What to do if the washing machine is electrocuted - 4 solutions and video instructions

In this article we will figure out what to do if the washing machine is electrocuted. Breakdowns can be felt if you touch the body of the machine, metal parts, wet things in the drum, or even through water.

The manual is relevant for: Ardo / Ardo, Beko / Beko / Veko, Bosch Avantixx, Classixx, Logixx, Maxx, SportLine / Bosch Avantix, Classic / Classic, Logix, Max, Sportline; Brandt / Brandt, Candy Aquamatic, Holiday, CNE, CTS / Candy Aquamatic, Holiday; Daewoo / Daewoo, DEXP / Dexp, Electrolux Time Manager / Electrolux, excuse me, Timemanager, Evgo / Evgo, Gorenje / Gorenje, Haier / Hayer, Hansa / Hansa, Hotpoint Ariston Margherita, RSM, ARSL, ARWM / Hotpoint Ariston Margherita, Indesit IWSB , WISL, WISN, WITL, Innex / Indesit Wisl, Inex; LG / LJ/LV; Miele / Miele, Samsung Diamond, WF, EcoBubble, Bio Compact / Samsung Diamond, Eco Bubble, Bio Compact; Siemens / Siemens, Vestel / Vestel, Whirlpool AWG / Whirlpool, Zanussi Aquacycle, EcoValve / Zanussi Aquacycle, EcoValve; Atlant, Vyatka, Desna, Donbass, Malyutka-2, Saturn, Siberia, Fairy-2, Eureka-3 and other brands with vertical and horizontal loading, automatic and semi-automatic.

How to reduce the starting current of a refrigerator?

For decreasing

startup power requires some form of offloading.
For large compressors this is achieved by raising the suction valve(s). Sometimes the soft starter is also included. The best way in your situation would be to switch to the so-called absorption type of refrigerator

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What kind of voltage stabilizer is needed for a refrigerator?

There are several key points to consider when choosing a stabilizer for your refrigerator, and I will describe them all below.

1. The voltage stabilizer for any household refrigerator must be single-phase, 220V

The vast majority of household refrigerators, regardless of the number of chambers, sizes, functions, etc. – single-phase and operate on 220V voltage. They connect to a standard household outlet, so they need a similar voltage stabilizer - single-phase.

2. What type of stabilizer is better to choose for the refrigerator?

Currently, there are many types of voltage stabilizers. All of them are based on different operating principles and components. They differ in response speed, control range, degree of security and a number of other characteristics.

Of course, it is always easier to recommend the most modern, advanced models, which will most likely stabilize the voltage as efficiently as possible and maintain the operation of the refrigerator over a wide range of incoming voltage. But let’s be realistic, for many, what is more important in a stabilizer is simplicity, reliability, maintainability and, most importantly, its cost.

Currently, the most effective solution specifically for a refrigerator would be a conventional relay stabilizer. The basis of which is an autotransformer with several taps with different degrees of transformation.

The relay stabilizer has a high switching speed, the relays perfectly withstand the inrush currents that are generated when the refrigerator compressor starts, and in addition, they are more than affordable.

Usually, if my clients ask me which voltage stabilizer they should buy for a refrigerator, I advise them to choose the inexpensive, but already loved by many, RESANTA ACH-2000 or its analogues, which are always available in the most popular electrical equipment stores and there are no problems with the purchase and service.

At the same time, for only 2000-2500 rubles you get a fairly reliable and fast voltage stabilizer with a power of 2 kVA (Produces 2 kW of active power), usually this is enough for your refrigerator to continue to operate uninterruptedly even with fairly strong voltage drops.

3. What should be the power of a voltage stabilizer for a refrigerator?

The power of a voltage stabilizer is a value that shows what maximum load a given device can power. It is important to remember that most especially inexpensive models of stabilizers have a direct dependence on the drop in output power depending on the incoming voltage in the network.

In simple words, if, for example, the voltage in your outlet drops to 190V, then a 1000 VA stabilizer will hold 100% of the declared load, but as soon as the voltage drops below, for example, to 150V, then the maximum possible load will drop , usually by about 40% and will amount to only 600 VA.

Let's look at how to take all these factors into account when choosing a voltage stabilizer.

So, when calculating the power of the stabilizer, you need to know two main quantities:

— Starting current or power of the refrigerator compressor

— Minimum and maximum voltage in the network

Examples of rated power and starting power of household appliances

Type of equipmentRated power, WDuration of starting currents, sCoefficient at start-upExample of a stabilizer model, VAUPS model example
Fridge250-35043"Calm" R1200 / Progress 1500TN-Power Pro-Vision Black M 3000 LT
Washing machine25001-33-5Progress 3000T

Limitation of asynchronous starting currents

When an asynchronous motor is connected to the network, a large starting current occurs, exceeding the rated current 5…

7 times and causes a significant voltage drop in the line, which can lead to a stop of nearby operating motors. Under the influence of the starting current, dynamic forces arise in the motor, damaging and destroying the winding, loading the power transformers and the line, which leads to additional power losses ‚ limiting starting currents is especially important for agricultural installations due to the remoteness of electric motors from power sources and the commensurability of the power of transformers and starting power of electric motors. Frequent starts heat up the motor windings. You can limit starting currents in several ways: by including additional active or inductive resistance in the stator circuit; inclusion of additional active or inductive resistance in the rotor circuit; switching the stator winding during the starting period from “triangle” to “star”; a decrease in stator voltage. Schemes for reducing inrush currents by switching windings from “star” to “delta” (Fig. 4.21) can be recommended for electric motors whose phase windings are designed for linear voltage. This applies to electric drives of press granulators, powerful crushers, etc.). In a network with a voltage of 380 V, it is necessary to use motors designed for a voltage of 660/380 V. With a network voltage of 380 V, the motor must have a voltage of 380/220 V.

Let's consider the ratio of motor starting currents when connected to a star: (4.73)

where is the total resistance of the stator winding when turned on.

Rice. 4.21. Switching diagram of asynchronous stator windings

engine from star to delta.

Starting currents of the motor when the windings are turned on in delta:

Current ratio: (4.74)

Thus, when the motor windings are connected to a star, the phase current decreases by a factor, and the linear current by a factor of three. When the phase voltage decreases by one factor, the motor torque decreases by three times.

Fig.4.22. Characteristics of an asynchronous motor at

switching the stator windings from star to delta.

Mechanical and electromechanical characteristics when starting the engine using this method are shown in Fig. 4.22. The starting currents of asynchronous motors can be limited by reducing the voltage on the stator. The starting current of an asynchronous motor at rated supply voltage is equal to:

where is the motor phase resistance at the moment of switching on. To reduce the starting current by a factor, the voltage on the stator of an asynchronous motor must be reduced by the same number of times (4.75)

A decrease in the voltage on the stator causes a decrease in the starting torque of the engine in or (1 - . Figure 4.23 shows the mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of an asynchronous motor when the starting current a is reduced by two times. A significant reduction in starting torque allows this method to be used mainly when starting engines at idle speed with a relatively small starting moment.

Fig.4.23. Characteristics of an asynchronous motor when reducing

voltage. In calculations when choosing a motor, it is necessary to check for the possibility of starting when the voltage drops: . The starting currents of asynchronous motors can be limited by including additional active or inductive resistance in the stator circuit. Calculation of the value of additional active or inductive resistance begins with selecting the required starting current and determining the reduction factor of this current: , where is the starting current of the motor in the absence of resistance in

stator circuit, = rated phase voltage of the network; stator phase winding resistance; - starting current when introducing additional resistance into the stator circuit, - total resistance of the stator winding circuit when introducing or. Let's substitute the values ​​of currents and

a = .

To determine the required value, a resistance triangle is constructed (Fig. 4.24).

We calculate the total resistance of the motor winding:

Then active resistance, where is the power factor of the engine at start-up;

Fig.4.24. Triangles of starting resistances when connected to the stator circuit of an asynchronous motor: a – active resistance;

b – inductive reactance.

inductive reactance

From the resistance triangle (Fig. 4.25, a) we have (4.76)

Similarly, we determine the value of the additional inductive

resistance (Fig. 4.24, b): (4.77)

The mechanical and electromechanical characteristics of the motor with the introduction of additional resistances were discussed earlier. The engine starting diagram is shown in Fig. 4.25. The resistance is either turned off after the engine accelerates or at some point in time at which the current surge does not exceed. Limiting the starting currents of asynchronous motors is also possible by including additional resistors in the rotor circuit. When starting an asynchronous motor with a wound rotor with short-circuited rings, the starting torque is (0.5... 1.5), and the stator and rotor current exceeds the rated current by 5... 10 times.

Fig.4.25. Diagrams of starting current of an asynchronous motor with

using a resistor in the stator circuit.

The introduction of active resistances into the rotor circuit reduces motor currents and increases the starting torque to (see Fig. 4.7). The circuit diagrams for connecting the starting resistor stages are shown in Fig. 4.2, 6.

Rice. 4.26. Circuits for connecting starting resistors of asynchronous


4.11. Calculation of starting resistors for asynchronous motors

Calculations of starting resistors for asynchronous motors with a wound rotor are similar to calculations of starting resistors for shunt and series motors. It is necessary to take into account that on the working part of the mechanical characteristics of an asynchronous motor, the torque is proportional to the current, therefore calculations are carried out for torques, and not for current. The value of the maximum starting torque is limited by the dynamic forces in the windings and the heating of the machine. In some cases, this point is limited by technology requirements. Calculation of the resistance of starting resistors can be performed using exact and approximate methods using analytical and graphical methods. Let's consider an approximate method, which is used for maximum switching torques not exceeding 0.7. The starting diagram for an asynchronous motor in two stages is shown in Fig. 4.28.

Analytical method.

If the number of steps m is given, then

switching torque ratio (4.78)

where is the maximum resistance of the rotor circuit at the moment of switching on, ; resistance scale

Fig.4.28. Starting diagram of an asynchronous motor. , is the rotor resistance, ab After substituting the values ​​and (4.79)

The segment ab = , and the size of the segment is determined from similar

triangles Oad and ofl:

ad/ao = lf/of; segments аО = ; lf = 1; jf = therefore: ad

ao lf/of =

The value should be greater, i.e. . By analogy with DC machines (Chapter 2 and 3)

we determine the resistance: (4.80) When the number of stages is not specified, we take the values ​​of the switching moments and , then we determine the number of stages m: (4.81) (4.82) where , are the nominal values ​​of the EMF and rotor current. To check, it is necessary to determine the rotor resistance and compare it with the obtained graphical method (4.83)

4.12. Electric drives with linear motors

Currently, about 40-50% of serial electric motors are used in production mechanisms with translational or reciprocating movement of the working body. To convert rotational motion into translational motion, various devices are used: pneumatic and hydraulic transmission, a “screw-nut” pair; crank mechanism, gear and rack, wheel and track structure in transport systems, etc. In addition, such drives usually use gearboxes, which are the site of additional losses and failures. Linear motors allow direct translational motion without mechanical contact between the primary (usually stator) and secondary (rotor) structures, hence eliminating the transmission mechanism. At the same time, the kinematic diagram is significantly simplified, reliability and control accuracy are increased, and the linear electric motors themselves are well attached to the actuator, have manufacturability in production and lower steel consumption due to low-waste cutting. In practice, linear DC motors (mainly stepper), asynchronous (LAM), synchronous (LSD) and electromagnetic (LEMD) are used. Linear asynchronous motors are becoming widespread due to their design simplicity, low cost, manufacturability, reliability, and variety of design solutions. Structurally, LADs are made cylindrical and flat. Figure 4.29 shows the device of a flat LIM.

Fig.4.29. Design of flat linear asynchronous motors:

1-inductor with winding (stator); 2- reactive bus; 3- reverse magnetic circuit; a – double-sided LAD; b – unilateral LAD; c – short-circuited winding with a reverse magnetic circuit.

The movement parameters of the LIM are controlled in the same way as a conventional IM: by changing the resistance of the reactive bus, regulating the frequency and duration of switching on. LADs are used in conveyors, turners of bulk cargo feeder hoppers, vehicles, hand tools, etc. An important advantage of LAD is its high value.

The calculation of the power system of any submersible pump must include an adjustment for its starting current. According to various documentation found on the network, the starting current is taken equal to the operating current of the pump, increased by 3-7 times. There is even mention of a 9x multiplier.

Let's figure out what the magnitude of the starting current depends on. First of all, of course, it depends on the engine model. The larger and more powerful the engine, the stronger the inertial moment of its rotor, the more energy is needed to spin it up. Therefore, the calculated current multiplier at start-up increases from 3 for half-kilowatt motors to 4 for two-kilowatt motors.

at the moment of its start-up, it also plays an important role - the freely rotating rotor in the pump will provide less current at start-up than one loaded with a multi-meter column of water in the water main.

You can't do something like that

Users who neglect electrical current make mistakes that can subsequently have a direct impact not only on health, but also on human life. Therefore, if you feel the operating voltage or touch the body of the washing machine, you should not do the following:

  • Ignore the problem or simply place a rubber mat next to the washing machine. Of course, if the feet are wearing even the simplest house slippers, and the user is standing on a rubber carpet at the time, then the impact of the current will be minimal. But at one point you can forget about the problem and accidentally remove the carpet or touch a faucet or metal pipe with your hand. Then the defeat can lead to death. Remember that when an electric current passes through a person’s body, his muscles contract and the person will no longer be able to tear his hand away from the metal conductor!
  • Disable the surge protector. Many users believe that the washing machine's surge protector is the reason why the household appliance begins to shock. But this is not the case, and disabling the surge protector may not solve the problem.

  • Do not connect a properly installed ground loop, but simply throw a wire from the washing machine to any communication element. As mentioned above, plastic pipes are installed in many houses, and the general grounding loop is disrupted. Therefore, grounding a washing machine, for example, through a heating radiator, will not give anything effective.

How to troubleshoot and find the source of leakage on the housing

The washing machine produces a small potential (120V) to the body.
It contains an anti-interference or surge filter. If you look at the diagram, it has capacitors that are connected to the body. As a result, static voltage is formed on it and the washing machine receives an electric shock.

Why is this filter installed?

It has an electric motor that produces impulse noise during operation. Without a surge protector, it will interfere with the apartment’s electrical network.

If the equipment is working properly, then the static is safe. If you touch it with wet hands, you will simply “pinch unpleasantly.” But if a breakdown occurs on the housing (motor core), then the leakage voltage can be quite life-threatening. This is why grounding is needed.

What to do if the washing machine starts to shock

First of all, the question should arise - why does the protective input circuit breaker not work, because the washing machine body must be grounded? Therefore, first of all, we will deal with the issue of the lack of protective grounding on the body of your household device, and only then we will consider the problem of repairing the product.

The operation of a household appliance must be safe, since the user comes into contact with it almost every day. So, why does an ordinary washing machine shock unpleasantly and the circuit breaker does not turn off:

  1. First of all, reliable grounding of the product must be ensured. Make sure you are using a grounded outlet:

  2. If the socket is correct, then this does not mean anything. Since sometimes installers, when installing electricians in a new house, “forget” to connect the grounding - the wire is simply located in the cavity of the socket and is not actually connected to it. So the next step is to check for a real ground at the outlet. You can study this issue in more detail by going to the publication on our website on how to check grounding.
  3. Now, if you are confident in the reliability of your grounding, there is only one option left: the grounding does not reach the body of your washing machine. The reason may be damage to the grounding wire in the power cord, inside the product, including at the point of attachment to the body. Repairing the product will help solve this issue, which will be discussed below.

Carrying out the actions specified in these 3 points, of course, will not eliminate the cause of the voltage on the housing and, if carried out, will lead to the shutdown of the circuit breaker in the input panel of your apartment or house. That is, one problem will replace another.

Grounding the washing machine

Unfortunately, grounding a washing machine is only possible if a common ground bus is installed in the house or apartment. Some users solve the problem by simply connecting the neutral wire to the housing, but this does not make the operation of the household appliance any less dangerous.

There is another solution to the problem - grounding the washing machine itself, without connecting it to a common bus. The sequence of this action is as follows:

  1. Purchase a wire that is long enough from the washing machine to a place outside the house or apartment where you can drive a metal corner into the ground. The wire should have lugs on both sides that can be crimped using a hydraulic press.
  2. On the street, next to your house or apartment, hammer in a metal corner at least 1.5 meters long. It should be driven in until the top of the product is level with the ground. Drill a hole in the upper part, the diameter of which should be equal to the tip located at both ends of the wire.
  3. Using a bolt, screw one part of the wire to the corner driven into the ground. The second end of the wire should be led to the washing machine and secured to the body.

For a better understanding of the issue, you can read the article protective grounding.

There is no need to drill the body of the washing machine. Manufacturers usually provide for the possibility of having a grounding bus in the house, and make a bolt from the inside of the device onto which the tip is placed.

Now, even if excess electric current reaches the body of the washing machine, then through the mounted wire, all the potential will go into the ground.

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