, 32 melodies, and a range of 150 meters.

  2. Elektrostandard. The model includes a receiver, button, battery and instructions. The average service life is at least three years when working up to 5 times a day. There are several modes (with light and sound). Features: volume control, light indication, range of 80 m, two batteries.

  3. "Kosmos Premium", KOC_689. A more modern model with 25 polyphonic melodies, volume control (three positions) and IP protection level. Range of 100 m.

For a summer house with a waterproof button

In this series, the best wireless calls include:

  1. Rexant "RX-6". The kit includes a power supply, call button and speaker. The latter is powered by 220 V, which must be taken into account when choosing. Features: 36 melodies, waterproof button, range of 80 m. The button is powered by a 23 A battery.

  2. Proline 2T-298 is a wireless call with a waterproof touch button, night light options and a range of 100 m. The user is offered 48 melodies to choose from. The call key is powered by a 12-volt battery, and the speaker is powered by a 220 V network. The operating volume is from 50 to 80 dB. Signal transmission power - up to 10 mW, frequency - 433 MHz. The kit includes a call button, speaker and battery.

For an apartment with Wi-Fi

One of the most popular models is Cleverdog. This is a standalone wireless Wi-Fi call that provides up to 90 days of operation. After installing it, you can view information from your mobile phone and enlarge the image (up to three times). Camera viewing angle is 85 percent.

Cleverdog Wireless Call Features:

  1. Receiving messages from visitors. If the owner does not answer within 15 seconds, the system goes into voice notification mode.
  2. Possibility of visual contact with the visitor.
  3. Long validity period - up to three months.
  4. Outputting video to the screen.
  5. No wires and easy to install. To get started, you need to install the application, connect the device and secure it with screws.
  6. Degree of protection IP 65.
  7. Operating temperature from -10 to +60 degrees Celsius.

With two buttons

If there are two inputs (for example, in a country house or in a private house), you can use wireless calls with two buttons. Popular models:

  1. Proline 2B-289. It has 48 melodies and a range of up to 100 meters. Operating frequency - 433 MHz. The kit includes a pair of buttons and one speaker. The button is powered by a battery, and the sound source is from a 220 V network. The sound volume ranges from 50 to 80 dB. The device can be used in a store, office space, country house or other places. During operation, it is recommended to use alkaline batteries, which have a long service life. It is prohibited to disassemble or repair the equipment yourself.

  2. QUSUN D035K2 DC. This is a popular wireless call with two buttons and 36 ringtones to choose from. The radius of application is up to 150 meters. The button is powered by a 23-amp power supply, and the speaker is powered by simple AA batteries. Operating frequency - 315 MHz. The scope of application is different - installation in the country, in a store, in an office and other points. The kit includes two call buttons, a speaker and a 23 A battery (two pieces).

  3. Also supplies wireless calls with two buttons.

Wireless call with two speakers

Buying a wireless doorbell with two speakers is useful for large rooms. In addition, an additional sound source can be installed in the backyard or second floor. Popular models:

  1. Proline B-288-2 is a wireless call with one call button and two speakers. The button is protected from water. There are 48 melodies to choose from. The working distance is up to 100 meters. The call key is powered by a 23-amp power supply. Features - presence of a night light function, power supply to the speaker from 220 V, presence of an LED indicator on the sound source. Volume - from 65 to 75 dB (four levels of adjustment).

  2. Proline A-298-2 is a wireless call equipped with two speakers and one waterproof call button. The user is offered 48 polyphonic melodies to choose from. The call key is powered by a 23-amp source, and the speaker is powered by 22 volts. Working distance - up to 100 meters. A night light function is provided. Volume from 50 to 80 dB.

No batteries

Some devices operate without batteries. Popular models with an alternative type of power supply include:

  1. Wireless call Proline HT-W4U02. The product is powered by a constant voltage of 5 V. Operating frequency is 433 Hz. The operating range is up to 80 m. The user is offered up to 389 melodies with the ability to set one of three volume levels. The special feature of Proline HT-W4U02 is the conversion of kinetic energy. The moment the button is pressed, mechanical pressure is converted into energy. Next, a special module sends the signal to a distance of up to 80 m before the call. The latter is connected to 5V power via a USB port. Immediately after this, the selected melody sounds.

  1. Proline HT-W4U01 is an equally popular wireless call that works on the same principle. Its range is limited to 80 meters, and the number of melodies is 38 (three volume levels). Operating frequency - 433 MHz.

The absence of a power source on the button eliminates the need for batteries and saves money on their purchase. Moreover, wireless devices without batteries are more reliable. They are unpretentious to different weather conditions and are not afraid of contact oxidation.

Which doorbell company is better to choose?

The stores offer an abundance of bells of various brands. These are both models from domestic manufacturers and imported models. The latter are most often made in China. If this is a factory production, then there should be no complaints about the quality of the product. But Chinese handicraft or underground production does not promise good call performance. Among the most common in Russian stores and with good characteristics and reviews were the following brands:

  • In Home is a manufacturer of various small household appliances and electronics for the home and garden. Including good doorbells. The head office and factories are located in China.
  • ERA - the products of this company are very popular in Russia. These are lighting fixtures and components, and other electronics for the home. The most common are lanterns and doorbells. ERA also produces goods commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Defense.
  • Garin - this brand produces lighting devices (lanterns and lamps), measuring instruments (scales, steelyards, breathalyzers, thermometers, distance meters). The products have all the necessary safety and environmental certificates.
  • Rexant is a holding company that produces cable products and components for Internet lines, digital television, video surveillance systems, and warning systems. In Russia, only products adapted to the country's conditions are presented.
  • Schneider Electric is a world-famous company, experts in advanced technologies in the field of energy systems for industrial, civil and residential properties. Schneider Electric has production facilities in six cities in Russia.
  • Ring is a company that exclusively produces smart calling. All information from an external transmitting device can be automatically sent to a cloud data storage or to the owner’s smartphone or computer.
  • Anytek is a large Chinese manufacturer of signal and video devices. The company produces video recorders, doorbells, car alarms and tire pressure sensors. Recently, some products have been equipped with Sony optics.

Installation features

Installing a wireless call is not difficult, so you don’t need to call a paid technician to solve the problem. Problems are only possible when connecting additional elements, for example, a camera, motion sensor and others. In other cases, problems are excluded.

When choosing an option, it is important to take into account that it is easier to attach Velcro, but then the key may fall or be stolen. It is better to install using self-tapping screws. When installing outdoors, it is important to ensure there is a canopy to protect from water and sun.

There are also no problems with installing the product inside the house. If you have a large room, second floor or workshop, it is worth installing an additional sound source. In this case, you can exclude the possibility that the call was not heard.

The installation takes place in several stages:

  1. Study of the configuration. At this step it is necessary to inspect the composition of the product. Advanced models may have additional devices, for example, video cameras, motion sensors and others. It is important that all items are in the box (taking into account the existing list).
  2. Selecting a location for installation. When searching for an installation point, one of three options is available. A common way is to mount it on the door (directly into a metal or wooden panel). Alternatively, you can install a wireless key near the entrance (near the trim). This will require the use of screws. For private houses or cottages, installation near the gate is suitable. When searching for a location, it is important to ensure protection from moisture and dust.

  3. Installation. After selecting a suitable mounting point, you can proceed directly to installation. When fastening near the door, we make holes using a hammer drill, having previously marked the place of fixation. To avoid mistakes, the drill diameter must be selected in advance. Next, install the button using self-tapping screws. If there was a wired product in the same place, it must be removed after first removing the voltage from the connected wires. If the old holes are not suitable for installing a new product, they should be covered with putty.
  4. Installation of blocks indoors. Internal elements do not have to be mounted on the wall. An alternative option is to install the product on a bedside table near the door or near the place of use. To mount it to the wall you will need the hammer drill mentioned above. If the bell needs power, we supply it taking into account the recommendations in the instructions.

At the final stage, it remains to check the functionality of the device. After pressing the key, music should sound (provided that it is installed correctly). From this moment you can use the device.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a bell

Installation of the button and the internal unit is carried out according to the instructions, which are necessarily included with new products. We offer general instructions suitable for a standard wired model, consisting of 2 main working blocks - a button and the bell itself.

Step 1 - materials and tools

It is better to prepare the tools right away so as not to be distracted while working. If you plan to ditch the walls, a wall chaser, hammer drill or drill will come in handy. If necessary, you can borrow them from friends or rent them. Other devices and accessories are not so bulky.

It is better to carry out “dirty” work together with the renovation of the corridor or hallway, then the wires will be reliably “sewn” into the plaster and the appearance of the walls will not be damaged as a result

Set of tools and materials for installing a bell:

  • construction knife;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • indicator screwdriver;
  • screws and screwdriver;
  • insulating tape;
  • terminals.

Connecting wires can be done not only with terminals - they are simply faster and more convenient. Some people still use soldering, then you will need a soldering iron.

We do not recommend using twists without soldering - this is an unreliable and dangerous way to connect wires.

For outdoor installation of cables, which does not require routing walls, protective cable channels are useful. This is an option for newly renovated hallways

If a cable is not included with the bell, you will need to purchase one. Before purchasing, look at the installation diagram and check which cable is required: 2- or 3-wire.

Step 2 - preparatory work

If you are installing a wireless model, no preparation is needed. It is required when it is necessary to lay a path for wires connecting circuit elements.

The most difficult thing is to drill a hole and gouge grooves in a concrete wall. To do this, make a marking, and then use a special power tool: wall chaser, hammer drill, impact drill

The hole is usually drilled near the front door. Sometimes it is carefully masked with platbands. The wires for the button are led out, approximately at a height of 150-160 cm from the floor, for the bell body - to the place of its installation. Usually this is an area under the ceiling above the door or slightly to the side of it.

If a connection to an electrical panel is required, consider the path to the grounding bus. If the bell has an adapter with a plug, choose the mounting location for the housing so that it looks natural on the wall.

The wires are laid in the grooves made and covered with plaster on top. To ensure that the walls and bell body look neat, we recommend finishing the walls only after the installation of fasteners is complete.

Step 3 – installing the bell body

First, we connect the conductors, and then install the housing on the bracket or holder. Sometimes it’s just 1-2 self-tapping screws for the “ears”.

Before connecting, remove the voltage from the involved circuit - turn off the circuit breaker in the electrical panel and warn others not to turn it on

According to the diagram, we bring the wires protruding from the wall into the housing through a special hole or unscrew the lid. We find the terminals, insert the wires stripped of insulation, and tighten them.

Often, expensive or imported products are equipped with self-clamping terminals, the wires of which are fixed with one click.

Close the lid and “fit” the housing onto screws, self-tapping screws or bolts. If a special bracket is pre-installed, simply fix it with a latch

There are products whose body needs to be screwed to the bar. Then first screw in the screws, and only then close the lid. As a result of correct installation, only the front decorative panel is visible, the fasteners are invisible.

Step 4 – button installation

The order of installation of the button and the internal unit does not matter; you can connect the button first, and then the housing. The standard installation height is 150-160 cm, but sometimes, for objective reasons, it is fixed a little lower. It is better to retreat 10-15 cm from the jamb.

First, the wires are inserted into the housing in the same precise manner, connected to the terminals, then the cover is snapped on and the button housing is fixed to the wall.

If you find double-sided tape in the kit, it is intended for attaching the button to the wall. But it is much more reliable if it is screwed on with screws or self-tapping screws.

After installing all the elements on the panel, turn on the machine and check the operation of the bell. If possible, adjust the volume.

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