Electric heating of a private house - types, diagrams and projects of the cheapest option for heating a house (145 photos and videos)

If a residential building is located far from the central highway, it can be difficult to ensure the creation of comfortable conditions. When heating with stoves, certain difficulties may arise. It is necessary to have enough fuel available, as well as create conditions for uniform distribution of heat throughout all rooms. In this case, the optimal solution may be electric heating of a private house. It can be implemented using various equipment. It has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Having become familiar with its distinctive features, it will be possible to make decisions about the advisability of using it for heating a specific structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric heating in an apartment

Choosing a heating system for a city apartment is a complex and responsible process.
For residents of apartment buildings with central heating, the issue of heating their homes is easily resolved. It's getting cold, so wait for the heating to turn on. That category of citizens who have decided to independently take care of their own comfort is faced with a complex and difficult choice - which type of autonomous heating for an apartment in a multi-storey building to prefer. For the owner of the apartment, it is important that the system is as efficient, safe to use and economical as possible. Of all the types of autonomous home heating that exist today, all of the listed criteria are met by electric heating.

The heating season, which many of us look forward to, no longer depends on a specific date for apartments with electric heating. With the help of electricity, you can achieve an acceptable temperature in your apartment at any time, create the necessary comfort and microclimate.

Connection with heating system

When planning the installation of an electric boiler, you need to pay attention to the heating radiator piping diagram.

You can use two options:

  1. Installation of batteries in parallel circuit. Each radiator has a separate supply from the hot main and to the return line. The advantage of the scheme is uniform heat distribution and the ability to turn off individual heating points.
  2. Installation of radiators according to a sequential scheme. The output from the first battery is fed to the input of the next one. Suitable for small rooms with no more than three heating points.

For an electric boiler, the optimal solution is to install a distribution manifold, from which several lines with a sequential arrangement of heating radiators will be powered. The use of a collector ensures more stable operation of the automation system that controls heating elements or electrode pairs.

Another nuance is the water capacity of the heating circuit. This is important, since the manufacturer designs the heating part of the electric heater based on a certain water speed.

The greater the amount of coolant in the circuit, the higher its speed in the flow part with electrodes or heating elements. From a certain point, due to the high speed, the flow does not have time to heat up, and the boiler begins to hum due to cavitation. If you set the water speed to low, the system will overheat and the room will be cold.

The required amount of water can be calculated based on the circuit capacity. It is considered optimal to install radiators with an expander with a total capacity of 100 liters for every 10 kW of thermal power.

The internal volume can be calculated by knowing the water capacity of pipes and radiators.

The volume of the expansion tank is calculated according to the schedule, usually 4% of the total capacity of the heating system.

Heating system installation

It is possible to positively resolve the problem - how to install heating in a private house (the diagram is given above) if you follow certain rules and the sequence of work. Installation work begins with the installation and subsequent piping of the boiler. Gas boilers with a power of up to 60 kW are installed in the kitchen. All rules for installing boilers are described in detail in the instructions for them.

Piping a heating boiler is the process of connecting the necessary equipment.

There are two ways to install a heating circuit from gas and water (metal) pipes - welding and using threaded connections. Of course, you can quickly create a system using the welding method, but it will turn out to be non-separable. By connecting the system pipes with threaded connections, you can easily change the configuration or replace any section of the pipeline at any time. For any installation method, the connection diagram for heating radiators in a private house requires special attention, and it must be drawn and calculated in advance.


Gas heating

The best option for a gasified house is to install a double-circuit gas boiler, which will supply the apartment with heating and hot water (the cost per cubic meter will be cheaper than from a heating plant).

Autonomous gas heating

Autonomous gas heating and water supply in the apartment will really help you save. But the first stage of designing and installing equipment (especially if there is no chimney) can be so expensive that it is worth carefully calculating the payback period of the undertaking.

Autonomous electric heating of the apartment

The option with electric heating is a simpler solution, since it does not require changes in documentation, but is suitable only for wealthy citizens.

There are four main ways to install electric heating in an apartment:

  1. Convectors.
  2. Electric boiler.
  3. Heating element in cast iron radiators.
  4. Warm floor.


Wall-mounted electric heaters will look virtually no different from classic radiators. They are distributed evenly throughout all rooms. Air heating occurs quickly, air masses are mixed evenly.

Convector on the wall

Electric boiler

A small device with heating elements, an induction coil or electrodes is connected to the water circuit of the house and heats water in the batteries according to the principle of a large kettle.

Heating elements in radiators

Heating element heaters are screwed into each cast iron battery and heat the water directly in it.
The heating element itself is made at the bottom.

In the upper outlet, diagonally from the heating element, there is a hole for an automatic air vent.

Through it, the battery is filled with clean water until it begins to overflow.

The air space in the upper part will act as an expansion tank (excess air under pressure exits through the valve).

It is better to use distilled water, and also install a liquid thermostat that will prevent the coolant from boiling. Both measures will prevent the heating elements from becoming overgrown with scale.

Warm floor

It is better to use this method as an addition to the main heating method.
After all, it is impossible to heat the floor surface to the limit (usually it is set at 25 – 36 °C).

A low temperature may simply not be enough to warm up the cubic capacity of air, especially in extreme cold.

Warm floors increase the level of comfort, especially in rooms with cold tiled floors and on the first floors.

The innovation does not require alteration of the wiring, since it does not significantly increase power.

When organizing any electric heating, you need to ensure that:

  1. The power of the heaters corresponded to the dimensions of the room.
  2. The wiring was of a suitable cross-section to withstand the increased load on the network.
  3. If the total power of all home equipment and heaters has become more than 7 kW, it is better to make a three-phase network and, accordingly, a three-phase electric meter.
  4. All heaters must be equipped with thermostats that are set to a comfortable temperature and periodically turn off the power supply, which makes it possible to slightly reduce consumption.
  5. To avoid being left without heat in the middle of winter, installing a UPS and batteries will come in handy. Depending on the capacity of the batteries, they will be able to provide heat to the apartment during power outages from several hours to several days.

Electric heating of a private house

To some extent, organizing electric heating in a private house is easier than in an apartment. The power consumption limit is much higher; it is possible to control and put in order all the wiring, starting from the power line. From the list above, a water heating system with an electric boiler is most suitable for a cottage. The reason is simple: it is necessary to ensure the use of different energy sources, and not just electricity. This means that you need to select a boiler, install it and install a one- or two-pipe system.

Currently, there are 3 types of household heat sources on the market that are used to provide electric heating for a home:

  • heating elements;
  • electrode;
  • induction

Electrode boilers are cheaper than heating elements, but are not as well equipped. You will have to buy the circulation pump and expansion tank separately and install it yourself. So the installation of the unit as a whole will be more expensive.

Plus, you need to maintain the chemical composition of the coolant so that it contains the amount of salts necessary for the electrode heating process. And one more important point: an electrode boiler cannot operate at half capacity, but only at full capacity.

Temperature control occurs in on/off mode. The purchase and installation of an induction heat generator in a private house will require the highest costs. In terms of piping, it is similar to an electrode boiler, since it only includes a control cabinet with automation. The unit itself is reliable and durable, but has a high price.

How to make home heating with electricity yourself

Many people who plan to build or buy a private house are faced with the problem of heating the premises. There is not always a nearby gas heating system. Therefore, the alternative is electricity, because it is always available in any building and it is precisely this that will come to the aid of the owners.

And economical electric heating of a private house is one that is done independently. This is an excellent and practical alternative to gas heating. Heating your home with electricity has the following advantages:

  • Convenient while working;
  • Ability to maintain certain temperatures in different rooms;
  • Easy to use.

This is not all the positive aspects of electric heating of a private home.

How can you heat rooms with electricity?

The question arises, with what resources is it possible to organize electric heating of a private house with your own hands? The following electric heaters are more popular:

  • Fireplace;
  • Convectors;
  • Fan heaters;
  • Heated floor system;
  • Ceiling heaters (infrared) and others.

Fan heaters and fireplaces can only temporarily or additionally heat private homes electrically.

DIY electric heating

It is quite possible to do electric heating of a private house with your own hands; installation is not difficult; you only need a person with at least a little knowledge of electrics. It is necessary to prepare all documents to legitimize this process. If you want to use electrical appliances for additional heating, then you do not need to go through these bureaucratic procedures.

It is advisable to think about heating in advance, when building a house or major renovation, because not all heating systems can be installed in a finished room; some are installed only during construction.

Stages of installing electrical equipment for heating private houses

To make electric heating of a private house with your own hands, you need to know the stages of equipment installation:

  • Heating system design;
  • Installation;
  • Start heating.

First, it is necessary to develop the system itself for economical electric heating of private houses, while taking into account all the rules and regulations for the operation of facilities.

Next, you need a heat calculation; you can do it yourself using special programs. But don't think it's easy.

Some people believe that when choosing a device, you need to rely only on the area of ​​the rooms at the rate of 100 W per 1 sq.m.

But this is not so, because there is a dependence on the height, thickness, material of the walls and other things.

Then you need to calculate the required power to heat a particular room. Panels with automatic machines are installed that are responsible for each room separately.

Next, the electrical wiring is done, and if you sketch out a diagram of the entire heating system on the required scale, you can accurately calculate the length of the cables.

We advise you to choose PVS 3x1.5 mm, because it is reliable and easy to use for an inexperienced electrician.

After everything has been calculated, you need to purchase materials and build the system according to the diagram. When the electrical wiring is laid, the units can be connected. When electric heating a private house, it is easy to do it yourself and start the system.

Carefully monitor the temperature on each device.

There will be intensive work for some time to warm up the house, and then the system will go into normal mode, when it will periodically turn on to maintain the temperature.

DIY electric boiler

It’s not at all difficult to make an electric boiler for water heating of a building from available materials. When calculating all materials for heating, it is worth taking into account the volume of the room.

A pump and a thermostat are needed to circulate water in the heating system and to automatically turn off the heaters.

Having the required minimum, you can begin installation. Do-it-yourself electric heating of a private house is a very profitable solution for the owner. Now you have the necessary information to independently install electric heating in a private home. The cost of such systems is several times cheaper than when involving specialists.

Suitable equipment for specific conditions

First of all, it must be said that for each specific case you need to choose the right electric heating system for your dacha. It all depends on how often you visit your country house and for what purposes it was built for you. Let's consider each of the existing situations in more detail.

Rare visit

If you visit your dacha plot extremely rarely, especially in winter, then of course there is no point in installing a capital heating system at your dacha yourself. Here it is recommended to use the connection of electric convectors, fan heaters or oil radiators. Convectors can be wall-mounted, floor-mounted, or installed on casters. Each type of design has its own advantages and disadvantages. We recommend that you immediately familiarize yourself with the tips on choosing an electric convector in order to buy the most suitable model for heating your dacha.

As for fan heaters and oil heaters, they allow you to warm up the room in the shortest possible time, which is exactly what you need for a rare visit to the dacha.

Weekend getaway

If the country house is represented by an insulated capital building, it already makes sense to make better electric heating for the country house yourself. The best solution in this case is a heated floor, which allows you to warm up the room in a short period of time and maintain a certain temperature in the house for as long as needed.

A heated floor alone may not be enough if you decide to install electric heating in a dacha with an area of ​​100 square meters or more. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the system by connecting infrared heaters that have high efficiency and relatively low energy consumption. A combination of heated floors and IR panels, as shown in the block diagram above, will allow you to quickly and inexpensively warm up a country house for a weekend getaway in winter.

Frequent visit

Well, the last option, which is the least common, is a country house in which the owners spend a significant part of their time. Under such conditions, it is necessary to take care of high-quality heating, and if there is no gas at the dacha, be sure to make electric heating yourself.

It is no longer rational to use equipment with high energy consumption - fan heaters and oil heaters. A more competent solution would be to connect an electric boiler operating together with water radiators.

In addition, it is recommended to connect electric heated floors in the rooms, and, if necessary, install IR ceiling panels controlled by temperature controllers. Such a dacha heating system does not require the installation of a chimney, obtaining various permits and calling a specialist for installation work, which makes it the best if there is no gas on the site.

We immediately recommend watching a video with an overview of a modern electric heating system, which in a short period of time has gained many positive reviews on the Internet:

Video review of an economical heating system for a large country house

Instructions for assembling a homemade electrode boiler

As a body for an electric heating boiler with our own hands, we use a pipe with an internal cross-section of about 50 mm and a length of 40 cm. In addition, you will need a solid rod with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 30 cm, as well as two adapters with cut internal threads. At the end of the rod we drill a blind hole with a thread for a Ø10 mm bolt.

We prepare the pipes. We will weld 1 at the end of the pipe, and the other at the side. To ensure that the side pipe fits perfectly to the pipe, it is trimmed with a grinder and then sanded with a round file.

We cut holes for the pipes. If you don’t have a cutter, you can drill many small holes around the circumference. The work is brought to perfection with a needle file and a round file. The hole for the side pipe must be located 10-15 mm from the edge of the pipe.

The next step is to weld the pipes to the pipe. To prevent them from being led away, they first make spot welding in several places, and then apply a continuous seam.

We prepare the platform for the electric boiler. To do this, you can take a sheet of fiberglass 2 cm thick and cut a piece of 120x120 mm using a hacksaw. Then in this platform you need to drill one hole in the center, and four around the perimeter. The cross-section of the holes should be 10-12 mm.

Fastenings of the boiler body will be passed through the holes along the perimeter, and the central hole is intended for fixing the steel electrode.

We proceed to fixing the casing for the boiler to the platform. To ensure a secure fit, four Ø12 mm nuts can be welded on the body on 4 sides. Bolts Ø10 mm will easily pass through them.

Such nuts need to be welded with a slight indentation from the platform. To ensure this, you need to screw nuts of appropriate size onto the bolts, thread them into the wide nuts, and secure them from below again with smaller ones. This will make welding work easier.

At the last stage we perform the final assembly of the boiler. To do this, cut out a rubber gasket with a cross-section slightly larger than the outer diameter of the boiler. We make a hole in its central part and thread an electrode through it. Then we install the body on the platform and screw it on.

Which option is better to avoid?

We talked about cheap and effective systems for economical heating of a private home, but we would also like to point out the most expensive options that should be avoided. The top of the ranking is occupied by oil radiators. They are known to everyone for having high power, so when working in winter you can see a noticeable increase in electricity consumption.

Not only do these products have high power, but their heating efficiency is also very weak. For example, an IR panel of the same dimensions and the same power will make the house warmer faster, so it is better to give preference to it.

In addition, an infrared heater is installed on the ceiling or wall, thereby not occupying free space, which cannot be said about electric radiators.

Another not recommended option is fan heaters. These devices not only burn oxygen, but also “drive away dust” and are also noisy. The effectiveness of their use is not very high, because... between the ceiling and floor, the temperature may differ by several degrees, despite the fact that the power of the products is high (from 1.5 kW).

What type of heating with electricity is considered the most effective and profitable?

There are many options for heating a room with electricity, but not all of them are efficient enough. The most profitable solution is infrared heaters, which can effectively heat any room and at the same time save energy. Also a good option is a heated floor, thanks to which you can constantly experience comfort, even if the air is not heated to the desired temperature. To heat large rooms, you can install electric boilers, which are highly efficient and at the same time consume electricity quite economically.

Choosing the right system

Depending on the area of ​​the living space and the quality of wall insulation, a suitable option for autonomous electric heating of the apartment is selected. If you are the owner of a one-room or two-room Khrushchev house, a heated floor system in combination with electric convectors or IR panels can cope. Combinations with infrared heaters are more profitable and efficient, because... thermal radiation will be directed from top to bottom and all the heat will circulate in the lower part of the room. Heating an apartment with electric convectors is better only because the devices do not dry the air and do not have a negative impact on human well-being. There are many reviews that IR heaters with constant radiation have a negative effect on health, which is their disadvantage.

You can find other advantages and disadvantages of infrared heaters in the corresponding article. Yet, as statistics show, in 2022 such devices are actively purchased for household use!

As for electric underfloor heating, it is indeed very popular and effective. Anyone can install a heated film floor under a laminate, even an electric kettle. In addition, the material can only be used to make heated paths in the apartment, and not to lay film over the entire floor area. This heating option will have a positive effect on energy savings and at the same time will effectively warm the room.

If you live in a three-room or four-room house, then it would be more reasonable to use the connection of electric water heating in the apartment. This is due to the large total area of ​​the rooms, which will require a full-fledged, powerful heating system. For example, if the area is 130 sq. m., with the calculation of 1 kW/10 sq. m. it will be necessary to install no less than a 13-kilowatt bundle of electric heaters. Of course, in winter you will spend a lot of money on the operation of an individual electric heating system. In addition, to use this option, the wiring must be powerful and able to withstand high current loads. In this case, you cannot do without replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment, which, again, will hit your budget. At the same time, if you use water radiators powered by an electric boiler, the heating will be autonomous and less expensive, which will allow you to “kill two birds with one stone.”

We recommend that you immediately read the article on how to properly connect a boiler to the network with your own hands so that you don’t make mistakes and the system lasts longer!


  1. It is generally accepted that heating a house with electricity is not cheap. This is certainly true if we mean only payment according to tariffs. However, to the price of heating you need to add the cost of the equipment, as well as the costs of its maintenance and repair.
  2. If you compare bills for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, you can come to the conclusion that private heating with electricity is cheaper than solid-state boilers, stoves and other systems alternative to gas heating.
  3. In addition to money, there is another argument in favor of electric heating - it saves time: turn it on, leave and forget. The only downside is a sudden power outage.

Below, watch a video about how we managed to create cheap heating with electricity for a large private house.

Electric heated floors

The most popular option for electric heating of a private home is based on the use of a heated floor system. Such heating can be organized in any room of the house, even in the bathroom.

Electric heated floors

If desired, you can opt for a “smart” model of electric heated floor. Special sensors and other automation equipment will allow the system to determine the temperature in the room and independently change the power to ensure the most comfortable conditions. Installation of such heating is carried out in several stages.

Electric heated floors

First stage. Thoroughly clean and level the base using a concrete screed.

Second phase. Place insulation and waterproofing material on the dry base.

Third stage. Lay the heated floor structure. There are several modifications. The instructions for the system you choose will provide the optimal installation scheme.

Fourth stage. Install the thermostat and other related elements, and then connect the heated floor to the mentioned electronics. Manufacturers provide recommendations for the placement of all mechanisms, as well as their connection to each other, in the instructions for their products.

Fifth stage. Pour the concrete screed and wait until it dries.

Sixth stage. Apply the selected finishing coat to the dry screed.

Connection diagram development

The installation diagram of the electric boiler is selected depending on whether there is one heat exchanger inside, or whether the system has an additional DHW circuit.

A double-circuit electric boiler has two heat exchangers. In the first, the coolant is heated to an operating temperature of 85-90 ° C, most of the liquid is discharged through a pipe leading to the heating radiators.

Next to the heating outlet there is a second pipe - this is the outlet from the second heat exchanger to provide DHW. If you open a hot water tap in the kitchen, part of the coolant will be redirected by the valve through the DHW heat exchanger and returned to the hot line leading to the radiators.

For double-circuit electrical equipment, an expansion tank and a safety group are not installed - they are already included in the boiler design. Therefore, all that needs to be done is to correctly connect the inlet from the water supply system, the return with cooled water and the DHW outlets - the heating circuit.

Single-circuit models, apart from heating elements, do not have any additional components. Therefore, a tank, an expander and a safety group are installed in parallel.

Often in private homes, a single-circuit electric boiler is installed in conjunction with a previously installed water heater or gas water heater.

Features of two-pipe circuit wiring

The two-pipe system comes in several varieties. They have a different connection diagram for heating radiators in a private house, and a different vector of coolant movement.

In small private houses, the following types of two-pipe heating systems are used:

Brief characteristics of two-pipe systems

Dead-end system - the entire pipeline network consists of two arms (branches), one for supply and the other arm for coolant return. The movement of water occurs in counter directions.

Associated two-pipe system - the return arm serves as a continuation of the supply arm (branch), i.e. the system is looped. This heating connection scheme in a private house is deservedly popular.

Collector is the most expensive heating distribution scheme for a private house due to the need to lay pipes to each battery, and their installation is hidden.

Open "gravity" two-pipe system

Let's consider the heating system installed in a private house with our own hands; a two-pipe open circuit was selected and an open tank was installed at the top point of the circuit. The pressure that determines the speed of fluid movement in the “gravity” system depends on the height of the tank. The main advantage of a two-pipe system is that water flows to the radiators at the same temperature, and a clear separation of pipelines into supply and return makes it easier to automate control.

For successful operation of the “gravity” system, a slope of 3-5 mm/m is ensured during installation. Due to gravity, any type of heating system can operate if the necessary conditions are created - the slope of the coolant supply lines for natural circulation. It must be taken into account that the “gravity” system can only work with an open expansion tank.

Closed two-pipe system

When installing steam heating in a private house, the scheme is chosen to be closed, and its type depends on the number of floors of the building. If the house is one-story, then two pipeline branches are laid - supply and return, and heating devices are connected to them in parallel.

And in order to install the heating of a two-story private house with your own hands, the wiring diagrams must contain the required number of liquid supply branches. One branch of the collector should power the batteries on the upper floor, the second branch should power the batteries on the lower floor. The water that has given up its heat returns to the boiler through the “return”. A closed system must have a circulation pump to create pressure.

Installation rules and features

An electric boiler can be considered as a powerful water heater with one or two heat exchangers if, in addition to heating, the device is used to produce hot water for the bathroom and kitchen.

There are often situations when owners of small country houses, instead of an industrial-made electric boiler, resort to installing an electric boiler or even a flow-through kitchen electric heater. The electrical power is enough to heat a dacha of 20-25 m2, but the installation rules that ensure the safety and efficiency of the equipment are ignored.

The installation of an electric boiler is carried out according to certain rules. It is necessary to select the optimal hydraulic scheme for water movement. For every square meter of heated area there must be at least 10 l/h of hot water at T = 65 ºC flowing through heating radiators or a “warm floor” system.

Plan the electrical circuit for installing an electric boiler, taking into account the wiring, installation of the control panel and installation of RCD circuit breakers. Choose a place to install an electric boiler. With relatively silent operation of the heating equipment, only the pump makes noise. But some models of electric boilers have extraneous sounds from switching equipment.

When installing, you need to take into account that most electric boilers operate in cyclic mode. First, heat the coolant to 60 °C, then raise the temperature to 65-75 °C. For low-power models, heating elements are turned on and off using a thyristor starter.

For electric boilers with a power of 6 kW or more, switching occurs using a thermal relay and a magnetic starter. The clicking sound is loud, so when installing an electric boiler it is better to choose rooms with good sound insulation.

Electric heating boiler wiring

The simplest configuration option is shown in the diagram below. Most options for an electric heating system look like this.

For safe operation of electrical equipment, it is enough to include in the harness:

  • a safety group that will include a pressure relief valve, a pressure gauge, and a system for removing air from the heating circuit;
  • expansion tank;
  • circulation pump with dirt filter;
  • an additional heat exchanger or boiler, if the model does not have a secondary circuit for producing hot water.

For larger rooms, a more complex piping system is used.

The outlet of the hot coolant from the boiler is supplied to the distribution manifold (3), from where the liquid is sent to heating radiators (4), heated floors (8) or a water heating heat exchanger for the kitchen (5). This option for installing an electric boiler can be considered the most optimal for houses with a normal power supply.

An electric heating system becomes truly effective only if a heat accumulator unit (TA) is included in the installation.

In fact, the electric heating system of a house consists of two independent branches - heating and storage. A distribution manifold is connected to the electric boiler, through which part of the heat is redistributed to radiators and batteries, and the rest is sent to the heat accumulator.

A modern heat accumulator is a large tank with a liquid substance that absorbs heat well. Usually this is liquid paraffin. To install TA, no additional permissions are required.

Inside the container there is a heat exchanger from an electric boiler and a built-in heating element. As a result, the device can accumulate heat at the night rate even when the heating system is turned off.

Selecting a location and installation recommendations

The best option is to install an electric boiler in the hallway, utility room or kitchen. The weight of the electrical equipment is relatively small, so it is best to install the boiler with control equipment on the wall.

When determining the location for installation of heating electrical equipment, it is recommended to choose rooms located as close as possible to the incoming electrical panel.

To connect the boiler, you need to use a copper cable with a cross-section of 40-50 mm², so every meter saved is a reduction in the cost of installing a heating system.

Features of the location of boiler equipment piping

For electric heating systems, two coolant flow patterns are used - gravity flow and forced circulation of hot water. Accordingly, the location of the strapping elements will differ.

The circuit with pumping water is characterized by the following features:

  • heating radiators are installed under window openings, on main walls or in close proximity to a resting place;
  • hot water is taken from the pipe in the upper part of the boiler and supplied to the heating radiator for flow in the direction “from top to bottom”;
  • mud filters, valves, and a pump are installed in front of the boiler entrance;
  • It is recommended to install the expansion tank at the highest point of the circuit.

Separately, a pipe will need to be connected to the system ½ inch from the water supply. This is the supply line through which the heating system is filled. It is recommended to install a drain hose on the emergency overpressure relief valve, which is immersed in a container of water.

For gravity heating systems, the hot pipe is raised up to an open type expansion tank. Therefore, the supply pipes to the heating radiators run along the top with a slope. The return line is also installed with a slope to avoid the formation of bubbles.

Tools and materials

To install an electric heating system, it is recommended to use two types of pipes - polypropylene “stabi” with an aluminum underlayer or copper, seamless. For boilers with heating elements, both options can be used.

Polypropylene will cost less than copper, and the installation of polypropylene pipes does not require highly qualified specialists, as when soldering copper pipelines. An electric soldering iron with a set of replaceable tips is enough.

Copper lines are used mainly in large rooms with high ceilings. In this case, they provide more uniform heat dissipation indoors. Copper pipes are not used for electrode boilers and aluminum radiators.

The optimal solution is considered to be a combination of an electric boiler with modern-type cast iron batteries.

Options for electric heating of a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use of various types of equipment.

Boiler application

It is not uncommon to install an electric boiler for heating a 220V home. This device is a budget option and is easy to install.

Electric boilers are of the following types:

The diagram shows the principle of working with heating elements

Electrode model device

Installation of induction device

Selecting IR panels

When determining how to heat a house economically with electricity, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not warm up the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If in the version with a boiler the air masses move upward and then cool, then in this case the hot flows are directed to the floor.

Infrared designs do not take up much space

If you add thermostats to IR devices, they will work more efficiently. One controller is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical to use, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. IR devices consume a small amount of electricity. In addition, they efficiently distribute heat. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the structure is turned off, objects emit heat for a long time.

Infrared panel device

You can install such equipment yourself. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of this option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating a house with electricity is also done using infrared heated floors. This is an economical and effective remedy. This design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break due to minor damage. Such a device can be installed under various floor coverings except parquet. Infrared rays only heat solid objects, so when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

Installation of infrared floor covering

Infrared panels for ceilings

Advantages of convectors

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the capabilities of convectors. According to manufacturers, a convector powered by electricity heats the space efficiently and at the same time consumes a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

Convector device

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heating with water devices. The advantages of such structures include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • The heating system can not be completed immediately, purchasing additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small sizes.

This method maintains the desired humidity ratio in the room and does not destroy oxygen. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators make it possible to use electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

Such designs are compact in size and mobile.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts electrical energy into thermal energy. The operating principle is air convection. In this case, the cooled flows penetrate the slots in the lower part of the housing and then exit through the upper openings. The convector can operate separately or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Wall-mounted models are characterized by functionality and allow you to free up space

Economical electric heating for the home - myth or reality?

Is it profitable to heat your home with electricity? Can electric heating be economical at all, or is it still more practical to use gas or solid fuel? What modern technologies in this area help create comfortable coziness in apartments and private houses? Winter is just around the corner, which means the answers to these and other questions are more relevant than ever.

For heating, supplying hot water or technical steam to buildings (one or more, warehouses, construction camps), BCS is used. It is necessary to buy block-modular boiler rooms when the boiler room needs to be built in a short time and there is no possibility to use an electric boiler room.

Electric heating as an alternative to wood and gas

Most consumers will agree that heating powered by electricity is convenient, silent, clean and reliable. However, not everyone is in a hurry to install such systems and devices at home, although their cost is often lower than gas or solid fuel boilers, and installation and operation are much simpler.

The reason is simple - electricity is a secondary energy resource, and therefore it is more expensive to heat rooms than gas and solid fuel.


They are preferred for “heating” by home owners in non-gasified settlements or by those who choose comfort and cleanliness instead of fussing with firewood and chimneys.

Which type of electric heating is chosen often depends on which one is more economical and, therefore, more profitable for the family budget.

Electric boilers

Electric boiler.

The operating principle of such systems is not much different from gas and solid fuel boilers or central heating.

Here everything is arranged in the old fashioned way - water or other coolant is heated using heating elements, electrodes or an induction coil. The liquid is supplied to the pipes and radiators in the house (usually using a pump).

They, in turn, warm the surrounding air, and thanks to its natural circulation, heat spreads throughout the room.

This heating method allows you to heat large areas with one device, which reduces the cost of installing such electric heating. In fact, it is recommended to use it in houses and apartments with an area of ​​50 m² or more, otherwise you can forget about saving.

It should be noted that over time, the efficiency of the system may decrease due to limescale deposits on the pipes if water is used as the coolant. Well, of course, you will have to invest in a reliable boiler with high efficiency and installation of the system throughout the house.

Warm floor

Warm floor in the house.

Another priority method of constant heating of large living spaces is heated floors. Systems are mounted on the basis of various heating elements:

  • cables (in particular those mounted in mats);
  • infrared emitters (carbon films and mats);
  • carbon rods.

Laying heaters in the floor screed or directly under the laminate (linoleum) can significantly reduce heat loss. Warm air does not immediately rise up to the ceiling, but is more evenly distributed in the room. And thanks to the fact that the floor in the room is warmed up at the same time, even when there is a power outage, the room cools down for a very long time.

All these benefits will come at the cost of additional energy bills. Purchasing materials and installing the system will also be expensive; you can only talk about savings if you install heated floors in the house yourself.

Separately, it is necessary to say about water-heated floors, which are designed a little differently.


Instead of heating elements, pipes with water are installed in them, for heating which the same boilers are used (as an option - electric).

This type of heating differs from conventional water heating in the better distribution of heat in the premises. But you will have to tinker with its installation - laying pipes in the floor is much more troublesome than running pipes along the walls.

Convectors and oil heaters

Heating by oil heater.

These devices have their own advantages - they can be easily moved from one room to another, they are compact, heat up quickly and have a fairly high efficiency. The most important thing is that such heating does not require installation - you bought it, brought it home, plugged it in and warmed up.

And yet, even with a stretch, such electric heating of a private house cannot be called economical - heaters of this type are only suitable for quickly heating air in small rooms. They have low inertia (do not retain heat well), and therefore in the cold season they need to be kept on almost constantly.

As a result, electricity bills become large. Oil heaters are considered the most impractical in this regard - their power is rather large, and the air in the rooms is heated unevenly by the devices.

In addition, you will have to buy your own heating device for each room, and they don’t cost a penny. It would also be a good idea to purchase humidification units to avoid developing asthma by staying in rooms with dry air for a long time.

Infrared heaters

Infrared heater for home.

This type of electric heating is considered quite economical. Infrared heaters actually consume less electricity because they heat objects and human bodies rather than the air in the room.

Heat loss, of course, is reduced, but this happens at the expense of comfort - in order not to freeze in the room, you need to be in close proximity to the emitter.

In addition, you will have to worry about purchasing a device for each room.

Such heaters can be considered as an additional way to heat one or more rooms of the house during severe cold weather.

This is also a fairly practical option for a dacha where its owners appear periodically in the winter for a short period of time.

Infrared panels require virtually no time to “warm up”; they will not freeze for several hours, and they will consume relatively little electricity.

How to make electric heating economical?

One conclusion follows from the above - if we are talking about heating using electricity, it is only a stretch to talk about benefits. However, there are ways to reduce the cost of paying bills.

Firstly, you should worry about insulating your house or apartment. It is advisable to install energy-saving windows, repair cracks in the walls and carry out other thermal insulation measures. You will need to invest, but over time it will all pay off.

Also, various thermostats, thermostats and programmers partially save the situation. They turn electrical appliances on and off as the surrounding air or coolant heats up and cools down and does not allow energy to be wasted.


The last way to significantly save on electric heating is to install a multi-tariff meter.

These devices take into account the time of electricity consumption, then those kilowatts that were consumed at night or off-peak are paid at a reduced rate.

It’s easy to reduce your bills with them - just turn off your heating devices during the day and turn them on in the evening, after coming home from work. If you have a programmer, you can set the necessary parameters to it.

Electric convectors and their varieties

Electric convectors and their varieties

No less popular units for electrical heating of a private home are convectors with their many modifications in the form of thermal curtains, “guns” and fan heaters.

Thermal curtains are not used in residential premises. They are usually placed above doorways. When the door is opened, the curtain automatically turns on and prevents cold air from entering the room.

To install, simply mount the device above the doorway and connect it to the network. Depending on the characteristics of a particular design, the order of its connection may have individual characteristics. Therefore, be sure to carefully study the instructions for the curtain you purchased.

Heat guns are also used very rarely in private homes, except for heating basements. They work on an extremely simple principle: the unit is connected to the power supply, the built-in fan begins to pump air, which passes through the built-in heating element and evenly heats the surrounding space. No special installation measures are required; it all comes down to connecting the unit to the network.

Heat guns

Electric fan heaters are usually used as additional heat sources. In small rooms they can be used as the only and main heating. The built-in regulator allows you to easily set the desired fan power and ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Modern models lack the main drawback of their predecessors - fan heaters no longer dry the air. An additional advantage of such heaters is the ease of connection and use - the device is simply placed in a convenient place, connected to the network and set to the required power.

An excellent option for electrical heating is the use of electric oil heaters. They have an attractive design and fit perfectly into the surrounding environment. Typically, such heaters are mounted under a window opening instead of a standard battery, or they are placed on the side of the doorway.

Oil electric heaters

Installation is extremely simple.

First stage. Make marks for installing fasteners. On the body of the oil heater there are special elements with which it will be hung on fasteners. Position the heater body at the installation location and mark these canopies.

Second phase. Drill holes in the wall according to the markings.

Third stage. Attach fasteners to the prepared holes. Typically, hooks for hanging heaters are included in the factory equipment. Otherwise, you will have to purchase these products at a hardware store.

Fourth stage. Connect the electric oil heater to the network and set it to the desired operating mode. Modern models can be equipped with sensors, thanks to which the heating power will be set automatically. If your model can also work in conjunction with such sensors, install them according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Electric household wall heater

Heating a home using electric heaters

The following electrical appliances are used for air heating:

  • Air convectors are devices consisting of a housing with a heating element inside. During operation, cold air enters the convector, is heated by a heating element and naturally exits through the grille located in the upper part. Depending on the location, convectors can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted.

Electric convector

  • Oil heaters - heating of a room with such electrical appliances occurs by heating a sealed housing (radiator) filled with oil, located inside heating elements.

Oil electric heater

  • Ceramic heating panels are devices that heat rooms due to the convection of warm air by a ceramic surface heated by tubular or flat electric heat-generating elements (heating elements, heating cable) located underneath it.

Ceramic heating panel

  • Infrared emitters are heaters that heat a room by heating objects within the device’s coverage area with infrared rays and then releasing some of the heat to the air around them. A classic device of this type is a housing with a quartz transparent tube, inside of which there is a spiral made of nichrome or tungsten wire that heats up and emits infrared rays.

Infrared emitter

Advantages of heating with electricity

So, by choosing an electric heating system for your private home, you get a lot of advantages:

  • Easy to design and install. It is much easier to organize an electrical system than to gasify a house or build a stove heating system. Legal registration of installation of such a system is many times easier than obtaining a lot of permits for installing a gas boiler or making calculations for the construction of ventilation and solving problems with draft in the furnace.
  • Lowest installation costs. If to install a gas boiler you will need to pay for developing a project and calling regulatory authorities, then when installing an electrical system it will be enough to buy a boiler or other equipment, pay the installers once and then enjoy the heat for many years. In addition, you do not need a separate room for the boiler room.
  • Electrical systems are easy to use; you just need to set the desired mode or set the required heating system.
  • The safety of electric heating is undeniable - it does not produce carbon monoxide; electric boilers do not explode if operating conditions are violated, like gas boilers.

Installing an electric heating system in your private home will undoubtedly be the wisest decision - simple, safe and environmentally friendly.

Installation of electric heating equipment

Installation diagram of an electric boiler in a heating system.

The first questions that may arise after deciding to install an electric heating system are where to start and how much and what materials will be required?

In order to answer them, everything should be thoroughly thought through and carefully planned. A well-developed scheme that takes into account all your requirements and the characteristics of the room in which installation is planned will eliminate many problems. Most often, they choose electric heating systems if it is not possible to connect a gas heating system. But do not forget that the main characteristic advantage is absolute environmental safety.

If your choice fell on such simple heating systems as a fan heater or convector, then connecting them is quite easy, simply by thoroughly reading the instructions provided by all manufacturers.

The main advantages of individual electric heating

To understand all the benefits of electric heating, you need to compare it with other existing heating options for a private home. For example, what needs to be done to install a gas heating system? At a minimum, spend a fairly significant amount on purchasing the necessary units and set aside several weeks to go through various authorities and obtain the required permits.

Electric heating does not require any prior permits. You just need to buy equipment, install it yourself or with the help of installers, and connect it to the network. The entire work takes a day, rarely two.

Individual electric heating

Under any circumstances, you will spend less money on purchasing and setting up electric heating than on arranging a boiler room, laying gas pipelines and purchasing a boiler.

Electric heaters do not require a separate boiler room. Warm floors, convectors, fan heaters, infrared heaters - all this is installed in a convenient place, placed under the floor screed or hung on the walls.

Electric heaters do not require a separate boiler room

Gas heating is potentially dangerous. If connected and operated incorrectly, the boiler can poison the residents of the house or even explode

Electric heaters are completely safe, you just need to follow basic precautions

Electrical installations are much more reliable compared to central heating systems. By refusing central heating, the home owner frees himself from not the most profitable and convenient cooperation with utility services.

By refusing central heating, the home owner frees himself from not the most profitable and convenient cooperation with utility services

Electric heating does not force its owner to allocate a separate place for storing fuel and constantly think about the need to regularly replenish fuel supplies.

Electric heating does not force its owner to allocate a separate place for storing fuel and constantly think about the need for regular replenishment of fuel. Electric heating does not force its owner to allocate a separate place for storing fuel and constantly think about the need for regular replenishment of fuel.

The issue of the economic benefits of heating a house using electricity deserves special attention. Previously, it was believed that electric heating was the most expensive option for individual heating. And this statement was absolutely correct. Today the situation has changed dramatically.

  1. Firstly, the home owner can install a multi-tariff meter. In most regions of the country, electricity is charged differently during the day and at night. Thanks to such a meter, heating costs can be reduced significantly.
  2. Secondly, the system can be equipped with heat storage batteries. Such devices are connected to the network at night, when electricity is cheapest. When connected to the power grid, the internal elements of such storage devices, made of high-tech magnesite, accumulate heat, and after disconnecting from the network, they release the accumulated electricity into the house.

A compact sensor is responsible for the correct operation of the drive. It also helps regulate the temperature in the rooms and allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate. The drives are absolutely safe and are sold at a relatively affordable price. You will, of course, have to spend more money on installing a heating system, but all expenses will pay off very quickly, because The devices considered can reduce energy costs by up to 5-7 times.

Electric boilers for water heating

Thermostats with temperature sensor

Electric boilers according to their operating principle are divided into heating elements, electrode and induction.

Electric boilers heating elements

New heating element

Boilers of this type consist of the following parts:

  • Frame;
  • Heat exchanger tank with 1-3 heating elements inside and external thermal insulation;
  • Control block;
  • Coolant pressure and temperature sensors;
  • Supply pipe with safety group;
  • Return with circulation pump.

The operating principle of such a boiler is to heat the coolant when it comes into contact with the surface of the heating elements.

Electrode heating boilers

Electrode boiler

Such boilers consist of:

  • Cylindrical body;
  • 1-3 electrodes connected to the electrical network phase;
  • Supply and return pipelines;
  • Circulation pump;
  • Connectors for connecting the neutral wire and ground loop, located on the outer surface of the housing.

The coolant in such a device is heated by passing an alternating electric current through its thickness.

Induction electric boilers

Induction electric boiler

This type of boiler, compared to previous ones, has the highest efficiency, safety and reliability.

Such electric heaters for the home consist of a heat exchanger tank, inside of which there is a core with an induction coil (inductor). When electric current passes through the coil, the resulting eddy currents heat the walls of the tank, the core and the coolant itself. To circulate the coolant, the tank has supply and return pipes and a circulation pump. Control and configuration are carried out using an electronic unit.

Cost of different types of electric boilers

The cost of modern electric boilers is:

  • Heating elements - from 1,800 to 18,000-20,000 rubles;
  • Electrode - from 4,000-7,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • Induction – 28,000-40,000 rub.

More expensive models of heating units are suitable for heating large cottages and industrial premises, while budget ones are suitable for small private and country houses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Today, the use of electric heaters is becoming increasingly popular. In a wooden house, this option is the most relevant only if there is no gas on the site (there is no main line).

The advantages of electric heating are as follows:

  • With the correct location of electric heaters, the efficiency of the system will be many times higher than with a stove or water option (you can clearly see this advantage in the circuit diagram below).
  • There are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere (unlike the stove version), and there is no need to install a chimney.
  • Ease of installation (for example, you can easily install an electric boiler or IR heater with your own hands).
  • A modern approach to control (the use of electronic thermostats and other devices that make the electric heating system in a wooden house fully automatic).
  • Repair of an electric heating system occurs extremely rarely, especially if all devices are made by quality manufacturers.
  • There is no need to store firewood, coal or other types of fuel.
  • Cost-effectiveness of the system (we'll talk about this below).
  • The absence of radiators and pipes throughout the room, which has a positive effect on the speed of installation of the system, as well as the interior of all rooms.
  • Compactness of electric heaters.
  • Electric heating in a wooden house can be used as main or backup.

As for the disadvantages, the main ones are:

  • The electrical network supplied to the house can often be turned off for repairs and maintenance (especially in remote areas of the city). No electricity - no heat.
  • The need to install a diesel generator, which will allow us to get out of the situation described above for some time. The cost of this unit is quite high.
  • Without the use of multi-tariff meters and other devices that save energy, the system will cost you much more than alternative options.
  • Electric heaters, especially infrared ones, are fire hazardous devices. There are many requirements for their connection and installation location.

You can see what one of the options for electric heating in a wooden house looks like using a visual example:

Video review of heating a private house with electricity

How exactly you shouldn't heat your house

You should carefully choose a heating system for a private home. And for constant heating of a country house, it is not recommended to use oil radiators. The device takes a very long time to heat up, which in turn will consume a lot of electricity. In addition, this type of device gets very hot and you can accidentally get burned.

Fan heaters are also not suitable as a constant source of heat. The device can heat the air only when it is working. If the device is turned off, the room will become cool after a short time.

The air conditioner can only be used in the off-season, when severe cold has not set in and there is no point in turning on the boiler. This device consumes a large amount of electricity.

Infrared heaters

More recently, modern infrared heaters have appeared on our market. Most often they are installed under the ceiling or in the floor; these can be either heating devices or a special infrared film.

Fig.3 Infrared heating

The peculiarity of this type of heating is that it is not the air that is heated, but the objects that are located in the room and the air is heated from them.

This method ensures that this heating is economical and convenient.

Typically, the installation scheme of these devices involves the use of controllers, which allows reducing energy costs by almost 2 times.

The disadvantage of such heating is the high cost of equipment and its installation. If you do not have special skills, you will not be able to install such a system yourself.

Convector heating

A fairly popular method of heating a house with electricity. For the price, even one of the best. It is distinguished by its ease of installation, low cost and overall reliability.

What is a convector? Outwardly it looks a lot like a regular radiator, but at the same time it works completely differently.

If the radiator mostly works on radiation, that is, it heats up and emits heat, then the convector passes streams of cold air through itself, heats it to the desired temperature, and “blows out” warm air. The word convector comes from the word convection (mixing). Thanks to its operating principle, a convector can quickly warm up a room and just as quickly change its temperature.

There are a great variety of electric convectors. In fact, 90% is produced in China and packaged under various luxury brands. Cheap convectors are usually “famous” for drying the air due to the simplified design of the heating element. Expensive convectors already come with a more well-designed heating element. There is no such problem there.

Installation of convectors is extremely simple. Place it under the window. Install either on the wall or on the floor. Supply electricity and start working.

Many devices come with their own thermostat. Therefore, you can adjust the temperature of the device without any problems.

Convectors are:

  • Floor-standing – when installed on the floor. Available on legs, on wheels, with floor mounts
  • Wall-mounted – mounted on the wall accordingly
  • Skirting - replace the baseboard and are mounted around the perimeter of the walls

Equipment options

To organize heating you can use:

  • Oil and liquid-free electric radiators. They are distinguished by high safety and efficiency indicators.
  • Cable and film heating systems in floor coverings. The popularity of underfloor heating has been increasing recently. Different types of heating cables are used to heat the floor. They can be installed directly into a concrete screed or under the floor covering. Installing a heated floor requires theoretical knowledge and work experience. Thin film, mat or heating cable systems differ in installation and connection.

Before installing the heated floor, reliable thermal insulation of the base is done. In each room where underfloor heating is installed, a thermostat is installed to regulate the operation of the electric heating system. Such floors are installed in all rooms or selectively. Most installations are carried out in bathrooms, toilets or kitchens.

Wall convectors are dry and liquid. Dry convectors immediately convert electrical energy into heat. Their main advantage is that they can be turned off for a long time without the threat of defrosting. There are no particular difficulties with the installation of convectors. For each installed convector there is a grounded power socket with a circuit breaker installed in the electrical panel. Liquid convectors are filled with non-freezing liquid or water. After switching off, such a convector still gives off heat to the room for some time.

Infrared heaters heat nearby objects and the floor, and they warm up the air. Their use makes it possible to separately regulate the set temperature in each room. If you have five rooms in your house, you will need five infrared heaters, automatic machines, thermostats and an electrical cable. One of the advantages of this home heating system is the saving of usable space.

Water electric heating has found its wide application for heating private houses. It differs from a gas system or a stove with a water circuit by installing an electric boiler. If the house already has water heating installed, an electric boiler can be installed instead of or in parallel with the old boiler. The disadvantage of such a system is the use of a water circuit.

These systems are used to constantly heat the building. To temporarily heat a house with electricity, use an electric fireplace or fan heater.

Pros and cons of heating your home with electricity

The main advantages of using electric heating devices are:

  • Simplicity and ease of installation - installation of electric heating equipment can be carried out by persons who do not have special permission. The installation process itself requires minimal skills and knowledge in the field of heating systems;
  • Safety – electric heating devices have reliable and simple protection against short circuits, overheating, and exceeding the parameters of the established settings;
  • Low initial costs - thanks to self-installation and the relatively low price of the equipment;
  • Reliability and noiselessness - heating equipment of this type has a long service life and high quality manufacturing;
  • Ease of operation - adjustment and control of heating devices has a simple and intuitive interface;
  • High level of efficiency - the efficiency of modern electrical heating appliances ranges from 80 to 98-99%.

The disadvantages of using electrical heating appliances are the following:

  • High cost of paying for electricity - since heating equipment consumes from 0.4-0.5 to 10 or more kW of electricity per hour, this leads to significant electricity bills;
  • Energy dependence - when the electricity is turned off, the heating device, therefore, the entire heating system stops functioning.

Important! Heating a house with electricity will be cheap for people who have socially reduced tariffs for electricity (these are WWII veterans, large families, Heroes of Russia and the USSR, orphans). It is also profitable to heat a small country house using electrical appliances - not all country houses have gas supply.

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