What is grounding in simple words. How to ground yourself

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If you regularly perform energy and spiritual practices, then you are familiar with the feeling of indescribable joy, sublimity, inner fullness and creative uplift that they give. However, from time to time you may feel as if you have taken a step back, stumbled somewhere, and the former mood has disappeared. This happens when you become overly interested in the spiritual world, practically forgetting about the material.

It is important to remember that to ensure the well-being of your body, you must maintain balance and perform grounding practices, otherwise you will gradually fall out of reality. Many thoughts and ideas will accumulate in the head, never materializing in the physical world. To avoid this, you need to periodically ground yourself. Symptoms indicating the need for this:

  • memory impairment;
  • sleep disturbance – you cannot fall asleep for a long time or, on the contrary, constantly want to sleep;
  • apathy, increased fatigue and lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • inability to concentrate on anything;
  • excessive emotionality, unstable mood, irritability;
  • unnaturally often want to eat, the other extreme is almost complete lack of appetite;
  • exacerbation of diseases resulting from psychological trauma or disorder;
  • Everyday tasks that were previously relatively easy are now much more difficult.

Grounding practice helps: get rid of these symptoms, balance the physical and subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental and casual), increase the efficiency of their functioning, and also harmonize your emotional and spiritual state. Thanks to this, you will begin to feel much more comfortable and will be able to be better fulfilled in life.

What happens when you ground yourself

By paying enough attention to the physical aspect of your being, you automatically tune into the frequencies of our planet. This leads to the fact that the energy flow coming from the Earth flows freely into the root chakra. It is filled with the energy required for the full existence and nutrition of the human body.

When grounding, the sacral center, which symbolizes the water element, connects with the earth element, represented by the feet. Both of them are saturated with the energy flows of the Sun, which pass downward through the upper limbs and body.

Some people believe that for full grounding it is enough to simply walk barefoot on snow, pebbles or grass. Undoubtedly, this procedure is extremely useful and pleasant for most people, as long as you do not wander into anthills or heavily snowed areas, and also avoid hypothermia in winter. However, that alone is not enough. The connection of heaven and earth must be carried out both on the physical and mental levels, with the simultaneous cleansing of the unstable astral (or otherwise called emotional) body.

If translated into simple human language, grounding is the establishment of a stable connection between a person and the Earth. When it is lost, you feel like you are immersed in an illusory fantasy world. Clarity of thinking disappears, you cannot choose and focus on the main thing. The energy of your thoughts and ideas fails to anchor in the Earth. Let's figure out how to restore this connection in order to correct the current situation.

Why and why it may be necessary

The mind can be used to analyze the situation and be aware of what is happening. If you are experiencing deterioration in something that you are usually good or even great at, and you are active in your spiritual and energetic practices, then something is going wrong.

Or rather, everything can go exactly as it should - you are immersed in an energetic or spiritual level and therefore naturally break away from the earthly and worldly. That is, on the one hand, your practice is effective, but it is easy to upset the balance (especially at first) and lose your usual, proper effectiveness in earthly affairs, which can be annoying (to the ego) and lead to troubles of various sizes.

Therefore, if you feel an excessive separation, about which the mind, ego, feedback from reality itself (the productivity of your actions) and other people will certainly let you know, take action - restore balance.

The separation from physical reality is expressed in the fact that you are clearly not yourself (but beyond), which is noted by both you and others (great for practice, respite, unsuitable for full functioning here); and you are definitely not Here (which is why the effectiveness of interaction with the earthly decreases), but There (in the ocean of energy, spiritual space - on the other side of tangible reality). This can result in: the effect of oversaturation with energy (“indigestion of qi”), causing a state that is almost exactly the same as intoxication (with the only difference being that the body did not receive alcohol); various visions, spiritual revelations; pouring out through you regardless of your desire and not the fact that at the right moment.

The naturalness of restoring balance

One way or another, no matter what the unusual effects are, you just need to be (a)ware of what is happening. Use the mind (rationality) to observe, analyze the situation, draw conclusions and find a way out.

The simplest way of grounding (mentioned by Castaneda) is washing with cold or even ice water (if possible). Another obvious option is to give yourself a shake-up, either emotional or physical.

By the way, it is precisely because of the separation that Life gives us shocks, both on a personal, social, state, and universal level, indicating that we have played too much, that it is time to come down to earth. That is, it not only calls for grounding, but actually – through the shaking itself – provides it. This can be considered as a kind of protective “mechanism” (from excessive separation).

By and large, the challenge is to follow the natural order of things. Everything in the Universe strives for Harmony , Balance, and you just need to let them happen.

If you feel excessive, uncomfortable lifting, stop lifting. Let Life, the Universe do its job - ground you. Allow the attention of the “I,” who may well be yearning for earthly things, to focus on it and on yourself. Take care of yourself or let your Higher Power, however you define it, take care of you.

Difficulty may arise due to inertia. People often know that it would be better for them to stop with work, painful relationships (toxic, as it is now fashionable to call them), alcohol, but they do not always stop. Then you need to make a strong-willed, internal effort - to consciously switch to something else and stop. One of the skills that is very useful in life and spiritual practice is so that you don’t get carried away anywhere (believe me, it can get carried away very badly and if you practice, you know for yourself).

However, you can get out from anywhere. There would be intention.

Breakaway (without practice) and stop

Obviously, you can break away (from the ground) due to excessive immersion in thoughts, emotions, work, entertainment (real and virtual), an endless and ever-increasing information flow, constantly being on a smartphone or behind a laptop screen. In all of these cases, although the effect may differ significantly from that produced by meditation or other spiritual practices, grounding is also relevant.

To remember yourself, to see how beautiful this earth is, how wonderful this world is, despite all the hardships, in order to plunge into Life and no longer fall out of it (which for obvious reasons is critical, but meanwhile it happens almost everywhere), but from that which separates her from the Main Thing.

You need to be able to stop. Come back here. To be Here and Now, to which Eckhart Tolle dedicated a separate book (“The Power of Now”), which does not lose its relevance, but on the contrary (due to the growing gap) is even more relevant than before, perhaps more than ever.

Grounding Practice

On the Internet you can find many descriptions of such practices, but few of them are truly worthwhile and effective. To properly ground yourself, you need to understand how a person works. We have a so-called cocoon, several body shells and energy channels. All these elements are connected through chakras. At the bottom of the cocoon, approximately 50 cm from the feet, there is a special energy center - the so-called Earth chakra. Channels extend from it to the feet, where the intermediate chakras are located, and further along the legs to Muladhara, etc. Thus, our Higher Self, Soul and Spirit form a single whole.

To ground yourself, follow these steps:

♦ Take a comfortable position - standing or sitting. You should not be distracted by anything; to do this, make sure you have enough free time. It is advisable to have privacy. ♦ Mentally turn to your Higher Self, Soul and Spirit, and ask to ground the chakra at the bottom of the cocoon to the center of the Earth. Then ask to ground your feet to this chakra. Try to feel how this process occurs. Do not be distracted and do not allow extraneous thoughts. ♦ After half a minute, try to lift your feet off the floor. If this is very difficult for you, your legs feel like they are filled with lead, then the grounding was successful. Stand or sit like this for about 5 minutes until you feel the heaviness go away.

Perform the above grounding practice every morning immediately upon waking.

What to do if you can’t ground yourself

Make sure you don't get distracted while doing the exercises. It is important to put aside all life’s worries and problems before you begin. Try repeating the practice. If you fail again, it means you have energy blocks that are preventing you from getting in touch with the Earth. They need to be removed by doing appropriate exercises. You can also try other grounding methods described below.

Variation of methods.

In addition, if you felt that there was somehow not enough of you in this world, that is, your consciousness began to fly through the higher spheres, completely forgetting about pressing and earthly matters, and without even asking your permission, then you urgently need to try to get yourself back from heaven to earth. The methods can be very diverse , but always related to this world. For example, go and do work . Nothing motivates you as much as the need to do something. Physical activity is also a great way to improve your sense of well-being in your body. So, a portion of push-ups, squats, pull-ups or active dance steps to fiery music will not only make your body slimmer and your mood better, but will also return your mind to its place.

Any contact with the earth, with nature , for example, working in the garden, weeding beds or growing indoor plants, communicating with animals, walking in forests and parks, swimming, cycling with full concentration on the place in which you are, will also be to help you.

Grounding can be facilitated by working with minerals and crystals . Since minerals are born in the earth, they have a good connection with it. And consciously working with them can help you find ground under your feet. Quartz or dark-colored stones, such as black onyx, agate, tourmaline, and obsidian, are especially favorable for these purposes.

There can be many more ways, the main thing is to choose something of your own that resonates with your Soul. And the result must be positive. A harmonious combination of practices to raise the level of consciousness, various energy work and grounding practices will allow you to get the highest quality, favorable and gentle procession along the path of spiritual growth.

Grounding Meditation

♦ Take a comfortable chair with a straight back and sit on it. Feet should be on the floor, hands should be on hips, preferably with palms up. Don't cross your arms and legs. ♦ Try to completely relax, close your eyes, forget about everyday worries for a while. You can take 10 slow breaths in and out to completely free your mind. ♦ Visualize a rod, rope, tree trunk or something similar through which energy flows from you to the center of the Earth. If you are a man, the cord should come from the base of the spine, if you are a woman, from the area between the ovaries (Muladhara chakra). ♦ Another option is to imagine that the weight of your body is slowly flowing through your legs into the depths of the Earth. Feel it there, feel how the Earth supports you, gives you elasticity, gently pushes you up, not allowing you to fall. At a certain point you will begin to feel a connection with her. ♦ Perform this exercise with the same frequency and duration as the previous ones.

Remember that to be grounded means to be aware, to fully feel your body, to understand where you are, to be in the moment “here and now.” By achieving this, you will help your Higher Self to connect with your being, which will lead to the harmonization of all chakras and the evolution of the body at the cellular level. You will no longer have to run away from reality in an exhausted state.

Food and water

Proper nutrition will help balance the energies in the body . Fresh fruits often lift energy up, but cereals, bread, beans have grounding properties, after which there is a feeling of weight and stability. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables in red and orange colors will also help direct energy to the lower centers .

Water is an excellent conductor of energy. By drinking several liters of water a day, you provide yourself with strong grounding and normalize the energies in the body.

How water gives us longevity

Loop elements, grounding options and required materials

Protective grounding systems (grounding devices) are usually divided into the following elements:

  • ground electrode (ground loop); there is a natural and artificial option;
  • grounding conductors.

According to the PUE, it will be preferable to use a natural ground electrode (metal fence or pipeline) if its resistance meets the established standards. Otherwise, it is allowed to use an artificial ground electrode. For its construction you need:

  • Metal for the ground electrode (pipe, smooth fittings, steel angle, rod, tape).
  • A wire made of steel, copper or aluminum of sufficient cross-section.
  • Fastening material (metal corners, clamps, couplings).
  • Fastenings and insulation made of plastic.

What does modular-pin grounding consist of Source ecoask.ru

Modular-pin grounding

The grounding loop of a country house can be organized based on the modular-pin method. The system is extremely resistant to corrosion; no welding is used during installation. Pin grounding is assembled from steel rods up to 1.5 m long with a threaded connection. Copper-plated (or with a top layer of stainless steel) pins are driven into the ground with a vibrating hammer (perforator) with a special attachment. The electrodes (pins) are mounted at a great depth, so the circuit parameters do not depend on seasonal changes. The kit is usually purchased ready-made from the organization that handles the installation. The high cost of such a circuit is justified by its durability: the service life of copper-plated rods reaches 30 years, and of stainless steel – 50 years.

Modular grounding kit Source tirez.ru

Black metal outline

This design has a limited service life (5-10 years, due to corrosion); Over time, the circuit resistance deteriorates significantly. It is permissible to use black rolled metal with an anti-corrosion coating, but care must be taken that such a coating is not dielectric.

Symptoms of Needing Grounding

There are symptoms that indicate that the need to ground has matured:

  • Dizziness
  • Easy and frequent fatigue
  • Increased emotionality, irritability
  • Insomnia or vice versa, increased sleepiness
  • Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to perform daily activities
  • Lethargy and apathy
  • Lack of appetite or, conversely, uncontrolled eating behavior
  • Exacerbation of somatic diseases
  • Excessive sensitivity to other people's energies
  • Lack of interest in anything

Some of these symptoms may be manifestations of hidden illnesses, but grounding in any case will not be superfluous, since to heal the body it is necessary first of all to be in it.

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