What is a security zone? Let's explain in simple words

By law, security zones are established around or in the immediate vicinity of:

  • railways,
  • pipelines,
  • communication lines and structures,
  • heating networks,
  • electric power facilities,
  • hydropower facilities,
  • metro infrastructure facilities,
  • military facilities,
  • points of state geodetic, leveling and gravimetric networks,
  • cultural heritage sites,
  • specially protected natural areas,
  • stationary observation points for monitoring the state of the environment, its pollution,
  • water bodies, etc.

In security zones, all work must be agreed upon with the owner of the property. Most often, there is a construction ban or restrictions on the placement of certain objects.

Usage examples on "Secret"

“A resident of the village, Ivan Navozov, told The Secret The barrier is still closed, moreover, Konyshev made ditches around it so that cars could not go around the barrier from the side. All this happens in security zone . I contacted the Slobodsky Distribution Zone, but they said that the barrier does not bother them,” the man shared.”

(From material about how Russian roads fall into private hands and who suffers from this.)

“The magazine “Money” discovered the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia Artyom Chaika among the co-owners of the project that is building a shopping and entertainment center in the protected zone of the Losiny Ostrov park.”

(From the 2022 news.)

Attention! Secured territory!

The priority task of JSC "RES" is uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to all consumers, be it industrial production, office centers or residential buildings.

That is why in the activities of an electrical network organization, it is of great importance to prevent cases of breaks and damage to high-voltage overhead and cable power lines during construction, installation and other types of work. After all, breaks in overhead line wires or mechanical damage to the cable lead to massive outages of consumers, including socially significant facilities, as well as to a decrease in the reliability of the power system. In addition, there are also attempts to steal wires and cables from power lines. In most cases, people do not even imagine the consequences of such actions, but a real threat to life and health is created.

There is such a thing as a security zone for power lines. This is a plot of land and air space along overhead lines, limited by vertical planes located on both sides of the line. Government Decree No. 160 of February 24, 2009 “On the procedure for establishing security zones of power grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones” stipulates that the security zone for power lines with voltages of 110 kV, 35 kV, 10 kV and 0 .4 kV is, respectively, 20, 15, 10 and 2 meters in both directions from parallel vertical planes on both sides of the power line from the outer wires when their position is not deflected. The security zone of electrical cable routes is the surface of the earth located above the underground cables plus 1 m on both sides from the outermost cables, and when cable lines pass in cities under sidewalks - 0.6 m towards buildings and structures and 1 m to the side roadway of the street.

The establishment of security zones, in addition to security considerations, allows the network organization to have access to power grid facilities. This is necessary for routine maintenance and repair work, without which it is impossible to ensure the reliability of supply of electrical energy to consumers.

Within the security zones, without a written decision on the approval of the network organization, legal entities and individuals are prohibited from carrying out any actions that could disrupt the safe operation of power grid facilities, including leading to their damage or destruction, and (or) causing harm to the life and health of citizens and property of individuals or legal entities, as well as cause environmental damage and fires, including:

  1. construction, major repairs, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;
  2. planting and cutting down trees and shrubs;
  3. dredging, dredging and loading and unloading operations;
  4. passage of vehicles and mechanisms having a total height with or without load from the road surface of more than 4.5 meters;
  5. excavation work at a depth of more than 0.3 meters (on plowed lands at a depth of more than 0.45 meters), as well as soil leveling;
  6. throw foreign objects onto the wires and supports of overhead power lines, as well as climb onto the supports of overhead power lines;
  7. place any objects and items (materials), carry out any work and erect structures that may impede access to power grid facilities;
  8. place landfills, store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuels and lubricants;
  9. place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, livestock pens, garages and parking lots for all types of machines and mechanisms, and hold any events associated with large crowds of people;
  10. use (fly) any aircraft, including kites;
  11. light a fire within the security zones of input and distribution devices, substations, overhead power lines, as well as in the security zones of cable power lines;
  12. fish in the area of ​​power lines.

Violation of these rules is extremely dangerous for the health and life of people. There are many tragic examples where careless actions in the security zone led to serious consequences.

In addition, in accordance with Article 2152 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, persons and citizens guilty of violating the normal operation of electrical networks are held accountable in the manner prescribed by law and can be imprisoned for up to 7 years.

JSC "RES" warns of the need to comply with the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 N 160 and apply for approval when carrying out any work in the security zones of overhead and cable power lines.

Actual news

The power was “cut off”: unscrupulous firewood producers cut off power to several settlements in the Novosibirsk region

With the onset of autumn cold weather, the construction season gradually ends, but is replaced by the period of collecting firewood for the heating season.
Unfortunately, many loggers thoughtlessly choose plots near overhead power lines. Therefore, power engineers are increasingly recording violations in the form of illegal logging in power transmission line security zones, which lead to emergency outages.

JSC "RES" reminds you of the need to comply with the rules in the security zones of power grids

Unauthorized construction, installation and other types of work carried out in the security zones of cable and overhead power lines (hereinafter referred to as power lines) is one of the most pressing problems of power grid companies. Breaks and mechanical damage to power lines lead to massive emergency outages of consumers, including socially significant facilities, as well as to a decrease in the reliability of the region’s energy system. In addition, a real threat is created to the life and health of people carrying out unauthorized work.

Another illegal logging in power transmission line protection zones led to a power outage in 16 settlements

Every year, with the approach of the autumn season, the issue of collecting firewood becomes particularly relevant for residents of rural areas and the private residential sector. However, not all of them do it legally.

Unauthorized work in the security zone of a high-voltage power line led to an emergency power outage in Berdsk

On July 24 at 9:52 in Berdsk, during road work, a SCANIA vehicle, carrying out unauthorized unloading of bulk materials under a 110 kV overhead power line, approached the wire at an unacceptable distance and became energized

The cause of emergency power outages is thoughtless deforestation

One of the most important aspects in ensuring the reliability and quality of power supply is the prevention of breaks and damage to overhead and cable power lines when cutting down trees, carrying out construction, installation and other types of work. Unauthorized actions carried out in security zones of cable and overhead power lines are one of the most pressing problems of power grid companies

Knocked down poles, broken wires and cut cables - these and other damages are regularly eliminated by the teams of JSC "RES" due to violators

Energy and supervisory authorities are constantly working to identify and suppress violations of the rules for protecting electrical networks. Moreover, all kinds of violations in the security zones of power lines, which for the most part lead to emergency power outages, are recorded by specialists of JSC "RES" regardless of the time of year and other external factors

JSC "RES" reminds you: fishing in the power transmission line protection zone is deadly!

With the arrival of spring warmth and the melting of snow, many people go outdoors, and some open the fishing season. Unfortunately, fishing enthusiasts often place their gear under active power lines, i.e. within the power transmission line security zone, which poses a mortal threat to life

To make your holiday a success, follow the electrical safety rules!

Holidays are a good opportunity to meet with friends and relatives, have an active holiday, or just take a walk in the fresh air, enjoying the spring sun.

JSC "RES" reminds about the inadmissibility of placing landfills and dumps under power lines

In the winter season, which is often accompanied by heavy snowfalls and unfavorable weather conditions, the issue of carrying out snow removal activities becomes especially relevant.

Negligent attitude towards carrying out work in security zones of power lines leads to accidents

During the summer season, specialists from JSC "RES" repeatedly eliminated the consequences of a careless and sometimes negligent attitude towards carrying out work near power lines. But even with the onset of autumn, the statistics of power outages caused by violations of the rules for protecting electrical networks continues to be replenished with new incidents.

One illegally cut down tree means thousands of people without electricity

Every year, with the onset of summer and the approach of autumn, the issue of collecting firewood becomes particularly relevant for residents of rural areas and the private residential sector. However, not all of them do it legally.

JSC "RES" reminds: the power transmission line security zone is not a place for fishing!

Every year on the second Sunday of July, a professional holiday for fishing lovers is celebrated - Fisherman's Day. As you know, for fishing they are looking not for a convenient place, but for a fishy one. Unfortunately, fishing enthusiasts often find such places under active power lines, i.e. within the power transmission line security zone, which poses a mortal threat to life.

18 settlements were left without electricity due to unauthorized work in the security zone of a high-voltage power line

Unauthorized construction, installation and other types of work carried out in security zones of cable and overhead power lines is one of the most pressing problems of power grid companies. And it’s not just the colossal damage caused to the company’s property. Breaks or mechanical damage to power lines lead to massive emergency outages of consumers, including socially significant facilities, as well as to a decrease in the reliability of the power system. In addition, a real threat is created to the life and health of people carrying out unauthorized work.

The court satisfied the demands of JSC "RES" for the demolition of unauthorized buildings in the security zones of electric grid facilities

The priority task for the joint stock company "Regional Electric Networks" is a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers in the Novosibirsk region, the provision of which is impossible without professional maintenance, as well as repair and reconstruction of electrical networks

Almost 100 cases of unauthorized work have led to emergency power outages in the Novosibirsk region since the beginning of 2019

With the establishment of the warm season in the Novosibirsk region, active work began using various types of equipment on construction and production sites, as well as on summer cottages and in private residential areas

JSC "RES" reminds about electrical safety measures during the May holidays

The long-awaited May holidays begin, which in 2022 will be quite long - 9 days off in the first half of the month

17 settlements were left without electricity due to unauthorized work in security zones of power lines

To fulfill its priority task - ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to all consumers, JSC "RES" carries out systematic work to identify facts of illegal activity in security zones of power lines

Don't forget about electrical safety rules during the holidays!

Holidays are a good opportunity to meet with friends and relatives, have an active holiday, or just take a walk in the fresh air, enjoying the spring sun. Unfortunately, statistics show that it is on holidays, which are accompanied by long weekends, that there is a surge in cases of electrical injuries caused by gross violations of electrical safety rules

Irresponsible builders again cut off power to the village of Moshkovo

Despite repeated warnings and regular posting of information about accidents at power grid facilities due to damage to overhead and cable power lines by construction equipment and machinery, specialists from JSC "RES" continue to record facts of mechanical damage to power grid facilities

Unauthorized openings in security zones lead to massive consumer outages

JSC "RES" considers uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to consumers as its priority task. Prevention of accidents due to breaks and damage to overhead and cable power lines during construction, installation and other types of work is of great importance in the activities of an electrical network organization

36 settlements were left without electricity due to unauthorized work in the security zone of high-voltage power lines

The priority task of JSC "RES" is uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to consumers of electrical energy. Therefore, in the activities of an electrical network organization, it is of great importance to prevent cases of breaks and damage to overhead and cable power lines during construction, installation and other types of work.

Unauthorized work led to a blackout in a residential area in Novosibirsk and 5 settlements in the region

Unauthorized construction, installation and other types of work carried out in the security zones of cable and overhead power lines are a real scourge of power grid companies.

With firewood, but without light: unscrupulous loggers cut off power to high-voltage power lines

Since the beginning of the year, JSC "RES" has been conducting a large-scale information campaign to prevent unauthorized work in the security zones of cable and overhead power lines, which often lead to emergency power outages to consumers in the region

11 settlements were left without electricity over two summer months by unscrupulous firewood producers

To fulfill their priority task - ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to all consumers, specialists of JSC "RES" carry out systematic work to identify facts of illegal activity in security zones of power lines

JSC "RES" reminds you: fishing in the power transmission line protection zone is deadly!

With the onset of the summer season, fishermen begin to actively explore the shores of various reservoirs. It is no coincidence that right at the height of summer, two professional holidays for fishing lovers are celebrated at once.

Don't forget about electrical safety rules during your summer holidays!

With the onset of the long-awaited Siberian summer, residents of the Novosibirsk region go to nature and dachas, open the summer fishing season, engage in landscaping or begin construction work.

Electricity consumers suffer due to illegal logging in power transmission line protection zones

The establishment of security zones for power transmission lines allows the network organization to have access to power grid facilities for routine maintenance and repair work, without which it is impossible to ensure the reliability of supply of electrical energy to consumers

Careless “diggers” left residents of Berdsk without electricity

With the arrival of spring warmth, construction work began actively using various types of equipment

Another illegal logging in power transmission line protection zones led to a power outage in 8 settlements

In legislation there is such a thing as a security zone for power lines. This is a plot of land and air space along air lines, limited by vertical planes located on both sides of the line

Follow electrical safety rules while on vacation!

Holidays are a good opportunity to meet with friends, have an active rest, or just do household chores. Unfortunately, statistics show that it is on holidays, which are accompanied by long weekends, that there is a surge in cases of electrical injuries caused by gross violations of electrical safety rules.

JSC "RES" recorded 19 cases of damage to power lines due to illegal cutting of trees in 2022

The priority task of JSC "RES" is uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to all consumers, be it industrial production, office centers or residential buildings. That is why in the activities of a network organization, preventing cases of breaks and damage to power lines is of great importance.

New Year holidays - bright and safe

New Year's holidays and winter holidays are approaching. The most wonderful time for children and adults: a sparkling Christmas tree, gifts, a variety of entertainment, bright illumination on the streets

The power was “cut off”: unlucky woodcutters left 9 villages without electricity

With the onset of cold weather, the topic of home heating becomes especially relevant. On the eve of the heating season, many residents of rural areas and the private residential sector are actively engaged in collecting firewood. However, not all of them do it legally.

Fishing in the power line protection zone is deadly!

As you know, for fishing they are looking not for a convenient place, but for a fishy one. Unfortunately, fishing enthusiasts often find such places under active power lines, i.e. within the power transmission line security zone, which poses a mortal threat to life

Illegal cutting down of trees in power transmission line protection zones can turn into a tragedy

The priority task of JSC "RES" is uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to all consumers, be it industrial production, office centers or residential buildings. That is why in the activities of a network organization it is of great importance to prevent cases of breaks and damage to overhead and cable power lines.

Specialists of JSC "RES" promptly eliminated the accident in the Zaeltsovsky district of Novosibirsk

On April 27, 2022, at about 13:00 local time, while performing excavation work in the Zaeltsovsky district of Novosibirsk, a third-party organization damaged the cable line supplying several complete transformer substations

In the high voltage zone: court decisions on the facts of unauthorized construction in the security zone of power lines

The problem of unauthorized construction has recently become quite widespread.

Damage to a high-voltage cable in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk

On September 20, 2016, while carrying out work on laying external water supply and sewerage networks, the K-24 “Vostochnaya-Mostovaya” cable line was damaged.

Safe energy is everyone's concern

How often do we think about our own safety when we come across warning signs or posters: “Stop! Tension!”, “Don’t get involved! Will kill!”, “High voltage. Life threatening!"?

Unauthorized work will lead to tragedy

How not to leave residents, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, boiler houses and businesses without electricity?

To the attention of enterprise managers, residents of Novosibirsk and Ob


When purchasing real estate, it is worth finding out whether it is located in a security zone. To do this, you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which will indicate the “Restrictions” section.

Information about protected zones is also available in the Public Cadastral Map. Plots that are included within the boundaries of security zones cannot be seized from the owners on this basis alone, but are subject to all established restrictions and prohibitions.

If a security zone is not designated in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, but there is reason to believe that there may be one: power lines, pipelines, etc. are located nearby, then it is still necessary to comply with the requirements for the conditions of use of security zones.

Errors in use

The security zone must be distinguished from the sanitary protection zone. SPZs are created around objects that pollute the air, create noise, radiation, etc. That is, these objects are sources of harmful effects directly in the course of their activities, and protection is required from them. A security zone is necessary when the object itself may suffer and become a source of danger if its activities are disrupted. To do this, he needs to introduce restrictions designed to prevent such violations.

Simply put , a water protection zone is established around a reservoir to protect it from pollution . And a sanitary protection zone is established around the plant to protect everything else from its contamination .

What is a zone with special conditions for the use of territories?

First, let's define the term itself.

The concept of a zone with special conditions for the use of territories is given in Article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Zones with special conditions for the use of territories (ZOUIT) are established for the following purposes:

  • protecting the life and health of citizens;
  • safe operation of transport, communications, energy facilities;
  • ensuring the safety of cultural heritage sites;
  • environmental protection;
  • ensuring the country's defense and state security.

Currently, the legislation provides for a complete list of ZOOIT that can be installed on the territory of the Russian Federation. It contains 28 types of such zones, including:

  • protection zones for cultural heritage sites;
  • security zones of electric power facilities, pipelines, communication lines and structures, heating networks;
  • railway security zone;
  • roadside strips of highways;
  • security zone of a specially protected natural area (state nature reserve, national park, natural park, natural monument);
  • water protection (fish protection) zone and coastal protective strip;
  • sanitary protection zone;
  • zone of minimum distances to main or industrial pipelines (gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, ammonia pipelines).

Special conditions for the use of territories mean that on land plots within the boundaries of the established zone, the construction and use of real estate is limited or prohibited, as well as the use of these land plots for those types of activities that are incompatible with the purposes of establishing the zone.

At the same time, land plots included within the boundaries of ZOUIT are not confiscated from their owners, land users, landowners and tenants (unless otherwise expressly provided by federal law).

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