iPhone gets electric shock while charging - why and what to do?

We have all somehow come to terms with the fact that iPhones and iPads are expensive and have taken it for granted. You can hear indignation less and less often, and more and more often the words that you just need to choose a simpler model. Moreover, the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, released in the last two years, are not so much inferior to their Pro versions. But there is still talk that branded accessories are expensive and that you should buy cheap analogues instead. This makes some sense. This really can be done, but some users take it very directly, buying not just cheap analogues, but literally junk that even works every other time. There is no need to do this, and there are at least several reasons for this, which we will now examine.

It is better to use the original charger. If not, then at least a high-quality analogue.

Cheap charger for iPhone

There was a wave of interest in cheap cables when AliExpress began to appear en masse and offer its “masterpieces.” I remember how at my old job a colleague bought 6 Lightning cables for 150 rubles . Actually, it is fair that three of them simply did not work, and no one began to use the rest. And he did it very well.

The second wave of interest in non-original chargers came with the release of the iPhone 12 last year. The kit did not include a power adapter and the search began. Even though Apple reduced the price of its proprietary charger, users were still looking for something cheaper. Even having bought an iPhone for 100,000 rubles, they were not ready to buy a power adapter for 2,000 rubles. And it would be fine if they chose something good, like Baseus, but they went even further and bought a complete “no name” for 200-300 rubles. It’s not a good idea to risk a new expensive phone.

Apple allows you to repair iPhones and Macs yourself. Has the end of service slavery come?

At the same time, I personally told them about this, since two such people were among my acquaintances. So far the phones are working, but one of them dies very quickly, and its owner chalks it up to battery wear. After all, a whole year has already passed. It is normal that the phone constantly heats up and does not last until the evening with low usage. If anything, this is sarcasm.

This is an extreme stage, but it happens.

Symptoms of Electric Shock

  • An unexpected fall of a person on the street or an unnatural throwing away from a power source by an invisible force
  • Pronounced involuntary muscle contractions
  • Loss of neurological functions - memory loss, impaired understanding of speech and vision, impaired orientation in space, changes in skin sensitivity, pupil reaction to light.
  • Ventricular fibrillation and - irregular pulse and irregular breathing
  • Burns on the body with sharply defined boundaries/

Signs of current on the skin

These are areas of necrosis of external tissues at the points of entry and exit of electric current due to the transition of energy from electrical to thermal. Electrical burns are rarely limited to just marks on the skin; more often deeper tissues are damaged: muscles, tendons, bones. There are options when the lesion is localized under externally intact skin.

Why does the iPhone sit down quickly?

Actually, here lies the main problem that people underestimate. When the phone starts draining quickly, users think it's time to change their phone battery. You can’t blame them for being illogical, but they don’t take into account that in addition to the battery, there is also a charge controller that should adjust the currents inside the phone. It is this that burns out first if the phone is constantly charged with poor-quality charging. Let me emphasize that it is of poor quality, and not just unoriginal.

Users often come to our friends from the Apple Pro service center asking to replace the battery. To which experts suggest checking the same charge controller, and it turns out that the problem is not insufficient battery capacity, but that it is constantly in active operation mode, and the charge quickly disappears. If in this case you just replace the battery, it won’t get much better, and the phone will still run out quickly. By the way, this is why Apple Pro specialists have such a negative attitude towards “masters” who change the battery in a “tent near the metro.” You definitely shouldn’t expect anything good from such a renovation. However, we digress.

How to repair a phone if all services are closed.

There is no or poor contact on the grounding, grounding in the shield

Often, even in newly built houses with 3-wire cable lines, a situation occurs when there is a small voltage within a few tens of volts on the grounding conductor, and accordingly on everything to which it is connected.

It seems that the wiring in the apartment is new, and everything is assembled in junction boxes according to the diagrams with respect to “polarity,” but electric shock occurs everywhere you don’t touch.

The explanation may be very simple. In the apartment panel, all grounding wires are collected in a heap and connected to one common bus.

But it is just neither grounded nor zeroed! The electricians simply forgot to do this. This is where all the problems come from.

Or there is a break somewhere in the main ground wire from the circuit to your panel. Check the voltage in the panel between the ground bus and the phase. It should be stable around 220V. If the voltage “floats” in absolutely arbitrary parameters, then there is clearly a break somewhere.

Screen doesn't work well when charging phone

Another type of negativity that may be associated with the use of low-quality charging is not so common, but some users complain about it. Apple Pro also told us about them. The fact is that in some cases a static charge may appear on the case. This in turn leads to malfunctions of the touch screen. He begins to “think” that he was touched, although this was not the case. Most likely, this will not damage the phone, but it will definitely cause discomfort during use.

A battery is a complex thing, which means charging it cannot be simple.

Why does a person get electrocuted?

In order to understand why a person receives an electric shock, you will have to familiarize yourself with the physics of the phenomenon.

The reason for the electrification of materials is static electricity. This concept hides a whole set of phenomena consisting in the appearance, preservation and relaxation of a free electric charge that arises in everyday life as a result of the friction of an object against an object. It is enough to carefully comb your hair, hold it in your fingers and rub pieces of synthetic fiber against each other - and behold, the intermolecular equilibrium quickly goes to hell. One part involved in friction loses an electron, and the other, on the contrary, gains it. The particles begin to move, forming oppositely charged electron layers. The resulting imbalance is called static electricity, which manifests itself in small flashes of current - sparking. This process occurs especially successfully in materials such as natural wool, fur, synthetics, paper, human hair, amber, plastic or polyethylene products. All these substances surround us in large quantities in everyday life, which is why any person is electrified to a greater or lesser extent.

Electricity has long been a part of human life and has become an indispensable assistant. It is now so familiar that many simply do not notice it. But in vain.

Electricity can be classified as one of the natural elements, which often shows its tough temper. Many people are concerned about the question of why does a person get an electric shock? There is no need to unequivocally regard this fact as a very dangerous situation, because modern science can fully explain the essence of this phenomenon.

Can a phone give an electric shock?

But there are more dangerous things that can happen when using a bad power adapter or cable. Due to the fact that literally everything is saved , there is a high risk of short circuit or insulation failure. In the first case, you risk burning your phone (sometimes even very colorfully and dangerously), and in the second, you can get an electric shock, which is also very unpleasant.

Sometimes people come to Apple Pro with burnt-out devices in the hope of restoring them, but in the best case, even if this can be done, the price will be comparable to a new smartphone. And it’s worth thinking several times whether it’s worth taking the risk and saving a few hundred rubles, at the risk of losing several tens of thousands.

What happens if you save on iPhone and Mac repairs?

What is the danger

1 mA = 0.001 ampere For those who don’t understand: 0.1 A is life-threatening! Electricity is very dangerous for humans and, if unlucky, it can kill with such an amount of energy that a regular smartphone will not even notice. For example, modern smartphones are charged with a current of 2 amperes or more, but for a person the fatal current is already 0.1 ampere. And a current of 0.01 amperes will feel like a very painful blow. What saves a person from constant suffering due to electric shocks is the high resistance of dry skin, which does not allow the current to pass. You can break through this resistance by increasing the voltage. Under certain conditions (wet skin, touching the tongue with wires), a voltage of 42 volts is sufficient. This is because moisture significantly reduces resistance: for dry skin it can be 500,000 ohms or higher, and for wet skin it drops to 1000 ohms or less. The voltage of a regular 220-volt outlet is enough to pass a lethal amount of current through the skin.


Which charger is better to buy for your phone?

This is not an advertisement for any specific chargers. Just another reminder that you shouldn't think of the power adapter and cord as just a way to connect to an outlet. They have sophisticated components that have been tested over and over again in a variety of conditions, and real processors.

It's better to just use your phone rather than repair it. But all you have to do is pay a few hundred rubles more for charging.

Only such chargers will last a long time and will not damage your iPhone. For example, I have never skimped on chargers and all my smartphones, some of which I have used for 3-4 years , still hold a charge perfectly. Even if low-quality accessories bring you to the service center just once, all the savings will already be wiped out.

Therefore, choose high-quality chargers so as not to give us news that an iPhone 13 caught fire somewhere, and our friends from Apple Pro - additional work to repair your phone. Even just one connection to Chinese junk (even for a couple of seconds) is enough to ensure that the phone cannot be saved . Remember this.

How did all these people get electrocuted by the phone through their headphones?

The Russian community Habr.com was able to draw specific conclusions based on facts. Electrophysics expert user Sound_cULT (profile) examined the circumstances of the incident with a 16-year-old Malaysian boy.

How headphones “killed” a boy:

• Muhammad plugged the phone into the socket and decided to listen to music;
• he connected a wired headset to the audio jack on the device and went to bed; • during sleep, the charger “broke” due to an internal malfunction; • after some time the boy was discovered by his mother; • An expert examination showed that Muhammad died due to electrical trauma through the left earpiece. There is also information online from the boy's brother. According to him, Muhammad complained that the charger sometimes shocked him. No other details have been revealed (including which phone caused the death), but it is clear that the tragedy could have been avoided.

Providing specialized assistance in case of electric shock

When all the measures have been completed, the question arises: what to do if you get an electric shock and first aid does not bring results? Regardless of how the victim feels, after removing the source of electricity, you need to call an ambulance. This is especially true in cases where a person has lost consciousness. In case of severe injuries, the victim is hospitalized. The hospital provides detoxification and symptomatic therapy. For convulsive syndrome, the drug “Diazepam” is administered.

Why does a person get electric shocks often and strongly, does his clothes become electrified, is this dangerous for him and how to get rid of static electricity. I have had this problem for a long time, which sometimes causes some inconvenience. Frankly speaking, it’s not very pleasant to shock yourself. It’s sometimes painful and alarming because you don’t know what’s happening or why. But it’s okay if only I suffered. Sometimes those around you get it too. Not long ago, on a bus, I grabbed the handrail; the man standing next to me jumped away from me and then looked around for a long time. I understood what happened, and I was embarrassed about what happened.

Tags: machine, sconce, view, excitation, house, , capacity, grounding, sign, insulation, cable, like, capacitor, circuit, , , multimeter, voltage, potential, rule, touch, principle, wire, , work, repair, row, light, network, resistance, circuit, ten, current, current, filter, shield, electricity, effect

Battery explosion and fire

One of the high-profile cases was the death from a mobile phone explosion in the bedroom of the CEO of a Malaysian company. As a result of the explosion, the man received a head injury, which immobilized him. And when the mattress caught fire, he simply could not leave the bedroom and suffocated from carbon monoxide.

Two years ago, a schoolgirl in Russia was brought to the hospital with burns to her arm and stomach. The cause of the injuries was a mobile phone that was lying in the girl’s bed and exploded in the middle of the night. At that time the phone was not even a year old.

In 2007, a 22-year-old welder was killed by a telephone at work in China. Colleagues said that in the middle of the working day, his phone exploded in his chest pocket. As a result of the explosion, one of the fragments of the phone hit the heart and the man died.

Experts say that a mobile phone battery can explode and catch fire due to a manufacturing defect, overheating or if it is counterfeit. In the US, for example, phones explode on average 50 times a year.

Why doesn't Apple do anything?

This behavior of laptops has been recorded for a very long time. But nothing has changed, either in the approach of Apple or other brands. The thing is... everything is fine.

Each electrical device, receiving sales certificates for a specific country, undergoes adaptation and testing in the electrical circuits of that country.

For Russia, laptops and Apple equipment in particular are subject to certification according to

According to these documents, the MacBook is an electrical equipment of protection class I and category “Current-limiting circuit” , which means

...A circuit designed and protected so that the current flowing in it, both under normal conditions and under single fault conditions, does not reach a dangerous value. Safety is ensured by basic insulation and the connection of exposed conductive parts accessible to touch with the protective conductor of the fixed wiring. Do not operate on networks that do not provide connectivity...

Therefore, MacBook power supplies with a three-prong plug are NOT DESIGNED to operate without a ground connection!

However, if you look at the instructions, this is written there. But who reads them?

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