Free energy generator: practical diagram, description

Nikola Tesla is an outstanding scientist of the 19th-20th centuries, who is called the Leonard da Vinci of electrical engineering. He owns more than 700 inventions, including the microwave oven, remote control device, alternating current and much more. But the most ambiguous and fantastic thing is the free energy generator, designed to obtain energy from the ether. Disputes about it continue among scientists to this day. For a long time, the concept of “ether” was perceived by the public as something akin to alchemy and having nothing to do with science at all. After all, there is the Michelson-Morley experiment and the theory of relativity. However, recently more and more scientists are again talking about ether as a scientifically proven fact, including Nobel Prize laureates. Does the endless source of free energy that Nikola Tesla worked on really exist?

Nikola Tesla is a scientist and inventor of Serbian origin. He was an ardent supporter of the ether theory.

What is ether and where did the concept come from?

Many outstanding scientists studied the ether until the beginning of the 20th century. Among them were Dmitry Mendeleev, Hendrik Lorenz, Clerk Maxwell and many others. Rene Decart was the first to speak about the theory of the ether. However, Nikola Tesla is most associated with the ether, who not only believed in the existence of the ether, but also conducted practical experiments.

Scientists gave different definitions of ether, but most of them called this concept a certain matter that fills the space between atoms and other particles. Accordingly, the ether fills the entire universe.

Particular interest in the ether arose in the 19th century as part of the study of wave optics. Discovering the properties of light, scientists came to the conclusion that it has a wave nature. But a wave cannot propagate in a complete vacuum. She needs a certain environment in which microparticles can “float” in the same way as sound or any other waves. As a result, they came to the conclusion that the ether is an intangible, all-pervading something, superfine matter.

Dmitry Mendeleev added ether to the periodic table of chemical elements. In the 20th century Newtonium was removed

For example, Mendeleev described it as an ultra-light gas (the lightest in the universe). Its particles have an extremely high translational speed for gases. Another feature of the substance, according to the chemist, is an ultra-high degree of permeability. Without doubting its existence, Mendeleev added a particle of ether to his table and called it “Newtonium”.

As a result, the theory of the ether became not only the central topic of scientific research, but was also able to explain many phenomena. By the way, some of them, after abandoning the theory of the ether, still have no scientific explanation.

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And methods for creating generators and other devices that can continuously supply free energy. Our task is to collect a complete database of available developments.


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Nikola Tesla and the free energy of the ether

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity put an end to all studies of matter, since many scientists believed in its inviolability. However, there were those who pointed out a number of inconsistencies in this theory, so they were in no hurry to reject the existence of the ether. These include Nikola Tesla, who actively conducted experiments on wireless transmission of electricity. He also had a huge number of ahead-of-time works and inventions in other areas. And the most remarkable thing is that most of them are based on the theory of the ether. We have already talked in more detail about the most amazing inventions of the scientist earlier.

Schematic of Nikola Tesla's free energy generator for generating free energy.

The scientist had no doubt that ether is an endless source of energy. Therefore, one of Tesla’s most sensational projects, as mentioned above, was a free energy generator to obtain free energy from literally the air. The scientist even left behind a diagram of the device’s operation, but according to his tradition, without detailed diagrams and drawings.

Many contemporaries argued that Tesla's experiments in this area were very successful. Mark Twain, who witnessed them, even called the scientist “The Lord of Lightning.” Even now, many scientists attribute the results of Tesla’s experiments to the “consequences of the Tunguska meteorite.”

Let us remind readers that neither the crater from the collision of this celestial body with the earth, nor the meteorite itself or its fragments were ever found. But it is known that shortly before the event, Tesla was looking for detailed maps of Siberia. And in one of the recently found manuscripts, he even personally admits that the disaster was caused by his experiments. True, the authenticity of the manuscript has not been proven.

Unfortunately, Tesla was never able to implement a free energy generator. When the scientist was on the verge of completing a revolution in the field of electrical engineering, a fire in his laboratory in 1895 prevented him from completing his work. He destroyed all equipment and documentation. However, this is not the only reason why the world has not seen free energy, but more on that below.

In addition to ether, there are many other alternative energy sources that are not refuted by official science. You can find information about them on our Telegram channel.

Tesla resonator transformer

The Tesla resonant transformer is an oscillator (oscillatory system) in which it transforms and changes the voltage of an alternating electric current into a high-frequency one.

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The Tesla transformer is based on two circuits, a primary and a secondary coil. It is in this oscillatory system that the transformation of the initial electric current pulse occurs.

Components of a Tesla coil:

  • coils (primary, secondary);
  • storage capacitor;
  • spark gap fan (protects against overvoltage);
  • protective circuit or ring with grounding;
  • toroid.

The assembly of all these elements into a single device will allow a low-frequency pulse of electric current to be converted into a high-frequency voltage.

High frequency transformer circuit

Purpose of elements of the Tesla high-frequency transformer

Toroid. A circle rotating in a straight line forms a torus shape. This is the geometric shape of a toroid. For the Tesla transformer, a corrugated metal pipe is used.

Purpose of the toroid:

  • reduces the oscillation frequency of the secondary circuit;
  • increases output voltage;
  • creates an electrostatic field in the secondary winding;
  • protects the secondary winding from breakdown.

Primary winding or resonant circuit

Conductor with low resistance. For its manufacture, a copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm is used. Using additional devices, the resonance frequency of the circuit is changed.

Secondary coil

The main element of a resonant transformer is a secondary coil with winding. The length of the winding in experimental installations to the diameter is 5/1. The optimal number of turns of copper winding is 1000 - 1200 revolutions. They are wound on dielectric PVC pipes.

Materials for the manufacture of high-frequency Tesla transformer:

  • a transformer for neon lighting is used as a power source (up to 35 mA/output voltage less than 4 kV);
  • capacitor;
  • copper wire thickness (from 0.3 to 0.6 mm);
  • plastic pipe (75 mm);
  • grounding (metal rod);
  • metal ventilation pipe:
  • a metal ball, hollow inside (toroid);
  • copper tube for air conditioner (6 mm).
  • metal ball, fastener.

Installation of the generator system according to the diagram.

The system consists of the following blocks:

  1. Arrester. 2 metal bolts are screwed to a plastic base, and a metal ball is fixed between them. At the moment of connection to the transformer, a spark appears in the arrester.
  2. Capacitor. Consists of 1 block or component elements. The capacitor accumulates charge to pierce the spark gap.
  3. A resonant transformer supplies the primary electrical impulse.
  4. Secondary coil of the inductive loop. The copper wire is wound onto a plastic pipe, the turns should fit tightly to each other (the number of turns is from 900 to 1200). The winding, if it is not enameled copper wire, is covered with several layers of varnish and epoxy resin. A wire is connected to the secondary coil and ground is connected.
  5. Primary circuit. They are made from a copper pipe that is bent into several turns. To prevent it from cracking at the moment of bending, sand must first be poured inside. Between turns leave distances of up to 5 mm. Connect all elements according to the diagram.

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Note! A toroid is needed to prevent the steamer from hitting the primary winding. The spark damages the electronics. The toroid is grounded by connecting to the main wire.

Tesla Coil Effects

Operating principle of the Tesla transformer

A pulse is supplied from the transformer, which charges the capacitors. When the required voltage is reached, a gas breakdown occurs at the spark gap and a spark occurs. The primary circuit at the moment of closure generates a high-frequency oscillation. Electromagnetic waves pass to the secondary coil. A resonant oscillation occurs, which produces currents of high frequency and voltage.

Gas discharges

The operation of Tesla's high-frequency transformer is accompanied by interesting effects. Various gas discharges and glows are formed:

  • Steamers. Ionized glow of gases in the air.
  • Sparky. Flashing and dying spark channels.
  • Corona glow. Occurs around bent parts of the transformer (blue).
  • Arc. Appears when a grounded object is introduced into a high-voltage field, a luminous arc appears.

Similar effects are widely used to create various pop and circus shows.

Ionized glow of a Tesla transformer

Energy conspiracy theory

At the beginning of the 20th century, after the advent of Einstein's theory of relativity, ether was taboo in the scientific community. Any mention of him in chemistry and physics textbooks was immediately removed. The scientists themselves, who were in no hurry to reject the presence of this substance, were subjected to strict censorship and, in fact, were deprived of the opportunity to achieve success and recognition in the scientific community.

There is a theory according to which large corporations and oil businessmen were behind this. Moreover, Einstein himself, according to this theory, lobbied for their interests in the scientific world. The argument was the close connection of the scientist with the House of Rothschild and his financing by bankers.

At the same time, it is known that Tesla’s opponent was another, no less famous banker - Morgan. It is noteworthy that the latter financed Nikola Tesla until he found out that the inventor was, in fact, working on the collapse of his business empire. After that, he made every effort to ensure that no one else financed Tesla at all. Of course, free energy could put an end to not only the business of individual corporations, but also the economies of entire countries.

The world's first electric car, designed by Henry Ford

Conspiracy theorists also draw analogies with Henry Ford's electric cars. Together with Thomas Edison, he built and successfully tested at least one car, although some sources indicate more than several cars with electric motors. Henry himself spoke about the prospects of these projects in the media and promised to begin mass production of such machines in the near future. However, from a certain point the media stopped mentioning Edison-Ford altogether. The workshops were destroyed by fire, and Henry Ford himself never returned to the idea of ​​electric vehicles.

The abandonment of them in favor of internal combustion engines is associated with an agreement between Ford and the oil cartels, who perfectly understood the prospects of the automotive industry and the benefits that they would receive from cars that consume petroleum products. But now we can say with confidence that the choice in favor of the internal combustion engine was an absolutely wrong decision. For example, a Tesla electric car silently accelerates to 100 km/h in 2.3 seconds, and costs only $130,000. The Bugatti Chiron has the same dynamic performance, only it accelerates with a roar, and its cost reaches 2.5 million dollars. Such a supercar consumes tens of liters of high-octane fuel per 100 km.

What other theories of scientists that border on science fiction have received scientific confirmation? You will find more materials on this topic on our Zen channel.

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